RG35XX VS Miyoo Mini Plus: The Definitive Retro Handheld

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the handheld scene has been exploding I mean we have everything from the high-end options like the steam deck from valve you also have the Asus RG Ally even the legion go from Lenovo but on the other side of the spectrum you have cheaper handhelds that are readily available either via Amazon AliExpress or even their own company's websites and there are two that prominently come up in a lot of conversations one of those is the Miu Mini Plus and the other one is the ambernik rg35xx both of these are sub 100 and there are a lot of features that kind of overlap but there are some things that really set these two apart the goal with this video is really to just show you the ins and outs of both of them and guide you into making one decision over the other one whether you want to buy one over the other one so guys this is going to be a long video so grab yourself something to drink maybe something to munch on while you're watching because we're gonna go ahead and get into it so let's get in to it this video is sponsored by surfshard listen guys I'm pretty sure you already know what a VPN is at this point it's a virtual private Network that protects your data from hackers you can use it whenever you want and keep any of your devices safe while browsing the web you can check out some of your favorite content from other countries by using servers all over the world so if you want to catch up on shows from across the pond well you can totally do that use surf shark to stay anonymous online avoid captchas price discrimination and so much more there's a link in the description below use that to start browsing the internet safely with surf shark and thanks to surfshark for sponsoring this video so let's talk about the biggest Factor when it comes to deciding on any purchase that's pricing when it comes to the pricing between these two the ambernik rg35xx is just a little bit cheaper it's currently listed at 57.99 plus 12 shipping on the ambernick's official website now I live on the east coast of the United States at 12 that's my rate depending on where you are in the world that might change it might fluctuate but just to give you an idea that's how it is on the east coast of the US if you want to though you can buy this from third party options so you can technically go on Amazon you can find it for around 74 maybe 75 depending on which reseller you're going to and that is with prime shipping so you're going to get that within a day or two and if you find any issues Amazon will back up that return so if you're buying it on Amazon make sure you go with prime the other option is through keep retro and with keep retro I've heard some things here and there in terms of customer service and the reliability of their customer service I think they've been coming in and they've been becoming a little bit more transparent when it comes to a couple of things but if you want to you can go with them normally it's 79.99 and that would include shipping and relatively fast shipping in comparison to buying it directly from amberdick but as of right now it's listed at 64.99 and that includes shipping as well so definitely something to take into consideration if you are here in the US and you want to buy something that you will get to you relatively quickly on the other side of the spectrum you have the Miu Mini Plus and this you can buy through their official store Page on AliExpress currently it's listed at 64 plus free shipping and free shipping is nice but whenever you buy anything from AliExpress you're going to wait a couple of weeks before you actually get that in your hands unless the store itself has a physical location in the United States like a warehouse distribution or whatever it may be somewhere in the US to pretty much send out these orders without having to wait weeks and instead you'll be waiting days when it came to ordering this from AliExpress I waited a couple of weeks just to give you an idea but like the rg35xx you can actually buy these from third-party resellers as well so you can buy this through Amazon and it's currently listed at around eighty dollars plus Prime with shipping so if you want to go ahead and go that route you can and I did for the second Miu mini that I have and it came within a day the other option is of course keep retro and it's currently listed at 62.99 so you have a couple of options depending on where it is that you want to go I'll have links to all of this stuff in the description below so you can pick and choose and see which one best fits your needs and where you are in the world so when it comes to color variants there are a couple of options that are out there for the Amber Nick rg35xx there's the white one that I have here that I bought for myself because it reminded me of my clear Game Boy that I had when I was a kid but there's also the transparent purple option and there's also a great option that is really Akin towards the original look of the DMG Game Boy when it comes to the Miu mini plus there's an extra color that's tossed into the mix there's a transparent black that I got for my self that I thought was pretty cool but there's also the transparent uh purple as well as white and then there's also a retro gray look that again follows that same sort of path of looking kind of like the original DMG Game Boy it really depends on what it is that you want to go ahead and go for but I actually recently just bought one of those DMG Miu Mini Plus looking ones and the feel of the