Mike & Zara Tindall: Which member of the Royal Family is the biggest rugby nause? House of Rugby #21

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[Applause] Joe presents the house of rugby together with Guinness hello everybody welcome to the latest edition of this week it's actually the Royal House of rugby my name is Alex Payne we're parenting was still the UK's number one sports podcast and I think we're only heading in one direction this week because we have a very special guest alongside mr. Mike Tindall it's one of the early Mrs T thank you good we have a very noisy blonde bombshell sitting back seat it's very nice to have less of a nice we come into you and you can just you can actually just taste the fresh oxygen that's all we've been sucked out of the room and you still fighting for carbon I actually hear yourself talk it's so relaxing have you seen or heard this podcast ever before I have which place the question wasn't earth you doing he's got a very soft spot for the wife oh yeah he's got serious FOMO that he's not here this week and producer psy as is Norway when has doesn't join us he no he says as a video he hasn't even found the time to send a video this week isn't that much of a straw is very very angry first impressions believe he didn't send a video message for me to say hello yeah I'm sure he will send you a video message but probably not one that we can put up on here first impressions of HASC when you met him when did you first meet him England did he come bounding over there was no easy baby yeah yeah definitely but then he would always come probably come back with a story about me after we've had a few beers so maybe I should just be we've got quite close at your wedding to him telling quite an interesting anecdote but he he chickened out did he I think those two yeah he was he was quite good actually yours apparently yeah he actually met he actually managed one relation and then tried to kidnap another yes he did but he was quite good actually he he stole the camera guys Cameron did some interviewing right this is hash popping up in the middle funny you know yeah he wanted to make himself known funny hoho just funny let's give it back in the know pros do to be fair sir what was very funny okay there's so many things we can talk about it's very nice to have you on are you sort of are you happy to go anywhere tonight we can sort of just see what comes off the bat we were gonna try and have a chat about obviously sporting greatness on both sides of the family yeah the rugby lineage that runs throughout the royal family their house or hundreds of different things as well but it'd be very agency to sort of start with what it's like being married to as to Mike Tindall yes where did you first meet so it was in we first met in 2003 in the World Cup when I got dropped for the semi-final for the court semifinals against France yeah I was slightly annoyed with Clyde so I went out for a beer right and Austin who'd flown in for one night because Bo that's were engine time actually to tell the true story after the game against Wales there ended up winning both the Screamers got together again wouldn't it be funny if we both pretended we were injured and Clive would panic and have to fly Austin out so they went to Clyde and Kieran went on climbed my back's really bad I'm not sure on your meat alright so next week and Doss went something with his hamstring of a car for something so immediately clive panicked got austin on the sunday straight on the plane so he landed on a tuesday just to tell him to go home again and as he landed in the air it's a great gag as like as he was flying in the air both boys by tuesday have got a must flow monday both boys by tuesday I said no Clive my fine so as Austin's landed he's got a voice message from Clive sorry mate we don't need you your flight back is tomorrow our Thursday and you're playing it rather a month Saturday so leave so because that's brutal at that point as well no if you're not in the squad you can't come to the hotel you cannot stay within a certain radius of the team's hotels yeah so he was on it's complete he was a different like two miles away on his own and that's basically Casa was a bit annoyed he wasn't in the squad for the France game as well I was on the bench so we said we gotta meet him for a beer we went to meeting and the manly wharf bar yeah we went there for a drink and Zara was out there with her brother was out and they have friends in Sydney so they were out and she was all the girlfriends just a drinking party I actually had gone to New Zealand first and then come back for the semies in the final my brother had been up there for about a month with about six other mates all doing Rugby World Cup you weren't doing was experience for the yes okay so Austin was out there so then we went in and then Lester on the way back from playing bath rugby often stopped a pub called the pheasant I think it was and the world it's a pub they stopped on the way back from Bath on the way back to Lester is a pub crawl if they'd won or whatever there was a pub frequented by Zara so Austin a met her a few times I incasa yeah so when we went into the heart bar they went had a chat with her and then that's where we met I was actually pretty still pretty grumpy with Klaus first time we had lunch it was a lot of girls we had a long lunch date mildly in Watsons Bay and we ended up in manly and so we were often slightly different level to what he was slightly happier than he was right but then I was there well then Austin sent me her number said Archie wants to know everyone's getting here after the World Cup final yeah so though I never said we we obviously went after we were on the final we went into a room where Harry was and so I got chatting to them and then we sort of all went to the same place cargo bar and then when I was leaving it six I think you were just arriving as we cross paths again but then we ended up just having sort of text banter when we got back and then I went to the North Cotswolds ball with her and then friend and friendship ensued and they went from there I wish we had some sort of romantic music in the background did you and look at where we honor how we long beam out yes think what might have been Shang Lin always says because he got phone that he apparently got phoned up by Clive Woodward before I was picked it's like would you play for England and he was like hell no if you come Welsh Thomas yeah yeah it's a huge difference yeah I know he's got he just over does the fake thank you and looks like morph very funny are you quite were you quite a keen rugby fan anyway yeah because obviously mums bit was been president of yeah I saw you yes are you this president wait from hatred for a long time when we were growing up we always went to Scotland games yeah my brother played rugby a lot I can remember I can remember watching him on Rugby special Scottish and routines yes yeah many many years ago it's cool so so yeah we did actually watch a lot of rugby and go to look for agree yeah I was on a lot of yeah well Trump off while you were Scotland yeah I think I probably was a Scotland family before