London Bridge Is Down (2024)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] for I cannot forget that I was crowned queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service that wish has never deserted me through a half century during which you have seen turmoil and tragedy 1992 is not a year on which I shall look back with undiluted pleasure change has become a constant managing it has become an expanding discipline the way we embrace it defines our future London Bridge Is Down [Music] on the 8th of September 2022 Buckingham Palace announced that the queen was under medical Supervision in a year that had seen the queen celebrate her Platinum Jubilee and where the nation had celebrated her unprecedented success as a monarch it was news that did not sit well with the nation Princess Anne and Prince Charles already in Scotland went immediately to be at their mother's side other members of the family began making their way to Bal moral the public hoping for the best wished her majesty a swift recovery perhaps hoping to avoid the news the whole country couldn't face just after 12:30 today we heard the news from Bucking Palace that the queen um were concerns about the Queen's Health they said doctors were concerned and they told her to rest and she was under medical supervision but the concerning thing is that members of the RO family her children and William the second Alli of the FR grandchild all traveling up to Bal M to see her as we speak so that is the concerning thing that the family feel that things are so serious that they need to be by the Queen's side at this moment intense speculation circled the headlines and traveled the globe perhaps an indication of the news that would soon be announced at 239 p.m. Royal Air Force flight krf 23r took off from RAF northal in West London in the airplane Prince William the Duke of York and the ear and Countess of wessix there was a sense of urgency a sense something was wrong all other events and engagements were dropped the plane landed at abedine airport and the family quickly traveled to B moral Castle a news alert informed the public Harry would be traveling up to balm moral separately and Megan would not accompany him at long last after hours of broadcasting and speculation in the news the Prime Minister received the news at 4:30 p.m. cabinet secretary Simon case informed Liz truss that London Bridge is down her majesty Queen Elizabeth II is dead prime minister Liz truss had only met the queen days before when her majesty had asked her to form a government on her behalf they were pictured together in what would be the Queen's final official photographs Liz truss and her AIDS hurriedly prepared to write a statement to present later that evening news reporters reached for their black ties alarms flashed in radio stations and the media was informed of her passing it was their responsibility to share the news perhaps the biggest news story they would share in their lifetime at 6:30 p.m. Buckingham Palace announces the death of her majesty Queen Elizabeth [Music] II buckham Palace has announced the death of Queen Elizabeth II the longest reigning monarch in British history so let me just now repeat that statement from the Royal household which we have received in the last few minutes it reads the queen died peacefully at balm moral this afternoon the king and the queen consort will remain at balm moral this evening and will return to London [Music] tomorrow there is no pause in the continuity of the monchy made clear by the statement from the palace The Queen Is Dead long live the king flags were lowered to half mast people began congregating outside Palace Gates flowers cards and most touchingly Paddington bears in arms more moving than any statement could be a marmalade sandwich or two was left outside the palace for [Music] later a further statement was issued by the palace from his majesty the king we mourn profoundly the passing of a cherished Sovereign and a much loved mother Liz truss made her statement one each of her predecessors had prepared for but she could not have anticipated she would be the one to share the news so early in her Premiership Queen Elizabeth II was the rock on which modern Britain was built our country has grown grown and flourished under her Reign she was the very Spirit of Great Britain and that spirit will enjo she has been our longest ever reigning monarch it's an extraordinary achievement to have presided with such dignity and Grace for 70 years and with the passing of the second Elizabethan Age We usher in a new era in the Magnificent history of our great country exactly as her Majesty would have wished by saying the words God Save the [Music] King the new king and queen Charles and Camila left Bal moral on Friday the 9th of September one of his first duties to meet with his new prime minister Liz truss for the newly elected prime minister to serve two monarchs in her first week of service must have been a challenging introduction to the job Flags across Royal and governmental buildings flew at half M Westminster Abbey St Paul's Cathedral and Windsor Castle began to toll their Bells gun salutes were fired for each and every year of the Queen's life in Hyde Park and other stations the king's most significant Duty that day to address his people in his first televis address he paid tribute to his mother and pledged his duty to service impeccably written and delivered Charles showed For the First Time The stoic and compassionate