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[Music] [Applause] so so [Applause] ah [Applause] it's been almost a year since i left my home in the east and traveled west with the man i loved i was positive about my future full of hopes and dreams our eyes were always on the end of the trail as if life as i envisioned it would be just that in fact if someone had told me that i would find myself here today i would have called them crazy i was sure of myself and where i was headed stubborn full of pride i was in control or so i thought quit acting like a kid marty get back here no not until you admit that i am right and head this way we're going in the right direction we're going north mr graham said to go north he said to go northwest don't you think it's strange we haven't come upon it yet will we be there already if the weight of these books hadn't slowed us down those books will provide us with a little culture once we get settled well it's just too bad we can't eat any of that culture that 200 pounds of beans and rice that we had to toss off the wagon to lessen the weight would taste a whole lot better right now than the 200 pounds of books we got none of this would have happened if you hadn't talked me into coming out here to the middle of nowhere aaron claridge we both know that you don't do anything you don't want to do for once in your life be reasonable i'm tired sick and tired of the dirt and miles that seem to lead nowhere in the layers of dust all of my skin aching feet aching back if i never sit in that wagon again it'll be all right by me [Music] marty i see it's exactly like a picture can you see it just over there a cabin with curtains in the windows and over here a barn and a garden where we'll grow our own food those trees are just made for swings for all those kids are gonna look just like their mama i don't mind if they look like their father we did it we actually did it marty this just feels right doesn't it this will be the perfect place to raise a family pass down the land to our children and give them opportunities that are limitless we can do anything as long as we're [Music] together [Music] promise me that even if things get rough we'll remind each other that okay i promise [Music] dad blame it [Music] marty one of the horses got away oh no aaron i'm taking the other horse and i'm going after him shouldn't be gone too long he's probably just a ways downstream i'm coming with you no need i'll be back with the horse before breakfast make up a lot of pancakes i'll be hungry [Music] god come on yeah come on let's go come on come on let's go [Music] so [Applause] come on [Music] this is clearage ben ben graham ma'am it's a couple days back found him about an hour ago [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is clearage i get you some water ma'am [Music] it's clear well i guess you'd be needing time to to think uh my wife has seen your husband the preacher's leaving tomorrow i can bring back here first thing in the morning say a few words [Music] you're fine we're fine [Music] we're fine we're fine hello mrs clarice marty it's me sir graham ben's wife you met me a couple days ago marty it's time we need to start your husband's funeral we don't want to be starting it without [Music] you [Music] [Music] i can't do this you have to do this i would appreciate just just a moment please way [Music] [Applause] um [Applause] [Music] aaron claridge journeyed west in search of a dream [Music] this untimely death means that one journey is over another has just begun winter is coming and there's no wagon train head and knees till spring i don't know how you fix for money to board in town but you're gonna have to make a decision in soon well you take tonight and think on it and it'll come check on you tomorrow thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] excuse me ma'am i'm clark davis and i'm truly sorry about your loss i have a proposition for you i know it's not the right place or the right time but i figure if we marry it'll help solve both our problems you have a roof over your head and all your needs will be met am i missy well she'll have a mama i know it sounds crazy and the timing is unlikely but you have to understand the preacher is leaving the area today and he's not going to be back until spring and i ask this only for my daughter i'm thinking that she needs a woman's hand in parts of her life i know it's not the perfect solution but when the wagon train heads back east in the spring i'll pay the passage so you can go home you help me get home if that's what you want i'll leave you to think on it man [Music] [Music] wow [Music] missing he started paw you get up get up chris says i got a new maw you wanted me is that true clint no sir she poked me right in the nose for no good reason you're a liar that is so a good reason hey you think you're going huh sorry sorry what'd i tell you about fighting with girls i ain't fighting with no girl it's just missy get inside go on no worries come home [Music] oh god i don't want to do this i just want to go home and you listen to me there is no place in this part of the country to waste your time crying over once you're lost about needs now you need a roof over your head for the winter