WATCH OUT For This In Old DHAKA Bangladesh!!

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good morning from the hustling bustling city  of Dhaka Bangladesh it's a beautiful day here   today very hot it's very hot here guys very humid  but that's the reality of being in South Asia if   you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen  but any who it's a beautiful day here in Dhaka   it's not raining thank God so I'm going to  be able to go out and actually explore the   city the proper way there's a few things I  want to today so you guys are going to come   along with me but first your boy needs a coffee  if you guys know me if you guys are new to Myer   travels you have to understand that I don't  function without my coffee and so I'm going   to go to this coffee shop which is right by my  hotel I'm on the rooftop of my hotel by the way   if you couldn't tell man look at these streets  guys one thing about Bangladesh is it is the   most chaotic well I shouldn't say Bangladesh I  should say DCA Dhaka is one of the most chaotic   cities I've ever been to as far it's just traffic  just Madness over overall but somehow things just   flow and they work but anywh who let's go get a  coffee I need to wake up and then get this day   started with you guys cappuccino yeah cappuccino  hot cappuccino or dining dining here uh brother   uh what is the uh like how many shots of espresso  do you put in there espresso yeah two shots yeah   two shot 118 uh noin two uh two two shot okay  perfect very good thank you and you have some   uh food also this one chicken chicken cheese  puff chicken bread roll huh it's spy chicken   cheese puff it's good it's delicious yes okay can  I try one um uh chicken cheese puff please thank   you thank you yeah so um um so far banglades  has been great uh Dhaka has been really nice   if you guys have been watching my videos um the  only thing is I did come during rainy season so   sometimes it does get a little bit tough to  like go and see the city obviously when it's   raining but we we keep moving man we roll  with the punches that's what we do here all   right guys here is the official Meer travels  coffee taste test you guys know everywhere I   go I have to try a coffee so this is a cappuccino  a hot cappuccino usually I like to do iced but uh   they don't really have good iced options so I went  with the hot so here it is guys real coffee taste test okay not bad not bad uh obviously I don't think  Bangladesh is known for their coffee I think it's   more known for tea obviously it's a tea drinking  it's a tea drinking country so coffee is not   very popular here but it's not bad it's not bad  with that being said it's not bad um I would say   the espresso is not as strong as I would like it  but um it's good tastes like a coffee um I would   probably give it like a six out of 10 so shout  out to uh Rio coffee all right guys by the way   what's your name my name is RA raid thank you ra  right yeah sure guys this guy is such a gentleman   so nice he's spoken with me we had such a nice  conversation while the camera was off cuz you got   to have real conversations outside of the camera  too but any who finished up my coffee as you can   see finished up my pastry and ra how much does all  of this cost uh 325 taka not dollars D taka 300 yeah so for the coffee and the pastry if you  convert it to Dollars it's about $3.25 which   is really good because back home for $3.25 you  might get a coffee if you're lucky but here you   get a pastry and I got a bottle of water so  shout out to Bangladesh man but we're going   to go outside now and go explore the city of  Dhaka all right thank you so much man I'll see   you again all right Salam alikum hey it's uh 2  2 228 right 228 okay thank you so much brother   228 I'll see you soon you're here every day  or yeah okay I'll see you I'll see you okay   brother all righty here we are in the CNG Salam  alaykum brother how are you a all right very   nice so guys um you know some in in Bangladesh  you always end up back in a jail cell you know   it humbles you every time you think you're good  everything's cool and then you end up back into   jail so here we are um but I'm just kidding this  is how the CGS are this is how the RAS are here   but you know what after driving through the city  and seeing how people drive here it makes a lot   of sense that the CGS are like this also by  the way guys Uber does work here uh so if you   download Uber the only weird thing though my  Uber is not working cuz I have it registered   from America so I think if you download it here  and register your Bangladesh number then Uber   will work but but if you're trying to use it  from overseas number it's probably not going   to work that's why my homie at the coffee shop  had to book it for me um but I'm going to