The New Royals: Zara & Peter (2023) FULL ROYAL DOCUMENTARY w/ SUBS | HD

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[Music] really for me the prize is about um bringing people together nurturing your young minds and helping to shape your futures so to be able to bring them all together and celebrate that is a is is fantastic wherever I am and and whoever I whatever office block I'm sitting in you just got to keep going the way you're going I want to show that it is possible if you're lucky you're lucky [Music] with Charles at the Helm of the royal family now he really needs to modernize so that will be slimming down the number of working Royals but also making sure that the younger members of the family who are the future are given the prominence that they deserve this Slims down monarchy is designed to represent modern Progressive inexpensive version of monarchy because that's how Charles things the public will respond to it there is this small band of them at the heart of the firm who are going to be the significant figures but it's also meant that William is very much presented as the one the people have to watch we support with pride and respect your decisions about your future they are hardworking Royals but most of all they're popular people love to see them and people love to see the family Al together so they can be very effective in keeping up the profile of the monarchy and keeping the royal family popular what's really nice is I noticed when I was working for him at high gr he was very much training his son Prince Willam he was teaching him all the things that he had Le so he's passed on to Prince Willam who is now the Prince of Wales these days the monarchy our monarchy is a is a charitable monarchy its primary function is to to shine a light on on charities the royal family supports thousands of [Music] Charities they are a very normal [Music] family the royal family exists because of the people and for the people so you have to be able to appeal to the people that you exist to [Music] sound [Music] being a member of the royal family has never been easy to be a representative of the crown means upholding country and Duty Above All Else Zara and Peter are members of the royal family who Inspire create and bring about change to the world they definitely managed to make their own way and be their own person from witnessing their parents' divorce at a young age to now being mother and father to their own families Sara and Peter have continued to build on the legacy of their mother the most hardworking member of the royal [Music] family I think Zara and piz are very proud of the fact that the mom princess an is always described as the hardest working Royal whenever they do the stats of who does the most Royal Engagement princess an always does the most and they Sly look to their mom as a role model in the royal family she just gets the job done volunteering time or whether it's a bit of money you know paint the local local community center or or get some money together for a new new play set in the park it doesn't matter it's just something that we can put back into our communities we're a team of five not one of us was totally perfect uh little Mistakes by all of us which which makes it team team effort by everybody and we support each other yeah it was amazing it was um great result from the in the Gold Cup the horses and the family you know it's a massive family effort as [Music] well for their lives LED outside of the monarchy they are applauded for being relatable and continuing to show determination and Grace making the future of the monarchy a strong one to see Zara and Peter Phillips are the son and daughter of Princess and the Princess Royal and Captain Mark Phillips and they certainly had a privileged upbringing and they will admit that themselves whether they were going sailing whether they were on Yachts whether they were traveling they definitely had had the best of everything Peter was actually Queen Elizabeth's first grandchild he has grown to be looked at as a role model to Prince William and in the words of his late grandfather the Duke of Edinburgh a [Music] winner Zara's first name was suggested by the then Prince of Wales her Uncle Charles she was christened on the 27th of July 1981 at Windsor Castle Peter's birth welcomed a 41 gun salute from the Tower of London and was christened on the 22nd of December 1977 by the Archbishop of Canterbury Donald Cogan in the music room of Buckingham Palace it's clear what his birth meant as we see the Adoration of Peter through Queen Elizabeth's eyes her first grandchild the two siblings grew up describing their childhood as privileged they would spend a lot of time time playing around with other children like Prince Harry and Prince [Music] William together they have shared places such as Sandringham Balmoral and Windsor and are believed to have been incredibly lucky to share a lot of their time with loads of other children I imagine yunar must have had so much fun growing up in that sort of environment and being able to make the most of that incredible we we had we had a lot of fun I mean there's uh and there's a lot of space for kids to run around with but it wasn't just start it was the you know the Wales is and um Freddy and Elso and the gler and so there was quite a gang of us growing up in that age and um it was it was a lot of fun um we we caused quite a bit of Mayhem chaos but uh fortunately we don't think we broke too much yeah and when you played sword fighting they were always the old suit of armor kicking around to grab they they drew the line of taking things off the wall okay they definitely felt very lucky they got to travel meet these amazing people and do all these amazing things but they definitely have made their way in the world as well Peter was also rumored to be the late Queen Elizabeth's favorite grandchild as she thought Peter had inherited the resilience that's so characteristic of