Monarch he would be she made sacrifices for Duty her dedication and devotion as Sovereign never wavered through times of change and progress through times of joy and celebration and through times of sadness and loss his speech to the nation uh last night was obviously incredibly moving but I thought also incredibly well judged and thoughtful um what he said about his mother um really said all that needed to be said about her extraordinary record and the service and Duty in her life of service we saw that Abiding Love of tradition together with that Fearless Embrace of progress which makes us great as Nations the affection admiration and respect she inspired became the Hallmark of her Reign Charles has great delivery I mean he's practically like a Shakespearean actor well he was a Shakespearean actor at one time so his delivery of all these speeches is completely brilliant and I think he he writes most of them himself and he delivers it with with superb timing and superb emotion Queen Elizabeth was a life well- lived a promise with Destiny kept and she has mourned most deeply in her passing that promise of lifelong service I renew to you all today alongside the per personal grief that all my family are feeling we also share with so many of you in the United Kingdom in all the countries where the queen was Head of State in the Commonwealth and across the world a deep sense of gratitude for the more than 70 years in which my mother as Queen served the people of so many nations in 1947 on her 21st birthday she pledged in a broadcast from Cape Town to the Commonwealth to devote her life whether it be short or long to the service of her peoples I pay tribute to my mother's memory and I honor her life of service outside the Royal Court the state trumpets sound before rolling news the role of this part of the ceremony was to spread the word to a waiting Nation the Prince Charles philli Arthur George Is Now by The Death of our late Sovereign of happy memory become our only lawful and rightful Leed Lord Charles III God SA King one of the most significant days for any Monarch is when they are proclaimed king or queen at St James's Palace the accession council met a moment in history captured as all the late Queens former and current living Prime Ministers gathered watching this historic moment my mother's Reign was unequaled in its duration its dedication and its devotion even as we grieve we give thanks for this most faithful [Music] life this event has happened in one form or another since Anglo-Saxon time so you felt you were part of uh an extraordinary historical event the overwhelming feeling I think was one of continuity um we mourn Queen Elizabeth second for her extraordinary Reign and all her amazing talents but seamlessly you go straight to the new king to Charles iiii being sworn in in that very public but very old-fashioned and historical way and that overwhelming sense of the continuity of our constitutional monarchy and democracy um which we should be very proud [Applause] of the very first privy Council was held by Charles along with privy Council Camila and William the king made his personal declaration and solemnly swore an oath to the Protestant faith and to Parliament Union flags were returned to full mast from 1 p.m. and would remain so for 24 hours to celebrate the new king following which they would return to halfast in continued mourning of the late Queen the new Prince and Princess of Wales accompanied by Harry and Megan Duke and Dess of Sussex reunited to read tributes left at Windsor Castle a much needed sign of unity when the monarchy faced a knock in its stability William and Kate Harry and Megan in the same place at the same time given how bad their Rift had become many wondered if they'd ever be able to meet together in private let alone like this this week however they are sharing the common pain of losing the grandmother they [Music] loved it was according to a royal Source tonight Prince William who asked his brother if he and Megan would join them here and both sides clearly agreed that their family perhaps also the nation right now needed to see [Music] this Sunday the 11th of September marked the day the coffin was taken by road to the Palace of holwood house in operation London Bridge the queen wished for the Princess Royal to accompany the coffin on its Journey operation unicorn was in place for the event she would pass away in Scotland balm moral was known to be one of the Queen's favorite residences from a young child she enjoyed holidaying in the highlands she enjoyed visits to the local shops and being a member of the church she became an important member of the community as the hearse left the gates of the castle the streets were lined with the people who'd come to know her as one of their own they watched in blessed memory a pillar of strength and continuity not just to the country but to their community in holwood house the coffin was placed in the throne room where staff could pay their respects to the late Queen proclamations were read in Scotland Wales and Northern [Music] [Music] Ireland the queen was respected around the world she had given a lifetime of service and her Devotion to duty was an example and inspiration for us all all and as prime minister of course I was fortunate enough to be able to meet her in different circumstances including in the weekly audiences uh uh but also at B moral and saw a more relaxed uh Queen I think we are all mourning the fact that