The Old Stone Grist Mill: A Cherished Landmark Grinding Corn For Over 80 Years!

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I understand are you surprised I am highly surprised well it's a it's a while in the wood we was we had a little detour oh yeah oh y'all was off on Truth yeah you know you know when you leave North Carolina and head to Tennessee deep South's right on the way yeah they just took a hard left she told me y'all had been going on left on the trip yeah where we went and we picked up something we need your opinion uh we don't know if we did right or we did good or not but Mickey said it's my fault if it's wrong it's her fault really yes okay okay so we took her advice on this I'll give you yes this is probably wrong oh my word oh no you think it'll grind cornmeal I'm gonna get down I'm thinking that it could possibly maybe is that a middle you think you can do anything with it speechless is not your good side okay all right I'm sitting I'm blown away I mean I'm just all original 1944 yeah I see that well it works we got our videos and we talked to him for a while about it but when we when we picked it up we were early and he had a trader truck there that he was loading so we didn't get the video and ask everything we wanted to but we'd already asked before he was going to try to get on video right but you're definitely need some work a couple screws has come out of it and so forth [Music] the man said Stones were good says it's set up to grind did the same mule appearance I don't remember which one now but anyway oh we got videos of his place he's got two of them set up and this man is sending out pallets you know the bags that you can go to Lowe's and buy that gravel he's got the big bags and I mean I mean his trailer truck load come in there is we didn't have the screen I think that his distance screen I didn't know I don't know I mean apparently not because he said it didn't have a screen and he didn't have one on either one of his and so we couldn't take any pictures to find out because this is this shakes I see the thing here this actually shapes or well I mean maybe not this is how you open this is him out of corn you put into it and then this but this has to shake to shake the kernels down in there through these holes in this right here we we're relying on you oh man you just figured out because we want to get us one really we can't get one oh you want to get you one this is yours what this is yours 28 hours on the road later and here it is we went from Tennessee to North Carolina Tennessee Alabama here we are toji made a hard left say that we did do it oh you done that's what we've done well but you're going to show the world how to use the thing that's what it's all it'll be a learning process oh I've ground a lot of corn in my life but I've never I've never done one with a stone ground that's always been with the steel Burr or the flail you know I've never done a stone ground um you know all these questions miss one has been asking you in the past week or two yes about it I pretty much said Mickey's thinking about oh was you I was saying Mickey wants uh to know about these so for a meal for you and I said well if that was me I would get this for him I would tell him well I hope you're right because that's what you got well I mean I could there's no way to blame but me 24. yeah this is the 24. 24. and the Amanda where we got it he had his 220 sitting oh wow he's got one set for meal one for gritson we actually have some samples and see how that opinion on that too I'm looking at the belts on this side is this made we're coming off of electric motor also no that's the for the blower we have a little belt there's two different belts that he said you can contact metals and oil in here oh wow anything else and we've got the the size of a natural belt that's just broke but that's the blower that's the blower so as the belt turns this blunt turns the blower to blow out whatever okay now is this screen is that just to keep something out of that or does that actually go with it [Laughter] here's the bottom line okay we know that you're gonna do your thing with this and it's still all original I don't know if you'll change that was the color and all that but we know that you'll probably do a video on it and try to show people what it's about and the benefits of grinding their own and oh yeah gluten-free and all oh yeah yeah and so me and Miss Kathy came to the conclusion and and I know you and Miss wanna know this did you guys touch more people than you really know and I know I know you know that a lot of people get back to you and this and that y'all help a lot of people you help more than more people than you realize we get a lot of really good emails from people yeah you're doing good they're gonna get black yeah I mean we well we've tried to help a lot of people and got this part yeah you know but we don't quit that's you know and I say that a lot it's a shame that when somebody does do you wrong it kind of makes you hesitate to help the next fellow yeah but yet we have to and I'll say this we are the last the last generation oh I believe of men who are men who say when they tell you something and shake their hands they keep falling through with it and keep the word yep but going back to why we're doing this you know without your Miss wander's inspiration we wouldn't even have a channel and so we've had a lot of folks from all across the world contact us that you know your viewers and so on and we've been blessed and a lot of that has to do with you and Miss Wanda so we're returning the place that's the way that