his mother an both Zara and Peter Phillips went to Port regia School in Dorset before like many members of the royal family they went to gordonston in Scotland and that's actually when where King Charles the thir went to school as well many members of the royal family have been educated including his sister and uh his grandfather Prince Phillip and his uncles Edward and Andrew uh and Charles this is a a boarding school in the very north of Scotland very much Outward Bound very good for security it's teaching people not so much academic rigor it's not a very academic school but a school which is very good about teaching leadership and public service they all have to serve time in the far they have their own far Brigade they they do a lot of stuff with climbing and sailing they would often return home from school to their father and Princess an in the holidays and they knew that to have freedom they had to earn it respect was a huge part of the family's attire so if there was spilled wine on the carpet or a broken base on the table they knew father for one wasn't going to be pleased their mother Anne however had long been praised for her tireless work ethic but it would appear that she was never too busy for her children her relationship with her children has proved to be an inspiring one with Peter and Zara both saying that they feel lucky to have her and want this to correlate with their own families this says a lot about the way they raise their own children and how the future of the monarchy sets up to be one that comes from a nurtured background there's a great deal of respect for princess an uh she's someone who just gets on with the job with a very little fuss she's not briefing the press the whole time a lot of work she does is totally under the radar uh she had 214 engagements last year 2022 the most of any member of the royal family I think people respect the fact that she just gets on with the job doesn't complain she was like that really as an equestrian she'd fall off a horse and just get back on and and and not make a fuss uh and this non-nonsense approach which she inherits very much from her parents is is how she she continues to this day how important is is it do you feel mom for the future of this fund the viability of this fund uh the publicity that accompanies you where you go it's obviously an important factor well I hope that it will I mean people nowadays are much more questioning I think about um where their money goes when they're um giving to Charities which seems to me perfectly fair and in if in to some extent that through these visits and what what they see on on reports helps to show them exactly what's going on so much the better I mean that's would probably be its main advantage Princess Anne has been deemed the hardest working Royal while simultaneously staying out at the public eye over the years the values of keeping her personal life to herself reflected how she chose to raise her two children and whom she opted not to give Royal titles I think zaraa and pet are very proud of the fact that the mom princess an is always described as the hardest working Royal uh I think once Zara had a conversation with Princess an about if she would ever retire and she said it was a very short conversation and a very short answer and we obviously know that means no and you know Princess Anne whenever they do the stats of who does the most Royal Engagement Princess Anne always does the most um and they certainly look to their mom as a role model in the royal family she just gets the job done much like herself Anne also wanted to give her children the opportunity to live a private life out of the glaring public eye and give her children a chance at a normal life Peter and Zara don't have Royal titles because their mother Princess and the Princess Royal didn't want them to have them uh didn't think it was necessary and didn't want them to have that pressure of being her Ro highness or of being you know Prince or Prince and they have said Zara and Peter themselves have said that they are grateful that they didn't have those Royal titles and that's enabled them to really make their way in the [Music] world although Zara's early years showed tough love she also has her father to partly thank for her and her brother's chance at a normal life Anne married Captain Mark Phillips on the 14th of November 1973 at Westminster ABY and at the time of their wedding Phillips had actually rejected the offer of an earldom from the queen in hopes of wanting to stay a commoner and not Ascend into the ranks of royalty this meant that they were private citizens and had to work for their own money and I think they just felt that in modern democracy this didn't really fit uh they're not working Royals they've had to make their own living uh and they've lived very much under the radar I think that she was the first that really in sense did this uh and it again a mark of her independence and her I think desire that the monarchy should evolve in many ways I think she's on the same page as her order brother Charles that needs to be slimmed down monarchy and though she is a working Ro she could see that that could be a burden for her own children and they've been been spared that really their mother's marriage to Phillips ended in 1992 when Peter was 14 and Zara was 10 unfortunately this was due to a rocky marriage which eventually led to a divorce they were rarely seen together and were thought to be involved in extramarital Affairs these problems entered the public eye when in 1985 Phillips fathered a Lov child with the New Zealand art teacher Heather Tonkin the pair separated in 1989 and divorced in 1992 well the marriage to Mark Phillips was to a logic extent successful initially but they both had affairs I think they found that they were not totally compatible despite their their shared love of riding and she herself uh is supposed to had an affair with a Police Protection Officer when Princess