Who Framed Roger Rabbit - re:View

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Why was Amy Irving cast as the singing voice of Jessica Rabbit? Who knows! In unrelated news, when this movie was made, Amy Irving was married to Steven Spielberg.

👍︎︎ 324 👤︎︎ u/ExoticMandibles 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2022 🗫︎ replies

The furious sweaty man hours that went into doing this by hand is unimaginable.

Ridiculous amounts of respect.

👍︎︎ 570 👤︎︎ u/flangle1 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2022 🗫︎ replies

I literally have had Who Framed Roger Rabbit on my wish list for RLM to do on re:View for years now.

👍︎︎ 157 👤︎︎ u/UseBrinkWithDown 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2022 🗫︎ replies

I will die on the hill that Bob Hoskins should have at least been nominated for an Oscar for this film. He does a perfect balancing act between the cartoon and noir elements and above everything makes you believe that his interactions with the toons are real.

👍︎︎ 430 👤︎︎ u/istarnie 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2022 🗫︎ replies

Is this the first time they actually talk about an animated movie and just animation in general ?

👍︎︎ 117 👤︎︎ u/SafeLayer 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2022 🗫︎ replies

Gotta nitpick this review here; Bob Hoskins accent is actually great and Jay is WRONG

👍︎︎ 117 👤︎︎ u/cinemamystic 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2022 🗫︎ replies

I watched Chinatown for the first time a few months ago and when Nicholson showed Burt Young the pics of his wife and he started tearing the place apart in anguish, I thought "Pattycake!! Pattycake!!" Lol.

👍︎︎ 94 👤︎︎ u/Tylerdurden389 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2022 🗫︎ replies

Why do I get the feeling that Jay raised Rich’s bid to $500,000 because he was mildly concerned that the $100,000 bid would actually happen?

👍︎︎ 77 👤︎︎ u/Tasty_James 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2022 🗫︎ replies

