The No Spell True Ending TAS is Awesome…

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all right chat so today we are reacting to a very interesting tool assisted speed run made by jarlick the creator of the zero geo tasks that we took a look at a while ago uh you might remember that one this is a run of the spellless true ending meme category it is a very very interesting category it's just gonna start right away and i'll explain things as we go so this category is um the goal is to get true ending without picking up a single spell i've talked a little bit about spellis categories before and they're they're quite quite interesting uh mainly on how you get out of the very start what you're gonna be seeing is first of all these frame pre perfect nail turnarounds and what they're doing here is they are using the nail knockback turning around for a frame and using the nail knockback to push themselves forward a tiny tiny bit and this saves like 0.02 seconds per time so it's not a lot of time save but it adds up and this isn't something that's humanly doable for obvious reasons uh so the main thing you're gonna notice here is that they're turning around for fury and they leave the door here to get a hard save this is something that human runners do as well and uh that means they can quit out and go back to that instead of spawning at the very beginning of king's pass and having to backtrack all the way around so i guess i should explain what a task is as well so a tas is a tool assisted speed round that's what it stands for and basically this is a quote-unquote perfect run that has been created carefully created by a human using special tools and rng manipulation and it is being played back the inputs are the what you're seeing right now is basically like a long sheet of frame by frame inputs being played back by a computer into the game with perfect rng manipulation perfect precision on everything and it is very very cool it's something that we do a lot of speedrunners do to like test the limits and you've probably seen a lot of hollow knight tassels before they're very very cool um so this is not a human run it is also not an ai that's a common misconception uh so what they're going to be doing here is they're grabbing geo first of all i want to say i haven't seen anything from this category uh so i don't really know too much about what we're going to want to watch but i'll try to give as much insight as i can i'll also try to avoid pausing uh so the first thing they're grabbing a lot of geo here they also got fury i'm assuming they're gonna buy crossroads stag because most runs that grabber early geo do that flash back to the jar like zero geo tasks this is obviously very different look how efficient this picking up is i don't actually know what they would be getting more geo for so this is played on one two two one uh but it is apparently supposed to simulate uh a 1432 run or a current patch run um is the volume too loud i'll try to lower it a little bit is it supposed to simulate a um a current patch run and there's also not going to be any walking storage abuse because that's the way that jarlick does tases so comparative to for example constructive cynicism's any percent tasks this is going to be pretty different so yeah i assumed that we're going to be buying crossroads dying and oh that is fast menuing so yeah what this category means is you're not going to be seeing a single spell being picked up no vengeful spirits no dive no shriek and the game is being beat true ending so the first thing we're gonna see here is actually oh i figured out what they're getting geofor so what they're going for is long nail no focus is not a spell focus is a thing so what they're going for here is they're gonna get long nail uh and the reason for this is that they can do long nail balders and this is actually something you can do if you have long nail you can do these frame perfect turnarounds to kill the balder without using a spell which uh tell me if the volume is good chat i'll try to raise it a little bit which is very good obviously because you know you would imagine you would need a spell that is a very good cleanup so they're setting up a shade skip here because obviously since they don't have dash or anything they cannot get um they cannot get um to celubra which is where you buy long nail so they're gonna be just dying and i'm assuming now they're gonna go fight false knight get the chests um and then come back so that they have an fgo for long nail something like that because i'm assuming they're gonna be using city crest no they're just farming the husk guard okay interesting interesting all right so i don't know as much about this category as i would hope to but i'm i'm i'm gonna try to try to understand what's going on good enough for you know it to make sense so they're actually farming this this husk guard with fury while damage tanking to get fury for geo because it's faster than fighting false knight so because of this i'm presuming that they will not be getting city crest oh no when now they're going to false night okay interesting well that is certainly an interesting development so i guess you just needed this geo is what i'm thinking to be able to afford everything in early game it's weird in a lot of meme categories this is just how you have to route geo like there's a lot of weird geo needs in early game that full game runs don't really have so yeah and obviously you're gonna see a very very fast false nights they're gonna be doing some fury flexing on on false night and by the way massive credits to jarlick massive shout outs to jarlick he has a really cool youtube channel uh where he posts a lot of his tassing stuff you should all check him out they are a very very very cool community member and they've done a lot of really cool other tasks mainly the zero geo tasks that you've all probably seen especially if you've watched my channel before because that was one i was very excited about they do an extra cycle there by the way i don't know why jarlick is letting me know in the chat that it was a mistake see sometimes tassers make mistakes as well all right so they're killing false knight and grabbing the chest which with the geofarming they did before is exactly 300 geo interesting and now they're going back for the shade and doing another um they're doing a shade skip there just to get up to uh long nail for the long nail balders so i'm gonna give you my prediction for this run a lot of fury probably a lot of overcharming and a lot of really close calls with fury fights because remember this is true ending you need to kill a lot of bosses to get essence um to be able to do te and it's gonna be awkward because here's the thing um dream warriors their health increases when you use nail upgrades so maybe they won't get nail upgrades is what i'm thinking and maybe they'll just do like strength and fury overcharmed or something i'm curious all right so they're going to overcharm long nail here and as they