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hey guys welcome back it's me it's bella i hope you're all having an incredible day today oh what is wrong with me today i look like an egg today but i couldn't be bothered to do my as per usual so this is what we're dealing with today we are going to be covering another mystery monday case another australian case and we're going to be talking about the murder of janelle patton and this is technically a solved case like someone is in jail for this murder but there's a lot of speculation still about whether or not they actually committed the crime whether or not they maybe hadn't accomplished who's yet to be discovered or maybe even their covering for somebody this kind took place on norfolk island which is this really small little island in the pacific ocean between australia and new zealand it's a self-governing territory of australia and it has its own laws and strict customs and immigration regulations and it is super small like the whole island is like 35 kilometers squared it had a population at the time in 2002 of around 1300 people and it was almost like a small rural town in the way that it's a really tight-knit community everyone knows everyone and it's considered to be a really super friendly and safe place too like everyone leaves their windows and their doors unlocked because the violent crime rate is so low like there had not been a single murder and this little island's over 150 year history at the time this took place before we get into the case though i do just want to thank today's sponsor native they are seriously amazing there is no aluminium no parabens and they are completely vegan and cruelty free as well these feel incredible they're like this silky texture they're not sticky at all and they dry really really fast so they are amazing all year round on the go in summer and they smell incredible i cannot even describe how good these smell to you guys and the smell lasts all day even after exercising still smells good i have the cucumber mint and the sweet peach and nectar which smells so fresh and light and amazing this one is definitely my favorite one this is the midnight jasmine and sage and i cannot even describe to you how this smells but it smells so good native also offers a plastic free version of their deodorants which is pretty much the same thing same formula it's just a different more sustainable packaging and they also have a bunch more products like body wash and toothpaste as well so make sure you guys check them out too so normally three deodorants are 36 but if you guys use my link which i will put in the description down below and my code you can get the three for 24. which is 33 off and you can also get 20 off the body washes and the toothpaste so make sure you guys check that out i will leave all of the information down below and let's go ahead and get into today's case janelle patton was born on the 30th of june in 1972 in pennant hills in sydney to rob and carol patton and growing up she was described as a bright girl she had a very close relationship with her parents and a loyal friend group she was kind and caring and loved music she played the clarinet the piano and even joined the school band but she was also described as opinionated and bossy when she was just five years old one of her teachers sent home a report card with a message that said janelle had settled quite well and is academically above average there is however a social problem janelle tends to take over her friends her work sessions and her play sessions and unless this can be rectified i fear that her husband will be sorely hempect which the husband comment like i just find so weird and unnecessary because she was literally five years old like she was in kindergarten when her parents received this the audacity of that teacher to send that home to a five-year-old girl's parents saying yeah her husband's gonna be severely hand-packed because um at five years old she tends to take over her friends a little bit sometimes anyway after finishing high school janelle went to university for orthopedics for a year before dropping out and instead got a number of jobs at different banks over the next five years and over this five-year period she had a few relationships as well most of which seemed to be pretty turbulent she dated this one guy from the navy who asked her to quit her job in sydney and move to adelaide for him and she decided not to do that and they then continued to date and hung out every time that he was in sydney and then the relationship ended with the guy facing an assault charge janelle promised everyone she told everyone that her jaw had broken from falling over on the dance floor but nobody in her life believed that she also dated another guy named todd and she really liked this guy she wanted to settle down with this guy but he didn't feel the same and the relationship ended and it really severely affected her and her self-confidence she then went on this downward spiral where she was drinking a lot she was taking a lot of antidepressants and this continued until october of 1999 when janelle was 27 years old and she decided to quit her job leave the hustle and bustle in sydney and move to norfolk island she got a job at the south pacific hotel there and for the most part she settled in really well she made friends she had several relationships and flings with guys and she'd been working on the island for about two years when her parents ron and carol came for a visit in easter of 2002. and janelle was so excited for this visit like as i mentioned earlier she had a very close relationship with her parents and in the lead up to them coming to visit her she was just telling everyone her friends her colleagues about how excited she was for her parents to come and visit her they arrived on the 30th of march janelle met them at the airport and drove them around gave them a bit of a grand tour of the island and then they went for dinner at the castaway hotel where janelle had recently started working and as they entered the dining room she was like everybody everybody these are my parents and everyone you know stopped what they were doing they said hello and they gave them all a big clap because everybody on the island practically knew how excited janelle was for