as an England fan really yeah can you support both now or not yeah okay and when they play other so what happens in two weeks time I don't know but that's team win one yeah whenever I've gone to watch England play Scott Miller Murrayfield England have lost right you can't get to talking them into each time if you'd like cuz I mean it's got having one there for a very long time my recipe for disaster it's probably my fondest memory of a Calcutta Cup was 2011 I was captain and I got injured literally I ripped the deltoid ligament salamanca off the bone pull the bear bone or her it was bad in the game yeah and came off that then officer we won the match to get the Calcutta Cup and minty was like Nick Easter was like I'll go get the cup for you mate and I was like that's my mother-in-law there is no way you are taking it this is a moment I'm going to actually save and it was a little note was a little sort of message as you collected the truth no she was very good too good to be fair yes it was alright when your brother played I mean that was that's a hell of an achievement to actually I mean he it was here a proper passionate rugby fan and he loves his rugby I mean who loves another yeah yeah we went to England Wales last weekend and he was just devastated so he played this gone on JV team but was devastated for England yeah good huh being the role family you can sort of change bases of court you can change horse yeah yeah would you have a good wrestle with him nowadays is he sort of you know you've got broad shoulders yeah I think he's I keep trying to get him to come and play for Mitch but yeah he's sort of officially fully retired but I think he I know when I was playing for Gloucester they always there's a little Club called mighty yeah and they used to have a sevens tournament and they always used to pull a load of like gone sand lance and mates from from then in the Cotswolds together to put a seventh team in for my tea yeah and then the year literally the arrow attack let's go mighty old so when I mean obviously when you were down in Australia in 2003 if we're sort of to rank if you had asked use the expression rugby NORs like he is a rugby knows he fights it but he is he's a life noise how would you rank who is the most enthusiastic rugby fan in the royal family right now because your mum is obviously patroness are you I mean yes in the purifier in the purity of the game in the flames she understands a lot yeah and did she have a critique your performance well not did you know she critiques team performances okay Scotland speed of all yeah but then in terms of Knaus of just when they win being a William is every time Wales win obviously it on the weekend the other weekend straight on the phone to me I was like I still got lots of pictures of you know changing who's with your england jersey on that is quite awkward there that picture William and Harry where they three where they both became heads and they were sat next to each other and William Williams to Briscoe you know but didn't wouldn't go down to a three as well was it just her Harry Harry no William did come hey but here he is now a passionate world fan he has to be two counts when the whales playing Linney he has to have his Welsh Jim but I think he would support England as well yeah just best team win exactly and that is very interesting and so your mom obviously has been huge Scotland fan for years not a lot to celebrate recently is that something did she's somebody who when they lose it's a genuinely it's good though yeah well they won the kinetic art yes but waiting that titles happier with the performances that have been over the last it's a lot more fun watching you turned up with genuine anticipation that they could win or they could put the performance that was shocked someone's yeah obviously at the moment they're decimated with injuries so yes if the queen of won't be found at all because she used to be patron the RFU didn't she but I don't think it has been for a while I mean I don't know she's like a strong rugby fan but she knows they weren't thinking that yeah because you would have met her how many times did you meet her before you then married her granddaughter oh three three yes when we got home bees we would have we would have a better twice you know three but that would and was she quite interested and excited in the World Cup when or did you feel it was a sort of song as she had to get through and there were I think I think I think what you've seen through on this list is she said she is very sport passionate yeah that's why people get reckoned with Rick recognized when they do do well in sound so yes she she definitely knows I always remember she's got good when they first met is probably socially was at North was it royal ask it and I had a boot on my foot yeah item I thought we'd gone to watch one of her good luck horse yes we've gone through watch one of her runners been saddled and the first sort of question she came up and asked me was how was the injury it was your and went through what it was and she's very well informed I was really yeah everything's fine a week hopefully four more weeks very good but yeah and Harry is obviously a very passionate England fan yes is he as he's only scratched when he watch on the telly boxes he somebody screams and shouts or is he quite sort of reserved when watching I know he has to be strapped in and he's different when he watches yeah isn't everyone I imagine so but I'd be just quite interested in me in the difference between performing in public and what he's like when it's yeah telly box I think it's different in public I would imagine so yeah but I think I think he generally wants to do some in his role he wants to do some good he's always asking questions cuz he's done school of hard knocks as well as yeah with well and his car to make sure will hey generally wants to get to the bottom of most things with the RFU and solve problem so let's have he is very passionate English Potter he's got a lot of work to do I was gonna say one or two things to yeah like military rugby yes well in their night very very good have you been to the army-navy game got to avoid that with a passion there you get you have fully got your drinking worthy yes true probably the so more more beer at the army/navy game than they do it every other fixture together and put together yeah don't go for the rugby they go for the boot yeah only yeah so that's six no five take 100,000 points six games five or six games well yeah and there's Premiership phone yeah yeah that's about for you Harry yeah that is quite scary so when you two got together obviously competing at a very high level instead are obviously but how do you cause I remember hask saying when we had Clarion but he he was very firmly said this is the Haskell train and you're either you're on it or you're fit first of all your reaction to that terrible chat but you two and back to yes how did you I mean how easy was it with two of you very devoted to what it was you were doing in a sort of sporting context to to get that crossover when you're competing what does your calendar look like I mean I I go opposite season to