Princess Anne - No Nonsense (2023)

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[Music] Princess Anne is the second child and only daughter of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip born on the 15th of August 1950 at Clarence House in London why have you kept a bay in the wedding service and for that reason I think it's in the service and perhaps because I'm another no fashion girl known for her no-nonsense attitude the princess has garnered a very well-deserved reputation for hard work and commitment to her charitable causes her Elder brother's role was of course predestined but hers was not with slim chances of ever wearing the crown Anne was left to figure out her own destiny we take a look back at the life and passions of the young princess from her life as a little girl in England tending to her ponies to her time as an accomplished Olympic equestrian we take a royal tour around her romances separations and Scandals [Music] Royal titles are often steeped in history and the Princess Royal is a very unique one [Music] certain titles are not given automatically or through inheritance but rather at the discretion of the sovereign [Music] the first princess Royal in recorded history was Mary the Princess Royal in 1931. her mother Queen Henrietta Maria wanted to imitate the way the king of France styled his daughter Madame Royale it is therefore a title which can only be given to the eldest daughter of the reigning sovereign [Music] the title is lifelong even if the reigning Sovereign who granted it dies before Princess Anne it belonged to Princess Mary the sister of King George VI she died in 1965 and the title remained vacant for 22 years before the queen decided to grant it to her daughter [Music] in June 1987 the queen bestowed the title upon her daughter Anne the Princess Royal although the title is an honorary one it is the highest honor that may be given to a female member of the royal family so it was a very significant moment for the queen to publicly recognize the immense dedication Anne had been applying to her role as a working member of the royal family no one exemplifies the traditional Royal career better than Princess Anne created Princess Royal this year in recognition of her Talus work for the save the children fund her trip to the Far East was only the latest of several in a pack timetable that makes her one of the hardest working Royals by Royal standards this was a remarkably informal occasion the proud parents of the Princess Royal mingling with 500 guests from her favorite Charities before the queen gave this tribute I have been touched by the warmth of the appreciation that all these many friends and colleagues feel for your energy and dedication and although it was three months since the actual day of course there had to be a toast the Princess Royal foreign despite being referred to as the most hard-working member of the British royal family she isn't necessarily the most well-known in recent years however a wave of popularity for the princess has developed following the Airing of the Netflix series The Crown has it changed your perceptions of the Royals your perception of Princess yeah I mean I honest honestly I didn't really know anything about her so I kind of got the call and I was like okay cool and then I kind of went away and was like oh wow this is she's a real deal she's this one kind of Royal rock star [Music] Princess Anne is the only daughter of the queen and Prince Philip born only a couple of years after her brother Prince Charles on the 15th of August 1950 as her two younger brothers princess Andrew and Edward were born several years later Charles and Anne shared a close Bond growing up when Princess Elizabeth became Queen Elizabeth in 1952 following the sudden death of her father George VI she had to take on the enormous responsibilities of the office including the need to travel extensively in fact in 1953-54 the queen and Prince Philip went on the longest Royal tour of their lives in those days it was simply not the dumb thing to take the Royal children on such extensive travels so the young prince and princess kept each other company back at the palace while their parents were away [Music] the shores of Australia slip slowly away from Gothic this will be their last view of our South land possibly for some years to come but the leak always there which their visit has so immensely strengthened will forever remain as they sailed back to their home and their children our hearts go with them they have had an exhausting tour but have never ceased to smile our parting prayer is God speed on your journey good luck good health and Willie no come back again God Save the Queen [Music] the end of the tour in 1954 Charles along with his four-year-old Sister Anne set sail on the Royal yacht britannia's maiden voyage from Portsmouth to the Grand Harbor in Malta and then onward to meet the queen and Prince Philip in tobrook the young family anchored at Gibraltar on their way home where the young Princess Anne just like her mother was delighted to meet the local wildlife [Music] [Music] the Royal Family's life at that time was blessed with summer and Christmas holidays spent in Balmoral and Sandringham really laying the foundations for princess Anne's love of horseback