Anne was divorced from Captain Mark Phillips it definitely had an effect on the two children on Zara and Peter but they said that their mom did their best well their parents did their best to Shield them from it but obviously you know it was nearly the '90s it was about 1989 uh when they got divorced and it was definitely a different time it wasn't was kind of unheard of in the royal family at that time and so it definitely was all over the newspapers was a big Scandal but they said that their mom did their best to try and shield them from all of that they do socialized together but in the early years like any siblings they did have their share of arguments but I think when they par divorce that brought them closer together and they've remained close ever since an went on to marry sir Timothy Lawrence who was an aquery to the late Queen Elizabeth II he and Anne met while he was a commander in the Royal yacht brania and it is said that Tim never stopped thinking about Anne from the moment they met she is said to have been his closest Confidant for quite some time only reason that people realized that she that princess was having a relationship with Tim Lawrence was that uh I think Pro possibly a member of Staff stalled intimate correspondence between the two of them this was uh published in the papers uh the material was was eventually returned to them but this is how people really learned about the relationship with the equiry and it must be very difficult at one moment you're serving the royal family the next you're a member of the royal family but in some ways since then they've not put a foot wrong uh and again like uh Sophie and Prince Edward they live very private lives they are very traditional Prince of an of course is is is now a grandmother has five grandchildren and you know they live a very domesticated life really he's now vice admiral Tim sir Tim Lawrence hugely respected figure uh now involved in Charities like English Heritage as the queen and Prince Philip got older responsibilities were shifted down and took on many of responsibilities of the queen so though she'd been a long serving president of save the children she became Patron uh which she took over from the queen and and Tim Lawrence has taken on a number of those responsibilities as well in areas that interest them and one of their great shared loves Tim Lawrence and Princess an is sailing they're extremely good Sailors they spent a lot of time sailing around the north west of Scotland uh and indeed one of the favorite things of the royal family the way they really got away from things was to take the the Royal yacht Britannia on their annual cruise around the scotter Charles Tim has always been there for her and has given her a shoulder to cry on when she needed someone to tell her troubles to he understands her tantrums and the bad publicity she attracts but most importantly he cares for Anne in a way Mark Phillips didn't Tim Lawrence who married Princess Anne in 1992 is an integral part of the royal family you know Zara and Peter have described him as a great stepfather probably you know their favorite stepfather he is very close with them and he's very close with the Royal Family actually as well so much so that he was given a place on the balcony at for the fly pass during the Jubilee celebrations last year he was the only nonworking member of the royal family to be there so he definitely has a special place in the roal family and in the hearts of Zar and Peter [Music] Phillips spanning over three decades he has prioritized Peter's and Zara's well-being and has kept Princess Anne happy above [Music] [Applause] all Zara followed in her mother's footsteps becoming a skilled equestrian this passion for horse riding is one that has been passed down through generations of royal families the royal family have always had this great uh love affair with horses the queen raced horses she rode until she was in her '90s uh and Princess inherited this this love of horses uh was Fearless as a child uh and was a very talented horsewoman and as a result was representing uh her country at various 3-day events in this country at the Olympics uh and so horses became very much alive it's how she met her husband Mart Phillips he was also an equestrian represented the country and this was a shared bond with her mother the queen mother loved horse racing often went to horse racing but the way that they relax is is with horses and they all [Applause] [Music] ride for the last four years she's been coached and trained by Mrs Allison Oliver princess Anne's just loosening him up now having stretched out she's just loosening him up now before working him and then when he's warmed up and sufficiently supple we'll start doing some gymnastic work over jumps dubled who would go to Munich with the princess if she's selected was originally a present from the Queen the same horse on which Anne won the European 3-day championships last year that's right there as he raises his head coming in if you can keep your hand level and keep the legs so he's not coming back a little higher than the hat in the business Princess Anne has a reputation of being a good competitor with a lot of endurance and a dislike of not winning this is Oliver feels that she's managed to help boost her confidence the royal family have always been super passionate about horses about horse racing anything to do with horses I mean the queen absolutely loved her RAC racing going to the racing was definitely the highlight of her calendar you know she rode well into her '90s actually as well Zara Phillips mom Princess and the Princess Royal another accomplished horsewoman competed at International level whenever they go on holiday they go to B morals all about the horse riding riding racing everything and Yara Phillips managed to get sponsorship for her horse career in about 2003 and that took her to compete all over the world she was was supposed to compete in the Tokyo