the newest bedwars mode is CRAZY...

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well swap mode's in rotation this is the second time it's been in rotation i think the first time it was in rotation i didn't play it at all but now i will and uh let's see how it goes okay so i didn't get a teammate as usual when i queue on my main account but this map is large so i feel like we're not gonna be able to do anything without getting swapped because i did this a couple times the first time i was out in rotation i played with the whole uh the whole bed wars group we did like 16 cubed doubles but i haven't played it since so playing it with just random people like this as opposed to people that are trying all trying to make videos i feel like it's going to be chaos could i get a swap real quick could i get a swap hey there's someone at my base could i get a swap oh yes i did get a swap and i fell off the edge and yes see so i was blue bass now they've lost their bed to red because we got swapped so i was saved there thank goodness and i don't even know if i have enough blocks to make it all the way across but we're gonna go for it but i don't even know will i make it there by the time we have a swap that happens that's that's we need oh nope absolutely not but i'm on aqua now that was my bridge over there or at least it was yeah the swap time is really quick you're not able to accomplish a whole lot without getting swapped with someone i don't know what the best strat is please don't swap okay we're good white bed gone thanks to uh the no swaps there's here's a white team player where's the other one doesn't matter um hey yeah cool i got another bed i got another bed this guy's running this guy's still running he's gonna take some fall damage i almost hit him okay we're good he's off the edge if i put this in here will uh will the next team uh that goes on to red see that or will it be mine because it is a team chest so and if it's not uh hello where where was i um got the red that sucks i just that's cool okay now where am i oh wait yeah i'm on red i for a second i thought it was on pink and that's cause i'm holding pink wool but again that's just that's just how the game is where you uh keep getting uh different colors of wool this is a really easy game mode to do the collect every wool challenge and because you might end up on every single team at some point in a in a bed wars game as opposed to needing to break wool that they place down god dang it so the thing that sucks about that is i am now getting rushed perfect love that um hey dude please stop that please please that look i i'm the reason you're here right now get down from there i missed get down from there get down from there okay well ah i almost split myself off the edge we're good okay is there any chance we've been swapping kind of frequently never mind i was gonna say is there any chance i can get all the way to red base without us tping and uh the answer was no so someone was afk this whole game someone just disconnected um oh and they reconnected cool uh i i don't know how they've been staying out of conflict for that long it's probably because you don't have to fight anyone you just wait for the teleport to happen um here we go let's get to pink base hurry hurry hurry get them yep their beds out that is one team gone get them got them and please don't kill me i died i died to the person that was afk and i was swapped now i'm on green team so i mean at this current moment in time the team we need to take out is red who's right there and there's no bridge to them so this is gonna take a while okay uh i'm on red i need to break green base so we're gonna head over here i see green blocks that are here that's cool okay there yes please could you continue this bridge thank you guys i appreciate it i really would like if you did that so i don't have to oh they're gonna tnt jump good work dude now i have to bridge longer unfortunately since he blew up the end of that bridge with a tnt um but we'll eventually get there unless i get fireballed off it was close it was close um he unfortunately missed a fireball okay great um what team am i on i'm on green so i need to go over here so the i just switched positions with that guy and he ended up falling off the edge so that worked out for me thank goodness um let me just eat up a gap i suppose because i had like a little bit of extra health going into this fight do they know they might not know i'm here actually um no i don't think they do go got it okay that's every bed gone so i won't be teleporting anymore which is perfect so everyone else is yeah since i'm the only bed left in the game i will not have to get teleported um the only time i will get teleported is if i lose my bed um because i don't know if i explain this when you have a bed you swap with anyone else who has a bed and when you don't have a bed you swap with anyone else who doesn't have a bed so for example if you're the first bed broken you won't be teleporting at all until someone else loses their bed um so at this current moment i'm the only one with the bed i will not be swapping anymore um everyone else will be swapping with each other which is funny i just need to try to not lose my bed so i'm gonna go for some m's here it looks like nobody's been mid i don't blame them because whenever you go mid you're just gonna end up getting swapped with someone else and then they're gonna get the m's so it's cool that i can grab all these up actually not all of them there's this guy here i need to kill this guy he's off the i was gonna say he's off the edge but i killed him first um pink is here okay i boost him towards me he's gonna run towards maya no he's not i missed that one i do want to kill this guy um can i make this jump boost me oh wait he just jumped off the edge boost me up thanks those tnts kind of helped me okay it's me and one pink player um i killed his teammate just now i'm gonna try to get back to my base real quick uh again we won't be swapping neither of us are going to be swapping now because we we i have a bed and he doesn't i have 11 m should i just buy abby i kinda wanna the main thing that i needed were diamonds i didn't have any upgrades i can now get sharp