go to the balder they're going to stag to dirtmouth first of all because it's faster to go there uh because obviously walking all the way over to the boulder takes a long time they leave the shade there as well because obviously they're not going to need soul so they just don't need to get the shade again this is not a category where you use spells at all so you don't really need shades i'm assuming that shade is gonna just stay there until maybe a blue lake shade skip because they i wasn't paying attention but i don't think they picked up city crests so they're damage tanking for fury right here and here is the first thing the staple of spell is runs i've taken a look at the regular spellis category here's the long nail balder obviously for tas it isn't a problem at all everything is frame perfect so it's not even hard that is doable by humans uh albeit it is a lot harder and pretty much frame perfect um so yeah you don't need vengeful spirit to kill that balder you can just long nail it you can also use dream shield and that's a little bit easier but it's a hassle to get a lot slower yeah so obviously you're seeing the the nail turnarounds here a lot uh from here i'm expecting just pretty much your standard go to hornet get dash obviously they're gonna have to do the um this thing here they don't have vengeful spirit this is a spelus run so the whole shade escape or sorry fireball skipping thing you know for obvious reasons really isn't a possibility and i'm assuming they're going to do the nail knockback strat here watch this yeah that is called the scedic slash uh fireball skip skip and uh using the nail knockback off the enemy and off the platform you can actually make it without a single fireball that is doable by humans it's called static slash because it was found by a runner named sedek who found a lot of strats related to nail knockback mainly the quote-unquote aesthetic slash in fungal in the big fungal drop room in the beginning so yeah just a lot of a lot of nail slashing going on in the start of this run uh not too much else to say i'm assuming they're getting this geo here just because it's pretty fast with fury uh yeah they're getting it all i'm assuming there's no good setup for a fast vk where the geo ends up in a neat and orderly pile so that's the best thing you you can go for when you they do get moss nights here okay this is interesting moss knights are very awkward without spells because when you have spells you can kind of kill both of them at the same time yes this is a garlic tas of course it's a jar like tas hell yeah and i'm assuming they're buying green not buying green path stock okay so they're going to be using dreamgate probably to get the the essence here or going up through queen's gardens on the way through or through fog canyon and getting no eyes from there that makes a lot of sense actually obviously just bullying hornet in the corner since they don't have vengeful spirit they can't do the full task bully but you know i would say this counts as bullying as well that is as fast without spells as humans can do fights with spells and fury very very impressive nice pogos as well i've edited the stream title by the way yeah i guess i'll do i have a task command i think i do all right so we're gonna quit out back here and now we have dash and i'm assuming the shade was left there so that they can shade skip uh that is my guess here getting dream nail early of course so that they can get elder who on the way through um sorry on the way through uh frick what's it called why can't i name areas right now fog canyon so getting sly for lantern probably uh and this is gonna be a no fireball shade skip with dash and no claw so very spicy just observe very very very very interesting very awkward i'll i'll say uh not not your usual shade skip to say the least you just don't need fireballs when you're passing you know who needs them you know who needs them so now they're getting dream nail and that the the reason we're getting dream nailed this early in a run like this is so that you can get elder who uh on the way through uh fungal wastes to not have to go back for it and the reason for that is obviously so that you can get essence start getting essence earlier because otherwise you would have to return after getting like you would have claw and then you would have to return the fungal and that's just slow so true ending runs also just regular true ending does this does this as well it's just a staple of the the true ending routes but yeah a lot of task shenanigans going on you know a lot of very very optimal movements since this is on one two two one it is faster to do that dash off uh because the seer spawns faster the second time obviously how does tas actually work it's with a program called libtas and through using system clock manipulation on linux that rng manipulation is possible because what you do is you create a consistent base value for rng and then every single game action will change that input to the consistent because the start value is the same every consistent game input at a given time will always lead to the same outcome when it comes to rng the rng value that is which affects the randomness throughout the entire game so because you can find a consistent start number also doing sear skip here and we'll open resting ground stag here this is a good free stag oh whoops am i still streaming i'm having like a recording error right now that should not be bothering anything hopefully so they're getting zero on the way which is interesting i would have assumed they would just stag to um all right is this some kind of air walk setup it is all right and obviously fury's still gonna destroy you don't need spells usually with spells you can kind of just like multi-hit with shade soul or eventual spirit on zero and just kill him basically immediately doing yeah so the reason they're not doing the uh the dream nail buffer right here is because this is trying to simulate like a current patch run even though it is on one two two one so they're going down to city now um i'm trying to figure out why they would go to city this early i would guess geo is the main one city just has a lot of geo you know all the relics you can get gorgeous husk for lantern uh they are not getting dash slash probably because there's no reason to do that for a shade cloak why is it done on one two two one i don't know just the tasker's decision really getting this relic right here getting a nice early control from that and then farming the enemies for geo everything is perfectly planned navigating around the hitboxes perfectly up slashing that enemy and dashing under did you notice that that's kind of a swag move so right here i'm assuming they're gonna buy the stock here and they're gonna get the geo doing an instabell there they're not getting this relic which is interesting uh but i'm assuming they're gonna fight gorgeous husk notice how they're overcharmed right now so they are overcharmed what they did right there