NO Manure in the Garden???? Why We DON'T Use Cow, Goat or Horse Manure

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Holy crap that is scary. Thanks for the heads up!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/shryke12 📅︎︎ May 24 2023 đź—«︎ replies
good morning everybody Danny Wanda back from Deep South Homestead I want to take just a moment this morning before we get busy we got to pick all this this morning uh and talk to you about Amino prilids there's products out there called grazon that so many people are getting their crops ruined by we uh it happened to us this is a garden right here we were feeding our goats years ago Grace uh hay that we were buying in town we got the bright idea my barn was full of goat manure so I took my bucket on my tractor out there my front end loader and we got like six big giant scoops of it and brought it and spread it all in here in the fall and I was thinking man well we're gonna have a garden this year like you won't believe we got in here and planted our garden it grew up and all wilted down died and we didn't you couldn't figure it out we thought it was a cold weather we thought all kind of different things we were running over these different scenarios after we put everything in a high tunnel one whole side of it over there it was like two years later we did that this one was still struggling we couldn't figure out what was wrong we'd get tomato plants up here like this and they just Wilt and die and we had pots in front of our house that we'd put that soil in just wilting and dying tomato plants get up big and beautiful and we were like freaking out not knowing what was going on until one day I just happened to bump into someone in the feed store and was telling them about what I was what was going on the guy told me he said well it's your hay you were feeding your goats I said what he said yeah he said we all spray our hay with graze on I said what is graze on he said it's a herbicide used to kill weeds in the field he said everybody want no weeds in their grass everybody sprays it on their hay fields he said it's an amino product he said it'll kill your plants and I come home and started doing research into I think it was Dupont the company that created graze on and guys I began to look into it I got sick I got totally sick because I mean I put bucket pools of that stuff in this Garden and Dupont owner I think I hope I was saying it right Dupont was on their website was talking about grazon and they said they released themselves from being responsible for anything because they say the farmer that uses it has the responsibility to tell people that he's used grazon in his hay that he feeds his animals and I begin to dig deeper and realize that the beef this grass-fed beef that everybody's so crazy about it's got grazon remedy 24d all this kind of stuff in it and I come home and I'm like I don't know what we're going to do now this was our garden spot or one of our garden spots plus my high tunnel I don't put it in my hot tunnel I had tomato plants Up This Tall tomatoes that big around they just started wilting and dying well on the company's website they said that you could plant a monocot which is grass or corn or something like that on it and within three to four years it would pull most of it out but if you did nothing and did not plant any monocots it could take up to 10 years and at my age I was like this is my garden you know what am I going to do so we we started planting stuff in here trying to pull it out pull it out pull it out as much as we could we even came in and added we scooped a lot of that dirt off and I had these ponds Doug and I brought that pond dirt and put it in here and tried to mix it in you know as much as I could flat breaking it turning it you know and this is the result like was it four years later from the time we realized we had Grayson we have not been able to get a snap beam to grow in here at all I mean we tried and tried and tried and we just failed at it and we just gave up here on green beans we started growing in the high tones I had to dig a whole section of my high tunnel out and take the dirt and put it off behind my dam on my pond where I didn't want any weeds at and literally put it back there and let the grass grow and pull the monocot I mean pull the grazon out of it and re-putting new dirt in the high tunnel before I could get anything to grow I had pots in there and I didn't know which ones them had it in it I had to wait and plant in them see which plants died take those pots out dump them clean them and put them back and put new soil in them so guys this is something that no nobody's thinking about people's like you need to mulch your garden with a good straw or a good hay or a good disc or a good that I will not Wanda and I now have the last four years have found a gentleman who we get our hay from now who does not spray his fields and that has been one of the greatest blessings we have ever had now at this point are we using our cow manure this year in my barn over at the other property I probably might start using it but here never because grazon's already been in these barns in manure and I don't know if I'll ever get it all cleaned out so I won't do it here but over there yes I will do it so we're going to get out here this morning and we're going to start picking these Cherokee yellow wax beans the best Bean we've ever come across as far as just peeing a good Bean for grilling canning eating guys it's fantastic and these plants look at them they are beautiful you're going to ask me what I fertilize them with I use 8 24 24 you do not want a high nitrogen fertilizer with any Bean or pea you want high phosphorus and high potassium and phosphorus mainly but this is what you want especially during blooming season on it so Let's Get Busy let's see if we can't get some of these beans picked this morning [Music] [Laughter] and I might add while we go along if we find any bad leaves any diseased leaves like these here where they've been laying on the soil we take all that off while we're going through foreign guys miss Wanda was picking Along on her side and she got right here and she said Danny something done bit the top out of these plants right here I was like what we ain't had no problems with nothing out here we were thinking insects or something like that and then we moved over right here and there this was a culprit we got a little deer and this is a little one we haven't had any deer messing with anything on our property so we haven't put out any bone sauce we haven't done anything and well I guess all that's fixing to change fixing going to armor movement is one that says we