The Muslims Of Yangon Myanmar

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what is going on guys good afternoon from  Yangon Myanmar today I am exploring the   downtown area specifically an area known as  close to sule square and in this area there's   a large population of Muslim people which just  means that there's a large quantity of street   food Halal Street Foods so we're going to explore  this Muslim area and try some street foods that I   have not tried here in Me and Mar yet so let's  see and the good thing is I can pretty much eat   all of it because it's Halal so let's try this  one hello brother Bing AA um what what is this   no English no problem can I try uh this one  this looks interesting it's like uh looks   like takoyaki but also there's some egg and some  beans or something inside of it can I try this   one how much P of this one two high right huh two  high for one one two high one piece okay two can   I have uh one piece yeah I have no idea what  this is but it looks like just egg with some   like kind of fried flow like he makes it over  here like this just one piece [Music] brother   for 200 that's like 10 cents so for a piece put  some spice on it going try some out all righty   let me give this guy the money and then I'll give  you guys my taste test here here you go brother   thank you very much so yeah guys I figured  you know before I leave me and Mar I got to   try some all these Street Foods there's so much  here so many different kinds of street foods so   how you say what's the name n huh this guy doesn't  want to make conversations cool look at this and amazing just egg with that fried batter that's  actually really good has some like sesame seeds   on it as well and also it has um those white  onions the chives and yeah it's really good   so that begins our food Journey here in the  Muslim area of uh yangong finga all right a   mosque here another mosque there and yeah oh oh  got to watch out when you cross the street so   let's go try some more Foods out H that was  really yummy I wish I got more but I got to   save room cuz there's so much to try so let's  go now I think I mentioned this previously but   uh here in Myanmar there's a big there a large  diversity of uh population you have people who   look Indian Bengali um obviously obiously Asian  from all kind from all parts of Asia and then   you have um obviously the local Burmese people  but there's a quite a diverse population here   so it's quite nice you get a little bit of  everything o this looks interesting what is this looks like pakora laa oh are you it's  pakora oh very nice how much for One Piece   100 huh 100 one piece 100 100 okay can I  try this one is like potato banana banana   banana oh banana and what about this one  potato potato can I try one piece potato   200 two 200 200 for One Piece okay all right  so another 10 cents guys for one potato piece one potato 200 right very good thank you so much is  this your shop this your shop what's   your name Muslim huh Muslim you're Muslim Alum me   too nice to meet youum Asam how are  you brother good what's your name Mayer my name is Myer nice to meet you all  right guys so let's try out this pakora in   Myanmar it's like uh I've tried these in Pakistan  grew up eating these actually so this is a potato pakora wow very nice got some onions inside as  well and yeah just different kinds the spices   very yummy very good and this and this halal  food right yes Halal Halal for Muslim good   that's why it's good to eat here if you're  Muslim you can you can get halal foods so   I spent 20 cents so far and I had those two  snacks very yummy so this is pakora in mear   can I throw this here garbage thank you  thank you so much yes yes okay all right   so now we keep going we keep exploring some  more Foods hello brother wow that was really   yummy and the thing is like I've tried pakora  potato pakora but not like that that was like   um diced potatoes but also onions and also the  spices were good and the spice levels here are   perfect they're not too spicy it's not too um  overbearing you know so you can eat it rather   than burning your tongue so it's good um let's  go try some foods here this inter interesting um I see some I thought I saw  some stuff here but I don't actually oh this looks goodam alaikum brother how are  you Salam alikum you making food   yes which food which food yes sh out what kind of food rice fried rice Halal Halal oh okay okay finish  I can try can try how many minutes how long huh   6:00 6:00 you start yeah oh so I come back I  come back at 6:00 thank you all right guys so   we got to keep going down this way and I  think we'll find find some more food all   right they have a tea house here let's stop  and get some tea hello Mingalaba uh you have tea so here's a local Tea House helloa chai t  t milk one yeah this generator is so loud can't   even hear I sit here okay all right we're going  to sit down and have some tea here on the street   the chai culture here is very popular people  drink a lot of tea here in me and M so hello   asalam alaykum what's this asalam Alum how are  you um this Halal Halal Halal Halal okay very   good what what is this noodle huh noodle noodles  and P noodle huh p P Noodle and what do you what   else this one what's this tofu tofu tofu how much  for how much for one dish 1,000 1,000 okay can I   have one I see here okay thank you so much what's  your shop this your shop ah you from uh Myanmar   very nice okay I sit here thank you look at how  strong this tea looks man so I got some noodles   fish from here and I got some chai going to  drink this chai now I think it's very hot so   usually in mmar they put condensed milk in the  chai so it gives it the sweetness so you don't   need to add any sugar it's pretty sweet