MUSLIM VILLAGES IN JAPAN !~ Exploring Islamic Villages in Japan, Hundreds of Mosques Stand Strongly

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[Music] Japan is a unitary state with a parliamentary system a constitutional monarchy and an island nation in East Asia it is located at the Western end of the Pacific Ocean east of the Sea of Japan adjacent to China South Korea and Russia religion in Japan is formally dominating by Shinto and Buddhism with the rest mostly irreligious Japan guarantees freedom of religion to each of its residents a survey conducted in 2015 showed that only 24% of Japanese people consider religion important while the remaining 75% consider religion unimportant and 1% abstained or did not give an answer however what about the lives of Muslims in Japan the following eek of wisdom will provide information about Islam in Japan for all all of you watch on until the end Islam in Japan is one of the minority religions there currently the number of Muslims in Japan is around 185,000 or 0.1% of the entire population of the land of Sakura Japanese Muslims are mostly immigrants such as students and workers who come from Muslim majority countries the majority of Japanese people still think that Islam has strict rules so the percentage of Muslims in Japan is very small which is around 1% and is still dominated by immigrants and foreign students who come from Muslim [Music] countries as for when Islam entered Japan it is arguably not too long ago when compared to several other Asian countries such as China and other countries in Southeast Asia the number of Muslims in Japan as an Islamic minority country continues to grow according to data from 16 there were around 120,000 Muslims from abroad living in Japan and 10,000 native Japanese Muslims living in this Sakura country most of the Muslims in Japan live in three metropolitan areas such as Tokyo chuko and kinki since the early 1990s there has been an increase in the number of mosques built throughout the Japanese archipo from okola prefecture to Hokkaido prefecture in addition to worship these mosqu can also be used by people who want to learn more about Islam many Muslims in Japan have settled down and started families this indicates a widespread increase in Muslims in the future Muslims will be able to help bridge the local community with the Muslim Community due to their diverse cultural [Music] backgrounds nowadays Japan is one of the most popular destinations for Education business and tourism and the large number of Muslim workers students and travelers has contributed to the development of Islam there the deputy ambassador to Indonesia stated in Japan in 1,930 ad there were only two mosques but today there are more than 100 mos in Japan the Muslim Community in Japan is mostly made up of immigrants such as Indonesians followed by pakistanis banglades and Iranians [Music] the Islamic Center and the Japan Muslim Association in Tokyo are the centers for the study of Islam and Arabic for Japanese people they are very curious about Islam so the MOs in Japan are also open to non-muslims so that they can learn more about [Music] Islam the accumulation of these small efforts can contribute to a more peaceful world as especially by preaching in mosques to those who do not fully understand Islam like in the mock in Kyoto Muslims here have a study group under the aices of the Kyoto Muslim Association the association which was founded in 1,987 strives to make it possible for Muslims and non-muslims alike to visit the MOs and for the facilities to worship and learn about Islam in it to provide rooms with kibla directions and to provide information on how food places in Kyoto the Muslim population has grown rapidly in recent years in Japan as the local government has tried to attract more foreign workers and students from Muslim countries the number of Muslims living in Japan although small has more than doubled in recent decades from 110,000 in 2010 to 230,000 at the end of 2019 the population includes 50,000 native Japanese who converted to [Music] Islam the number of mosques in Japan has increased as the number of Muslims in the country has increased and now in Japan there are more than 110 mosques it is a welcome change for Muslims in [Music] Japan the role of Indonesian Muslims in the development of Islam in Japan the increase in the number of Muslims in Japan is due to the role of immigrants who work there including Indonesian workers and [Music] students according to one of the Islamic leaders in Japan the number of Indonesian migrant workers working in Japan has made the need for mosques as places of worship increase rapidly in Japan in 2022 there will be around 60,000 Indonesian migrant workers working in Japan who are Muslims [Music] with this number Indonesian Muslims living in Japan are the most numerous compared to other Muslims living in Japan one of the mosques initiated by Indonesians in Japan is the new zentara mosque located in the Akihabara area of Tokyo the establishment of the Moss was initiated in 2000 when the local school could no longer accommodate Muslim religious activities such as Eid [Music] prayers in 2012 a building committee was formed and construction began in 2016 finally the mosque was opened for Aid in 2017 MOS and Japan have another function besides being a place of worship namely as a Gathering Place for fellow countrymen in overseas land the construction of a mosque is for them the creation of a network and a place for religious practice at the same time they also have the opportunity to experience the language taste information and culture of their [Music] Homeland we hope that this mosque will become a place where all Muslims feel free to visit to worship and to study Islamic law so that future Generations will be aware of the activities in the mosque and will be able to prosper in every mosque in [Music] Japan [Music]
Channel: Islamic Circles
Views: 328,320
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Keywords: Islam in Japan, Islamic circles, Islamic Japan, development of Islam in Japan, history of converting to Islam in Japan, when did Islam enter Japan, mosques in Japan, Islamic regions in Japan, Muslim population in Japan, fate of Muslims in Japan, religion in Japan, Islamic religion in Japan, Muslim Japanese population, Muslim majority in Japan, tolerance in Japan, Tokyo, capital of Japan, Muslim villages in Japan, Islamic guidance, Japanese villages, Japanese women, guidance
Id: _j7MxchhJLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2024
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