try to   get that situated cuz Uber is honestly the best  way cuz if you try to go to these taxi drivers   look how close we get to these guys amazing  but if you try to go to these taxi drivers   yourself and negotiate a price as a foreigner  they're going to completely rip you up you know man shout out to these guys man these drivers you  got to have a big heart and very thick skin to   drive through this city and this guy does this  all day I mean it's got to be the most tiring   job man cuz you can't put your eyes down for a  second here there's always somebody popping out   of nowhere so real big kudos to these guys who  drive the CGS here man big respect here is the   entrance of the L bog Fort I'm going to head in  in a second I do have one of my friends meeting   me here in a second so going to wait for him what  is this guy selling here this looks interesting I   need to buy a bottle of water this is yours no  how are you brother oh fine thank you uh how   much do you sell the water for just Aquafina  20 20 okay can I have one yeah one piece just   one yeah thank you cold uh yeah cold 20 right  okay thank you boss okay thank you Bangladesh   Jersy yeah yeah I'm representing Joy Bangla Joy  Bang all right cool man so got my water got to   stay [Music] hydrated uh I'm from uh America  America yeah but my family is originally from   Pakistan oh you're Pakistan originally Pakistan  but I live in America yeah yeah so so we're   brothers okay brother all right so now we're  going to enter into this sport I do think you   I think you have to pay money to get inside uh  of course I'm not sure how much but we do have   to pay some money to go inside but any who oh wow  look at that so beautiful wow I'm so excited to   go inside there's nothing like Mughal Empire  architecture it's just very very magnificent   and captivating no no oh this is a line oh  there's a line okay go inside from here oh   okay okay thank you thank you this way okay all  right so you do have to wait online and then I   think you have to pay 200 taka all right EXC  me sorry sorry sorry okay all right so we do   have to wait online and then we'll go once we're  done with the fort we'll probably go explore the   old city a little bit this is like old daa hello  brother uh how much to go inside 200 now 200 huh Bangladesh Bangladesh brother I'm  from Bangladesh no I don't look like Bangladesh it's 200 right okay so  yeah 200 to get inside which is   like not even $2 thank you brother  all right let us make our way in I   got my Bangladesh Jersey on you  know I'm prepared today guys I'm prepared here it is thank you boss all right welcome wow this is amazing guys look at the backdrop of the old city oh  my God this is so cool wow oh and they have   a public toilet I do have to use the bathroom  real quick guys this is such a captivating site   and it's so cool because you know The Madness  of Dhaka which I've already explained but once   you enter here you just enter this hello Alum  you enter this like place of like huh you from   I'm from the US where are you from Bangladesh  where in Bangladesh banglades Dhaka Dhaka Dhaka   beautiful I like Dhaka it's a very nice city so  this is your first time seeing this place yeah   my first time uh you've been here many times  okay it's beautiful beautiful nice to meet you okay all right hello so quick bro history about this fort  so this fort was actually constructed in the   1600s to be specific around 1670s uh during the  Mogul Empire back when Pakistan Bangladesh and   India were not a thing yet it was all known as  the mugal Empire so at the time the person who   was in charge of the Bengal region so this was  the Bengal region of the mugal Empire and the   person who was in charge his name was Emperor  orb he was a very famous emperor in this area   and his son was the one who actually started  the construction of this fort so it was this   whole complex you have walls you had the place  where he actually lived you had a a mosque and   just their whole uh complex around here guarding  their palace and everything so this was built for   their living purposes as you can see and it wasn't  really used as a war Fort but more like just their   place to live and at the time in the 1600s uh and  1670s this Dhaka what is now known as Dhaka this   Bengal region was one of the most economically  thriving areas of the mugal Empire you know this   was like a lot where a lot of the rich mugal  lived was in this city I know you might not be   able to see that now because of the condition  of you know this city but this was one of the   most thriving places in the mugal Empire which is  amazing so this uh this fort is named lb lb Fort   L actually means red in Hindi and uh Bangladeshi  and Udu and it the name comes from famous forts in   the mugal Empire like the