Olympics in 2008 but unfortunately got injured but did win a civil medal at the London Olympics in 2012 and her medal was presented to her by her mother princess an the Princess Royal 50,000 people lined the course many reserving their loudest cheers for the Queen's granddaughter Zara Phillips who jumped a clear [Applause] round Phillips would end with a silver medal in the team event and received it from her mother the Princess Royal was a moment cherished by the Home crowd and by the Royal relations oh it was definitely the best I've been to um being in our home country and with the amazing support from the nation the crowds have been fantastic and so behind us as a team wherever we've gone in grenage park there's just a continuous Roar and cheer it's going to be very quiet when we get home I wondered actually how the horses reacted to that sort of noise it must have been a bit disconcerting for them I would imagine I think um all of them dealt with it really well and you know there was when I set off cross country I thought you know maybe it could distract them but they were so focused and dealt with it really well and um yeah just just got on with what we asked them to do we were really worried about that I think in the build app we had no idea what we were going to experience with the noise and um it is it's amazing that they did cope I mean that it was just it was huge and for them to even be able to concentrate um to the levels that they did is um because it's something you can't prepare them for is it well we tried with a bit of clapping here and there um home trainings and some recordings and things to try to give them some sort of idea and they've all competed at quite a high level but there's been nothing like this this is this is a [Music] oneoff and she said you know she's really followed in her mother's footsteps when it comes to horses when it comes to riding Eventing you know everything she's really followed in her mother's footsteps and she has been super successful uh on that stage her mother came to be a huge inspiration to Zara whether it was sailing or traveling or the people she met along the way she was very lucky to meet incredible people whom she then learned from as life went on she remembers being able to experience different things as a young child and that she's lucky that her parents have done that for them [Music] Zara Phillips and princess and the Princess Royal are very very Clos they get on well but they do have different personalities Zara is a bit more outgoing princess an the Princess Royal she's a very hardworking Royal but she's a very very private woman you know she's very much the epitome of keep calm and carry on uh but they do get on despite their differences and they are close a casual counter in the sunshine in her grandmother's Back Garden No Ordinary Horse and Rider of course but former European champion and Olympic hopeful Zara Phillips on her now retired Gold Medal winner toytown he was the horse she was set to ride at the Beijing games missing out at the last minute when he sustained an injury now four years on she will have another chance to compete on her new Contender High Kingdom five weeks to go Zara how are the nerves yeah I mean you know still with horses it's still a long way to go and we've just had uh team training and you know we've got another session and um but yeah it's it's all getting much closer and everyone's getting more excited you've been here before and unfortunately toytown became injured how do you feel in the runup now with high Kingdom yeah I think you know it's not just me who's had that problem before you know I think um everyone on the team has had a problem in the past and um you just got to keep going the way you're going I think can you know um if you're lucky you're lucky her career in equestrianism LED her to become a director at chelham race course within her role Zara was able to promote the Equestrian Team Great Britain as they prepared for the 2021 Tokyo Olympic Summer Games Zar that was an exciting race proud to see the winner though um definitely very good race what was your view of the last last couple of fls um I was just glad he got home in front exciting race it didn't look as it was going to win at one stage didn't it it was it was a great finish from um yeah I think I won anyway that's that's a good thing it also led her to obtain a number of endorsement deals with a slew of high-end brand such as Outdoor Clothing muster which is worth an estimated $1.55 million and ours worth more than $100,000 she also has contracts with luxury companies such as Land Rover Rolex and investment firm artimis she's had to sometimes get sponsorship from organizations like Range Rover to support her lifestyle uh and the costs of of competing at that sort of level she actually got an MBE for her services to horse racing and the horse [Music] World Zara launched her own jewelry line the Zara Phillips collection in collaboration with Australian jewelry designer John Kia how did that come about oh it was quite by chance uh Zara Phillips was very much involved in the Australian magic Millions racing Carnival and Zara was coping her horses along the gold Beach and I was asked to bring along my Collegiate jewelry collection for her to wear and she just fell in love with our pieces which was really really lovely to see and we sort of got talking actually ring got stuck on her finger we couldn't get it off so she had on for three days so I said maybe we should do like a partnership and uh we did this we we came up with this collaboration of Zara Phillips and colia co-designing this range of jewelry that has uh you know equestrian influences throughout the design one of the Rings being the saddle ring and another one being the Coronet ring so uh yeah and and it just flowed this is now 3 years down the track from when we first met and we're very very excited about tonight cuz the official launch of the collection tonight