The Mystery Of Angeles Pt. 1

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good afternoon good afternoon Grafton oh this is yours truly mr. Kevin Laue coming to you live from the studios of double three-point-seven FM here in Grand Bahama that's right but another episode of the Kevin L a Ewing spiritual insight show Lord I'm so happy to be O God I thank you for another Saturday I thank you for another day to be above ground with the amongst the living to spread your unadulterated word to spirit your awesome gospel people are doing radio line those who are watching by Facebook and YouTube and Twitter and all these other things listen give your God some glory man it is a privilege it is a pleasure to be alive no matter what you're going through right now no matter what you're experiencing right now trust me when I say to you it is a blessing to be alive it is a blessing to be breathing in this god-given air no matter what has happened this week no matter what has happened this week the God of all glory has kept you yeah you might be facing some problems yeah you might have some bills to pay but nevertheless the God of Abraham the god of Isaac the God of Jacob the god of Daniel the God of Joshua the god of Moses oh god I love you he's the one that's keeping us he's the one that's that's insuring that we are protected by his angels and speaking on that note of angels well today like I promised you last week we're gonna be dealing with the topic the mystery of angels the mystery of angels and let me just quickly go to my sponsors because we have a lot to cover we have a lot of scriptures you know me I'm the scripture man so I pray I trust right now that you have your you know your notepad your your electronic device or whatever is so that you can take these scriptures so that you can study them in your time Kevin is not here to manipulate cameras not yet to contort Kevin it's not here to mislead you with the scriptures I'm gonna declare the word and then back it up with Scripture hello all right so our sponsors entertainment DVD and snacks oh they're very full entertainment DVD and snacks located downtown the numbers three five two six nine five four three five two six nine five four and they did a serve you with the delicious delicious hotdogs that they have there you know I always brag about that beef hotdog I shouldn't be eating that but listen let's say it's very tempting and I suggest you get a piece of that toothless so okay stuff about a delicious beef hotdog tell them Kevin say Kevin say me what is the one he like and I would be the the beef hotdog they also have a variety of patties you could get beef patty jerk party curry chicken party cheesy beef patty spinach vegetable patties they also rent and sell DVDs and you can also get other snacks or or liquid refreshments so that's entertainment DVD and snacks and again they're located downtown right next to Ritchie's Calypso and the number is three five two six and nine five four then we have Tico's fashion Tico's fashion check out his lovely should I wear you like that guess where I get that from mr. Tico there you go Tico's fashion hooked me up with a spool I love this radio I mean this made me look like a millionaire yeah Tico's fashion for all your men casual wear short pants long-sleeve short-sleeve shirt again this nice cool cool shirt I love this yeah I love this see that was nice Rico nice pastel colors I know but I let my wife know that stuff those colors bright open all night speaking I love you baby I miss this woman so much yes anyway let's get back to this Tico's fashion Tico's fashion they're located on Kent Street that's right behind the post office okay their number is three five two three three nine four again for you lady so do you want to do something really really nice for your guy listen go to Tico tell Gary or any one of his family members a tell them Kevin saying you and Kevin say hook us up okay be tired as federal he's old tear pants and he's shady I'm from 1970 no no no no yangdon off him and net mr. Gary he let his family restored at mine of the years that the enemy has robbed him of his attire so that's the old-fashioned way across from the Scotiabank right on the rear of the post office okay then we have made a mistake here let me get this right JM builders general construction company for your building needs any type of construction you were to construct a wall you want to do a driver you wanna do a patio you want to build an entire room you wanna add on to whom you want to renovate your home or even refurbish your own then you want to speak with a mr. Julian or Karen Nixon Julian or Karen Nixon and you can discuss it in any type of construction that you want to do and that would be three five two two four three two three five two two four three two or you can reach them right now on their cell phone on their mobile at five three three two zero six four five three three two zero six four for those women oh you don't retire you want relax now you can get that son out of your house let's trick him tell em you building something out there for the guest man you'd ask for him now billet tell them you know help you fix it up and so on and the minute they leave our last break into the last plaster call the police and get him over there and put him in that place in the back there that can be built by J and builders general construction then we have the one and only simply the best so get in the mare port building simply the best of all of your multimedia needs video audio weddings birthdays parties funerals church events whatever listen these guys mr. Clifford bonus lovely wife wishes Krishna will be more than happy to assist you with any of your multimedia needs again you can contact them at three five one six five one nine that's three five one six five one nine and they're located right in the MIR port building all right no but all of that said I want to thank all of my private sponsors I want to thank God that you've stepped up to the plate by the grace of God to ensure that I remain on the air to give you this unadulterated not what truth to give you clarity in an understanding of description and that is where I phrase myself as the scripture man why because I want to back everything that I say by Scripture all right everything that I say I want to back it by scripture I want to give you this little analogy I was sharing with someone the other day as it relates to the corporate world and the world of religion and I work in the corporate world and one of the things that I know of the corporate world they believe in rules they believe in policies they believe in regulations because they understand that in order to keep this organization together and for everybody to be on one Accord then it must be a common factor among everybody and that is where the rules the regulations the laws the principles comes in I use my company as a great example you know we have offices literally in every corner of this world all over the world we have office in China and Istanbul in India in Bahamas Turks and Caicos Germany everywhere we have huge facilities right different cultures different languages you name it so one would say well you know something how how is it how is it possible that your company is able to to keep all of these people on one Accord everybody speaking the same language as it relates to the company itself because you have the Germans you have the the Indians you have the Russians and all these other people you know each of them have their own culture you know how is it that all of them if you ask Kevin something here in the Bahamas as a relation accompany the same question you could ask someone in Germany the same question you could ask someone in China would they speak an entirely different language or Istanbul or whatever they all say the same thing what what is causing that to happen the policies the rulebook yeah see the rulebook is to make everybody one forget your culture forget your beliefs forget your identity all of this stuff in this particular company everyone is presented with this particular policy book and everybody's trained extensively on that book so that when they spit I love this they speak collectively they're not fighting each other they're not trying to form their own stuff they're not trying to do their own thing no no no no no no and that is how and that's why the Bible says that the children of this world is smarter than the the children of light right so this is why I say to you and in order for the body of Christ to be on one Accord one simple thing we have to do one simple thing stop making up rules stick to the Word of God stop implementing your ideologies your philosophies and how you feel and you dis and you died nobody cares how you feel nobody is interested in that what does the Word of God says people that preach the Word of God people that stick to the scriptures these are the people that God are gonna give the resources to to do what He has called him to do and no devil and hell could stop that from happening and anyone that comes up against the man or woman of God and is preaching not themselves not their opinion not their philosophy but is preaching the unadulterated Word of the Living God trust me that person that group that organism is one to contend with because I'm telling you God is gonna back them 1,000 1000% so let's stick let's stick to the Word of God and that is what my show is all about the Kevin Laue spiritual insights show we're done with the surface for years we've sat in these places and just listening to these surface stuff there's a chef over here your blessing around the corner I see our wealth coming here I see husband I hear what you see what does the Bible say that's what I were here okay I can figure out give it give me the scripture and we could take it from them so our job our job as the fivefold ministry like I will continue to say and maintain and what is that mr. Ewing that is to train the body of Christ for the ministry and as an extension from what they would have learned as we would have implemented and induce the rules the laws the principles of God to them nor opinion then they are now able to go out there and edify the entire body of Christ and that's why I love the Scriptures alright one more thing before I get into my message last night last night idea of teaching I did a teaching last night that was very very interesting it was about a post that I posted late last night right and here's what the post said I said until you come to the understanding that jealousy is a spirit you will continue to fight with humans that's a powerful statement it's a very powerful statement because in that particular statement they and I reason I'm telling you about is because I did a teaching on it an audio teaching so you wouldn't see this handsome face on there so look at the audio teaching that would have been right above that on my post and listen to it because what we're dealing with it's the spirit of jealousy in that particular teaching and I want you to to really listen to that I'm going to post it on YouTube and my according all name other places that I have later on today and what I was in a nutshell showing in that particular teaching how the the spirit of jealousy is is attracted via other spirits so wherever there's jealousy and approach that not only is it a spirit according to numbers chapter 5 verse 14 but the spirit just cannot come upon somebody the Spirit comes upon an available vessel in [ __ ] an invitation is sent to the spirit by other spirits now one of these spirits mr. Ewing the spirit of fear the spirit of a person being insecure and they feel you come to take over their show or they feel you come to take power from them or they feel that you think you're better than them mind you never told him this you never even once demonstrated such behavior but because of their insecurities the spirit of jealousy seize the opportunity now to come upon this person only to enforce its own will upon them so at that point now the poison out take you on as an enemy begin to say bad stuff about you well never say do infront your face always bringing you up on the minute your back is turned they cannot wait to get in a conversation with somebody to say I'm no good you are you even your lisanna stuff but my point in the teaching is you don't ever as a believer of Jesus Christ attack that person don't you ever as a believer of Jesus Christ you are in direct violation of the law of God as it dictates and States in Ephesians 6 verse 12 and what does it say it says that we wrestle not against flesh and blood no no it's a spirit on that man it's a spirit on that woman there is a spirit that is a stronghold on that organization that competitive spirit erupts or invites or sent an invitation to the spirit of jealousy so the spirit of insecurity the spirit of fear and the spirit of competition says hey spirit of jealousy we got an invitation for you we need some reinforcements here when that spirit now begin to descend upon that person the spirit now comes with its own ideas its own ideologies its own suggestions but the victim believe that these are their thoughts okay and they now begin unknowing to them to facilitate the will of the spirit that they have taken one to be their own mighty God there's some revelation so I admonish you guys to go on my page right now I'm literally streaming live I love this all over this globe hello through my awesome camera here that I'm simultaneously you can catch me live right now on my youtube channel Kevin Laue and yes what this week I have now went over the 70,000 subscriber mark Wow come on I mean I gotta be doing something right I have over 70 thousand people that have subscribed to me on YouTube all over the length and breadth of this world and for those of you that are watching by YouTube and Facebook please put where you're watching from your country or what have you and here is why I want you to do it I am elated I am elated that God has given me this assignment to break the barriers to jump over the hurdle has been said before everyone I decided to push that nonsense