That Cool World re:view is both closer and further away then ever now

👍︎︎ 234 👤︎︎ u/watt786 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2022 🗫︎ replies
so jay we are here to talk about a classic movie that mixes live action with with traditional animation and and you know gets together many different franchises i am of course talking about chippendale's rescue rangers oh i thought we were here to talk about space jam a new legacy of course i'm kidding i'm really talking about ready player one [Music] that's what i wanted to mention in talking about who frame roger rabbit this is like the precursor to this ip puke fest we have now look it's bugs bunny and mickey mouse in the same frame but that's quaint and that's as far as it goes with uframe roger rabbit no it's the iron giant and christine and mad max and and godzilla chucky it's chucky and freddy krueger and everything it's everything here's luke skywalker too he's next to captain picard i've only ever seen oh my brain i haven't seen space jam a new legacy but i've seen like still images from it and every frame looks like a nightmare there's like danny devito penguin next to the the rapists from a clockwork orange and it's like why is this in a cartoon [Music] it all started with a quaint little film called who framed roger rabbit i don't know if we should put the blame on that movie but i feel like not intentionally started anything that's how forest fires happen i mean you're just having a nice camping trip it's the most it's the best weekend of your life with all your friends have a nice little campfire and then the smoldering ashes they catch on the ground it spreads the trees and suddenly suddenly you've burnt down yellowstone national park you monster who frame roger rabbit is it is perfect it it perfectly executes what it is it is the blending of like like classic film noir with the classic uh animated shorts of the 30s and 40s yes and the the two things are merged seamlessly using then at the time state of the art uh special effects and filmmaking technology in a way that had never been seen before holster will ya yeah thanks what a goddamn pain in the ass this entire movie must have been to make and you look at it now and you're like that gun would have been cgi like it would have been it's so much easier now i i don't want to [ __ ] on modern because cgi has come a long [ __ ] way cgi has finally gotten to the place where yeah i don't i don't mind it anymore but roger rabbit is from an arum when it was actually fun to watch making of videos yes making the videos now it's just yum i got the frame but like who framed roger rabbit like that uh incan paint club they had to build that that set eight feet off the ground so animators could run around underneath because they had these slots running along with a pole just so a penguin could be holding a [ __ ] ice cube tray and god blessed them for the effort they put what what what makes the movie really really [ __ ] work is the interaction with of the the animated characters with real physical objects like it would have been so much easier and cheaper to just have the penguins walking around with animated drink trays yeah but they went through the effort to get like this whole [ __ ] custom set built just so somebody could run around with a pole underneath the set um and the uh the bartender on that scene is an octopus so they just have like all these different items on strings and yeah and it's funny too because you watch it now and you can see like as much effort that went into the movie you can tell the parts where they're like exhausted and they're like [ __ ] it it's good enough we're like uh uh when eddie valiant's in toontown he's got his cartoon gun but then there's like one wide shot where it's just like a real prop gun that's meant to look like a cartoon gun they're like it's a wide shot [ __ ] it we can't do this anymore i understand the animators were very pressed for time like i know there was like deadlines that they were barely barely meeting to get this thing out the door yeah that's kind of like when that's your whole concept for the movie it seems like you probably shouldn't rush that aspect of it i'm sure it was not [ __ ] easy to animate i know i know back in the day before roger rabbit when they wanted to integrate animated things with live-action people i i understand the camera was usually on lockdown yeah and that's the important thing to point out is that this existed before who framed roger rabbit but yeah it's like you think of like mary poppins or uh disney's pride and joy song of the south i i you know it's fine i saw that in the theater they re-released it as recently as the 80s because i saw it they re-released it in theaters so they weren't trying to bury it quite yet because right now that thing's in the secret disney vault yeah that's in the vault in the vaults there's the fake vault that's used for uh just marketing purposes and then there's the real vault song of the south and walt disney's head they're down there but yeah it's like yeah a lot of lockdown shots um still i'm sure a pain in the ass to do but that's where robert zemeckis comes in okay quiet we're rolling and action oh boys didn't hear you come in i said we used to rabbit who for a good long stretch from like the 80s all the way up to like the early 2000s he was constantly making movies that really pushed forward like filmmaking techniques and uh special effects all the way up to those hideous uh motion capture movies he puller the polar express he put off more than he could chew there and that was it was curtains yeah but it was i mean that was a big advancement in special effects it looks creepy and terrible now but they actually make fun of that in the chippendale movie who are you is he talking to us i can't tell he's got those polar express eyes yeah i guess we'll we'll talk about that i mean i don't really have to well we'll talk about it a little bit we'll talk about movies that came out in the wake of who framed roger rabbit and how not a single one has come anywhere close to capturing anything that makes this movie interesting or good but uh yeah he uh starting with like back to the future up to those movies and he's still making movies and they're kind of hit and miss but i think those motion capture movies broke his brain and action this was kind of the height of his power uh you know yet back to the future and and this and jesus christ are those [ __ ] movies amazing sandwich yeah this is sandwiched in between the first back to the future and part two and three which were shot simultaneously yeah he was using a lot of motion controlled cameras which he would go on to use even more in the