was a turnaround instabell by the way oh yeah you can't get the relic without claw i'm just being a dummy so they're gonna be strategically damaged tanking to get fury very quickly and then you know just bouncing gorgeous husk upwards there you go picking up every single piece of geo perfectly how long does it so a task like this usually takes months to make it is a lot of work because you have to you have to like create the entire thing frame by frame basically there's a lot of copy and pasting for a lot of sections and a lot of types of movement but it's still a very painstaking process especially if you want to try different rng patterns until you feel like you get a good enough one they are very very long very very long process and especially if our run is really long they take a while to make all right so now they're going through the fungal uh just like the regular true ending run they get the cr the crossword stack it's just the fastest one since they haven't been to mound in a while and they're going to be damage tanking along the way as well which is interesting getting this geo rock 400 000 frames of input is uh what this run includes according to garlic which is a lot so there's a lot of very interesting geofarming in this route there's not a lot of other categories where rocks are really the most viable way of getting geo what i'm assuming is they're buying is strength i mentioned that in the beginning um that strength is probably gonna gonna play a big thing because nail upgrades are gonna increase than the soul warrior's health and since your nail output since your only damage output is nail you still want damage without doing it so fury plus uh strength is a very good damage boost so fury would be 9 damage actually strength would be a 1.5 increase so strength would be what 7.58 damage plus fury would be 0.75 that so here they're just bonking the shrooma logos the reason they're doing this is for that extra charm notch and also geo is probably a very valuable resource here um the notch is gonna give them full hp fury which is important to mention so charm notches and hollow knights heal you to full health and this is just a mechanic it's been for like multiple years i think it became a thing unlike the hidden dreams update or something um but what is interesting is the notch heals you to full health but fury isn't programmed to get removed upon having full hp or sorry upon getting a charm not shield by the way is what i meant to meant to say also ignore just this elder who fight it's gonna be over in like three seconds uh so yeah fury isn't meant to uh or is it it isn't programmed to disappear with charm not seals so if you get a charm not shield with fury active you can trick the game into letting you have full hp fury until you update your health again so until you take damage or bench or heal i don't know why you would heal on full health but i guess you can do it or change your charms i guess the game is gonna let you keep fury forever so they're getting an elder through here obviously for that early essence which is you know you need 1800 in this rng uh or sorry in this category i can't words right now please help um and yeah they're just getting clawed now and then i'm assuming it's gonna be a quit outs unless there's something else weird going on they already have a king station stag so i wouldn't imagine them going anywhere on left side right now that's what they're looking for is geo probably gonna see a lantern purchase pretty soon uh it is possible that they open the spirit glades and get the relic from there so you're gonna see here uh just a nice mantis pogo that's what rng manipulation lets you have and there you go there's claw i'm assuming actually they don't quit out here because you probably oh they do okay i imagine you would see a um claw early control um and i realized that the reason they wouldn't want to do that is because they wanted to keep fury so they're equipping strengths now making them very powerful uh dealing a i'm going to do this quick calculation on my phone because i'm not sure on the exact number but it'd be it would be 5 times 1.5 times 1.75 13.1 they do 13 damage per nail hits uh and that is the same amount as you would do with two nail upgrades with fury that is when they have few reactive so they're getting the well seal here and that's obviously for lantern geo and it seems like they're going to gorb already so this is a really interesting route and it really deviates from regular true ending which is kind of expected like doing a run spelus has so many implications with the way you have to go through the run um but it seems like there might actually be nail upgrades because i don't see why they would do it this early unless yeah that's what i was thinking i was thinking it's some kind of early pale ore and what you're not wanting for geo is lantern but it's nail upgrade so maybe i was wrong maybe they are getting quite heavy nail upgrades here which i guess would make sense since there's so many other fights that aren't dream fights and notice how they're getting the dream fights out of the way as well um so yeah damage tanking here and they're gonna be damage tanking gorb as soon as it starts just like that and he's also gonna be done very soon obviously there's no chance of even dying because all of this is calculated in advance basically they're gonna heal strategically here twice to be able to do gorb early control so that vengefly is stuck very much on a little border that that exists in that arena to prevent the vengeful entering and interfering with the gorb pickup but if you dream nil on the very corner you can get knocked out of the um the animation and get early control so they're gonna get this idol right here uh and that is just for all of the geo that they need a lot of these fights are very cool just seeing how even with regular nail hits bosses can just get absolutely push pushed around is really mesmerizing to me i think it's really interesting to uh to look at and uh you don't you really don't need spells for us speedrunners are used to just melting most of these dream fights with spells right away um but this is a very different way of just like bullying them so what we're seeing here is they're gonna be opening spirits glade probably i don't know if they're gonna get that relic since they already got idle in um in cliffs but they're gonna be getting the pale ore so i'm imagining they're going to upgrade nail pretty early uh if that's the case yeah they're getting the glade at all interesting i would imagine you need a lot of geo because they're probably going to buy lantern just because the axis of noise so this is a trick called rev revit list right there those dashes are really precise and they use a strat called trans dashing to make them possible and a trans dash is when you interrupt your dash towards the wall with a jump and transition the directional momentum outward which position pushes you outward and then continues the jump so instead of