Red Fort if you guys  have ever heard of it so it was designed based   off of those ideas and Loosely based off of those  ideas and then this is what they came up with and   you can see a lot of the Mughal construction and  forts have a very similar architecture obviously   there the same idea behind it but each of them  have their own charm and this place definitely   has a beautiful charm and honestly I would pay  200 taka to just walk around here every day just   to get peace cuz this place gives you a sense  of peace that you don't get anywhere else in   Dhaka that I can promise you um yeah it's like  being in Central Park in New York you know you   just get away from the madness for a second and  the 200 taka is worth it I would come if I lived   here I would come take a walk here every single  day because just to get the feeling of peace and   serenity how are you brother what's going on uh  no no bung no buang oh B huh how are you good   how are you f what's your name yoyo yoyo let's  go where yo yo huh come on come on where yo oh   yo yo yo okay yo where do you I don't know this  kid is taking me somewhere where are you taking me huh huh I don't know okay sorry uh sorry you okay bye thankk I have no idea where the kid is  trying to take me man I'm just like yeah why   not um but yeah so I don't know what I was  saying but yeah the peace the Tranquility   that you feel once you come into this place  is amazing unprecedented it's beautiful Alum   guys how are you guys doing Alum I'm just  making a vlog about uh this fort um do you   guys come here a lot are you from Dhaka yeah  we from daa do you guys come visit this fort   quite a bit or just this is our first time  oh your first time why you've been living in   Dhaka your whole life there is so much place  to visit uh for is one of them okay and this   is our first time arriving here how do you I I'm  just so confused because you live here your whole   life but this is your first time uh like lak  Fort there is another place called PanAm City   PanAm City there are various historical places  like mugal mugal construction okay and LV Fort   uh if you leave this place you can find PanAm City  in sharo there it is one of another okay is this   like considered to be old Dhaka this is like old  Dhaka right uh where are you from I'm from America   America yeah yeah originally my family is from  Pakistan but I was born in America yeah yeah you I know it was the the guy named orb orb the the  emperor right and his son constructed this yeah   for his living and everything but this never this  was not for war this was not to protect against   War right no it was just a place to live yes  ah okay and you guys are young students in Daka   yes what what university do you attend Stanford  University Bangladesh oh very nice mashallah so   what are you guys studying Pharmacy Pharmacy  and you same same and you computer science   computer science very nice I wish you guys  the best of luck and thank you so much thank   you so much Salam alikum and you my friend do  visit olda Foods old Daka I'm going to go try   the street foods what is the best street food  in Dhaka which street should I go to na na Naj   baj najira bajer okay I'm going to remember  this thank you so much thank you what's up   bro all right so yeah you heard the young men  crazy cuz they've been living here their whole   life but this is their first time here I don't  know I guess that's how it is though like when   you live in a place you're not very curious about  the history I mean like I'm from New York there's   some places in New York that I've never visited  that are considered like long historical places   oh this is the grave of shaan bothside grave of  unknown yes brother what's name my name is meer   Myer travels YouTube YouTube yeah Meer travels  m y e r m y e r space travels travels thank you   yeah thank you bro make sure you subscribe like  comment thank you so much bro so yeah shaa Khan   was actually the lady who kind of took over the  construction once uh the emperor called back his   son he recalled his son from the construction  I'm not sure why you guys can let me know in   the comments but yes bro come on come on no need  bro no Need No need no need huh go ahead show me   how fast you can run b b b let's go let's go  hey whoa he's fast this kid won't leave me   alone but he's such a sweet kid I don't know  what to tell him I don't know how to tell him   I'm good but I already gave him some money I  don't know what else to do but by he's a nice   guy so whatever but yeah guys I'm just walking  around here and just taking in the piece until   before I have to go back out there into the  madness and just enjoying it soaking it all in this guy's a character he's funny as all right okay Jello go all right you can go inside yo yo yo wow looks