back to the future sequels to have all those michael j foxes in the same frame because that's another like kind of old school technique of oh you have the same actor playing multiple parts you just do a split screen you just have a flat static shot camera on lockdown yes really easy so you can do it and and robert zemeckis is like [ __ ] that [ __ ] i want to shoot every scene like i would just shoot any other scene for any ordinary movie so many so many great not just the moving camera but like rack focusing there's the part outside of uh rk maroon's office when jessica rabbit smacks roger on the head with the pan she's in the foreground she looks up at the window and it rack focuses from her to the window that's like that's how you would shoot it with just a normal actor and so all these all these little things that just add up to this just feeling like a normal movie where you kind of you're always aware you're watching cartoons but you kind of forget about it because the story is so strong they went the extra mile to make the cartoons feel like they were a part of the real world it's like um you think of it as being it's like this is traditional animation but like it's shaded in a way that traditional animation like almost never is yeah but really the animation process was very much like a photographic sandwich is where we took many different levels of animation whether it was just the animation performance itself the shadow mats or the tone mats that we call them and we experimented with those mattes by putting color through them onto color film stock right because they're mixing this with film noir and you know they needed occasionally roger rabbit to be in shadow and parts of him to be lit dramatically i always think of the shot when he's in the alleyway looking at the pictures of of jessica rabbit and he's like crying and there's like this red neon light shining on him it's not just like flat 2d animation in a in a live action world like the the the hidden room and the bar the the the prohibition secret room yeah and like roger rabbit hits the the light the ceiling and it's swinging and through that entire [ __ ] scene there they're going out of the way to animate the shadows moving on roger i'm just picturing everybody in the animation department just hating robert zemeckis every day they look at dailies and they're just pulling their hair out they're crying out loud roger how many times we have to do this damn scene but we should start with the the story based on a book that nobody's ever read do you know anything about the book i read up on it because i didn't i know it's called who censored roger rabbit it's barely connected to the movie aside from the the three characters of roger rabbit jessica rabbit and baby herman they're not cartoon characters they're comic strip characters yeah and in the book it's described like they speak with speech bubbles that physically appear over their heads yeah kind of interesting i guess kind of weird i don't think that would translate to a movie it sounds really [ __ ] weird like roger rabbit is murdered in the book and the roger rabbit that teams up with eddie valiant is a duplicate roger rabbit that roger rabbit made of himself yeah the the comic strip characters can make clones of themselves to do stunts and then once the stunt is done the the clone like just disappears and so they have to solve the murder of roger abbott before the roger rabbit clone disappears oh and he was murdered by a wish-granting genie oh i didn't know that part yeah he's murdered by a genie that uh that eddie valiant defeats by throwing him into a fish tank that's in the book oh so yeah they looked at the book and they said well we like roger rabbit as a character like the and oh it took place in modern times too it was not a not a period piece so they said let's take those couple elements from the book that we like and then just recycle the plot of chinatown which i didn't get as a kid i i never saw chinatown until i was in like my mid-20s and i'm watching it for the first time and this you know chinatown is like one of the most famous movies of all time some people consider it one of the greatest movies ever made and i'm watching it for the first time it's like this is roger rabbit it's such a weird revelation i had no clue it blew my mind but yeah you got uh 19 i think chinatown is technically the late 30s but we'll say 40s la film noir detective story about a private investigator that's hired to look into the the infidelities of this married couple and it opens up to a much larger mystery about what's going on in la and corrupts city planning and the weird thing is i just found this out uh no one has either like confirmed or denied this but the story is that chinatown was originally planned to have a couple of sequels and each one would be focusing on a different actual like real world uh aspect of la and what kind of formed la into the city that it is now so like chinatown's about water and the water company and they eventually did make a sequel and it's about oil but the third one was supposed to be about the dissolution of the railway system and the creation of freeways and the company was called cloverleaf well when were they going to make that because two jakes that came out in the 90s that was after roger rabbit oddly enough yeah but the original concept supposedly this was all planned kind of at the same time like when they were making the first chinatown movie so it's like they never made that movie so the writers of roger rabbit were like we'll just take that if the stories are true you're not using it yeah look we got this neat idea where rabbit teams up with the detective but the book sucks you gotta get it you got a story you're not using who needs a car in l.a we got the best public transportation system in the world and that's what makes the movie work too is the uh the real world stuff there are except for a couple little nitpicks i have for the most part the movie has rules as far as how the live-action world and the animated world interacts and the real world is real eddie valiant is a real person who has a real tragic backstory that involves tunes but everything with his character and his background is treated so sincerely and that's what really kind of like makes the whole thing work it's slightly exaggerated because you you you get to his office and eddie valiant is very much human he's part of the real world but even his office like his brother's half of the office covered with like comical dust and spider webs it's great it's great spider webs may be a little too much but that shot when he goes into his office and sits down and just pans across their like entire