I got the 0 Geo Speedrun World Record

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hollow knight is very special in the way that it handles progression even compared to other indie metroidvanias the scale of its world and how open it is makes it so that almost no player will have the same experience on their first playthrough not only does this make the world of hellenist feel vast and alive but it also provides interesting opportunities for challenge runs and different speed running categories one of the things that helps hollow knight to excel in replayability is the fact that you can plan out different unique routes for each playthrough that you do of the game making them all unique and interesting one of the best ways to create a new challenge run or speedrun is by adding restrictions or requirements if we take a look at the usual main three speed running categories in any video game any percent low percent and max percent or 112 in hollow knight we can easily create new challenges by adding a requirement or restriction to these three if we take the category any percent as a ground example to build from we can for example do something like any percent but you can't heal or any percent but you have to over charm as you can see the possibilities are almost endless when it comes to creating new challenges but today we're going to take a look at a particular hollow knight speedrunning challenge let's talk about xerogeo beating hollow knight without picking up any geo makes for a very interesting challenge actually it not only affects the way that you need to play the game but it also makes the route interesting and the choices that you need to make even more important to beat this game without picking up any money you're gonna need to use some creative strategies that i will go over very soon but first let's set up the rules for this challenge the rules of course are very simple beat hollow knight without picking up a single piece of geo this includes other sources of geo like the relics for example and leads to hard limitations in the routing for example we cannot buy stag stations for more efficient travel and we also cannot buy the lumafly lantern which means that we will have to do a large amount of dark deepness in this category and of course for me this is not only going to be a challenge but also a speed run i'm a very big fan of running random meme categories with rarely cursed premises and routes so this one is one of the most fun ones i've done in a recent time but enough rambling let's get over the strategies that we're gonna need to use to beat this challenge [Music] small restrictions like not being able to pick up any geo completely recontextualized the game sections that were previously very easy and ones that you never thought about are suddenly really difficult a good example of this is the false knight arena regularly this fight is one of the easiest ones in the entire game being one of the first fights you actually do but once you can't pick up any geo we reach into a very interesting problem you see the false knight arena has these three little husks that like to wander around and that usually just die as soon as the boss drops into the arena you see as soon as they die they drop geo into the arena and that makes you have to dodge the geo off the ground as you fight the boss as quickly as possible of course you could just lure them out of the arena before the boss starts but since this is a speed run that takes way too long for us the false knight arena is one of the many seemingly easy challenges that the zero geo requirement completely re-contextualizes this includes other locations like the asped arena in the crossroads the balders in the mound and before green path as well as the room after you pick up descending dive where you have to break through these glass floors but there are follies and mistakes at the bottom that you will crash into and pick up geo from but all of these seemingly impossible to dodge geo locations can be figured out with some clever use of the quit outs and room reloads you see for the first balder in the mound as soon as we kill it we can just quit out and for the second one we can walk out the room after we kill it to reload the room and remove all the geo for the sanctum dive escape room there are two ways to go about it either you can go for what's called a fake dive where you dive the very corner of a breakable floor in which you can break it and not go through these are unfortunately very inconsistent so there is another way to do it you can simply quit out as soon as you break the floors and spawn back where you picked up the desolate dive this is of course a little bit slower but way more consistent the next problem that our zero geo limitation creates for us is the lack of stack stations and fast travel options in the run you see as soon as we get through sanctum we have to do this really really clunky routing where we climb back to the crossroads all the way through the fungal wastes this is of course because we cannot afford the storeroom stag station [Music] for the next part of the run we have the crossroads hot spring bench as our anchor point we go to crystal peak get crystal hearts and followed by a dark room we also get descending dark descending dark is incredibly important because we really don't have any damage output whatsoever in this run so far we have base ventral spirits and base dive but we cannot actually get shaman stone due to it costing geo for the rest of the run we depend on base descending dark with spell twister which we got from sanctum for all the damage after peak we get a quick stop by to resting grounds where we pick up dream nail and open the stag station as soon as we're done with that we quit back out to crossroads and head off to umu with the power of descending dark we're actually still able to get a 2 cycle on umu which is pretty solid after we've defeated the guardian of the archives we go down and uh eliminate monomon now this is where it starts to get interesting to get into queen's gardens we have to do qga which is one of the more precise tricks in holiday second try i'll take it after moving through about half of queen's gardens we face the petra arena this is a really big reset point in the run and just like the aspen arena and the false knight arena in the crossroads is one of those where we have to kill the enemies before moving forward this arena is very easy to mess up and while i came up with a consistent strat for the first one which avoids picking up any geo it's very easy to get a geo flying in your face after you kill one of the last two petras but if you manage to get through it the path is open to dark deepest and when i say dark deepness i mean it there is a lot of dark deepness in this run [Music] [Music] on top of the already very difficult dark deepness we also have to get through b stun both without picking up any geo and also while going at full speed both because of the tight tunnels and how far into the run this section is it is very very easy to mess up and pick up a piece of geo here to reach hera the second dreamer we get in the run we have to get past two devouts which both draw a large amount of geo upon being killed you pick up one piece of geo by accident and the run is over and you have to start over from the beginning beast then in a lot of ways is a recipe for disaster in the category if you somehow get through that the cursedness of this category is not done punching you