casing is completely different from the transparent black it kind of feels a little bit more grippy than I thought it was going to be and I kind of like it because this is the one that's intended for my seven-year-old son so I would definitely recommend this if you want to go ahead and go with something that is a little bit more grippy and feels a little bit more secure in your hands before we get into this screen comparison between the two of these I did want to go ahead and disclose something so I edit photo and video for a living that's my day job so whenever I'm editing anything it's typically on a color calibrated screen and I make sure that all the colors are just right before sending it off to my boss now when I was looking at these screens I was very nitpicky I looked at the color spectrum at them the brightness and everything that was represented on the screen themselves when you have a bad screen or a bad panel there isn't really anything that you can do to change that like yeah you can tweak some settings here and there but there's a reason why the screen on the Asus Rog Ally is just better than the screen on the steam deck there's absolutely nothing that you can do that will change things because when it comes to screens it's kind of like a slider effect you're going to be able to slide one thing but in order to do that the rest of the color spectrum is going to have to overcompensate or under compensate to make this color look right and it's very difficult to find a right balance when it comes to that that's why I personally work on screens that have 100 hundred percent color representation or as much or as close as possible to 100 even if it's 99 or 97 having something like the steam deck screen it definitely leaves a lot to be desired especially when you're talking about uh darker colors but I digress I'm getting too deep into it I'm getting geeky but when it comes down to these screens I just I could immediately tell the difference especially when I was comparing the two when it came to the screen on the ambernik rg35xx it just it got brighter there was no ifs ands or buts it was just simply brighter it could also represent colors in a warmer tone so I personally actually most humans they prefer a warmer tone color spectrum so we're talking about uh the oranges and the reds are just a little tiny bit more pronounced than any of the colors that are there and it's really difficult to tell especially on a screen actually let me go ahead and make this a little bit uh darker so you can see a little bit more on screen but when it comes down to it it's it's just it's difficult to go ahead ahead and showcase this on a screen itself it's a little easier to go ahead and have this be something that you could go ahead and see in person and compare it side by side when I was comparing it to the Miu Mini Plus I could go ahead and tell that the the color representation that was there was just a different um the colors are a little bit colder they're a little bit um a little bit more Blues they're a little bit more greens and the pixels that are there they're fine they they do the job obviously it's not going to be 100 one to one because that's just not how this Tech works but when you're comparing them side by side it um it becomes quite apparent that one is a little bit more uh colorful there's more Reds that are there in comparison to this one that is a little bit more blue and again this is something that I just I do for a living I see it all the time chances are if you buy one over the other you're probably not even going to be able to tell I'm being upfront with you most of uh times that I talk to people about this stuff they can't tell unless it's something that they do for a living or something that they look at or it's a side by side comparison but that's just me based off of what I've seen the um the screen on the Amber Nick rg35xx is just simply better because it does things that I want now if you're going to go ahead and buy this one you'll probably be satisfied with what you get especially with the size and everything that's there but I personally prefer the screen on the rg35xx when I was testing the audio between these two I thought that they were going to be neck and neck and in some instances they kind of are but there's definitely a couple of instances where they're not see the rg35xax when I put that to the max volume I was expecting one thing to happen and that was going to be the audio would kind of get distorted when you get to a certain point and you push the speaker past like it's Prime volume levels it starts to get distorted it starts to get crackly and not all of the sound that you want to get out actually comes out but I was kind of surprised because despite it being as loud as it could be it still honestly held on its own [Music] [Applause] if you don't want to use the speaker there is a 3.5 millimeter Jack on the bottom of the rg35xx and it does the job it gets things going but when it came to the Miu Mini Plus I went ahead and pushed the volume all the way up to the max and I was expecting more or less the same turns out that the speaker at least on my Miu Mini Plus is definitely lower in terms of like volume the clarity is more or less the same once you hit that Max point it is going to be a little bit distorted but it just played a little bit softer it wasn't as loud as the rg35xx also just like the rg35xx there is a 3.5 millimeter Jack on the bottom so you can listen to your speaker or your headphones when you plug them in uh none of them support Bluetooth I wanted to go ahead and