history together as brother detectives uh is like a wonderful wonderful piece of like visual filmmaking and the fact that it not only gets back up to him but it's now the next day and it all has just happened in this one continuous shot you have you have this backstory you understand it through the pictures yeah that's great which i think i haven't seen chinatown in a while but i think that's another chinatown aspect in that uh jack nicholson used to be a cop and he had a partner that was killed in chinatown and so he's always kind of like resented chinatown because of that which is toontown in this i really need to see chinatown that's right it's one i missed you're going to watch it you're just going to be thinking about roger rabbit i mean it could do worse i i rewatched robert roger rabbit for this obviously but i had a big smile on my face the entire [ __ ] time i'm gonna say i watched it a million times as a kid and re-watching it now i think it's actually better as an adult than it was as a kid the animation's great and you know if you're a kid and you like cartoons and wacky more looney tunes tech savory stuff than the boring disney stuff because mickey mouse who cares about mickey mouse oh mickey mouse always sucks that's the the biggest irony of this movie is that it's a disney movie yeah and this movie is effectively a love letter to warner brothers do you mean to tell me that you could have taken your hand out of that cuff at any time no not at any time only but it was funny the uh the character roger rabbit is intentionally annoying and then when you're an adult you're kind of cynical uh cartoons those are for kids so you're essentially in the shoes of eddie valian so it's okay that all this stuff is kitty and annoying because that's that's his point of view too but uh this tells a real story and it's like a going along with the real world stuff it's a real world story about city corruption well it's i mean also for like just a noir detective story it's every it's it's all of the things it needs to have it's got the the the um the damsel the the sexy yet dangerous femme fatale yes uh you you've got like the fallen hero like you know he's kind of on bad times he's drunk he's in the gutter it's a perfect noir story and it is also a perfect zany looney tunes cartoon yeah with a wacky rabbit and there's murder in it yes i forgot about the shot when uh rk maroon gets shot and killed he's got his tie stuck in the like editing machine but the gun comes in shoots him and we just cut to a shot of him just there dead and i forgot about that shot i was like wow that is what that is why this is touchstone and not disney yes i'm assuming a lot of people don't like a lot of younger people might not know this because this is back in the day when disney the disney brand strictly children's stuff the disney channel mickey mouse club chris knows it all was that one of the disney things that was nickelodeon is that nickelodeon and it wasn't a cartoon i don't [ __ ] know but but they held that like disney for kids was like a sacred freaking thing and when disney wanted to not be disney they would label it touchstone as for their pg properties yes it was mostly like stuff like sister act it's like anyone can watch sister act but sister act is too risque for for disney's for disney's core audience they were catering to at that time yeah which was uptight housewives [ __ ] for their children to watch right right the live-action winnie the pooh tv show did you ever see that no the people in big costumes i'm convinced that show is what started a lot of people's furry fetishes oh this this movie probably started a shitload of fetishes itself well you don't want to google jessica rabbit rule 34. you don't want to do that i'm telling you right now don't do that but her dimensions are so absurd with that tiny little waist and then of course as a kid all the boob jokes the risque humor of a pg movie when you're a little kid baby herman said damn or whatever he says he said he's he's got a three-year-old winky i've been trying to make him quit but he just won't listen to me what do you know you dumb broad you got the iq of a rattle and who's that lady he's with out in the hallway to eddie's office that's the poor woman who worship him that he sexually harasses constantly and it's a joke yeah well that works too where it's like this is a bygone era so it's a movie about a bygone era that is now a product of a bygone era in terms of like filmmaking and special effects you're never gonna get bugs bunny and mickey mouse in the same shot that was good that was the equivalent like that this this movie with the looney tunes mixed with the disney characters and some nonetheless they like like droopy dogs betty boop every every animated thing is in this but i mean that'd be like today if they made marvel vs dc yeah i think this speaks to the amount of clout just pure amount of clout that steven spielberg had at those those that era yeah him and robert zemeckis i'm sure back to the future didn't hurt success but i'm sure because spielberg at that time was behind zemeckis spielberg produced back to the future and this that's true yeah along with uh also producing this is frank marshall and kathleen kennedy who did like the indiana jones movies and then robert zemeckis directing everyone is like at the top of their game except i looked up the writers because like who wrote this movie this is like a perfect script as far as like setups and payoffs and just the story and the tone in general and i think a lot of that may have to be attributed to robert zemeckis because the setups and payoffs yeah because the actual script like the guys that wrote it is two guys who have done like nothing but crap before or since they wrote uh one of the shrek sequels not even shrek one of the shrek sequels and like wild wild west with will smith says they have a really like spotty screenwriting career so i don't know how they pulled this out of their ass but i i'm assuming a lot of what works could be attributed to robert sebekis is there anything a movie that doesn't work uh oh well i mentioned the the kind of reality of the movie and like the way that the humans and the the cartoons interact there's a couple bits in toontown when eddie goes to toontown you mentioned droopy dog he goes on the elevator and then like the gravitational shift causes him to squish he's like he's still a person like we're breaking our own rules that the movie is set up why would him being in this other section of town cause him to have tune like attributes so that that bothers me i am okay with the rules being different in toontown because they only really do that in toontown like why i