What Is On My Odin 2?

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what's up everyone Alex here now that I call my Odin 2 feature complete I thought it' be a really good opportunity to do a kind of tour of my Odin 2 a what is on my Odin 2 I did one of these for my retroid pocket 3 plus and it seemed to go down pretty well so I figured now that I've had the Odin 2 for a long time and pretty much got everything I would like on it i' give you a tour on what mine has and maybe this will give you guys some ideas as you can see now I've got my buttons from Sakura retro modding he really was fast to get these done actually when there was the pre-order on his site for these buttons and I didn't think I'd be getting them for a little while longer but uh they're made they're sent my way also I got um these stickers I got these stickers for my original Odin Pro as I did a PlayStation modification here Sakura retro moded buttons as as I said you can actually see that my Odin pro has been through some wear and tear you can see there's like a bit of a crack between these buttons here I I open this thing a lot and uh this this this thing has has done me good and now it's time to retire you kind of basically cuz the hoding 2 is better in every way and yeah there was a video with Sakura retr modding about how you install these buttons it's fairly simple if you're um if you're kind of new to opening up a device around the back and uh um taking things out and putting the buttons in it's actually easier than it was on the Odin Pro uh there's only one slight factor I wasn't too uh okay about really is that you get the buttons but there's also these little metal washers they're kind of like standoffs so that these bottles buttons can travel a bit more otherwise um they wouldn't like come out as much as they are but one of the buttons stopped my start button from coming out all the way it like sank a little bit so yeah I ended up not using one of the washers but it it worked out and I'm very happy with how this looks I think that the Odin 2 I I used to say that the Odin Pro was a perfect PlayStation 2 handheld and for the most part it was if you were able to accept I know like 1X resolution or something and 90% of games maybe but this does all the games and you can do it at higher resolutions like actual like 1080p PlayStation 2 and that is so cool another thing I wanted to talk about actually is because I've had it a while obviously my fingers get kind of like oily and I do get oils on the plastic and I eventually don't like how that looks like my Odin is Odin Pro I don't know if you can see you can see where I've been pressing with my thumbs into the plastic and there's like a oily residue left so I thought maybe I could clean this and so first off you can sort of use uh alcohol wipes um you know the ones that I usually use for like first aid if you're very gentle with those you can just be quite light on them uh so they worked a little bit another solution is using a baking soda solution but this one's a little bit more aggressive and I'd say be very very careful with this so it's basically two parts uh baking soda to one part water so it's more like a too paste solution and with say like a cotton bud you just like gently like ease it into places but uh obviously it' be easier if you could take the shell off the front side is obviously not easy to do that because you have the screen attached and everything so yeah I would just say be very careful with that but it's the kind of solution that can actually rub into the plastic and rub things off um but on the plus side if you were to have like a slight scratch somewhere you could like ease that in and you could sort of smooth out the scratches and that's what I'm going to tell you about here and something you absolutely should not do is do not use 100% alcohol to clean your device and maybe for a lot of people that's like a given but sometimes I don't think things through and I'm a little stupid so I was like using 100% alcohol to kind of like try and rub the oil off but I eventually got got it on uh my stop button and it's kind of hard to see without me refocusing but my I got it into the shoulder button here and it was actually scratching the plastic away it actually looked worse than that however what my savior was was the uh baking soda solution and by rubbing into that uh where it actually scratched it did actually smooth it out so I kind of saved it and I don't really think about it now but at the time did actually really scare me so so yeah and also the uh Thum sticks so these are Vita Thum caps now it's really cool that you can just take these off because when you take the cap off it's it's a lot easier to get this V Thum cap on and uh these are just like easy to find I think so I haven't looked at them for a while they uh you basically eBay Google Amazon V thumb caps and there is an old style that's kind of shallow these ones are a little thicker a little taller and you know I really like the Odin 2 sticks but uh these are just perfect I think they uh they have a nice grip to them and I just I've just not wanted to take them off ever since so I'm a yeah a big fan of the grips so yeah the outer shell I'm super happy with where we at now and this looks like a legit PlayStation device I uh I am a big fan of the clear buttons but they don't make Sakura is not making these he's doing um colored PlayStation buttons colored Xbox buttons and holographic Xbox buttons but uh I actually really happy with these PlayStation cut buttons they're really cool they're a little bit different to the original Odin buttons they're a little little bit more curved but you know they basically function exactly the same same buttons so yeah very happy with that so uh let's turn well before we turn this thing on actually I should tell you I have an SD card in here it is a one tbte SD card I got it on Black Friday sale cuz it's the best time to do so I literally have all my games on there now I used to do some on the internal some on the SD card I have them all in my internal that uh on the SD card now because on my internal sorry is basically uh I use all that for apps textures cach files saves uh a lot of stuff that generally takes like a lot of space and this being the base model only has 120 128 GB of internal storage and actually seems like a lot but when you add all this stuff up it's it's it goes away quite quickly in fact if I go to my internal storage oh Yuzu has an update oh okay this is one of the apps I was going to tell people about so obum so obum uh basically grabs you can put in a custom like URL so like users GitHub and it will grab the latest version of the uh app for you so I'm actually just going to go check on my computer now Yuzu GitHub uh Android 155 8 hours ago so it's found this and it's going to say like hey do you want to update this so what I'm going to do is going to turn the game down on my camera actually I'm getting a lot of like bleed from this blue light I think that I I'm just going to pop over to my huh yeah I'm going to pop over to my Odin settings and I think I'm just going to turn off the lights for now so yeah you know it's not a review anymore it's just a little Lookout but I like the blue lights I I already like them originally on the original Odin so blue lights awesome uh yeah so there's a new version of uh Yuzu so I can actually show that I can just uh grab that the notification gone did I go away go over to OB tanium press Yu there's an update button you can see there's a loading bar down there I've not actually done this before so this is an easier way of saying going on your computer go to GitHub get the latest APK or even doing it on your browser inside of the Odin 2 so it wants to inst an app from this Source never done this before that is fine I'm going to back out do you want to update this app yes I do and it is now updated it to Android 1555 awesome I don't even have to open up my computer or plug in a USB cable that's really cool so I basically only got it to do that with Yuzu and one of the reasons I found about this app is because there is ayn's Discord there are some oding two channels and in Odin 2 emulation if you look at the pinned comments you can see some rather helpful tips and one of them was that someone had decided to use this app to update Yuzu with GitHub so you get the latest version of Yuzu that is like kind of experimental but might actually be better than the Play Store version and you just get the newest version of that every time you just booing in so yeah cool app I kind of like that actually so yeah and another way of finding out useful information is to go to the Odin handheld on Reddit you'll find that some people will be talking about the Odin there any problems they have or any tips they might have you don't know so you know it's worth checking out it's one of the reasons I like doing videos like this is because somebody who has an Odin might just come across this video and go oh that's really cool actually I I think I might do the same thing so yeah got a one terabyte SD card in there I'll actually show you uh yeah I don't I prefer to use the buttons but see it doesn't like catch up which is annoying so I'm going to use zed archiva zed ariva is just like the file manager I really like using you know the Android file manager is fine but z archiva i just like the way it looks I find it very easy to navigate so here's my SD card you have your usual blah blah Android folders I have one I just made called games inside here all folders for games 3DS streamcast game boy GameCube GBA Mame N64 Nintendo DS NES PS1 PS2 PSP Sega CD I should get some more games for that actually Sega Genesis Sega Saturn SNES switch and Wii those are all the consoles I have so if I look and say the PS2 folder uh these are all my ROMs and you can see they are CHD files now to get get the maximum efficiency out of my SD card I've basically compressed every game I can as much as possible and as efficient as I hopefully can so CHD is a file type where you can actually compress uh doq files GDI files and ISO files to CHD and you will save uh definitely a third of the space let's say you have 100 gabt of games and you can compress them all to CHD files you will probably compress them down to 70 GB that's a huge save so very well worth uh the investment you can do this on PC I'm not sure if you can do this on your device definitely can do it on PC though basically you add this file to um well basically your whole folder of games and um you activate it and it's like a CMD thing so it can take quite a while depending on how many games there are you will be compressing uh I I I would say SD card management for maximum uh efficiency could take well over a day to compress things properly uh not well over a day it depends but you know so compressing a large PS2 game takes a while so all of my PS2 games are definitely compressed uh 3DS can't really do that with 3DS Dreamcast so all these GDI files got converted to CHD saved a ton of Space Game Boy GameCube GameCube is different n kit. rvz is um a really good way to compress there rvz as well I think there's a couple more when it comes to GameCube like uh I think there's gcz as well I don't know too much about that and what else have we got 64 all my PS1 games are chds uh PSP is different is something called CSO now there's a different kind of uh uh compression tool you can use to compress the iso down to to the CSO and that saves a fair bit of um space as well uh just having a quick look through here Sega Saturn also down to CHD saves a bunch of space now switch is uh pretty important as well it's not so much compressing the games is that sometimes you find like an update file for the game so you know here's the game and here's update 1.0.2 and say let's say it's a gigabyte of storage now when you go over to Yuzu which I think I'll do right now you know I might as well do it here since I'm here please wait where is Yuzu oh whatever I will go over to here and open Yuzu so when you want to update a game on Yuzu you would go to um manage Yuzu data and install game game content and you can install you know updates for games or DLC and if you do it this way then they'll install onto your internal storage and that can easily rack up a ton of space however if you use something called Sak switch army knife you can use that app on your computer to um merge an NSP file so your game file even if it's xci whatever the other one wise and you can merge the update file into that and then you can Chuck those on your uh storage so it doesn't always work and I'm not exactly sure why I would show you on here if I had the app on here but I don't but that can save well not save I mean it adds the in the update file to the game but at least then you can put it on your SD card rather than on your internal storage so I ended up saving uh up to about 10 GB by merging some of these files together which is uh super awesome so yeah that's everything on my SD card and you might have SE these uh media file F media folders so I use a front end called Pegasus and with Pegasus um it also needs scraped art data in order to show like the art for each games so let's say 18 wheeler we've got the game and in this media folder I've chosen to have uh these different categories and the art that I've scraped with um the program I used so let's say box 2D front and there's an image of 18 wheeler and that would be my box we also have screen Marquee if you want to use a different type of way of choosing your games on the front end screenshots of the games we have screenshot title um support which is just like the dis or game cartridge which I've not really seen much by have them and then wheel which is the logo so um that logo will appear on top of screenshots and things that make it look pretty cool uh the last one this this Mark here it won't go away the last one excuse me is video and video is the little videos I've made where I'll show you is when I go to my categories and you see that it's animated a little bit so when I have Pegasus and I'm installing like the theme so this is the shin retro theme there is like an art category so it will say it'll have the different consoles Game Boy events M wi and I can Al and they would have