The Berenstain Bears and the Disappearing Honey

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] it's almost time i should hope so for the last seven days your papa has been a caution to live with ever since he stored that batch of boysenberry honey in the cellar it's all he thinks about how can we have to wait seven days papa and why do you have to keep it in the cellar that's the way it is with boysenberry honey it has to age for exactly seven days in a cool dry place to reach its full peak of delicious flavor time oh boy have i been dreaming about this no one in bear country loves honey better than papa especially boysenberry honey no gone my boysenberry honey stolen whoo i'd say this is a case for the bear detectives right better signal cousin freddy pronto [Music] what's all the commotion honey theft is the lowest crime known to bears this calls for my expert sniff around snuff [Applause] a clue it's some fur and look a shred of red and yellow striped cloth of course clues scientific detection this calls for cold calculating detection by the world's greatest detective yours truly papa q bear [Music] maybe you should ask mr owl to help he's on neighborhood town watch no this isn't a case for amateurs besides i wouldn't want to wake him he works night you know hmm what's this looks like some kind of wax i'll put it with our other clues wonder if they mean anything to my trained eye they mean everything [Music] take this fur for instance bear fur of course moreover criminal bear fur i can tell by the blunt hair shaft red and yellow a flashy dresser no doubt and the wax hmm wax wax wax of course wax is commonly used by criminals to make impressions of locks to make illegal keys looks like ordinary bear fur to me the colors don't seem that flashy and as for using wax to make a key well um the seller has no lock pinky picky picky besides we haven't even unleashed our biggest and best weapon the magnificent nose of our sniffer hound snuff that's it load up your mighty nostrils [Music] [Music] he's hot on the boysenberry trail but papa that's midna sex fashion boutique don't be fooled it's clearly a front for a criminal ring it's for mrs bunnypot's birthday i mean honeypots birthday and i want your finest stench uh smell yeah it's a perfume od boyzelberry it has such a sharp and [Music] me i don't know it's a little extreme be you extreme problems require extreme solutions and it just might work [Music] they'll be out pretty soon poor papa and snap most refreshing [Music] yes somewhere in this town beats a criminal heart papa it's just bear town and the bears here are all our neighbors yuck the crook could be anybody a very astute observation nephew it could be anybody the butcher the baker the candle stick maker the candlestick maker of course the mysterious wax we've got our crook careful now snuff he could be desperate oh mr grizzle felder the candlestick maker he wouldn't take a wild flower from the public mr grizzle fellers over 80 years old exactly he's been planning this crime for years come on snuff let's get him okay you cover the front me and the nose will sneak around and attack from the rear it's quiet too quiet all right grizzlefielder you scurvy honey thief i'm gonna count three then we're coming in one two oh no papa wait three after him snuff oh [Music] [Music] i found this on the front door gone fishing be back a week from tuesday so you see he couldn't have stolen your honey yes slippery old codger well he's still on my suspect list so tell him he's not to leave town [Music] boy that was some job straightening up grizzlefelder's shop go snuff aha a perfect hideout and the red and yellow clue we're up against the cleverest kind of criminal a female mastermind [Music] that's greek for find the woman papa wait shh can't you see i'm closing in on a vicious criminal but this is grizzly grand house it wouldn't matter to me if it were my own mother no snuff but papa it is your mother oh hi gran shakes alive what got into you papa cuber it's a long story i'm watching him and papa's been chasing all over town trouble with you papa is you're getting weight binded you need some of my boysenberry tonight to strengthen your mind and as for that honey thief let me have a look in my crystal ball it's coming through bright and clear the honey thief is very near the honey was taken by the stealthy hand of the greatest honey lover in all the land well we are for you now hmm papa sure is depressed what do you expect he failed to solve the case worse than that he lost his status as bear country's greatest honey lover my reputation is ruined hey being number two isn't that bad hunk you're a good cub freddy huh [Music] what is it snuff what blue blazes those are your pajamas why are you here they are red and yellow pajamas your pajama tops are sticky with honey boysenberry honey come to think of it this fur looks an awful lot like yours mean are you accusing me of stealing my own honey may i into absolutely mr owl well as you know i'm on the town watch night shift and around midnight for the past seven nights i've noticed papa bear coming out in his pajamas the red and yellow pajamas carrying the candle that explains the mysterious wax every night he'd go into the cellar uh-huh papa's fur little lady come out look in his lips and go back into the treehouse yeah since the honey belonged to papa and since it's not a good idea to awaken a sleepwalker papa didn't steal the honey he was just sleepwalking does that mean i'm innocent of course and mr owl certainly deserves our thanks no problem all in a nice work well i offer congratulations on two counts one because we solved the case and two because i kept my title as bear country's number one honey lover [Music]
Channel: Berenstain Bears
Views: 195,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Berenstain Bears, Berenstain, Kids tv, cartoons, Bear Detectives, Kid Mystery
Id: -hedax2Ns5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2017
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