actually  they do drink very sweet compared to like when   I tried it in Pakistan they also drink it sweet  but not as sweet as they do here in me and mom so cheers man I got to say though the tea  here is really good it's really really yummy thank you this also thank you all  right they give you like a refill as well   if you want to refill I think one will be  good can't drink too much of this it's too sweet all right guys the food has arrived so I  thought it was like a noodle dish but actually   what they do is they open up the tofu put the  like lce and noodles inside of the tofu very   interesting I've never seen this before it's  almost like a looks like little sandwiches   and then they have the sauce as well man the  more you know and honestly this is why I love   to experience like locals cuz guys if you  go to a country and you're eating only in   restaurants you're not experiencing the real  culture you're missing out on really pivotal   part of the culture which is how the locals  eat and this is just amazing look at that   you can see tofu is like this uh um so yeah for  1,000 uh for 1,000 CH which is literally like0   50 cents you get four pieces of this tofu with  the uh salad and noodles so there's no meat in this that's really good wow look at that I wish the tofu was a bit warmer but  obviously it's been sitting here so it's a   bit cold and it's not spicy at all even though  this sauce does look a bit spicy it's not so spicy wow this is one of the most  interesting in things I've ever tried very cool all done tea is done  food was amazing very delicious very   delicious what is the name of this dish in B faia so this dish is called  Fabia in burmes it's just like   stuffed tofu but very yummy this my  first time trying 1,000 right 1,000 okay pakist thank you so much Alum thank  you brother all right guys so done   with that and I'm going to pay for the  d uh how much for that d 1,200 for 1   cup only one cup 1,200 really too much  my food cost 1,000 okay no problem here 5,000 1,200 for the te sounds like a lot cuz  I literally paid less than that for the food   but it is what it is so yeah guys I'm going to  pay for this and then keep walking this way and   hopefully we'll find some more food thank you  so much brother uh jba J so now we're going   to go try some more foods but yeah guys this is  how you experience a country like a local rather   than you know being uh a tourist and eating at  restaurants only you got to go to these local   street foods that is the only way to explore look  at how red the streets are from people spitting   their Beetle leaf I was thinking that's blood at  first but people spit that leaf that they chew all   the time and the streets are literally covered  with red because of it look at this brother how   are you all right so what else are we going to  try today all right there was a place that I saw   that had a Biryani like something like a Biryani  and it looked really really good so we're going   to try to find that also Salam brother how are  you good uh What are you making here this is   like a chapati no paraa parata okay you make the  parata what do you put inside it's like dal okay   beans yeah can I try how much for one 500 okay  can I try one I can sit here okay [Applause] huh huh Pakistan all right guys so huh huh thank you all right guys so now I'm going  to try a parata here in Myanmar I haven't tried   aara here yet so it's going to be my first time  huh fata is a common fried bread huh [Music] please all right so uh it's like  Pakistan everybody offers you chai   you have to drink chai but I already  had so I don't want to have too much chai all right so here we go oh it's hot your  Fresh So This is a this is uh looks like similar   to the barata that I've tried but a little bit  different because it has a d already stuffed [Music] inside wow so it's already has the doll so here we [Music] go wow that's good once  again not too spicy it's different   than uh Pakistan and India because it's not too spicy 500 for one which is literally 25 cents huh do you speak English so huh so I was just saying to him like his  Hindi really or U whatever you want to   call it is really good you's saying because  amongst friends they speak it to each other   so that's why he's able to speak it and he  was like oh your English is good I was like obviously it's a little bit sweet actually  it would be a really good breakfast with   some dry that barata was amazing man  for 500 by the way this is how the money looks thank you I will come back again  all right so um that was really good   man very very delicious Pata very uh sweet not too spicy all right so we're going to go try out  some Biryani now I hear the Biryani here is   really good so we got to definitely try out  the Biryani I have not tried I actually did   try Biryani from one place but I don't  know where it is we're just going to find   one place and go as you can see a lot of the  people here are Muslim so being a Muslim man   myself I am welcomed here and I think it doesn't  matter whether you're Muslim or not you will be   welcomed here the one thing about Muslim people  that you need to know even though there's a lot   of negative stereotypes about us out there  we are very peaceful and welcoming people   you will never go to a Muslim person's home  without being given something without them   offering you some kind of offering whether  it's food F tea something so you're always welcomed so make sure that when you ever whenever  you go to a Muslim place or a place that has like   a little Muslim Enclave go visit it don't worry  even if you're not Muslim they will welcome you   I can guarantee that oh some chicken on a skewer  looks good some Samosa ooh Samosa chat hello CH   this is a samosa chat Samosa CH what