The Truth About Queen Elizabeth & Philip's Granddaughter Zara

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[Music] although zara tindall was raised by princess anne the queen's only daughter you'd have a hard time knowing it since she lives a life as close to normal as a royal can get this is the truth about queen elizabeth and philip's eldest granddaughter on may 15 1981 princess anne and her husband captain mark phillips welcomed their second child at st mary's hospital in paddington the couple decided to name her zara and elizabeth phillips although it's easy to pinpoint the inspiration for the middle names and after the baby's mother princess anne and elizabeth after the baby's grandmother queen elizabeth the first name is quite unusual for a royal but it was actually the baby's uncle prince charles who suggested it to his sister princess anne later explained the baby made a rather sudden and positive arrival and my brother thought zara a greek name meaning bright as the dawn was an appropriate name this relatively unconventional name has greatly increased in popularity since the early 80s when it ranked at number 3197 in popularity in early 2021 zara was ranked the 123rd most popular baby girl name although she's very much a member of the royal family zara tyndall is neither a princess nor a senior royal this is because princess anne declined her mother's proposal to bestow tindall with the royal title of princess when the times asked tyndall if she thought her life would have been different with the title she responded that it probably would have been but there was no way to be sure she said i can't really answer that i'm very lucky that both my parents decided to not use the title and we grew up and did all the things that gave us the opportunity to do we you know did everything everyone else did you know went to school and you just went to the village school yeah initially yeah while many of us as children may have dreamed of what life would be like as a princess it may be hard to imagine someone actually feeling lucky not to be one it's more than likely though that princess anne knew the costs and benefits of life as a princess all too well and simply determined she didn't want her daughter to live that life in 1998 zara tyndall then going by her maiden name of zara phillips showed up to prince charles 50th birthday party with her tongue pierced that may not seem like a big deal now but for the queen's granddaughter to rock a body piercing even in the late 90s was kind of scandalous at the time tindall was but 17 years old and on summer break from boarding school although her tongue stud has since been removed tyndall's father captain mark phillips once told the times that his daughter is still very much the wild child tyndall who is also present at the interview interjected saying i don't know if i was that wild i guess it looked like that because of my family background i'm sure that is what it's probably compared to since tyndall has always been involved in the world of sports her father attributes her wildness to what he calls the sporting life but that doesn't mean she's a party animal when asked by the times reporter whether she gets slaughtered a britishism for getting overly drunk tindall objected her father explained the impact drunkenness would have on his daughter's sporting career adding getting slaughtered is not an option but it doesn't mean to say you can't go and have a beer or two all things in moderation right when princess anne was a teenager she started getting interested in horseback riding by 1971 when she was in her 20s she had already won a number of eventing titles and was even named bbc sports personality of the year a few years after marrying captain mark phillips she went on to compete at the olympic level in montreal phillips too has an interest in horses which is how the couple first met in 1972 he won gold at the summer olympics in munich germany that same love of horses may very well be in tyndall's blood tyndall started riding horses pretty much as soon as she was old enough to sit on a saddle and some 35 years after her mother was selected as bbc sports personality of the year tyndall went on to earn the title as well like her parents tyndall also went on to participate in the olympic games at london in 2012 and won a silver medal making her the first royal to win an olympic medal was it very important that you beat your mother's record yeah it's very important i beat my father's shortly after her wedding in july 2011 zara phillips gave up her maiden name and took the name of her husband the captain of england's rugby team mike tyndall the two were married in a summer ceremony in scotland at a fairly small church canon gate kirk the bride was dressed in a duchess satin in ivory silk gown by designer stuart parvin who is most notably known for also designing outfits for the queen tyndall also donned a tiara given to her by her mother a number of royals were in attendance at the wedding including the bride's cousin prince william and his new wife kate middleton although tyndall told hello magazine that her ceremony would be nothing like kate and williams because it was much smaller and for close family and friends only it was still a royally pricey affair the reception which took place at the palace of holyrood house is estimated to have cost about sixty thousand dollars at the eye-popping reported cost of eight hundred thousand dollars for security at the event and you've got yourself a heck of an expensive wedding day in november 2014 zara tyndall gave birth to her first child mia but tyndall had been given at least a kind of parental responsibility prior to this as prince william and kate middleton chose her to be a godparent to prince george the young prince actually has a total of seven godparents all of whom come from a variety of backgrounds one of the appointed godparents is an interior designer who is friends with middleton while another is a childhood friend of william then there's the prince's private secretary the couple's mutual pal from college a close friend of williams late mother princess diana and the now incumbent duke of