like jumping diagonally outward from a wall you go like kind of up and around which allows you to clear a lot of corners that you usually wouldn't and also yeah blessed name trans prides in the chats so yeah now they're getting this relic that they had dash or sorry claw and we're probably just gonna see nail upgrade now they're gonna talk to them and then upgrade nail is the most likely outcome here uh it is gonna hurt them a little bit in the the dream fights because the dream fights are going to have a lot of health but since they also have strength and fury they still like they still out power the dream warriors pretty significantly because of that so since this run is meant to kind of like mirror a one two two or sorry a current patch run they are going to be just doing this instead of the lever skip still gonna be killing this big boy here pretty interesting to see the fastest maneuvering you can do with only nail around him and he's gonna die pretty quickly because you know fury and strength very very big guy this one is it's going to be killed because it's just in the way and i'm assuming they are going to be heading straight over to lem followed by nail upgrade so they do seem to need a little bit more geo here outside of what they've already collected in relics uh which is a pretty interesting detail so the geo route in this category is very very tight it seems because there's so much like the rock geo um and like even on top of the massive amount of relics they already have which is really interesting and it makes a lot of sense just because you're trying to shove in as many nail upgrades as you can in the very beginning of a route also mods can we add uh jarlek's links to the task command they do skip rafter seal which is interesting according to jar like he's in the chat by the way everyone uh claps to jarlich in the chat he's the creator of this amazing task among others you've probably seen the zero geo task before so big big big love to jarlick in the chat he's very cool all right so just dashing over to the nail smith right here and you're noticing they're not doing any nail turnaround slashes anymore and the reason for that is obviously that now we have dash it's just faster to always be moving forward and dash in the direction that you're trying to go there was another trans dash right there you might have seen it just to get around that corner and not be stuck on the wall as long so let's see how many nail upgrades they have they only have one payload so i would imagine only two at least i'm pretty sure they only have one payload unless i wasn't paying attention properly yeah i feel like this checks out two nail upgrades and then the rest is for lantern yeah that sounds about right so their nail their base nail now these deals 13 damage and they have strength which is one times 1.5 which would be 20 damage and times 1.75 for fury they are now dealing 34 damage per nail hit which is quite a lot that is a very very hefty uh damage output 35 rounded up so it does actually round up on on every single calculation which is interesting i thought it was rounded up at the end uh which is you know a weird thing on team cherry's parts because if you run it if you calculate it you know 13 times 1.5 that would be 19 point what five 13 times sorry i'm gonna make this calculation 13 times um hold on i mean all right so they're going up to peak now because they bought lantern by the way i wasn't paying attention i'm just trying to calculate the damage numbers the 13 times 1.5 is 19.5 yeah i was right so this is rounded up to 20 times 1.75 1.75 and that would be 35 damage yeah it's weird that they don't round up at the end so you're gonna see the paw gacks here our beloved pog x very very nice t stands for true ending so basically the regular dream no more radiance ending a lot of very very clean movement in peak what is interesting to look at is how the cycles are still fundamentally the same to what humans do there's just no faster way of getting around all of this uh so they're not getting shot keepers key and the main reason for that is that well there's really nothing of of interesting of it backwards of interest to the task there because you know you don't need elegant key for shade soul because well this is a spell is run um so yeah a lot of inventory drops here and they're gonna be getting c dash i would imagine they're quitting out immediately after c dash there's no real reason to go to the lower side of peak unless they're gonna go for another payload and crown which i doubt because i feel like after you've done the two nail upgrades that's already a lot of damage i don't think it would be worth it because of the geo investment that you really need mods can we add uh cc's links to the i'll do it actually actually can one of the mods do that to the uh task command just replace all the links to cc's tasks or sorry to uh jarlek's tasks that stuff since it's you know more relevant so yeah they're getting c-dash and they're creating out back to city um and what's happening here is well now they have c dash so all of the movement is going to be a heck of a lot faster i could see a watchers fight here i could see this being a watcher's fight moments no okay they're going to um they're going to do broken vessel lost in first interesting i don't know why quick slash does need dive they're not going to get quick slash i think this is the build they're going to stay with for the rest of the run just fury and strength maybe dreamwielder i don't see why you would really use dreamweaver i guess wings makes your vertical movement a lot more useful which is very very interesting i would say the main reason i could imagine doing lost kin and broken vessel first and i guess they would go into failed champion right after this is dream gates um getting geo from this rock which is very very interesting you know not the geo rock you would expect to get but hey with tass geodrop rng manipulation you can actually pick up most of that instead of all of it just flying into the spikes and interesting so they are going to be using dreamweaver being confirmed by jolic in the chat and that is just for the time save of using dream gates which is also part of the reason they got the extra notch because they didn't really need full hp fury or anything because you know they're not gonna die getting a nice uh damage tank there here they're gonna do the regular tran stash strat just like that wow okay that's really sick doing a nail knockback boost into the wall instead of dashing kind of a power move honestly it's really interesting so this is these are fights that speed runners depend 99 basically on spells and seeing this done this way is very rare that is very fast they're doing a lot of damage per hits 35 to be exact that is a very fast fight that's faster than runners can do that with spells and everything and they're going to be doing lost skins straight away i'm curious to see what this lost kin is going to look like i'm assuming it's