get that in there because underneath the review of the rg35xx as well as the Miu mini plus there's still conversation underneath whether or not these get Bluetooth and they don't I just want to go and get that out there for you do you hear that that is one of my biggest gripes with the rg35xx there isn't anything else that makes me feel more uncomfortable than having uh things move around as you shake a piece of Hardware it makes me feel like I broke something or if there's just something defective in it but turns out that's just how this is built chances are what you're hearing more than anything else are the shoulder buttons that are here which I have problems in terms of ergonomics but I'll get into that later on in the video when it comes to actually gaming on this it feels comfortable the d-pad is okay but if you don't know the d-pad is known for having Miss inputs and there is a way of fixing that in terms of just removing everything and putting electric tape on the PCB where the actual d-pad inputs are but it's something that you just you shouldn't have to do and the fact that they already know they're aware they know what's going on the fact that that gripe is even there means that I hope that future iterations of the rg35xx like the one that's supposed to be coming with Wi-Fi come comes with that d-pad situation fixed out the menu button is protruding so it's very easy to go ahead and find and the buttons they're very clicky they feel nice the start and select buttons have like a nice click to them as well but overall it just it feels nice it feels comfortable I just I wish that that that little rattle was just gone and that you didn't have to like worry about it with the Miu Mini Plus though absolutely nothing it feels comfortable the only thing that you hear is probably like the little face buttons that are there the d-pad on here is actually phenomenal in comparison to the one on the rg35xx you're not gonna have to worry about Miss inputs at all it just it feels really nice the start and select button they're nice and clicky the menu button itself is actually inside or well you kind of have to like push in a little bit because it's flush with the body of the Miu Mini Plus itself the shoulder buttons I like because they feel ergonomic see when I was playing with the rg35xx it's essentially like I don't feel like I have my finger curved I have it like I like it's at an angle and that just feels uncomfortable to me I like things that have uh well I like things that have curves so uh when it comes to this I wanted to go ahead and make sure that it felt nice and comfortable that being said overall I do like the overall build quality of the Miu Mini Plus in comparison to the rg35xx obviously it's up to you this also feels much more solid the MU Mini Plus feels much more solid and that are well constructed in comparison to the rg35xx the rg35xx just feels a little bit more like like a toy like this is something that I would get for like a child and in comparison to the Miu Mini Plus but that's just my personal preference I mean that's just the way that I see it when I compare the build qualities between these two ergonomically speaking both of these are actually super similar I originally thought that it was going to be much more difficult to game on these just because of its size I was so used to playing on the steam deck that when I first got the rg35xx I thought that my hands were going to cramp up and I instantly got this nostalgic feeling of playing on something like the uh the original Game Boy from back in the day and the more that I gained with it the more that I realized that these shoulder uh buttons that are right here just they just feel uncomfortable having such a tough angle and finding the right way to uh to push these buttons down or it's just it's odd because you're pushing the the L1 and the R1 buttons with the kind of the meat of your of your finger if you kind of understand that description and then uh pushing the R2 and L2 with your actual finger at the tip of your finger so it's kind of like this really weird way of pushing the buttons down with it when it comes to the Miu Mini Plus it just it feels a little bit more ergonomic you're still using the meat of like your finger in order to actually push the L1 and R1 buttons but it just I don't know I like the way that it feels it feels much more natural to me in comparison to everything else especially holding this like you would a volleyball or would hit a volleyball as you're gaming so to speak it just it feels right uh I don't know but I would like to go ahead and adjust the uh the buttons on the rg3586 I've seen a bob wolf from Wolf Den go ahead and print out different buttons uh that he could use for replacing the ones that are here I think that might be something that I would try in the future I just I need to get a 3D printer for those of you that have been interacting with me in the surveys you know exactly what I'm talking about I've been uh kind of poking and prodding and seeing what I could go ahead and find and that's just one of the many things that I'm kind of looking into in terms of like creating new stuff for the channel overall so it's super interesting stuff but ergonomically speaking the way that they come I definitely prefer the way that the Miu Mini Plus feels in comparison to the RG 35xax also when comparing both of these bodies I forgot to mention that the lip on the back of the rg35xx I just it just it gets to me like when you look at it it's just it's it's just it's there it just kind of like protrudes out I'm not a