riding [Music] there were many idyllic times playing with her older brother and roaming free in the Country Estates the princess had a secure and happy childhood Princess Anne is said to have had an especially close emotional bond with her father Prince Philip he admired her for her tough and resilient nature in fact some reporters have even said Princess Anne was Philip's favorite son they had a lot in common very similar in their pragmatic approach to life and their strength of character while not being averse to expressing a strong opinion for their Early Education Charles and Anne shared a governess Catherine Peebles but by 1963 Anne was Keen to move on to the outside world to a boarding school and she was enrolled at benendin school a historic house in the beautiful Kent Countryside The Garden of England I'm not sure your personal reaction to having the princess come here I think it is a very great honor for us and I hope a great opportunity may I ask you finally about your own feelings on discipline suppose a girl does something that's against the rules but what happens to her it depends what the the misdemeanor happens to be we deal with such misdemeanors ad hoc usually talking to in the right ways all that is necessary otherwise we deal with it according to what it is have you ever expelled a girl never so far the princess had been vocal about the benefits of a boarding school education and while acknowledging some students may not enjoy the experience she felt as though it was the right thing for her she was no stranger to academic achievement and she left school with six gceo levels and two a levels she was smart Trisha said you know this there's really only you and them and that requires an awful lot of concentration um there are certain advantages in being lost in this classroom well you're nervous were you nervous about going to public school no I think I did actually rather look quite look forward to it in many ways well how did they treat you is there any bullying Dharma imagine that wasn't really knowing you at least being aware of you I wasn't that bigger girl at the age of 18 Princess Anne decided to commit herself full-time to official Royal duties while her brother Charles pursued a university education in 1970 at the age of 20 she joined the queen and Prince Philip and Charles on an extensive Royal tour taking in New Zealand Australia and other commonwealth countries it was a significant moment in the relationship between the royal families and the public as the queen decided to begin on now commonplace tradition on Royal tours the Walkabout where the Royals go into the crowd talking and shaking hands at Close Quarters with the people Princess Anne was quickly finding her feet in her royal role taking the traditional British approach to her Duty and responsibilities just like her mother and father [Music] [Music] one of Princess Anne's great passions just like her mother is horses [Music] but the ambitious princess took her passion a step further taking on an equestrian career alongside her royal duties influenced too by her father who excelled at Polo and had a keen appetite for competition it was in the Royal Blood to succeed at equine Sports the young princess began competing at the tender age of 11 years old winning a jumping event held at Windsor Park she continued to ride during her school years at benendin her fearless approach to riding and the wild side of her character saw her succeed but also take a number of Falls leaving her with more broken bones than most people see in a lifetime in 1971 illness struck at the most inopportune moment as Anne suffered an inflamed ovarian cyst which nearly stopped her from competing in one of the biggest events in her equestrian career thankfully the Plucky princess recovered in time and she successfully competed in the European championships at the time few realized the princess's Talent at a farm near Windsor today as with almost every other day since she came back from the Far East Princess Anne has been riding with Dublin preparing for the badminton horse trials in April and in the long term if that goes well selection for the Munich Olympics in the summer the princess is a specialist in the tough three-day event that takes in a dressage with its 30 carefully prepared movements 18 miles of cross-country riding and on the last day arena show jumping after a layoff through the Royal tour in Thailand and Malaysia the princess is working back to Fitness and accepting no more official engagements other than those already agreed to that year she began attracting interest when she competed in the Russia horse trials finishing fourth then going on to gain a lead in the badminton trials finally finishing a respectable fifth the European championships saw her ride her beloved horse doublet gifted to her by the Queen Anne's lead in the dressage held through the cross country and she held on and closed with an Immaculate finish in the show jumping [Applause] that performance won and the gold medal the first British royal to win that coveted prize [Applause] start there [Applause] in that same year she went on to be popularly voted as the BBC's sports Personality of the year for the last four years she's been coached and trained by Mrs Alison Oliver princess Anne's