the Rugby season I go from March to October yeah that's good make made for some some old yeah I imagine so no holidays but least we could support each other yeah can we can watch every single event thanks did he really every single big event right I can feel this saying if sometimes some of the events are very small and they're basically just in a field they can't be saying that you'll be told which events are smaller but you get to know the calendar and there are some that quite small and then chill at some point she'll have all of the horses need to go out so she might have she might be riding seven yeah so basically I'll go with when me it was very young and they'll be standing in the field mirror and she'd get off one get on another so I wouldn't actually speak to it the whole day I'd just be stood in the field he's freezing do you say that do you say that well yeah did you take that well I loved the doting husband yeah that but ya say with its of how we got on I always felt that horsey people are very similar to rugby people they work hard very hard but then they join themselves off the field so yeah the eventing community is a great community to hang around with they're all very like-minded they love they love a drink they can get they get up early work hard like a party so it worked really well but then sort of she gets into a zone when she's about mainly when she's going across country because obviously it's a serious event and if things go wrong it goes wrong bad yeah so I you know you sort of get to learn when she's in a zone where she just wants to be in their own go through what the fences are where and you sort of just facilitate that and then you just I used to just try and be around if she wanted anything I could go do it get it same with much day I actually knew that I had a sort of routine that got really early her breakfast went back to bed then got back up again again and then on the breakfast again you just understand that but you understand why why each other's doing it yeah oh it actually works quite well because she sometimes if there's an incident way you think she's not quite there you you can you talk to her she'll talk to me or after a game or after it after she's gone cross country did that go right and then she'll explain to you so you actually learn your knowledge base a little bit better of the sport and it's got good knowledge now he's tried in the very early courting stages we like a cowboy you know one hand on that on the pommel very good we don't have yeah yeah hold on or are you quite sort of heels down and and this one as a gallop right I don't like what surprised me yeah hold on I think I think where our relationship worked really well is because we cuz we were like [ __ ] we kind of just we're doing our own thing and we it worked well together because we understood what each one was doing yeah we understood what was needed of it of each other because because of our lifestyle because of what we were trying to achieve where we wanted to be how how we wanted to get better yeah you know all those things we both wanted the same you know yeah what he needed because that's what I wanted as well yeah so it was really using is when you're talking about the psychology of what you do because I presume a different disciplines you need have been very different yeah so how do you how do you ride that that's wrong especially okay so ready for those Connors did that take for you to feel I'm ready to do it and I'm in the right place I'm I'm quite um that's my favorite bit so it's the the bit that I enjoy the most I guess like the more journey you can get the more you can use to your advantage yeah or you know like turn it into your advantage so that was my best day I would you know go walk course early and depending when I was on watch a few and then I'll go and either watch it by myself or just go do my own thing and run through me you know you you run it through your head like over and over and over again because you've got you know what 36 jumping efforts yeah in ten minutes or 11 minutes or whatever it's depending on the length of the track and you know you're all your plan a routes what happens if something goes slightly wrong and where you need to be at each moment you know there's minute markers there's you know places depending on what the tracks like if it's hilly like where you're gonna lose time where you're gonna gain time all these things you run through your head like 50,000 times before you actually ride it and it's quite I find it quite found it quite nice my the quietest place was like your as you were standing waiting to go in the ten-minute what is called terminal box the end starts when the counting you down I found that with your quietest moment I give you notes at that point or you're ready you stop thinking about you know how you're gonna do everything like it's like it goes quiet before you actually just go out and do it really did you do nerves I think everyone's okay everyone's nervous and I think yeah you do do nervous but it's you think able to use easy use them properly otherwise you then it's negative energy isn't it yeah I always used to say about nerves is is I would never say I was nervous but you should always have nerves because if you have nerves it means you care about it yeah it means you care how you perform it means you care about what you're doing and so anyone who says they don't have nerves it's most like lying or they dish they poke at people people's behavior is very different with nerves like people deal with nerves very differently yeah some people go really quiet and just want to be on their own some people need to go and watch every single horse go around which I think's not great concern you can then like watch a combination going around and see you know something that you didn't want to see and then it like plays in your mind and you've got to remember when you're on a horse like you've done all that training with the horse you know it inside out yeah and you know you know each horse is different so the way you flan to Rider is the way you need to ride it don't watch someone else the way they've ridden it how do you find watching all right dude yeah I think the most nervous was probably Arkin 2006 five six six because I show jumping yeah oh my gosh country show jumping I never had an issue with a cross country really I mean she's had a couple of horses that well actually never in the start did I worry about cross country because I knew that was her strongest point in the bit that she loved the best yeah and so you know I always say about Arkin in 2006 on Toy Town was when I was like I was on a bike to repel round and watch and just when two beings are working together perfectly um whether if she made a mistake he'd get her out of it if he was unsure about something he would do exactly what she told him to do and and you know she had that you had to bank that boat in here and you you know he was just an honest horse and and it would do whatever she asked so it was just quite good to watch that but they never say the showjumping she was in first I think you had one fenced in you in hand no defense it heard