works what goes around comes around I I don't I don't even know what this is I've never had anybody be good you know it leaves me bro and here's the coincidence tomorrow's Father's Day well that's what I'm sitting here thinking about okay this has been planned for a while evidently and I didn't know they were coming until just before you come home yesterday oh really she messaged and says we took a hard left and we're headed to Mississippi I'm like what I ain't been home alone well I sent Kathy a message okay change of plans don't come over there come here yeah because I actually don't have a tractor here to unload it my tractors we got to go to the other one well the thing I like is it it's got a belt yes how long is the belt do you know it's not real long actually because I got the I got the attachment on the back of my cub s and you can order anything from that I order a belt from here to any park wow it's good so that's that's an outstanding company that's been around us that's an old old company yeah the two that he has is operating I think he said was 1990 or 1922. that's old 80 years old and there's a screw or two that's vibrated out without checking her down stop I mean what was that how many miles was that oh it's seen a thousand and it's been riding like that just beat the rain all the way around well she prayed for us all day yeah my thought is your tractors are over under I want to take them but we want to eat first but we take them over there we had no we hadn't eat I hadn't even need that's how come I kept diddling around I was wondering because actually fix you kind of brought me a plate she says here eating I'm like well she's not eating I said what's going on so what do y'all think hey babe I'll Stand in the house and then you'll be taller than me you're not as tall as Danny corn that's almost 12 foot for sure right here on the edge of it yeah just on the edge you know what a corn maze you can make with this yeah you can sell tickets you could just walk down in there you're 30 foot tall it's tall yeah what do you think incredible and I see that it's already turned brown look at the ears yeah ready or 16 inches right there and that's on the Outer Edge yeah imagine inside the ears are yeah look at that I've never seen corn anything like this is that 30 or 40 feet tall and I've cooked Maybe 12. 00 is it what 12. some of it's probably 14. yeah I've never seen corn like this never ever ever all right y'all want to get married in front of the Corn come on y'all can get whoo that might be a good idea actually pull it off dude well hello everybody Daniel Wanda back from the Deep South Homestead well guys I got the surprise of a lifetime uh first of all before I even go into it I want to say thank you to Mr Mickey and Miss cabbie from hills Mill Homestead and my wife Wanda and all of you guys because you remember here a while back I told you that I was actively looking for a hammer meal and a Gristmill now I've been looking for Gristmill for over a year um and you guys came through for me because we got lots of uh suggestions uh lots of places to check out well Mr Mickey was a man on a mission he took the information and he ran with it and him and Miss Kathy uh once we located the the mill they went and picked it up and today I got shocked I was uh at the house just minding my business sitting there doing my stuff on the internet eating dinner and Mr Mickey and Miss Kathy drove up I did not know this Miss Wanda had planned this but with them and they all told me Happy Father's Day come out here let me show you what we've got and guys I came out and this is what they delivered to me today now this to my understanding I haven't looked at the plate over here or anything like this um I'd have to have a flashlight to look at the plate because it's actually dark in here unless I put the light on I don't know if that helps any right there um not 100 sure that's a Meadows meal it's a Meadows uh Grist Mill it's a 24 inch one now this one's a large one now there's a couple of things that uh uh that that's missing now the man the gentleman who owned it um said that it was in good working order it had been working but there's a couple of things that was missing on it one is the Shaker that goes on this side over here there is a rod that comes from in here out to here there's a little L-shaped J looking piece here that that kind of moves back and forth and then the uh the tray that goes here that's got the screen in it that separates the cornmeal the corn flour and stuff like that the grits and then there's a wooden piece that hangs on this here out with a little latch on it that holds the Shaker up over here with a knob on top of it this little section right here is missing off of it we're gonna have to start I'm gonna call the company now one thing about Meadows is Meadows has a has a phone number that I can go to and they said they carry a lot of these old antique parts and stuff like this um I'll go there and see if they have it and another thing is the uh over here is the grain uh spout that sticks off of here that the meal falls through into this screen thing here is actually missing off of it I got to have got to get one of those also and then this belt here this belt is it it broke on us and uh this belt actually crisscrosses to be honest with you it actually goes around like this here now what this does is there is a a blower right inside this right here that blows any chap out of it or anything while the grains fall down through here it blows trash out that side over there it's a high volume blower system that's in it and guys this thing uh