fixing to yeah and luckily nothing messed with the sweet potatoes because usually they just mow them off now I don't even know if they've been in the sweet potatoes but it doesn't look like anything has messed with anything but you don't ever know they could have just walked through here um we just plowed these and look at this right there they walk down the road mama I'm trying to figure out where to come from I'm backtracking you know me I'm a Tracker nope they ain't eating nothing that's a God thing there now right here right down through here right up through here I think they still interested in these acorns because we got so many acorns still on the ground from last year yep these tracks are right here they had to have come down this way so they probably jump the bone sauce is going out the ribbons is going out we go into hyper mode here so yep yep yep yep guys let me take you up here and show you oh we've picked three rows so far and this is not our big picking our big picking will probably come later next week this is just our well we had a little picking the other day went through and picked out the old plants but um we've got this many so far which is about uh three gallons I guess the size of those pots and this Wanda still got a whole row to go here I'm fixing to jump in there and help her and we're gonna get these things picked out and we fix and go into full stealth armor mode because we ain't about to let these things go here now and might want to add guys a lot of people are using a lot of hay and stuff like that please please be careful where you get your hay from even if you know the people question them because if you poison your soil I don't know if we have enough time left to be able to work it out and get your garden going as short of Food Supplies as we're fixing to start having and are having and the price of food now that may not be that there's not any food it might be the price of the food is what's going to be the biggest issue if food was to Triple right now people would be in trouble and that's why it's so important and believe it or not I mean everybody says oh you're a conspiracy theorist no there is an agenda out there to promote organic gardening and to get people to buying things that they ought not buy and put into their soil that's contaminating their soil thinking that they're doing good because you're listening to one who made that mistake so I'm telling you these stuff you buy from stores if any if any of them says anything about having Commodore in it I would steer from it now I know a lot of people use it out there and I've used it in some sparsely and not had any bad results but I've used it and had bad results I mean I've bought some black cow and had all my plants die you know I have to empty the dirt out of the pot put new soil in there and regrow stuff and it grows fine so anything you did that has cow manure in it at all or horse manure goat manure sheep manure anything like that be careful please be careful do not contaminate your soil now there's a lot of YouTube channels out there that has a lot to say about this because it's happened to them I guess David the good friend of ours uh probably had the First videos out there that I knew about about grazon we were right behind him and then I think roots and refuge and uh Billy and Michelle up at permapastures they've had it happen to them I mean guys it's happening to everybody that's trying to Garden the right way there's an agenda to stop us by contaminating are fertilizers so please be careful about what you use thank you guys from Deep South Homestead still tracking well guys we just ran out our electric fencing here we don't have it charged or anything like that we've taken and we had a bunch of old uh row cover and we tore strips off of it we hung it all around it everywhere because that stuff blows in the wind constantly even the slightest Breeze will move it and what we're going to do we put these two tomato cages up here we got several more of them we may stick along here because this is the direction they're coming from and deer are creatures of habit you know they they tend to do the same thing over and over and over and if they're we put these here and we notice something in some other direction will make some kind of alternate changes there but the next thing we're going to do is we're going to get the bone sauce it's over at Pecan Grove we gotta go get it bring it over here and we're gonna put some bone sauce out around here on those flags and that way you can take it off and you don't get it on your wire you don't get it on your plants and stuff like that we learned a hard lesson over at the Pecan Grove we covered up one of our columnar apple trees with bone sauce and it's not doing too good so we're going to go back and clean it off um I think we put too much on the tree is what happened he's saying one to put too much on the tree well miss Wanda put too much on the tree okay I'll just go ahead and say it uh so we're not putting it on trees anymore well we're not putting that much of it on trees she slathered it from top to bottom up and down the trees you know and that tree puts on apples at each stage spur coming up the tree is a columnar it puts apples on all the way up and it's and it's messed it up this year so lesson learned uh we're gonna get some ribbon stuff and tie on this uh some pieces of cloth or something other uh and we're gonna put the bone sauce on these and probably several more around the patch here and hopefully that will spare us from anything visiting this Garden again until we at least get a majority of it harvested because that is the uh that's our that's our goal anyway now we have a sweet potato patch on the back heel back here has no protection around it we have it all up here so we got to go back there and put some bone sauce out around it some tomato cages with some ribbon stuff on it to put the bone sauce on and try to keep the deer out of the Sweet Potato Patch back there
Channel: Deep South Homestead
Views: 450,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Deep South Homestead, homesteading, homestead life, cow manure, cow manure fertilizer, cow manure for plants, herbicides in agriculture, herbicide spraying techniques, herbicides and pesticides, #herbicides, herbicide damage, herbicides explained, grazon herbicide, grazon contamination, cow manure fertilizer uses, turning cow manure into fertilizer, grazon herbicide contamination, gardening 101 vegetables, how to grow vegetables at home, how to grow vegetables from seeds
Id: XTqzYo04_bw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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