you tell  Indian food very good no meat no meat okay with   Dal soup with Dal soup Dal soup okay very good  thank you all right also some more halal food   got some chicken pieces very good do they make  like Biryani here or I don't think this place   makes Biryani but I think there's another  place over here that does make really good   Biryani I think I'm I think I'm really close to  the place that I went to the other day and they   have really good bani so I'm excited to try  it again and show you guys it's like dumani   they make it in like this big pot so it's going  to be really really yummy really delicious so excited all right so I think  I'm in the right direction here what are you making painting oh  very nice you're artist yes can I can   I see what you're making right  now what are you drawing oh wow   so beautiful look at this amazing  how much do you charge pleas waste was wow it's beautiful how much do you charge  for one painting uh one painting how much no   for sale huh no for sale oh this one is not for  sale no for sale no for oh how come no for sale   no for no for you for your family this one  it's beautiful ah some people already pay   ah but this one for sale 30,000 35,000 oh not  bad maybe I will come back and buy one from you okay so little local street artist drawing  up some cool stuff got to support the local   artist for sure so I think I'm almost at  this briani place all righty guys I have   found it I have found the Biryani place it's  right here all right these guys have really   good bani this is the name of the place I don't  know what it says says but it's something hello   you have Biryani finish huh oh it's finished oh  it's finished usually it's in here right oh no   it's not finished no more is there another place  they have Biryani no oh so sad you your birani   is so good thank you yeah last time I tried  I really enjoy it I want to make a video to   show what's the name of this restaurant the name  of the restaurant what what's the name of this restaurant kongai kongai so guys unfortunately  the Biryani is finished but if you're ever in   yangong you need to try the uh the Biryani  from this place next time next time thank   you a man that sucks because the Biryani  there is so yummy but it's okay we'll try   it again next time so I know there's some  more Street Foods down this way so we will   keep walking down that way and we shall find  some more Street Foods hopefully but look at   some of these cool old buildings man the vibe  in this city is really awesome with all the   old buildings the New Roads everything  going on around here people selling Market bunch of goods made in China we're walking down the  street I made a friend this   old man an I made an old friend  Anar he's going to help me find   some bani he said there's some good  Biryani here so he's going to show mebe so we're on our way to go look  for some the best Biryani in uh thank thank you so much all right guys  so nice old man help me out to find some   birani cuz that's what I'm craving and  I want to show you guys well I'm being   a little bit selfish I do want to try it  out for myself but yeah let's go get some briani man I love even though these buildings  are old a little bit not maintained the paint   is tripping off there is really a beautiful  charm to it that you don't get anywhere in a   modern city like just that old rustic vintage  look and you guys if you watch my Vlogs you   know I'm a nerd for architecture and just  infrastructure the way a city may look so   uh I really do get excited about those things  squeeze through all righty guys I think I have   found the famous Biryani spot chat sh Sun Biryani  hello I hear that your Biryani is the best a d   Biryani number one Biryani in Yangon in number  one okay let's try this is a dum Biryani very   nice chicken biryani chicken biryani can I  try one chicken biryani he make one pot or two uh five five and full five full pots  and he finish every day is this the best br okay let's try one one Biryani please do you want  to eat brother do you want to eat with me no yeah   why not okay come sit down all right we're going  to sit down here where are you from Aran huh Aran   Aran where is this in mymar yeah oh like North  or which side north side ah very nice so what's   your name Muhammad n Muhammad Salam alaykum how  are you okay guys so we're going to try out some   local Myanmar bani and apparently according to  what people are saying this is the best Biryani   in Myanmar so let's see I'll check in with you  guys once we get it ooh it's coming now already   here it is oh ho oh ho wow look at this mhhm so  4,800 CH in dollars that's like maybe two little   bit more than $2 for $2 you can get amazing  Biryani I mean where else can you get that I'm   going to buy my friend a meal too why not he's a  nice guy and look at this piece of chicken that   they give you with some rice so every day they  make five pots of briani I mean that's amazing wow very good very good so huh number  one number one so one difference between   the Biryani here and the Biryani  you may try in India or Pakistan   is it's not as spicy right this no good  uh this biryani is not as spicy as like   Pakistani or Indian bani no yes Pakistani  Indian like bani it's it's same but not spicy yeah so that's one key difference but you   can make it spicy if you use this  [Music] sauce okay let's try this out you've tried this before okay all  right guys so honestly this place and   the other place that I tried uh the other  day they're both really good and like I   said for $2 you get a big plate of  Biryani a nice piece of chicken it's amazing I want this piece they  give me this small piece you   have the nice piece hey brother you  give him the nice piece you give me this yeah you give