Visiting a MUSLIM TOWN in Southern Yunnan - Great Halal Food and nice people | EP21, S2

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It has been quite impressive on the way Only one hour away from jianshui Yet it feels totally different As he was driving me through this community I saw the residential buildings And I saw this symbolic curve lines And here you see that hotel It has a dom Good morning everyone Welcome to my channel season 2 unseen china Today I am in the southern part of yunnan province In the beautiful city of jianshui It's my 3rd time here And I still enjoy it so much Jianshui has an amazing historical old city It has amazing tofu And its famous zi-tao purple pottery (?) And before I start the video I want to show you This view outside my hotel room I have a lake view My hotel room costs only 58 yuan But it's only for Chinese tourists Because they don't have the qualification To host foreign tourists Today's video is not really about jianshui Because I want to discover A place that I have never been to Sha-dian-zhen Shadian hui people village It's in gejiu county I am now in jianshui It's about 60km I can either go by train or by buses Shadian is predominantly a Hui people Hui people town Most of the population are hui minorities There are a dozens of mosques Including one which is said to be The largest in south western china So I am really looking forward I want to try some hui food And also visit this beautiful mosque Not sure if there is frequent bus to gejiu I have to go to bus station And check it out She is a bit shy When I was filming But she sings very professionally This is another mosque in jianshui Qing-zhen-da-si (big mosque) And it's an interesting contrast to The mosque that we're going to visit In Chadian Because this is traditional Chinese architecture The one we're going to vist It's more an arabic style But I am not sure if I can enter Without hijab Let me ask Excuse me, can I enter like this Yes. I see, thanks They are selling pu-er tea You can see that man is wearing a white cap While the woman is wearing a scarf She told me it's ok to enter Without hijab This is one of the oldest mosques In yunnan province It was firstly built in yuan dynasty Which is about 700 years ago it smells really good Smells of osmanthus tree This is the entrance This is the prayer room And I don't think I can enter Normally it's only for the believers There are many buses So I don't have to wait This is the one to kaiyuan But it also stops in jijie So the bus will leave once it's full You can seat here Can I? Thanks Shifu, may I ask how much does it take To go to shadian mosque 8 yuan. Ok I got off in jijie There are still some distance So I am going with the motorbike It has been quite impressive on the way Only one hour away from jianshui Yet it feels totally different As he was driving me through this community I saw the residential buildings And I saw this symbolic curve lines And here you see that hotel They have a big dom Shadain town is predominantly hui So they are the majority Han and yi are the minorities If you check the information of shadian mosque On xiaohongshu, the little red book You'll find many would say This is the largest mosque in asia In china But that's not true But it might be the largest In south-western china And the size is definitely impressive It can hold up to, as I read It can hold up to 10,000 people At one time If you are not a believer You are not allowed to enter And women have to enter with the scarf Cuz it's a religious place So I am still allowed to enter the corridor Without wearing hijab That friendly guard is helping them To take a photo It's very kind of him Wow it's huge It is said the mosque cost more than 100 million The fund was raised by The local muslim community This mosque is just so beautiful And when I am standing here I can feel this peacefulness Hui people, they descend from Chinese han and silk road immigrants Genetic analysis shows that Most of their ancestors are from Central Asia, east Asia And a little bit of Iranians and Arabs In different period (in history) Islam immigrants arrived in china In tang dynasty and especially in yuan dynasty A lot of traders from islam world Arrived in central china And then they mix with local han community And gradually The islam community spread Throughout china Afterwards, when new china was founded Those islam communities That doesn't belong to any Ethnic minorities Such as the Uyghurs, Tajiks Kazaks Were defined as hui people it's crystal sugar, osmanthus flowers Rose flowers Dates, brown sugar, lemon,slowly cooked How about those That's colored by dragon fruit That's colored by butterfly pea I use acid To create ocean blue, deep blue Purple Can I have a mixed cup. sure I'll get one Tomorrow I will go to the gourmet festival The gourmet street, near the lake The new commercial area I won't be here anymore Until may 4th, we will be back So the gourmet festival starts tomorrow Yes, till may 4th, the whole ramadan Is it before ramandan Yes, it's the only gourmet festival That officially collaborates with doyen It's there, near xiaonian lake So starts tomorrow. Yes I could have come another day There will be 3 or 4 hundreds stands From the commercial area I have scanned and paid She told me that There will be a gourmet festival Starting from tomorrow There will be more than 300 stands This bing-fen also looks quite amazing Can I have a baked bun? Not now You have to wait. For how long? More than 10 minutes? No, 40 minutes Then I'll get a homemade yoghurt. And I was also checking this gourmet festival It's definitely something There is a street of 2 km (the past events) With different food So i am thinking of coming here Maybe the day after tomorrow Very yummy, this yoghurt there are some more Halal restuarants Those are halal cookie Naan And a lot of barbecue stand (grills) But now it's too early Many of them are not open yet Try our grill later. Sure We have rice noodles, dumplings and rice Master, are you hui people Yes I am How many hui people here All are hui minorities In our shadian All inhabitants in shadian are hui Hui people communities There are, not so many In shadian There is no Han Every household is hui If outsider guests come to shadian And eat in shadian You can be assured It's