that's what you're parking for we are here today gathered in the lord's name to join this man and this woman in marriage please join hands [Music] will you clark davis take marty clearage to be your lawful wedded wife i will and will you marty clearage take clark davis to be your [Music] [Applause] husband just answer i will i will [Music] then i pronounce your man wife [Music] so [Music] i'll bring in your trunk [Music] this is the bedroom you and missy will be sharing i'll get my things moved into the lane [Music] too [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] what saved you some hammer i'm not much of a cook but it's usually pretty filling i've never seen nobody sleep so long i thought you might be dead missy don't wait for me in the wagon got some things i need to tend to i'll be taking missy with me won't be back till supper uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] ugh [Music] [Applause] [Music] me she's sleeping again let's go have our supper uh is she all right no but she will be [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah go and bless this dear child in her time of grief bless his food before us and we thank you for the fine day ahead of us amen they got an awful lot of party dresses it seems like you got an awful lot of fancy things that aren't good for whichever you fetched your wagon for yesterday what are you gonna do with all them books [Music] i checked to see if there was any food that would spoil when i was sticking up these things we planned on buying supplies as soon as we found our land books must be pretty important to you i'll see if we can find space for them in the cabin i'm not sure what you're expecting from me [Music] come away [Music] this is nine years old she works almost as hard as i do sun up to sun down has been for the last couple years she never complains but the work is still in her childhood she doesn't know what she's missing but i do [Music] maybe if somebody's there to share the chores she'd have time to learn some of the things i think you could teach her things she'd learned from her mother and when i go home in the spring i figure i'll cross that bridge when i come to it [Music] the books how did you know they were mine and not errands oh well man would have thrown him off the wagon at the first big hill unless he was trying to please a stubborn woman [Applause] why are you here i thought you could use some help what would you like me to do you may need a place to stay but i don't need a mother tom you've been doing just fine i'm a little unsure about what to do why don't you show me how to get those eggs out from underneath their you know their rears spokaw k a close it's c-o-w gertie don't care if i know how to spell cow or not gertie doesn't care but i do and so does your paw so let's try another one spell fun how do you spell warm warm w-a-r-m i think you better w-a-r-m your hands what well how'd you expect granny to give you good milk when you're freezing or like that probably spill milk in can't do it how'd you get to be so old about not knowing how to do nothing [Music] uh oops i really didn't mean to i know exactly what you're meaning to do missy now you listen to me you're not my mother and i don't have to listen to you as long as i am here i don't want you here i've got news for you i don't want to be here either the fact of the matter is i made a bargain with your father and i intend to keep my end of that bargain even if you do everything short of trying to kill me in the process so the way i see it if i can survive traveling for months in a covered wagon losing my husband marrying a complete stranger i can survive you so how was your day fine you're fine i ran into ben and sarah graham in town today and they were asking after you that was kind of them actually they invited us all to their annual get together is it already time it is you see the grams have a party this time of year so the folks can get together before stuck inside for the winter we'd understand it if you know you weren't up for a party but it's up to you yeah you probably wouldn't like it there's tons of people you won't know you probably just like staying home better don't you think paul i think i will go [Music] good what is it i just need to talk to you missy's asleep and i'm ready for bed can't we talk tomorrow well that's just it i won't be here tomorrow i'm uh i'm leaving before sunup i'm gonna help our neighbor fine [Music] what else i'll be leaving missy here with you that is why i'm here yeah i you know i just wasn't sure if you were up to dealing with the spirited i'm fine something else no yeah i'll be back by supper fine good night good missy missy missy answer me where are you missy missy you better get out of here why don't you come down so we can get to work okay just as soon as he leaves hey just come down slowly i've read that they won't spray unless they feel threatened you read that in one of your books and you believe it i do well not me i'm starving and i gotta use that i have something fierce but i'm not coming down [Music] buddy no guess he felt threatened [Music] are you sure this is going to take the smell away some of it's just gonna have to wear off um fire's dad but could you i ain't supposed