like they  probably fixed this a little bit   from the inside there's no way this is  original cuz look the paint is fresh so   it's definitely been redone but it that  being said it's still very beautiful yes   this guy is just taking me to different  places and I have no idea where [Music] the hamong bath house is square shaped and  consists of five rooms it's a bath house at   the top Corner such as changing room restroom  water heating closets looks like there's some   weird stuff going on in here back in the  days a bath house the unfortunate thing   is that you can't go inside the house  this is their home or was once their   home but they've locked it up you can no  longer go inside but let's see if we can like huh I think this one is still in like  kind of original condition so it' be really   nice to be able to go inside and see it but  unfortunately they don't allow us the grave   oh cuz there's graves in here too so it would be  kind of B man look at this it's pretty original I   think I don't think they changed this one up  all right guys that was the fort had a great   time at the okay bro bye so um right now I'm with  my friend Ronnie Ronnie right that's how you this   is Ronnie Ronnie he actually is a businessman  here in Bangladesh I'm a photographer you're   a photographer so he's uh he's in the similar  trade you know we're all we're all just filming   here um so what kind of Photography do you do  wedding photography wedd and portrait wedding   and portrait so if you guys are in Dhaka and you  need a good photographer hit him my boy roony I   will leave his information in the description and  he's a very nice gentleman he's uh met me here   we're going to explore the old city of of Dhaka  a little bit so outside of the fort there is uh   this is like the old city of Dhaka correct yeah  and the the old taka starts from here basically   okay uh so we are just going to the dip okay of  the old taka okay let's walk very nice so we're   going to explore this Old City see what wonders  The Old City brings and um try not to get hit by   a bike on the way that's also another thing that  you have to do when you're walking here this is   one of the widest roads in Old I know I know I saw  some of the streets are very tight so guys when   you're walking when you're walking here in Old  Daka you have to be very okay by okay the little   kid is still following me from the PT but um yeah  when you're walking here in Bangladesh man just   be careful because the driving here is INS yeah  yeah um other than that the people are great but   just the driving here is insane so vlogging and  walking is is definitely hazardous look at these   wires hanging so if we touch one of these wires  will we get electrocuted or no probably so guys   you got to be careful of hanging wires man this is  very similar to the Philippines you know I I never   understood how all of these wires are bunched up  and if somebody has to fix a wire how do they find   I don't know it's literally a science it always  amazes me oh wow let's get some fresh fruit man   got a guy cutting so who got to watch oh my  gosh all right so here we have a guy cutting   some fresh pineapple bro you want to eat some  pineapple no can we just buy like a piece [Music] or you can have it one or two pieces don't one or  two pieces okay and how much this total uh thing   is 20 T okay okay without the Masala no salt no  oh no no salt why is it is it good with the salt   or no yeah a bit Spicer okay I'll try a little  bit little bit of Sal what do they call that beit   Lon beit Lon what is it like Masala salt spicy  salt salt so they put like some Masala in it or something yeah some spices  and the salt they Blended see thank you brother thank you so much salum  you know guys one thing about being in other   countries that I don't get back in the US  is the availability of good fresh fruit as   you're walking through the streets you know so  I always take advantage of it by the way I paid   like 20 daaka for this which is literally like 2  cents sorry but think I'm disturbing him oh wow   that's salty very salty that's salt it's very  salty but because the pineapple is so sweet it   balances it perfectly it's actually really  good really really yummy brother oh my man   whipping up Alum how are you what is this pakora  looks like a pakora P paju paju yeah it's made   of onion almond onion onions onions and on is  p oh P yeah I know P yeah nice uh can I try onean it will take 5 to 7 minutes okay no  worries next time next time we got to keep   it moving is this not as busy as it usually  is this street no this is not busy because   it's Saturday yeah yeah because Saturday  is a holiday that's crazy man guys if you   think this is busy you ain't seeing nothing  look my man ripping up some popper popper so uh some more