aside and do the will of my father and that is to speak no word of God yes you will be calling names Lone Ranger whatever whatever but that's the time for that I am doing and I'm I'm watching the lives I want to thank those who have given those testimonies on the Facebook pages on the YouTube pages and all those other pages that I have there are social media groups I appreciate your your ability to be bold and tell the world not what Kevin did feel but the word through Kevin has brought an alteration to your life for the positive that is the record we as the five foreign ministry should be interested in as opposed to fighting for power as opposed to feel like someone is taking power from you then someone tell you you don't control nobody and you have no authority or anyone so this is our mission our mission is to educate our mission is to ensure that the rules are here - as it relates to the Scriptures to produce one single thing the end result that God intended to be produced through his word so this is why you should be angry and people put hurdles in your way and talk mess that you have to jump all of these foolishness to get to God know when Jesus Christ died there is no more division there's no more okay only you could come mr. priest only you could come with no no all of us could come to him all of us are accountable to him all right so that is where we need to be put our focus on and for those out there who still want to fight over the power structure that you won't be chief and no Indian and all of that show me your results how many souls are you bringing to the kingdom of God how many people are you going on there to preach the word - are you holding your members back and say oh no you're not ready yet you know no not yet don't go yet no God is gonna hold you accountable those that listen to that preach the Word of God that's what you are called to do God didn't change your life or pull you out of the kingdom of darkness into his marvelous kingdom of life to be a furniture in there no you have an assignment and that is you must go out there and his work as simple as sitting next to someone to some place and just sharing the Word of God that is what I do that is what I do anyone that I come in contact with them they bring them to shore whatever we talk about the Word of God I want to know where you are in Christ are you saying would you consider becoming a Christian there are so many benefits that comes along with it that is what you do okay you know sit and try to be some big chief to lord over people because it ain't got happen here all right so overall overall and I just can make this last thing but all of those people who decided to send me emails to - I don't know they trying to terminate me but just to let you know they've been deleted okay I don't read nonsense and garbage all right if you're not talking about the scriptures and you're not speaking to me so let's get into today's teaching the mystery of angels has promised the mystery of angels the mystery of angels mighty God the Bible says in Psalms 34 verse 7 I love this in fact let's turn there in Psalms 34 verse 7 this is a very very heavy statement that is a there's been serious Psalms 34 and let's look at verse 7 what does it says it says that the angel of the Lord in campus or surround about them that fear him and these same angels deliver them listen I am so excited today about this teaching because I am about to release some divine revelation as it relates to the portfolio or the duties of the angels as it relates to us mere mortals all right and that's why I said to you earlier I want you to have your pen I want you to have your pencil your paper whatever electronic device that you use to record notes because the Scriptures I'm going to give you it's not to make me sound intelligent but for you to go and to make sure Kevin nobody talking about like the Bereans they didn't take those guys because they say they walk and so on a bit and actually check and that's what I want to train you to do I don't want you to come to listen no no I want you to come and listen review in your mind absorb it and now upon what the Word of God says because that is how you're going to get the benefits of what God promised in that particular scripture so in Psalms 34 and verse 7 it says that the angel cingulum the angel of the Lord surrounds the people of God that fear God those that fear God according to the scripture God is guaranteeing you that even though you cannot see right now there is an angel in place to deliver you or to save you there are some of you right now that are facing some financial crisis there's some of you that you've already gotten a memo from the bank or a letter telling you by this time next month or in the next two weeks you need to leave these premises because you have been delinquent in your payment but the scripture is telling me here that if you are one that have reverent reverential fear for God it says that there is an angel there's an angel there waiting to deliver you out of your circumstances or chemical pullback hold on Kevin you jump through the blocks too quick I know you're excited about the world okay but calm down yes sir yes sir so the scripture is clear the scripture is clear there is an angel there is a singular one but as we get into this teaching you're going to see where that angel will become plural I'm going to show you how that's going to come about so in Psalms 34 verse 7 it says that the angel of the lord encamps on about them or surround those that favor what is the qualifier what is the pre qualifier to enable my angel it says I must fear God because I read and says that the pre-qualifier is that I must fear God and are these angels just there to look good yeah I see them say no no no carefully description again not only are they so rounding you and you invited April I invite the matter let me tell them to come here no no no because of your reverence for Jehovah Elohim because of your reference for Jehovah Jireh because of your reverence for jove of the bond of the god of war he says he angel go accompany my son Kevin because I know the devil who can come after him but they don't know I got somebody afraid the angel of the Lord surround those that fear him and delivers them that's what I'm reading here that's what I'm reading here so what I'm gonna do in this particular teaching I'm just gonna give an overview of angels their functions and different scenarios that they've been in to help the people of God and all kind of other stuff and the reason why how to do I wanna say a richer understanding word from Genesis to Revelation about what they're all about because as we go into the series now I'm gonna take particular stories and focus on that story and all of the principles in the policies that they are governed by you're going to see it operating in the story of Daniel you're gonna seal operating in the story of Jacob and all of these other people Abraham and them not Abraham was his name now anyway all of them who've had any encounter with an angel you will see that there was a certain protocol that was followed by the angels you might have missed it because you became so locked on the story itself and not looking at the principles that these beings were being governed by the reason why max saying that is to just take us back to what I said earlier in order to attain or even maintain uniform behavior or uniformity in any organization or even organism then they must be a respect for the rules there must be a respect for the laws for the principles for the precepts you cannot make up your own rules you're gonna bring confusion you cannot make up your own words because you're gonna bring this chord you cannot bring up your own rules because you're going to defy or come again or repeal what Christ died for and would he die for aside from reconciling us to God he died to bring us all together so when you bring in a set of rules that is contrary to the laws of the Living God the only thing that it can produce is separation division and discord that's why I can't would stick with the rules right now let's go to Psalms chapter 8 I'm gonna look at verse 5 Psalm chapter 8 I have about 20 scriptures to give you so I hope you're writing this town so I'm shocked even when I look at verse 5 all right so I'm shocked when I look at verse 5 and listen to what it says but actually I start from first four Psalms chapter eight and it says what is mine what is man that thou art mindful of him was a question you know and the son of man that thou visitest him for thou of God that would be God for Thou O God has made him who say man a little lower than the Angels so we as human beings are made a little lower than the Angels the angels are higher than we are but I'm going to show you in this series that even though they are higher than we are they respond to the things that we speak as a relational would of God and I will also show you in these series already first that one day we who are made a little more than they are will one day judge Nabal in that scripture all right so it says in verse five here of Psalms 8 it says for God has made the man a little lower than the Angels however he has crowned man with glory and with honor all right so even though he isn't on par with the Angels man in this earth realm has a special glory a special honor that I will also show you in this series that even the Angels themselves are baffled over this whole thing about salvation they're like oh man I just this is this is a Mel's because I will also show you in this series that he didn't even spare the angels when they mess up according to Jude it says some of them are reserved and changed under not in under okay darkness Lord is getting good let's go to hebrews hebrews chapter two am I gonna read verse seven I'm gonna read verse nine Hebrews chapter 2 you're gonna read for 7 and verse 9 it says thou made us him a little lower than the Angels again thou crowned him with glory and honour and it has set him over the works of thy hands so God is saying you know the scriptures saying here that even though we are lower than the Angels God did not put the Angels which we will learn our spirits he did not put them in charge over his creation that's what it says the works of his hand everything that he's created with his hand the Bible says that God has given the authority over the works of his hands to mankind this is a very powerful revelation because it ties in to everything that I preach as it relates to the spiritual world mankind has that ability or not ability but the authority in the earth he does not a spirit in fact I said it see all the time spirits have to eat up consult or deceive mankind to manipulate his authority or to give the spirit visa evil suppose I talk about now the the the right to operate in their because they cannot do it outside of the the consultation or some way somehow manipulating the authority of men alright so in verse nine of the same Hebrews 2 it says but we see Jesus who was made listeners now a little lower than the Angels so Jesus himself was a mailman eeeh he didn't come here as the big super duper powerful no he came here as a mere mortal because this is a part of us reconciliate in man back to God it says he himself was made a little lower than the Angels according to Hebrew 2 verse 9 but we see Jesus who was made a little lower than the Angels for the suffering of death with glory and honor that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man boy that's not a whole new teaching I could go to right there that's a whole new teaching that we can go into right there now somebody wants asked they said well Kevin do you think angels are like humans and haven't do you think that they have food or they have to eat and so on yeah they do eat survive they do have angel food okay I'm gonna see you always talking and making jokes not like this I read it I went in the Bible I read in the Bible in fact let's go to where did I find that now that was okay angel food cuz I like to have someone to be honest a joke you know before we go there before we go now before we go now yeah yeah angel food let's go to Psalm 78 sums 78 okay and we gonna look at verse 25 some 78 I'm gonna look at verse 25 it says man did eat listeners carefully now angels food he sent them meat to the phone angels food so yes these angels to eat they don't eat human food they danger food so the mere fact that the Bible was specific it didn't say that the Angels eat food because we could make the assumption that they eat regular food like we don't know no it says that they eat angels food so yes these angels obviously I guess get an appetite - okay but God got some special food for them alright then I also told you that one day one day again I'm just giving you I'm just going straight across the board here so we have when I get into the other teachings you'll have all of these notes already and have an understanding in your mind as I begin to expand in the other series all right now I said to you that the day will come when we will judge the angels but before we judge them before we judged him so I'm gonna believe us now the Bible says that God are you subscription all the time God has given the angels charge that would also mean command over us so let's go to Psalms 91 and we're gonna look at verse 11 and verse 12 those of you who have written down my prayers you'll notice that I uses in my prayers all the time so Sam's in 91 verses 11 and verse 12 says for he who is he who's he God for he which is God shall not my shall give his angels plural now now this aside from the one you always had but then Sam's 3047 the angel of the lord encamps around those that fear the Lord and it is the same angels that will deliver this person so aside from this one angel the Bible is show you another set of reinforcements that you have folks like giving you because I come into a point it says for the for he which is God shall give his angels charge or command over thee that's you and I why to keep that word kick me it's to God or to cover between goguryeo to god or to cover thee and what some of them is know