somebody who was a constant in our lives has now passed away and we must always remember that she wasn't just Our Queen she was a mother and a grandmother and a great grandmother and my thoughts and prayers are with the whole of the Royal [Music] Family back in London the king and queen visited Westminster Hall the houses of Parliament expressed their condolences the new king made his first address to Parliament before the flew to Scotland this morning both houses of Parliament had gathered in Westminster Hall to present their addresses of condolence and loyalty to the new monarch much of the ceremony and procedure that's followed the death of the queen is ancient albe it unseen for seven decades this one is new in the past such addresses would have been presented in private members of both house of parliament gather here to express our would with deep Sympathy for the loss we've all sustained in the death of our Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth we have seen that this is a loss that has felt around the world deep as our grief is we know yours is deeper I think part of her great service that was unseen um was that uh as one uh former prime minister I heard saying at one point in a conversation that there's only one person in the world that he could talk to and say exactly what he thought and felt and was 100% certain that it would never go any further and that was her majesty if I asked her for her view on on an issue she would she would give it carefully but she would she would give it and if I asked her about things that were to do with where the British people might be or what what she thought was the state of British opinion you know she had a very shrewd sense of where where the center of gravity was oh well any prime minister who didn't listen to the Queen's views uh was a very foolish man or woman indeed uh because she had an historic memory longer than any Civil Service adviser she had a great understanding of how people lived and was very interesting interested in what government policy meant for the lives of people in different parts of the country that was something about which she was concerned and about which she would ask questions so you got a very clear idea from an intelligent well-informed person about how some of the policies might be received and what their implications might be and that to politicians who can often be locked in the narrow world of Westminster it's easy it's very easy to find yourself blocked off from opinion that one once you would have been familiar with and the queen was one Outlet where sometimes something was said that brought you back to realize exactly what something may mean and I don't think there is a single prime minister who has worked with her who wouldn't say the same thing visits by American presidents have been memorable landmarks in my reign unlike in the United States the British head of state is not limited to terms of four years and I have welcomed no fewer than seven of your predecessors in the very Hall where an earlier Parliament had put an earlier King Charles on trial for his life the king spoke of the inextricable link between crown and Parliament in a constitutional monarchy Parliament is the living and breathing instrument of our democracy that your Traditions are ancient we see in the construction of this Great Hall while very young her late Majesty pledged herself to serve her country and her people and to maintain the precious principles of constitutional government which lie at the heart of our nation this vow she kept with unsurpassed devotion she set an example of selfless Duty which with God's help and your counsels I am resolved Faithfully to follow in this very Hall on Wednesday the Queen's coffin will be brought to Lion State for the 4 days leading up to her funeral it will be will be a chance for hundreds of thousands to file past and pay their [Music] respects King Charles and queen Camila quickly flew back to Scotland where they attended the ceremony of the keys this traditional ceremony takes place once a year when the Monarch arrives they meet with the Lord provest who presents them with the keys of the City of Edinburgh the Monarch traditionally returns them entrusting the city with the elected officials the king then carried out an inspection of the Guard King Charles led the family in procession as the Queen's coffin traveled to St Gil's cedral for a service of Thanksgiving for 24 hours the public were able to file through and pay their respects the king went on to hold an audience with the first Minister Nicholas [Music] sturgeon this is a moment of acute loss and profound sadness it is also a moment of enormous significance the passing of Queen Elizabeth marks the end of an era our nation is in mourning my hearts and my thoughts and I know those of people across Scotland are with the royal family at this deeply sad [Music] moment a vigil of the princes was held at the Cathedral later that night for the first time this included a princess Princess Anne joined in the vigil alongside her brothers to honor their [Music] mother [Music] Queen Elizabeth makes her final journey in an RAF aircraft accompanied by the Princess Royal her coffin was flown to [Music] London I think for me the most important thing about Queen Elizabeth II was the the simple fact that she was a Believer you go back through Christian history and the history of the monarchy in this country and a few of them have been a bit dodgy shall