and prod so i'm gonna feel a bit more confident in these future fights okay he's still chilling at pink i'm curious what he's up to uh he hasn't moved i wonder if he just went afk that could always be the case anyway we will be running across this bridge i have jump boost so i can just use the bridges that have already been built to get there he has probably a million fireball so that's gonna be fun um okay that was good fight dude i guess i guess all right here we go this is lighthouse so this is like half the size of the last map we were on also it seems my teammate has an idea of what they're doing teammate says bruh oh oh cause yeah okay cool that is a bra moment actually let's hit him off the edge get them off the edge as well get them off the edge oh my goodness okay well but we just got swapped um okay and this is not my team wait i oh i oh i'm white team okay so i'm white team and aqua was about to break our bed i thought it was the opposite way around where i was on aqua team and i was about to break white bed uh my teammate is actually pretty good though or at least seems like that so far teammate go i'll smack him around in here i died but i think i gave my teammate enough time yeah i did okay cool okay i swapped i'm on blue now uh red is out of the game so we're kind of alone over here that's kind of that's good i kind of like that we have a brief amount of time to gear up my teammate is at this base meaning i want to go to red or blue i'm going to go back to our base and we can uh we can gather some oh our bed was almost broken it looks like there is a wool missing i'm assuming my teammate wants to split there we go okay uh and i'm gonna try to grab some diamonds diamond upgrades or any gear in general is super useful here just cause you're constantly getting teleported hopefully i can get these diamonds before getting teleported hurry hurry got it okay we got four i'm gonna go buy some sharp i feel like prot or a trap i feel like a trap is a lot less valuable here uh just because you're constantly getting swapped what base you're at anyway i don't know i just feel like not knowing what base you're at or having someone randomly teleport to your base is uh making traps a lot less valuable but there are only four teams left it seems uh one on every side blue took out red green took out yellow white to god aqua great to go pink hey gray looks like they're coming over to me i'm gonna bridge up i got swapped i'm on green now okay so my teammate's off the edge who do i go for here okay i'm on white and i'm so confused i'm and i'm so confused what i'm trying to say okay so i'm on white team we have uh green over here i need to take out green so i guess that's who i'll head to right now um they are fireballing the opposite side i don't think they know that i'm heading from this side which is unfortunate for them okay get them out of the game okay and they're pushing blue yes keep pushing blue keep pushing blue keep going keep going and you're dead you're out of the game keep going keep going keep going look i'm not i won't bug you i promise and got the bed never mind i got swapped i was about to break the bed okay uh someone else broke the bed we just have to go break white bed who's over there and then that's it god this game's a mess okay so i don't know if i have enough time but i'm going to hurry to white base to try to break their bed that is the goal at least uh there is one person here so maybe i can get away or just go over them and if i could god dang it not now they're here okay they're not here anymore and now we need to go back perfect now i get to go back from the base that i was just at to the base that i was just at so so i'm so happy so we gotta kill gray uh i see their base i don't know if any of them are there as long as we don't swap i think their bed's gone okay uh so we're again we're in a position now where we will not be swapping uh but every other team will be swapping um let me grab some fireballs fireballs are good for picking up final kills that like to run away and now it's just a matter of finding everyone i think to start i'm gonna head mid and that way i can slowly find people okay my teammate traded kills with green so gray's the only team left let's see if i can grab two m's and then that way i can just get a tracker on this last person okay they are in they're currently over at green bays okay they're gonna throw a fireball i'm also gonna fireball jump and hopefully get my m's put away and we're gonna have a fight here so this could end the game oh that was i think server leg which not a good start to the fight but it all works out they are gone uh yeah so it seems the beginning of the games are always chaotic but towards the end it calms down a little when you can like have a bed and everyone else can't then it calms down a bit okay i'm on the same map as last time uh unfortunately you can't pick maps in this game mode because normally i don't like to cue the same map multiple times but you know it's lighthouse though lighthouse is a classic it's been here since the beginning and it's every sweat's favorite map so you know we got a lot of fun please don't swap please don't swap please don't swap please don't swap got it let's go all right so blue will not be swapping for a while until another bed gets broken so that's fun and i suppose we can kind of just wait here um uh i was at a bed that i could break and i think the bed was open too it is but i didn't realize that i was supposed to i didn't realize that that was that was the team i was going for they're both coming towards me that's not cool uh hey get out of here i got one of them i don't know if my teammate is aware of anything though um my bed that they're not breaking my bed oh thank goodness hold on boom boom i'm going uh so they could have broken oh hello uh yup oh wait this is my team oops all right i think that's the best strat though you know whenever you swap and end up at a base just try to break the bed that's there in case it's yours because you never know um oh wait uh okay well we killed each other but i didn't realize that uh he was right next to me uh it's okay well let's give this another try i guess going for a yellow team i think they