fan of it because when you put it on an actual table it just completely and totally just rocks forward and backwards it's not like the Miu Mini Plus where you have like this flat design that's there that just completely and totally feels a ton more comfortable than the actual uh rg35xx like it's just it's totally different and I just this can I can see this like getting caught on your pocket of your pocketing uh the rg35xx in comparison to the Miu Mini Plus I just you slide this in and it's just it's gonna get caught whereas this it's nice smooth you don't have to worry about anything and it just slides right in you don't have to worry about anything at all a quick little tour of the handheld itself the ambernik rg35xx comes with one card that has everything installed including the OS and the games themselves but you have two micro SD card slots on the side and then on the same side you also have this restart button or this reset button as well as the power button itself on the top you're going to have this LED indicator letting you know whether or not it's turned on or if it's being charged and there's an HDMI a mini HDMI out which uh ice I still don't think that this is worth it in my opinion but I do know that some people like that on the left hand side you have a volume rocker on the face you have the d-pad menu button start and select button as well as the face buttons right over here on the bottom you have your USBC for charging and then there is a 3.5 millimeter Jack for using or any wired headphones on the back side you have the shoulder button so you have your R1 R2 l2l1 and then that's pretty much it for the physical look of the handheld itself now now when it comes to the software this is something that I definitely feel like leaves a lot to be desired because when you have everything set up and running you have your you know your games they're all listed here and they're all separated by platform if you wanted to go into the game itself to the for the category let's say I want to go into PlayStation I hit a and then from there I have everything listed here all of these that have these Stars they're literally just favorited so if you push start it'll go ahead and it'll favorite it uh for you and then from there you can find all your favorites here across uh all of the platforms that are available to you in history you can see all of the recent games that you've played and then if you wanted to search for a specific game you can go ahead and do that obviously you can add games on here by uh taking this SD card out putting it into your computer and adding whatever games it is that you want to go ahead and add settings are pretty straightforward you can see the battery levels uh shutdown date time I O testing for testing out different buttons there's different button sounds that are available to you if you wanted to go ahead and change them there's also icon settings background settings language settings you can schedule a power off thing which is pretty much timing things out then there's the backlight time backlight brightness as well as buttons to set up custom self cleaning history clear your favorite records and so on and so forth the OS is pretty straightforward when it comes down to it and it's pretty Bare Bones and that's not a bad thing it's just when it comes to something being Bare Bones I would want something that just works that just runs well but also allows for some form of customization and in this with the base OS that comes shipped with your Amber Nick rg35 XX I feel like it's just too basic and there's just so much more that can be unlocked with this piece of Hardware now there is a custom OS that you can go and install that is garlic OS and it I have it set up to use uh both of the card slots that are here but once everything is up and running thank you by the way black serif uh I'll have links in the description by the way to all of this stuff once everything is set up and running as you can see it literally just boots up into whatever the last game was that you were playing but if I wanted to go ahead and go home uh all I really need to do is just go into this home section and then from there you have your recent games so you can see all the games that are there everything is listed which is pretty awesome and it's nice to have that game switcher that you can go to and from you have your favorites I haven't favored anything on here yet and then you can see the consoles now if you don't have something let's say for instance I don't have any Playstation One games on here the PlayStation one option won't even pop up so it only showcases and populates options that are actually available to you so these are the only platforms that I have things for at the moment which is pretty convenient from there you have literally a list of all the stuff that's available to you you can obviously favorite with Y and then from there you can go ahead and let's say I wanted that you can go to your favorites and boom it goes ahead and populates right over there retroarc allows you to go ahead and you know literally just use retrog as you would so you have plenty of customization options that are there let's say that I was playing a game and uh let's say it's Super Mario World and I wasn't 100 sure how to do things if you hold the menu button you're gonna have a list of shortcuts to go ahead and pop up which I find personally very convenient just because sometimes I'm jumping to and from different pieces of uh Hardware that run different os's and ha all the shortcuts are different every single one of them