Unlock The SECRETS to Growing Sweet Potato Slips!

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for [Music] Miss Dixie Miss Daisy come on that's a good girl that's some good girls come on Miss Daisy okay tell you if you just throw it out there they just walk all in they're hanging every look at the Bears goodness gracious and you just picked them my word good morning everybody it's danan w back from Deep South Homestead uh today look at my sweet potato slips guys we have never let them go this far before planting but we haven't had any ground ready so we're we're a month behind schedule everything has been piling up on me uh so it's time for me to start pulling these babies up out of here and see if I can't get us some slips ready to go in the ground cuz I got to have my sweet potatoes if you now when I planted these I just come along here and dug me a fur in the ground across here and I just laid these sweet potatoes end to end in here covered them up moisten them just a little bit and be honest with you I'll be honest with you I have not watered them but maybe once or twice since then it's been like a month and this is a month's worth of growth right here so what we're going to do is to show you here I'm going to take these and this is probably the most wonderful sweet potato slips you'll ever get look at this right here they got some roots on them now what I do y'all seen me do this before I just go ahead and take these bottom leaves off right here cuz they're going to they're not going to serve any purpose whatsoever plus it takes some of the stress off of the plant when you plant it and you want to leave look at that that is thatly perfect you don't realize how long that is look at this here 18 in tall maybe 16 to 18 in tall perfect and you want to always put them in some water soon as we get through with this I'm going to put some water in the bucket there and there's another one that's what you want when you're looking at a sweet potato slip right there this is the epitome of perfection with sweet potato slips oh look at that I'm going to tell you what and some healthy stems too I this I don't think I've ever grow them this pretty I mean literally look at that that's like beautiful now these are going to be a little more difficult here and you're holding on to the potato I'm holding on to the potato where I don't pull it up out of the ground because it'll make more slips look at this look at this look at this and you could break those up make Vines I could but we've got plenty so I'm not going to be worrying with it but uh you you could actually chop it in half you could leave these leaves on here and chop it in half but look at that now now I'll bury it up probably that deep in the ground when I bury it so that's why I don't worry about them being so long and when you have one like this you can uh you can cut it in half if you want to that is not a problem matter of fact many places do that look at that I may just leave it whole cuz it's got a good root system on it so because we're so far behind I'll I'll break these off right here and take some of the pressure off of it and now it will root at every every leaf nodule it will put a root on right here so right in there they'll root what is that on there that's blooms already trying to come out it's already got Bloom it's already trying to bloom on me I trying to tell you we're running way way behind schedule we just going to harvest them this morning get these babies out of here we got to go get them in the ground we got rain possibly tomorrow or possibly tonight uh so we want to try to get get these in the ground early in the morning you don't want to wait and put things in the ground up during the day that's that that's probably the worst thing you can do with any plant is try to wait up it in the day you want to do it before the sun comes up if you can if it all possible for the best success all right guys this is what you get when you grow them in the soil versus trying to grow these things like you see these people trying to grow them in a jar or sitting in a window seal somewhere this is what happens when you put them in the soil like they're supposed to be done God intended for this stuff to be grow in the soil not in jars now will it work yeah it'll work but why why take second best when you can have now that should be two plants this should be but I only have one set of roots so what we're going to do now you see what I'm doing right here I just pull this off this we can stick in some water in a jar and let it root because we're pulling it off of here and I would rather root it before I put it in the ground so a matter of fact I'll lay it out to the side and I've got another one here like you see how this one wies off right here we only got one set of roots what I'll do is I'm going to break this one and we're going to take this one and we're going to stick this one now you got some little Roots up here see how the little Roots is already coming out on it we're going to take this one and put it in some water and uh see if we can't get it to root a little bit before we actually stick it in the soil all right we got as long as we got a little bit of roots on the stem of it I don't worry too much about it now this right here makes