Our PERSONAL Seed Collection: What Are We Planting in 2024?

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well hello everybody it's Daniel W back from Deep South Homestead uh guys we get asked all the time and we're in our office here we got ask all the time uh you showing them the junkie office yeah um I cleaned up so he'd have a table me a place off right here uh you know what what do we do with our seeds how do we save our seeds where do we put them what do we do uh do we keep them in a freezer do we keep what do we do you know we don't have any seed um you see there's no seeds there's no seeds in here um but technically this whole room is full of seeds uh well you're going to hear a lot of pros and cons on seeds uh do seeds need to be in a freezer well that's a yes and no answer because yes there are some that really need to go to the freezer and there are some that absolutely will not benefit you whatsoever uh things like uh tomato seeds uh herb seeds cucumber seeds uh watermelon seeds stuff like this totally useless to put them in a refrigerator okay now that's called stratification uh you a lot of people talk about stra using stratification on garlic and stuff like that they put it in the bottom drawer of the refrigerator I'll be 100% honest with you I have never had any luck with that uh nature you cannot fool nature I don't care what you do uh in the Deep South it just don't work but now there are some seeds that do need to be put in the refrigerator for a certain length of time like corn beans peas peanuts these are all seeds that need to be in the freezer for a minimum of two weeks because all the seeds I just mentioned to you have worms and bugs in them and weevils and different things that uh even oatmeal and if you do things like oats oats wheat all that stuff like that needs to be put in a freezer for a minimum of two weeks now my Danny corn I just leave it in the freezer I don't ever take it out I just leave it in there because it'll last for the next hundred years in a freezer if it you know if it didn't lose it ability to freeze I've planted D corn from old old old seeds and it still pops right back up when it's been in the freezer peanuts I've left in the freezer for extended years and they still pop right back up like field peas and stuff like that now English peas really don't have to be put in a freezer to be honest with you I've never had a worm issue with English peas or sweet peas if you want to call them that but now field peas yes field peas has worms in them so like your blackeyed peas your pink eyed purple hole Missi purple holes I mean just there's about 50 different varieties of cow peas out there that have worms in them and yes they need to be put in the freezer uh so what we're going to do today is we're going to show you where I keep my seeds how I keep my seeds and how many seeds I I'm not to show you all my seeds I'll show you some of them okay guys this right here is a Shi robe that my father built many many many years ago well when my father passed away I didn't want to just do a away with it because it's Cedar me and him uh me and him cut these trees down uh we cleared a piece of property that was actually an old city that had been overgrown and once we cleared the property you could see the P the cedar trees where the streets were and the property back when they were gravel roads and uh these cedar trees line the streets of this Old City they were big old Cedars and uh they told us we could have them cuz they were just going to Dozer them up so we went through and we cut them all down and we loaded them on a big log trailer brought them home my daddy had them soed up into Lumber and uh these are the things that he built out of it these old Shi robes and you know lamps and stuff so I didn't want to do away with it so I brought it to my house here after my dad passed away because Cedar I got to thinking you know what that's a good way to keep insects and stuff like that out of your C seeds so let me uh get my key out of it here cuz I had to put new locks on it we didn't know what Dad's keys was at so I put new ones on here this is how I label and keep my seeds now I have right here what's called cool cool season crops right up here now I can open this out and I have built need these little dividers in here and in these little dividers I have my seeds broken down into cool seed things like you know I got carrots and beets and Le lettu uses and uh my cauliflowers and and you know just broccoli and that one just different things turnips now a lot of the cool seasoned crop seeds are seeds that we just don't keep a lot of them are bials and very hard to save seeds from and it's really uh more economical for us because of space and gardening space and all that to to just to just you know buy the Seed so we have our cool seasoned crops there now this will lift out so these will lift and come out of here and these are these are when we say beans now we'll pull this out and it has lots of things like my Christmas Lamas here I have those in there I have uh the uh Trail these are trailer teers the Black trailer teers and things like that I mean it's just packed full of those kind of seeds that we've uh that we've saved ourselves over the years and then on down in there I have cool seasoned peas down there now the cool seasoned peas will be things like our English peas and stuff like that that we keep now and I do occasionally these are sunflower seeds um from 2016 I grew sunflower seeds we had so many of them I just stick them in jars and