We made Hollow Knight Geoguessr (with @fireb0rn)

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a little while ago fireborn and I played a hollow Knight Bingo race against each other which uh I uh promptly lost but today I'm getting my revenge I challenged fire to a game of hollow Knight geoguessr nope not that kind of Geo no not that one either there we go okay well what is hollow Knight geoguessr you may ask allow me to explain we asked some of you guys to send in some images of zoomed in or otherwise difficult to identify at locations in hallownest in each round we're shown one of these images and then we need to race to that location in multiplayer mod one in other words this is gonna test both our knowledge of the vast caves of hallownest as well as our speedrun movements oh and we're allowed to attack each other the winner of each round gets a point in first to 10 points is declared the winner and that's basically it uh I hope you enjoyed the video subscribe if you want to I don't know I would really appreciate it we're very close to 50K and check out fires content as well he's awesome with that said uh on to the video see this is my chance to make a comeback because I lost the Bingo race so you're one you're one to zero in our battles right now so this is my chance to even it up are you ready for uh Hollow Knight geoguessr scuffed Edition because we don't know what we're doing I am ready all right I'm picking location number five ready three two one and reveal go wait you got hit by something ha ha later oh you could have fireballed me you missed the opportunity I didn't even have soul what's the fastest way to do this this way wait where am I going my words wait this is faster hold on I have a better route you fool I don't even know where I'm going [Music] the game knowledge finally pays off this better be the right place too this could be really embarrassing for both of us I have an idea but I'm not a hundred percent sure oh wait I went the wrong way oh my God we'll see if I have the right spot I'm there kind of all in wait I'm there I found it waiters at King's brand no no it's in Coliseum it's the void thing to the left I recognize the background and the little Spike that sticks out yeah I'm here go go where you think it is go where you think it is I can't even get there because Hornets defeated I'm gonna reveal it yeah Colosseum were the shade spawns yes one to zero oh I don't even know what that looks like I'll buy it how about number 15 Burger King foot lettuce three two one go oh I don't think I know this one uh yeah oh your path is better oh if it is what I think it is I'm probably screwed here that's Shoney's blessing right what I'm not gonna call them it's it's Johnny's blessing trust me no you have a better path I know what it is it's in no wait that's that's in the abyss stop trying to trick me oh I'm trying to remember if it looks like that I'll just have to go there no they shifted the color oh that's so mean yeah I knew it was off oh then you have a much better path you're probably already like freaking there I am there actually it is kind of bluish I didn't realize that quick slash right yeah yeah okay well then I was wrong I took the path through resting grounds instead oh okay because I was like I wanted to go down to uh to a stag because there's like this you know the big statue in it's in Queen's Garden somewhere I thought it was like that one because the color was slightly Greener let's go with the number two three two one go oh my God I fell I'm gonna be honest I don't think I know this exact spot well it's pretty obvious where generally obviously and like Queen's Gardens right you're really bad at lying my 112 knowledge will guide me into doing these rooms slightly faster where is this one I'm actually not sure either this is a pretty obscure Soul totem it's a good image though yeah I don't know where it is this one's hard maybe it's one of those that has like a hidden wall hi fire hey back here get back here I know where I'm going huh I know where it is do you no yes I know that's a lie no it's not it's not this one I like how you followed me in that's funny just in case what did we never find it that would be really funny see there's always big talk about speedrunners having game knowledge but the second you go outside of the routes we do it's nothing this is embarrassing I think they added a soul totem to throw us off like I'm familiar with that little corner but I can't think of where it is do you want to give up on it wait I have one more response to check no no no it's it is not there there's no way are you sure there's there's no way it's there I refuse yeah it's not here wait no I know where it is oh I just thought of it it completely slipped my mind tell me it's here if so that's such a good image to pick no I trolled myself it wasn't there I thought it was in um overgrown Mound you know what it was not green it was Queen's Gardens was it did you check yeah I got it wait you found I was trolling when I said Queen's Gardens it's next to marmo no no oh that's why I recognized it because sometimes when you die to murmur you need more soul and then you go there oh I know I want to see number 24 by gencar this one's gonna be good isn't gen car a glitch Runner yes uh oh three two one go