Street snacks HRI porri I know  porri this is this is Boni Boni what is Boni   uh bringel made out of bringel I don't know what  that is brel uh you know what let's try one of these how much for one I don't know  huh Maybe 5 5 do you have the change   I don't have change let me let me okay  I'll get you on the next thing sorry   don't worry thank you bigil viil  beoni beoni oh beoni sorry sorry sorry Modi Modi like Boni huh Indian CRI Minister  like Boni oh then I don't like it I'm just kidding   wow this is good I think I know what this is  It's it's um b b yeah egpl egpl eggplant guys   so this is eggplant it's like a not a fully  ripened eggplant it's a bit it's a bit raw of   an eggplant but it's really yummy beoni beoni is  like ban similar ah see sometimes I recognize some   words cuz I speak U there's very there's a lot  of crossover words between Bangladeshi and Udu   so you know one cool thing about Bang this that I  noticed is it doesn't matter where you are you can   always find snacks like Street snacks it's a lot  of them you know some countries I go to there's   like designated spots for street food but here you  can pretty much find Street everywhere everywhere   you ask me what's the best place I I it's hard  to recommend because everywhere is street food yeah so guys you don't want to be Beyond these  walls and the reason why is because no it's not a   fort it is actually a jail it's a operating jail  right it's currently like people are prisoners   are inside wow is it like the biggest prison in  Daka or uh probably the biggest in Dhaka W it's   amazing it's just in the middle of the city  it's so weird cuz usually jails are like away   from the city yeah outside or edge of the city  but this is like just right here in the middle   of the old city so we're actually heading over  to a Bazaar one of the most famous bazars right   what is it called choke Bazar choke Bazar and  what is it famous for uh it's famous for its   business I guess okay they have all sorts  of wholesale uh products there and on the   Ramadan days uh they have the biggest if Market  okay very nice very very famous okay [Music] we have officially entered choke Bazar  and Rony was not lying this place is   very busy and you know what's crazy  is this is not even as busy as it gets yeah this is a day off imagine this way all  right let's go welcome to choke Bazaar this   is a this is what you call sensory  overload there's food there's fruit   there's things being sold people Ricks and  smells everywhere there's just things going on everywhere wow oh what a beautiful mjid what's the name of this Masjid I'm not sure  it's a beautiful mid in the middle of the old city   choke Bazar man it's Madness brother you want  some fruit no okay trying to give away these   pineapple yeah maybe somebody would I don't  want to waste it you know wow guys this is amazing lot of shops yeah let's go let's seeum  how are you brother like how are you brother pan   are you from Pakistan yeah yeah yeah good  alhamdulillah alhamdulillah my brother uh   so you are a businessman here yes very  good what kind of business do you have   alhamdulillah business what's your business  this one ah chi CH for girls very nice it's   a good business ald how long have you been  in this place how much time years 30 years   mashallah good job man Bangladeshi people are  very strong businessmen okay brother yeah guys   you know I've been saying this like around the  world if you go and you look who are some of the   strongest businessmen in every country you'll  find Bangladeshi people and when you come to   Bangladesh you realize why they are such resilient  businessmen cuz running business here is not easy man just crazy guys look at this what she sayess useless this girl just called  me a useless vlogger man hey tell her   it is useful man this is how people see your  country and they come you know people don't [Music] realize one thing uh as I'm walking  through this old Bazaar it definitely gives   me the same kind of feeling that I felt when I  was walking through the old city of lore um I   think this is a little bit busier than the old  city of lore but similar construction similar   Vibe as the old city of lore for sure this is  kind of busy this is busy yeah definitely and   look at all these people just moving these  boxes and things along the street these are   like the couriers they get things around now  over here guys one thing you got to be careful   of is pickpocketing Bangladeshi people are very  peaceful people but like any other crowded City   you do have to be careful of pickpocketing so  keep your things locked up in a zipper pocket   if you have one or else you won't be having your  phone after a few minutes hello thank you uh us us look at this traffic jam guys a bicycle  traffic jam pedestrian