put them up as long as they still work they still work cuz Miss W uses them occasionally and they still work uh we'll take every so often like U last year we took some white okra we threw them over still in the pods we just th them over in a Ziploc bag like this we keep stuff like that in there after they dry really really well yeah they have to dry good then here's our Cherokee yellow wax bean seeds we save our own from them that was from last year yep and then we have the red rippers from 2021 that we still have here I mean there's just we don't throw them away and then we have more Cherokee yellow wax beans from uh 2020 you know so we have plenty like that that we keep uh sometimes our Star of David okra would just throw in here uh 2023 didn't get them took out of the Pod so we just pitch them over in here once they're completely dry now we also have other containers down here these are just containers from Walmart what I do with these is I'll take my containers and I'll put Tomatoes corn peppers and cucumbers so when I pop the lid on this here I automatically know when I go in here that's what's going to be in here I got tomato seeds and pepper seeds uh blueberry uh tomato seeds from 2021 I've got Amish paste from 2017 that we saved um I've got seeds that was gifted to me from homestead uh mama from mushmelons we've got the red Marone pepper seeds we got more tomato seeds more tomato seeds we got pepper seeds of any kind you can imagine and then when I pull all this back right here you can see um we got blue hopy corn right here we got this from Hall tool the blue Hy and we guys we got things like sometimes we buy in bulk like this now this one here is our ornamental corn this is a blue blue hopy organic corn because we like the blue hopy corn I mean it it's a really good corn we we try to save as much of it as we can we have blueberry tomato seeds again then we from Hall tool we have just tons of tons and tons and tons of seeds here sometimes on and I go to the store and we just buy seeds at random uh just to have you know because we like to experiment occasionally like these are the diva cucumbers now these are the ones that do not have to have a pollinator am I correct about that they're Greenhouse cucumbers I think so I think so matter of fact we might want to keep them out yes um but anyway we got tons of uh just different tomato seeds in here I mean but tomatoes peppers uh we have the Cherokee uh what was this the white uh what was that called The White Eagle the Cheroke weed that one year we planted that one year just to uh you know just to see how it would do and we saved some seeds from it but we still made sure that we got enough cuz W and I were really heavy into planting the Cherokee Gardens because the Cherokee Gardens seem to really be robust and really do good so this is I mean it's just an idea of how we save our seeds here U we got other containers in here one of them has summer field peas in it and then there some of them up here have squash and okra this different we have them labeled different ways for different uh types of seeds that are in them that way I mean we have this is that's been in there for a long time from 17 this was for cornmeal for Danny corn for cornmeal yeah so that needs to be used that probably needs to be used because it's been in there since 2017 you see what I'm telling you I going to show you something here no weevils in this no weevils have eat this up at all guys this is just pure Dy corn right there can be ground in cornmeal that's why I tell you you put this in the freezer for two weeks and then just take it out after two weeks we like to go longer than two weeks and you can leave it this has been here since 2017 no bugs is fool with it or anything when you kill the insect eggs in the corns that's why putting stuff in the freezer is so important okay guys what I'm really in here for today to be honest with you I'm looking for tomato seeds I have a particular project that I want to Embark upon that uh I've never done before and I want to be able to uh to choose a tomato variety that I feel is uh is going to do really well uh so I'm not 100% sure which one I have aachi Roadster Mountain Vineyard red snapper you know I mean I've got so many different types of tomato seeds I come over here and I have uh Bell roas these are all these are all Bell Rosas here I have piles of them I've got uh beef steak um and I'm trying to determine which ones I feel like will be uh will be the best I have uh ant Ruby's German green I have Pruden purples black crms big rainbow I mean there's a I have so many different tomato varieties and I'm trying to make a decision on what I believe these these are these are seeds we save these are the delicious 2015 we have cherry drops 2016 these are blue ones we have the uh Cherokee purple from 2018 here is the yell Paar Tomatoes uh uh mortgage lifters you know I mean that we just Aromas we I mean we have raised all these varieties in saved our own seeds the Creoles you know we could plant enough tomatoes to feed the United States I mean you look at this and how many tomato seeds I've saved in this one pack here and it doesn't say what kind of well it does on the pack that's inside it in there I don't I can't read it I'd have to take it all out to read it but uh actually that's this is the uh blue this is our blue this is our Indigo series there's actually like five different varieties of tomatoes in different packs inside this it's the Indigo series so we're going to try now to to sit down and we're going