yeah I'm so you had just over a fence in hand and then you didn't hear the bell like Arkin is like our biggest kind of show ground we'd ever ride it's 50,000 and they've got the the commentators box just quite tall and on it they've got this little dinky little bell for us to go it's like ding and the patina would just been and she'd jumped jump clear or anyway the Germans had won the team gold yeah for the Germans were all going nuts but I still had to jump but you know individual so they were still shouting it so I didn't hear the bell and and they were all like shouting me and and I looked up at the clock and I've seen it started everyone in the crowds gay whistling yeah going get on with it go you don't hear it especially like when you're in a zone you don't hear yeah that kind of to say you're on like say you've the belt signifies when you've got like 30 seconds I mean you to start something yes yeah you get 30 so if you ever heard the Bell you've got 30 seconds to start but if you're murder you don't know that but then that's and then the clock will just keep going so it'll start yeah and I was about five seconds down when I started my defense down on a time fault are you someone that looks back on the detail now because when he said you were do you remember incidents and moments and things like that who are you someone who pocket no I think you remember like certain bits that are really stuck really stick out yeah and I remember coming so I had what the last line was a trebled and then uh up right at the end and I had a fence in the middle of the treble and I still had two fences to jump but I knew that he was gonna jump them just for I just said I just had a feeling and people said to me Oh what if he had another fence on that's like night he wasn't going to buy jump but I jumped in quite quick because obviously I was behind time I jumped in a bit too quickly that's why he probably had it down in terms of personality like if you would go and feed a different horse yeah I'll give it a treat something he would literally boot the stables go excuse me excuse me come back Big Dog Ear if you kill me if you came and sort of went see him yeah like hook you in with his neck and give you a hug he was ridiculous she just loved being like attention he didn't ever stay he was he was a big before like it had to be a big occasion for me to perform yeah does your watching the house of rugby on Joe together with Guinness tears a little something else from Joe that you might like Jays Alex I'm Chris Lloyd this is Carl Frampton eating his way slowly towards the middleweight division we're gonna be here every Thursday talking about the big issues in boxing getting stuck in we split with special guests behind scenes interviews and of course snacks as well tune in every Thursday podcast and on YouTube thank you very much indeed Chris hope all's going well with tea care don't forget to join the House of rugby Facebook group and you can vote on what you'd like to see on a limited edition House of rugby t-shirt have you heard about this no okay so there's crap that comes out of Haskell's mouth that we're now putting some of his slogans on to t-shirts and our lucky viewers and listeners are able to win them if they so decide or choose 20 more people there is that there is a [ __ ] bucket there is a your intonation sprint back oh yeah I think bucko is still a number one we have a lot of people who talk about heavy breathing on this show because your husband's always got a very smart new nose but Haskell can't really get much out could we just confirm is does the heavy breathing continue at home no no it's much better it says not Mike it's his house because he goes he just did yeah does that so he's not at Mike's nose Nora no I'm not ADA still after the beers but not right he used to be is he improved with the new nose yes yes that's what it was done for so all roads lead but he he didn't he admitted that he was getting headaches from it what firm heavy breathing from his nose was it Mike got it done it's very sensible so hask is there heavy breather [ __ ] bucko absolute nose it folded like a deck chair I'm a serious operator and my favorite never microwave more Maron yeah which one would you like teacher sent you it's a big t-shirt for never mind never mind like oh don't the absolute no that's Haskell's fold like a deck charity it's that you'll see no I'm a serious opera that's got to be him he said that wearing a scrum cat with a Brent t-shirt I think there's only one of mine one of yeah that's you could Ben team temple himself working for a school no in China who is yeah what do you mean what I say what you why did you say because it no cuz when was it because he used to injure everyone it's raining yeah pound you knows to be our eyes the bucco related injuries yeah obviously speak should we say will send you a [ __ ] bucket Asia okay perfect looking forward to that could be a bet there first day she's Tuesday the 12th of children turn up in the [ __ ] bucko t-shirt you're fascinating [ __ ] would go through the roof does it have to be really is your vision something out we'd have to do it F question marks exactly fcuk Facebook group is huge I think we've got a lot of people getting a touch edgy we actually have a lot of people picking royal 15 this week purely out of coincidence did they get a concert in a moment or two yeah or just producer sighs off some people's thoughts on the best 50s that we could do and we've had some terrific suggestions and we'll get to in future shows but if you'd like to make a suggestion for ar-fifteens do just that then we'll run them develop please I think that's well yeah I think that's where we we thrive produces such as virtual for myself and ask would be the panic face 12 yeah how to talk us through it because actually you'd had opportunities before which hadn't yes so to find particularly home Olympics as well yeah so I told haven't been injured a couple of times so missed a couple of Olympics which is sad because he was such an awesome horse and would have been you know real Olympic medal contender yeah and I was and it I was sad for him as well because I would potentially could have you know if I found another horse like him yeah but he didn't get that no in many sports is the way you could be the in the best fettle of your life feeling great about yourself but then you can't make it because indeed you bucket unless you've got another one that's okay yeah but but then I was lucky enough to be picked for London yeah and um he's much less experienced source but you have to be going to London you know home crowds we did we stayed in the village and we did the whole experience what was the buzz like as a competitor as incredible was it really that's incredible and you know it was great for a sport because itself is quite a tricky sport to understand you know there's three phases going on and the the way that the marking system is it's not the easiest to follow for those who don't always follow it so but it's it was great for the sport to be there for people just walk in you know Greenwich Park to just come and watch it was absolutely packed it was unbelievable