are very different so having something like this is very convenient for me uh this might be just a plus for people that are out there but on top of all of that all of the features that are there what black serif did with garlic OS is just allow for the games to run better now I do want to go ahead and say that the hardware that is on the ambernik rg35xx is simply better it is more powerful there is an actual GPU in here and is not all CPU powered like the Miu Mini Plus but if you're not overclocking if you're not you know fast forwarding to Crazy speeds to you know go through Pokemon and how slow the walking animation is over there then you probably won't really need to worry too much about it everything's just going to go ahead and work the way that you want it to work on here so it's a nice and convenient little feature I do recommend going with garlic OS in contrast to the stock software there are plenty of Guides Online I'll have some in the description below that way you can go ahead and go through everything but if I were to recommend any OS out of the two when it comes to the stock or garlic glass just go with garlic it's just it's just better all right so a quick little tour of the me you Mini Plus so on the right hand side you're going to have absolutely nothing there is nothing here on the left hand side though you do have your volume rocker which is nice on top you have your power button that if you go ahead and hold an LED indicator will go ahead and turn on letting you know that this is turned on on the front facing side you have your d-pad which is uh in my opinion better than the d-pad on the rg35xx then you have your start and select button your face buttons and then this Central menu button that is nice and smooth uh so you kind of have to like go ahead and go into the groove if you want to go ahead and push it um and then on the bottom side you have your USBC you have a micro SD card as well as a 3.5 millimeter Jack on the back side which I mentioned this in my actual review of this I love the fact that you can actually go ahead and switch out the battery if you wanted to um and you also have your trigger buttons that are right here and that's pretty much it now as you notice there is no HDMI out on the top like the rg35xx but there is a different cheating factor and that is that this actually has Wi-Fi so as you can see it's connected to my Wi-Fi right now and it's pretty nifty I think that it's definitely uh niftier than uh than having an HDMI out but that's just me now when you go into this you'll you have your recent games these are the recent ones that you've played then you have your favorite games which are games that you favorited I haven't favored anything on here yet when you go to games everything is there in terms of like all of the different games that are available to you or all the different platforms excuse me and then as you dive in everything is listed there so you can go ahead and like play these games um if you wanted to go into your retroarch to uh adjust or go into different games you can so let's say I wanted to go into uh let's see I want to play Pokemon games so mgba is the emulator for that so boom everything is listed right then and there if um I wanted to go to Pico Drive I can go ahead and see that and everything is listed every uh all there for you to go ahead and check out apps there are Homebrew apps that are here um including uh retroarc which is there which is nice uh there's also a file explorer system that's here if you wanted to go ahead and go into it now um if you go into settings this is where uh your Wi-Fi is going to be listed there's also a power option there's also a brightness option so I'm going to go ahead and turn this down just a little bit so it isn't so bright on screen but then you have your colors which I find very very convenient if you wanted to go ahead and adjust things on the panel itself like I said earlier in the video If you were to go ahead and like you know try to compensate for one thing it's going to go ahead and just naturally adjust to go ahead and go it won't show it here in terms of like numbers because everything's just going to go ahead and just stay there but uh on like the back end based off of like experience that's just how it's going to go and go you're going to need to reset the console or the unit itself in order to actually apply those changes then you have your uh your language your key maps your bgm volume there's different themes that are here they're really cool so if you wanted to uh change things like there's like an Ava theme for instance if you're into Evangelion or any of the other stuff that there is pretty cool there's a hibernate option which essentially puts it to sleep the only fixes that are there are literally audio fixes that's it there's no other fixes that are there my guess is that's just processing power that's kind of like set aside to make sure that the audio syncs up then there's a factory reset and device info hardware test and that's pretty much it you don't really have to worry too much about anything else um I personally it does the job I think it does the job and it does it well um I just in terms of like performance and everything like that in terms of like actual actual emulation there are a couple of really cool things that I like about it depending on the games that you're emulating or the platform that you're emulating you're going to get different icons on the bottom or like overlays over the game themselves this just helps with the aspect ratio of the game that you're playing and I