only have wool so my shears should be sick oh wait no this is not yellow team this is gray team i was about to get that bed too okay now we're heading to white white does not have a bed so i might be able to pick up a ko here don't fireball me don't fireball they fireball themselves and they're on their way to my base okay get off the edge they fireballed me and they actually got me that time but they're out of the game which is uh the important part this is madness just slowly but surely every oh no my teammates leaving well bye dude thanks for playing i guess well i guess he hasn't left yet but generally when someone throws you all their gear that means that they're they're peace in the scene i'll take his kb stick though uh oh now he's breaking my bed defense that's good thanks dude appreciate that um is gray aware i'm at their base hi yeah got the bed are they gonna come out to me yeah get off the edge kb sticks hey maybe my teammate is good for something they're good for giving me kb sticks okay gray's out of the game uh yellow and aqua as well as oh my god i almost fell off the edge i am now at yellow okay so the next team i'm going for is akbooks they're the closest to me so let's head over there although it's funny that i'm saying i'm rushing aqua when i have a stack of aqua well teammate what are you up to he jumped okay great so now i'm on aqua and i oh that's that's a fun glitch uh okay well there there that was a ghost i was sorry i'm hallucinating i ate a bit too much rotten flesh before this recording session uh he's bridging to me i'm just gonna fireball up i think that kills them that does okay and we're going for yellow so i'm already at their base i think i can get a don't swap don't swap don't swap i hate this so much okay i'm on pink please whoever swapped to my position needs to be able to break that bed please just do it just break that bed it's it's easy what am i supposed to do when i'm just getting to a base and then swapping thank goodness i didn't swap onto the team that i was rushing because then oh my god oh oh this okay well sorry i'm just i'm just imagining things i don't know what i ate before this but i'm i'm freaking out okay so now i'm on aqua meaning yellow's over here so we're gonna go for them yet again i feel like this game mode is a big test of do you know your bed wars color positions because if you do then you have a bit of an advantage okay that guy's off the edge break the bed he's out of the game let's go okay uh just us and pink left and now i'm on pink okay so we're heading towards aqua base even though i'm holding a stack of aqua wool which makes me think i'm rushing my own team oh my teammate got a counter offensive trap why'd you do that dude you really didn't have to okay i'm close to their base i'm close to their base i'm close i'm fireball jumping i'm here and their bed's gone okay uh we're not gonna swap anymore this is huge we no longer have to swap um i have a this guy's sharp so he has slightly better gear got him to one unfortunate but on the bright side again my team will not be swapping anymore um just because we're the only team with a bed so it's slowly but surely picking people off and everyone else the unfortunate part about them is they still will be swapping with each other since there's a bunch of teams without beds so i suppose we'll head mid now and find people from here that is my teammate uh he has a bow so he also hopefully will be picking people off okay so the only remaining blue player is in mid and then we got an aqua team somewhere else so this guy is going to run and i think he's reaching a dead end so he will have to fight me unfortunately oh he has a kb stick i do too actually i should probably be using it here get out of here get out of here okay that's perfect i hit the fireball back at him and it sent him off the edge uh i have three emeralds do i who uh what team is this this is okay he's heading towards our base does he he must know i'm behind him right he's at her base he's dead yes good okay i had to suicide to kill him or at least go for it because either way like say i miss that suicide then i just die and respawn at my base so either one worked luckily it did work out and my teammate and i are chilling here i feel like my teammate has been very confused as to what's going on which i don't blame him someone who doesn't know what this mode is playing this must be so confused anyway um the aqua player wait i saw okay so i hit this the guy remaining in the game the aqua player off the edge and then the swap must have happened obviously didn't swap me because i i have a bed but a swap must have happened that saved him and killed whoever swapped his position so that's very unfortunate for whoever got swapped there and very lucky for this guy who i hit off the edge and then ended up surviving um i have a fireball on a kb stick he has a fireball he has multiple and he has another one please oh my god i thought i could block clutch there i really did yes so my the person we're hunting down is actually just right here so they're pretty close to our base i just need to keep putting pressure on them because eventually they'll run out of fireballs right eventually they'll run out of fireballs right um i suppose i could just should i just go mid and get m's i feel like that's probably the best threat and even though generally going for m's makes you take longer during games 832 oh my goodness how did you do that hold on i'm running up the side here i'm so low i'm so low get off the edge okay the game's over he had like 10. oh my god i would say he was going for that achievement on high pixel the achievement where you have to hold 10 fireballs at once i think but no i'm pretty sure that's just how that guy plays pretty sure well that's swap mode it is super chaotic and crazy uh well hopefully you enjoyed make sure you smash like sub comment and other stuff all right see you later
Channel: gamerboy80
Views: 240,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hypixel, bedwars, gamerboy80, minecraft, mc, gb80, leaderboard, challenge, doubles, dreams mode, swappage
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 21 2022
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