came and gave he got me a belt that's one thing I was excited about uh it came with a belt that uh a cub tractor I can back my Cub tractor right up here and it fits right on the Cub tractor it'll run it without any problems um I'm just ecstatic about this okay the uh the gentleman that we got this from owns a company um Peaceful Valley Farms and Old Fort North Carolina they actually sell cornmeal corn grits all that kind of stuff there uh tell the gentleman that uh Deep South Homestead sent you uh the one who purchased uh his uh Grist Mill that he had um The Meadows one um and just guys look they uh they brought us some back for us to try uh we'll be trying it here to see it's all heirloom corn that the man uses now he's an elderly gentleman he's in his 70s um he actually has lots of these meals and he has a pretty good sized system running there to my understanding to my understanding this gentleman says that this is a five generation Farm that's there and um so I'm excited to try out his products that he that we got from him and I'm excited to get this up and running once I get these other parts here uh and get I don't I'm just ecstatic because he said the stones in it was in really good working shape nothing wrong with them he said they had been being used and there's no problems with them uh so they've done a fantastic job um and I you know I'm just excited I know it's old but this is a what was it a 19 44 44 or 49. it's gonna be I looked it up online it could it's gonna fall between 44 and 49. uh said look at the serial number which I haven't I gotta have a light to get it but I got to get the serial number and call The Meadows company and they'll take the serial number and they'll tell me what parts I need and how I need to do it um but if any of you all happen to have any of those parts that you're willing to part with hey I would be more than happy to purchase them from you so guys we are about to be in the mailing business um uh I've been wanting one of these for quite some time uh I have my Danny corn out here when it dries um this fall and everything is like it's supposed to be if I've got this baby up and cleaned up like I want it you know me I'm probably gonna redo the whole thing you know you know how I am because I love Antiques and I love to make them look new again I just dearly want to say thank you to Mr Mickey and Miss Kathy at Hills Mill Homestead now I would like you all to go check them out are they from Lyles Tennessee so if you're ever up in the area you might want to check them out Mr Mickey has a sawmill there he has y'all watched our channel for any length of time you know Mr Mickey has uh I've purchased a lot of lumber from Mr Mickey um and and the one thing I'll say about Mr Mickey is he's a man of his word that's a big deal with me you know uh I've been burnt by so many people in the past that when I find a person that's a man of their word uh to me they're a true friend now Mr Mickey does the lumber he does the electric culture rods um and Mr Mickey got so excited when he found when he picked this one up for me that he actually found him one that actually is a lot bigger than this one I believe and he said it had a uh I think he said he had a Papa John engine on it one of the old single cylinder things on it it's automated on a trailer it's ready to go and uh to my understanding him and Miss Kathy are going to go back are going to go into the business also of grinding cornmeal and corn grits and stuff like that so guys if you need lumber if you need electric culture antennas and in the future if you're going to need some cornmeal and some grits some good corn and stuff like that uh Mr Mickey might be the man you want to see go check him out and tell him Deep South Homestead sent you over there because I am I totally did not expect this today uh Father's day is tomorrow and when they come driving up with this and Miss Wanda looked at me and said Happy Father's Day and Nikki and Kathy jumped out and said we went and got this for you there's one to send us on a mission and I was like you know I don't cry but I had to hide the tears because my eyes begin to water and I could feel them to get in the water because it just meant so much to me because I've been looking for one for so long that I just I didn't know what to say I was speechless and Nikki looked at me he said uh to see you speechless I don't know if that's a good thing or not and I told him I said brother I can't help it I don't know what to say you know so to him Miss Wanda and you all for giving the tips on or all these kind of things were at and everything thank y'all so much I just want to thank one last thing I want to say Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there um I've been a father now for way over half of my life and I know what it means to be a bother so to all you all you guys out there that are the fathers Happy Father's Day thank y'all from Deep South Homestead
Channel: Deep South Homestead
Views: 46,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Deep South Homestead, homesteading, homestead life, grist mills, grinding corn, grist mill, stone mill, grinding cornmeal, grinding corn for grits, stone mill restoration, homestead lifestyle, homestead farm life, homesteading family, homesteading for beginners, hills mill homestead, meadows grist mill, restoration home mill, grist mill restoration, 80 year old corn mill, 80 year old grist mill, old grist mill
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 31sec (1291 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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