just loosening him up now having stretched out she's just loosening him up now before working him and then when he's warmed up and sufficiently supple we'll start doing some gymnastic work over jumps goblet who would go to Munich with the princess if she's selected was originally a present from the Queen the same horse on which Anne won the European three-day championships last year [Music] and if he's occasion of locate the lake so he's got puppies back little tired of my hat in the business Princess Anne has a reputation of being a good competitor with a lot of endurance and a dislike of not winning Mrs Oliver feels that she's managed to help boost her confidence for Princess Anne to get to the Olympics she has to do well at badminton get on the team shortlist and then hold her form through the summer to the final trials only three weeks before the games start we um the chairman of the selectors points out the cheers by no means an automatic choice in an event in which Britain is traditionally strong but as European Champion if she holds her form this year she stands more than a good chance of getting into the team of four by Olympic standards the princess has reached the top very quickly and Alison Oliver has few doubts about her ability to stand up to the competition and the strain of the Munich stadiums if she is chosen to go they were high on the selection list for the British team in the Munich Olympics until doublet who had a history of injury went lame at the last moment there's no doubting that this morning's accident was a considerable shock to the princess Princess Anne had undergone that difficult transition from a fairly protected Royal child to a respected public figure and working member of the royal family she went straight into working life at the age of 18. but for her the equestrian career was a form of respite from the pressures of her royal life the passion and thrill of competing was an absorbing occupation for the young princess Anne's favorite horse Dublin suffered a strain tendon before the following Year's 1972 badminton horse trials more bad luck saw Princess Anne get knocked out of the running after facing a bad fall in the 1973 European championships in Kiev [Music] able I spoke to a reporter who was at that notorious fence at Kiev and he told me that all the photographers and reporters waiting there for you to come to that particular fence were willing you to get over they really wanted you to get over and you didn't succeed and when you came off you came across to them and said words to the effect well I I hope you've got the picture you wanted which upset them a great deal I didn't exactly deviate from my past to say anything I mean I couldn't walk back to the Box very easily I mean I got a leg to stand on and they were all over the place I didn't have to go anywhere but I mean let's face it I got um very wound up I mean I fairly well wanted to get over that fence okay monsters things one doesn't one okay one regrets it all but under the heat at the moment I mean one was a very disappointed person at that particular moment in time and they were all over the place all over the place just trying to get a picture of yours truly in tears and I wasn't actually in tears I was mainly trying to get me and my horse back to the Box and and everyone could hardly get the horse to walk forwards and so many of them all around one and I had to have one of the German competitors had to walk beside me to start from actually sort of bowling into me but did you really feel that they didn't want you to succeed at that point no because I mean how can one possibly assess one's feelings at the time at the time my one was merely conscious of the fact that they were all there this was a picture they were after Channel [Music] the princess persevered going on to win silver medals in individual and team events in the 1975 championships in lumulen West Germany princess Anne's ambition was to Champion the British equestrian cause at the Olympics but no member of the royal family had ever earned a place on the British Olympic team before [Music] Princess Anne became the first to break that wall when she competed in the 1976 Olympic Games held in Montreal the whole family traveled to watch her unfortunately mother were hopes she might win a medal she took a fall however her tenacious Spirits Shone through and she remounted and finished the course despite suffering from a concussion purposely she says she cannot remember finishing the course and went on to compete in the badminton trials in 1979 finishing sixth she rode winners in the grand military Steeplechase and Diamond Stakes too in 1985 she wrote in a charity race held at Epsom Derby where she finished fourth thank you [Music] she went on to become president of the Federation equestrate International from 1986 to 1994. her daughter Zara Tyndall went on to follow in her mother and Father's Footsteps Zara competed in the London 2012 Olympic Games winning a silver medal which Princess Anne had the pleasure of awarding to her an extraordinarily proud moment for the entire Royal Family being a young beautiful princess daughter to the queen made Princess Anne a very eligible young lady as with her brother Prince Charles there was great speculation as to whom she would