images in there like a PNG file and I would just Chuck so the first thing you see is the image file and then the video activates so I take the first frame of the video I made and made that the uh art collection image and that way it makes all of these uh collections look like they just come to life of the animation so boom and then the video starts playing so yeah that's the video files on uh in each folder I have in there another thing you have in these folders if you are using Pegasus so yeah anybody who's using Pegasus this is just some information for you in what is mappings by the way oh I think that might have something to do with my new flycast C well app because I've needed that for Pegasus anyway so going through my games here we have first of all metadata now I'll open this up actually so uh yeah I'll open it with chrome uh thank you so this is my metadata for uh the Dreamcast and this is basically when you open up Pegasus and use a theme it wants to add collections to it so what is your Dreamcast collection what is your Nintendo DS collection and using the metadata you can uh direct it to the folder it's in and then it will have some commands so it knows it's a Sega Dreamcast collection it knows to look for these file types for the games and there it says it knows the uh command line for my video which is media video video and then it knows how to launch each of those games every time I select a game it knows to uh basically do these launch commands so it is finding the app and the way it launches on Android and it wants to view it and then the file directory or whatever I I'm not going to like properly explain it and then below here I can add additional metadata so if the game wasn't found in the scraped collection for example I can say first of all like here's the game here's an additional uh description and I can also tell it what files are here so in this case the game D2 it's a four dis game so we have 1 2 3 4 and by doing this in the metadata uh hang on I'll show you I should just press the home button by going to my Dreamcast collection I can go down oh what's happened here oh okay so my flycast emulator is adding additional files into the directory and for some reason Pegasus is picking them up and I I don't need it to so I'll fix that you can see I've played a couple of games here basically and here's D2 it's just one image and now it allows me to select disc one two three or four in this which is uh pretty cool so yeah big fan of Pegasus but I'm going to have to find out why flycast adds these files into the main directory like this uh and why Pegasus thinks it's um something to look out for because so this is a vmu save so these are vmu saves for each game I didn't have to do this I can turn that off if I like but what that means is if I open up the metadata just like I did before I just did just once just in case so whatever that vmu file is is actually one of these file types so and I only really need CHD if I for my collections so if it turned out those uh vmu file types are actually Zips I didn't check what they were but I'll check that later then I could just remove zip from this metadata and it won't find that and it'll just remove it from my collection so um yeah and then the other thing that is in here so where is Dreamcast Dreamcast DOD so if I open Dreamcast dodat save file edit uh I only want to look at it all right we might ignore that but basically all the game data is in that DAT file for each game so say like Dynamite Cop it has a description it says what year it's made what company it's buy and stuff like that so now if I was to go over to Dynamite Cop uh yeah you can see it's dynamite C made by Sega it says 1999 the background here and the description here so uh yeah so basically I've talked a whole lot about what is on my SD card and then I ended up talking about Pegasus as well so I mean I'm going to add categories to this video so you can skip whatever you need to but um I basically got on a tangent there so uh yeah I need to fix my Dreamcast collection but it's very cool now that I can play Dreamcast on here because redam was not working with Pegasus which was a real pain in the ass whereas uh now I've changed the metadata so I downloaded flycast from GitHub so now when I go play uh 18 wheeler for example it's just going to load load flycast instead but I've loaded an icon I have an icon for uh uh let's just get rid of this ah I've loaded I I've got to read dream icon here so if I ever want to use redream I can I can activate it from here if I need to and uh and then play redream from here if that's what I choose to do so I'm not exactly sure which one I want to use yet but obviously for front-end purposes it's better to um you know just pick the game you want and load it as is so yeah that's everything on my SD card so let's have a look at my internal storage and I might as well uh go to apps and we'll look at all apps so in here will basically be like Android apps games emulators things like that so I have am2r which is Android Metro uh Android another Metroid 2 remake which is a pretty damn good version of Metroid 2 apps packages is uh pretty neat if you are using something like Pegasus because you can for example um oh wow that swiped all the way down you can for example click on am2r and you can see that this is basically the first line of code you would need to uh help with the launcher so when I looked at that metadata and looked at the launch data the launch command line started off with say com logical. am2r if I go over to activities uh on the right here it handily tells you which one of these actually launches so this is the one that's uh see this is gray out and this isn't so my command line for the launcher would be com. logical. am2r and then um uh runner activity and that's how we would like launch that from our front end so we have Google Chrome this is Citra I think I'm using the nightly version I haven't looked at Citra for a long time so uh I probably should update that app soon Dolphin Emulator I think that's the one from the Play Store the reason that's quite big is because there's loads of texture files in there and I'll I'll talk a little bit about that later drastic for Nintendo DS duck station fdroid is a way for me to download apps like uh apps packages info which is really handy we have flycast now so that's my alternative Dreamcast emulator game pass so I haven't even used game pass on here but if I ever did I know it would work fantastically so this is a great streaming device we have m64 plus F Pro really good version of the N64 emulator main for droid which is for arcades never sx2 is a it's I'd say it's like a fork but it isn't it's basically ather sx2 without adverts and it is the latest version of ather sx2 and it's just been modified so it doesn't have adverts and it works with front ends and you have to make your own build of this which is really annoying but it doesn't actually take very long to do once you know what you're doing there's basically uh ax2 Discord and there's a channel in there tell you exactly how to do this we looked at optium when I uh started the video so that was a way for me to grab the newest version of Yuzu uh from the GitHub without me having to go back and forth all the time Odin launcher comes with the Odin Pegasus is the front end I'm using and I have a little look at that later I'll show you some themes I have on there ppssp but the gold versions so I paid to have that so it's basically just to support the developer PS players for way for me to stream the PlayStation 5 to my Odin which I haven't actually done yet but again this is a great streaming device raar is a way for me to unzip rars or do Zips or whatever or or zip them up as well it's just handy to have on here redream is my main Dreamcast emulator but doesn't work with the front end for some reason retro Arch plus plus I've been talking for a while I I should drink some water retro Arch plus is basically all my retro consoles you know NZ SNES GBA all that stuff scum is actually an emulator that lets you play like old dos games so imagine like Monkey Island day of the tentacle Indiana Jones but I haven't thought about those in a long time and I probably won't use it Skyline is the old it's weird to say old now the old Nintendo switch emulator for Android which got discontinued but there is now a new basically if Skyline died something resurrected from it and there's a new Nintendo switch emulator coming that isn't Yuzu and I will be looking that when it arrives and I'll check it out on this device of course but Skyline might be useful for some games so it's still useful to have you might as well download it and put it on your device cuz it might be that one game doesn't work USU for some reason but in Skyline maybe they figured out that it did uh I actually remember as an example that liive or live live whatever you want to call it uh actually booted further on the Odin Pro uh than it does on Yuzu on the Odin 2 which has actually really surprised me St Valley don't need to talk about that turx is basically your sort of CMD for Android so you can execute commands on there this is actually the pro whoops that's actually the program I use to help uh build a uh version of never ne62 have Vita 3K Vita emulation which I'm not actually that excited about there's a few games on there I definitely want it for but there isn't actually a lot on the V library that I particularly care about playing so if you're wondering why I haven't done a Vita video on the Odin 2 that's why I just don't have much interest in it yis Shiro 2 is for Sega Saturn uh it's a pro version so I think I paid for that as well and uh it's pretty decent emulator for Sega satin uh Yuzu you know what Yuzu is Nintendo switch emulation and bloody good emulator and 7.44 GB because it has DLCs and updated installed onto my internal storage so I didn't actually update all of my games with um with the updates I actually ended up installing some of them to my internal storage anyway and then we have Zed ariva which is the cool little File Explorer been using to show some things and how I've been moving data to um my GameCube my Dophin and PS2 uh emulation folders within uh Android data which was accidentally meant to do this Android data in here so just to show you an example if I wanted to put something in one of those emulator folders and get it working correctly so let's say I go to my downloads and uh let's say for example I wanted to move this cheat file for some reason or another I would hold this and copy cut doesn't matter depends what you want to do I would back out and then I would go to Android data scroll all the way down to A4 sx2 files and it was a cheat file so I might as well go over to cheats and in here I would paste there'll be an icon here to let you know that you you're ready to paste whatever it is I press that and boom it's loaded in there and then uh and then it's properly in the location I put it and the emulator will recognize it so those are the apps I have on my device there are other things I would like on here but I actually want the Odin 2 to be like a dedicated emulation machine so I don't want too much personal information on there because I see it as a gaming only device and it in the the horrible circumstance that I ended up losing it I don't want someone turning it on and going oh this guy's got information on here let's steal his information you know so I could for example have my Google account already logged into there and then that's not good is it so just drinking a bit of water there I actually wanted to do this in one take uh like I used to because I feel uh it's a different type of video compared to me doing a uh like a edited video and then I talk over it because um that way I compile my thoughts on the device differently and here it's more like a like a stream like you're watching me stream and uh I can just talk and just spit out information as I'm thinking about it I do have a little notepad file here of things I wanted to talk about so let's go over now to Odin's settings I want to show you two ways I do to get into this one is that I've made an icon in Pegasus to get to my Odin settings because the Odin settings is basically its own little app there is a command line there for me to execute and boom go over to it the other way to do this would be I just want to show this actually look you can see that's my my camera is standing on the Ayn box it's the perfect height to put the camera on and uh it's so stupid I used to use my camera on a whiskey bottle box and stuff like that um if this channel ever gets a lot bigger I promise I'll invest in proper equipment anyway so if I was to scroll down and go to um all the way down Odin settings and that's another way I would uh get here so you I I did a video on the latest update on here these are the settings 4 gigabyte swap is activated now the one thing I want you to talk about first of all is controller style I have set to Xbox because um Odin is like Nintendo switch but Xbox if I was to use Game Pass um then it would work as it's intended to the buttons would be in the correct place if you use Odin they are not and it's exactly the same with the Nintendo switch emulator um but for Nintendo switch I'd have to use Odin on the USU emulator I hope one day they'll let you map your own buttons it's very annoying that you can't it's kind of like a weird feature that seems like it take them like a less than a day sort out but they just won't do it so I don't really understand why but uh yeah that's my button layout and one of the reasons with Xbox as well is that I believe retro Arch actually works better with the Xbox layout unless you go into the settings and change all the inputs based on uh having it Odin controller style so just wanted to mention that uh if we go over to joystick calibration I just wanted to quickly mention that if I go to Game Pass game pad tests and hold one of these and go to adjust joystick sensitivity I've set both of them to 1.4 there are a couple of games where the stick didn't seem like it was going all the way to the edge uh there are some like diagonals on these sticks where you really have to feel like you have to push down to hit that exact corner but changing the