to try to come up with a variety of tomatoes uh to actually plant and got a little project I think y'all will be interested I think you'll enjoy the project that I'm going to do now here here's my mortgage lifters brandy wines Irish green uh [Music] wild atomic grape I've never grown the atomic grape but they're still in the back I mean we have all this oh my girl I did not know I had all this different varieties of tomato and we have they're open so we have planted them and growed them Box Car Willies yes one year we we tried a variety and several of them did not do very well here now I know we grew the mortgage lifters one year and there's a story behind the mortgage lifters uh the gentleman that created these way back at the turn of the century uh was about about to lose everything that he had and he planted a few tomato plants during the Great Depression and he began to plant the sell the plants and long story short he sold enough tomato plants during the Great Depression to pay off his debt that he owed thus he named his tomato mortgage lifter because it got him up under a mortgage so I mean there are stories behind lots of these tomatoes out here but me and M W just going to sit here right quick we're going to go through through this and we're going to uh pick out a tomato and I have a I have a sweet corn here I'd really like to talk about this for a minute this is called sto Evergreen sweet corn now me and Miss Wanda for many many years have grown the sto Evergreen sweet corn because it is an heirloom we have saved the seeds from that ourselves I have them in a I have them in a freezer out in my shop after I never take them out we ate some sweet corn here I'm going to say probably two weeks ago maybe some this week we had it last night we did have it last night that is correct uh from 2021 I found in the bottom of our freezer that was sto Evergreen cut off the cob into cream style and I told Miss W I said it's probably freezer burnt you know it's been in there so long but let's just see we cook that stuff and ate it we have one pack left we got I know it's the sad part we only got one pack left it was just as good as it was the day we cut it off the cob I am a firm believer in the store Evergreens well it's too it's the way we did it we cut we took a few at the time cut it off put it in that is correct that is correct there is a correct way to put sweet corn up most people don't know that when you PL corn off of the stock you have about 45 minutes to an hour to get that corn processed and either in the freezer or put into jars to be canned which we don't like it that way because it caramelizes it we usually put ours in a freezer but you got 45 minutes to an hour if that corn is older than that the sugars in the corn begin to turn into starch and it becomes comes bitter to those who actually know what sweet corn is supposed to taste like like people who do not know what sweet corn is supposed to taste like think it's sweet but if you've ever tasted true sweet corn put up correct you can pick it out I don't care where you go if you eat sweet corn you can say that was not done correct same thing with English peas or sweet peas same exact thing when you pick them off the Pod a plant shelling them and getting them put up in jars or in a freezer 45 minutes to an hour before you start process of getting them put up if you don't do it the sugars in them turn to starch little bit of tidbit there I seen that sitting there I thought I'd throw it out at you all right guys we have made a few decisions here um now one and I only going to plant this year what we really eat we're not planting a bunch of just stuff just to be planting it because we have the seeds we're not just going to go out there and plant it because we have the seeds we're trying to wisely choose this year uh what's going to do the best for us the fastest now we love cherry tomatoes uh during when we eat them um it we don't use them for canning they're just for fresh eating now miss W has one that she's picked up from the store she's babying that thing uh we don't know how it's going to do don't even really know the name of it I don't think it's just a it just says cherry tomato but going through our seeds here we found a little pack that says large red cherry tomatoes and I told one I said I said let's just take it PL a few seeds and uh let's see how it does uh we're not saving seed from it so we're not worried about it it is an indeterminant uh we've been looking at we I have a special way I want to plant some stuff I'm not going to give it away yet but I have a special way I want to plant some Tomatoes this year so we looked at the red snapper tomato here now that's the one variety we have here that I'm not sure just yet while we're making this video if that's a determinant or indeterminant but um we will check it out because I'm looking for an indeterminant is what I'm looking for I need something that grows and doesn't just make just a bush something's going to produce all summer long now we have the bellosa here same with that I'm not sure if it's a determinant or an indeterminant uh we're going to check that out uh both of these now from Hall tool so Hall tool start putting indeterminate and determin it on your tomatoes please yeah yeah Greg if you if you see this y'all please start marking your packets determinant or indeterminate because if a person doesn't know anything about tomatoes then it can be misleading uh technically in the Deep South where we live at IND determinants are not your best way to