to ride around it was you needed so because of the it's quite hilly at Greenwich Park on this and it was tight so you know as narrow and it was twisty and it was he was like you had to ride a motorbike round there so your horse had to be really nimble you know athletics quick completely listening to you all the time there so that you could like get your speed up and like properly travel so mine was great like that he's little pocket rocket but you you'd like the crowds are incredible incredible you just couldn't have wanted for better support it looked spectacular as well she was like yes what was it like in your supporting role no it was it was it was all I mean the whole yes big parties Indy know I went to one party the night before but then I still got there yeah I think you'd like to share let bygones be buggy David make a run during the night for wasn't it was very round around the mono they had a party okay Simon and he has misuse but I was had his best mate dolly with it when we were yeah we both went to there we got we finally got to that I've got that in the morning but like the walk is to walk it the walk is something so change my life yeah but the walk in and how helpful everyone was it was incredible in London in a place where people expect to not really speak to people and volunteers were just awesome on the whole walk and I just thought Greenwich Park and wear the dress I showed him for the arena was and how it had sort of resizing in and it faced out he just looked spectacular and yeah it was jam-packed it's a great atmosphere like it was like it was like a kind of was very dress had been lifted out of London it was it was very because it was like proper erupted didn't it every time anyone came out there like proper suppose yeah horses for spring yes yeah when you go back and sit like all the other nations and you know your support team and everyone were like you could tell when there was a Brit on the on the track because the noise it was just like this big incredible of noise and I'm like riding it so on our watches we've got a beat it beeps every minute okay to let you know that so you don't have to look at your watch anyway you couldn't hear the beeping because of the noise of the crowd so like you're like shits my watch working okay we couldn't hear it you can it was so noisy and but it was so noisy and incredible yeah like that the whole track was packed rammed with people but it was like for me it was like galloping through this silent like tunnel as well just because of your concentration and you know where you were like mentally and physically together it was it was very kind of bizarre feeling that you know probably never get again did you take in any of the other events yes so we went to see that's a first Saturday do really yeah we did we did to the rowing why so we got there and I had to go to the last moment off to watch I didn't have a pass I went to the pub where where the medals now by the way actually please tell me they're both in the sock drawer which is where everyone keeps their I mean we have a bar we have a bar in there before are they in the bar bond yeah yeah that is quite cool we should be more valuable on the open market well definitely yeah and it's solid silver where's the piece of tin is a medal is only used to open bottles basically it's the memories but her f it so her got her two gold individual FEI ones and gold team are the same as my work at mill absolutely like a stamp Olympics or the only one who do if you've got like a Powergen in there as well idea of power jennife CA got numerous Six Nations ones yes you damned what else a Parker Pen 2005 year I've won a gold medal I would've been strong yet can we come into a life house of rugby from the bar bar at some point we live definitely don't that will dial him in he can send other video asking about there's a bit more about him and I suppose when he retired so Haas was very emotional when we did a show about three or four weeks ago about but the concept of the prospect of retirement what was he like what was he like when he was playing in his his pomp and did you find it because he was telling the story the other day about when he lost his rag ever the incident was playing for mensch and he came on the show and you I have to say maintain rugby Thorson said get back out there again I'm a pint but did he ever do that was he ever difficult as a no I think he was kind of the calm one on the field always and there were certain games that aft like if when he came home we'd be irritated about or certain maybe decisions that had gone the wrong way or that he would get irritated about but it would never last long I think I was probably the same like if he get it he get out and then he would be then he'd be fine you got over what about when he was injured it was right you were right you had quite a few you had some quite serious ones yeah I I think I pretty much I had five probably quite like he was quite to spend like with his injury so he would look after himself and he would get back you know you do all his rehab and did you ever worry about him I was quite worried when he came off was it the whales game when the liver liver had fallen out I fit my first memory of that was when I was getting in the chair you her walkie with a glass like a pie spice glass of white wine in the hand we Jolly Owen that was like taking a deep breath in it would carry on going oh this is not right something's wrong you really but yes I heard pint of white wine in the changing room when I went in there that's disappointing she judged what about when you retired was that something you did together was did he did he come to you and say I think I'm done and it was that an easy transition I don't think so because I think he thought he was getting to the end of his career he would have I think like turd another year if he could have done but the opportunity didn't happen yeah I was gonna say nothing was done with my retirement nothing was done conventionally in the fact that I didn't really want to retire yes but I didn't want to go to a different Club I wanted to stay at cost for another year in an ideal world okay I would have been 10 years yeah you say low from both the glossaries but I didn't this is another story I didn't want to leave bath in the first time it was arguments with mr. Pro sword a different give opinion over overpay I'd quite have we had this conversation with people on when I first did it is that you know I was playing I was playing for England there was I was on pittance I've won a World Cup and I was still on pittance and just because of how my contracts had gone hmm well I say pittance that's probably a disrespectful to people who are in salaries but in terms of what my peers were around if you looked at someone like and they hit Andrew Higgins who was at Worcester at the time yeah he was getting paid almost doubled me and I'd want to work up right so so you can see yeah so amazing so my my contracts unfortunately at foot so I just signed a new one before I got sort of camped yeah which then tied me down till 2002 before the World Cup so then I got they a pay rise that wasn't where it