ex uh the sensitivity here kind of like completely right that off so you don't have to bother with that so that's what I do I think that's a good Sensitivity I I try tried a little bit lower a little bit higher 1.4 seemed good so I stuck with 1.4 and uh you have to back out like this and another thing I want to have a look at is run script as rout so select script in here I still have the swap that I've talked about in other videos it's there just in case but the main one I wanted to tell you about is this OLED like uh script and I'll link the video to this because it's Kai's retro YouTube channel retro handhelds uh I think he made the script and he has like links for it so I'll link there look at his video description it tells you how to make the script and in this script you can um can I open this with no oh no no no I don't want to run it uh in the script it basically has a number that lets you decide how much more saturation screen to be I think it's up to like 10 or something and you can make it a lot more saturated or only a little bit more saturated and I found I think it was like number six that if you compared this screen to a screen that is olid like the uh IO pocket air or the Vita the color saturation is pretty similar and it makes this LCD screen I think it's LCD um LED no never mind do not listen to me it makes the screen look almost OLED like it's fantastic so I really like that makes the colors pop a lot more you can tell sometimes when I'm just riffing off and talking I don't I know what I'm talking about but I don't always remember exact details actually someone had a got me about this on a recent video as I didn't correctly state that the HDMI and the USB were the exact types they were I just briefly mentioned what they were so uh yeah yeah apologies for that so those are basically all the settings and things I wanted to talk about I believe I have talked about a lot more crap compared to the Retro pocket video I think I looked at a lot more games quicker than this so um yeah talked about a whole lot of stuff so basically I was going to talk more about Pegasus at this point um Pegasus is really cool because when you do have it set up um I'll give you an example actually have setting game directories so if I press the plus icon here and go to game directories if I go over to my SD card go to games say Dreamcast there's my metadata I would select the metadata it adds it here and that is the reason why uh Dreamcast appears here in the first place so it recognizes these dream Dreamcast collection and those are the games so uh anything else I can talk about in here show any existing games if I turn that off and I had more metadata if I had more um if I had more games listed in my data file and metadata and I turn this off it would list games that I don't actually have on my SD card so we turn that setting on so in here I have a bunch of uh themes installed there is a Pegasus frontend themes page where there's a lot of these you can download so instead of shin retro I can have something that looks like a Nintendo switch super cool look at my Game Boy advanced games decide that I want to play Donkey Kong Country 2 retro Arch loads up and in I go I'm playing Donkey Kong Country 2 on Game Boy Advance very cool uh how I close this and yeah and honestly I just come back and it's like whoa that looks like a Nintendo switch with PlayStation buttons and a PlayStation logo what's going on uh yeah so uh cool theme don't know why say CD doesn't have an icon I would have to dig into this themes folder and find out why there isn't an asset barile for that um one of the themes I actually really like is is it omage yeah they look like constellations in the sky and you go in and you look at your game collection and they're kind of tilted it's like angled a certain way I think it's a beautiful looking collection but it does not have uh like constellations for every device like or maybe it needs to load in there's PSP Go to PSP and I got a lovely way of looking at my games here I think that's a oh that's a cool image from M gear yeah I think that's a cool theme but it it's just doesn't have icons for every one of these uh categories say your CD I to look at um PlayStation to doesn't have an icon for some reason but yeah that's really awesome I like that a lot and one of the reasons I probably didn't use it is cu these constellations aren't all there so and they don't look easy to make so I I don't know I don't think there's an updated version of this them I ver which is a a bastard uh yeah so another example make it look like an Xbox Xbox style there is actually sound on this one turn it up sounds a lot like an Xbox and then another one which is pretty cool is Prospero OS and that makes it look like a PlayStation 5 pretty neat I'm oh I'm going to turn that down but I've put a lot of effort into shid Retro which is what I base this whole thing about absolutely love this I made the song for it I made the sound effects and every time I turn it on I just have this really great Vibe when I'm searching through games the music feels just really nice to vibe to as I'm thinking about what I might want to play uh I know I'm biased cuz I made the song but you know is what it is and yes so let's go over to Android so first of all I just want to say I'm going to leave a couple of links to couple of Reddit um Pages where one is a list of games for Android that would work very well on the on the Odin well that would be the Odin Pro actually I don't know if they've updated it for the Odin 2 and there is one which is Android games which uh are controller friendly so you turn it on and the Xbox style inputs or whatever controller inputs will work with the Android game which is uh super nice to have games like that as they don't require any sort of setup or for you to bring out this um icon let me just uh run any game Tetris bring that out go over to screen mapping a screen mapping is on and then I would go about moving joysticks and buttons around that correlate with these buttons and sticks and so on uh so yeah you know although it's really cool doing that but you know it's nice to have a selection of games where you don't have to do that so uh let's get rid of that and I'm going to turn off my floating [Music] icon oh yeah you can turn those off here sweet what else is here haven't tried screencasting I got a TV upstairs that might work well with that I might give that a go although I really don't have much need to do so I really like this as a handheld so I that's how I'm Prim primarily going to use it but yeah my Android collection is not very big on here and it just reminded me to show you that on my original Odin I actually cared about this more I had more Android games on here played a bunch of vampire actually vampire survivors have played on my retro pocket 3 I just had more apps on here wow that d-pad feels different feels like it's sunk in more and that the the the design here is the plastic like recesses in a circle Circle whereas here it doesn't didn't really pay attention to that before but they are like the same d-pad anyway uh so Android collection I can't believe I'm nearly 45 minutes into this video and I haven't played one game yet uh so I haven't got much on here you know if I want to Raz on another Metroid 2 remake one day super great that we have the option to do this on Android I can't remember how many times I've said this in the in a video but yeah so I had obviously played this for a little bit um works well the stick I do wonder if I have to turn the sensitivity down cuz it feels very sensitive but you know I could just play this on a d-pad just sort of like lower my palm and you know not a problem some people say they have a big problem with the d-pad being down here and I guess like you know I understand understand why um would actually be neat to have a version of the Odin with uh the d-pad uh swapped so it's up here and this down here but I think overall on the Odin there's a lot more 3D games I'd be more interested in playing than 2D um yeah cool stuff how do I exit this game I think I'll just do it the classic way just get rid of all those by the way if you have that line down there and it doesn't go away you do need to swipe up and just get rid of all your apps cuz I think that's just a notification to say hey you've got apps open here's a reminder and it's like off I don't want those apps uh but what I do have in my Android folder is PlayStation V I don't have a category for this because I'm not really sure how I do it but I don't have much V on here so on here I just have a bunch of games where I thought actually I might play those someday Secret of Mana uh Dragon's Crown runs beautifully on here looks gorgeous um I'm hoping that there are no problems cuz I recently installed the Android 9 version of uh of beta 3K I haven't really tested it out much but um apparently it helps improve the double buffer and some other things so I think there's I think it also takes away the burden on the GPU I haven't actually played much Dragon Crown on here I was just testing it but uh with the script that makes the screen more OLED like uh this is a gorgeous looking game on here and I didn't have any graphical errors or performance problems with this game testing it out obviously I've not gone too far into it so I can't say for the entire game but I'd be really surprised if uh it couldn't play but uh yeah just like one day I might crack this open and go hell yeah let's play Dragon's Crown so um yeah it's nice to have the option I think with v I need to back out like this yes another thing I'm always super psyched about is the Vita 3 uh not Vita the Vita Port of Zelda 3 that's what I was trying to say and the port is a full widescreen version with some other quality of life improvements so there I think there's a button that lets me swap between my sub items which is cool oh it's weird playing this the PlayStation buttons now like I said they got a bit more of a curve to them but yeah so this version of Zelda it doesn't actually run super fluidly on uh even on the Vita and it runs a bit better on the Retro pocket 3 plus which is what I first tested this out on when I uh got the vaa 3K app and uh yeah it seems to be running great on here so if you want to play a wide a proper widescreen version of this game uh this version of Zelda was like made from scratch for the PC I think uh I forget the term at this moment which is uh kind of like you know just making the game again exactly as it was but you know we without copying any code so they Port this over to the VA and you know kakara Village is just a really nice test area for this you just get to see the whole town in three uh 3D in WID screen that's super cool I like having that as an option and another great option is Streets of Rage remake and I don't think this is the most upto-date version but it's updated enough the only problem is you cannot use the d-pad to play there is some kind of fix uh but if it was easy I would have done it that's why I try and tell myself with some of these things it's like why didn't I do it I like well if it was easy I would have done it so I can't exactly remember why I couldn't get the d-pad thing to work I'm going to double check that it doesn't work in a sec can't believe the police just run over three people man this is America and we have a widescreen version of uh Streets of Rage remake which is probably still the best Streets of Rage game you can get but Streets of Rage 4 is fantastic you can get that on Android actually wonder if there'll be some kind of I mean black Friday's gone maybe there'll be a Christmas sale of uh Android games to come on the Google Play Store who knows but Streets of Rage 4 would be a a cool one to have on this device but yeah that's Streets of Rage remake I forgot for a sec that was in uh va va 3K and the other game I have a Secret of Mana it looks and plays fine I'm not going to look into that but uh yeah just wanted to briefly show that I've just stuck my PlayStation V emulator in this category and I can play that whenever I want so uh give me a second here before we look at more games sometimes I can't believe how I used to do all these one takes without drinking or uh or feeling like crap afterwards I have this bottle it makes too much noise sorry about those noises so this is Pegasus I did want to briefly mention that if you're looking into having a front end Pegasus is not an easy one to do I know it looks cool and I did the exact same thing I went Pegasus looks cool I want to use this and that was a rabbit hole of figuring out how to get Pegasus to run and learning so much about it that um was it last summer summer 2022 I I made it like a little mini project to uh do these changes to this theme and stuff and make my Odin Pro just feel like a little beast of a handheld uh this poor thing I love this so much but in comparison to the Odin 2 the Odin 2 just kills it it really does not just in um software but in the build dude e like so okay so I had to open this up to put these buttons in they have built this thing so much better than that one it is way better buildt better shoulder buttons um better triggers uh uh the way you access the board and things the the the control sticks they're entirely different to the first OD in with that in mind thinking about how they engineered this whole thing it's not just the Quick Fix thing it's not when oh they didn't just go better Hardware let's make an Odin 2 they really thought about this thing it's really awesome the insides are great so yeah uh went on a tangent again so Pegasus not easy to learn but when you get it all right and not even I have it all right there's weird things about the the the Odin 2 um so the only collection I have that doesn't work is 3DS and there was always problems with 3DS maybe there is a version of Citra that no I didn't mean to do that maybe there's a Citra a version of Citra that will work with this I believe I have either Citra nightly or Citra Canary I can't remember which maybe the mainline Citra will work this is how finia gets it's uh it's odd but whenever I try and play anything it just doesn't accept it so this is why I also have like uh buttons I've made to access the emulator and I can pick whatever