personally like it because from the user end perspective you're not going to get any sort of a complete package like this with the rg35xx with this you don't have to do anything you buy it you get it and the games just come like this and they run like this straight out of the box obviously you know it's not going to be a one-to-one perfect emulation especially for games that on our a 4x3 aspect ratio or things that are running at 240p but I digress I still think that it's a pretty cool option if you want to go ahead and get something that works like this straight out of the box if I wanted to go ahead and go into beefier titles that's really where the CPU on here starts to kind of like show that it has issues let's say for instance I wanted to go ahead and play like if you were to play any 3D title like Tekken 2 for instance it's going to have issues in terms of actually running the game and and keeping up with the frame rate that is on here that's really where the rg35xx albeit the rg35xx does get hot when it comes to running the games um on here from like Playstation One era and up it just it has issues overall so you kind of have to take that with like you know a grain of salt on everything and and see whether or not this is something that that you would want to go ahead and have for yourself if you're playing more games that are like 2D titles or or pixel games for instance that don't require that much horsepower uh you'll be fine but when it comes to 3D rendering that's really where this piece of Hardware really goes ahead and has like issues on things now let's go ahead and turn this off because when it comes to the OS itself the OS that it comes on here is fine it doesn't it doesn't leave much to be desired so I personally prefer the stock Miu mini OS software more than the stock or amberdick rg35xx software but there is onion OS that works on the Miu Mini Plus as well as the new mini and that's really where I see this all Shine the installation process for onion OS is significantly easier than the installation process for the ambernik rg35xx's garlic OS it's literally drag and drop so once you set this up on the computer it's literally drag and drop you don't have to worry about anything again I'll have instructions in the description below for all of this from here you have your favorites so if you have favorites that are that you have favorited they're all listed here you can also go into games and then from there similar to before you have things that are listed here now the games that are listed here you can like kind of pick and choose uh later on in the OS settings um there's also apps that are here and this is really like where I personally love everything that onion OS has to offer the biggest thing for me is literally over the air updates because this supports Wi-Fi it can connect to your Wi-Fi network and they could download over-the-air updates whether it's a stable build or a beta build super super convenient in my opinion when it comes to actually having things up and running now um when you first start and install your onion OS software you're going to have this package installer or package manager that is here from there you can see all of the um the verified games that run on here but if you wanted to go to apps you can install different apps that are readily available one of the things that have recently been released is the easy netplay Pokemon trading so this is so that you can connect with another mu Mini Plus user that has Wi-Fi and has everything up and running and then you can go ahead and trade Pokemon with the those people locally very very cool stuff my son and I have been playing that recently but there's a an array of like other options that are available as well expert pretty much shows you all of the different uh cores when it comes to emulators that work on here and are readily available for you and then summaries it'll just show you all of the changes that you are going to go ahead and put in place with the package installer running now there is a clock option if you wanted to go ahead and adjust the clock let's say you're playing Pokemon or whatever it may be it's there game switcher this goes ahead and just shows you the games that you've been recently playing so similar to garlic os's game switcher this is pretty much there so if I wanted to jump back into Super Mario RPG and legend of the Seven Stars I hit a it'll take a second and boom I'm back to playing this game and it is really readily available to you now unlike the ambernik rg35xx if I were to hold this menu button it just vibrates the whole unit vibrates and it takes me back over here it does not show me the ins and outs of the um the operating system or like the shortcuts that are there kind of like how it did on the garlic OS for this you have to go to your quick guide and this does also do this it shows you this the first time that you install and you know as but you go ahead and you hit a it'll go ahead and you know thank you enjoy your onion and it'll show you all of like the different options that are available for you all of the different shortcuts that are easily accessible to you so this is something that like you push the menu and you push a different combination and it'll do a specific thing and then all of the credits are here as well it's I wish that you could just hold the menu button and everything would go ahead and pop up if this is something that I may have missed let me know in the comments below I'd love to hear you know how to do this properly and then there's tweaks so if you wanted to tweak