right here in the Royal arcade in London right at our store is very nice is it we spoke to John before it seems quite exciting to have your own jewelry range I know it's crazy and so many people it looks beautiful though it's it's really incredible to see it out out and about and imagine it's every I say everybody's dream to design sort of jewelry I know you've done clothing and stuff before so where where did you start with jewelry well I didn't really I mean you know John's the creative one I just said what I did didn't didn't like really and just to be some pieces that are really beautiful yet wearable classic understated but then maybe in you know in the future be be able to kind of roll with that and and go more more playing more elaborate but yeah I just wanted pieces that you could wear every day and be able to wear them into night you know still look as good during the days at night and those people who are busy all the time and can just wear diamonds you know all the time and and be um worked in or or whatever that needs to be done in them tell us about the actual designs of it like you say equestri influenced uh so how did you go about deciding what they'd look like well I worked very closely with Zara I mean to be honest I don't know that much about horses uh and Zar didn't know that much about jewelry so it made a really nice partnership that were able to compliment each other really nicely and I wanted the pieces to be very wearable very accessible they they're very very very collegate quality and they're really beautifully made and and they're very special and uh yeah seem seem to be very popular so that that's really good Peter and Zara say their mother is a huge inspiration not only to the country but to them as a family her work ethic and her dedication are something that they think the whole family has always aspired to at least get somewhere near Peter Phillips was very successful he was head boy he went on to do sports science at exter uh and then from there went into various jobs connected with sports sponsorship uh at Jaguar he moved at one point to Hong Kong is now managing director for a company called seal so he's he's done very well for himself in his own chosen field Before Peter Phillips started his own sports management company he held several positions at prominent companies including Jaguar at the Williams Formula 1 racing team and the Royal Bank of Scotland but that was before he started uh his own company in sports management and decided to do his own thing because it's never been done before because with the opportunity to take the technology in terms of it being able to lay the track has has has allowed us to be able to um operationally move in and out of cities a lot quicker now and be able to put it down race and pick it back up again it's allowed us the opportunity to be able to take it racing to a new audience um and that's really that's really the key for what for for all the stakeholders here is is you know how we deliver that but also how we do it in a safe manner both from an eoin perspective and also from the human perspective the two children took their mother's hardworking nature as inspiration to help others Zara joined her Olympic and equestrian mother Princess Anne in backing World horse welfare a charity that helps support working horses and those who depend on them Anne is President while Zara followed in her footsteps to become Patron Zara knows to her own cost that you have to care for your equestrian partner and that horses can get injured although she embodies the sport very well it's important to be mindful of your partner that needs to be taken great care of Peter has a patronage called Habitat for Humanity which is a nonprofit help to Design Homes for low-income families he's an ambassador for their youth build program which gets youth involved on building sites and in the fundraising process he was also the driving force behind the patron lunch in 2016 which was a street party being staged in the mall to Mark the late Monarch's patronage of more than 600 Charities and organizations so it's called the Patron's picnic for that reason lunch Patron's lunch sorry I think Patron picnic will have a go back make a note of that change all the change everything came as a pic blanket today borrow it but yeah so and you're giving a bulk of tickets to those Charities aren't you and to Charities generally to either raise money for themselves for or to give to people within their Charities correct and this is something that you want the public to be involved with as well absolutely we want everyone to come out um but everyone to come out and hopefully support their own community communities and give something back to their communities um at the end of the day this is about the organizations and the Charities which help and support a lot of us in in our in our times of need there are 18 different genres of organization that will be here on the ma on the 12th of June um and and they in one way or another we would have all been touched by at least one of them one of them so it's a real opportunity for all of our communities around the country to come together and just do our own little bit um as well as having a a good get together but also give something back to the communities around the country so they've definitely managed to make their own way and be the one [Music] person Peter Phillip's First Love would be Autumn Kelly who he met when he attended the 2003 Canadian Grand Prix when Peter was working with Williams F1 she did not know until 6 weeks later when she saw him on television that he was the late Queen's grandson the couple we on the 17th of May 2008 at St George's Chapel with a reception at nearby Frogmore house Peter Phillips has two children with his ex-wife AUM Kelly who uh they got divorced in 2020 and their names are Savannah and Isa unfortunately the couple aren't together today their marriage lasted 13 years up to 2021 this is