I want yeah it's just an extra bun you know doesn't bother me and boom I'm playing uh one of the 3DS games I just selected although there you go Mario Luigi Dream Team Bros awesome so let's get out of there let's have a look at well the next collection is Mame I have tons of main games in here I think there's like a hundred of them all sorts I can play they all have art and stuff so this is a really nice collection to mul through I haven't actually thought about Mame games in a really long time so I did a video where I used Michael Jackson's Moonwalker I think that was the air pocket that was a that was funny that was a funny game and it plays pretty cool let's have a look at Rainbow Islands I'll turn the audio up a bit and uh yeah lots of arcade games I could just jump into if I wanted to play oh I always forget okay so it's wait if I press them together oh oh no what am I doing okay that was weird I don't know what I was doing there wait so does that add more what am I doing I don't know okay I'm freaking out what am I doing okay let's let's start that game again I was like mashing these two buttons so I thought wait it's is that how I add coins it is that's add coins and that's like go but if I press the two together it's like a menu that I don't really look at I just wanted to play an arcade game and I'm stressing out oh dude there is something stupidly um addictive about playing um oh what's going on there's something stupidly addictive about playing old main games it's like the music's so fun and cute it's like walking into a casino and you're like what the hell is this game I want to play it so much oh didn't realize he was an [Music] enemy man this dude's actuallyy flapping his hands I tell you what's nice about me doing videos differently now where I just like basically record Boll edit it and then do voice over afterwards is that I can just sit there and play the game without thinking about without thinking about stuff like that anyway you don't want to watch me playing main games I was just know this is an example loads of little main games here next collection Game Boy Advance this one will be a bit more interesting because uh I know let's pick something I don't usually play there are games I definitely want to I okay Pokémon is the Fantastic example of uh how I've set my hot keys so on the back here uh you have two buttons on the Odin and what I've done is this is the hot key and then I hold that and press other stuff to do things so if I hold this and press this I open up my retro Arc menu so if I um back out here and I go over to input and then down to hot Keys um you can see that I have set certain things so my hotkey enable is the one I said and I've enabled other keys to work with that hot key so fast forward slow motion rewind load States save states change slots um bunch of stuff not everything just just the importance stuff and uh if I press these two buttons together that's the menu another thing I've done is I have added uh bezels not bezels I've added a onscreen overlay uh just to sort of fill the edges a bit and make it look a bit more uh bit more like the screen hasn't been wasted so if I go back so I'm in the settings I go to onscreen display I think I think I've set it so that uh GBA is the widest game I'm probably going to play on retro Arch so uh I set the on screen display to work basically with Game Boy advanced games so it doesn't fit like SN Mega Drive so onscreen overlay and I have picked this one called SN CT trigger which is um in borders there CT trigger yeah and then I have adjusted the overlay with these settings here mostly the I've changed the overlay capacity to 50 cuz I didn't want it like to be super colorful and then I I can't remember which setting I use it overlay preset I don't know I use this I I use the overlay scale to help adjust where I'd put that overlay and uh anyway I'm rambling so I was going to say Pokémon is a fantastic example to use hotkeys cuz if I hold this and press uh forward fast forward if I do this and go back I have rewind I thought it was really cool to set a hotkey and do it this way fast forward rewind if I press up it is a fast forward toggle if I press down it is a slow motion toggle and sorry I'm flicking them too much if I press the hotkey in R1 that's a save state if I press so L1 that's a load State I can use these to change my slots uh did I do anything else if I press the start button it's going to close retro Arch and go back to my uh front end and uh yeah Pokémon for those games I personally I find them kind of boring I like Pokémon as a kid but not anymore so I just go blah blah blah blah playing playing my first Pokémon game BL BL oh stop y his name's AAA too can you believe it cuz a dude Pokemon games are so [Music] slow where's Professor o with speedr running this crap actually this is too much hello a here is is your first Pokemon that's what Pokémon games feel like to me blah blah blah blah oh can I not pick a Pokémon yet it's so slow I I do I do get a little agitated playing Pokemon it's too slow for me hey you can't go out there you need a Pokémon come on pick your PO Pokemon do it as fast as you can oh sorry yeah this is so stupid yeah what's his name is a a a to I named him after me oops can I go now can I no wait you didn't test out your Pokemon ah anyway um yeah that's Pokémon sorry for anybody who really loves Pokemon and uh yeah and I have a lot of GPA games the GBA actually has fantastic collection of games um and retro Arch just runs really nicely on here I like all the hot keys I have set up if I was to ever just play a lot of retro games on here um this device would feel amazing to do so Game Boy Color I I don't have many Game Boy Color games on here just like ones I remember liking as a kid there's actually a bunch bunch more I could probably have on here I did want to mention that if I was to play a game like metal gear solid and uh let's just burn through this quickly when you start it up this screen looks very pink I'm pretty sure I've talked about this before if I were to go to the options um and I believe color correction is already ticked on if you turn it off uh then what am I doing that used to be my old hotkey uh if you turn it off you get this nice better looking color that the Game Boy should be and uh go thank forward for Fast Forward keys I don't think there's actually a fast skip button or skip at all in this metal G all the gamees so you can just fast forward through the uh through the D dialogue dude I remember getting this game when I was a kid I I can't remember if I got it with like maybe some newspaper round money or something I was such a big fan of meus solid I couldn't wait to get this game and the fact that there was going to be a Game Boy Color game I was I couldn't wait handhelds are handhelds are weird dude it's like dude I can't wait to play this game on my handheld it's like oh oh where are you taking it it's like I'm not taking it out dude I'm laying in bed I have no intention of play this on the go I feel like a lot of handheld people are like that I mean it's handhelds are amazing for um for uh you know commuting or just general travel and things oh bang bang bang but I'm pretty sure a lot of people have I saw I saw an image recently of a guy who got some kind of like grip system for his stee deck so he can lay in bed and it holds the not in bed on his sofa and the steam deck is just being held above his head with this grip as he uses an Xbox controller it's like why aren't you playing this on a TV I I I swear to God the stuff a handheld makes people do it makes you all crazy it makes me crazy too it makes most of yall crazy the stuff you do with your handhelds is insane especially those people who like go oh dude my Odin is like 1 Celsius hotter than it should be I'm going to cut a hole in it and stick a fan on the back you know yeah it's crazy uh GameCube I can't wait to play more GameCube games on here I have done a video on how you will put highdefinition textures on here and uh uh in my video this is kind of Correction actually I wanted to talk about this uh I did um a showed some footage of Rogue leader running very well um yeah let's nip this in the bud right now cuz I tried to play more of Rogue leader and I got to Hoff I start playing Hoff and I think this this can't run bad there's literally nothing here how can this game Run bad and it did hu ran I couldn't really get it uh to play prop I wasn't going to spend ages trying to find the perfect underclock setting to get the game running so um yeah basically just going to say I don't think Rogue leader is playable on the Odin 2 um it's just shame but it it it's just the state of the game and the emulator as it is it's just so demanding and I mean the Odin 2 is a Powerhouse of Hardware Snapdragon Gen 2 it's absolutely ridiculous to think there is a a GameCube game that wouldn't run well on this but that's just you know with emulation you got to bite the bullets somewhere as you can't get everything perfect I mean it will run on PC probably on a really good setup anyway I start flying and you can see the frame rate is just dipping down hard and uh yeah it just didn't make playing this level enjoyable at all so uh yeah played a little bit further realized Rog leer does not run as well as I thought bummer man so I actually removed the the HD textures I had for the game I was like well that's just wasted data might as well get rid of them so running like ass big bummer um but honestly I can't wait to play when I get more time maybe over Christmas Metroid Prime 2 I want to play that in HD because I have HD textures um I've been really wanting to play Paper Mario the Thousand-Year Door it's just something I put off for a long time and then Nintendo announced that they're going to going to release uh like a a brand new remake of the game for the switch so I was like oh well I might as well wait you know exact same thing happened with Super Mario RPG and I still haven't played the uh what you call it remake or REM master who yeah I still haven't played it much but I you know I love the fact that I could boot up fzo I keep thinking I should test the game right now that I've not shown uh do I have memory card data for The Simpsons Hit and Run oh this is interesting I remember this on the Odin Pro like you see the FPS dipping up and down I remember there was a similar problem where for some reason just booting up the game it's really slow here but when you get into game it's fine and uh I don't I think you have to change it to open GL and then switch it back and then make a Save State I don't know this is annoying of all the games I could have chosen to test right now uh might as well test the theory can I do it in here right now can't change it there have to exit the game but this device would Pro probably run this game well in uh openl so what I'm thinking is uh I go over to the emulator I go down to Simpsons Hit and Run long press to settings go to graphic settings change fulcon to open GL good then I can go back to my front end find oh there is Simpson hit and run and uh huh I thought for a moment was going to work it wasn't open GL I got to remember this obviously not for this video I'm not going to waste more time uh the alternative I just get the PlayStation 2 version instead cuz it will run fantastically on the and well that sucks I guess for my sake I'll just turn this back to Vulcan and figure out why that wasn't running there's definitely a setting I I know that makes that work I just can't remember it right now do I have data for Wind Waker I haven't looked at Wind Waker on this yet I must have I do I think I have a widescreen patch added to the uh the actual game so this isn't a widescreen hack in Dolphin this isn't act oh for God's sake that's so annoying I can't stand the old days of inverted camera it makes no sense even up and down is okay I can get used to up and down CU it's not actual up and down that is like zoom in zoom out zoom in zoom out I can deal with that however what I can't deal with is um let's go to Wind Waker edit uh it is edit game settings GameCube input let's change the input to C Swap lnr this is a profile I've made and now when I boot up the game uh it will boot up my SE swap lnr God I love the travel of these sticks so much better than the original Odin these are so small they're so small I just want to briefly mention actually cuz I iono is making another Android handheld with a SN snap Snapdragon Gen 2 it looks like a really cool phone it looks like a really cool phone if you look at those joysticks they look small they look very small I don't know how I feel about that because I think the pocket air sticks are crazy small shut off so now my left and right is works the way I think it should you can actually oh that is sensitive that is really sensitive I might there isn't a setting for that in here is there like these old games do not have settings oh there is an options let's have a look at that no sensitivity option so if I was really thinking about playing Wind Waker I would have to go to those Gamepad settings and take the sensitivity down to like 1.0 or something it's pretty sensitive what I was going to say is that you can get HD textures for Wind Waker and they're like textures you would expect from the uh Wii U version just like a HD version yeah yeah yeah yeah man when you sit down and play a game like this you're like damn we live in such a good ERA of playing video games we really do you content out there is is wild I it's like all this old content like everything I could want on this device all All in One SD card all the way up to PlayStation 2 and then switch it's mad it's very mad on top of that you got things like Game Pass you got other kinds of launchers you got the wealth of like indie games and other games I swear to God like it seems like a 100 games come out a month it's so much content we are living in the era of content we don't know what to bloody do with all our content anyway that's when wer uh so I have a wealth of GameCube games I could play and I'm trying to think if there was like one in HD I didn't really test out much uh because I I didn't get further in Metroid Prime 2 so I would have liked to shown a bit more of the HD textures there but for