oh my God what I know this one oh there's two spots it could be no I know where it is here wait this isn't it no it is it's not get back here no no oh then I know where it is where are you going uh to do the thing what do you mean the thing wait it's not here wait where what do you mean you know where it is where the are you going I don't know I'm just wait it's not this way is it we're gonna be stuck on this again aren't we why are all of them in Green Path imagine we're being Troll and it's in Queen's Gardens again oh my God please no no wait no it is it is found it top of Lake Havas oh that one's hard come here you'll see what I mean Pogo the Aruba and then jump straight up you'll see the pillar that's why I thought it looked like the Hornet Arena because it has the same pillars actually just just get like uh no clip yeah that's it look at that that's good oh yeah yeah all the way up here oh all right two for two 29 29. all right three two one reveal yes I know exactly where that is I think I know actually I might be a bit wrong on the exact Stone but I know how to do it in the best way go go go go go go oh wait I went the wrong way I found it that's funny the guy isn't there when you arrive I just recognize the shape of the platforms and then as I landed on the platform he just dropped down and smacked onto the platform I knew where it was but I went to a resting ground stack for some reason I'll go with number 13 image by Mio three two one go oh that's a better way to get up there you blow it up in my yes the lead yes I dodged it I dodged the fireball I thought that was the Coliseum sauna no it's not there wait where is it hot springs we have a pleasure oh it's the pleasure house yep oh I don't even know the pleasure house the reason I recognized it is because the kala one the entrance is to the left and it doesn't have the the skull in the background it's just a little hot spring because there's like the color background right oh okay wait fire do you want to play a middle Bell tennis well it's not sync through hkmp but we can try okay here we go oh it doesn't work oh unfortunate that's a another future idea you can play like uh middle soccer and holiday get a bunch of people together how about number one oh very first one submitted by Mick 10. make 10 is on this list a lot they are good at getting screenshots three two one and go what the what oh I know I know I know that was that's a good one remix ability in the elevator might be do you know where this is yeah oh your movement's better oh you do know where it is no my Fireball Fireball we're gonna be able to get off the platform yes no I got it as well which Lantern is it it's not this one it might be this one it's too vague I think yeah it could be any of them should we tie this we entered at the exact same time uh play for both because I need points well otherwise for both gets me closer to winning but sure Number Nine location by maginal three two one go I think I know this one with your Stags here what that's such a scam you're already out oh you're going that way interesting probably a slower way to go actually wait I'm in the wrong oh I went the wrong way wrong Tower yep yeah me too okay here yeah nice that's a good one we'll just make a better routing if I went down from the top it would have been faster I think let's pick that way number 30. oh the last one interesting three two one and go oh is that not an ironically going up to the Stag would have been good here oh that would have been sick if you knocked me up I think that was trying so hard that'd have been awesome unless this isn't what I think it is it has to be though yep right here yeah okay the the grave I had to pray that it was somewhere else I recognize because it's too um there's too many spikes in open spaces so it had to be above again and there's like the light coming down six against four right Yep this is gonna be a problem to get out of here we're gonna fire up all each other so hard this is gonna be fun number 19 by Isaac okay three two one go [Music] oh oh yeah good call oh my God there's spikes there let's go I actually know where this is I know this one as well yeah it's an easy one for the any percent Runners unless I'm wrong which would be pretty embarrassing got it wait no it's not wait where are you going where you go fire I don't know where am I going where are you going oh no I know this one is it here yep I'm here oh that was my second pick it's right here oh yeah I thought it was uh to the left of bench like at first but then I realized there's a transition yeah the screenshots are really good yeah these are great they make you think a little bit six seven four six four okay you gotta catch up dude my best let's go with 22. 