go your determinants are your better way to go but this year I'm looking for some indeterminant because I have a different process I want to try now the ab lincol we have some of them here here I know isn't in determinant so I'm probably I'm going to check out these other two the red snapper and the bellosa I know the a blankin are indeterminates so we're going to make a decision on M3 as to which ones we use now you know we y'all know we putting up the new high tunnel over at ponro well miss Wanda has the uh how do you say that b Alpha uh they are a you don't have to have a pollinator let's put it that way I forget that big long word but uh you don't have to have a pollinator for them and then we have the national pickling which you do have to have a pollinator for but the national pickling is just a good pickle to have to make pickles to go in a refrigerator now the bit Alphas these things we discovered last year stayed so crunchy I mean they when when you ate them they were almost like a refrigerator pickle when you bit into them they just crunched and uh they they never got soggy on us or anything like that they were delicious they were delicious now we do want to plant this is the other one uh yeah this is the other one here the diva uh the diva does not have to have a pollinator either so we're going to be uh planting that also uh so we in our high tunnel that is now the uh from Hall tool I'm going to tell you something this gold prize squash we planted these things one year we plant them every year Well we plant them every year but one year in particular when we first got them we planted these things and Wanda had to make me pull the plants up she said Danny I'm sick of squash I I I've canned them we've ate them we've froze them we've done everything in the world these things give them away we gave them away I mean by the bucket fulls off of uh what was it 12 12 or 15 plants 12 or 15 plants these things when I pulled them up had done spread out in the garden over 10 ft long in other words they would put on squash we'd pick them off they'd move over put on squash move over put on squash these things lasted all summer toward the fall and she told me she'd get them things out of the garden squash BS squash bugs never messed with them and I'll tell you we only done one thing different with these than we did with any others that we did we used fishy Emulsion and uh Dr Earth's liquid phosphorus on them and the pink and white and the pink and white is it um golden Bloom uh stinks it stinks so bad uh but we're under the impression that that stinking that we put right around the base of this plant and everywhere that it put on new squash out we put it there also uh for the liquid phosphorus in the plant because it was blooming kept the squash bugs and squash BS away so uh and we've done that every year and haven't had any more to be honest with you but now we came across like I was telling you a while ago the sto Evergreen uh we we come across two packs of seeds here and I told us this Wonder these are older packs let's just plant these this year because we hadn't planted sweet corn in what 3 or 4 years and we have some in the freezer that we saved yeah we we have Aug we need to use that we got a gallon bag we've saved from before but we need to use these and there's enough seeds in here to plant what me and Wanda will eat this year uh and put up in the freezer not going to worry about that biggest issue is find it somewhere to plant them where it don't cross pollinate with something else but uh we're going to plant that this year here and thank you whoever it was from Alabama who brought me the white okra uh I wonder was it Mark I don't remember if it was Mark I don't remember if it Mark that brought these over here Mark green maybe uh don't we may be giving Mark credit but I think May giving Mark credit but there was somebody who gave us white okas uh over here and I'm going to tell you what it's an heirloom that hands down down beside Star of David for frying okra this is the best okra I've ever eaten my life uh it's not it's not uh what's the words I'm looking for it's it's not slimy like most of it's not it's not as slimy as most of it is it fries out so good it's very smooth tasting it doesn't have all the Thorns all up and down it like the other okras do it doesn't have the big veins that pop out on it and open up and let the seeds fall out of it uh it just it is probably and it stays tender till it gets long kind of like the cow horn ochre I I'm G to tell you hands down white okra best ochra I've ever eat in my life besides star David all right guys we got to go get ready to start uh getting some seeds here like tomato seeds in in some containers um I'll show you in another video but um thank you for watching us y'all have asked us what we do it how we do it with seeds this is how it's done at Deep South Homestead thank you guys from Deep South Homestead
Channel: Deep South Homestead
Views: 18,512
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Keywords: Deep South Homestead, homesteading, homestead life, saving seeds, gardening for beginners, organic gardening, seed starting, gardening tips, gardening tips for beginners, seed starting 2024, growing tomatoes, growing tomatoes from seed, growing tomatoes in containers, growing tomatoes in raised garden beds, what are we planting
Id: XZd5_eu6LAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 38sec (1538 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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