all of thy ways so the Bible says that God shall not might might we need to change his mind Mike media isn't sure know the word that is used here is shout meaning that this will happen for he which is God shall give his angels angels I'm going to give you charge or command over my servant Kevin but Kevin must come to the understanding immediately or very quickly that even though I do not see them in this recording room right now I am convinced based on the scratches that the angelic host is here and you're not here to look pretty oh I don't want jump ahead of myself I got a door they are waiting for me to speak the Word of God to put them to what but we can get them we can get that we can get them in the same thinking radio for he shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee and not some but all byways verse twelve of some 31 says they shall bear thee up who is the day well whom we're talking about the Angels they shall bear thee up in their hands lest thou dash thy foot against the stone they are going to be a few of you that's your foot against a stone if you've fallen shorten it it says that these angels who got a cent as your bodyguards I could say it says that they will give you up in their arms the scripture so these see me chose whom God has commanded and this is why I'm telling you this is why it's important for the angels to do what God has assigned them to do because the day is going to come where we who they once had charged over we will judge them oh yeah first Corinthians chapter 6 I've got a back in a prescription I can't just shoot stuff on there and then spin around three times in Guinea behind five no I don't work here this is a new dispensation first Corinthians chapter 6 and verse three first Corinthians chapter six verse 3 says know ye not that we real is this we who is this way who is this week we the believers of Jesus listen to you listen to me let me take a break right now for those of you listen to me right now if you don't know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior let's shut this baby down radio let's pause this teaching right now and let's say right now father God I am a sinner in need of your grace I need my life to be changed I hate living this way I repent of my iniquities my sins my transgression and even the iniquity sins and transgressions of my ancestors that has held me bound through ancestral generational curses father I have lied steal cheated fornicated commit adultery I did all of those things but now I surrender my soul to you I confess with my mouth I believe my heart and I am convinced rage not and I am saving the name of Jesus you could do that right now if you just did that you are now apart listen it is carefully now you are a part of the body of Christ you are the church right now and guess what right now instantly when you made that print believe it he says behold I've given you power to thread over serpents and scorpions and over all the words of the devil and nothing by no means shall harm you you got that right now you don't have to be no way and that scripture it says you have to be in ministry for 66 trillion years before you even get those things no but you need now is to sit under any any one of the fivefold ministry don't have to be a pastor because the sole purpose form is to train you as it relates to the runes trained me what does the Bible say that I'm a Christian what are the do's and the don'ts order the laws the principles of the kingdom how do I operate now that have been brought from the kingdom of darkness into his marvelous light there's a whole new set of rules so let's resume our regular regular broadcast okay so the scripture says here in 1st Corinthians 6 verse 3 know ye not that we shall judge angels know ye not that we shall judge the Angels so that's why I could imagine right now some some people left this who've been say for 20 years man and lack this information right here and many times they would wear their backs were against the wall couldn't pay certain bills did so didn't utilities were turned off or they couldn't put their children through school and and God is saying ready I'm teaching you today they said I had an invisible aid next to you that if you knew the law if they were teaching you this you would now put a demand on the angelic host that I've assigned to you to deliver you I put them there to deliver you but no one taught you about my word no everybody had their own doctrine nobody come to this nobody this was excited and I'm giving you these notes no they will not over you but not here that dispensation is finished we are getting back to the scriptures so that mama who left this side came to the side with two legs left foot none died from diabetes cancer all these things and all the power that they spoke of and talked about but never ever applied was always there no we got to change the people we got to change it what I'm giving you is to now apply what are you doing I'm educating you now so that you could not only employ your angels but deploy them to work for you through the Living Scriptures through your authority in Christ Jesus what I'm reading you - you are the benefits that comes along with that same sinner's prayer we just pray just now when you accepted Christ just now or whatever you did these are the benefits that you have this is the Iridium so the scripture is clear the Scriptures class that a day is going to come when we are going to judge these same angels or these same angels whom God has given charge over us according to Psalms 91 in verses 11 and 12 they they better do would we deploy them to do when we decree the word they better you know why because the day is going to come where the warm is gonna change now and we don't have to judge them oh yeah engine you think I remember when I tell you no weapon form against me and Sally still come and deal with me no no no no for you a dough you supposed to do yeah we're gonna judge them you're going to judge them one day now what is so interesting and I'm kind of jumping ahead of myself here but this is intentional is that the angelic hosts that the Lord has aided us with day and I got a pre emphasis on this they do not respond to your emotions they do not respond to how you feel in what you think in how do you think should think should be according to scriptural rules according to scriptural laws the angels of the Lord will only respond to the voice of the Living God I own listen let me tell you something I love this you know I love this because everything you see me teaching here I live this I have lived this let's go to Psalms 103 let's go to sound well before we go to Psalms 103 before we go to Psalms 103 let's shoot over here to Hebrews let's go to Hebrews chapter 1 and then we can go to sounds 103 let's go to Hebrews chapter 1 I'm gonna read from verse 13 to verse 14 and listen to what it says it says but to which of the Angels plural said he at any time sit on my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool that's a question he's asking and the truth is he never ever said any of them just that but now he's about to reveal their role in verse 14 of Hebrews 1 so verse 14 of Hebrews chapter 1 says are they not all ministering a circle of worthless high like that the word ministering comes in the word minister the word minister means to serve so because it's saying ministering is meaning it means now are they whose the day we don't want to get confused are they there is the subject in the verse before the angels ah they are are the angels not all serving spirits oh so they're here to serve us right but let's prove it are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister or to serve for them who shall be heirs of salvation so the person who just gave their life to the Lord just now when we just did that sinner's prayer hear me and hear me well according to the scripture this is not my opinion of ministry I'm reading it now according to the scriptures there are angels that has been sent to aid you there are angels that have been sent and why are they being sent to serve you to serve you pizzas no to serve you staking lobsters no to serve you some kind of No they're here to serve the word of the Living God to act upon the words they are here to act upon the words of God that you speak why because we are consistently and spiritual warfare this is why God is giving you the whole arm of God this is why God is giving you his angels this is why he's giving you his covering in Psalms 91 all of this is giving you all of this Annie is giving you that I can go here again I love it but yet mind trying to tell you you need their cover it people crazy you know what I need your cover for you a male model well how could you cover me from what and all of these things God did me angels God give me the blood God give me himself what I need you saw to cover me from that I can never stop beating you about that because it's nonsense it's putting hurdles in people way and causing them not to serve the true Living God with all dieters no no let's get back here to the scriptures so the Bible says here that they are all ministering spirits they're sent for to the Apostles no they're sent for to the pastor's no they're sent forward to the common believers no they're sent for to all of us all on surgery as it relates to those who own the body of Christ right now now that they are sent forth towards us how do we get them to work for us do they respond to anything no so you're telling me Kevin that there is actually rules that they must comply by in order for them that even though God send them to aid us they just don't aid us in anything meaning that they wouldn't eat us and sin well definitely no so can you tell me right now if God sent me these angels these are my angels now listen would you say now Gavin these are my angels so they assigned make and tell them but I won't Allen because when I talk about if they if they if they were my body guys whenever I tell my body guys to do you got to do I say well guess what the kingdom of heaven in your bodyguard let's look under rules so let's go to Psalms 103 let's go to Psalms 103 Psalms 103 then we're gonna put special focus and emphasis on verse 20 okay because we need instructions in order to receive that which God has promised then we must follow the protocol of God and not mine simple as that get mad that's your business verse 20 says in Psalms 103 bless the Lord hmm ye is what angels okay that excel or increase in strength therefore ever becoming more and more powerful that do what does the Angels do that do His commandments what is the Angels do that do His commandments and what else they do how coming or listening unto the what the voice of his word whose what is this God so two things we see here number one the angels of the Lord will only respond to the Word of God so you sitting down oh Jesus I don't know what I can do next Lord I guess my last ten dollars Jesus I drag your feet these 700 I got ya Lord angel said Nadia you know- of You Lord or Lord Jesus you say if you put one foot forward Lord or you know if I make one step G says you can make two that's not a scripture that's the interesting you know separate on the side you never done before could you please give us a scripture and then finally named y7 father God your word the pleasant sounds 115 verse 14 it says you will increase us more and more me and my children oh come on man let's go let's make things happen for in the realm of the Spirit let's go and touch the heart of someone to bring her resources that she need why because she's decided to use the word of the Living God not to put any motions in there not to say how she feel or the giver don't know it can I give you to see results no oh man this word from this this manna from heaven today that's why I keep telling you stick with the word stick with the word of God yes respect your leaders yes honor them but if they're saying something that is contrary to the Word of God and it's time to go because the scripture call it another gospel and the scripture further says that data priests pre preach another gospel they are cursed and I don't be under that no so the scripture says here in Sam's 103 verse 20 it says bless the Lord ye his angels that excel in strength that were the Angels focusing on their commandments the world's the policy book that is why it is in your best interest to become acquainted with the policy book what is the policy book the constitution of creation what does that miss the oil the Holy Bible that's why when Minister Ewing three he pray in the scriptures that's why we administer Ewing teach he teaching the scriptures that's why we Minister Ewing preach he preached the scriptures because man's opinion cannot give you the benefits that the scripture or this Bible or the Constitution has promised you bless the Lord his angels that excel and straight that do His commandments the Angels want to do the commandments of God and what else do they do the hawk Connie Hawkins or listening what are they listening to they are listening to the voice of God's Word so what does that mean it means that the scriptures once we repeat them whether repeated in the spirit in our mind or we communicated verbally that the angels are not just hearing their words from a book they are hearing the voice of God so what does this mean the Word of God is the voice of God this is why you have to stick with the scriptures this is why give your neighbor high five cannot help you this is why spin around and do the shuffle cannot bless you this is why go run from one end of the church to the next and run your head into the wall cannot bless you what is going to bless you mr. Ewing the voice of the Living God why because when you repeat it the angels or the angel according to sounds thirty forty seven they are waiting to be deployed for war Kevin we gotta a k47 in the realm of the spirit Kevin Lee we will fight for you we see the devil coming after okay we see them coming VCM having a conspiracy against you mr. Ewing but you usually hear talking yeah no no no Tom did not give you that mr. come give us a word give me some right