Non Stick Stainless Steel On Your Camp Fire No more scrambled eggs

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hey y'all amateur artists Mardy channel once again from manland I'm all excited about the vu - coming up here in October the 14th 15th and 16th of the year of 2016 there at Roosevelt State Park held in Morton Mississippi I know I seem like I keep repeating myself but we ain't got much time left it's very very important if y'all go to make the attendance please go to the Facebook link that you see in the description box below and give them a holler I'll know that you plan on attending that helps em out as far as a head count it's very very important that you do that now the meat of this here video I'm not going to explain it a whole lot I'll tell you as I go what I got here is the fire box and I'm running out of daylight so I'm using a lighter to get this thing of going we got pine straw in it I'm going to stick my sticks in there and get them a burning I'm trying to beat the daylight going out some of these sticks or bdbd some embers I'll put them in their wrong y'all don't do as I do do it the right way but I'm pressed for time here I'm trying to save me some light I'm trying to do a little up Scott down fire here I guess you might see put the big stuff on the bottom and small stuff on top think it's going to work pretty good with the meat of the video what this is about is to show you how to make a stainless steel skillet or piece of cook pot and we're going to turn it into a non stick apparatus many a time I've seen folks cooking out there you know and I'm sure they don't mind I don't mind but really if you don't want too big just to stick like your eggs and stuff like that there's a real supper way of doing this and that's why I'm trying to just thing going while I still have some daylight now the firebox that you see right here in front of you happens to be the original firebox that was sent to me by Craig Forrest Walker 1 1 1 C y'all please please please please please go check out Craig's channel his description to his video channel of course is in the description box below okey-dokey knocking them sticks down there real good we got a stainless steel hola count fry pan here that I got from Jenn we're full circle outdoors for one for now you see the bottom of has already got some that's got some stuff on there but it's not suit or smut number the firebox anytime you burn wood you're gonna get soot on the bottom of your of your pot there are you painting no big deal I'm just gonna set it on here so right now you know what I'm gonna have to have them yep I'm trying to do this real quick all right placing these little cross members in there right quick make everything a little bit more stable my mind asking sticks in there now I did not cut any holes in this thing like the one video y'all saw everybody kept telling me that the firebox generation tune has the slots cut out but since this is being a collector's item we're not going to do that now that'll work fine when we got the water out so let me check the camera angle so you have to see exactly what am I doing here is the process poor little cooking oil in there just a bit swirl this thing around mighty good and keep it up above the fire it's best if you actually have a flame to do this with what you're going to do because this is very thin metal it takes no time at all to heat this all up and you want to bring this all up to a smoking temperature and you can already start to see the little swirls and stuff in there that's actually adhering to the pan itself that's impurities in the water when the water evaporated the oil is actually attaching to thee to the impurities of the water droplets that were in there we're going to heat this puffy up until she starts to smoking cool sound oh yeah I didn't know it was a musical instrument all right now the oil starting to smoke it's kind of hard to tell but you can tell and you see that real dark rims starting to build around the edges where the oils actually starting to burn that's mighty okey-dokey ain't nothing wrong with it remember that is a really hot fire right there you don't want to cook on a super hot fire but in this instance to make this right here nonstick that's precisely what we want right at this moment we're heating it up and the oil is smoking really really good now you can do this several times but in this case right here I'm just going to pull this all out get rid of it and while this burns down I'm gonna let this pop cool down and we'll show you the nonstick ability now here is the trick the fire are still pretty high and but what you want to do is when you put your vessel on top of the fire you do not want the heat of the fire to exceed what it took to actually burn the oil so you we want this to burn down the coals to a smaller reduced heat to be able to cook upon using the firebox you don't a bit like a stick or two at a time to keep that temperature low what we're going to do once this burns down back to coals we're going to set the pan back on top and the only thing I can think of right now to show you the nonstick ability of this frypan right now as it is is some cheese now I've done this video before utilizing cheese let's just see how it turns out on an actual firebox stove and it's starting to burn down now alrighty now I'm rushing this video y'all but the fire has actually burned down I got a little bit of a flame but we got more embers in there than anything so now we're going to put a little fry pan back on top let this start heating up and I'm gonna dunk if I use this a sacrifice and cheese cheese is one of the world's worlds one of the world's worst things to actually stick mars we'll put it all in there I'm cooking hamburgers later on tonight if I had enough time I would have actually made out real cooking video now this part right here is not going to be edited I want y'all to see this cheese as it potentially burns excuse the shakiness of the cam we're going to zoom in the cheese is now a bunny in the frypan it's melting really really good smells great don't it it sure do now keep in mind this is not cast-iron I think you can see just underneath the fry pan we have coals only no actual flame that metal so thin you just don't need a huge flame to cook on this right here is guaranteed to fry your eggs your bacon well I'm saying bacon because bacon is a whole different creature you got to be careful with bacon but we're getting a real nice brown area around this cheese it's actually starting to brown up good and crisp which means it should really really stick stop dealing with that boy you make a noise all righty now no need to really let that go any further I'm watching the screen to make sure that I'm in frame here I know that smells great oh if that been on some cheese toast that'd be excellent real cheese why didn't I do grilled cheese out here but now it's really really brown this area right here is almost just before getting black so it's really caramelized and as I'm turning it this pan does not locks and we'll be careful as I'm turning it the cheese is just running all over the sides you see some oil and the oil from the cheese now you see that cheese right there just oozing down by itself it's not sticking to the pan I'm actually going to try to tap this while still in frame now what about the rest of it well here it says stainless steel cookie spatula and we're going to give it a little scrape look at there look at that folks we've got almost a perfectly clean skillet here all by real simple little technique so you can indeed turn your stainless steel cookware and make it in a nonstick now once you wipe this out and you use it over and over again you're going to have to continue to repeat that process because this statement still is not like cast-iron cast-iron holds on to the oil and then builds up that coating over a period of time stainless steel does not well for the most part it does it because I'm like everybody else I use soap and water to scrub and wash everything out so I have to keep treating it each and every time but it doesn't take any time at all to treat it so there you go nonstick stainless steel out there in the sticks while you're cooking with sticks
Channel: ManLand121
Views: 69,290
Rating: 4.7285714 out of 5
Keywords: manland121, manland, mart, chandler, midnight121, fire, pit, open, bbq, camping, survival, hiking, emergency, alcohol, stove, hobo, mess, kit, woods, fishing, wood, camera, knife, knives, bug, out, bug out, recipe, recipes, backpack, backpacking, gear, bugoutgear, how, to, how to, non stick, nonstick, stainless steel, non stick stainless steel, voo 2
Id: 0iSh4ut6Hms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2016
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