Blaze a Trail 🐾 Berenstain Bears Official

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[Music] [Music] no names okay i think it's safe to make a move tread quietly when twigs snap one leaf crackle and he'll be honest like a ha today's the day we're finally gonna earn our trailblazing merit badges just imagine we'll be blazing the trail through a totally unexplored stretch of bear country and we're gonna do it on our own this time without the help of the world's greatest expert morning scout where's papa cube and we just have to earn at least one merit badge on our own right right what was that just the bird the trailblazer badge is a biggie right because nobody has ever blazed a trail through the great wilderness yeah sinister swamp and impenetrable bug and grizzly gorge i think we did it [Music] but you'll never get here well come on if you're going to earn those trailblazer merit badges we'd better get on with it but papa how did you know simple i read your bear scout bulletin papa reading other people's bulletins let's get to it bear scouts we've got trails to blaze bugs to brave a great wilderness to conquer what's that air attack help run for your lives it's just scout leader jane in a rented chopper oh so it is what's she doing here well this is your big day scouts i'll be observing and evaluating your trailblazing performance from the air noisy busy body as i live and breathe trailblazer papa q bear who as i recall blazed a trail through the great brazilian jungle and you're right which eventually became the alcon highway how'd you know that and who found the past through the high end ease hey why why because they were there right now scouts you you can count on me scout leader jane you'll be exploring places few beers have ever gone before and i'm glad that you'll have an adult along even if it is papa q bear trailblazing formation for gear inspection map the bus trail rations and most important the bear scout guide book huh you're asking me papa q bear for a silly guy book i'm the one who blazed a trail through the great brazilian jungle remember right i've got the guide book scout leader jane thank you sister now i'd like to go over a few of the basic trailblazing tools twig pointer technique a stone arrow and blaze marks he encompasses trail rations twig pointers stuff and nonsense there's less than feathers i don't need all that high tech equipment goodbye scouts and good luck bye see you at the end of the trail i know instinctively which way to go which trail to follow trailblazers follow me papa this way trailblazers march [Music] oh my [Music] march march march through again [Music] march march march and mark [Music] that way this twig pointer will show the way to those who follow us work it on the map brother maps map all this marking and mapping is much too slow and tedious i pop a q-bear depend on my natural wood sense the ancient wisdom of the bears get your own hat for instance here's a shortcut much faster than inching along these twisted paths just follow me across these sunken logs no papa the guidebook says when blazing the trail through swamp and fog never step on a sunken log come on well there's more than one way to blaze a trail we march march march through muck and mire we plays the drill we never tired [Music] and as for those little pipsqueak trail signs they're practically invisible what you need is a trail sign somebody can see now that's a bear sight oh little birdies uh hide there usually a call before i drop in well he pour a bassoon all that papa if we're going to earn our trailblazing merit badges we've got to stop fooling around yes papa we should be out of the swamp by now and into the bog no disrespect thunk but brother and sister have just said a mouthful fooling around fooling around well i like that while you cubs were fooling around with compasses i was up there using my eagle eye to determine that the bog is that away so this is the impenetrable bug what do you say we uh stop for lunch [Applause] what's this doesn't even look like food any trailblazer worthy of the name uses survival techniques i eat wilderness food but papa the guidebook says attention bear scouts don't be a dummy be very careful what you put in your tummy i'll make my specialty bubbly beastly bog stew little skunk cabbage a bunch of bugle warts aha and a couple of tumble bugs for seasoning i screw it around [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] was a little rich for trail food it was more of a gourmet type dish do you want some of my freeze-dried honeycomb pop-up well [Music] we much much much [Music] please papa the guidebook says attention rock climbers softly speak and gently stride lest you cause rocks to slide watch that go run papa run faster papa no what were you saying my dear i couldn't hear you because of all those noisy rocks you'll never get on merit badges now sure you will we'll just get these rocks out of the way never mind papa it doesn't matter nothing matters our trailblazer merit badge test has been a disaster a complete failure a disaster perhaps but definitely not a failure i have four merit badges here one trailblazing merit badge for each of the scouts yay our trailblazing badges at last we did it and one for papacu bear for truly memorable landmarks landmark number one alligator alley landmark number two the stench of his bog stew which will hang in the swamp for years landmark number three papa's avalanche tell you what when we get back we'll celebrate with a big batch of my bubbly beastly bug stew thanks papa but no thanks
Channel: Berenstain Bears
Views: 98,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Berenstain Bears, Bear Scouts, Berenstain, Kids TV, cartoons, 80s, kids cartoons, bear cubs, bear cub, bear cubs playing, papa bear, berenstain bears full episodes, berenstain bears, berenstain bears theme song, blaze, blaze a trail, trail, forest trail, scoutting, scout, boy scouts, berenstain bears blaze a trail
Id: UyISNFuBxpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2017
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