the sake of this video I should show something off let's have a look at uh cuz I know Twilight Princess has the textures uh if you look at my video on HD textures it tells you how you will put those textures into the folder IND dolphin for these games to load the textures and I think it's absolutely worth it I think if you were if you get an Odin 2 and you're like damn I want to play Twilight Princess not in 4k it doesn't have a 1080p logo I have 1080p textures you're like damn I want to play that in 1080P with um with really nice textures uh yeah it it adds to the experience 100% so here you can see that like these walls just have like a lot nicer textures than they used to and unfortunately I can't um switch between them like I can on ather sx2 when I toggle when I toggle on the software renderer I can show very quickly what the the old textures look like but if you have any sort of memory of Zelda on the GameCube you would know that those rocks would not look like that very cool and I played about a good half of this game before for some reason I dropped it so I might actually continue playing this on the Odin 2 cuz it looks gorgeous and I do have a bit of a Zelda F actually because uh you know I'll be honest man I I'm not super into tears of the Kingdom love breath of the wild didn't really like tears of the kingdom and I would I would super be down for for an older Zelda actually I would yeah oh come on opponent stop being a dick so nice high definition Zelda there loads of GameCube games let's have a look at the next collection uh we're going to have a look at Nintendo 3DS so like I said before I can't get these icons to work speaking of Zelda and speaking of highdefinition textures I have highdefinition textures on major mask here on the 3DS I think I showed this off in my review video of the Odin 2 but just like I said before if you are considering uh playing Majora's Mask you can play this up to let's have a look here at what my settings are cuz I'm pretty sure in graphics I've set this to set this to wait where's internal resolution there it is uh 5x 5x is pretty massive and it's not just HD textures I think there's some like restoration thing I've added to this uh for God's sake Nintendo Nintendo I hate getting used to the fact that this might be the except button and then you play a Nintendo game and you start getting used to that being the except button and the Japanese are like we don't care in play for the PlayStation of Japan this is the except button and uh so this is Majora's Mask with HD textures and God I tested this a bunch in my uh in my videos uh I did a video recently on Citra for the Retro three plus and H there was so much slowdown uh trying to cash light areas of this game even though I fully believe the the Retro pocket 3 plus can play with drawers Mask 3DS decently uh I mean it could do with more juice but the cashing is such a big problem whereas in this uh I don't think I've done this on the Odin 2 yet and like I hit this guy very minimal problems can fly around this whole place and not get any slow down at 5x I need to actually have a look at the resolution of the 3DS 5x might be a bit much and if you're not really noticing the difference you might as well not like push that extra amount of resolution cuz it's like it's pushing the uh the Odin a little bit more and just using a bit more battery power I think damn I do I need to play this at some point I I kept saying I play maurus mask again someday and I just uh I didn't get very far obviously I got the Goran outfit but oh my God getting blown to smin yes close game so a good amount of I don't have that many 3DS games on here I actually I have a um jailbroken 3DS and there's lots of games on there I love 3d effect I think the 3DS is a super cool device so part of me thinks that if I do really get into 3ds again I'd probably just play my 3DS even if they look even better on here uh with better res ution and stuff I really do like the 3d effect the Nintendo 3DS uh I think it still have some relevance today I know it's like a 15year old 15y old console now but I mean it's it's it's so good I if you can get one second and on eBay that's good quality and you're ready to jailbreak it I I'd absolutely do it 100% got a whole good collection of N64 on here and you know this is all very similar to my Odum Pro I've got like the same things on here um let's have a look at something like um Star Wars racer don't think I've ever tested that on my uh why did it do that why didn't it just load up interesting whatever sometimes you get those little glitches haven't played Star Wars racer in a long time uh I definitely played it as a kid I did think it was a cool game I remember having Star Wars racer on um oh my God on the Game Boy Color so the Game Boy Color cartridge actually had a built-in Rumble pack on the cartridge so that the game would Rumble when you played it isn't that crazy and I kid you not I I can't I I swear I knew someone at school who had it and I swear I traded the game for PO for Pokemon cards like I gave him Pokemon cards and uh he gave me Star Wars on the Game Boy Color he must have like not really cared much about it and I must have eventually sold it cuz I don't have it anymore so I got a WID screen hack going on in the N64 as well makes these games look really good you could also get this game on the Dreamcast if you wanted to but I don't know I just got on the 64 cuz that's where my memories of this game are I think there's uh kind of like a air bra system did this game not have music I I guess it didn't or does it like blast out on lap three or something dude I don't remember N64 was a wild time man looking back on N64 is like like holy hell like why does some of these games look the way they do oh the kid's dead we had a friend where um you know so we had school all week and then on the weekend we go over to this friends house we'd bike over there and there' be at least four of us or max four maybe and um we play so much N64 multiplayer damn I mean oh that's where this comes from it's a new lap record oh my God I forgot yeah the days of going around your mates and playing four player multiplayer games and you just having such a blast and that experience translates so well to when you're older you know you do the same thing but you get drunk honestly like you could put four 40y olds in a room get them drunk and they'll play Bomberman all night Bomberman is sick M you play a game love bomber man oh dude growing up sucks let's all get drunk and play bomber man baby I don't want to hear about how work sucks I want to hear you getting excited cuz you're bombing the crap out of us with your with your little skates on you got Max Firepower that's one of the Beauties about video games it's like gets people out of their shell more they start having fun you do the same thing with like physical Sports and activities how often can you do that stuff games are a lot more accessible and you Bond a lot more over it why the hell am I still playing Star Wars uh the N64 is a bang of multiplayer console you got to give it that had four ports and a bunch of good um multiplayer games it's just weird I don't really think of it like that I think about the single player experiences more but to be honest most of my favorite memories of an N64 were playing uh with mates Nintendo DS uh Nintendo DS has a lot of cool games on there and again I think a jailbroken DS or like getting a collection of Nintendo DS games is worth it because the dual screen is so good um I did a video earlier this year I think because I got a DSi XEL and I was really into it I played a bunch of DSI or DS games on there and I'd fully fully recommend that let's check on like a Kirby game I don't know Kirby Mass Attack and uh why are the buttons here I think it's because I need to do that and uh I've gotten rid of the menu button I just hold this and I can select from the radial dial here I also uh you know I did this on my Odin Pro a long time ago but I made these like um these wallpaper overlay thing so I can switch between and it just makes like nice use of the screen isn't that I'll touch to start I'll touch again never played this I'm just gonna damn it Nintendo you really like when it comes to Nintendo it's like dude we made it this way we don't care if you want to press buttons you waggle that stick you touch that screen I don't think there's anything else I can really say about drastic here other than the fact that I did do a video on the Odin Pro where I talked about uh 68 FPS codes I think it was just 60 FPS codes I don't think it was widescreen no no Nintendo DS isn't have wi screen does it this is stage no way well oh okay well I only need one Kirby apparently and uh I wonder if you need the touch screen cuz I would rather do this switch between yeah you don't need that screen touch the screen to make the star appear Kirby will follow it is this wait okay I got to do it like this is it the other way around oh Nintendo you sons of why did I pick this game so wait in this game they dedicated the top screen to just this oh Nintendo you better not made people pay full price for this you know they did you bloody well Nintendo did nah dude I can't play this is there an exit button quit lovely my choice of of of playing games today is terrible um maybe Metroid pinball I watched a really cool like retrospective of the Metroid series and um there was a bunch uh about Metroid pinbal and about how like these two people ended up getting like the license to do the Metroid pinball game and stuff and it like did well but like not that well so they didn't really get to make more pinball games like this but I think it's a pretty dope idea oh you really need two screens for this what did I play recently oh that's right it was the RG 35xx plus I played where you could stack the screens up on here I don't know how to do that I haven't got it set up that way again I think I Pro I've chosen the bad game again to test with the 3DS now I have to look left screen right screen oops at least I can use the triggers like this these triggers are cool for pinball games oh I've got fast forward on actually this isn't so bad actually this is bad cuz I will just be quiet playing pinball is the kind of game you can just stare at for ages you just and you won't think you won't talk you're like ooh pinball I'm doing it [Laughter] again hell yeah kill those parasites a I've never playing games on this channel again hell d uh so that's uh Nintendo DS got a lot of Nintendo DS games here all on the SD card so every game I have on here is fitting on a one tbte SD card lots of NZ to play from again with retroarch that's super nice what could I quickly r on here for people I haven't played a Mega Man game in a really long time let's so Mega Man 4 never played Mega Man 4 give it a go I'll just fast forward o skullman Man Mega Man was a beast back in the day I remember when we played Mega Man 2 as kids God we love that game it was so like kids these days don't entirely understand what a a thrill it was to finish a game cuz the way they design these games like sure you might have had passwords and stuff but for example beating all eight of these Masters and then getting to wy's Castle was like such a feat it was like oh my God we're doing it we're actually B and you know especially like Mega Man 2 for example I have memories of like me my brother and my dad and before we can get like right into wy's Castle there this bloody dragon and floating platforms and the kind of stress you have a kid with games like this like tight platforming like that whilst fending off a dragon at the same time uh is adrenaline inducing it's mad and uh I just remember the the Elation we had when we beat that dragon and we go inside wy's castle like we're going to do it we're going to do it a crap can you slide in this oh yeah oh yeah slide all the way can you imagine if a game series like Mega Man existed today it' be the new Call of D Dy Dy Call of Duty like oh another year another Mega Man what did they change oh they added a slide it's just DLC but hey at least there'd be banging music to go with it all right yeah uh what is it hotkey and start quit out of that fantastic collection of SN games like you know like just the thought one day it's just so it's raining outside you don't want to go out you're all snug you got these memories in the back of your head oh my God you remember rad gravity oh just do I'm going to play the intro to this I'm going to play the music I actually played this game earlier on my my mini I got to the very end and the last level was so horrible I ended up just watching a let's play and watching the end of it listen to the music in this [Music] [Music] game I mean that composer is a man that hates children it just it has to be it sounds horrible but there are some good Tunes in there I must say very Jazzy Jazzy Tunes Jazz really lended itself to the chip tune scene and still does weirdly enough uh there was actually a a jazz um album I'm trying to remember the name of it I don't want to L too on that cuz if I get it wrong um but these guys did the whole like jazz album based off like like this song from ages ago it was very cool Jazz album PSP so oh my God thanks to the Retro pocket 3 plus I ended up uh accumulating quite a large PSP collection because uh I don't have it next to me actually I'm got to go get it cuz it is like kind of next to me in its case I should have had it the whole time cuz you know I put some effort into making this look like a PSP it's got like V PSP buttons uh it's weird to think of this as old stuff now I had a lot of good memories with this and I played a bunch of PSP on there fantastic PSP device I ended up um moving those games over onto here and there is you know what there's somewhat of a teaser that the retroid pocket 4 is coming uh I really don't know what to think about retroid pocket 4 because if this is like $70 and this is $150 for the plus version and this is what $2 200ish and this is $300 where does the four fit in and what's it going to do like for me a retro pocket 4 is this this is a retro pocket 4 you know that's the next step up it does even better PlayStation GameCube uh so the only thing I can think of is like a redesign and maybe maybe maybe