marry although the pressure was not quite so high as her children in all likelihood would not end up as the future king or queen Richard Mead an Olympic equestrian was a possible candidate for marriage to the princess many noted his General demeanor and dashing looks was reminiscent of the princess's father Prince Philip Ann and Richard got on very well together but it was not a relationship The Firm considered ideal for the young princess the two-parted ways Andrew Parker Bowles famously the now ex-husband of Camilla Duchess of Cornwall was another love interest of the young princess for many reasons the romance was not one that would last Camilla went on to marry Andrew but Anne and Andrew remained lifelong friends with Andrew becoming Godfather to Anne's daughter Zara Tyndall a shared interest in equestrian Sports brought Anne together with her first husband Captain Mark Phillips why have you kept a bay in the wedding service and for that reason I think it's in the service and perhaps because I'm another known fashion girl this is the Nadine said the other day the um consensus it says today and I have to say worship sir I think so there's money takes a choice the engagement was announced on the 29th of May 1973. when exactly my house did you decide that you were serious and when it became Mutual I think it was even um well I suppose after badminton but um and you can speak for him or me really Independence let me explain that why did you yes it was after Valentine that we decided relaxed has it been a great strain in keeping it secret and indeed keeping it away from people like ourselves I think it has yes it became Roger Australian yeah in a peek behind the curtain the royal couple sat down for an interview you seem on the surface to be a very shy person it's not everyday one proposes to a princess did it require a lot of courage to propose I'm not sure let me I think the fact that um the garden question is a princess but it makes any difference at all it was I think if you get married or something it's a very personal thing and the two of you and it's a completely natural I think you've got to be brave to propose to anybody yes perhaps it becomes relatively more important but I rather hope for them and every time he's about to me or took me out so you can actually think of his princess do you think he'll make a good housewife I mean can you cook for example well it's hardly helped me to say that uh [Music] yes I mean I've done a bit of cooking my time would you like to cook Captain Phillips breakfast before he goes off to work for example I'm from manage that it's easy especially when he's inventing because you're not going to get more than a cup of coffee when you were a teenager did you have any idea of the sort of girl that you would like to marry a teenager I definitely was a victim not very good it's not very successful interesting but if you had not met a man whom you wanted to marry do you think you would have married out of a sense of Duty no way um no I don't think you live tones no excited by the prospect of a royal wedding on the horizon all eyes were on Princess Anne the Press doggedly followed her through her official duties and engagements as well as pursuing her through her private life after lunch Princess Anne flew by helicopter to keep a long-standing engagement at a riding school in the buckinghamshire village of radnich she watched a riding demonstration by severely handicapped children princess patron of the writing for the disabled Association [Music] and to Mark her engagement and her visit pupils at school have decided to Christen the youngest fold and in her honor Lieutenant Phillips's parents had returned to their Village home in Wiltshire where they spoke to Rory McPherson how do you feel about it absolutely delighted and how's your day gone today sir um oh I'd rather enjoyed it a nice relaxed morning um able to read the papers and uh until 12 o'clock when we were due at the palace for the official photographs uh a more relaxed morning than I normally have in fact when your son first bought Princess man and back here did you have any inking that this might be the outcome no whatsoever and when did you in fact first know when did they ask you um just after badminton this was the princess's first official job since her engagement and it began rather damply as the Andover of the Queen's flight appeared through the Berlin drizzle the purpose of her trip is in her role as Colonel in Chief of the Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters regiment her host for the four days is major journal the Earl Cathcart who was the commander of the British sector of Berlin the military flavor of the affair underlines in some ways the anachronism of this city where life seems to have been stopped still and deep Frozen since 1945 at the end of the second World War and the military idea was displayed in massive style at the princess's first Duty which was to take the salute of trooping the color ceremony for the Queen's birthday she was wearing a turquoise coat an ornate turban for the occasion and she looked a bit pale as she moved towards the desk the garden party that followed took place in front of another hit Larry and edifice the princess was on familiar ground here exercising her skill of