so we could go fight in the realm of the Spirit Elijah understood this according to I think first Kings chapter 6 I used this story all the time the Bible says that the servant of Elijah he got up in the morning and when he went out to the front he saw the entire Syrian army surrounding them in the city of Dalton this is powerful this is a you about to see someone who who camps out permanently in the spiritual realm and that's why there's no fear with them and the Bible says that his servant run back inside and he says a last master for the Syrian army oh here I shall - Elijah gonna help me was Elijah according to scriptures about 80 - between 82 and 85 so I don't know how much how much Eli she could have assisted him so the Bible says he said alas master the Syrian army is all you need fellas ain't joking at all alright so I want to pick it up here okay so now second Kings let's go to 2nd Kings chapter 6 2nd Kings chapter 6 verse 13 right listen to this now so 2nd Kings chapter 6 and we're gonna pick up from verse 15 and when the servant of the man of God was risen early and going for I mean even outside behold he saw a house surrounding the city both with horses and chariots and his servants said unto Him alas my master how shall we do so the servants or the physical enemy out there see over I didn't tell you so far you'll find in the story see what the seven didn't know because he lived by what he saw he is his reality was within us way a lot of you are right now your reality is what you see when the reality is you don't see is greater and more real than what you do see and that's what you'll let me give you the scripture for that second Corinthians 4 verse 18 they're poor and I said Mohnish the Church of corn he says set not your eyes on the things that are seen for their temple they are subject to change and I currently change it before your eyes he said instead focus or fix your eyes would that which you cannot see upon you mixing me up now you mean how could I set my others of my can see he's speaking about the spiritual world why mr. Paul he said because the things from that world is eternal 2nd Corinthians 4 verse 18 so back to the second Kings chapter 6 verse 15 it says that when the seven got up early in the morning he was astonished that all of these soldiers and chariots in the entire Syrian army in these fellows ain't playing and he ran back inside he says alas alas master the Syrian army I mean I don't know what he expected allows you to do this guy said he suddenly a zone is only you will him you're outnumbered by like about ten thousand to one or more than that about a hundred thousand one so what could elijah do I love this I love this so much listen listen to voice 16 and he'ii answer who is he Elisha and he had said fear not fear not Elisha your head right you didn't register youi these fellas out here with with all kind of borne our own all kind of stuff to kill us and you would tell me don't fear not but I'm not fair we are not meant yeah you're right you're absolutely right it would appear as if you're outnumbered from a physical perspective but as a child of God you should have been focused from the spiritual world you should have been you should have been you should have been deploying your angelic host from the day you saw it so he says and he answered verse 16 of second Kings six fear not listen this revelation I love this god I love this so much this this this here anyone who knows me aside from proverbs 11 verse 9 be this is my second favorite scripture in the Constitution in the law book in the Bible you missile would Elijah said to the boy he says fear not that's the first thing he says he says first of all you need to shut down the spirit of film shut that down right now shut down the spirit of fear right now whoever you are listen to me right now shut it down you got to get that doctor's report come Monday shut down fair fair putting things in your mind and he the fear the spirit field wants you to agree with it you don't have no cancer you don't have no diabetes you have no HIV you don't have none of that and speak as if you don't have it he says fear not this is what he says now for they that be with us mighty god I love this Elijah Elijah Elijah is speaking about a group that are with him and this young man there are clearly not visible nevertheless we see in this particular discourse is that this invisible group not only outnumbered the physical Syrian army but even the demonic forces that are with them listen to the scripture now verse 16 and he which is Elijah answered to this young man and says fear not for they that be with us are more than they that be with them there are more angelic hosts with us young man then there are evil angels that are with the Syrian army listen you need to get this I am saying to you right now you may be outnumbered on that job physically you may have this particular group coming and they come in with a little Conclave and a little meeting and in reaching out to political advocates to come against you but God is saying to you right now that you don't spirits which are my angels which are my flaming swords and I'm assigned to you not any type of human reinforcement that's coming against you and the spiritual forces that's influencing them again stick with God stick with his word God has an obligation to protect you if you're ministering is word Lord has an obligation to keep you if you do what you're called to do go have an obligation to protect you if you are committed to the assignment don't listen to the background noise keep focused keep going ahead you are a Gideon soldier and the LORD thy God is with you somebody needed to hear that the Lord is with you so 466 that he answered fair not old man Elijah's a homeboy listen I don't know why they wake me up when I'm asleep but anyway now that I have stopped people to like y'all to scary split Eastern I listen to me boy listen listen he said they are more than aware us I can imagine that boy I you know y'all do like really I will you saying something over here it is rolling in LA this is he a cup of drink say you know I said well I said yeah he said they are more than awareness boy that dose I have with them so Elisha understood at this point that you know what God but you have to do intervention you have to convince him so listen to voice 17 it says analyze operate he prayed and what did he say Lord I pray thee open is I circle that circle not because we're not talking about his physical eyes here claim we couldn't been talking about that because the boy gave a very clear description of what he saw physically but Elijah is praying to God that God will open up his father God right now I pray right now for those listening to me right now father please convince them like how you have done with Elijah and when Elijah prayed for the young man so that he would see be on his physical circumstances father I pray I'm calling on the God of Abraham I'm calling on the god of Isaac I'm calling on the God of Joshua gordas unit I'm calling on to open up the eyes of those listening to me right now cause them to see beyond their circumstances remove the fear remove the anxiety remove don't worry remove everything that has become an impediment for the future progress cause them to see what you put in place for them cause them to see the angelic host that you have there to aid them but more importantly Lord caused them to speak your word to deploy and to employ those angels to now go and fight in the spiritual realm on their behalf in Jesus mighty name oh god I thank you for your word God listen folks I want you to hear me okay youtubers I want you to hear me Facebook us I want you to hear me it is about the Word of God it is not about personality it's not a bottle opinion stick to the word stick to the rules stick to God's order Gordo's water work for you but his hands are tied when you are using every other order and Method outside of what he has ordained for $0.17 and Elijah prayed and said lord I pray thee open his eyes that he may see and the Lord honored the request of Elijah and it says and the Lord opened the eyes of the young man and he saw and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of what fire round abode Elisha this is all spiritual now so he see that even though the Syrian army was surrounding Elisha and the boy in the city of Dothan those foolish Syrians didn't know that there was an invisible army just vegan for Elijah to deploy Elijah gonna say you know go killer and they would have been dead been toast alright so what I'm showing you here is that you have Angelica in fact you should even wait for me to end this program what I've taught you so far you could begin using it right now father but I apologize to you father I repent right now that I was ignorant to this information that I was lacking in this particular set of knowledge which was now panning or destruction for me but Lord I repent right now I repent because ignorance is no excuse to the law so God forgive me now father God now that I know better I will do better so I deploy my angels right now father your word declares according to proverbs chapter 11 verse 31 it says that the righteous shall be recompense in the earth what I've been losing from the time I was safe from the time I was going to this particular place all they preach what is prosperity and I get onion now I know better father God so I'm going to speak your word why because based on what Kevin say according to the word your angels are here right now waiting to be deployed but it only gonna be deployed through your word so I now invoke a decree for clear and declare according to proverbs 11 verse 31 which says that the righteous and that's why I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus which was made available through Christ's death burial and resurrection I don't need to go through no man to get that I'd better not that and I apply it so father God by the blood of Jesus father God by the fire of the Living God I decree your word and your word declares in proverbs 11 verse 31 it says that the righteous this is my benefit the righteous shall be recompense shall be reimbursed shall be repaid in the earth your word for the says father God according to Joel Joel chapter 2 and 25 it says that you O Lord this is your promise this is your word and the angels that are next to us right now is now go and knock upon this word it says that you will restore unto us the years that the cankerworm they cannot put it a locust and the pommel worm is eaten away you knew the days of lost I would have suffered and you put a law in place what an advance of my my my losses do you say Kevin don't worry about what you've lost in the past now God of all gods the king of all Kings will recompense you I pray for that person right now I pray for that person right now with their their hand on their food their hand on that tablet their hand on their radio I common agreement with you that the board of restoration will restore you according to his word I come in a women and I and my friend two years according to Matthew 18 and 19 that where were told where was touching any regional accent the father shall be done unto us and might we read now but my fate dug into the Word of the Living God according to proverbs 11 verse 31 that you shall be recompense God is going to repay for the losses the lies they told on you the deception the undermining for years you are the back of the line but the God of all restoration this is your day for restoration father I release restoration on them right now according to your word in proverbs 11 verse 31 I love it I love it and for those that oppress you for those that have blood upon you for those that have stored and undermined you the scripture wasn't finished proverbs 11 verse 31 says the righteous shall be recompense enjoyed they shall be repaid for the law says so much more on the wicked and the sinner so God says they're gonna get more than what did the shout that's the word so the angels now must now go and hack upon my boy according to the scriptures it's the scripture so the Bible says that Elijah prayed for the boy and when he prayed for the boy the boy eyes were open and he now began to see when he couldn't see before Lord I just feel like we're in today sayings of Jesus right now father caused me to see what I couldn't see before father I was in fear because my fear was based on my limited view open my eyes God so I would see what you have in place for me so I would see the resources I would see the help I would see the support that you're always had in place but the enemy had me talking fool Charlie only working for Bill's child when you put one step forward you gotta take two back nah that ain't of God this that's devil words whenever you speak that nonsense the same way the Angels respond to the Word of God then you have demonic forces that respond to the negative words that you speak it's as simple as that so the Bible says that angels are spirits according to Psalms 104 let's go down Sam's 104 and let's look at verse 4 Sam's 104 and verse 4 then what does it say here it says who make it his angels what spirits not only spirits it says his ministers which is a servants a flaming fire so when our attention we say we send the fire of God against you with sending the angels of the Lord will emit fires to knock down the spiritual forces that's coming against us remember the people that are coming against you they are puppets that's where they are they are puppets being used by evil entities mainly the spirit of jealousy and confusion and contention and the likes but you who are spiritual understand spiritual warfare so you don't fight you don't violate Ephesians 6 and 12 no you don't do that what you do do though like I do every day is you outfit the whole yourself or the whole me and my family I cover my sweet daydream with the blood of Jesus in the whole arm of God I cover Gigi and KJ and ki and Christi with the blood of Jesus they might show and I love her I plead the blood over them no weapon that has been former gangster Michelle I'm speaking to the Angels I'm speaking to