this a little bit redesigned a bit more power but same price $150 price Mark I don't know I really don't know what the Retro pocket 4 will be but I accumulated a large retro um PSP col collection on here and it's super cool collection to have actually compared to the VA I think the PSP's got like a a much cooler collection of games a lot more Classics so uh let's have a look at again just trying to think of something I don't usually put on and play I guess I was going to say a wiart game I do actually have some texture packs on here one of them is for Final Fantasy it might just be Final Fantasy there was a tactics ogron which makes the UI look really cool uh let's just throw on like this Tomb Raider game oh why did I do that oh no there are some games in my collection that won't run that's something I'm going to have to figure out in this video that's annoying yeah PSP p uh another thing I did with PSP was uh you can download cheats uh for most games and they're all like just standard kinds of cheats like you know infinite health blah blah blah but some cheats let you play games at like 60 frames per second Let's uh speed this up the fast forward on the PSP is crazy fast yes skip cinematic oh that's very smooth what is the d-pad do nothing this game's got a grappling hook wait so how do you use the shoulder buttons to turn this is where I'd make a controller profile for this game and change it so that the right stick would do this but I'm not going to going to do that oh no this game's going to start the puzzle straight away isn't it whatever buttons we got that moves the camera around that shoots that ducks oh Lara look at you go uh that's about it a it so like start I mean she moves all right press to fast travel along oh you got to spam X to do that that's weird uhuh do you want me you want me to jump on the ledge here no you want me to jump over here don't you yeah why would it tell me to move the camera when I'm looking straight ahead in the first place sick grappling hook I should really change the shoulder buttons I way prefer using the triggers of shoulder buttons and using these as like whatever extra buttons like right now the right trigger is like look that's my fast forward got to talk to him and I well oh I'm actually getting into this this is not this is not the intention I like a decent seam Raider game I you know I wonder if they'll make another one so I jump on here I'm crushing it I'm smart as hell I'm crushing it skip cinematic tell me a bear came out or something come on tell me a bear came out oh oh I don't know what happened how was fast forwarding stop using fast forward oh come on we know we know we know nothing event fall is going to happen I just want to show an example of uh 60fps codes so the one game I can think of actually I think Pursuit Force 2 is but I just want to show Metal Gear Solid Peace walk because if I go over to cheats I've already added into I'm trying to remember if you add have to add this to yourself in a config I definitely did a video on this and they would be it would be a retroid pocket 3 plus video so if you just search my channel for PSP I'm sure it will find the correct title for you like 60 FPS cheats or something and then should be easy going from there but yeah I've got a 60fps code going on here only in game and if I back out and load my save State here you can see that peace Walker is very smooth very smooth yeah very smooth can he roll in this yeah smooth 60 frames per second so you know bit of a recap here is like the Odin 2 isn't like something you just buy and out of the box you know you can very simply a get some emulators download them off the Google Play store or sideload them it's not that difficult B is like finding your ROMs and you do have to find them yourself you either you know find a way to obtain them or you also you either rip your own games which is what some people do and um that is the legal the yeah the actual legal way of playing ROMs on on an emulator on anything you want because you own that game you ripped it yourself uh but you do have to curate a list and uh you don't need this front end to play these games uh let's just say for example you did watch 1 hour 40 minutes of this video and uh were like oh my god do I have to do all this stuff no you don't you can actually uh um like a phone uh you know you open your phone um which show my phone be weird I I've turned my phone off for this video because I knew it would might beep at some point but like a phone you have all your apps listed out on the front page and everything's like quite accessible U using these emulators so an example you know I have an icon here so imagine this is the PSP icon app uh the app on your phone and you just BL this is PPS SP p and um you would go over to your games um and you would browse and you'd locate the folder where you put your PSP games and you know that's pretty much it i' got like some I hate it I hate it you can see just barely that like the oils of my fingers are starting to um affect the plastic and it's around that point I would actually just give this a a bit of a rub you know kind of like try and prevent it from actually staining so you know it's it's helped it a little bit so um that's a good look at like the PSP games I have just a ton of them and at this point you could easily he's got a lot of games it's true got a lot of games but they have pretty much moved from system to system you know I sort of I had a lot of games here then I put them on here then I put them on here you know they just they've racked up and I have played like certain games for sure PlayStation 1 uh Playstation one's fantastic on here and again like this is a I got a huge list of PS1 games I have on here now mostly thanks to the Mayu mini I'll just I'll just show this instead cuz it's basically a Mayu Mini Plus just a little bit better um cuz I put a bunch of PS1 games on my Mayu mini because it plays uh PS1 games very well and um here's another example of me being able to pick dis one dis 2 the the PS1 does have have a pretty fantastic collection of PS1 games well obviously PS1 it is a PS1 there are some really odd ones hyper Crazy Climber I really like finding the odd games on a on a device uh on a console the PS1 has a pretty nice selection of odd games on it like ones you'd never hear of you play them and you're like who this is a sick game actually what the hell do I have a fast forward button yeah it's on the back Crazy Climber probably like a $20 game back when it came out I at least I would hope so it might have been Japan only for all I know I really don't know Ashley yeah this is in Japanese so what is this game looks cute yeah there are some Banger games you can find on the PS1 that you've never heard of guar I guarantee even if you know the PS1 uh so well you'll find a game you've never heard of and it's a banger oh no I've seen this game before it's it's it oh oh cuz it's Japanese I literally don't have any clue how to play this is is each of wait are these the legs and this is the hand I don't know I'm just going to spam the buttons I don't know what's going on see I can go what is it like momentum based I don't get it but he is one Crazy Climber dude hey kids never do this in real life this guy's got no harness he is climbing very high up you can see the mountains in the background this guy is stupidly high up have you ever watched Cliff oh and he's dead he is 100% dead he does not have a safety harness he does not have any safety climbing gear of any kind that guy is hitting the bottom why are these controls so weird okay no don't look at this game no more um in the hunt in the hunt sure have you ever heard of in the hunt before I hadn't what is in the hunt I think I'm going have to double check actually cuz I forgotten what it is in the hunt is a pretty sick sort of like metal slug submarine game check this out PS1 is one of those consoles a bit like the Dreamcast it's like a a really awesome mix of like serious games arcade games it's like the future and the past rolled into one ah dude I deaded they've got missiles that go up I tell you what is weird though this is cut off for some reason I don't know why I hope that's not a thing in all games holy crap what the hell oh my God in the hunt jumping flash these games are so weird they're like first person look I got to show you maybe jumping flash 2o I don't know I played the first one a little bit on the my mini I was like this is this is so cool failed to initialize Vulcan renderer falling back to software renderer really okay Big Trouble in Little moo apparently you can pick your stage wonderful but check this out I hope the sequel is the same game it is like this first person arcadey action game and you shoot things as if it's like lilet WS Star Fox or some stuff and you got a big ass jump you can fire Big Balls you can manually aim around and you got to go around the area like killing things and collecting stuff and you're like you're like a giant bunny or something with a double jump it's [Laughter] nuts and again this game wasn't meant to be widescreen these are widescreen hacks on Duck station it looks super good who that's right you got to go around the the map collecting mumo you're doing it wrong you got to go around map collec mumo God I love that double jump that they uh look down on the ground that's super clever what's this it's a b stage have you ever played jumping Flash 2 before I didn't think so there someone in the comments is like I made jumping flash actually someone will say someone will watch someone will watch 1 hour 50 of this video and say that and I will have to ask them did you really make jumping flash I look forward to your replying but yeah this is an example of me just like randomly going through the accumulated list of games I have and going like what the hell is that game and then spending like 30 minutes to an hour on it going damn that was a good game like this one I added this one recently this is a Japanese game that has been fan translated maera Falls it's kind of like a Twin Peaks kind of thing uh silent hilly Allan wakey but actually more like Deadly Premonition I guess and I never played it but I added it cuz one day I might actually play it Circle button in Japan it's Circle button and and Konami were pretty adamant about that kajima was like no the West must use the circle button to accept accept and they're right circle is like the symbol of acceptance and cross is the symbol of not accepting oh it's Christmas Day dude it's Christmas day it's Christmas Day you open your present it is an Odin 2 oh my God what do I do with an Odin 2 I watch through rak's Channel I know exactly what to do with my Odin 2 I'm going to play maona 4 Matthew Winona is that you yes this is why sometimes fan translations are odd cuz like with Japan uh there is like some kind of like leeway you have to give in the translation to make it a bit more like West Friendly why are you calling me this early I just got a phone call from Sarah I think something's happened to Emma on Christmas Day Winona calm down this is literally shenmu I'm waking up and Emma's mom called me Emma's mom called me and asked if I knew where Emma was what do you mean I don't know but she hasn't seen Emma since last night last night what why did something happen no it's nothing we definitely didn't have SE anyway let's meet up and talk about it 's been acting strange lately don't you think I so I would 100% play like some soap opera team drama game where they give you more dialogue options I'd love that give you give you the option to be a bad guy in a soap oper hell yeah you like romance someone down the street and like someone's family's pissed off of you for it you know just dumb stuff like that you can't tell me it wouldn't do well I think it would do well last night Emma really did seem different okay can we skip this oh it's a d-pad game oh wow this is a lot like shenmu he even has a similar kind of coat now actually R's got is that a dog you can pet the dog in a 1990s video game Way Beyond this time you know what I'm saying oh my God who is this with these stock door sound effects that anyone can get why is there a store right next to this house H handy right God it reminds me of University in my second year I lived across a Subway and a kebab van that didn't help it's just hey look look out the window Subways open okay no this isn't a let's play Channel but yeah here is the the beauty of having a really good PS1 library on your handheld you can get stuck into this and I'm GNA tell you like the Dreamcast is the exact same damn thing like if I can get to it um there are some shockingly bad games on the Dreamcast I'm wondering if I deleted it or if I ever had it it's the ring I don't have the ring on here I thought I did the ring is terrible it has one of the most hilarious intros I've ever seen to a video game it's brilliant so sick ass PlayStation Library obviously you got classic Striders Spyro Final Fantasy um all working super good let's have a look at another one that might be 3D Vampire Hunter D never played it seems like a kind of cool almost Devil May Cry Like game but plays a bit more like uh like Resident Evil the last time I did a video like this in retro pocket 3E I told everybody to go play starts with a g doesn't it gura where are you where are you gura this gate gamra 2000 and there's loads of Kaiju games coming out lately uh films so this is perfect go play gamra 2000 sick what's this fireman 2 no I don't play that all right now next collection PlayStation 2 so I have a turn of PlayStation 2 games on here I talked about compression earlier absolutely do compress your PS2 games holy crap you will save a ton of memory uh actually this is a good shout time to look at Burnout 3 cuz I added HD textur to this and I hadn't before [Music] so and I thought is it worth it in a driving game you're like driving around and wait why is that slow this is really slow for some reason um okay don't panic Don't Panic let's go over to PS2 and do my usual test of going to Metal Gear Solid to and then we are going to load up a safe State and if this area runs fine then we're okay it's not running fine okay what did I do wrong what has happened so I'm going to exit this I'm going to reboot put