Ready For Corn In 2024? Here's What You Need To Know!

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[Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] but look at it the defense and worked well from grower solution but this is something you have to contend with vines growing up in it weeds growing at the bottom but overall it helped up really well foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Wanda back from Deep South Homestead guys we're at Pecan Grove today is the first not the first cool day we've had but the first cool morning in a long time uh still gonna get hot during the day though so we're right here early this morning uh the corn field we had here the corn stalks were like four inches thick on the ground because there was such tall big stalks this year such a great year for corn for us we had a fantastic year we taking and let it lay in rot for a while after we Bush hogged it we'd really like using the uh the disc type uh turn plow because the stalks and everything when we come to them it literally just cuts them it doesn't it's not like a moldboard plow a moldboard plow just rolls everything over this actually Cuts everything in its path and rolls it over that's one reason we prefer you know this type of plow in this particular plow was my father's uh he had it when he was a younger man and I've since got it I've let people borrow it and they broke it and I've had to have it fixed but it's one of them things you know you just it's old equipment and you have to it still works I mean you don't want to get rid of it because it still works but we we've taken that now what we're doing is we're flipping uh I'm going down around 12 to 16 inches deep down to the clay and I'm running right along the edge of the clay flipping the topsoil over on top of the corn stalks now it doesn't cover every one of them up but it covers most of them up and it puts good organic matter back deep under the ground now what I plan on doing is coming back in here in probably a month or so and re-applying the line if y'all watched this last year we had a soil analysis done on this and my soil test recommended that we put half of the lime out one the first year and half of the lime the second year because it called for two tons one and a half to two tons per acre to get it back up to a 6.8 pH for a cornfield or a vegetable garden so we'll be coming in and we'll be lining it really really heavy again with the right amount of lime then we will disc it all in and after we disc it we will run over it with the section Hera and we will level it all back out really good and then we will end up seeding it probably with broadleaf mustard now uh we haven't had any problem with nematodes yet but why wait till you have a problem when you use Broad Leaf mustards uh in a place and you let them grow up really big and deep and then in the spring you mow them down and then you turn them under within a few within a few hours really it puts out a chemical in the soil that prevents the nematodes from ever getting really getting a good foot hold now that is what we plan on doing and y'all probably noticed the way I did it I throw both outside edges of the field out and I ended up with a very deep Furrow in the center of the field that was on purpose because we've had such a dry summer this year that any rain accumulation we get I want that to have a pond all the way down through the middle of it so that it can soak back underground and soak back out into the soil when I come back with my disc I would set my front blades on my disc at a very sharp angle and I will run down each side of it and throw the dirt back into the middle of it and it'll be back in a level field again and it will be watered deep under the soil and probably before I Garden this coming year here I'm probably going to go back and even subsoil it to break that pan now that I've got the dirt broke down to the pan uh the secret to a successful garden in the soil out there like that is to break that pan you want it where the moisture from down can come up and you want it where the moisture from the top can go down you don't end up with a mud hole in your garden and also you want it where your roots can get down and get minerals that's been locked up in the subsoil so there's a lot to doing this um now you'll notice around the edges we have the deer fencing around the edges this came from Grower Solutions it done a fantastic job this year we had no problems with deer getting into our garden this year uh the one we had a few issues with it I'm not going to lie about it Vines and weeds wanted to grow up on it because you can't really get up too close to it with a lawnmower without running the risk of uh maybe catching the netting or something now we could have sprayed it with vinegar or something like that but we did not do that secondly right at the probably the last month of our drying of our corn the raccoons figured out they could climb over it now they didn't try to chew a hole through it there's no holes chewed in it nowhere they didn't try to go under it because the way we put it down we laid it out on the ground flat at the bottom so they'd be standing on it when they tried to you know go through it and go under it they'd be standing on it that worked out really well the only problem we had was about a month before it matured all the way to the being completely dry they figured out how to climb it and they climbed over the top of it and would just drop to the inside and they would eat and eat and eat and then they would go climb back over and the weight of the raccoon all I had it held up with was zip ties on those metal poles well it pulled it down on the metal poles and they eventually figured out that once they got it pulled down they could just go over it pretty easy and I ended up eradicating several raccoons because of that out of the field here which we needed to do anyway but even with that the deer would come along the outside edges of it but they never really came in it so we're glad about that and we will use it again now when I plowed we had to take it up and roll it back to the sides now one other thing we did do or I didn't do it Miss Wanda and Miss Jennifer did it they came back and took Garden Staples like you put down uh ground fabric with and they went down the edges in between those posts and they drove them in the ground on that deer fencing to help hold it down and that's probably why nothing really went under it to be honest with you okay I know a lot of y'all are going to ask the question if you're going to line just like that what about the blueberries that's out there well the blueberries that's out there we have a plan this year we're gonna probably somewhere else on the property we're gonna dig a bunch of holes with the bucket on the tractor and I'm gonna come over here and just dig down and scoop up the tree the dirt and everything and take it and go set it in holes in the ground on the property and we're going to get those blueberries out of the garden area right here that was a poor design to start with whoever put them in there and we're going to try to transplant them into dead of winter and see if we can't keep from losing them that way and that way we'll have the whole garden uh open and free we won't have to worry about the blueberries or anything to that nature so that maybe that'll answer that question I know is going to be asked all I can say my friends is stay with us here at Deep South Homestead as we show you uh what we're doing both at Deep South Homestead and at Pecan Grove we're showing a little bit of both when it comes to gardening and we'll show you the progress as we go along and how we tend our land I know lots of people is going to talk about no-till no-till well when you've got Matt on the top of the ground like that uh my Cub tractor this coming year if I go to plant with my planter that stuff's just going to pile up in front of the planter and I would not be able to plant so we have to turn it under that and it becomes good organic material under the soil so uh stay with us and we'll show you the progress in the near future thank you guys from Deep South Homestead [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Deep South Homestead
Views: 18,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Deep South Homestead, homesteading, homestead life, corn field, danny corn, preparing soil for planting, preparing soil for vegetable garden, preparing soil for gardening, how to prepare soil for gardening, kubota tractor, kubota tractor attachments, turning plow, how does a turning plow work, what is a turning plow, why do I plow my corn field, plowing a corn field, how to turn the soil for planting, how to prepare your soil for gardening, getting ready to plant corn in 2024
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 18 2023
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