don't know it's a minor thing like i said it's a minor nitpick but it's like everything else in the movie feels like it's so like perfectly thought out as far as how these two worlds interact that when you see him like a squish pancake on the ground i'm like uh if it were really funny then maybe i would let it go but it's not really it just looks weird i i have i i have a nitpick and it's it's a very rich evans type of nitpick i i despise excessive coincidence and it has always driven me nuts that uh christopher lloyd judge doom is coincidentally the same tune that killed eddie valiant's brother holy smoke he's a tomb surprised that it always kind of rubbed me the wrong way it's like oh that's kind of coincidence i guess okay it's that's fair but it's a great third act twist to bring that all together to tie eddie's backstory in with what's currently happening i can let that go i love i love the entirety of the third act the the idea of of setting the finale of this movie in the acme factory yeah acme is an actual person actually is an actual person but just seeing the acme factory the famous acme factory was genius yes because you have you have all of the acme toys to play around with for that final fight most of which have been set up earlier we set up the the gavel with the boxing glove on it we set up the hole that you can just throw anywhere and now it's a hole [Music] that's another part where it kind of breaks the reality where eddie valiant is like jumping on the pogo stick and he gets his head stuck on the the overhead lights it's a little too cartoony for reality it's it's perfect for his character though because oh yeah eddie valiant is a character who has after the death of his brother he has lost his sense of humor so of course he gets teamed up with a zany cartoon character it's classic stuff and in order to save the day at the end of the movie eddie has to embrace his inner clown to make the weasels laugh to death which is also set up brilliantly yes and the one moment that i love is one of the weasels is is dying his ghost is leaving his body and he's like desperately tried to pull it back in [Music] the most unbelievable thing in the entire movie is bob hoskins terrible american accent are you legit saying it's a terrible american accent i'm gonna say it's inconsistent one too many refrigerators dropped on his head don't bust a button dolores you've only got one left i hear kokomo is very nice this time of the year he's trying something but i don't know what it is i mean he's he's no doctor house yes that is probably the best non-american american accent i'm not american doing an american accent yeah but i'm fine it's fine because i'm glad that they cast someone like him in the role because there's another version of this movie where you cast like a comedian i'm picturing like if they put like robin williams or something where they're playing up or something someone more contemporary would be like jim carrey he's in those sonic movies [Music] sonic who also is a running gag in the chippendales rescue ranger movie and they'll like me for who i am not like last time when the internet got one look at my human teeth and burn the place down not the not the worst gag that's actually kind of funny kind of funny uh the fact that he's like an actual character in that movie and not just a one-off gag but i'm ugly sonic and always like working conventions that's pretty funny i need to i don't know i i didn't finish that movie that's fine i'm i don't know if it's funny i don't know if it's just trying too hard well it's definitely trying to be roger rabbit but it's it doesn't have that balance it's definitely aimed more at kids which is weird because it's referencing an era of animation that kids today don't know anything about that's like those 90s disney blocks of like was it ducktales and rescue rangers and uh darth vader duck talespin tailspin yeah that's when disney was doing the afternoon cartoon thing it's not like like roger rabbit works because all those like looney tunes and and disney stuff never went away it's like timeless and uh so as a kid like i knew who all these characters were i knew everything they were referencing the fact that it's a period piece helps because it's like the golden age of of hand-drawn animation was probably like the 40s that era of the disney uh feature films and looney tunes shorts and all that stuff that's when chuck jones was at his best yeah yeah and that's this movie is like i mean there was still a lot of like you know that was kind of the renaissance of disney movies too it was like lion king and little mermaid was kind of right after this movie came out my favorite disney [ __ ] is like this late 80 to mid 90s we have roger rabbit up through uh beauty and the beast yeah well they had that i mean obviously there's the old you know cinderella all the classic ones and then yeah they kind of had a dip yeah they weren't doing much good stuff and then this movie onward through the 90s it was like yeah lion king and uh aladdin aladdin was a big one and it's it's you know as a kid like obviously i watched cartoons but animation at that point and especially the [ __ ] i was watching was like saturday morning cartoons which are so poorly made like the ninja turtles cartoon where from shot to shot their masks will change color they were just like in like transformers they were all just like 30 minute commercials captain basically the game master and so then this movie comes out and it's this beautiful like detailed hand-drawn animation and uh it was like mind-blowing to me all the detail and all the like the opening short film the movie wisely starts with a roger rabbit short that we then pull out of like it's so well animated and that the the kitchen that it takes place in like changes size depending on the gag like when he's running around in circles throughout the kitchen is gigantic and he's running around for no reason the kitchen's an oval yeah yeah because that's what works for the joke because it's a cartoon yeah it's the distillation of that era of cartoon and it it's it sets up what the movie is if you're some [ __ ] weirdo that's never seen a cartoon before this is it [Music] and then they perfectly set up the world where they pull out from the uh just kind of magically cut oh it's a set yeah the director is joel silver famous producer did like die hard and uh the lethal weapon movies it is sort of weird that when they pull out all of a sudden the set isn't animated anymore but it's not animated but they wisely made it look as animated as they could like everything is like just flatly colored yeah and they have that great gag with the uh the legs for the the mother