The Mystery Mansion | Berenstain Bears

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now a bit of glue and i'll put in the last leg what you doing hunk leading the band never mind the jokes freddy just grab those pliers and get this stick off come on we'll help everyone will have to pull come on pull oh harder it's loosening [Music] now this last leg and the job is done papa squire grizzly just phoned he wants you to go over to his mansion right away squire grizzly wow he's the richest barrett bear country and he said it was extremely urgent hmm wonder what he wants to see me about thanks for letting us come along yeah papa i can't wait to see all the great stuff in the grizzly mansion hey where are you going huh how come you're driving around the back oh lady grizzlies very strict nobody's allowed to go in the front door not even squire grizzly [Music] good day hiya who shall i says calling it sounds like lady grizzly hurry something's wrong let's go i fear [Music] we'll help there you go careful now hello do you feel better my dear you better how can i after our dreadful burglary you mean something's been stolen three somethings they're priceless antiques my great aunts writing desk an exquisite love seat and a peppermill it's been in my family for my dear generations mustn't upset yourself stolen antiques without question this is a job for the bear detectives and yours truly papa q bear don't worry we'll crack this case that's part of the problem papa q bear these pieces are badly cracked and speak up speak up square grizzly this is no time for understatement [Music] super sleuth papa q bear at your service why i remember the time i teamed up with a great sherlock grizzly to look for the crown jewels of england found him on the queen's head you better whistle up your sniffer hound snuff we're gonna need him bad no problem good boy good but not good enough for i have already solved the crime the butler did it but but but uh no but but butler i suspected you from the beginning uh papa where's your evidence not necessary it's a well-known fact of law that all butlers are presumed guilty until proven innocent rubbish oh butler couldn't have done it because he doesn't do anything right grisby yes mum he's much too old and frail why i even got to bring him his tea your tea and scones grisby thank you mum hmm that is food for thought and speaking of food we better start looking for clues yeah before hunk really botches things up i say is all this quite necessary perhaps it would be better if these old mansions are tricky full of sliding walls and secret passageways a natural haven for thieves find any clues yet nope hmm what's this stuff strange wonder what it is hey it's sneezing powder nonsense it's merely peppercorn from the peppermill you see a tea time lady grizzly always grinds pepper on a cucumber sandwiches wow what a whopper ah-ha just as i suspected a secret panel leading to a secret passageway all right where is it yeah shh i'm going in cubs i want you to stay outside and cover me we're coming hang in there unk hurry you are covered papa with coats and hats and this isn't any secret passageway it's a clothes closet i told you this place was tricky it's hopeless how could anyone be so evil and wicked to steal my most precious possessions i'm sure it'll all work out my dear you simply got to keep your chins up dads not again sit down here i'll get you a glass of water leave everything to us the bear detectives have a perfect record we haven't failed yet you're my only hope [Music] snuff's picking up ascent [Music] now we're getting somewhere lady grizzly where'd she go she's disappeared this is getting scary not only is the furniture gone now lady grizzlies missing find the squire and break the news right [Music] and a dog even the cleverest criminal cannot escape from your nose and my brains [Music] hmm it's squire grizzly's trophy room [Music] what's the matter snuff he's probably catching a cold this place is so drafty we've got big trouble i looked all over i can't find squire grizzly anywhere tut-tut no need to panic i'm sure butler grisby knows where the ballers disappeared too you know what that means uh-huh it means we're all alone in this creepy mansion alone except for a fiendish antique thief oh that painting it's not now snuffs hot on the scent again [Music] you hear that it's coming from the painting [Music] let's get out of here [Music] [Music] i think we lost them [Music] wonder why snuff's sneezing so much i've got an idea and i don't think it's because he's got a cold eureka i found them the priceless antiques feast your eyes on that all right get out the flashlight i don't believe it the writing desk the peppermill and the lobsy their antiques all right in fact their condition is deplorable you can say that again they look like they're in serious need of repair but what are they doing in this old shed and we still don't know who stole them or why ah huh who's [Applause] squire grizzly i thought so it was a trail of pepper that made snuff sneeze a trail left by squire grizzly himself see they're grains of pepper i say it appears i have a hole in my pocket it's true i took lady grizzly's antiques in my haste i dumped the pepper from the mill into my pocket but dwight well i i don't understand i'll explain everything while we're loading the furniture into your car oh and you're sure you can have them ready by this weekend well no problem but why didn't you tell me all this in the first place i planned to but then lady grizzly returned early from her vacation and discovered the missing furniture i said it appears lady grizzly has almost found a way out of the secret passageways quick leave but remember above all it must be a surprise what a delightful surprise happy birthday dear you see they weren't stolen i was simply sending them out for repairs you are a master crafts bear indeed my antiques are as good as you no problem just a couple of coats of shellac and glue three grades of sandpaper finishing nails well snuff another unsolvable case solved by the bare detectives [Music] do [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Berenstain Bears
Views: 115,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Berenstain Bears, kidlit, kids tv, cartoons, Berenstain, The Mystery Mansion, mystery, mystery mansion, haunted, haunted house, berenstain bears, berenstain bears halloween, berenstain bears full episodes, berenstain bears trick or treat, halloween 2020, halloween videos for kids, halloween videos for kindergarten, nostalgia cartoons, 80s, 80s cartoons, the berenstain bears mystery mansion
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2017
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