westminster tyndall however was the only family member to be chosen just a few short weeks after mike and zara tyndall announced they were expecting a second child tragedy struck when zara suffered a late term miscarriage in an interview with the daily telegraph mike publicly discussed the couple's loss for the first time he simply said obviously you're gutted nevertheless he highlighted the silver lining which was having a three-year-old child at home to keep the couple occupied prior to the miscarriage neither mike nor zara had known anything was wrong they showed up for their ultrasound hoping to learn the sex of the child and instead were given the devastating news that their child had died in utero mike explained you walk out 20 minutes later and the whole world's been turned upside down and everything's changed fortunately further testing ruled out any medical issues as mike tyndall continued it was just a freak thing in january 2018 the media reported that zara tindall had become pregnant for a third time a spokeswoman for the couple subsequently confirmed they were indeed expecting baby number two kate middleton was also pregnant at this time meaning queen elizabeth had to prepare for welcoming two new great grandbabies to the family luckily the queen appears to be quite the doting great-grandmother and according to the telegraph told a spokesman that she was very pleased to hear that tyndall was expecting although many fans of the royal family were over the moon about william and middleton's newest arrival tyndall's baby was certainly another welcome addition too tyndall gave birth to daughter laina in june 2018. of course there was considerably less hoopla over the birth than that of middleton's son prince louis who had been born in april of that year but that may well have been more of a blessing than a curse have you ever wondered if queen elizabeth stays up late binge-watching netflix's hit show the crown rumors claim she is a fan of the series but claire foy who played the queen in the show isn't buying it in an interview with vanity fair floyd was told that the monarch had watched the entire first season but voiced her own doubts saying i can't believe it i hadn't heard anything about it and i will believe it when i see it is all i'll say still it appears that at least a handful of other royals do watch the critically acclaimed series for example mike tyndall got more than a little excited when a reporter from the daily telegraph asked if he watches the crown he said addicted to the crown you've got to watch it it's great although he also admitted he can't say for sure just how accurate the show might be the tyndalls appear to love it all the same you might typically think of royals giving birth in luxurious expensive hospitals before merging into the daylight so that the mere mortals might catch a glimpse of the blessed child spare a thought then for zara tindall whose third child lucas was born at home on march 22nd 2021 the little boy wasn't just delivered at home however queen elizabeth's 10th great-grandchild was actually born in the bathroom the palace later issued a statement reading the queen and the duke of edinburgh are delighted with the news and look forward to meeting their 10th great-grandchild when circumstances allow proud father mike tyndall recalled the birth during an episode of his the good the bad the rugby podcast saying a little baby boy arrived at my house oh you're kidding hello yeah well done the situation sounded pretty dramatic too with the former athlete revealing that luckily his wife's friend was on hand to recognize that they wouldn't make it to the hospital on time after that so yeah it was run into the gym get a mat get into the bathroom get the mat on the floor towels down brace brace brace the midwife hurried over everybody got into position and thankfully everything went pretty smoothly after that they might technically be royals but the tyndalls try to live a life as close to normal as they possibly can zara tyndall and husband mike along with their three children reside in the majestic gatcom park estate in gloucestershire which was part of a wedding gift from queen elizabeth to princess anne the tyndall's occupy a cottage just a short walk away with zara's older brother peter phillips also taking up residence on the grounds with his own family during the covet 19 lockdown the tyndalls were spotted taking long walks in the lush surroundings of gatkham park likewise people magazine once reported that a young prince william was fond of the so-called controlled chaos of gatcom park because it was so different to more formal royal residences indeed the cozy farmhouse is very much suited to zara and mike who'd rather keep their children out of the spotlight and are often seen doing the school run and shopping at local supermarkets naming their two daughters came relatively easily to zara and mike tyndall but when their little boy came along the couple were stumped the former rugby star admitted on his podcast that they were struggling to find the right name for their son he even previously joked in reference to the coven 19 pandemic we're not sure what to do kovi or covina i don't know where to go with names eventually they settled on lucas meaning like giving and although this is a lovely name in itself the child's middle name was even more meaningful to the couple both zara and princess eugenie opted to pay tribute to their dearly departed grandfather prince philip following his death in april 2021 at the age of 99 by giving their firstborn sons his name zara named her boy lucas philip tyndall while eugenie called hers august phillip hawk both women reportedly had a special bond with the duke of edinburgh so it makes complete sense they would honor him in the names of their children check out one of our newest videos right 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Channel: The List
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Keywords: the list, royal family, zara tindall, queen elizabeth, prince philip
Id: 0-ErhQUQR-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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