really good rabbit food or cow feed whatever you got goats they all love sweet you could eat them I mean there's nothing wrong with them you can take them in the house and uh you could stir fry them babies up and these are good stir fried yes these are really good stir fried I'm just I let these go too long is what I did all right what we done is we we dug our potatoes Over Yonder and see sweet potatoes and Irish potatoes are not in the same family so we're going to plant these right where we had our Irish potatoes at so what we done was we dug our potatoes then we came in with the tiller and we tilled the ground and we fertilized it and tilled it beded it back up let it set for a day now we're going to be putting these in going back in there putting these yeah this is boy this is beautiful these are outstanding and out of that one little what 10t spot you probably going to get I'll have plenty 40 I'll have plenty probably about 40 slips huh or more plus there might be a few in my high tunnel too I think we going to have a bunch that's just look that is already trying to grow a tater oh my oh my that ain't good that's really kind of early that means it's been in here too long that's what I'm saying with some of them wanting to bloom yeah them wan to bloom already yeah that's I think they've been in here more than two months I don't know if they how long oh yeah quite a while I was thinking it was only like a month no theyve been in here a long time I guess time flies when you having fun yep oo look at this here CU see I done got all mine planted and I planted mine nearly a month ago we going to have to take them over to the rabbits or something oh look at here this is what you run into look at that big worm big old big old worm cut worm army worm whatever you want call them babies um even in high tunnels yep coming up out of soil in the high tunnel that root MK there that's what you now guys if y'all are interested in knowing how to do this I do have a manual that I have wrote over on deeps South homestead. etsy.com and you can grow these kind of slips here good thing they don't have no thorns on them oh I know that's what I love about them they have no Thorns I mean at that look at look at the size of them berries goodness gracious alive and this is this is no effort you know no nothing but watering has been done to these and sometimes no water we don't even fertilize them I mean the ground in here is so rich till then if I wasn't a monkey this would be a job well we needed to have cut them back I should have cut them back but you know what I've learned if I just let them go and do what they naturally do uh yeah just let nature do what it normally does uh it they seem to do better yeah I'm just trying to make sure we're going to be making blackberry juice I made some the other day look at my ha yeah I know I was wondering when goodness gracious Danny they'll all make good juice even if they touch red my goodness look at this and blackberry juice is super healthy for you I want to drop them on the dirt now I mean that's what five that's a handful just a few berries I try to p all those Dead Leaves while I'm going up here that's a goath berry there now wow Ain that a that huge look at that okay we in Miss W's High tunnel and you know what they some there some slips over here I can't just walk off and leave them look how pretty look at that I can grow slips look at them beautiful beautiful slips look at that man and it don't matter about how tall they don't have to be really really tall well I've done harvested these a couple of times yeah I was want to say one's done been see getting them off of here she got the whole hot on full and over there on that side these were planted about a month ago and so I have a healthy Sweet Potato Patch going on D yep you we talk about not watering sweet potato slips uh I sprinkle them that that is only when we say that that's only when you first plant them but once the slips start coming up it's okay to water them every week because that helps them grow a good you know a good root system yeah you don't want to sogg the potato right but you want to keep enough moisture for the slip to for the slip to grow to get some roots on them those are some healthy slips Papa those some nice looking slips there yeah we just got to make sure we got enough to get planted cuz we are running way behind and there's a few on the other side I had another few planted over there that you can takeen plant I think I'm going to divide that one think I am right here divide this one up stick this one here you can either Bank it like in some soil till it forms some Roots keep it out of the Sun and then you can go ahead and plant your you go ahead and plant the sevs show banking right there and we'd know what that is yeah like it'd be just like going over out in the soil like that and taking them and just in a soil in a shady place and do that right there and it just keep it really really wet uh don't let it dry out and when this thing then like I say a week come back and it'll just pull right up out of the ground it'll be covered up in Roots this is my little corner of plants and this is uh oh is this a plant or is this a slip they were supposed to be slips but they may have went too far too yep that's