all hui cuisine (halal food) So there is no alcohol No, there is none No alcohol to sell, no place to drink So no alcohol There is no cigarette either No cigarette I see. It's good, isn't it I heard the grill is awesome You can try later today No matter what you order Up to you You can try Good or not The customers rate This is the street in front of the mosque They sell clothes And also the scarves Those are beautiful scarves I am now back in jianshui Yesterday I didn't try his barbecue Because I was afraid of Missing the last bus It seems that the muslim communities Are very good with barbecue For example I've been to turkey iran Kurdistan And I found the barbecue Kebab really amazing Here in jianshui it's the same There is a famous local night market Called jianshui zitaojie It's 5 minutes away from my hotel I plan to go there in the afternoon And the hotel reception told me There are a lot of good halal food And I am ready Excuse, how much per piece 1 yuan, or 2 yuan, beauty How many do you want? So it's 4 yuan, I will scan to pay That's 1 yuan per piece, not 2 I see I am going to start with something small Because I need more space for other food Beauty, where are you from? Anhui So you're a tourist? Yes Are you from jianshui? Yes This is our specialty here Grilled meat It looks yummy Can you eat spicy food. Absolutely Those are small grills Called Xiao-rou-chuan (small meat grill) Are you hui people Yes. Are there many hui in Jianshui? There is a village, our hui-long-cun Hui-long-cun. There are approx. 6000 hui More than 6000? Yes It's a natural village In shadian there are also... There are more hui there There are many hui people there I see. All hui people Those in the city are originally from our huilong Some are from smaller villages But very few Have you been there? Not yet Take this road and go up There are good food! I see, I'll have a look Thanks. You are welcome There are a lot of hui ethnic minorities Live in jianshui Not only in jianshui But also in Mengzi city Lets me try this barbecue first Wow, it's very spicy There is chilli pepper, Sichuan pepper Wow, it's tongue-numbing some venders come with cars There is self-made tiramisu And coffee And it's fresh coffee This is a lovely street They are selling flowers Pottery Bakery Wow, this cake looks so good Manager, how much is it This cake. Which one? How much is this? 8 per piece This is honey date cake There are a lot of holes Very spongy, very soft It's not very sweet This is quite a nice street especially for tourists There are so many things to buy Those are the famous zitao Pottery from jianshui It has a black or (deep) purple color And there are a lot of good food This is the largest night market in jianshui Also a favorite place for locals This is just part of it You can literally find All kinds of food Barbecue, tofu Noodles, and it started To get crowded around 8 pm Wow the smoke So that part is mainly barbecue, rice, cooked food And to the side it's small stand for fruits Snacks, desserts Wow, water melon. So yummy. Coconut Wow, tiramisu Wow, this big pot looks so impressive halal big pot caoya rice noodle This rice noodle is not expensive For 10 yuan you can get a big bowl And choose fresh herbs that you want Bean sprouts, spring onions, mint You can choose from thin noodles And also juanfen, the thicker ones If you want halal food There are a lot of stands Those with green color And the word qing-zhen Those are halal food stands There is no pork, definite no pork Manager, how much is it? 18 yuan for 50 gram I want a small piece, can I? Is that beef? Yes, beef I just want a very small piece That's good 18 yuan Do you want chilli? Is it spicy? No A bit chilli please. I will add one She is pounding the beef with the hammer And the chilli pepper Wow, it looks so amazing in the middle of the market There is a row of tables And on each table There are grilled tofu Sweet potatoes, potatoes And everyone just sit down And they can take whatever they want From the grill table Manager, can you get me... 10 for 3 pieces? Yes beauty I'll get 10 yuan of those I really love sweet potatoes That's why I got 3 And also normally baked sweet potatoes are pricy But here, you get 3 For only 10 what? Baked sweet potatoes It's a jianshui specialty the sweet potato from here is famous It a local product It looks yummy This is from Dali How much is that 8 per piece She is making kao-ru-shan Grilled cheese It's not originally from jianshui Manager, is it jam on top It's rose jam So it's grilled cheese with rose jam I bet outside china You don't eat cheese like that Now it's time to evaluate The shredded beef It takes some energy to chew But it has a lot of flavor And I can taste the smoke The spicies inside I like it And also for this sweet potato She told me it's very famous It's very easy to peel It's not as watery as some of the some of the baked potatoes That you can get It's very golden Wow, it's good Grandpa, how much is that This, how much 5 yuan per 50 grams So I want 5 yuan of that May I. Sure Would you prefer cash or WeChat Cash. Ok, please wait for a moment I will check if I have cash with me Ok. Thanks. This is you-gan (Indian gooseberry) I had never heard of this Before I visited fujian And there I tried the pickled ones This is the first time I got the fresh ones It's very sour and bitter I think you don't eat it raw You have to process it I am going to sleep very soon So I hope you enjoy watching today's video Thanks for watching And see you next time
Channel: Little Chinese Everywhere
Views: 2,378,035
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Keywords: china, unseen china, female solo traveler, chinese girl, chinese, chinese food, china travel vlog, chinese culture, chinese people, travel in china, traditional china, traditional culture, rural china, 中国, 中国风, 中国风光, 中国美食, 美食, 无人机航拍, 旅行, 纪录片, travel, travel vlog, hui minority, muslim, muslim in china, shadian, gejiu, 回民, 清真寺, mosque, halal food china, halal food, 清真美食, 建水, 个旧, jianshui, 少数民族, 红河州, yunnan, 云南, ethnic minority, islam, islam china, muslim china, china muslims, islam yunnan, muslims
Id: hEgLpqcjye8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 24sec (1644 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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