we say um but this was a woman of such evident deep faith and her Christmas messages bring that out she knew her faith she knew her Bible she was a huge fan of the parable of the Good Samaritan for instance I think she lives a huge Legacy of faith I think it's so important for the Monarch not just to be someone who is is a a symbol of unity to our nation but also from my point of view particularly it's good as well that they are a believing Christian and that that therefore is a symbol to other people of the importance of Christian faith in the life of the [Music] nation the period of national mourning and reflection that we go into is important for two reasons first as a mark of respect for a truly exceptional life and of course for the royal family but also as a moment of true reflection on what her majesty the queen taught us what she gave us because as we go forward from here it will be important to understand at that in a a world uh that is uh ever changing and very volatile she provided constancy and consistency for the British people people and those are qualities that we all need to learn to Value more she defined the national character uh in most of the last century and in this what it is to be British that mix of stoicism and sense of humor a great basis on which anybody can face the ups and downs of life but also Stern and serious yet warm and generous at the same time that's uh Queen Elizabeth II as I remember her [Music] GRE [Music] hundreds of people lined the street as a motorcade accompanied by the coffin draped in the Royal Standard made its way to Buckingham Palace for the very last time the hearse was illuminated wellwishers watching the drive by could clearly see in inside the hearse a small detail of operation London Bridge which was revealed to have been an intentional design by the queen in her life and in her death as she had said herself she must be seen to be believed you're clearly very very sad um tell me how you're feeling right now at this news just just touch with the old situation you know you don't think you will be but she's been part of my life forever and you know she's not here and you know you hope but you appreciate that you know her age it was expected at some point but even when it happens it's still shock and that's what I'm feeling now it's got that feeling the way I [Music] feel despite steady rain thousands lined the A40 inter Central London from the [Music] West on the other side of the road they stopped nose to tail in the fast lane as the cor came past as they passed marble AR the Pavements on the western end of Oxford Street and down Park Lane were packed and Silent rounding the victoriia memorial morial in front of Buckingham Palace the crowd was dotted with hundreds of tiny lights as people lit her way home with the torches on their phones her police motorcycle escort their job done stopped heads bowed on either side inside the palace her family were waiting to receive her children and grandchildren gathered for a last private evening before her coffin is taken in procession back into public View for the lying in state in Westminster Hall tomorrow afternoon [Applause] the coffin remained in the bow room overnight where once again staff were able to pay their respects to their former [Music] Queen King Charles continued his four-nation tour traveling to Northern Ireland with his wife and queen Camila they visited hillsbor Castle to view a special exhibition about the Queen's association with the area after meeting with Northern Ireland secretary Chris Heaton Harris they attended a service of prayer at St an's Cathedral before heading back to London that evening a rehearsal of the procession from Buckingham Palace to the Palace of West Westminster took place to ensure the immaculate standard of pump and ceremony would be met you'll be a wonderful King on Wednesday the 14th of September the king led the procession behind the gun Carriage which held the late Queen's coffin he was accompanied by members of the Royal Family and Senior staff of the late Queen's household at top the coffin laid the Imperial State Crown in Immaculate military style the procession led the coffin to Westminster hall for most of her life first as a princess then as Queen Buckingham Palace was her London home today with military Precision Britain's longest serving Monarch left the palace for the last [Music] time the Queen's coffin draped in the Royal Standard and with the Imperial State Crown on top was taken slowly through the palace Gates aboard a gun Carriage behind walked the king his sister and brothers and behind them the Dukes of Cambridge and Sussex 25 years ago the two brothers had their childhood defined by the image of them walking behind their mother's coffin today they honored their grandmother in the same [Music] way there was an extraordinary outpouring of grief amongst uh the nation because you know the majority of of the queen subjects have never known um another Monarch and it was kind of the end of an era it wasn't just her death it was the end of an era it was end of the Elizabeth and age as we know it and of course it was all so dramatic and so be beautifully staged that that made it even more poignant the you know the soldiers the the wonderful music the people that used to work for the queen walking behind her coffin was very very moving and uh the crowd we know was was crying or they were crying or they were cheering or they were just silent completely [Music] silent