chatting people up the skill being that the chat should not be too short not too long Princess Anne married Captain Mark Phillips on the 14th of November 1973 at Westminster Abbey [Music] not Anthony petop will thou have this woman to die with his wife to live together after God's ordinance in the holiest state of matter will thou love her comfort her honor and keep her in sickness and in health and forsaking all other keep the only unto her as long as he both shall live I will and Elizabeth Ellis Ruiz will thou have this man to thy witted husband to live together after God's ordinance in the holiest state of matrimony will thou obey him and serve him love honor and keep him in sickness and in health and forsaking all other keep the only unto him so long as you both shall live I will I pronounce the day be man and wife together in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Ghost amen it is thought that Mark was offered a royal title by the queen but turned it down preferring to keep Captain as his title as she was the first of the Queen's children to marry it was indeed a very special day last coach on the last stage of its Journey Through The Fall Court and right into the center Courtyard of the palace this red is coming home for the moment packing tennis ready must be home to them all and this comes into that Central Courtyard we are looking at it through the glass window of the grand entrance that entrance which must be so familiar to many people who attended the garden parties two pastelians first now the coach itself Paul Gray there's the red carpet leading up the fighter staircase into the Marvel form foreign [Music] viewers were estimated to have watched it on television it also happened to be the 25th birthday of her brother Prince Charles thank you the couple's first child Peter Mark Phillips was born on the 15th of November 1977. with the temperature just above freezing Princess Anne came out but instead of stopping on the steps for a moment for the large crowd as she had promised she just had a few quick words with the hospital staff held Paddington Bear a hospital mascot two-day-old Master Phillips was carried out by Sister Delphine Stevens the Midwife who was present at the birth [Music] well wrapped up against the curl he was handed to the princess who ignoring normal advice sat with her son in the front seat of the car and off the couple went to Buckingham Palace for lunch they'll be staying there until they moved their new home in gloucestershire young Peter was the first grandchild for the queen so a very special moment for her majesty and Prince Philip as it was for Princess Anne and Captain Phillips as Mark did not take a title when he married Princess Anne it was also decided that their children would not receive any Royal titles Anne has said she wished that they'd be allowed to have as normal a childhood as possible Anne and Mark settled into family life with their newborn son and for the next four years they did their duty but focused on family their second child Zara Phillips was born on the 15th of May 1981. [Music] the hospital was under tight security today with press men and well-wishers kept well back from the entrance in fact it was Hospital staff who found themselves with the best view before leaving the princess stopped to thank the midwives and staff Captain Phillips hidden behind the nurses lent forward and gave his daughter a rather bemused smile the princess joking with the nurses said she's quiet isn't she a reference to the fact that the new baby hadn't given her much time to sleep over the weekend after the birth of Zara trouble was slowly brewing in the marriage between Anne and Mark they were reportedly very rarely seen together the initial spark had worn off and both were thought to be engaged in extramarital affairs subsequently reports and accusations emerged that Phillips had fathered a love child with a New Zealand art teacher Heather Tonkin the couple separated in 1989 and divorced in 1992. Princess Anne went on to marry sir Timothy Lawrence who happened to be equery to the queen from 1986 to 1989 and they remain contentedly married to this day sharing their passions and hobbies but both with a Keen Eye to their Royal duties and responsibilities URL highness you accepted the presidency of save the children on condition that it would be a working presidency why did you do that um well I it was advice good advice that I was given many years ago about being a bit more selective about the first appointment that I accepted and there had been previous invitations and it none of them had seemed at that stage something that I felt that I could go on with or particularly interested in known as one of the most hard-working Royals charity and Duty have both been the cornerstones of Princess Anne's working life she became president of save the children in 1970 and it has remained a charity she has supported for the duration of her royal career I was working with children something that you had wanted to do no and I don't regard children in that light at all it was more the idea of what you could do for them not actually working with them which interested me I mean there was no way I could have overworked I don't think as I say the children fund field worker because I don't think I