traffic J oh boy oh boy oh sh this guys walking here is honestly  hazardous you have to be very careful hello brother hello brother how are you doing  good good Candi uh I'm from us oh yeah   where are you from Bangladesh Daka D old  Oldtown Dhaka what is special about the   Old Town brother Chaz Chaz okay thank you  wow guys look at this man so many [Music] people all through this place how are you brother have business this your business  umbrella umbrella business very very   specific business umbrella business it's good  good business Bangladesh yeah too much rain   that's why yeah oh my country is US USA  but now I'm Bangladesh Joy Bangla okay brother I think every like Bangladeshi citizen  even if they're not educated they still have a   little bit of knowledge of English right yes like  they can speak the like basic words you know uh   yes no very good we have a common phrase yes no  very good means a very basic English very basic   no but dude some some countries you go to people  don't even know yes no very good so to me that's   like impressive no but in Bangladesh yeah we know  yes no people have yeah yes no very good go very oh so one thing I noticed here as I walk through  through here I noticed that there's um like   different religions of people in Bangladesh also  right I think people are under the impression that   uh Bangladesh is only a Muslim country no this is  absolutely not true okay what what other religions   are majority in probably we have uh around 90%  of Muslims I'm not sure the exact number okay uh   and the rest are Hindus they are 8 to 9% and the  rest are Buddhist and Christian Christian okay so   yeah and you know what's cool guys like you do see  Hindu people walking and Muslim people walking in   the same places it's not like there's like a is  there like a tension between religions in bangl   okay so people get along I I have a couple of  Hindu friends very good friends yeah so guys don't   get don't get misconstrued with these stereotypes  that people say about Muslim countries that that   Muslims and Hindus don't get along that's just  political stuff a lot of the products that they   sell in this market are they made in Bangladesh  or everything I I think uh 95% of of those   products are made in even these products like  these household products wow man you know guys   that's amazing man like it came from everywhere  around the around the country okay like they   they send it everywhere they send it and uh some  products they imported the raw materials other   District okay got it got it brother he's carving  in a name into the what is this name some name   somebody customer customer wow so he he actually  carves in the customer's name it's extra cost yeah   money money ah extra money yeah good good this is  for Biryani bani bani very nice okay brother thank   you that's interesting so you can get your  own custom carved Biryani pop that's pretty cool all right guys we're going  to get on a ricka the old school rias all right this is going to be an interesting  experience riding in ARA through this busy uh   no I took one yesterday but not in a busy  place like this so it's going to be very interesting but guys look at this architecture  man some of these buildings are older than 200   years man and they're still holding up somehow so  where we headed now uh Shard launch terminal what   is the launch like where the planes take off no  launch is the bigger version of our engine boat   oh okay okay okay so it's like we call it a launch  launch okay so it's like where the naval boats are   or uh no no no no the public boat and uh they  transport people uh from Daka to uh uh to the South so guys we are driving through a place known as  Bangla Bazar right outside of Choke Bazaar and   this is actually the largest book Market in uh in  Daka and you can find all kinds of paperback hard   cover books here you can even make books here  right uh like people make their own books yeah   so we crossed it yeah so this is the shurat  sh sh that's where we're going okay so this   is where we're going guys it's like a port if  if I translate uh it into English yeah Shad   shadur is the city city and G is the terminal  terminal City terminal City terminal so it's   like a port the Daka River Port all right guys  we have entered the what is this called again   uh shut shod launch terminal launch terminal  okay look at this man this is crazy so we're   about to see some of these huge boats that people  take to ride around the country it's like a city   in itself when you enter here it feels like  a city you know wow wow look at these boats   holy crap these are huge it's like a mansion  it's like cruise ships you haven't seen before   in I've seen in videos but I haven't seen this  like in person like this wow and these are the   medium Siz