20. Delton all right Dalton three two one go what is that this one's hard no I know it I know it wait do I I think I I actually don't know it oh okay it has to be it if I'm wrong here then yikes no wait oh I screwed it I screwed up he might already be on it no I don't know where it is it's been a while since I go here if this is wrong then it's embarrassing but I can't think of any other place that would look like this I'll say what I think it is I'm closer anyway uh right before uh deep Nest hot spring oh the hot spring the the big drop that's why it's obscure it in the bottom oh okay I don't think that's it yeah I didn't think it was either okay well then I know where it has to be there's two more spots I like how you just have like a list of spots to go through yeah really none it's too blue okay well if it's not this I know exactly where it is not it damn it oh wait I know where it is uh maybe maybe I know where it is oh where are you right now I'm kind of worried you already found it or something oh nest yeah it might be it's probably here though there's a few spots where it could be I'm gonna start by going up here I don't think it's this drop is it this drop found it that's a good one yeah it was third on the list of places to check it's above the um uh the grub yep that drop down oh that one's deceptive yeah it does look kind of like deepness eight against four you have to catch up fire it's come back time I'm trying TBH I'm kind of interested in 16 by gencar we have to do it at some point don't we oh three two one go oh oh I'm I'm throwing what am I doing I am throwing so hard I better be real good at White Palace now actually not exactly sure where it is it's like a pretty obscure spot I know exactly where this one is of course we don't have a map no white balance no what do you mean of course I don't is it in Pat the pain I'm not gonna comment on this get back your fire no you're kidding you reset me to the start of the room it's not there by the way no it's not no it's at the top wait what that's where I was going wow it's not at the top fire it's not at the top wait the top no I'm so confused what don't you know this spot I literally told you like five times I don't it's below right here oh that's oh okay I'm over here trying to like trick you and stuff it doesn't even help because you don't know where it is yeah well to be fair it wasn't up so it was not you're right you need to see that see that shop where the right wall [Music] go to the right slide down the wall C Dash to the left slide down the wall C Dash to the right slide down the wall C Dash to the left who uses this movement people who you just know just fall down and go to the right okay but not if you're trying to get to the middle part I've never been there in my life nine against four fire you're losing you need to game where's the god gamer spirit I found a thorn stand now we're talking there's the god gamer Spirit do we need to start from there yeah that's kind of great that's kind of great I like that hey don't hit me hey okay I won't nine against four match point I'll just get six in a row start trying let's pick who's Assessor which number seven seven thank you that's kind of the point of the numbering system you know three two one reveal Ah that's a good one I know it oh I actually know this one wait are you climbing back up just Hazard dunk yeah a little bit slow on that one picking Eternal ordeal is kind of a zote would approve yeah oh I'm dunking everywhere now get back here oh there's Thorns wait why'd I go this way I'm throwing so hard oh I'm throwing fire you have no idea how hard I'm throwing right now there's a saw at the bottom this is bad oh my God I never moved this way in my life yeah me neither you're probably already out aren't you yeah you are is it even faster to go this way where else would you go I don't know straight up it's a water waste what do you mean not stacking and just going straight up oh yeah I'm gonna trust my 112 movement though you're probably gonna get this one though do I have that shortcut imagine my save file doesn't have a shortcut wait did it have it I didn't check oh you went through um the regular way then well ggs once I can somehow patched up dreamgata set here huh oh you've already won then no I had to dunk the movement like seven times with my Palace that is eternal ordeal right right I'm about to find out yeah yes yeah I figured nine two five is the comeback happening you think uh yeah it's not even really a comeback [Laughter] hold on all right I'm gonna go with 23 because the spoiler image has a red flare and it can basically only be one thing totally not Grim's tin yeah three two one go I can't move I was tabbed out oh this is the wrong spot I got it let's go edgy yeah it's okg oh I sent I I just went into the first one I knew it I knew you would go into grim M hold on I'm gonna beat for him real quick hey but there's balls no there's a pillar oh that's the pillar I thought it was a ball I'm like nkg's Arena doesn't have a wall so it has to be regular all right but that means I win chat chat chat's not here we're not streaming this I'm sorry it's a force of habits it's very embarrassed it's not the first time you said that oh gosh being a streamer is corrupting me it was unfortunate that you won but you know once in a while it'll happen I would argue the opposite I think it was quite fortunate that I won now we have to do a tie breaker because we're one to one oh yeah one Bingo race one map knowledge thing what remains yes oh fights to the death IRL uh okay you're just a twitchcon la or Las Vegas sorry you're just excited to like curb stomp a child foreign
Channel: BlueSR
Views: 618,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9WcDuADYZag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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