the Angels they they they cannot say well Kevin you sure no no no no I am reading I read no sub clause in this constitution when you get to question me miss angel now if you let me judge you right on the day of judgment you better go do it again you do based on the Word of God don't you play with the model or the law I'm a lawyer in the realm of the Spirit that's what you are that's why I encourage you to know the laws and know the rules well listen if we were talking mess to you get in the Word of God get in the Word of God so the scripture says in Psalms 104 verse 3 he says who make it his angels spirit his ministers a flaming fire that's what the word says alright then I gave you the scripture in Hebrews chapter 1 verses 13 to 14 already that speaks about the angels were also ministering spirits same thing alright no no record in the scriptures no way is it recorded where we have an account of the number of angels in fact I'm going to give it a scripture where the Bible refer to them as being innumerable mean that you there so much that you can't even number them and you will find that in Hebrews Hebrews chapter 12 and verse 22 Hebrews chapter 12 and verse 22 of course I told you earlier that angels are greater in power according to Psalms 8 verse 5 and also Hebrews verse 2 sorry Hebrews chapter 2 verses 7 and 9 you should have these scripts already but I want to give you another one 2nd Peter 2nd Peter chapter 2 and verse 11 2nd Peter chapter 2 verse 11 there speaks of the angels being greater and power the Angels the angels cannot marry the angels cannot marry they do not they are not given in marriage like we are on this earth and I I forget to put the scripture down but you google about her okay now just as there are angels from the kingdom of darkness there are also evil angels and the Bible literally refers to them as evil angels alright so let's go to Psalms let's go to Psalm 78 and as you can see The Book of Psalms unlike any other book of the Bible gives a very a broad cross-section of the characteristics of angels alright let's look at Psalm 78 verse 49 and listen to what it reads it says he cast upon them the fastness of his anger wrath and indignation and trouble how readerĂ­s how did the heedless by sending evil angels among them God did that how he says he cares upon them the fastness of his anger wrath and indignation and trouble so God says this certain group here I'm gonna send my anger I'm gonna send my wrath I'm gonna send trouble to them but now the scripture now begins to detail or forensically reveal to us how that's going to be done or the mechanic behind all of this troubles and whoa and how's that gonna happen he says by sending evil angels among them see when you read these scriptures such as this here and then you would read scriptures like and God sent an evil spirit on soil and these things it makes it sound like the Bible is bringing some kind of fusion confusion no he's not bringing confusion it sound confusion because all your life you were taught what was good was of God and what was bad as of the devil no no no no no no God is suffering he is in charge of everything the kingdom of darkness it is his power it is his sauce that is fuelling with the kingdom of that this does the devil have no separate power there's one power is one god there's one kingdom that lords over every other Kingdom and that's the kingdom of God so you know your eyes not begin to open because you put aside all of that myth in all of that doctrine you were taught over the years no listen God is in charge of the good and the evil God is the one that's managing the trafficking of good and bad all of your life God is the one who's taking the bad things that happened in your life and turn it into your good yeah he's the one doing it so that's what I like listen anyway I go that's a different leader anyway what I'm saying to you let's go back to the scripture you see because when you look at it from a scriptural perspective you're gonna see I'm not giving you my opinion there are many bad things that happen in my life I would not be here speaking to you right now if there wasn't certain people that God allowed to come into my life he engineered my life that you know what Kevin at this particular period of your life I'm gonna allow this poison to come in your life to Waco beyond you I'm gonna allow this poison to come in your life to do this evil to undermine you to cut your troll here but Kevin listen to prove to you that is me doing this I will only allow him to go so far and then I will deal with it but Kevin I need you to look at the lesson not of what they are doing to you look the lesson look what you have attained from this Kevin look at over the years all of that stuff you've been through you've graduated now now you're not here to get the people back who did it you know you prayed for them like I told you to you bless them like I told you to now look at the education look at the wisdom that you would have gained through those experiences coupled with my Constitution so God is the one God is the one God is the one doing this the Bible says according to Romans 8 and 28 he makes it clear and we know who is to be who's the we who's new because when you see we he's speaking about a specific group he's talking about the body of Christ and we know that not some things but all circle that weren't all because the naive believer believed that even though the word all is being used they still put the word all in the category of good only know the word all here is a compilation of that which is good and that which is bad so he didn't say all things were good no he said that all things would work in harmony or in concert for my good or that word means for my benefit but God I go to his divorce right now I listen to me I am God you don't think I notice it's going to happen I am God but I'm gonna use this for your benefit but you watch and see you you just stay the course and I'm going to use this situation but but God Lord I've been praying they doing me on the job father God everybody lied on me and saying I stay in the money god I you know I didn't steal it god I cannot lie to you lord you see my child I know Papa don't bring no pressure here but this is for your good I am setting them up let all you have to do is deploy your angels all you have to do is stay in my word all you have to do do not pray no fiery prayers against them do not say God bangle date eat and cause them to get fired that is not what I told you in my law my Constitution is clear I said to you my child to bless those that curse you yes I know that's hard to do but we're not here to discuss what is and what is not hard follow my or follow my rules follow my principles don't mind what they're doing the law is going to protect you the law is going to preserve you the law is going to keep you he say bless those that curse you pray for those that despitefully use you would say all manner of things against you I know as hard my child but do it now finally here's what you do vengeance is mine it belongs to me I am your God not surrender them to my vengeance let me take it from you do not try to do what is not a part of your portfolio so those of you out there in these fiery prayers for other God I pretty car break down you are in violation of the Scriptures God never called you to put fiery press or nobody God never called you to execute judgment God never called you to execute vengeance he made it clear vengeance is mine it belong to me you cannot take would belong to God and operate it as if it belongs to year-old stop reading them fiery press stop it stop it getting a wig so let's look at Isaiah chapter 37 Isaiah chapter 37 verse 36 what does it say here then the angel of the Lord went forth and smart in the camp of the Assyrians a hundred and four score and five thousand four score there'll be a hundred and eighty-five thousand of the Assyrians y'all listen to this right one angel destroyed read it listen how it started Isaiah 37 this how powerfully you know Bible said earlier Oh excellent naughty angel Psalms 103 was twenty that excel in string so based on my scriptures like they're constantly becoming stronger and stronger and stronger based on that scripture now that makes sense to me now because when I correlate that here now would Isaiah 37 in verse 36 it says that it says the stand the angel circling it did not say angels plural it says angel okay let's go back to Psalms 37 verse 34 verse 7 it says the angel of the lord encamps on about those that fear him and delivers them because one of y'all might say well - my game and I believe the Angels they flew but it was only one there and then again but five people on my job or five these fellows coming you know see there were you going you're cute you need your key I'm being the spirit one minute and then you're back in the flesh again if here in the spirit stick in the spirit and if you guys stick in the spirit stick to the rules of the Spirit all right so the scripture is saying in that one angel smart or killed 185,000 of the assyrian army our soldiers well I think about them on that let that let that let that marinate in your cerebral just for a little bit one angel you could imagine a whole heap we all stand up and this invisible force but your head wide open punching up everybody everybody on the floor lay out and you cannot see nothing would do it you're scared to run because you don't know because you can't see it you don't know if you wanted in the direction of it where you trying to run order of the direction from this thing you don't know so the Bible says then the angel of the Lord went forth and smart in the camp of the Assyrian a hundred and eighty-five thousand and when they arose early in the morning behold they were all dead corpses well listen avoid some stories during many consoling sessions for people right though most people do but fighting against them for years especially an area of sorcery and how some of those people met a tragic instant death right now am i alluding to the fact that because they were fighting the people of God that more likely that's how they died well to be honest you yeah that's what I said that's exactly what I'm saying all right I gotta look honest here see let me tell you why do you see when you against the man or woman of God listen listen carefully when you come against a man no I listen carefully who is decreasing the word of not their word not their word now if they're saying something that's against the Bible then okay lean into them but if this man this woman this organization organism that are speaking with the voice of God which are the scriptures then the reality is like I've been saying you're coming against God don't let your theology education fool you don't let those who big you up fool you don't believe that because you are with a certain high profile preacher teacher whatever that that empowers you to override principles no no baby you know but later they don't want see that's what I love about God go on you can't pick one up say God listen I don't care what is you boy hold on to this $200 here and deal with him while I go back in the shadows no no no no no and that's why I love it that's why I have no fear for no man because at the end of the day once I I you know the Bible says I love this the Bible says in Psalms 84 verse 11 I think it is the latter part of the verse Part B it says no good thing will be or shall be withheld no good thing shall be withheld from those that walk uprightly if you are walking uprightly what does that mean it really means to walk in righteousness with righteousness the God approved way of doing things once you're doing things according to the will of God then there is listen amia God has an obligation to keep you going up is an obligation to protect you and listen to me I live that every day of my life the favor of God the blessings of God are consistently coming behind me running me over why because I'm walking uprightly now am I saying I walk perfectly I never said that I never said I guess I know the Trojan idea right not every word I say to come back later I really need deliverance boy upright League means to walk in righteousness or gods approved way of doing things so the Bible is clear on that right then we have here in a you see much time we got here now okay and we look like about 40 more minutes okay good now what I want us to go to now I want you to go I want to show you that not only are the angels there to protect you or waiting on the Word of God to - for you to execute so that they can go and do your bidding through the Word of God but the angels that the Bible kind of speak about they are also they're recording your conversations they're recording the things that you say you know there's a scripture I think it's in Matthew I stand to be correct and I can't remember exactly the chapter and verse but it says that we will have to give an account for every idle word I think it is that we say so the next question that should come to you by okay well if that may be so blue recording or less I said nobody around me would know no cell phone on Madden record Madden well let's look at the scriptures because the scriptures now especially when it comes to vows and so on because I keep telling you vow which vows which are covered as and so on they are heavy stuff man and when you're making vows whether it's unto God or whether it's under different to a different deity don't matter those things are literally in the spiritual realm they carry heavy heavy weight so let's go to Ecclesiastes let's go to Ecclesiastes chapter 5 I'm gonna read from verse 4 of verse 6 Ecclesiastes chapter 5 I'm gonna read from verse 4 to verse 6 alright it leaves us in chapter 5 verse 4 to verse 6 it says when thou Bowers a vow unto God defer not to pay it don't change your mind about doing a pain if you make a vow unto God the FIR not to pay it for he had no pleasure who was he which is God no pleasure in food so that's what God called you a fool then you would have made a vow and you come talk nonsense but over I make a mistake I was drunk I was we don't care what