him the  white meat I like the white meat okay no problem how much Day come here H how much  Day come here you how many days I'm here   for one week one week one week yeah you I  one one week one week and then you go back   to your city I am going back I am going R oh  okay okay okay nice so you from the north my   father brother sister all are Bangladesh oh  okay Bangladesh I will go to Bangladesh after   after Myanmar I go Bangladesh you from from  daa nice I go to Dhaka I go select and Cox's Bazar my father brother sister yeah the family  nearly the the whole family in Bangladesh oh   okay Bangladesh is beautiful not people very  most people too many people big population   population yeah I heard in Yanmar 55  million million in B 160 million 160   million wo that's a lot of people it's like  Pakistan Pakistan also Pakistan has like 150 million how old are you 42 42 Mah you look very   young yeah huh in Pakistan Islamabad  Islam yeah that's where my family is from we very nice did you go to Pakistan before no   no no you should go to Pakistan guys  we have finished our meal Mr Muhammad   thank you so much for joining me and  how much for the food for me and Mr Muhammad how much H 10,200 n you say one is 4,800 oh the water   okay okay okay 10,000 200 N okay  200 thank you my brother oh uh J J that Biryani was amazing and actually every  snack that I tried was really really yummy all   the food was good so if you're ever in Yangon  definitely hit up this Muslim Community here   in the sule square area and you'll find a lot of  good street foods but with that being said guys   time to wrap this up I'm going to head over to my  hotel this is unfortunately my last last day here   so I'll give some parting words before I leave  but I'm currently walking through the streets   headed back to my hotel so once I'm there I will  check in with you guys give you my parting words   and wrap this series up sadly you know had a great  time here though just walking through the streets   and I'll check in with you guys soon all righty  guys I'm back in my hotel room and uh I said I   would kind of give some a wrap-up statement since  this is my last day in me more and uh it's my last   video and uh had a wonderful time here spent about  a week and a half here which is uh I thought would   be enough but still not enough there's still a  lot to explore but I hope I'll be back and um   yeah just uh you know a country that I think a lot  of people misunderstand to be honest uh yes there   are conflicts here yes there are a lot of issues  going on and there are many many restrictions uh   like curfew and um not being able to travel  to certain places and not being able to talk   about certain things and it definitely makes it a  difficult place to travel and it definitely makes   it a difficult place to Vlog so if any vloggers  are thinking about coming here just keep that in   mind it's not the easiest place to Vlog but with  that being said my goal is to always try to find   the silver lining the positives and to be honest  with you the people here are are such beautiful   people if you watch these videos you'll see that  the people are always smiling they're always   trying to find happiness in whatever they have and  they're so helpful so kind all the people that I   met here the friends that I made like chit and  tea in inlay Lake if you watch my videos you'll   see how welcoming they are to their to their  homes they invite me in they always give you   tea and snacks and they're not happy until you eat  and it's a beautiful culture and it's unfortunate   that the only thing we ever hear about this place  is just negative stereotypes and I hope that I'm   able to shine some kind of positive light on this  place yes there are issues here and I hope that   those issues get resolved um but I have no control  over that the only thing that I have control over   is how I portray things and what I do through  these videos so I hope that this encourages people   to to come here and and see it for themselves I  hope that you guys will travel here because they   could use tourism um and the country is starting  to open up a little bit to tourism as well um and   there's a lot of businesses that suffered during  coid that could definitely use your help so do   come here do travel here and experience it for  yourself but watch these videos first and you'll   you'll be able to see what the the sentiment is  here in Myanmar but yeah these people are really   resilient they really are even through everything  that they've been through they still find a way to   go about daily life and and make the best of it  and and I always find that very very amazing um   but with that being said guys I'm going to wrap  this video up wrap this series up so go back   and watch all the other videos if you have not  watched them yet and uh remember continue to learn   continue to grow and there is no growth until you  leave your comfort zone don't forget to subscribe   like comment share more series coming soon and  I'll see you guys on the next one peace out
Channel: Myer Travels
Views: 115,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yangon, myanmar vlog, myanmar, yangon myanmar, burma, burma vlog, yangon vlog, myanmar travel, yangon travel, myanmar travel vlog, travel vlog, travel guide, traveling desi, muslims myanmar, street food, food myanmar, burmese food, myanmar safe, rohingya, rohingya myanmar, myanmar muslim people, myanmar muslims, muslim, myanmar news, muslims of myanmar, travel vlogger, travel blogger, myanmar blogger, myanmar food vlog, burma myanmar, myanmar burma
Id: 32crWW3wEQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 37sec (2197 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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