these are medium sized wow it's not  even the biggest jeez so is this like the most   common form of Transport in Bangladesh for like  the locals it was it was it was uh before uh we   uh build the uh Bridge uh so now people uh travel  by bus because uh it takes uh very less time than   the launch and it's more cheaper or uh BS is  I think I think launch is cheaper if you take   the deck okay where uh most of the people  uh visit but the cabins are expensive the   bus okay okay and these guys are telling people  where they're going and stuff they're [Music] marketing it's loud all right guys about to get on  this oh yeah second let me just get in okay oh okay okay very very shaky guys  very shaky boat we're going to get in oh   oh oh [ __ ] all right do we sit down or  stand up better sit down better sit down   just sit on this yeah just just sit down here  anywhere anywhere anywhere you like just just   sit it will be comfortable for you okay cool  all all right guys I don't swim so this is a   no no no don't wor okay all right here we  are guys we are now in a boat as you can see Hello captain Captain T okay let's go all   right guys we're going to get set  sail on our little wooden canoe here now I don't think you would want to swim in  these Waters uh very these don't look like the   best Waters to take a swim in so as boats come  in we are getting out of here let's make our way the waves yeah you got to be careful with these waves it's amazing man how old  do you think this boat is I don't know 2 years 2 years it looks  like it's been around for 50 so this guy does about 20 of these trips back  and forth every day it's not easy work man I   was saying this earlier people work very hard  to make a dollar in this country man like we're   paying this guy a dollar almost to take us  across the river so if he does 20 of these   a day he's making making like close to $20 a  day for working probably over 9 hours 10 hours   a day you know it's hard work man people work  hard around the world so for those of us who   are blessed enough to you know have good a good  life good resources and a good job we have to be   thankful for it man cuz when you travel and you  see how people how hard people work just to make   just to put food on the table it really humbles  you and shows you like how blessed shows me how   blessed I am you know so that side Port that side  is like the shipping that's the dock do Shing do   shipping dock they they build and breake ships  there they build and breake ships so like things   that go from Bangladesh around the world they go  through this port uh no no there's another one   yeah that's in chagang chagang that's the big p  yeah okay the Sun is setting guys this is such a   beautiful ride man Sun is setting but the waves  is very scary to me well they're not too wavy   but yeah it's you have to be careful cuz the big  boats they give on a lot of wake you know so so   is there like a difference between this side and  this side uh difference yeah like what is there   like a is there are a lot of shopping malls okay  yeah so this is more modern yeah yeah and no this   is more mod that's more modern oh okay and this  is like older H yeah okay okay wow look at these boats why are these guys banging  on the boat they're breaking it   they breaking it oh okay okay these  guys are breaking the boat it's too old and we have arrived on the other side that was a fun ride guys it's only like  a 10-minute ride but it's super fun you should   definitely experience it if you come to daa  and it's cheap and it's cheap super cheap Mone for [Music] [Music] look at these guys loading  up these onions how are you Boss wow all right guys we just got off the boat  it was a beautiful ride like really really nice   to be on the river and kind of just see the  whole city it's definitely an experience you   need to get here in Old Dhaka but with that  being said guys this has been my tour of the   old Dhaka the old Bazaar the fort I wanted  to just show you the lay of the land here   and show you the old city because it is uh  very very historical and beautiful hope you   guys enjoyed this video I'm going to wrap it up  here more Bangladesh videos coming very soon so   stay tuned and don't forget to subscribe  like comment share remember continue to   learn continue to grow and there is no growth  until you leave your comfort zone I'll see you   guys on the next one peace out you want to  say hello hello everyone Salam alikum hello
Channel: Myer Travels
Views: 20,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dhaka city, dhaka bangladesh, bangladesh vlog, myer travels bangladesh
Id: 7wev2DaQbuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 26sec (2666 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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