operation Marquee was put into action code name for the queen lying in state following the ceremonial procession in a similar way to the Queen Mother Queen Elizabeth's lying in state allowed the people to file past the coffin to pay their respects the process of managing this codenamed operation feather in an unprecedented turn of events the sheer number of people who wished to pay their respects resulted in a Quee unlike any in recent history people waited in line for several hours in the cold and Rain just to have a few precious moments to say goodbye to their Queen the que for lying in state at Westminster Hall became a story in itself because the people were queing for 10 hours 13 hours even longer and it was cold um and it all the queue was almost the story more than the actual lying in state thousands of Dawns have broken over Westminster but very few have broken on a day quite like this here to witness it hundreds of people willing to sit through the Rainy Night to pay their last respects to the queen but I didn't I haven't had any sleep the adrenaline kicks in I think Patricia spent the whole night in the queue she was saved from sleeping on the wet pavement by a local resident he was really kind like our Guardian Angel cuz it fell down with rain she's described you as a guardian angel not at all the guardian angel of the country is over there by midm morning those who braved the night were being joined by others hoping not to cue for so long from the elderly to the very young each with their own reasons to come this is the only monarch I've I've known for the whole 10 years of my life cuz this is history so I just wanted to kind of just try and be a part of [Music] it people keep coming in their hundreds of thousands to honor two British Traditions the queen and the Q everyone was so friendly and so and so of one mind there was a wonderful feeling of unity and people that did queue for for the 13 hours and things said actually the queuing was was part of the whole experience [Music] the following few days were quieter the focus on allowing the people to say goodbye to their Queen the queue continued to grow and preparations for the funeral took place rehearsals of the funeral procession began to take place and tributes continued to be made from all over the [Music] world this was a leader who truly LED by example and the best way we can honor her life is to understand how she worked what that gave to the country and commit to carry on in the same vein I think everybody throughout the country respects what the queen has achieved no Monarch has lived longer no Monarch has had such a a force of Personality that is esteemed and respected across the whole world and it's the whole world that is in mourning because she was a compassionate dedicated wonderful public servant and nobody nobody will ever forget the contribution she's made to our country and to our Constitution and indeed her contribution uh to the world she was a peacemaker she brought people together she listened to people she never uh told you what her view was on any partisan issue she wanted people to come together and she did bring people together and the great achievement of her reign as the longest serving monar is the utter respect the overwhelming respect that every leader in every part of the world I know felt for her and is mourning her this evening and so it was moments like these years in the planning still unfolding 8 Days on from the Queen's [Music] death the streets around fandi cathedral in Cardiff were packed 64 years on from his first visit to Wales in an era when they still used to sing God bless the Prince of Wales the king and queen consult listened the Prime Minister nearby as the Archbishop of Wales paid tribute to the late Queen he talked of her ability to influence through soft power Prime Ministers found that she was a trusted confidor her attention to matters of govern her knowledge of world events and the longevity of her Reign gave her an unmatched perspective and ability to see the distant [Music] scene on Friday the 16th of September King Charles visited Wales where he addressed the seni in Welsh o b and the wizo Cy more here an hour be for Mob William and Durbin a title my Gano Gad D at G that ancient title dating from the time of those great Welsh rulers like clelin AB Griffith whose memory is still rightly honored I now pass to my my son William whose love for this corner of the earth is made all the Greater by the years he himself has spent here earlier that day the king and queen attended a remembrance service at fandf Cathedral in Cardiff after which they meeted and greeted wellwishers this was the final trip of the home nation's tour after which the king and queen returned to London the second vigil of the princes was held in Westminster Hall the Queen's four children in military dress stood solemnly in silence to honor the former Queen their late mother on Saturday the 17th of September State officials began to arrive many of which went to Westminster Hall to pay their respects we've had an opportunity to meet with an awful lot of consequential people but I can say that the ones who stand out in your mind are those whose relationship and interaction with you are consistent with their reputation when the queen had us to the castle for tea and we joking crimet she kept offering me more I kept eating everything she put in front of me but uh she was the same uh in person as she as her image decent honorable