of the house so it's just like animatronic legs but it's like some guy on like stilts right yeah yeah yeah seen behind the scenes of the movie magic where baby herman is once again sexually harassing someone excuse me you know what i'll stand by that that's a good joke and and if you haven't i actually do highly recommend checking out just behind the scenes stuff for roger rabbit because just how they made this movie is so fun yeah it's like you mentioned before behind the scenes stuff now not to to put down people that do special effects now they do amazing work they do amazing work but it's not exciting to watch someone sit at a computer it's not as creative the making of the just the weird [ __ ] they would have to do back in the day the the problem solving yeah it's really like amazing how much of this holds together as well as it does and this is this is back before acting with nothing was common have you ever seen the uh it's a little clip of behind the scenes from the first hobbit movie and it's ian mckellen completely surrounded by green and he has like a nervous breakdown i got absolutely miserable and had a little little cry to myself i didn't realize that the microphone i was wearing was open so everybody could hear me you have to hand it to bob hoskins because you know you watch the movie you don't notice that because because he does it well enough and you don't notice it he has great chemistry with roger rabbit who wasn't there when they made the movie although charles fleischer was there the voice of roger rabbit who has a little cameo in that chippendales movie but he uh he was on set in a rabbit suit for the entire making of this movie and it seems to have been his idea and i think he's a crazy person have you ever seen interviews and stuff with him he comes across a little unhinged well i've just approached this like i'd approach any role i don't consider this to be a voice over if anything it had to be categorized it's off camera acting [Music] just down in the basement not many people have basements in california i do when i when i first heard that he was on the set every day in a rabbit suit i thought it was a joke but i've seen this confirmed in too many different places by now to not believe it yeah and dear god i mean he's probably a great human being but i think he would have irritated the hell out of me that that's like that's like shades of uh jared leto as the joker like yeah sending people garbage in the mail because he's trying to stay in character it's like just don't do that [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] off morbius oh [ __ ] off jared leto you're an actor he's a big idiot i do love though that the morbius movie was like a giant flop and then it became a meme and the studio thought they were taking advantage of the meme by re-releasing the movie and then it flopped again that may be one of my favorite hollywood stories of all time though now that that's happened we can stop putting jared leto in movies just stop we're done we've reached the peak breeze and let it go [Music] he uh speaking of performances we got christopher lloyd in the movie it was great i didn't realize as a kid that that was doc brown i don't know i mean as a villain isn't he a little bit too cartoony that is one thing we're re-watching it now as an adult you're like well this isn't a surprise he looks so ridiculous compared to everybody else in the movie there's like subtle hints to it too which i kind of like the ad there's foreshadowing oh yeah he wears the glove to dip the shoe in the most horrific moment ever captured in a movie [Music] people people [ __ ] about that like that seems so horrible and it it does wonders for making you hate judge doom that's why it's horrible it does exactly what it should do it's perfect and i also love like uh all the the the like tension of dip oh my god it's dip and when they explain it it's just like acetone and turpentine it's basically like a paint thinner which makes sense no polish remover yeah which is hilarious but it's treated so seriously because it is in the in the world of the movie it is yeah and that shoe scene sets it up as the most horrible thing in the world perfectly yeah yeah you want to know how dangerous this is here's the cutest little cartoon character you've ever seen being horribly murdered it's something they needed too so there could be a threat to hang over roger's head because we see in the beginning of the movie you can set him on fire it doesn't [ __ ] matter he's a cartoon which is sort of another thing that's if you think about it too much it's sort of weird they establish like at that crime scene they're chipping off the paint from the rope he's like it's paint from the rabbit's glove and then jessica rabbit has the famous line i'm not bad i'm just drawn that way so it's like did somebody draw these characters and they came to life what is the backstory of all this i you know what they can't explain it they don't bother explaining it and they don't need to but it's one of those things where it's like if you think about it a little too much it's like those cars movies it's a world that exists solely of cars so why do they have like human-shaped doors cars is the world that happens after the google cars rebel and take over okay so at one point there was one point there was humans and all these cute characters murdered them yes okay i mean you know they were enslaved by them it makes perfect sense they would rise up and murder humanity speaking of slavery uh there's a hint of kind of the racism of the era they don't push it too far which is wise but that's definitely a part of it like the inca paint club that was a real thing where you would have these clubs where black performers could you know perform they could work there but they weren't allowed entrants as like guests of the club [Music] i know that kathleen turner is not seen during the jessica rabbit scenes that's not her singing no you think if that's the case they would cast like a an actual like professional singer but they cast uh amy irving it was an actress and like she was like carrie and i did not know that but just an actress you think they would cast an actual singer not just another actress to do the singing in the movie i did not know that well she knocked it out of the [ __ ] park because i love that number yeah it's a great scene and that's one that kind of incorporates in addition to the live-action animation stuff it's sort of like uh rotoscoping because like when she grabs the tie that's like clearly someone's hand and they animated over it that's that's one of the reasons i've heard i think it's on the commentary track they wanted her waist to