due to their relationship growing apart having the children's best interests at heart the two have decided to co-parent their daughters making them a priority in the relationship and remaining amicable Mark Phillips after marrying second wife Sandy fluger said that after the birth of his son's children Peter is seen to be a great father much better than I ever was in a continuation of Peter's close bond with Prince William and Prince Harry Peter's children Savannah and Isa enjoy a good relationship ship with William's three children Prince George princess Charlotte and Prince Louie Prince William tells a story about how you and he were chasing your sister on bicycles or something and it ended up in a terrible collision and the first person out was the queen came running out to check up remember that there are there are various elements of Truth to that and there are various elements that may have been um distorted but uh yeah as I say it was just we we we oversteep the mark occasionally but that's I think that's what um you know that's what growing Up's about the prince and princess of Wales definitely want their kids to have as much of a normal childhood as they can and they want that for all of them for George Charlotte and Louis they want them to be able to enjoy their childhood enjoy their childhood things playing sports going to school to protect them as much as they can until they can't until they're you know over 18 until they have to be in this Spotlight later in 2021 Peter went on to date Lindsay Wallace who was a school friend of Zar from gordonston Lindsay and Peter grew close after a school reunion following the breakdown of both of their previous marriages Peter Phillips announced his divorce from Autumn Kelly in 2020 and Zara actually set him up with one of her friends Lindsay Wallace and they were seen together at the Jubilee celebrations last year and no thought to be an item so we could see another Royal Wedding on the carts bizar the man of her dreams would also be a sportsman Mike Tindle Zara Phillips became Zara Tindle in March 2016 Zara is married to Mike Tindle a former English rugby player she met actually in a bar in Australia she was going to support the rugby team uh he had been dropped for the game and was in the bar drowning of sorrow and they were introduced through mutual friends and they're two very sporty very gregarious very rather loud characters who were United by their uh love of sport Zara and Mike met in November 2003 and he says that they sort of were friends at first that they just became friends and then really good friends and then took it to the next level and he's been the one that's been credited with you know really pushing Zara to take her career in horse racing horse riding Eventing more seriously he's very caring he's very supportive they're very supportive of each other publicly and privately they do come across as very good friends uh and they moved into a cottage on their mother's estate H before their engagement was announced in 2010 and they were married in edin BR in [Applause] 2011 does it help do you think that your boyfriend is a professional sports person as well does he encourage you um yeah I think it does you know let both um at the top of sports and you know hopefully um Rob offing each other he's very relaxed and but very you know confident in my ability so that's quite nice to have around does he spur you want do you train together or anything NOA good keep Zara and Mike Phillips were in attendance at Charles's coronation ceremony in may they actually arrived with Prince Harry they looked quite relax look like they were having a good time Mike tendor has podcast and he talks afterwards about how where he was sitting he couldn't actually see any of the action can you imagine sitting back there in the fourth row and it's also thought that the night before the coronation because they had the weekend with the kids Zara and Mike had a big night out uh and had to get up very early to get ready for the coronation so needless to say they were a bit hung over the night goes late and everyone goes what have we got on tomorrow have I got any meetings tomorrow what have we got on should we have another drink you what's going oh Charles is having his coronation come on we can stay out a bit later I mean you you must have had that conversation thought no we're going to we're going to still still party for a bit [Music] longer Adel never worry about what's tomorrow enjoy the moment and then you can deal with you can deal with the next day later [Music] Zara would come to have three children Mia Lena and Lucas their family bond is one that is extremely tight and there are often pictures of them in the paper it's a very happy family very down to earth she's very excited about the whole experience of being a mom and we have quite a lot of banter amongst each other because I've known her since she was very young and she was 10 and I was 20 when we were training together much many many years ago um so I'm so pleased that she's joined the older mother ranks is she enjoying motherhood from the moment you've spoken to her oh look she's probably still recovering and trying to catch up with a bit of sleep at the moment but she will do and she'll be a natural we're used to looking after animals and and being being there being responsible have you shown her the jewelry do she understand what it is yeah she grabs a lot of things at the moment so I might just keep them away from her probably a bit of a choke Hazard yeah definitely and can you wear them while you still yeah I mean you know they're flat enough and um yeah go go under the gloves so yeah I'm hoping that we can Mia Zara's little daughter has already a piece of collegia piece diamond bracelet my little daughter designed it for uh M Zara's daughter so yeah she's taking over The Rains so to speak watch out yeah and do you think she'll end up bringing her daughter along with her for events