to i could burn myself something's burning oh no oh oh dead blame it ouch let me help you hold on hold on hold on missy get me some butter would you come on sit down it's fine no you sit down here i'm gonna wrap it up here thank you it's nothing really okay now this will just take some of the staying out pancakes are all burnt here you go like that you know you get the hang of that stove it just takes a little practice that's all so where'd the skunk find you the barn better get some more tomatoes paw took almost a whole bushel to get her smelling this good i'll see what we've got for supper in the ice box missy won't you go ahead and stoke that fire i'll try to get all the things on your list for you while i'm in town you sure you don't want to go with us no she said she don't doesn't hope he can make something better than burnt pancakes too bad i'll be gone cause i can make some real good fried chicken i'm ready paul we'll see you soon how hard can it be if a child can do this i can do this [Music] come here chicky come here dad grab it [Music] [Music] pull feathers out with the grain you better be worth it [Music] looks like a coyote got in there more like a wild woman with an axe good you're back supper's ready you made fried chicken good because i was getting awful like a pig me too [Music] sure wouldn't want to have to wash all that i left half my things at home it's kind of wasteful don't you think baseball to have so many you can only wear one dress at a time surely you must have some dresses of your own one for when the raven passes this way and hold the service like i said you can only wear one dress at a time my momma made beautiful quilts hers will put this here padding to shame she made quilts for all the neighbors when they had their babies i'm sure they appreciated that folks love my mama especially my paw [Music] that's why his eyes ain't sparkly like they used to be she certainly was beautiful she was the prettiest thing you ever saw everybody said so [Music] you must miss her very much so oh lord i'm sorry [Applause] ugh where's your father going on a sunday walks it's his time to be alone and talk to the lord everybody has a lot to talk to him about this morning what'd you say i think i'll take a little walk of my own you're right here by yourself so i like this just because i know pink is your favorite color i love it when you wear a pink mama you always look so pretty there land in the sun will make you feel [Music] better and i don't know why they didn't let me come here mama [Music] so i'm gonna sat here just like this i wouldn't have made it tired or sad [Music] i just wanted to tell you [Music] that i looked and i miss you [Music] you're spat on me no you're laughing i saw you you were watching how could you do that missy i didn't mean to be there but i do know what you're feeling don't say that you don't know nothing i do want to help you i don't want your help i hated that here before you came i wish it was spring so you would leave [Music] [Applause] [Music] i didn't mean to i i was cold i i didn't mean to walk in in her like that i know what you mean about last night i i'm sorry i didn't mean to walk i don't know what i was thinking i can't stay here why why that little girl hates me you were right she does need a mother but i'm not the right person she doesn't know it but she's still grieving that's why you're the right person it's just not going well it's going just the way i thought it would i knew she wouldn't like it at first then why put her through this because i love her and she needs more than i can give her seems like an awful lot of trouble to go through for just a few months of lessons and letters and sewing nothing's a waste of time it adds to the person that you are and i'm counting on the fact that knowing you is going to add to the person that missy will become i know you can find a way to get through to her how do you know that's what i prayed for [Music] maybe i will [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we're ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so you look beautiful missy thanks bob [Music] oh [Applause] [Applause] look at [Music] what do you expect february how did you know when ellen was expecting missy she'd hold on to her belly like you just did oh i was going to tell you the baby won't be a problem and i'm sure it won't change the fair for when i go home in the spring you must be thinking i should have told you actually i was thinking i'm glad you're gonna have a little one to remember him by keep trying to sound it out in the wagon good i'm tired of trying it's too hard and i don't need to read anyhow okay fine you don't care if i do it no not if you don't like adventures reading once you can read you can have every adventure you ever dreamed of in the pages of a book you are a princess in a tower or the best shot in the west in those pages there are no limits to where you can go who you can be no one will ever tell you you're too young to slay the dragon because it all happens right here where it's safe [Music] i guess it wouldn't hurt them to practice a little bit more i'll be back k-pop i think a walk will do me good as well of my lord's unchanging love to grace [Music] don't you wonder