you was you made a vow they says pay thou which thou hast vow'd first five of Kleiza c5 says better is it that thou should has not vow the Dow them thou should his vow and not pain now listen to verse six suffer or allow not thy mouth to cause thy flesh to sin neither say thou before the loom the angel that's what I'm reading here neither say thou before the angel so the angels that he speaks of it's just how he described in Psalms 34 verse 7 the angel singular of the work of the Lord and cam ranh about us and so on and so forth Sam's 91 verses 11 and 12 it says for he's given his angels charge or they're here but they're not just here to be deployed they are also here recording so for success allow us suffer not thy mouth to cause thy flesh to sin don't cost him or put you in trouble as he saying here all right never say thou before the angel that it was error therefore should God be angry at that voice and destroyed the works of thine eyne so the angel litter is okay no no come to the angel say well no you can rub the road missed engine I didn't really mean that no no you made a vow so let's back this up some more let's back this up some more let's go to Malachi that's what a Malachi chapter 3 Malachi chapter 3 and let's look at verse 16 Malachi chapter 3 verse 16 and what does it says yeah Malachi chapter chapter 3 verse 16 says then they that ferret the Lord I love this spoke often one to another all right that's like that's right now every Saturday we get to get up and we discuss the word we teach the word we expand on the word we elaborate on the word we we get into it well according to the scripture listen to what this women just like when you on the phone talking to your sister you have brought about Jesus I gotta tell you man the Lord came true for me this week and I use description this is what happened what would the Bible say that is happening invisibly that you have no knowledge of escort again Malachi 3 verse 16 then they that feared the Lord folk often one to another that means they always talking about the Lord because they fear Him and all the good things that he's done and the Lord hearkened or listened and heard it listen carefully now and a book of remembrance was written hello a book of remembrance okay Kevin let me write this down Kevin every Saturday Kevin is preaching my voice coming y'all enjoy to a record what he doing every Saturday when he leading them to Christ he tell them about the scriptures he write it down everything also the week carefulness assisting people and speaking of wedding today left mm-hmm careful video on your facebook look what are you doing here oh no there's too much good right here think here on Facebook put in a word of wisdom a word of knowledge encouraging people getting people to follow the rules oh my god okay YouTube come on angels with two more books to write that on his boy do it write it down the Bible say it says that a book of remembrance was written before him use him before God for them that said the Lord and that thought upon his name boy you all better get into the word these are the things that are going on that you have no knowledge of God says the DD Angelico's you can writing these things the angels of the Lord they are keeping records that's why I say to you all the time get the word do the word why so that when you go before your God and cry out now you have a right to father God your word the cleanse and if I give and shall be given unto me God you saw and I bless sister Mary with my last now I'm asking you to come true for me with my boy or my girl tuition they get ready to put our orders class right now but I don't have the money to bring the back home but father remember the giving that I did remember the times I spoke about you remember when I shared a word of encouragement and thing with somebody else remember Jesus that's how you talk to your God then nobody put no restrictions on you but he tell you no mess but no cousin I understand it because it's a Demming worship foolishness stick to your God speak to your God decree your would decree the Word of God so and as the angels could work for you let nobody put no restrictions on you nobody put no harness God did not put no hurdles in front of you he says listen I send my son the only reason why he came was to to reconcile you back to me to give you your liberty in Christ Jesus let nobody put no mess up in your head no no Holly mother you don't know much as I drove a clear that's like you come out of jail right and they escort me to the big daughter get your denier and they say you can't go no further you free you free what you just can't go pass him my free goodies for in order to sell no more you know without a prisoners but you'll be add even though the big wall 60 feet high you can't go I can't free me that I could go and begin to live among the other citizens and just begin to obey the rules no no but you can do that we met you ordered a prison population but when you still gotta stay in the yard that's what covering does feel got nothing to do with accountability they've got to do it with lordship they're trying to control you get that garbage remind you nobody into that no you are free you are free in Christ Jesus and with a free man to follow the rules so follow the principles to now see the manifestation of God in your life that's what it's there for so let's go here now let's go here now to Daniel let's go well actually let's go to numbers and then we're gonna go to Daniel let's go to the Book of Numbers chapter 22 numbers chapter 22 and we gonna read from verse 22 to verse 31 alright numbers chapter 22 now they give you a background on this this is where the story about Baylock Balaam and this donkey that one of them are now Baylock was the king of the Moabites all right and he knew that Israel or Hebrew people was a force to contend with this is me and he also knew based on the reports that he heard his people could not defeat them so he was filled with fear so what he did is what everybody do nowadays when you cannot be someone physically then they resort to spiritual powers unfortunately for the most part in the world that we live is evil powers as opposed to the spiritual godly powers of God so he sent for this guy by the name of Balaam who was actually I believe who who believed in God at some point was a prophet also but because of money covetousness he decide to use his gift to tap into the demonic realm and to to levy crisis so the Bible says that Balak had sent his eldest with a gift of divination meaning that I'm going to pay you for your opium if you fix the children of Israel that's basically what it meant and God told him not to go they came back again with greater rewards and he finally say ask on some scale okay go you could go but you know so what you know I don't approve of this so we're gonna pick it up from there because he's now on his donkey and there's some events that's going to take place as it relates to his teaching so I'm gonna pick it up from verse 20 2000 umbers 22 Numbers chapter 22 we're gonna begin at verse 22 and we're gonna read to verse 31 and God anger was kindled because he went whose is he now Balaam because he went and the angel of the Lord stood in the way for an adversary against him so there was this invisible being that was standing in the way of Balaam but Balaam couldn't see this angel he didn't even know the angel was there all right now he was riding his donkey and his two servants were with him and the donkey saw the angel noise and it's interesting the donkey was able to see spiritually with them but what Balaam could not see and it says in verse 23 and the donkey saw the angel of the Lord standing in the way and his sword drawn in his hand this is the angel who already pulled out his sword to deal with Balaam and the donkey turn aside out of the way and went into the field and Balaam smart or hit the donkey to turn the other way so here it is the donkey who sees the angel with the same angel this sought out a chap Balaam he ran off the donkey's trying to protect this fool now but because he is spiritually blind like a lot of people he don't see the danger he keeps so focus on the physical things of this world and the rewards he could get through his witchcraft that he even looking at the forces that's ready to take him down verse 24 says but the angel of the Lord stood in a path of the vineyards a war being on this side and a war on the other side and when the donkey saw the angel of the Lord she trusts herself onto the wall and crush Balaam foot against the wall and he's smarter he hit her again the donkey's trying to protect this donkey the don't be trying to protect this donkey but his donkey can't forget her all right verse 25 says and when and when the donkey saw the angel of the Lord the she trusts herself unto the wall and crushed baylin's foot against the wall and he which has made him smart it again and the angel of the Lord went further and stood in a narrow path where was no way to turn either to the right or to the left and when the donkey saw the angel of the Lord she fell down under Balaam and Balaam anger was kindled and he smote the donkey with a staff and the Lord opened the mouth of the donkey so at this point the donkey is about to speak and the Lord opened the mouth of the donkey and she said unto balaam what have I done unto thee this the donkey talking now now you could tell this minimus it is a some deep rich coffee no way am i reading in here any exclamation mark where he show any form of excitement or fear in fact he seems to be quite calm so clearly this mamma's into some deep stuff alright it says that and Balaam anger was kindled and he smote the donkey and the Lord opened the mouth of the donkey and said unto balaam what have I done unto thee that thou has smitten me these three times listen listen to verse 29 and Balaam said unto the donkey he didn't say oh you could talk on the talk No so tell you the darkness that he was involved with where this was normal stuff to him it says here and Balaam said unto the donkey because thou has mock me I would there were a swore in my hand for now I would kill thee and the donkey said unto balaam I'm not I dined donkey upon which thou has ridden ever since I was dying until this day was I ever want to do so unto thee and he said no verse 31 then the Lord opened the eyes of Balaam he says you said it again you should have phrase again the last time you read that it was with Eli's yo and it's over you see so I this only confirmed so I've been telling you from day one we live among spirits the spiritual world is an up-or-down the spiritual world coexists with us the spiritual world is wherever you are right now wherever you could be okay so if the Lord were to open your eyes and in the next 2 teachings I'm gonna do I'm gonna give you personal visions that I had where God literally open my eyes while I'm very much alive and saw things that other people couldn't see I wouldn't share today but is gonna be in the next teaching all right so it says here and it says that the Lord opened up his eyes Who am I know for study 1 then the Lord opened the eyes of Balaam and he saw the angel of the Lord standing in the way and his sword drawn in his hand and he bowed down his head and fell flat on his face so you see there now you see there so all along the angel of the Lord was there waiting to take this brother out reading the tears remove his head off his shoulders all right and now he's vexed with the donkey because he figured his donkey get Nora or Anya he's been out of autumn now here so I want to say to you that same angel now that same angel was the same engine I'm supposed to protect him remember let's go back to Psalm 34 verse 7 the angel of the Lord what does it do it's campus tours that same and deliver him but not his angel eyes Center on assignment to take him out and this this donkey was trying to save his life so why am i saying this - there are people right now that are coming up against you but not physically they're coming up against you spiritually while they are awesome that are conspiring against you physically but don't you worry about them because what this story is showing us is that God is at work God already have his pious angels in place just waiting on the order from God to take them down alright and this is why I gotta sing to you pray for them yeah what they doing is nasty yeah they talking behind your back yeah they smiling in your face every day and telling you this you dyed your beautiful poison then you learn later through a mutual friend that day no good okay fine but remember what the scriptures say see as believers we should not be getting personal to the extent we want to call down fire from heaven to destroy them no no no remember what the scripture says God says that it is not his will or even his desire that a me should perish but that all should come to everlasting life so Eve and I have been in this position before this is why I could say it there are people who have literally done some things than me that are literally unspeakable day to this they think I don't know I do know but I speak to them as normal you know why because I realize I am dealing with spirits they need deliverance themselves so this is what the mature believer does the mature believer don't bring the fight to a physical level the mature believer just like we realize you did just I can't go it open up the eyes of Balaam he now began to see in the spiritual realm and he see the force can you imagine that can you imagine there's a spirit that has been plaguing your partner for years the spirit of pettiness whatever your partner cannot get there we were chilly a petty real childish and and the Spirit is trying to bring you on the level that that spirit is on by getting you to focus on what the partners doing all the time not you looking at it as a spirit and now begin to go in your prayer clothes and father I come against the spirit and Sally father I break the palm of the spirit spirit I bind you you spirit of pettiness I refuse to let you run your course in my house I refuse to allow you to bring vision