The Dancing Bees 🐝 Berenstain Bears Official

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[Music] laughs [Music] well what do you think i think the hat is a dead giveaway oh right here hold my hat well how about now i also think the chance is that your disguise is gonna fool be queen nectar and get the wild wild honey are nada zero and zilch brothers right papa i thought here he of little faith should leave the matter of the wild wild honey to me and give me that wild honey that wild wild honey no question about it papa is headed for big trouble are we all set yep bandages right right portable radio run portable radio what's that for to drown out papa's screams of pain when he gets into big trouble right oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh wild wild honey almost had it that time right papa i was close so close sure papa ready ready ouch when oh that papacu bear is something he's bound to determine to get that wild wild honey well you got to give him credit for being a fool that queen necklace is a tough cookie but she's almost as smart as i am nah i couldn't be i'm roughish rough so feast your eyes when it comes to sleep i take the [Music] oh prize a new edition of swindler's news good god look at this a swindle custom made for my favorite mark papa cube bear get that wild wild honey the secret of the dancing bees surefire sucker bait ah custom made for papa bear [Music] today's the big day oh boy oh boy the secret of the dancing bees have their own special dance a veritable ballet a set of secret signals worlds leaps to the wax oh boy pictures and everything this is good the bee boogie the wow look at this the secret of the dancing bees right here in black and white black and white and if i learn these dances the wild wild honeybees will let me get there honey it's in the book all you have to do is learn to perform those secret dances the bees will think you're their friend then when you get really close you can make your move on wild wild honey right i'll take it wait a minute papa don't you think you should leave the negotiations to me deal bring me my pumpkin money not your pumpkin money but papa you [Music] that's the last of it well i i guess it'll have to do have fun papa you give ralph all of your pumpkin money uh-huh he's a cheater and a swindler papa [Music] it looks like ralph made a fool of papa once again okay leap one world two on point four three and four double side jump hop kick and end with a pirouette leap one world two on point four three and four double side jump hop kick and end with a pirouette tada [Laughter] papa everyone's laughing at you let them i know what i'm doing the dance of the bees is based on scientific evidence if this bee dance is so scientific why don't we check it out with a real scientist actual factual hello professor actual factual well bless my macaroons if it isn't brother and sister bear we have a question a question well you've certainly come to the right place do these dance well actually they do they do great heavenly crumpets yes well how about that you see papa's got this book and he's gonna dance his way to the wild wild honey and we'll now wait just one little minute there let's get out that straight yeah i have a science film around here somewhere here it is somebody douse the lights and good morning comes and welcome to big talk you may think that bees talk in the same way that bears do but no not at all they have their very own language these communicate by dancing they use special dance movements to tell the rest of the [Music] [Music] huh well what do you know goodbye for now see i told you they danced but as for your papa dancing his way to the wild wild honey well let me know how it turns out thanks professor wow that's a great costume well you didn't think i was going to dance in there in my overalls did you okay here goes [Music] oh this is good this is really good truly a classic sting hmm well as i live and breathe if it isn't that old [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] wow look at that he's getting pretty close your majesty he's going to get the wild wild honey [Laughter] let him have one little taste is the best one i've had since we buzzed mayo honeypot during an election speech yay it worked hooray i can't believe it that crazy bee dance worked hmm i play my cards right from the bottom of the deck of course i can have an exclusive on the wild wild honey and make millions very interesting somewhere between a tangy clover and a red ripe raspberry but were there certain spicy you know uh i wouldn't mind having a shot at that wild wild honey what would you say to selling that book back to me well maybe since i papa q am not a selfish beer but only if there's a prophet in it for me oh well um and uh how much for the suit well i don't know this suit is the finest striped flannel 100 wire antennae genuine crepe paper wing yeah yeah yeah how much yeah [Music] okay i think i've got it what is that now he's just not in the same league with papa cute besides papa cube paid his dues also it's not funny the second time attack him [Music] why didn't it work the second time papa because it really didn't work the first time it didn't nope queen nectar and the bees were laughing so hard at my dad and i managed to sneak that one little taste white baba you outsmarted rapist round not only that i got a taste of the wild wild honey better than money that wild wild honey
Channel: Berenstain Bears
Views: 180,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Berenstain Bears, Berenstain, Bees, kids tv, cartoons, 80s, 80s tv, kids cartoons, berenstain bears full episodes, bear, cute bears, berenstain, berenstain bears, jan and stan berenstain, original illustrations berenstain bears, cartoon illustrations, 80s classics, 80's cartoons, cartoons for kids, bear scouts, classic tv, dancing bears, the berenstain bears dancing, the berenstain bears and the dancing bees, dancing bees
Id: b7wuawFSFIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2017
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