and all about service and uh our hearts go out to the royal family King Charles and all the family it's a loss that leaves a giant hole and uh sometimes you think you'll never you'll never overcome it but uh as I've told the king she's going to be with him every step of the way every minute every moment and that's a reassuring notion the queue only continued to grow in length and the spirits of the people stayed strong such an important and historic moment people traveled from all corners of the globe to bid Her Majesty goodbye it's just a table of snacks and sugar to keep you [Music] going her majesty served us for 70 years so it's the least I could do so I not bothered at all about how long it took not bothered at all to say goodbye to her majesty very solemn um I think you know her majesty I I had the pleasure of meeting her twice uh and speaking to her you know so I I I have that privilege and I you know she was a a woman Duty a woman of substance um and a a woman that would like things to be done the right way I managed to hold it together right right until the end when I left uh Westminster Hall I got I got a bit emotional shall we say and um it it's just you know it's it's very special for me I mean I've um I've been in the Navy a long time nearly 4 5 years so I I served her majesty for 44 years 9 months and 4 days and now I serve King Charles III and I'm very proud to do [Music] that a third vigil was held but this time by the late Queen's grandchildren a first for Royal vigils and a moving moment for the grandchildren and the public lucky enough to be in the hall as the prince's vigil took place on the eve of the state funeral the king not short of Duties to attend to met with prime minister Liz truss and then Prime Ministers of the Commonwealth Realms he later hosted a reception at Buckingham Palace for the heads of state after thousands of people filed through the queue a statement was released announcing the closing of the queue the public began to ready themselves for what lay ahead setting up their chairs and wrapping up in blankets attempting to find the best vantage point for one of the most significant moments in modern history at 8 p.m. the streets Drew quiet a minute's silence to reflect on the life of the late Queen on Monday the 19th of September the nation would say goodbye in ceremonial Splendor the late Queen's coffin traveled from West Hall to Westminster Abbey over 2,000 people filled the Abbey from world leaders to politicians to foreign Royals as this day draws to its close I know that my abiding memory of it will be not only the solity and beauty of the ceremony but the inspiration of your loyalty and affection I thank you all from a full heart God bless you all Westminster Abbey was a place held dear to the late queen of which so many of the most important memories of her life had played out it was where she took her coronation oath and where she made her wedding vows and now where her coffin would lay as her people said goodbye we will come together as a nation as a commonwealth and indeed a global Community to lay my beloved mother to rest in our sorrow let us remember and draw strength from the light of her example a touching service watched by millions around the globe with Pomp and pageantry with ceremony and tradition following the service the historically unparalleled military procession escorted her coffin to Wellington [Music] Arch from there the late Queen made her final journey to Windsor crowds lined the route and flowers were thrown in grief in an intimate service at St George's Chapel the family and staff bid her a final goodbye everyone was together and it everyone had one aim and that was to say goodbye to the queen who in in many cases was was a close friend and it sort of really drove it home that there was this wonderful humble woman who was no longer there in the George V 6th Memorial Chapel beside her late husband and strength and stay Prince Phillip Queen Elizabeth II was laid to rest with her mother father and sister too us four were finally reunited her Duty fulfilled she rests in peace the end of the second great Elizabethan age on behalf of all my family I can only offer the most sincere and heartfelt thanks for you your condolences and support they mean more to me than I can ever possibly Express and to my darling mamama as you begin your last great journey to join my dear late Papa I want simply to say this thank [Music] you thank you for your love and Devotion to our family and to the family of Nations you have served so diligently all these years May flights of Angels Sing thee to thy [Music] rest I declare before you to all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great Imperial family to which we all belong but I shall not have strength to carry out this resolution alone unless you join in it with me as I now invite you to do I know that your support will be unfailingly given God help me to make good My Vow and God bless all of you who are willing to share in [Music] it [Music]
Channel: Royalty TV
Views: 939,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Royalty, Royal Family, Diana, Princess Of Wales, Harry, Duke Of Sussex, Megan, Duchess Of Sussex, King Charles III, Queen Elizabeth II, King Charles, Queen Camilla, prince william, princess kate
Id: TbG7Ej5Fs2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 45sec (2985 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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