lord i feel it prone to leave the god i love take my heart o take and seal it seal it for thy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so didn't she here she wouldn't walk about when you did i'm not back here in 10 minutes you use the gun you open the door two hands raised above your head you keep firing until you see me all right whatever you do you don't leave that door it's all right morning hey ready [Music] okay [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh she's all right going back to sleep [Music] what about the baby baby's fine okay you want to get stressed [Music] we should man loses a horse he goes after it simple as that [Music] so thank you father for this food this shelter and this companionship and as we come into the season of the birth of your son please make our hearts thankful that he came amen i love christmas and i already know what i'm gonna make you paw is it something i can wear he's always trying to trick me into telling him i'm smarter than that yes so what do you do to get ready for christmas at your house well about a week before christmas we go to franklin's and pick out a nice pine tree there's pantry grown in the city no it's a tree lot someone has already cut them down you don't get to pick your own tree and see which one smells the best which one looks the prettiest in the snow not exactly but we find one we like then someone delivers it to us then we add to our ornament collection by going to purcell's store they have the most beautiful glass balls and red ribbons to put on the tree we make hot cocoa drink it by the fire and then your paw reads at the christmas store um no why not well it just wasn't something that we did christmas without a christmas story well when you get back you have to tell them to read it to you my father passed away a couple years ago what about your mama actually she's gone too so who you spend christmas with when you get back home well i used to have it with aaron of course i have an aunt that i'm close to and i have friends there you know back home you can certainly have christmas with your friends can't you i mean there's no hard fast rule that it has to be with family well you'll have your baby now you could spend christmas with it supper's getting cold how about a little less talking and a little more eating anyway the joy of the season is it's a gift it's right there for everybody right for the taking it doesn't matter where you spend it or or you spend it with [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] one two [Applause] [Music] majesty [Music] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] merry christmas [Music] [Music] where is he come to worship [Music] marty hmm where'd this baby come from well you know from hasn't your paw ever told you no [Music] maybe you should ask him don't you know where your own baby come from came from and yes of course i do ah well it's the same as you my husband aaron loved me so much it spilled over and made a baby what's spelled over it what's it the love i think that button is still loose wow what just thinking about all the brothers and sisters clint has there's been a lot of love spilling over at the grams indeed [Music] i wonder if my paw could ever feel that way about someone again he could i guess give me your hand feel what's that that is someone who's getting pretty impatient to get out and meet you marty i thought it was just back pain that i was having but now i'm not so sure i'm having regular pains just starting to i think it's time i'm gonna go get missy there's no way i am letting you be my my midwife find someone else there ain't no time for that isn't and it's okay i'll make time did you deliver missy no no there was sarah but pause delivered plenty cows oh that's good i feel so much better we're gonna need plenty of hot water now you run out to the bar and get my shears we'll need to sterilize no missy missy don't you dare yeah i would rather give birth in a field than have you in here birth is a natural event marty oh you feel what i'm feeling and tell me how natural it is now get out oh oh god i can't do this alone please help me please please help me push you're doing fine you're doing fine push push come on you're doing fine you're doing fine marty come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm it's a boy [Music] [Applause] you were more louder than gerta when her baby came out have you got a name aaron luke aaron after his father luke after mine amazing isn't it what's that this powerful love that just sweeps over you it's amazing weather's mighty tempting i thought the fresh air might do us both some good yeah warm enough huh [Music] oh he seems to be enjoying it hey looks like a company coming huh go ahead you can do your chores later whoa whoa hi quinn let's go play oh howdy sarah welcome you're looking a little more arrested since the last time i paid a visit i can hardly believe he's already a month old it just doesn't seem possible yeah they grow when you're not looking blink and you just might miss it that's what clark said about missy clark understands and appreciates that he seems to be right fun a little aaron i think he is i bet little aaron has you thinking on his paw a lot lately huh he