what I was fixing to say this here got that's pretty slip there look how dark green they are no insect damage growing in in a grower solution High tunnel that's it look at that ain't that pretty mhm you know what I'm going to do we going make two yeah we going to make two out of that one cuz we lay this over here to be stuck be banked this one here we definitely going to have to do that way let me go ahead and just break out the old pocket knife might as well get totally nasty here don't seem like I can do anything without getting completely d dir and see we got new ones coming up we keep pulling them up don't take the ters up cuz the new ones just keep coming back hold your tater where it won't come up out of the ground see that how Tater comes up we going to have to bury it back bury it back but what we're going to do is we're going to come here and like right here we going to cut that one off and I actually have a slip there a slip there yeah so wow let's just do this right here let me get because this we don't want this much on here uh it ain't going to hurt it trust me it's not going to hurt it these things are some pretty hearty things that's why of their survival food they're are great survival food I mean last year ours grew in a drought yeah we had no moisture and we didn't water them nope I don't believe in doing no more watering than I have to now this one has a few Roots trying to form on it so it won't take it long when we Bank it to uh actually make Roots look at the roots nice set of roots there let's get all this off of here that's what you have right there look at that nice set of roots nice nice nice set of roots put us a little soil back over that that way that one will be ready to go that one right here I think this one will be okay I'm just going to trim a little bit of the top off it'll be fine and we got don't freak out if they a little short they don't ain't going to hurt nothing long as they got one little root like that that's all you get from the companies and when you buy them that's what you get when you buy them right there and half dead yeah half dead no leaves on them usually yeah it's just it's just this part right here yeah you'll get about like that right there and this would be about dead yep just a stem with a leaf all right oh I see some more back here yeah one more it's trying to make a tater this done got look at the vines on this baby you make a couple of three out of that one that's definitely going to have to happen we got to get rid of that little tater my goodness look at this I'm make two out of that one yeah I'm going cut this into two we're going to bank it we get us a damp Place probably in our other high ton with shade cloth we'll Bank them in there and all the rest of these are planted that was the only little spot I had with potatoes in it for slips and the rest is all growing and taking over my high tunnel it'll be a jungle in here in a month or in a month you won't be able to get around in here okay guys I'm getting totally covered up here uh one thing about gardening you're always going to have soil all over you you never never you never stay clean uh we had a sign here used to say the gardeners know all the dirt uh which is true uh but we're in M W's hot tonel here from Grower Solutions and if you want to see uh an array of different things that have been growing in a grower solution hon go check out Miss Wanda's uh Channel she she has crazy days plus uh over here on Deep South Homestead she grows and we've had everything in here from onions English peas Cherokee Tans Tomatoes now she's got okra uh sweet potatoes she's growing peas popcorn popcorn uh cucumbers uh flowers aloe vera I mean uh mint lettuces and peppercorn uh spinach and all kinds of stuff I mean I could just keep going on one that's grown everything in here you know so uh if you want to see how that's done in one of these Grower Solutions High tunnels guys you can grow anything in the world one of these things let me tell you something it is amazing what you can do with these things if you get them set up right so guys the ochre is looking good I probably need to come back and thin it out a little bit cuz it looks a little thick but time are wasting here we got a little ways to go to get over to pean Gro before the sun gets up on us and we got to see if we can't we got a cloudy day rain coming tonight hopefully we got to get over there and see if we can't get these sweet potato flips in the ground and get some food growing guys thank you guys from Deep South Homestead
Channel: Deep South Homestead
Views: 11,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Deep South Homestead, homesteading, homestead life, sweet potato slips how to start, sweet potato slips planting, sweet potato slips growing, sweet potato slips in soil, sweet potato slips deep south homestead, sweet potato slips to harvest, growing sweet potato slips in a high tunnel, growing sweet potatoes in a high tunnel, how to grow sweet potatoes in a high tunnel, growing okra in a high tunnel, gardening tips and tricks, growing sweet potatoes
Id: nafX9XewcY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 10sec (1270 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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