going to be some kind of stun lock type thing it usually ends up being this way with passes so they're going to be face tanking in the beginning obviously to get fury uh and yeah nice the good follow along with the dash right there basically a stagger lock kinda the boss is pretty helpless i mean given that everything is predetermined this boss has look at them playing around with the balloons as well not killing a single one and the reason they're doing this is for the death warp uh which i assume they're going to be getting right about now it's actually a different timing on one two two one and it saves a lot less time on this patch rather than on current patch where you can do the death warp a lot earlier uh the difference is pretty big and their masks are glitched they have zero health according to the ui they do actually have full health right now uh it just looks funny that's a good visual glitch right there and they're getting wings now so they have what they got zero elder who um gorb and lost skin how much lessons do they have i wasn't paying attention it should be eight or nine hundred i think because 400 from lost kin gorb is a hundred zero is two hundred right no zero is a hundred sorry and gorb is also a hundred or sorry elder who is also a hundred so i think they have eight hundred so they they will do failed champion uh before nice instabell i'm very curious to see failed champion because this is also a fight that in speed runs is dominated by spell use this is like we just use spells because our nails are usually worthless by this point this is a very different run wow okay wings makes that a lot faster nice insta wings that is some very rapid upward ascension so through frame perfect execution you can trigger wings as soon as like and not lose any height or any speed or have any sort of animation to um slow you down because you know usually wings has a little bob uh and you can do that through nail hits as well it's a sort of animation cancelling all right let's see this failed champion i'm very curious about this using the rock as well very careful navigation of hitboxes let's see this this is what i'm curious about the tantrum phase oh i'll be honest this looks like a false night fight so because um jarlick has um hitbox viewing tools when creating the tasks behind the scenes you can do perfect just maneuvering around hitboxes it's like not even a problem at all it looks really shady to us because we're used to you know being like oh yeah if you're in the mesa's you're gonna get hits no not really that's not exactly how it works not exactly you know there's there's a little bit more to it all right so they have a thousand essence now which means they're gonna be going to uh actually sorry they had 700 essences before not 800. and yeah another thing to mention is that false knights or failed champions um mace actually has a hitbox which is part of the reasons runners can do triple hits on failed champion because you're swinging with the mace you're fireballing with the mace as it like swings across the room you're fireballing along its movements allowing you to keep dealing multiple hits with the shade soul so you can just hit the mace with your nail and this is actually a strat that humans do as well in pantheons if they mess up the like just the the quick stagger all right so i'm imagining they're going to stag now to um they're yeah so they're they're equipping spell or dreamwheeler here and this is because they just got dream gates and dreamgate is going to be very very important for um for the routing because you know there's a lot of different places we need to go to uh a lot of dreamers and dream fights we need to get so we're gonna see hornet 2 right now and there's going to be a pretty nifty um i don't know if which kind of acid skip they're going to do look at this fast descent that is the the instant wings triggering so what they're doing is they're using specifically timed nail hits yeah they're doing the regular strat here of getting into the the other hitbox area or sorry hazard respawn area of um of the right side this is a human strat this is what regular true ending runners do as well they don't get dismissed here so what they're doing on this these fast descents is they're using nail hits to cancel the wings animation at specifically like peak times to delay the wings animation triggering uh and prevent the dip from wings allowing you to just go instantly upward all right so obviously they're gonna be damage tanking right away i imagine this fight is gonna be very fast uh it's gonna be over before you can say shaw hegala edina you know yep there you go that's the speed of a hornet one fight crazy dude just stuck in the corner absolutely stuck in the corner nothing she can do against the power of tool assisted speed runs uh this is why i really like watching tosses because they're just this is the limit this is pushing the game to its limits in no major glitches at least according to you know certain rule sets but this is what the game looks like at its limits and i think that's the most exciting part about tas is for me because everything just looks so cool in tasks t stands for true ending leskar everything just looks so cool in tasks and that's what what is really exciting to me like there is even regular movement just looks really awesome as someone who is a speedrunner you really just get an appreciation for how optimal everything is and how calculated every aspect of it is and just watching it play out is amazing so now they're going to be getting shade cloak obviously there's no getting shriek here because well it's a spellless run once again uh i'm assuming they're going gonna get walking storage off this just like a regular human walking storage they opt not to do it might not be faster actually they're doing a slightly different abyss descent here with an inventory drop right there into a c dash nice that's a new strat i haven't seen that before the most common strat runners do from what i know is a double inventory drop along the the route below the the door kind of let's see this abyss ascent the light house climb yeah that's really fast instant wings is truly something to uh to behold it's just really cool all right so we've got shade cloak now uh so i imagine they're gonna be doing markov pretty soon um they might do markov right away since they're already around the kings area i actually imagine that to be the case here this is a run a task run of spellless true ending um doing a dream gate early control on this thing and just leaving right away with a dream gate you can do a dream nail early control it's a thing runners do so i'm imagining they're gonna be fighting uh zero here or sorry markov i keep mixing up the names of those two because markov is a nice what 250 essence it's quite a lot and uh yeah we'll we'll see i feel like a lot of people who um who have done p5 are going gonna get a lot of gratification why is this category tasked even exactly because it's fun it's