between my partner I send a fire of God against not the partner but the spirit this is where the believer needs to be any preacher anybody who's telling you to pray against your neighbor anybody who's telling you to to to to send fire against a human that poison no understand spiritual warfare I know it sound good yeah fire God send a fire on them over either God or us roast them that sound beautiful but it's a violation of Scripture and if you want God to work for you you got to think according to the policies not and that's why I constantly say to all on Sandri put your feelings aside put out you feel about that poison aside now you feel about Kevon aside now look at the constitution and i look at your behavior what God do this think about it think about the times that you were in a job think about the times you were fornicating think about the times you were committing adultery preacher pastor teacher and God spared you guess why he spared you not to preserve me so you could fornicate and to commit more don't you know because it is not his desire that any should perish so why can't you do likewise to your fellow brother and sister I was telling my wife this morning just before I came to the show and I said honey you know what you know what is not challenging for me but really makes me think it isn't the people that come at me and and launch verbal attacks I respect them believe it or not when a person says Oh Kevin do this and Kevin do that and while they may not be saying what is true I respect that poison I mean have I respect them I respect them because they are man and woman enough to say lucky I don't like you and that's how I feel about you they ain't cut no corners and they come in your face tell you that but then there are those who would pretend to be on your side oh brother Kevin man listen you put a word on you know what they need to hear that they need to that then you learn let it later the same person the same person who gave you the impression that they were on your side the same person who I can assist a was supporting you and prayer which is what they said but listen I got you in prayer man put you learn later that this person was leading the charge so this is why I said you I respect the man I respect the woman who say Kevin you is a hidden Kevin you dis and that I respect you even though what you say na right gonna be with you but I respect you because you are man and woman enough to say what you got to say publicly and you're not hiding and you ain't cut no corners because that's how you feel that's fine you over right just like me but again those who come with the pious look Kevin listen I don't like what they do you know no matter like that but guess what don't lead him to God man did I learn later you was the one who was leading the charge you were the one I had a situation like that recently right I tell you my god I love you so much you know I love God because God is a revealer of the truth he is gonna cause it someway somehow where is it a dream where there's through a mutual friend someway somehow it's gonna come out - but God isn't allowing the the information that they thought was hidden to come back to you for you to attack no no a mature believer takes that spiritual intelligence or a piece of information and they don't use it against the poison you now reinforce the scriptures and what does the scripture says it says to bless those that curse you listen ladies I know you listen to me read naina and you say make Kevin that hard to do you know what this man do to me Kevin listen it's hard you know this with this woman divorce me and I look at my children I can't say I hear I hear you I know how you feel I know a side phone but don't allow a feeling to cause you to make decisions that are violating the scriptures why because when you go before God for justice God got a deal with you on the same level he delivered them all which is punishment because you're doing the same thing that they're doing no no so so what I'm saying to you as a mature believer you stick to the rules you stick to the policies you stick to the Constitution that is what you look all right so I want it's the end with this this this this this final scripture all right and that would be Daniel chapter 10 you're gonna end up right here let's go to Daniel chapter 10 we're gonna wrap this baby up radio Daniel chapter 10 you can remember we're dealing with the mysteries of angels and like I said let's give you a cross-section of different parts of the Bible that speaks about them the characteristics they do is they're don'ts what they're assigned to do what their portfolio is how do we enable them how do we deploy them I'm only giving you this broad prospect on them because when I come to you in the following weeks dealing with this I try to do like two more on this and then when I open line because I need you to have a clear understanding that what would they're capable of what they can and cannot do so on and so forth so let's go to Daniel let's go to Daniel chapter 10 alright and let's go to verse chap verse four Daniel chapter 10 we're gonna begin at verse four I'm gonna read all the way to verse 21 and we gonna end it right here it says in Daniel chapter 10 beginning at verse 4 and in the four and twentieth day of of the first month as I was by the side of the great river which is had a kill then I lifted up my eyes and looked and behold a certain man clothed in linen now this is a spiritual being this is a spiritual being and Daniel is very much awake he's not sleeping so therefore because he's awake what he's experiencing here is what is known as a vision he's not asleep I've experienced that before when I'm actually very much conscious I'm not sleepy I'm not druggie I'm not going off into those no I am having a conversation about sitting now and it's almost as if like the skies open up into another dimension and you begin to see things that other people don't see so that's very real I've experienced that before and I would share those testimonies with you and my coming the next two weeks verse five says then I lifted up my eyes and looked and behold a certain man clothed in linen whose loins were girded with fine goal of your face 4:6 his body was like was his body also was like the barrel and his face as the appearance of lightning and his eyes as lamps of fire and arms and his feet like in the color of polished brass and the voice of his words like the voice of a multitude and I Daniel this is for seven now of Daniel ten and I Daniel alone saw the vision you know only him see this now and what does he see how is he how what is the format that this has been displayed on a vision a vision is where a person is conscious but they are seeing things that the other parties next to them cannot see they are now being privy to a set of events in the spiritual realm when the spiritual realm is literally displaying itself before them so for 7 of Daniel 10 says and I Daniel alone saw the vision for the men that were with me saw not the vision but a great quake or earthquake fell upon them so that they fled and hide themselves watches now therefore verse 8 I was left alone who was I Daniel and saw this great vision and there remained no strength in me he was weak that he was so overcome by this vision for my calm leanness was turned in me into corruption and I retained no strength he was very weak verse 9 of Daniel 10 yet heard I the voice of his words and when I heard the voice of his words then was I in a what deep sleep on my face and my face towards the ground so at this point the vision now that he was seeing he now is in a sleep he's still in the spiritual realm but now he isn't conscious anymore just like we talked about last night last week with King Abimelech all right verse 10 and behold a hand touched me but remember now he's asleep so the hand that's touching it is spiritual because it's an angel but it's not touching the physical Daniel it's touching the real Daniel which is the spirit because he just made it clear in verse 9 and only did he sleep come upon him but he was now for his face to the ground verse 10 says and behold a hand touch me which set me upon my knees and upon the palms of my hand and he said unto me Oh Daniel a man greatly beloved understand the words that I speak unto thee and stand upright for unto thee am I now sent and when he had spoken this word unto me I stood trembling this is Daniel spirit this is not the physical Daniel because he made it clear in verse 9 verse 12 says then said he unto me fear not who is this he talking to Daniel it's an angel it's an angel in fact it's an angel the messenger angel Gabriel so the angel that he described in the upper verses but his feet being like polished brass and his face like lightning and so on and his voice was like a multitude speaking to him this is the angel speaking to Daniel but the angel is speaking to the spirit of Daniel I love this man I love this first row says then said he unto me then said the angel unto Daniel fear not say that word again for from the first day that out that is said 9 heart to understand and to chasten myself before God that words were heard and I am come - for thy words so Daniel on this point was concluding or had concluded a 21-day fast and in that fast he was making these petitions to God the angels now is saying to Daniel Daniel from day one God heard your partitions God heard your prayer the angel now is about to reveal some events that are not physical but they are all spiritual as it relates to what listen to this carefully now delayed him what prevented him from coming from the first day that God heard the prayer because God sent danger from the first date verse 13 says but the Prince of Persia sorry but the prince of the kingdom of Persia is he talking about a memoir no he's not the Prince of the kingdom of Persia member last week I told you we talked about the hierarchy of the kingdom of darkness according to Ephesians 6 and verse 12 we're Paul admonishes us that we are not to fight against flesh and blood but the real fight that the believers experience is not only spiritual but we're fighting against an invisible order hierarchy or rank and he starts off with the highest which is just below Satan there Satan then there's principality principality isn't a person a principality it is a region that is ruled by a prince just like we're reading here right now so in verse 13 it says but the prince of the kingdom of persia meaning that this was the prince this was the invisible ruling spirit in that particular principality then said he unto me fit not for 13 but the prince of the kingdom of persia which stood or delayed or restricted me one and twenty days or he for twenty-one days I Gabriel the angel of the Lord was detained or delayed by this principality that ruled all over Persia Turkey Iran Iraq all that was the Persian province or territory and he says that in the second heavens while I was trying to make my way through this is Gabriel he said I was with hell I was hindered by this this high-ranking spirit and I remember now gabrielle was a messenger that left the third heaven he was in the presence of God but because you would say well if he is coming if he was in the presence of God knowledge I should be able to stop him no no there you go again trying to defy rules there you go again being rebellious to order everything got over it so even though he was a messenger angel he was no match for the evil Prince of Persia to the extent he was able to detain him for 21 days winds learn to stick by then stop making up your own rules stop making up your own rules that's why people cannot go forward today because they are biding by your rules your tradition has caused the Word of God to be of no effect in people life they've been to church for sixty six forty four billion years and still broke busted disgusted and cannot be trusted still begging and moping a mediocre job still waiting on the bridge would have come why because man natives has created their own rules and defy the laws of the Living God and God says guess what because you've done that I hear no more to expect for my rules to work for you follow those that follow the rules of God and he says here at verse 40 now I am come to thee sorry in verse 13 but the prince of the kingdom of Persia delayed me or which stood me for 21 days but no but no even though I Gabriel just a messenger angel I don't have the kind of power to fight this principality so I want you to see or a year now Christians cannot fight principalities hello because even the angel Gabriel couldn't find it Principality fight principality hello listen to the scripture but the prince of the kingdom of persia which stood or delayed me for 21 days but no Michael Michael one of the chief is only one of them one of the chief meaning that there many more one of the chief Prince's came to help or assist me and I remained there with the king of Persia so what is he saying you it says during this 21 day fight he couldn't get loose of the grip of this principality which was the Prince that govern Persia this principality I forget with the Greek word for principality mean but in it it it lends to our english word architech what it means is that it is a ruling spirit that sets the plans for the evil in that particular territory they have an action plan for murder for rape for aids for this for that they don't ever come to the principalities we'll come to or define principality is the managing director that's what they are they're a managing director of the evil so what the scripture is saying here now is saying here very clearly very crystal clear because so far the only human in all of this is Daniel and guess what Daniel is doing at this point Daniel is having a nap however the spirit of Daniel the spirit of Daniel is very much active in the spiritual realm where this angel is conversing with him and telling him all of the spiritual events that were taking place or had taken place so he says Laurie central Michael one of listened and made sure give his role the chief angel a chief angel listen there was carefully now in verse 13 no