be so skinny so there would be no doubt that they did not rotoscope somebody that's 100 an animated thing we did not cheat that's fair i mean it's it's all right it's the right decision anyway just because she looks so ludicrous that it's hilarious she's the cartoony femme fatale yes that works perfectly yes she only has the sparkly dress during that one scene though because again i'm sure the animators are like [ __ ] this that's another part in the wide there's a wide shot when uh eddie's sitting there and betty boops right next to him and uh it cuts to the stage and you see jessica rabbit in the foreground you see eddie valiant in the background but uh betty boop's just not there like it's such a wide shot can we just nod and then she's back for the next [Music] roger shot yeah what a lucky coil you know that was the original betty boop voice actress but uh i guess she was like 89 years old when she did that you know you shouldn't have done that oh dear did i break wind at her back i don't know how many i don't know much about the history of like mickey mouse as far as like who does his voice in this if that's someone that had done it for a long time i don't know about mickey mouse i know all the looney tunes are mel blank right you know donald duck is a new donald duck voice i think the the charles nash recently died at that point okay but i think it's i think it's smell blank though yeah i think it's one of his last times doing bugs bunny and all the looney all the looney tunes characters yeah you watch this and then you compare it to like space jam a few years later and it's like everyone's wrong every voice is off okay doc whatever you say is despair i'll uh be with you in a second folks after i finish with nature boy here it's like watching a muppet movie now everything's wrong everything kermit post jim henson just feels weird yeah well that's speaking of disney there was a guy steve whitmire who was a muppeteer for years and years even when jim henson was alive but he took over for kermit after jim henson died and he did a fine job but he was he was uh he was the voice of kermit all the way up till this disney plus era they fired him because he had a couple like criticisms of disney that he made public and they just got rid of them yeah which is [ __ ] yeah stay on board don't get out of line it's frightening that they now own everything which is i guess when i say like a movie like this one get made now it's entirely possible it will when disney buys warner brothers that'll happen someday the question is will it be made well probably not because that's the thing is like th this movie does have you know that like i love the donald and daffy duck piano off scene but it's like it's true to the characters everybody feels like they belong there and it never feels like i guess this was a stipulation where if you had us like the bugs and uh uh mickey mouse scene they had to be on screen for the exact same amount of time so there's all these like details to the contracts and stuff but you don't really think about it while you're watching the movie because the movie is so well made yeah and those scenes are so good yeah though though i don't know they're the bugs bunny and mickey scene i don't know mickey would be that cruel he wouldn't that's a stretch and i think he's out of character in this that drives me nuts he's not the one that gives him the spare though he's just kind of there mickey would never do something funny i'm gonna say right now i officially hate mickey mouse who likes mickey mouse i don't know i know he's like the mascot but you can look at olds like looney tunes cartoons and aside from the racist ones they all hold up but the the disney cartoons like i like his segment in fantasia like that with the dancing mops and stuff who have a cameo in in this movie but aside from that like who likes mickey mouse like as a character i have no idea this has baffled me for many years it really has i know there's a bit of a historical context to like steamboat willie but like anything else that mickey mouse has ever been with ben and who gives a [ __ ] he's just there he's just about he's just a person he's just cutesy cute he's cutesy he's heartwarming and cute saying [ __ ] him [ __ ] mickey mouse to death oh poor fella yeah [Music] [Music] roger rabbit is a character is sort of like the amalgamation of every major characteristic of all these different characters there's a lot of like obviously he's a rabbit but i'm sure there was a lot of i'm sure behind the scenes there was a lot of concern of not making him too much like bugs bunny yeah i'm sure that was a big pain in the ass and he's not at all no no no and that's as a kid i was always like why aren't there more roger rabbit movies there was never i was kept waiting for a sequel to this that never came they did a couple like shorts uh that played before other disney movies like i remember one of them played before honey i shrunk the kids they made me want to see movies i otherwise would not have given a [ __ ] about so they did their job but but it's weird because those shorts like baby herman's in it but he's a baby so you're watching like the character performing in these shorts it's sort of weird there's something like meta going on there they're like the cartoons they would have been making yeah rather than a follow-up to who framed roger abbott right but as a kid i was always like oh why don't they make more roger rabbit stuff but in re-watching the movie it's like he's perfect for this movie and this story and his character is so annoying intentionally where it's like he's perfect as a foil to bob hoskins and that's kind of it we don't need more roger rabbit this is the the perfect amount of him he's not a character that needs to endure or be in all sorts of other stuff like a bugs bunny just he works perfectly in this movie i i don't know what you would have done with a sequel to this yeah floating out there somewhere i've like obviously they've toyed around with the idea i've seen a screen test with a cgi roger rabbit nope it's floating yeah it's floating around out there but no don't need that no well it's like again we keep going back to this goddamn chippen's chippendale movie uh there's parts of it that are meant to look like 2d animation but they clearly aren't and it just it has a different look it has a different feel to it than the the hand-drawn animation yeah space jam space jam i mean the space jam there's looty tunes back in action which is not great but it's better than its reputation there's a couple gen i mean it's directed by joe dante and there's a couple of genuinely good sequences in it there's a part where they go to the