should have been yeah but I didn't want to leave bath and I was happy we were there everywhere we are so I signed that one and then went on and won a World Cup and then after the World Cup I was like look this is this is my biggest contract now I was I was 27 mm I'd been offered a lot of money it I've been offered a lot of money at sale Cerys it offered me a fair bit of money I had gone in September to Bath and said this is why I won I don't want to talk to anyone else I don't want to see anyone else it was only 30 grand more than what they ended up offering me and they didn't they just didn't move on it now people say well how did that work within salary cap in terms of what other players were getting paid oh so well that's not entirely my issue you know I can see that you know I could probably go all the way over here with Cerys or sale but and I only moved to Gloucester because of their ability I went and looked at symbol play Django play the players that they had all over the park you know obviously Gummer's was up that well gone was sort of left it at the time fix was there Trevor with Trevor was there even a idea that I moved there but well outside they were all still there when I signed Nigel was still there and then he left and D was Kochi I thought Dean hated me but and then you've got quite well with Dean in the end yeah so we get far bus to go yeah so the first sort of time I played against Dean against Bristol I sort of got into I got under his skin quite badly and because I was over a rock trying to steal it and he's come through and he's uppercutting me and that big arm garden yes and I've looked everyone is that all you've got I thought you were a marine boxer the softest punch of ever felt and his I sort of just changed and then for the next forty minutes he was chasing me around the field and I was forget again I don't know why I was in a mall but was in the mall again and he punched me again and the referee saw us all red and sent him off and I waved him off and anyway arch was in the team at that time and arch came up to me mate what have you done to date he absolutely hates you and wants to kill you so obviously then I wasn't really worried about it unless we played against him but they obviously a job buster and he was then coached and I was up on but it all create 2d what he's very good at is going ballistic at you but then the next day forgetting all that and he can just drop things straight away and get on and we ended up getting on very very well did you what did you find finding like as a coach begin the reason I ask that is that of everyone I ever worked with it sky the two people that stat stood out in terms of almost seeing the game in different matrix were him and Rob Baxter and they just spotted and explained things that my mama like me would never ask me who's the best coach of wit and it we did yeah his ability to break down the game in to also break down the skill into micro skills and then work on the micro skills and put it all back together yeah it was brilliant for forwards and it was it was great to then help forwards get better in terms of your attack game but also defensively and that three year period he was brilliant than that he's good at kicking up the ass - yes well no all of them oh yeah okay yeah good dynamic yeah you definitely didn't wanna fall off but then you know in some ways you went a bit mad towards the end when we what you know we've been probably the best team in the Premiership for three years and then we didn't win anything and the next year we sort of went for a different route and he did really work you know he got very hard on Lambie and they did really help lamby lamby needs a bit of love and he didn't quite get that and say I'm not here but yeah you definitely didn't wanna just battle know what's their attire do they know if only we could live forever that's quite profound did you love did you love life a Gloucester I mean yeah I do miss it dude it's it's because I've never I would never have asked that question him before but but obviously it's obvious what it means to retire when a play goes but you must have been in a really tight social circle and you see there's those guys every weekend yeah every weekend you know for the whole season and you know you will live in the same the same stress for the same wins the same losses you know it's it's all the same for all of us so and we had great great games bad games we had great social time as well so it was great fun it was it was good fun days none of us had children you know like we just it was you know you can kind of do whatever you know do whatever you wanted and that we do see quite a few of them now we do social stuff together but it's much more you know everyone's kind of everywhere pushchairs everywhere so when you to play Scrabble who is the more competitive definitely him I can't really place couple okay but when you say Monopoly cars it's like every beat me at Scrabble what you get most competitive about everything do you really in table tennis yeah I think the only thing I could beat in a minute swimming creation yeah yeah not a sprint long distance very economical right I'm just like dragging the lead weight behind me we have a diverse sprint race exactly cameras along yeah interesting put your flippers on I think I would be sure definitely I can fit a sort of midnight but the thing is where I've quite happily tell her when she'll be here something she would never admit that a moment's taker is amiss he beat me everything else I just said that okay I can already feel the temperature rising in Alaska just before we get into our I've got to say we're gonna do a royal 15 oh yeah mmm it's all eyes on like I don't feel that I've got enough you have to free pie didn't feel that I could go too much into people that I know so yeah because then positioning might become awkward so I've grown a flaw I borrowed royal families and some very very blast from the past two fairly hot topics this week in the world of rugby world rugby have not had their finest hour I'm sure they would admit miss rumor tell people figure out the Twitter's not a good way to voice anything through thoughts oh I mean it's difficult to know what what the thoughts are because I think a lot of people are now shouting in to avoid that well Rob you've said it isn't actually necessarily what they're trying to go for but essentially world rugby have proposed a sort of a new rule Denali worldly we're just gonna be shut fall but then ten countries top ten well she's not even top ten countries it's Japan and you know what I understand where the crowning point comes from is the fact that they started with this huge thing of what it was going to grow the grow the game yeah but then they've gone Six Nations Plus fans are Sansa and then Japan an NSA USA yeah and they haven't actually gone for the top 12 nations in the world yes because they've done for us a cause of cash yeah terms of what that market can add obviously Japan terms of actually I think you've had a pretty good team and deserve to be in there anyway but there it obviously they're in the they're in the champion championships already yeah