my Odin I'm going to restart cuz um that has happened before and I don't know why I'm trying to think what I've done in this video to cause that to happen and I don't know why so just going to restart this thing take a deep breath everything's fine Pegasus is going to load up this honestly the Odin Pro would takes so much longer to load this loads so quick right we're going to open up this over to uh Playstation 2 to give solid to it's going to load the widescreen patches and then we're going to load this Save State and it's running smooth okay I don't know what I've done in this video that made Playstation 2 run bad I don't know what happened I don't know if that's something to do with the ram I actually should have checked the floating icon before but um yeah if you ever run into that problem would love to know more about it I actually would so uh just going to load the safe dat again and look runs fine so if I break oh I'm pressing the wrong button if I do this and then I press toggle software r so look at the road mostly actually take a look at the road kind of pixelly I do this and then it tightens up a bit it might be harder to see on this video Let's see if there's something else I can look at like I said this is the reason why I wasn't super into the idea of HD textures and a driving iname cuz you don't see a lot of them so that's on look at the the the bricks and then we'll turn it off and then the bricks get a little bit more pixelly turn it on and they get sharper so okay so this is a game where you'd have to decide for yourself are HD textures worth it um I'm in the middle with this one that they are and aren't cuz on the one hand I like upscale driving games I I think that additional resolution makes driving games look really nice on the other hand um even though you're upscale you know you still have to deal with the fact that you've got like old textures so a HD texture pack in that case would solidify the the whole reason to upscale in the first place like oh damn now this looks really good this looks more like a modern video game so yeah but whilst you're racing around like this you don't fully get to appreciate the textures with a slower Place game absolutely a game like Metal Gear Solid your eyes are sort of uh taken in more detail there but yeah that's uh burnout free with high definition textures and you know I said this in my video with a game like black to uh oh my God I shouldn't load this safe State cuz this level is dark and in this level uh in this game I have a I've enabled patches I'm going to turn that back on actually I don't mean to oh it is on now I added uh a Pac code which I have saved here uh in this folder black 60 FPS pck it lets you play Black at 60 frames it's really cool although I did find in this level going up to this uh area over here oh whoops I pressing the wrong buttons I actually put the single fire on AK cuz I was uh I was doing better with it but I I can't play properly right now but I did get up to this facility and the frames were dipping I couldn't really think of a way to increase those frames without sacrificing the resolution so it made me think I might actually play I have to play this game at like 1.5x or something I just kind of wanted to show you that but I have a whole bunch of PS2 games uh Curse of Darkness is one I've been meaning to play more of uh if my memory serves me correctly I played a bunch of it on the 3 plus sorry my camera so I don't think I have a save file on here I should yeah there's no game data I should transfer some of my PS2 data on the retroid pocket 3 plus over here but it's like I think what I would have to do is go on the Retro pocket go over to the BIOS move everything from memory card one to memory card 2 then I would import memory card 2 export memory card 2 from here import memory card 2 here then swap everything on memory card 2 onto memory card one that way I that's probably the best way I would uh import data there whilst retaining all the data on here chaos Legion with high definition texture packs is uh is cool I ended up doing that this is a game I always says say is a banger you just got to give it a chance and it's very hack and slashy but it gets addictive because you get so powerful you get new moves you get cool summons uh I love it and if you play on hard mode it's an absolute it's really hard uh if you want a super hard challenge give this game a go and if you beat the game on hard you get to unlock a second character uh is a chick with guns she's super cool but I didn't actually finish that play through cuz uh I had I had enough at that point so if I pick uh I want to pick a bright [Music] stage I'll pick stage H4 cuz I usually show the later levels uh with HD textures all this brick work looks uh pretty crisp if you're into that I think it's cool I personally think it's cool to look at PlayStation 2 games with higher Tech higher definition textures I think it just cuz I think there's a lot of amazing games on the PlayStation 2 and uh just a little bit of treatment bringing them up into today uh I think is just awesome oh they killed my monster so in this situation we got a bunch of monsters being absolute and they've broken my monster so now I have to defeat enough monsters to get souls back to replenish my dead monster but this is the thing we got to destroy up here if it says Target that's what we got kill and unfortunately um I don't know if I really have the right monster setup to take out this uh these so these monsters underneath are metallic monsters as are these shooting monsters but the Beast running at me are organic so you basically have two types of Monsters game uh like metallic and organic and based on the summons you have some of them are better at killing one versus the other uh I currently don't have a fantastic way of dealing with these but some of the moves you acquire throughout the game like this tackle here would actually be decent against metallic objects but they got spikes on them thankfully I got this bomb I can keep kicking if I was to summon these monsters they would like plant themselves in the ground and blow up I don't know why they didn't do that headshotting that guy uh kicks his ass big time finally took out that dude but it's a it's a very um like the levels aren't particularly fantastic they look very similar there's nothing special about them they're basically just a bunch of combat scenar scenarios until you get to a boss it's very old school design and I find a certain comfort in that in that um they're just very engaging games to play but the best game the best thing about that game is the power fantasy of uh just getting stronger and stronger and building up your Legions cuz the monsters you acquire if you power them up enough you are able to retain their abilities without equipping them so you like keep their power forever which is uh uh super cool mechanic godand has HD textures actually I want to show this off and again if you're interested in HD textures I made a video on this recently for the Odin to and I tell you how to add these textures uh put them on your Odin and then add them to correct folder and then they should just work as long as you have the load textures options set in your graphics settings and um godand is another game where I played about half of it and for one reason or another I dropped it but this is a excellent hard fun game and I wish I remembered exactly how to play it because uh you can do some really cool stuff in it but you also need to be able to do that because it's really tough so these H I think I have a 60fps code on as well but I think it's slightly broken like some of the animations are a bit out of whack and what happens if I do this God Hand mode you can like I I swear on 60 FPS mode that meter goes down uh a lot quicker so if I was going to play this game I probably turn the 60 FPS code off I can't play dude I don't remember I know there's like moves set to back and forward attack oh I just got slapped to death there you go granter ISO 4 I showed off recently as well um but this is the whole point of why I got my device looking like this this is a Playstation 2 handheld it really is uh the fact that I can play all of M Solid 2 in with high definition textures same with Metal Gear Solid 3 except it's uh it's got a 60 FPS patch as well you know actually playing it at 60 frames per second So Dope uh if I was to load say the bridge don't know what's wrong with my lighting today it's like very very smooth I find it harder to look at the HD Textures in this game and I probably have to turn down the sensitivity of my sticks for this game it's pretty sensitive oh my God I can never do this bridge when I'm looking at the capture cuz snake keeps fearing off snake please did he just wake up like get up I'm trying to walk slow oh you do have a deepan I don't care if you see me I am I'm going for this assault rifle some I don't fall off the edge see right don't this feel right looking at M Solid 3 with the buttons the PlayStation logo it's so cool and then I think no it's not the slug button I have to go to start and then go to my backpack and then uh weapons and I need to add this to my weapon selection and then I can use it I've not played metal GE Solid 3 in a very long time oh ah but dude how about that metal get solid free remake huh oh yeah I've got the precious sens it's a sensitivity modifier on my um back button as well I can't believe this video is over 2 hours long now I suppose if you're someone that is mulling over the idea of an Odin 2 and you just want to see someone who's like got everything they want on it and uh just like having a good Jam I feel like half this video was talking about anything but games it's almost like a secondary review a yeah Metal Gear Solid metal gear solid uh there's still like a whole bunch of games I want to play on here I actually want to show off Resident Evil 4 as well I have added HD textures to this uh I just want oh I also tried to add a 60fps code and it does not work with this game it's uh it breaks too much which is a real shame CU it looks beautiful in 60 frames but like different animations and things are just too fast and aiming is awkward so uh I'm hoping when I load game uh I already had it off it should be at 30 frames another thing I can't do is I can't press software renderer to show you the difference in the oh no it is at 60 frames I it looks gorgeous right but wait wait till I like I don't know kick someone oh dude that uh the the animations are almost like double speed so like that guy like kicked back way faster so um all right disable patches but I need to restart the game uh so I'll exit and I'll start it again and I think instead of loading the save file so let me look at patch codes all right they should be off press the fast forward button go through these menus no no no are you sure yes I want to start a new new file because there's something that immediately when I started this game where I went holy crap those are high definition textures 100% so that way I shouldn't have to look at the toggle the uh the uh toggle software thing uh look at these leaves dude look how detailed those leaves are and we're running this at what like 2.5x so that's like 1080p uh I don't know how in-depth this HD texture pack is because obviously they did one for PC with insane detail uh like it went on for years I very much doubt this is that texture pack I think that one is PC exclusive but if you wanted to relive uh Resident Evil 4 again uh with HD textures cuz on Android you know obviously you can't play the PC version unless you uh uh streaming from your PC or something right so what can we have a look in here like those walls are definitely very sharp nice cracks yes nice cracks honestly every that to me that sounded like those boys are ripping I swear that's what I hear every time oh he's still he's dead if I got any more ammo oh my God Resident Evil one of those games you just stop F and 5 minutes you're in you're in like tense combat situation the shooting feels good you're like what the hell's going to happen next insane video game I think the Remake is a banger as well if any of you have played the uh mercenaries DLC with Wesker holy crap man what a Power Trip Wesker is fantastic in that mode they really did that guy Justice they dropped the beat massive yeah some of the I know it's Spanish dude but that's what it sounds like to me they dropped the beat massive there's another one as well it sounds like my father said I could eat you I wish I could uh we'll see if we hear any of them soon so crisp hey you're like why are these guys speaking this way those sping looks good dude looks really good look at these rocks look them rocks okay you know what if I honestly I I could this will be a 3-hour video if I keep this up oh my God SS T3 I wonder if there's HD textures for that I'm sure I would have send them Rogue Galaxy's a game I'd like to see of HD textures for sure you can do it with Shadow the Colossus there are HD textures for that but I'm not too interested in that um but I got a ton of PlayStation 2 games here I can always play on um someone asked me about the blur effects in Konami games and there's a let me see if I can find this if it's a skip draw function I would assume this is in advanced settings no let's check let's check Graphics first not uh in here graphic [Music] settings no maybe I was right skip draw h I don't know I'll have to have another look at this but someone was oh here we go skip draw start and end these so these two have something to do with potentially reducing the kind of motion blur game might have built in um maybe if they watch this again they can recorrect me but uh that was my first time just looking for that setting so PlayStation 2 games got a ton of them they all sort of they work wonderfully Sega Saturn I don't have have actually a lot of Sega Saturn games on here this is another collection I've not really touched into but I do have like the translated Shining Force games uh they're all on here uh I'm hoping that scenario 2 might work someday cuz I think I started that and it didn't work so there might be some edgy things about Sega Saturn on on here uh I don't know again it's not something I've explored too much but there's a