could have coped on that side actually working with children but it was the concept of how to help children and the very simple rather straightforward approach to health and hygiene in in the worst possible areas and also the fact that it was still very much a pioneering organization because it was looking for good alternatives to those children who just had unfortunate backgrounds and starts and I've traveling extensively on behalf of the organization she has visited countries such as South Africa Mozambique Botswana Cambodia and China on and she continues to Champion the cause of disadvantaged children in every corner of the globe princess Anne's arrival of the better bear refugee camp this morning posed a delicate diplomatic problem the Pakistani authorities wanted to show their Royal visitor how well the camps were administered the princess was here to see the work of a clinic run by a fund of which he's president the Islamic Tradition now the dominant force in this country places all kinds of restrictions on the conduct of women and on her way to the clinic the princess passed a group of women patients anxious to see what was going on without getting too much in the way the medical superintendent and his assistant explained their respective roles and the princess was told how the clinic moves to various parts of the camp on different days dividing itself to serve the twenty thousand people who live here I talked to Princess Anne about her visit to the campus what Impressions did you form of the work of say the children fund here from your very short visit well it's it's certainly very much on the same basis as working other camps and in general with um work that we do in a lot of other places in the world and I from what I've seen I think really they're just just beginning to get a grip of um some of the problems they've had their immunization program really really started in November so some of it hasn't really taken hold yet and there's still educating people to come and and make use of the clinic facilities and their various programs in fact her work with the organization has been so effective she was nominated by the president of Zambia for a Nobel Peace Prize in 1990. early in her royal career in 1971 she also became patron of riding for the disabled becoming president in 1985. [Music] no doubt her Love of All Things equine made this a charity close to the princess's heart and she also supports similar Charities around the Commonwealth it certainly wasn't always smooth sailing for the princess however famously Princess Anne was the victim of a dramatic but bungled kidnap attempt shots have been fired at Princess Anne and Captain Phillips they escaped but four people were hit one seriously good evening there's been an assassination attempt on Princess Anne and Captain Mark Phyllis but they escaped unhurt gunman opened and far on their car 200 yards from Buckingham Palace their private detective their chauffeur and a policeman on point Duty were wounded in the shooting so was a man who was walking past placement was shot in the stomach and is undergoing an emergency operation Princess Anne and Captain Phillips escaped injury although a spokesman from Buckingham Palace said they're obviously very shaken shooting happened at the top of the mall as they were returning from a private film show in Aid of the riding for the disabled Association dakara maroon Rolls-Royce was forced into the side of the road by a white Ford Escort which blocked their route to The Palace But A man jumped out and started shooting at least five shots were fired at their car and the bullets shattered the windows of a passing taxi in 1974 when she was only 23 years old traveling back to Buckingham Palace after a charity event the princess's car was blocked by another car its driver Ian ball suddenly pulled out two handguns and shot at Anne's chauffeur and her Security Officer Jim Beaton when ball told Princess Anne to get out of the car she replied not bloody likely the kidnap attempt eventually came to an end when a passerby punched ball twice in the head with all four individuals who helped to save the Royals life awarded a medal each by the queen it was an event that no doubt shook princess Anne's confidence and it also caused a major review Into the way personal protection is provided to the Royal Family foreign Aaron Doherty who plays the princess revealed her enthusiastic and obviously genuine appreciation and Fascination for Princess Anne and her work a lover I think she's brilliant I just think she's honest and she just just has no time for she just just doesn't want to waste any time like lying or pretending that she feels a certain way especially when I think there's so many there's such a kind of politeness that you have to abide by within her family that I think when it comes to her personal life she's so strictly the opposite because she has no time for it which is brilliant I think this is great foreign [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Royalty TV
Views: 106,980
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Id: 4sMIQkxncRY
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Length: 42min 1sec (2521 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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