louvre and the looney tunes are like jumping from one painting to the next yeah and it feels like a classic looney tune short it's really well done [Music] [Laughter] then there's just some joe dante in jokes the main plot is stupid and it suffers from what a lot of these movies do which is that even the live action characters kind of act like cartoon characters because they're like ah it's a kid's movie there's animated stuff in it so anything can be weird and goofy it's like no the real world stuff needs to be real like like in roger rabbit and one of the best bob hoskins is a [ __ ] drunk this is an animated kids movie and our hero is an alcoholic i do love his first meeting with rk maroon he's in his office and he and our cameroon is talking and we just show him like i am the booze behind him and the death of his brother is all played completely straight and that comes to the best line delivery in the movie when we discover what happened to his brother with uh uh joanna cassidy who plays the uh perfect 1940s dame running the bar toon killed his brother dropped the piano on his head it's delivered so straight but it's so absurd that it's funny even though it's a serious moment yes and it wouldn't work if it were delivered heavily so that and but yeah like looney tunes back in action has goofy stuff uh what else was there i never saw the new space jam i wasn't gonna bother did anybody there there is a lot of nostalgia for that first space jam movie which makes no sense to me because it's an awful movie i guess some people like it ironically like they know it's bad so that's fine whatever but i saw it in the theater because i loved roger rabbit it was like finally another [ __ ] live-action animated movie and then it's just i in the theater i was like that was [ __ ] terrible i mean we've referenced it before but it's it's ironically back in the day back in the day mike used to reference space jam all the time they're like like like over a decade ago mike used to use space jam almost like an exclamation that's space jam well i know he's he probably hasn't even seen it so [Music] but again i wonder if that's like the morbius thing where it's like people were meaning on morbia so the studio's like oh maybe there's some popularity to this after all if it's like oh people have continued to talk about space jam for 20 years let's make a sequel it's like no people talk about space jam because it sucks [Music] there's also cool world do you remember cool worlds oh yeah i do that was it was bad but which is disappointing because that's ralph actually he was an interesting animator who was always kind of doing his own thing but i'm assuming that god he was able to get that made because of roger rabbit i i haven't seen it forever i'm guessing it doesn't hold up although i do wonder people seem to like this chippendale movie uh i wonder if that'll revive interest in a new roger rabbit movie do they like the chippendale movie i think people genuinely like it okay and i know that the only reason i watched it and i did watch it uh sort of i kind of half watched it while i was doing other things but i heard it compared favorably to roger rabbit and then you watch it and you're like this movie wishes it was roger rabbit because i mean no joke that kind of inspired this review i think because we're talking about a movie to do and and i heard something about chip and dale and somebody said that's got something something like roger rabbit and roger rabbit was in my brain because of the chippendale movie so i'm like hey why don't we do a review on roger rabbit yeah so i started watching the chip and dale movie last night i can't i can't say i hate it it's it's relatively cute but that's it i might finish watching it later because i don't i don't hate it you mentioned it earlier but there's a section of town where all the the early 2000s animated characters live called the uncanny valley you know you know the problem with that is they explained the joke do you remember that weird animation style in the early 2000s where everything looked real but nothing looked right oh yeah that stuff was creepy they actually take the time in the movie to say this is the section of town where all of the character from those keep creepy uncanny valley movies from the early 2000s they all live here and aren't their eyes freaky yeah it's just like the polar express do they specifically mention polar express he's got those polar express eyes so they ruin it by explaining the joke by over explaining it like if they just said this part of town this is the uncanny valley and then we would visually see all these characters and like we would get it immediately in roger rabbit like they're he's at maroon studios in the beginning and there's just all of these animated cows like like in line for something and there's a sign on the wall in the background that says cattle call [Laughter] an extraordinarily clever joke and it's just in the background and this is why roger rabbit holds up but yeah there's stuff like that where it's like they kind of ruin their own jokes and it also has a lot of the like the joke is just a reference i need i would i wouldn't i would need i would need to analyze this movie with scientists to figure out just figure out how i feel about it okay and you're going to do this then you know what if you send us enough on our patreon if we get a hundred thousand dollars out of patreon this month i will analyze chippendale rescue rangers with a small team of scientists and we will figure out whether or not it is in fact funny rich your value is worth a lot more than a hundred thousand dollars if our patreon gets to five hundred thousand dollars next month rich is going to analyze the chippendales movie be careful with that gun this ain't no cartoon you know there's no way to make a living um but yeah as i said there'll never be a movie like this again both in terms of the technology used to make it the cleverness of the writing uh compared to other ip bash up stuff that comes out now executed perfectly executed executed absolutely flawlessly except when bob hoskins turns into a pancake check it out it's on disney plus you can watch that and chip and dale rescue rangers double feature double feature night you can watch roger rabbit and then fall asleep to chip and nail rescue rangers yeah yeah definitely suggest that order okay okay [Music]
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 1,144,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans
Id: RgnN62S02xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 1sec (2941 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 21 2022
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