The NEXT STEP! Danny Corn

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hello everybody it's Danny and welcome back from Deep South Homestead well guys the day has come we are now processing the Danny corn getting it ready to put into the freezer so that we can get it ready to put on the market for the seeds now what I'm doing is all these here that's in the old antique corn dryers they're dry and what I'm doing is I'm just going in and I'm I'm pulling one of these ears off like this here and I'll just kind of show you a little bit about the process that I do I have a bucket here this is for the chickens now I don't keep any of the seeds for uh for planting from around the bottom here and where they grow corn yes they'll grow corn it's not that they want real corn it's just that I use equipment to do my planting with and I like long flat seeds because they tend to work better than these little short round stubby seeds here plus if you've got any insect issues it's usually right around the bottom or right around the top up here and I don't keep the top for anything I'll give that to the chickens so I'll throw that in there and then I slide my pan over my Danny corn usually around it a lot of people go how many rows of corns on it well mine ranges between 12 and 15. now this one here we can start with the dark colored one is one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve on this one they range between 12 and 15 12. being the most common but occasionally if it's a really large ear I do get 14 or 15 out of it and then I just take my thumb and this corn is it likes to hang on real good so you got to kind of push pretty hard on it too get those first two rows uh go in there and now once you get the first two rows broke loose the rest of them come loose pretty easy and then this is you know this is what you end up with is big pretty seeds like this and and by doing it by hand like this I also can watch and if I start running into anywhere that I see where insects is eating to it or anything like that I usually can see it and I can stop and I can take those seeds out of it now not to say that they won't be some that'll Escape into it because there will be and another thing I'll mention this to you while we're while we're at this point almost all my carbs now are red I've only found out of the I think I've done like 15 or 16 or something like that I've only found one real white one and two that's kind of partially white this year they're all red on it now also while I'm doing this I look for Alpha toxin now Alpha toxin is a poison that's created by a mold that gets in your corn and both and I very seldom ever have anything like that but occasionally if it's been damp and rainy or something like that and the corn didn't fall down in time then it would get real moldy it'll be just like a gray mold growing all inside the corn and all and I just throw those away I don't actually use them but then I just come along sideways you run it sideways in and you can just show your corn right off and then when I get to the top up here I stop wherever the kernels stop being long at I'll stop and if you don't have an insect issue it's usually going to be right here at the top now this year we were we've been blessed we really didn't have any corn worm problems or nothing like that to to eat into the corn and give us any kind of issues we uh we planted at the right times and got out of the cycles of most of the worms and the insects and stuff like that and we did really good at now when I get through with this one here I want to I want to show you a couple of other things ah we do have a hand sheller that we could shell with but bigs I'm going to be selling these for seeds I don't want the Burrs on the hand shower damaging the kernels of corn I would rather do it by hand all the seeds that I sell is done literally by hand and they also make a thing that fits in the palm of your hand it's a leather thing it's got a little Burr on it the Amish use it a lot different people it's a shell corn with uh I have one but there again I don't want to uh to damage it now this is the cob that we have left and it's it's good 12 inches long I suppose and I leave the kernels around the top here and I'll throw it in a five gallon bucket over there and every day this one that will walk out and she will throw several of them over into the chicken pan and the chickens will peck around and get the kernels of corn off of the tops of it here for their diet and then after a while these will actually lay in the chicken yard and they'll roll around in all the chicken manure and all that kind of stuff and they'll absorb all the ammonia and the nitrogen stuff that's in the chicken manure and all in it and then we will go in and rake all these up and we can take them and store them and then when it comes time to plant Our tomato plants next year we dig a post hole with post hole digger and we drop these down in a hole then they become a sponge to not only do they hold water down there for the plants and The Roots they're good organic matter and they're a fertilizer stick for your tomatoes so remember you heard that first at Deep South Homestead now a lot of people ask about the kernels uh what size are they okay now most of them range about a half an inch you can see that we're laying right beside it right there it's a half an inch uh some of them are a lot larger let me see if I can get one right up here and I'll lay it on the tape measure you can see this one here is almost three quarters of an inch it's like 11 16 it's almost three quarters of an inch long so they range anywhere between you know one half and I think it's not getting nothing up on there there we go right there that one's that one is a half a little over half about 9 16 of an inch long but that the average is one half to three quarters of an inch there's one there that's a good 5 8 of an inch long so people always want to know uh are they little dinky little kernels are they big kernels so these are pretty long kernels Here and Now not this is what I have right here so far this is just and that looks like a lot of seeds you know I mean it looks like a lot but guys what I do is I go through it and I pick out the ones