obviously it means no Fiji no Tonga though somehow even though Fiji at nine or whatever in the world right now I think it's just been a little bit lost in translation what they were trying to say because they have said this promo from promotion and relegation and there's also a question mark about player well photos of homely games that can end up playing Johnny Sexton has said to suggest that players can play five incredibly high level Test matches in consecutive weeks in November is out of touch and shows little understanding of the physical strain that this brings and that's coming from a guy only plays nine games a year so here he good let it go yeah it's be asking Farrell who plays five gave the year yeah but again I think it doesn't change it it you would still be playing you would still be adding to the calendar rather than taking away which I'm not entirely sure I get on board with I think yeah five internationals back-to-back is a lot is all I could say and if you look at how they come off even if you look at the Premiership goes to the weekend they're only come questions the where yeah you know you're asking a lot I guess the intensity just go up the hits do go off and I think there's there is a there is a an idea in there but it needs a lot of - yeah I imagine what we have heard this week is not where we're going to end up just as a fan to not see summer fijian Thomas that's crazy yeah all right you see the hits those guys put in you know first round world rugby's I did idea of president for welfare extended potentially lost from the game yeah and sorry's have had a little tough time in the Daily Mail rumors potentially that they're not necessarily playing by the rules in the salary cap yeah Gus yeah is a hot potato I think you know I think obviously with marquee players that's throwing a big cloud over what salary caps are anyway no it's - I think I mean it's a difficult one if you know you and from what I understand Nigel Ray is involved in players companies but then Nigel ray is a guy who fully immerses himself in this club fully looks after the players makes player welfare play a family welfare in terms of what he does for all the players families is a priority for him so I would expect he would think he was just lending a helping hand by getting should he then be not allowed to do that that's a question that you've got I ask you be if you're saying that by him getting involved he's give is actually giving more money to them I don't think that would be his main goal main reason for doing it I think he actually wants to help his players but you look at the amount of players they've got in there they've got a lot of internationals a mating eight lines players next season I definitely think the way he looks after his players and the families and the whole other clubs should try and do that there's a reason why they are wins they win everything yeah because they they make it a joy to play for that club and they make the family your kids it good to be part of that Club and when you have that players will buy into it more you know extra another team that do it very well yeah and that's why they're successful and you know whether we where there is in breach of salary cap rules I'm sure it'll come out in the wash but everyone's going to say that because they do so well and they've got a lot of international players is it as simple as just opening the box again well there it is probably not but watch this space politician at times to watch this space I think I think there's a lot more to come from from both of those stories with world rugby and Saracens um are you ready so how's this gonna go down inside the you'll be fine imagine Elizabeth is necessarily a fan of house happy but do send her always you'd like to be guests we are very welcome receive I think I think if you per in the team is captain to be fine obviously is long busy at ten at ten at ten I've gone at ten as well Her Majesty's pulling in literally in a second at ten no no questions asked no no debate there so we are picking our royal fifteen this week and this is about the most nervous I've been actually I have to say well that's because you were true geek yeah literally I'm also a fan of the Crown's so this is all get it's perfect Paul our weekly testing 119 in our seconds because that's how long it takes to pour the perfect pint of Guinness do you watch scream mmm do you watch the cream yes TV show yeah it's going back in it is that are you gonna do you nights playing you I see regard 35 and Jason Statham you were very good was a high diver yeah both games oh yes he would be he would you choose as me yeah Charlie's room maybe yeah oh my god kara total blank with me Margot Robbie oh my god that's a good one too or Justin Timberlake's wife [Music] Jason Statham's about right confused for him now don't tell him who you is confused for it was the worst moment ever in the history of my soyuz on we were on holiday in the bahamas and I was in I was in the sea and the bump did this guy and he said he said oh hello how you doing all right okay no worries swim on an educator he goes there foot comes like this on it foots fine metatarsal yeah adios yeah you are him aren't you that was like awkward question because like well who do you think am you are when I was like dude he's a lot smaller than me where we get wealthy and so one I've got Henry the eighth was a brilliant school reportedly when he was died he died he was around 350 to 400 pounds clearly ain't going back in the only problem I had with him it's a bit of a pet he's gonna be penalty machine taking heads Delisa yes distracted with off-field issues as well yeah I see but I still think he's not gonna move I've got Georgia v renowned Deadeye dick guaranteed line out wins hello we came through family members he was a sec one we can't talk about it's my first this is my first foreigner is a guy called for rock who was the last king of Egypt he was also 300 pounds thinking except that's a help from row and yeah and then for I've got he was its core poorest he fought Alexander the Great he's busy because when he's not busy he turns out he's got everything nice into that when he is busy he turns out he does the whole thing during the show he apparently was seven foot tall lost lost to Alexander the Great his bit history for you but Alexander the Great was so impressed of a man that he allowed him to still rule his domain he didn't kill him it's alright yeah in the in the boiler house wizard they I've gone Freddie Windsor quite a tall chap yeah big hair yeah yeah move on probably gonna have the bit more the skills will let the poor poorest do the old fisticuff be the enforcer yeah only ones are committing sin yes six we've got Arthur chato who's a young man currently Lord Lindley learnt very chato's son who's at uni at the moment he's playing rugby where's he uni is cozy yeah good boy it's quite a big lad he'll do well my brother-in-law Pete Phillips at 7 obviously Shaolin under-18s knows the role be pleased with that ya know everybody be pleased that he's in 10 or 15 definitely would you like to be captain having sort of represented shout for being captain but