Scar being my favourite character for 12 minutes straight

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that's the cutest [ __ ] thing i've ever seen in my entire life [Music] life's not fair is it you see i well i shall never be kings and you shall never see the light of another day [Music] didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with your food what do you want king mufasa's on his way so you'd better have a good excuse for missing the ceremony this morning made me lose my lunch you'll lose more than that when the king gets through with you he's as mad as a hippo with a hernia oh my big brother descending from on high to mingle with the commoners sarabi and i didn't see you at the presentation of simba that was today oh i feel simply oh [Music] must have slipped my mind says the king's brother you should have been first in life well i was first in line until the little hair ball was born that hair ball is my son and your future king oh i shall practice my curtsy don't turn your back on me scar oh no mufasa perhaps you shouldn't turn your back on me is that a challenge temper temper i wouldn't dream of challenging you pity why not well as far as brains go i got the lion's share but when it comes to brute strength i'm afraid i'm at the shallow end of the gene pool hey uncle scar guess what i despise guessing games i'm gonna be king of pride rock oh goody i'm gonna rule it all yes well forgive me for not leaping for joy in bad back you know ankle scar when i'm king what'll that make you a monkey's uncle you're so weird you have no idea so what's up i'm sorry sir i just can't tell you why not him an elephant graveyard is no place for a young prince oops an elephant what whoa oh dear i've said too much well i suppose you'd have found out sooner or later you being so clever oh just do me one favor promise me you'll never visit that dreadful place no problem there's a good lad you run along now and have fun and remember it's our little secret oh surely these lions are not all that bad oh oh scars just you you were afraid it was somebody important yeah you don't like mufasa yeah i see i'm surrounded by idiots [Music] i don't think you really deserve this i practically gift wrap those cubs for you and you couldn't even dispose of them precisely [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] idiots there will be a king i will be king stick with me and you'll never go hungry again [Music] of you're course to take certain duties on board the future is littered with rises and though i may [Music] meticulous i am be [Applause] [Music] i'll still act surprised you are such a naughty boy come on uncle scar no no no no no this is just for you and your daddy you know a sort of father-son thing i'll go with you no no you wouldn't want to end up in another mess like you did with the hyenas you know about that simba everybody knows about that really oh yes lucky daddy was there to save you eh oh and just between us you might want to work on that little roar of yours hmm oh okay well i like the surprise simba it's to die for oh this is awful what do we do what can we do [Music] [Music] scar brother help me [Music] long live the king what am i gonna do run away run run away and never return kill him yet out of the ashes of this tragedy we shall rise to reach the dawning of a new era in which lion and hyena come together [Music] sing something with a little bounce in it it's a small world after all oh no anything but that they are standing in a row there's no food no water yeah it's the lioness's job to do the [Music] good now get out yeah but we're still hungry ouch we must leave pride rock we're not going anywhere then you have sentenced us to death then so be it you can't do that i am the king i can do whatever i want if you were half the king mufasa i'm ten times the king i'm home simba simba i'm a little surprised to see you alive either step down or fight oh must this all end in violence i'd hate to be responsible for the death of a family member wouldn't you agree simba that's not gonna work scar i've put it behind me but what about your faithful subjects have they put it behind them simba what is he talking about ah so you haven't told them your little secret well simba now's your chance to tell them tell them who is responsible for mufasa's death it's true you see he admits it it was an accident if it weren't for you mufasa would still be alive it's your fault he's dead do you deny it no then you're guilty no i'm not a murderer you're in trouble again but this time daddy isn't here to save you and now everyone knows why now this looks familiar where have i seen this before anyway [Music] oh yes i remember this is just the way your father looked before he died and here's my little secret i killed first you wouldn't kill your own uncle i'm not like you oh simba thank you you are truly noble i'll make it up to you i promise and how can i uh prove myself to tell me i mean anything run run away scar and never return yes of course as you wish your majesty [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh my friends friends i thought he said we were the enemy yeah that's what i heard [Music]
Channel: LenaHyena
Views: 4,872,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LionKing, Scar, Disney
Id: hjpm8zNlmcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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