that I want to sell for seeds I like big wide long flat seeds and anything that I look at that I feel like is non-desirable for seeds to be sold or to be or meet a plant they go into a separate bag in that bag will be used for cornmeal we will grind those seeds up uh to make our cornmeal out of and you can see I have more of them here drying behind me and we have them in the house because the air conditioner is running in the house and the air conditioner what it does in order to cool a house down as it pulls the moisture out of the house and what it's doing is it's pulling all the moisture out of all this corn and making it dry really faster than it would outside because we have extreme high humidity here we are where we're at and if I hang them outside the humidity the night air and the humidity is constantly they're absorbing moisture and then the heat of the day it pulls it out but they're absorbing pulling it out if I leave them just sitting up in the house like this then I can literally Drive in half the time that I do outside so guys keep your eyes on our Etsy store because I'm going to leave these in the freezer for about two weeks well it will be two weeks I'll leave them in every two weeks then I will take them out spread the seeds out I will let them acclimate to the temperature of the house here and then I will go through them by hand at night when I have time and I will begin to put them in packets we probably will put them up on our Etsy store somewhere around the first of September and by then hopefully I will have enough done that we can meet our quota that we'll be having for the year and I will be able to have everything pretty much lined out we'll have all of our seed packs bought in all of our envelopes in labels and stuff like that we'll have all that in so that we can begin to ship out now the question is going to be asked do you sell it by the pound the answer is no we do not sell it by the pound we sell it by the pack and there probably will be a limitation per order on the number of packs that you can order because we have so many hundreds of people who are interested in the Danny corn that we want to be fair to everybody so that they have an opportunity to purchase this year because this year has been a really good year if we get the rest of it out of the field before it gets too wet or something it ruins then we'll have a decent year but if we something happens and storms come in and it gets wet and it messes it up and this is all we have then we have to take care of ourselves and we try to take care of y'all Plus have our own seed to save for next year uh stuff to grind for grits cornmeal corn flour this is a dent corn let me let me mention that it's a coin that I created over 30 years ago it makes fantastic cornmeal corn flour grits and I know the question is going to be asked what color is it all porn it doesn't matter if it's the red the yellow the off the orange color the blue it's white on the inside or yellow should I say it's more yellow on the inside but it will have a Motley colored Flex in it it won't be bright yellow it will be kind of a colored yellow if you want to use that term but it does make fantastic grips cornmeal and corn flour now the corn flour comes out almost all yellow because it sifted so fine that you don't really get all those Flex in it but now the grits and the cornmeal will have the red and the blue and the different tinges mixed in with it so guys I wanted to throw this little quick video up here to show you how I'm going about it where we're at with the process it does look like we're going to be able to sell some this year we don't take pre-orders we don't take people's names and put them on a list it is a first come first serve basis uh Wanda and I are run ragged like it is we're only doing this out of the goodness of our heart to try to help other people or otherwise we keep it all and grind it for cornmeal feed it to the cows feed it to the chickens but so many have requested the corn for the seeds that we thought we would bless everybody as much as we could but we do not take lists or we go through it we don't take emails and go through them none of that kind of stuff we don't keep your emails we don't keep none of that stuff just simply because we don't have time we're running a farm we're living off the land we're homesteading the way it's supposed to be done and when you do that it is work from way before daylight till way after dark every night and there's very little time for anything else so just keep that in mind and just want to let you know uh where we're at with it and before I get off guys I do want to say uh a thank you to everyone who kept me into prayers because it was very unexpected and you want to have these big plans for the day and we got up one morning about three o'clock in the morning and I had a kidney stone attack I made it till about 5 30 and at that point I was like I gotta go to a doctor and we went to the ER and luckily while we were in the ER they gave me some pain meds to kill the pain and it passed into my bladder while we were there so um it still has it exited the body yet but we praising the Lord for the fact that we're having some good results from it right now and I want to once again thank y'all for your prayers because it did mean a lot and I believe it worked I believe y'all's prayers caused that thing to pass while I was in the ER and not have to go through some kind of horrendous surgeries or anything like that so thank you guys from Deep South Olmstead
Channel: Deep South Homestead
Views: 17,015
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Keywords: Deep South Homestead, homesteading, homestead life, danny corn, field corn, field corn harvest, saving corn for seed, how to save corn seed, how to save corn seeds for next year, how to save corn seeds for planting, tips for saving corn seeds, seed saving tips, how to grow corn, natural health, gluten free, simple life, debt free, self sufficient, non gmo, harvesting corn on the cob, harvesting corn, danny corn seeds, how to grow corn at home, homesteading for beginners
Id: CgKqfC43Ufw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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