specific things you can so there's system Network appearance and so on and so forth there are different themes that are here as well which I personally find super cool I'm all for like adjusting uh themes and getting things nice and organized and super cool for um are adjusted for your liking so depends on what it is that you're into and what it is that you want to go ahead and showcase but if you wanted to adjust things to you know be more like PlayStation you can Nintendo there's like a switch look everything is here there are a few that have been updated since the last time that I looked at it but overall it's it's super cool guys I really really like the way that onion OS works and this is definitely my preference uh not just because of the Wi-Fi capabilities and everything like that but just because I like the way the that this runs the aesthetic I do not overclock uh the processor on here and I do not fast forward through things or anything like that if you were to go ahead and fast forward things with the Miu Mini Plus that's where the um the lack of performance or the lack of Hardware capabilities would come into play in contrast to the ambernik rg35xx so when it comes to Performance you don't really have much to worry about because this really he just goes ahead and runs the way that it should when you compare the two the Miu Mini Plus as well as the rg35xx runs older emulations really well it isn't really until you start doing things like overclocking or like running games that just naturally don't perform well like Yoshi's Island for instance where things kind of go ahead and go amok for the most part for all of the games that you're going to be playing you probably won't experience too many issues there might be some screen stuttering from time to time when you're playing newer and by new I mean like Playstation One era 3D titles aside from that that's pretty much it and even then if you wanted to squeeze out a little bit more power both of these allow the option to overclock and to go ahead and get a little bit more juice out of the hardware that's there the rg35xx does get a little bit warmer when you're playing more intensive titles but aside from that there really isn't too much of a difference so when it comes down to it it really depends on personal preference as to whether or not you would want to go with one or the other one I personally think that both of these have their own places and it really depends on what you want to go ahead and get out of the handheld if you want something that's simple that's very easy to use and doesn't have too many crazy toggles to turn on and off this might be the option for you obviously you can go into retroarc and you can adjust a whole bunch of different settings but in the front face of things if you just want something that works this is a valid option especially with garlic OS and how smooth and easy and seamless everything is with using that not to mention that this has a brighter screen it has warmer colors and the sound is just louder overall so you can play this in various places whether it's loud or quiet and you won't have anything to worry about on top of that if you wanted to get an HDMI out that way you can go ahead and go and play on a monitor or television you can do so with using this on the other side of the spectrum if you wanted to go ahead and go with something that it works straight out of the box I actually really like the OS that comes on the Miu Mini plus straight from the gate and you don't want to go ahead and install onion OS you could probably go ahead and go with that as is and you'd be fine it works well it does a good job and there's really not many complaints that I have personally when it comes to that but if you want to unlock the full potential of this you can install onion OS and it is literally a drag and drop process it's very easy to do and with everything that's there yes the screen isn't as bright yes the screen is a little bit more cooler on the side of things but the overall package the build quality just feels a lot better albeit the screen issues are out there but I digress and there's Wi-Fi functionality so you can go ahead and get over-the-air updates with your onion OS and also connecting seamlessly with your retro achievement accounts online honestly in my opinion this is what I go with personally but depending on what it is that you want to get out of the handheld might affect one decision over the other one or going with one over the other one but let me know in the comments below what it is that you would go ahead and decide if you want to hear my review of the amberdick rg35x straight from the get-go then click this video over here and if you want to hear my review of the mini human a plus then click this video over here and until next time guys I will see you on the next one peace
Channel: Baldly Rudy
Views: 150,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miyoo mini plus vs rg35xx, miyoo mini plus, anbernic rg35xx, retro handheld, miyoo mini, retro gaming, retro handhelds, rg35xx vs miyoo mini, handheld gaming, rg35xx vs miyoo mini plus, emulation handheld, best retro handhelds, anbernic rg35xx review, handheld emulators, best retro handheld, rg35xx review, miyoo mini plus onion os, miyoo mini plus review, anbernic rg35xx vs miyoo mini plus, miyoo mini plus vs rg35xx performance, miyoo mini plus vs rg35xx screen
Id: 2BmNUrxZqpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 30sec (2130 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2023
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