a fun category fun showcase why not exactly so everyone who has ever been annoyed or struggled at markov pay a close attention to this i think this is gonna be very gratifying to look at yeah just hovering that is that is just beautiful i don't think i have a way of just saying anything more than that that is just beautiful that is just a gorgeous fight and they're going to be quitting out here yeah just yeah if you're struggling with p5 you know just do that lol not hard yeah so probably watchers right now is what i would imagine watchers into lurian into dreamgate out to king station into probably going towards the umu area and doing all of the stuff on the left side that is at least what i would expect right now and the watchers fight is probably expected to go pretty rapidly a lot of these fights are so fun facts watchers actually do get buffed by your nail upgrades but it is only at nail two and four i believe and it's a very small amount so notice how they're not even breaking the chandelier it's just faster to not break it gonna be damage tanking for fury on the watcher five six seven seven hits per watcher it's three and four sorry one two three four five six seven by watcher you're dealing 35 damage per hit so yeah they die pretty quickly watchers have what 220 health each so seven hits of 35 yeah it's a lot it's a lot of damage there you go there's watchers bye-bye watchers only took a couple seconds really just uh the very chill fight getting the geo i'm assuming they're not gonna get the relic here yeah i think there's not going to be any more relics yeah the input of the inventory was likely for rng inputs menus are good for rng manipulation because you can just move around extremely quickly in the menus to do a lot of rng manipulating inputs in a very quick succession so those are also very beautiful climb with the insta wings so i kind of explained that earlier how that works roughly um but you don't really need to know too much about about instant wings except it fast it do be pretty fast so nice streamgate early control right here just leaving right away not even gonna say hi to the to lurian's butler or anything because we just don't have time for it uh and yeah i'm assuming they're gonna be doing umu and everything in that direction no getting monomon no eyes uh traitor lord as well and all the queen's garden stuff probably umu or sorry marmu and galion should be the last essence they need i'm pretty sure at this point can humans do insta wings yes but they are frame perfect um all right so we're probably gonna see a lot of just toying around also not even an acid skip just a dash and a uh a wings there because who needs acid skips some solid drop through this room as well so by the way i never explained this in the zero geo task the reason we don't uh you don't see these tasses do the umu insta kill that you see for example the any percent tas um is because this is a no walking storage abuse task and you need walking storage to get the the jelly to enter the umu arena because you need to be moving at a specific angle for that to work in this case jarlick is also saying in the chat as you can see that it's apparently faster as well because the jelly has set up time so keep in mind 35 damage per hit that's a lot that is a lot of damage uh if this isn't a one cycle i'd be very surprised it's a guaranteed one cycle there is no way this isn't a one cycle so yeah just uh three four five six seven eight nine yep hard boss chat that is a very very difficult fight as you can see for the tasks some more basically any time uh you're seeing vertical movements they are gonna be doing instant wings because it allows you to ascend upwards at such a rapid pace and since it's tasks you can just do it on every single jump basically and you can just go really fast upwards makes it really cool to watch as well because the it looks like it's sped up you know sometimes when you watch task movements it looks like it's sped up that's how perfect everything is when it's getting pushed to its limits so here's something interesting they just did a dreamer quit out and these have been timed to be a little bit faster they did it on the other one as well by the way i just forgot to mention it these have been timed to be faster rta as well like categories like any percent have started doing these um or not rta they're faster in loadless time but you know rta is in human runs so yeah they're going to be setting a dream gates somewhere along here nice killing one of these jellies um for early control okay they're not going to be sending a dream gate sorry because they already have one really close in in archives or outside of archives and they're going to be killing no eyes here so noah's is a really awkward fight i'm curious to see what this looks like with rng manipulation because if you don't know noes has a 33 chance to teleport away after every hit yep yeah yeah that's about what i expected couple teleports oh okay this is really cool to mention that is a dream nail drop into a spike dream warrior early control that is really cool so just like you can do physics frame perfect inventory drops on current patch you can do a dream nail drop and if you have dream wielder also nice qga by the way i don't think i even need to talk about qga it just explains itself at this point it's an acid skip you can you can do a geneal drop and you can if you time it you can interact you can dream nail no ice fall into the spikes and get early control very very cool strat and yeah that noise fight is a testament to how powerful rng manipulation is of a tool because you know just killing things immediately she has a 33 chance to teleport on every hit and she also just teleports randomly she never teleports in that fight like in a way that is inconvenience the the tas is always able to like keep dealing full speed nail swings no focus or heal isn't considered a spell because you can't not pick it up so i'm assuming right here the reason they have so much geo they're gonna be buying this bench and this is just not not for healing or anything obviously the task doesn't need health they're gonna be on one hp basically all the time um but this is actually so that you can quit out after traitor lord and head off to queen's gardens or sorry to deepness for hera and all that stuff um so interesting is how they're gonna approach this arena so we're probably gonna damage that yeah getting down to fury makes a lot of sense something to note i don't think it's even relevant but the spineys the ones that you know leave a carcass on the floor when they die their attacks are on a different layer team sherry placed their attacks on the their damn like there's their needles on the wrong layer on this patch uh so they just their attacks just don't deal damage they deal contact damage still but their attacks just don't deal damage at all uh on this patch and i think you saw them just dash straight through one when they didn't even have shade cloak it might have just