Michael one of the chief Prince not just an angel he's the chief Prince angel alright came to help me and I remained there with the king of Persia so Michael the chief angel who was greater than this Prince who was a part of the Principality Mike was able to subdue him to let Gabriel to go now from the second heaven where he was detained okay to go now to the earth the first set of heavens to converse with the spirit not the physical the spiritual Daniel verse 40 says now I am come to make the understand what shall befall the people in the latter days in so much words I'm coming here to tell you what has already happened in the spiritual realm don't I always tell you that the spiritual world is where everything is manufactured don't I always tell you that the spiritual world is where everything occurs first the scripture is telling it to you again you don't have to believe me but the scripture is telling he said I'm here to tell you what's going to happen it has already happened in the spiritual Ram good time dispensation of time was now release on manifest what God has already ordained to happen verse 14 says now I'm come to make the understand what shall befall thy people in the latter days for yet division is from many days meaning that this is way in the future and when he had spoken such words unto me I set my face towards the ground and I became dumb and behold one like the similitude or similar to the sons of men touch my lips then I opened my mouth and speak and said unto him that stood before me o my lord by the my sorrows are turn upon me and I have retained no strength for how can the servant of this my lord talk with this my lord for as for me straightway or immediately they remain it no strengthen me neither is their breath left in me verse 18 then there came again a touch sorry then there came again and touched me one leg dear parents of a man and he strengthened me listen the first nineteen and said old man greatly we love fair not peace be with thee be strong yay be strong and when he had spoken unto me I was strengthened and said let my Lord speak for thou has strengthened me I said a voice 20 then said he then said who no style therefore I come unto thee become a danger now so speaking and now listen and now when I return to fight with the Prince of Persia so the angel says ok and similar to say to you mr. Daniel but I have to now go back to fight what are you saying so much words that because there are three heavens there's the one that we see but above the one that we cannot see is the second heaven where the devil and his angels are and above that which is called Paradise which is the third heaven so the angel basically is saying to Daniel this is so powerful that I cannot just shoot my way back to God without being delayed again I now got to fight the Prince that would he have a legal right to rule over this particular territory I have to fight him to get back to God so verse 21 says and then said he which is the angels no-style wherefore I come unto thee and now when I return to fight with the Prince of Persia and when I am going forward lo listen to this carefully he says I am going to fight with the Prince of Persia but he's saying now that the reinforcements another principality that rules over the country of Greece is going to leave his territory to now come and assist the Prince of Persia see listen ladies and gentlemen listen youtubers and Facebookers what I'm trying to get to you this is what is going on in the spiritual realm whenever you've every time I've been telling you for us yet amount of fast making your business to go on a fast you see the events that erupted from the 21 days of fasting but Daniel this is how powerful fasting are you are literally removing landmarks in the spiritual realm you are literally overthrowing evil altars you are literally destroying generational crisis you have destroyed valves you are destroying agreements you are destroying covenants when you do those things the fight is now taken to a level you ain't dealing with no demons no more what are you how it's now activating highest powers to fight for you look at Michael D Lee one of the chief Prince of the captain of the he is the Minister of Defense that is now coming to deal with the Prince of Persia only so Gabriel could go pass why all of this was erupted through the pass this is why I encourage you I say to you over and over please make it your point at some point in your life to engage in a fast to fight those things that are that have a local in your life that principality who has drawn up the papers and the architectural work to ensure that you never prosper to ensure that you'll be in a place where you're never learning to ensure me you hear promises all the time but never see the manifestation there is a lock on your life and you need a faster break it you need a faster break it so the Bible says here the angel is telling him Daniel I got to go back now I gotta put some more blues in this Prince of Persia me and Michael give him some more licks because look at he like that but I can tell you now helga break news in Persia the reason why I hell is gonna break loose is because reinforcements coming from the kingdom of darkness he says the Principality or the Prince that rule over the Principality of Greece is now coming as reinforcements to aid the Prince of Persia again these are all spiritual beings there is a man that is the Prince of Persia no but that's not who they're talking about these are all spirit beings so verse 20 says then said he knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee and now will I return to fight he says now I have to return to fight with the Prince of Persia and when I am gone for know or look here the Prince the member would have princess is one who rules a territory which is called a principality the Prince of Greece shall come but I will show thee that which is noted in the scriptures of truth and there is none that hold it with me in these things but Michael but my clothes your prints so ladies and gentlemen I'm going to end right here for the day but this is what I want you to know you need to deploy and if we need to employ then deploy your angels I have given you scriptures upon scriptures where over 20 today so you could get to work now don't wait till you go to church tomorrow morning don't wait and you go to follow your routine to pray when you before you go to be taught right now in your car you and your car right now father God I listen to the Mount of God you're going to cleanse that if I believe you I should be established if I believe your prophets I shall prosper father God put the desire in me to wanna a cup on the word that I would have just heard I don't want to just tell people I heard a good word I want to be a participant of that word because I want to cash in on the manifestation that that word promise and that's how you have to be we word the word word the word and you will see the manifestation of the word Heavenly Father I thank you I thank you for this awesome responsibility that you have given me like they called me to be a Lone Ranger but I'm not a lone ranger because you say for you are forever with me you said that you will never leave me or forsake me I thank you for the gifts that you've given me the talents that you've given me not that I'm using it to manipulate others or to charge others but my job is to give the free gospel to your people I thank you for everyone that is represented on my social media sites all over the world where I have the opportunity through technology to speak into this camera and people from every end of this world could listen to your free gospel I thank you for the lands that are being changed I thank you for the eyes that are being opened I think of people that are coming to salvation not because of Kevin but because of the word that you have placed in Kevin I think you know Kevin is not a no competition Kevin is not competing but Kevin is all about doing your will your purpose your plan why because of the people that you have said your son to die for to get them to engage into the free gift of salvation to not only to secure a seat in the heavenlies upon their day of transition but more importantly to fulfill your will in the earth that you've instituted or invested into their lives I cover everyone under the son of my voice with the whole arm of God their helmet of salvation their breastplate of righteousness their she'll of faith to protect them against the fiery darts of the evil one their sword which is the Living Word of God their belt of truth in their shoes shut with the preparation of the Peace of the gospel i drench them with the blood of jesus christ father God I pray right now D Angelico's to encamp run about them to deliver them out of all their troubles I pray Lord that you bring them to a level of maturity in that they don't pray physically against their enemies but instead bless them like you've commanded in your word and pray for those that despitefully use them and say all manner of things against them I pray for the host father God that conspire I pray for those father god that set traps and plots and undermined against your servant I pray father God Lord that they'll realign themselves to the original purpose as to why you saved them and to go out there and do their part of the gospel as opposed to fighting your word I pray that you'll preserve them I pray that you'll preserve their children I pray that your bless those that curse me and lord I pray for those that despitefully used me and say all manner of things against me let your spirit let your purpose dictate the course of their lives I break every spirit of confusion every spirit father God of anger and hate and bitterness and unforgiveness to our fellow brothers and sisters I pray right now father God that they become committed to your Constitution which is of the Living God I pray for those that have accepted Jesus Christ and for those who did not accept father I pray right now Jairus like how you've had the heart of Pharaoh when Moses went and tried to release the people I'm asking you to soften their heart to receive your unadulterated word I pray for those that are ours there are moments that are weeks there are months that are probably even a year before they meet their demise but do not know you as Lord and Savior further I intercede for them right now that young man that that young woman is that maybe a bullet with their name on it to end their life maybe today but I intercede for them by the blood of Jesus father sent an intervention that would was supposed to be to end their life never happen instead father preserve their life to preach your word preserve their life to tell you um gospel to others preserve your life for them to be a light at someone else Lord I speak from a spiritual level right now that our churches will rise up father God from mediocrity father God and begin to not pursue people in terms of getting them but for sure people to getting the gospel to them in the name of Jesus father I bless you father I praise you for this radio station I praise you for what you're doing here and of led the favor of God rest upon this place I pray for the power proprietors I pray for the employees everything in this place that is not a view father let your spirit eradicated in the name of Jesus and let it be replaced with favor and with grace in the name of Jesus your word declares that you would bless the righteous I would favor shall you wanna compass him about us with a shield your word declares father God according to proverbs 3 and 3 and said we must not forsake mercy and truth but binding upon our neck and write it upon the table of our hearts and in so doing shall we find favor and good understanding before God and learn father I love your word your word declares that is forever settled in heaven I love your word father god I pray for understanding open up the eyes of your people like Elijah did with a servant like you did with BAE lord I now pray the same prayer open the eyes of those people to see beyond their physical circumstances in the name of Jesus father I bless I bless this island of Grand Bahama father I pray that you removed the strong roots that you some way somehow father going to eradicate the evil alters that has oppressed this island that has oppress its commerce that it oppresses economy and I pray and release the angels of the Living God to do to disable every principality that has his foot on his Island Lord I pray for our government I pray for the opposition I pray for the ruling parties right now I pray father God that you bring the right ideas to bring prosperity to bring your rules let them cause them incline them to bend their heir to your rule to your laws to your way of doing things finally father God your word declares in proverbs 19 and 21 it says that there are many devices in our hearts the many ways that be lot of want things to go but according to your word only your console shall prevail only that which you have ordained before the foundation of the words of the word shall come to fruition but that say father God caused all of us to line up no matter where we are in life realign our destiny to that which you have already proclaim and ordained to take place in this earth Lord just like how the angel came to Daniel and tell him about futuristic events father god limas up with that way father God so that we will not go contrary to you so father I bless you Father I honor your father I praise you in fact I glorify you and am matchless and in the mighty name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ amen and amen well folks that's it for me I pray that you have been blessed if you have please share this video with someone so that they can be blessed and until next week god bless you
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 74,446
Rating: 4.8489103 out of 5
Keywords: Angels, Spirits, Ministering spirits
Id: F1K82NVS470
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 1sec (7681 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2019
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