would have been so happy and proud to have a son babies are a testament to love they're living proof of what you and your husband share together nobody can ever change that i still see laura's dad every time her curls are bouncing in the wagon ben had blonde girls not ben marty laura's daddy he was my first husband thornton i was a widow i had two little ones when i met ben graham he had two youngins of his own i guess you might say we join forces out of sheer need but sarah [Music] you and ben i just assumed you loved each other oh we do now i got more love in my heart for that man than anybody ought to be allowed i can't even tell you when it happened you know sometimes love isn't fireworks sometimes love just comes softly [Music] if you tour through gavin this time we best be getting all i will come when i'm good and ready ben graham that's fine then can't say for sure if the buggy will still be here when you're ready enjoy your pie unreal goats [Laughter] oh [Laughter] he got your laugh back i think i did [Music] aaron's crying [Music] uh marty marty what barnes on fire stay with the children please god if you're really there listening to me take care of clark please marty what's happening marty you realize you lost your wagon and all your possessions in the fire i know i made you promised last fall and i intend to keep it i'll be going into town soon replace that feed and if you're wanting to we can see about your way home we should put some ointment on your hands and wrap them so they won't get infected so here's some coffee thank you what are you going to do well neighbors have offered to collect some logs and raise a new barn ben said he'd take care of the milk cow feeder in exchange for some milk so i'll get my feed built back up i think it's gonna be fine pretty much got it worked out just keep praying for answers why do you think he'll answer your prayers he always answers my prayers really did you pray for this did you pray to have ellen taken away from you did you pray that little missy would grow up never knowing her real mother i just don't understand why the god that you pray to would let such unthinkable things happen to decent people come with me where what about the children oh now she can watch aaron for a little while where are we going on church missy could fall down and hurt herself even if i'm walking right there beside her that doesn't mean that i allowed it to happen if she knows with the father's unconditional love i'll pick her up and i'll carry her i'll try to heal her i'll cry when she cries and i'll rejoice when she is well in all the moments of my life god has been right there beside me the truth of god's love it's not that he allows bad things to happen it's his promise that he'll be there with us when they do i'll go back to the cabin do you want to stay alive all right [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so missy would you do me a favor and get your paws dirty clothes yet would you get and yes ma'am i will morning good morning it smells good excuse me that wet winter we had sure did make the ground salt for plant i haven't seen you turn a page for 30 minutes i can't seem to concentrate i'm going over to the grams tomorrow i'm gonna help ben brando's new cavs do you want to come along and visit with sarah i don't think so i should probably spend the day packing it's about that time are you sure i'll let missy now [Music] let's see here [Music] [Applause] [Music] so nope [Music] everything seems to be annoying you'll be leaving shortly would you [Music] i wish i didn't have to leave then stay i just can't [Music] i want you to have my books in this my mother gave it to me [Music] i might be leaving but my love is staying here with you [Music] [Applause] [Music] please say goodbye to sarah ben for me always be grateful that you really had that day [Applause] i don't know what i would have done [Music] uh [Music] so might as well get my things moved out and lean too [Music] foreign i don't know why you brought marty into my life only to have her leave like this i know i don't always understand your plan but i ask you with a shattered heart please help me amen [Music] go [Music] missy i'm going to bring marty back you don't leave the cabin i'll be back as soon as i can [Music] [Music] okay [Music] i'm glad to be leaving this godforsaken part of the country i wouldn't call it god forsaken horrible snowstorms beautiful sunsets rich soil a woman has to be crazy to stay crazy or in love [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what's going on who's marty [Music] clark what are you doing the man loses his woman he goes after it's as simple as that i thought you wanted me to go i didn't see them no you didn't try to stop me until today don't leave stay with us stay with me [Applause] but i have to stay for the right reasons stay because i love you i i love you maybe i should stay because i love you that's a good reason too [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Music] good [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Views: 1,084,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 15sec (5295 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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