not hit this is also a testament of how powerful rng manipulation is if you've seen a run of holidays i mean you don't even have to have seen a run if you've been here in your playthrough you know it's impossible to not get [ __ ] over by the frogs tas is doing this on one hp and it's not a problem you can just manipulate our all the rng it's fine oh that's so satisfying rng manipulation and tas is everywhere and it's part of what makes this end result work so well if it wasn't possible to rng manipulate the tasks would just desync because you can't do boss fights why was in one hp well it's a tas and it's fury so like why not you want that fury damage so another thing to mention this is played on on uh one two two one to simulate current patch just out of preference of of jarlich the tasser something to mention traitor lord is not a powerful fight on this patch he deals like no damage and he all he deals one health damage on everything and he has like no health he only has two attacks he is basically just a big uh big mantis traitor i would say he's even easier to fight nice random essence yeah that was like three seconds no the the the channel you were looking for to watch this task no no that's the wrong command exclamation mark garlic is what you're looking for this task is created by garlic garlic 2 on youtube there you go rick's can you update the uh the task command to have jarlick's links just for convenience at least for today since it's more relevant and yeah that's the first king's uh um freaking king soul that's the charm king stole fragments 45 minutes in 46 47 basically and it's deepness time so they do actually have lantern because they needed to get it to enter peak since they can't get dive to enter peak because well spell this run um so it's not gonna be any dark deepness shenanigans or anything also they would have needed lantern for no ice because otherwise she doesn't appear but it really doesn't matter whether it's dark or not for tas it's all the same so they're setting a dream gate here and i think what you're going to be seeing right here is this dream tree um and this is another thing nice random essence as well i think jarlick deliberately tries not to mess with uh random essence manipulation too much just because it's gonna take too long but that dream tree is taken to account for all of the essence used with dream gates all the way throughout this run so because of that you can assume because they have four extra you're gonna i can assume that there's gonna be less than four dream gates in this run from this point on um so yeah galeon probably also gonna die in the span of a couple seconds it is really interesting how much or how quickly they still die these dream warriors uh despite the fact that you've upgraded nail i think that's because you have both strength and quick slash which don't factor into the um not quick slash sorry strength strength and theory which don't factor into the um the dream or yourself so despite them being nail upgraded and having a lot more health because of it um you still have fury and quick and strength so you still kind of outpowered them the progression they make the fight faster if you don't really i actually didn't know this i thought it was just a fury and strength type thing it is just a relative damage thing then interesting i thought they actually were longer when you have more not as much as damage oh okay it still slows okay either way with uh with fury and um and strength you're still dealing so much damage i'm sorry chat okay i'm just a wee little speedrunner lad who is too used to his spell builds forgive me probably gonna see another dreamer quit out right here yep and these save a second or two i believe uh gonna spawn right outside the dreamer with a gmail early control um so they have enough essence i believe at this point i wasn't fully paying attention honestly uh to the essence number i've been i should have kept a better track of that um but yeah now they're gonna be heading to resting grounds getting awoken dream nail and then it's everyone's favorite white palace so what they're doing here is a um no dream gate was anki dreamgate is actually set in deep nests to make the the backtracking for galean faster getting the stag is worth it so yeah you're gonna see a woken dream now right here look at those fast jumps uh and then you're gonna see white palace uh just the regular ascension of um no not c or ascension this isn't 112. awoken gmail white palace uh birthplace and then uh it's thk and radiance which are probably going to be very very very fast fights as well judging from the rest of this you know i'm about to make a very educated guess and say these fasts are going to go but fights are going to go back by quite quickly uh you know i'm kind of a genius you know with that that estimation i'm curious to see this task white palace though because they don't have dash master and they don't have any of the other things that like an il run would have i'm i'm imagining they're gonna damage tank the king's molds for um for fury though and just play the entire thing on fury because there's no reason to damage tank in white palace yeah just face tanking this one and they're gonna have fury for the rest of it so who's ready for some parkour chat i wonder if king's mold skip is faster with this that's what i'm curious about here it is possible that king's mold is not faster okay it is the the damage is quite heavy like 35 damage per nail hit makes it it makes sense that king's monster is still faster yeah they get five hit with fury sag still waiting to see kingsmold skip in a task okay you hate to see it all right let's see the rest of this white palace obviously a lot of it is going to be dominated by just perfect really fast vertical movement there's a lot of vertical movement in white palace compared to other parts of the game uh i want to see what cycles they're able to catch though that's what i'm curious about here like what non-human cycles can you catch with uh with tas that is a very clean c-dash i didn't know you could do that yeah i was imagining something like this um let's see here what they're able to do wow okay that is basically like the dash master cycle i go for in 112 but without dashmaster because you know this computer is not the computer obviously but this task is better than you deal with it not even with dash master can you stand a chance i blinked and missed the last two rooms yeah that is the the the tas experience really okay so i'm assuming they're gonna squeeze past the you can actually catch a very fast cycle yeah they're squeezing through the the size of it there you go beautiful beautiful vertical movement there's it's really hard to find things to say about this i feel like it speaks for itself in a lot of ways just beautiful movement they're gonna fall through here because obviously they can't do the dive shortcut that's a regular human strat there's a not really a way to fall faster in that section um notice how like