oh I'm quite sure she will I mean my children children come along to some competitions as when it suits and if they're not at school um they prob she only will have the baby with her to begin with and she'll have somebody there to help her um and Mike I'm sure will be very much Hands-On as well so hey look there'll be like any normal family uh and she'll be really looking forward to getting back in the saddle again I'm sure and of course um it's a royal baby 16th and nth of the throne what will him the Char's upbringing be like do you think I would say her upbringing will be very normal um Zara is a really normal person to be with she's great fun and I'm sure she'll do the same for her child as well so you know they they're great fun you probably wouldn't even know if you're out in the streets you'd meet Zara and you probably wouldn't realize who she was um but they're great fun to be with and she's been brilliant with my children so she'll be perfect with her own so Mike and Zara together I mean as parents do you think they'll be quite quite relaxed parents I would say so yes I mean they they're relaxed fun people to be around and I'm sure that then will go on to their their children and future children so they will be very supportive of each other um with both their careers and everything else so the children will fit in with their Lifestyles as was with wasara herself so yeah no I I wouldn't see there being any favoritism going on do you feel then there would be quite a different upbring to George in terms of the difference and how they treat oh I'm sure you know even though from George's point of view I'm sure that they will they will try and do the same for him um as you know this day and age the lifestyles of the Royals are becoming more relaxed and more normal so to speak um so from Zara's point of view you know she's she will make that effort to to me a very much not a normal family earning a living and enjoying life and just just one more um do we think potential future Olympian in the daughter I mean obviously well bred for for sport what do you think look she's a baby she's not even day old yet um who knows look you you strive to do well I I came from very successful parents as well and and you want the best for your children uh but you know Zara's got another Olympics to aim for hopefully um if we can still be back in on a team together you know London was so special uh look if if the baby is happy and healthy and I'm sure she'll be given every opportunity Princess and the Princess Royal is a very handson grandmother so much so that those five children her five grandchildren love going to visit her on Sundays which definitely works well for the parents who can just PM them off on granny for the day and she absolutely loves [Music] it Zara is believed to be an excellent mother she's been open about her struggles to balance quality time with kids as well as having a career and fitting everything in around it her husband said of her parenting style that she punishes herself for going to work only because she doesn't want to leave them behind Zara's youngest daughter Lena was quick to follow the legacy of hard work that was pushed by her mother and grandmother and actually joined Prince princess an for a day's work when she was just 3 months old in an advert for pram company I candy another brand Sara is an ambassador for in the advert Zara cuddles her newborn before placing her into a car a spokesperson for I candy confirmed that Sara has been given another credit for her glowing CV as an ey candy parent the discipline for the sport is that motivation to do well to produce results I was Keen to get back riding from a break cuz I'd obviously been off for much longer this time I do like my family being at events and I Andy for landra is perfect for our lifestyle you know it fits in with everything that we're [Music] doing although their mother divorced Mark Phillips when the two were very young the pair actually have maintained a close relationship with with their biological father throughout the years Peter and Zara still do get on with their father Mark Phillips sometimes we have seen Princess Anne and Mark Phillips in public you know not necessarily close not necessarily affectionate but they're supporting their children in whatever they're doing uh so they have remained close over the years with the support of their parents Zara and Peter are not only members of the royal family but are key to the future of the monarchy the hard work Grace and independently LED lives make Zara and Peter the ideal Royals for representing the crown which Charles really hopes to be slimmed down I think another really effective member of the royal family is Zara Tindle I mean she's a hugely accomplished horsewoman she's an Olympic medal winner she's a great mom she's down to earth her and Mike have this great relationship they're seen as best friends and I think they are quite relatable on a away Mike tund has this great podcast that people love to listen to he's really funny so I think actually these two could be the secret weapon in the royal family that maybe we didn't know we needed with their efforts of staying a commoner from a young age the family have grown to be loved by many around the world and leave a striking representation for their own children whatever the future holds it's clear that Zara and Peter will continue to inspire and live on the legacy of their mother princess an [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Docuflix + Free Movies & TV
Views: 170,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: documentary, free, feature length, film, royals, royalty, royal family, fergie, royal, the new royals, new royals, zara, prince peter, princess zara, zara and peter, zara & peter
Id: 58tiCzedNlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 58sec (2758 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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