in the face quite yet since we cannot buy the distant village stag station our only way to reach lurian is to return through dark deep nest these dark rooms are exponentially harder and much bigger than the first three we did on the way in they are easy to mess up and each mistake you make is punished tenfold by restarting you at the very start of the larger rooms not to mention the risk of accidentally killing an enemy and picking up geo in the darkness where you're helpless and unable to dodge it once you get out to the hot springs you go up to get tram pass and then you're off to lurian using the trampass you can travel from deepness to the ancient basin from here you climb up the broken elevator shaft and enter the right side of the city of tears you perform the skip to reach the watchers spire without wings and then you're off to lurian on the way you make quick work of the watcher knights with ascending dark on your path up to the peak of the spire from here all you have to do is dispatch lurian and then get back to the black egg temple and finish off the run at this point the geo isn't really a concern anymore as you don't really have to kill any more enemies to reach the end of the game we move on to the king station but we are unable to buy the king stack and go to dirtmouth due to our lack of geo instead we move upwards and get to the resting grounds the resting round stag station is the only stag station in the game that is not purchased through geo but rather open through a lever this means that it's free we can use this to travel to dertmoth and from there on all we have to do is finish off the hollow knights now that i've given you a breakdown of the route and strategies used to beat the game without picking up any geo let's take a look at my recent pb and world record in the category i won't be focusing so much on the details as i've already explained that but if you want to see more you can check out fireborne's video on the same run where he goes a bit more in depth into the run i'll be mainly focusing on showing off the more funny and perhaps noteworthy highlights of the run let's dive into it god okay now let's actually do it [Music] okay finally i get a good drop there okay let's look at this arena so this is where i could just immediately throw all of this uh it would be nice to you know not throw all of this to three that's looking like a good position all of the geo is neatly locked into that corner whoa whoa whoa that was close whoa whoa whoa that was close this is a sad moment why this pattern [Music] not the geo not the geo not the geo why are you going to the geo why are you doing that attack did i really take that long is that it i think that's it right did i forget a cycle okay you see that piece of geo don't step on that piece of geo whatever you do this little piece of geo right there don't step on it i forgot the geo chest hmm [Music] also by the way balder please first bit that would be cool ah okay there we go and now we run away like a coward this is like actually the optimal strategy for this category believe it or not i need to get better at remembering no nope nope nope why'd i do that now let's see can we can we beat this little why are you like this what the heck how did i not land on that oh my god [Laughter] hi zoe lol look at you little cringy baby man you're dying he deserves it chat he's kind of a jerk well that was good enough was this correct okay never mind i got it i'm good chat we're good no no no no no no no no don't do that that one will die and drop geo surprisingly nice mantis pogo i gotta say and just like that we're three seconds ahead no no no no i don't want any of that geo keep that away from me thank you oh yeah we gotta get spell twister okay so this is an awkward spell twister segment because you have to like kind of like just not attack anything and just pray that you get through alive are you you gotta make sure that you don't hit things too many times actually awful pattern wow that last phase i'm going for it and you just gotta pray that you didn't pick any of that up because no one likes the soul sanctum watch this walking storage let's go oh that was great this movement is bound to look really weird to any other speedrunner in the chat right now because this is very awkward and kind of cursed seemed like a good thing in this run come on yo pogax so yeah chad just remind me to not pogo the g rock and we'll be fine don't forget the geo rock i'll do it chat i'll do it if i if i kill the run with probably this freaking rock i'm gonna hate you all forever i did it under plot we let's go save another second we're gonna do this first acid skip nice and smooth through and good try no me drop very nice that's looking good easy look at that and just like that world record pace let's see this second try i'll take it okay let's not throw here please please please okay all that geo fell down that's good okay and lure them like this that's one is that both of them okay we got through without picking up any geo as well nice i got a bit scared by that i thought i might have picked something up in the air because that has happened before but we're good now let's do some dark deepness chat this could get scary if i mess up just once this could end the run do you okay and now here all i have to do to do is not fall if i fall here run is also over okay trap bench time okay now we just can't pick up the devout geo okay where's that okay first of all successful wow this is going very smoothly wow look at all those spiders positioning themselves well for me let's go now don't throw to the last about where's the geo we got it let's go let's go chat we got it okay let's do this chat wish me luck let's do it hit the wall fall dash jump over get past the valve c dash bump into the wall fault dash to the side i'll wait like that [ __ ] no why okay oh it's right there oh no i'm throwing hold on why does it dash me that way i threw i threw chat i can't do it i can't do it we've thrown i [ __ ] up i [ __ ] up real bad and throw the pace okay jump and dash okay that's all i had to do jesus christ oh the time loss maybe still savable i'm not so sure about it though chad if we go god mode it might still be possible we'll see it's not looking too great right now i gotta say did i get them both it does not i really dislike this pattern now that's a good pattern that's what you want to see out of this fight that was almost hitless wow okay i'm gonna go ahead and say that world record is still doable watch this impossible jump let's go jump full speed ahead we can do it i believe do you believe chat wish me luck elderbug hello sibling [Applause] ah i missed the screen skip oh that scream i can't get the scream skip i don't know how to do it is that it did we get it i don't know if we got it we got it let's go let's go yeah [Laughter] let's go chad there you go zero geo world record goodness gracious what a roller coaster my god [Music] that is the story of how i got the zero geo hollow knight speedrun world record thank you for watching okay so this moment right here i didn't even remember this was in the run before i started editing and what the [ __ ] how did i pull the save off what did
Channel: BlueSR
Views: 197,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Speedrun, 0 Geo, World Record
Id: jvt2KIot0Rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 21sec (1341 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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