okay good on a basis I got the to commemorate to sort of steer the forwards in front you know he's gonna drive that pack in some direction sounding bark orders would be playing a shirt used to drive away the right direction nine I've got Alexander the Great hopefully what hopefully what go on hopefully I mean he would listen to ya when he says jump easy no I've got Alexander the Great obviously was educated by Aristotle so he's definitely a thinking man's player he's just gonna pull the strings ignited yeah yeah yeah they're very much a master tactician obviously sat outside the Queen she's pulling all the strings the boss yeah lately I'm kind of a 10 would she be quiet quiet authority oh yes yes yeah just a couple of key bullet points yeah in the team huddle and go out and do what you make one sorry once of an eye look yeah Glen 7 I either it would either be wedding or a bad luck when did you last get the good look where did not get a bad look frequently do you know I know I do not recently coloring in the carpet or something writing of the fence yes and not recently definitely not you've been good it's late I've got as you're a busy have a look have you ever look for him as it getting yes hmm very possibly I got ripped my P's and Q's yeah you got ripped me tonight I they got they got stuck into me after I got back from my stag do fur but it was the Dukes 90th n't they Wellesley in the paper how I all of them the elephants have a good time did we I really read about it Emperor Nero is it 11 6 7 ad he went to the Olympics yeah everything he entered family enough so I'm thinking people a bit scared rooms yeah down the wing no one's gonna tackling I have got a fantastic pairing in the centres I've got the Prince Harry and Prince William they know each other inside out has front line man in the military he'll crazy that he's you're 12 yeah I'll crack that ball up for it he'll dominate that yeah boss the tackle line Williamson yeah I see Willie is it quick it's quite quick and the same as a bit of a gasket just that whole slide princesses yeah they'll slice I'll just reverse myself out of that yeah I'll just slide on the pass lovely if you don't keep it on he'll just fade out there um I've cut the mix team tears yeah I'm not quite sure how they're gonna play but I've got the Duchess of Cambridge on the on one wing yeah because she's a long flight loves running down run all day engine she's quick out of husband and wife team there he's quick is he really yeah I've raced him he is quick quicker than you he's up you might be yeah he's quick real fast like speed is only ways like where do you come in me in the family foot race Oh talk about your sprinting career mother but I you know I still do that at school nice night oh really really you're sprinting carry so I'm nice to sprint it they weren't many people in the athletics team at school so I ended up having to do quite a few things no cuts in my job definitely my jump hurdles hundred cuz no one turned up Wow I mean I'm alright I'm I'm better on the bed like yeah and finally at 15 I've got an F key the Duke of Palma de Majorca who used to rectify professional humble so he ate dropping Wow that is a remarkable fifteen I think I've put more effort into that than anyone I did have a specialist I did have a special what for Sheikh Mohammed bin hasha I'll make two new one double gold in the trap he was my okay so yes not missing anything I'm a little disappointed that Queen Victoria didn't get it I think she'd be a very good clue said like I sort of Robert Patrick if you said Victoria was a Lou said you would probably get yes we can always that we can we can leave Queen Victoria one night King John at tooth he was a bad man Henry gate for three not came back in a hurry I've gone sent a second or a combination of Freddy wins a big hair and Prince Philip in the row sort of engine room character Dooley yet very much ado me issuing order there's a lot of don't argue about that icon Prince Harry it's six principal him at seven with your brother at eight I know he's seven I've gone I want them round the park quickly and I've gone youth in my back row Charles at nine putting it on a plate for the Queen at ten just things happen around her she seems very nicely yeah granny at ten and then I've gone Duchess of Cambridge on one wing touch of Sussex on the other I think that comes together very nicely to view in the center 12 and 13 and then I've put I put your mommy at 15 yeah because I think she sort of got a lovely scanning game not Lots gonna happen in front of her that she doesn't want and yeah much get past her no I think she's got a great understanding of the game yeah that's true so clearly modern barking John and Henry eighth but I like an old adult and ankle in Victoria like an old front row experience I reckon that royal 15 would beat the politicians 15 are we going to lift it to see another day or is it on any one site perfect okay thank you what's gonna happen this weekend oh yes that's a good point thank you bye yo England Oh a big big bounce back and they need they need a five pointer yeah so I expect them to get that Scotland Wales I've gotta wear to rotate the cousin happy your little ah it's my it's merit for visit yeah a lot of injuries oh yeah they have anyone fin muscles back so those lives on so do you think Scotland are playing better rugby than Wales at the moment yes well that was a knee-jerk reaction sellotape your letterbox for you yeah because that in terms of winning no but the Welsh want relaxed off the back of a podcast last weekend but at least what I like about Scotland is they may lose but they they have a go whereas I don't think Wales have yet to have a go at but then that won't win them a title so you can understand from both ways yeah but I prefer to watch people having to go right good luck when it comes back round you well done thanks for coming on it's so relaxing isn't it I feel I'm going away not in any way up stress yeah that is it for this week thank you for watching thank you for listening to the house of rugby where YouTube shown a podcast don't forget to download and watch our new boxing show t care with Carl Frampton and boys don't cry with Russell Cain thank you to sins and sorrow once again thank you thank you we will see you next week goodbye for now you've been watching the house of rugby on Joe together with Guinness drink responsibly visit drinkaware code at UK for the facts
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Keywords: JOE, house of rugby joe, house of rugby ireland, house of rugby james haskell, house of rugby mike tindall, mike tindall zara phillips, zara and mike tindall, zara and mike tindall wedding, mike tindall rugby podcast, rugby podcast, house of rugby podcast joe, podcast, rugby union podcast, royal family, zara phillips royal wedding, zara phillips olympics 2012, zara phillips wedding, zara phillips interview, mike tindall highlights, mike tindall tribute, James Haskell podcast
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Length: 69min 14sec (4154 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2019
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