bunch of cool like arcadey games on here um to be honest with you I feel like I should maybe hurry up and rush through some of these uh cuz Dreamcast is quite a big one and then really Nintendo switch is like the one we want to get to cuz there's a bunch I could just show on there quickly uh Dreamcast again this is fantastic collection to have let's have a look at um I don't know I mean the beat ups are like the best ones to have on here like I just jamming on some Power Stone too for example hell yeah and I got this in flycast I need to remind myself to have a look at this whole vmu thing that it's uh been creating in my folder cuz it's adding loads of files I don't want in my front endome to the world yeah Power Stone World this is a sick game escape from the castle pick a cute lady oh we got jump to he sounds a bit like um Steven colber oh I had to pick a blue stage didn't I God damn I need a new camera Jesus Christ Dreamcast was the console I didn't actually have the luxury of doing like four player Combat on um you know getting mates over and stuff like that it was more a console I played loads of like Wicked awesome single player games on I can't get up there Jesus Christ so I don't I haven't played this game in a really long time so I don't know I press oh there we go she's kicking my ass she's taking my power Stones how could you hey get out of there holy [Music] crap I never actually played the PSP collection of this I I I think the Dreamcast collection is better for one reason or another but uh I haven't tested them myself so I couldn't like compare you know what I here here's something if they make a whole new Smash games in the Smash Brothers game in the future and they make it like this I mean I guess there wouldn't be as much of a skill to it compared to smash I know there you know there's massive comp scen in Smash like how could they make a game like this more comp like but I reckon a smash game like this could be pretty dope loads of characters hundreds of hundreds that's asking a bit much those are cool stages smash Stone Stoner brothers power Brothers I need one more gem oh here we go baby ah she's a beast I'm sure she have some other moves but I don't know whoa just like Spirit bom her holy crap um yeah drink has a collection to have and obviously the Oden 2 doeses it very well very easily 1080p so yeah I'm not going to bother like juming through um Super Nintendo and stuff I already shown like retroarc and like spinning through things so let's just dive into switch but before I do this I actually have to swap my game profile from XBox 2 Odin which I can do very easily here on Pegasus it's really not that big a deal you know it just be nicer if uh if I could remap the buttons and Uzu and I have like a ton of games on here and there's actually a few of them I'd love to like show off cuz I've been looking at a few more uh someone asked me about this I'd love to tell you that Nia autom autometer sorry works but it doesn't it it plays enough but the intro is so long and you get to the first like actual combat with um with uh oh my God what's her name B2 no I can't think of her name I hope it's B2 uh and yeah then like a mini boss comes and then the game crashes so I think you know it needs time I think the Odin 2 could do it but uh you know so I actually just want to show Dark Souls again cuz I I've been playing more Dark Souls and um I'm honestly just surprised this game runs 30 FPS consistent and I just have not seen any errors at all it's crazy I actually can't believe it so like uh was it last night or the night before I was just playing it a bit more in bed and you know I have this I have this on multiple things a big Dark Souls fan and it's just one of those games where you just like start playing it for 20 minutes and you get so like into the progression of this game like exploration and tough combat it's just constantly rewarding and I'm somewhere really dark again aren't I I am so sorry for your guys Amusement I'm going to fight a dragon but I you know I did the Gargoyles in one of my other videos and I played more I've done a bunch of other stuff I'm probably going to go find my way down to quag now when I start playing it again big ass Dragon here I took his tail as well for fun I don't really need his weapon but uh yeah if if we stand here and just keep I don't think we have to move forward but he will come down and that's your opportunity need to run past him and get through the gate but otherwise he'll come down if you take a moment you can attack him but if he does this attack where he uh does that and you're underneath him he will kill you he will oneshot you if you don't have much health is he going to do it again yeah I'm dead I I you know I don't want to look up guide but fighting that dragon is uh a pain unless you really strong and got lots of health so yeah in another video I showed a whole bunch of Dark Souls remastered Works fantastic on here what really surprised me um really did is Dragon's Dogma dark arism works pretty well on here there's only one big downside uh it's that the lighting sort of flickers in different locations so your Lantern uh certain locations when the sun is out you you'll see like the Shadows flicker on and off H I don't think there's a kind of light fix like there is for Dark Souls so if you're interested in Dark Souls um do watch my other video cuz I show where I get that fix and where to place it and uh also mention that you need the latest update for the game uh just in case but for some reason they don't have that in this so runs really well but you have to bear with the fact that the lighting will Flicker and apparently it's been an issue for like a fairly long time so I have no idea if this will be fixed anytime soon but Dragon's Dogma is sick ass game I can't believe this game is like over 10 years old I remember playing this over 10 years ago I played it three times in a row I so liked I so loved this game to the point where I had to ask myself is this better than dark Dark Souls and it's like now I'm like dude I can't compare but Dark Souls is its own Beast you can't deny it but I thought like crazy creatures uh there's only a couple occasions where it dipped down to uh under 30 and usually it's because there was a lot going on can you run in this game I can hear the fan going actually uh in the Odin let me turn this up bit can I skip that that man you speaking with yeah yeah yeah yeah the St to make sure you Apple supplies now I'm wishing I played a bit more of this can I not uh go out the door can I can I jump down the well I think there's some there's a well near here I can jump down and do combat it's covered I just killed a civilian then the channel needs content don't run away from me I love the combat in this game such a cool combat system for an RPG like this it made games like Skyrim look especially boring it really did but yeah look you see these Shadows flickering and I wish there was a fix for it CU otherwise this game is running really well it be like a solid kind of game to have on your switch and uh yeah I just want to say like I find testing switch games on here to be really interesting it's I didn't buy the Odin 2 to play switch games and you can see with like how I've dressed it up now I I want to play like PlayStation 2 and Below like that's how I see this machine I have a switch uh I have bought loads of switch games I want to continue supporting developers who make games for the switch 100% but uh you know so I get the I get the games I want but it's also really cool just testing things on here also Dragon Dogma 2 comes out next year and it's going to yeah I'm really looking forward to it so if you've never played the first one and you got time give it a shot man it's pretty crazy and a bit of advice you know don't just play it once I wouldn't say it's near or tometer levels of needing to be replayed but um it's worth it it's definitely worth it so I'm trying to think if there's another Nintendo switch game on here I could surprise you some of these like indie games for example they're not super worth looking into like you might find one that doesn't work for some reason but most them pretty much do still Metro Prime remaster still doesn't work I'd love to see that one working just cuz I'd like to see the Odin 2 like performing it that would be sick right and games like Red Dead Redemption aren't working but yeah I've acquired quite a large uh category now of Nintendo switch games and I'm honestly Blown Away by the amount of them that do actually play well um but some of them still have their problems and they've lingered for a while you know let's say triangle strategy there's black screens when you try and get in game you can't actually play it um you know so I still consider the Nintendo switch uh you know C Catal catalog rather of games uh to be rather mixed and I I would I would not tell someone to buy an Odin 2 to play switch like don't do it even though there's definitely stuff you can play but if you bought it for like tears of the Kingdom for example it's it's not going to run perfectly like don't do it um whereas if you wanted to play a mixture of uh 2D tites like time spinner for example um you can play that kind of thing and in that sense you have like a rather eclectic range of titles that will work on this and it's super cool I'm still surprised Bona 2 runs as well as it does super good um yeah Nintendo switch and I don't think it's too worth going into Wii it's very similar to GameCube like uh I looked at a couple of these games in my texture uh video so I got a bunch of weekends on here as well so what is on my Odin I well all of this really um I kind of feel like this video was a bit bloated I don't know if it's super handy for some people it might be interesting for some ah this page looks cool too like the recently played games like what do you want to get back to yes I want to get back to ma um oh wait wait wait wait no no no no what's the back button this is the back button uh where's Odin settings I want to change that back to Xbox like yeah I want to get back to maera Falls holy crap is it not going to load my safe State oh does the front end not do that and we didn't say I yeah I'm kind of curious about that game that's a game I definitely could play like over Christmas period if I have like nothing to do for a while which is probably the case given the kind of work I do with music uh a lot of developers and people they do have the Christmas period off and a lot of people will not be working anyway so it's a good time for me to like L low and say like oh I I'll play a bunch of these Odin games cuz to be honest there isn't anything new coming out on New consoles that I'm really interested in um yeah I'm waiting next year now for like new titles I'll be uh potentially really into uh so this is my finished Odin 2 I really don't think I'll add much more to it it's got the games that I want it has the HD texture packs for games I'd like to play in the future sh because it's got the power to do so we've got the lovely PlayStation buttons PlayStation logo I mean seriously it really does look like something that could be coming out now and if it was a PlayStation 2 device you'd be like holy crap I absolutely want one and uh yeah and it plays all the PlayStation 2 games upscaled so super super cool device um part of me almost wishes I bought a protective case for this to go over but like for example there's like a circle here that allows you to touch the buttons you're still going to get oil on the case there so it's like you're not going to protect it you know so I don't see really the point of getting a protective case thumb grip's definitely worth it for the height um yeah dude that's my Odin too I can't believe this video is nearly 3 hours long that's insane uh I really hope that you guys enjoyed it in some capacity either some of it all of it gave you some ideas will leave stuff in the video description uh based on things I talked about in this video so things like Reddit Pages for Android games different links to my videos links to other things that might help you with things I talked about in this video and if you have any ideas yourself things you've done with your Odin yeah leave it in the comments tell me what you've done with your Odin that I haven't tell me what might be a really cool idea um but obviously some things I've already done with my other in like for example getting uh crosscode for example you can you can get that on Steam and Port it over to Android that was like done by fans you can get Tri Mana working if you sideload it a certain way I did a video on that so you could absolutely do that on your Odin but um I've decided not to I've decided to make this very much an emulation machine so I believe that's everything I wanted to cover I can't can't think of anything else I really want to get into maybe I could tell you that by going to display going to Q color you can um change the color of this even more I think it's like originally off but if you turn it on it like increases the saturation even a little bit more uh just trying to think if there's anything else I done I think that's about it it's a bloody long video and look my device was like at 98% at the start and it's like 79 now I mean I do realize for like a good portion of this video I didn't actually play anything but uh this has a great battery life as well it's another great reason to have a good Android device like this it's very much worth the price so with that said that's the end of my video we're ending it now thank you very much for watching I hope this helps you with your Odin if you already have one I hope you really get into yours love it and play some Wicked Games over the holidays so if you like this video please give it a like subscribe to my channel if you want to see more videos Bell icon if you absolutely do want to see even more videos cuz YouTube is funny like that and um have a good one I'll see you on the next video bye-bye
Channel: RoeTaKa
Views: 82,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hsxlQJNhy_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 159min 58sec (9598 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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