every wall jump is an instant wings like follows is followed by an instant wings that's why they're doing so many nail hits if you're wondering why tasers do a lot of nail hits either they're nail hitting an opposite wall to push themselves back towards that's actually the most common they're nail hitting an opposite wall to push them closer to the wall so they can wall jump again faster and a lot of the time they're just doing weird instant wings shenanigans let's see this drop just a nice clean drop through that's why palace done in like you know very quickly i wasn't keeping track of the exact time they entered but that is really really fast obviously skipping the left side here jumping up to the very corner there and look at these quick ascensions it's it truly is mesmerizing to to look at this is why i really love tassels they're just fun to watch like every new one even though you've seen the strats before and how it works they're just always fun to watch because they're always going to find a way to blow your mind like even for someone that has seen a lot of tasses for hollow knight at this point they're just always really cool to watch all right so what they're going to be doing now is equipping king soul right here they're going to be over charming it into their already full charm crack crammed build and it is time to ascend or sorry why do i keep saying see your ascension i mean they're going to get void hearts i want to see the abyss climb that's what i want to see i want to see this abyss climb abyss climb would be fun that would be uh it's going to be fun abyss claims already really mesmerizing to watch by human runners they're like one of the most exciting um segments because they're like one of the few parts of fully like unaltered vertical movements which is always the most fun part for me with hollow knight movement like it's like the um you know the the um crystal peak hollowness crown climb that one and abyss climb are like probably my favorites this is sub hour so far this is right about tied with the regular like true ending world record and this is palace pass optimization is very crazy we're late game we're watching a task oh sorry not sub hour it was sub 56 minutes my bad i wasn't being smart look at this climb everything is just perfect the routing here through these are really interesting as well especially the the bottom part was really cool to look at you know how how chat how's the pure vessel still faster how is the hollow knight still faster how do they reach the top faster than that they must be so fast it's like lem you know you know when you race lem back to his shop after talking to him in the rain he's always faster than you it's not fair you know he must be cheating just quitting out right away uh who's ready for thk in radiance they're just gonna slam on um strength onto that lem is just a tas who knows maybe he is i guess we'll never find out lem is always behind the door you can no claim it low clip in and sell to him so lem has like an evil twin brother then all right there's hornets it's time to watch this end [Applause] once again another amazing task uh big shout outs again to jarlick not only for creating it but also for giving me permission to to take a look at it um these are always really fun to look at look at sub 1 i think it's probable i don't know how fast this thk and radius fight is going to be actually sub 1 is probably unlikely here i'm not sure though it really depends i think sub 1 is not happening i didn't look at the final time uh before i i started the video either way it's really impressive all right look at this just melting there we go second phase already so notice how they're walking to the middle already and this is because the uh the scream is already queued up they dealt so much damage in the first phase that they did the scream for the second phase and the the screen was already queued up okay this might be sub one i think this is sub one able depending on this radiance oh it's gonna be close the timer's in the top right corner by the way if you haven't seen it already that's so funny that's like the best thk fight i've ever seen that's just beautiful so obviously there's nothing to damage tank right now but you know as soon as they can obviously the radiance deals 2-4 damage when overcharmed they're just going to be hovering and you can stand in the middle of that attack um the uh the burst of needles in all directions you can fit right in the middle i'm assuming this is gonna be a similar situation where like the radiances climb phase is gonna be queued up right away basically after this attack yeah it's not sub one yep there you go they're hitting the radiance right before the one hour mark but the cutscenes are gonna make it a little longer yeah ggs ggs just like that random ass fury effect just vibing in the bottom beautiful for all intents and purposes that's a sub one okay we can we can shift reality a little bit when it's a task okay if if we consider that jarlick added an extra cycle on false night who knows that is faster than regular human true ending with spells ggs everyone ggs to garlic that was that was really cool to watch thank you thank you jarlick for making this that was that was an awesome show that was really impressive as always these tasks keep getting better and better and they're always really it's always really fun to see um especially when when people decide to task these like a little bit out of the uh the ordinary categories like sure you could go in and do a regular true ending task but you know on the other hand you could also do a spellless true ending task and make it like a really quirky category that has a lot of weird and cool stuff i think that's really nice it's a little bit less serious in nature but i think that's kind of the charm of it of like picking a nice uh meme category and just making it crazy hey everyone so i know i haven't been uploading in a little while and yeah sorry for that uh i've been started to work on some a little bit bigger project i've been like scripting and stuff so that should be exciting uh but in the meanwhile you can come around to my twitch stream at blue underscore sr underscore link is in the description uh where i do 112 all pantheon bosses speed runs every day uh i've been trying to get the world record recently and we've been getting a lot of progress and uh we might get there in the end so hey yeah i guess i just kind of wanted to get a video out in the meanwhile until i'm done with bigger projects so yeah also once again big shout out to jarlick for making this task and allowing me to react to it on stream uh his channel stuff is also in the description if you're wondering so yeah check his stuff out [Music]
Channel: BlueSR
Views: 344,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vT2krMt-XDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 14sec (4274 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 27 2022
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