her parents to visit at 9 00 p.m janelle and her parents said good night and they organized to meet up for lunch the next day after janelle's morning shift and her daily walk the next day so 31st of march 2002 which is easter sunday janelle is 29 years old by this point and she goes into work at 7 a.m for her morning shift her co-worker said she had been skipping and dancing and singing around the place all morning because she was in such a good mood because her parents were there and she was excited to go and get lunch with them after her shift and she clocks off at around 11 10 a.m from work she goes to food lane which is the main supermarket on the island and she's captured on security footage there at 11 16 am as she leaves the supermarket she bumps into her landlady ruth mccoy and janelle gives her some easter eggs that she bought for ruth and her family and then she heads back to her little cottage which was situated at the back of ruth's house on allendale drive and then at around 11 30 a.m when ruth was driving home herself she saw janelle heading out for her daily walk which took her down ruty hill road toward queen elizabeth lookout a woman named jody williams was driving her child around trying to get them to fall asleep and she said she drove past janelle at around 11 40 am walking toward the lookout shortly after this a woman named marie forsythe who was the woman who lived on the very last house before the lookout said that she saw janelle talking to one or two people who were sitting inside a white car about 10 minutes later when jodie williams drove back down rudy hill road she said that she didn't see janelle or anybody else on the road at 11 45 am there were two men having a cup of tea in a house on rudy hill road when they heard a sound that they described as sounding like a child crying and they didn't really think too much of it because one of the men had a brother who had children and he just thought that his brother had shown up and one of the kids was crying but when nobody came to the door and there were no further sounds they had to look outside and his brother wasn't there at the norfolk golf club which was just down the road from queen elizabeth lookout a man named arthur keeping heard screaming but by the time he went outside to see what was going on the screaming had stopped and he couldn't tell where it had come from that morning ron and carol had gone out for breakfast before heading back to their hotel to wait for janelle and they waited till about 1pm when they thought that you know something had come up she needed to go and do something she was running a little late she got stuck behind at work whatever the case may be and they decided to go down to emily bay to wait for her and they stuck a little note on their front door just in case she showed up just letting her know where to find them they got back to their hotel at around 2 30 and found the notes still stuck to their door so by this point they were getting a little worried they tried calling her a few times and all of the calls went unanswered by 4 pm they're getting really stressed out about the fact that they haven't heard from her so they decided to go down to her cottage and see what was going on when they got there they saw that janelle's car was still there and they went up to the front door and realized that the front door was unlocked which wasn't too unusual because it was a really safe community and everyone felt pretty comfortable on the island leaving their windows and doors unlocked most of the time they had a little look around the cottage and everything seemed to be normal nothing seemed to be you know crazy trash anything like that and about 20 minutes later one of janelle's friends katie knobs shows up at the house as well and ron and carol told them you know we're a bit worried we were meant to get lunch with her we still haven't seen or heard from her so katie calls the castaway hotel and they say that they haven't seen or heard from her since she clocked off at 11 10 am that morning katie then suggests that they should go and retrace her daily walk because she takes the same route every single day so the three of them walk the length of the route and find absolutely no signs of janelle ron and carol then decide to head back to the hotel and they tell the manager of the hotel what's going on and he makes a few calls around the island but nobody has seen or heard from janelle at that point ron and carol decided to call the police it was 7 50 pm and when they spoke to the police the officer on the phone asked them to come down to the station right away when they arrived at the station they were escorted into a private room and they were told that there had been an incident that a tourist from new zealand who was visiting the island at around 6 30 p.m had found the body of a woman at cockpit waterfall reserve this tourist had been walking through cockpit waterfall reserve when she saw a black plastic sheet and when she got closer to see what was underneath it she saw body parts sticking out of the sheeting and immediately called the police and a detective was on the scene within 10 minutes the woman's body was lying face down and her shorts and underwear were cut and pulled down and based on that first impression the detectives believed that this may have been a sexually motivated crime other officers arrived at the crime scene soon after the discovery and lighting was put up so that the crime scene could be processed that night the woman whose body was discovered was officially pronounced dead at 7 56 pm so just six minutes after ron and carol called the police the body was found in really bad state there were injuries from head to toe so officers didn't want to put janelle's parents running carol through the traumatizing experience of having to identify their daughter's body especially considering the state she was found in so they decided to contact her landlady ruth mccoy to come down and immediately as soon as she saw her she knew it was the body of janelle pretty soon after this everybody in the island knew about the murder and it wasn't long before it made news headlines worldwide and the locals on the island were just in shock like they were scared they couldn't believe it because it was the first matter in over 150 years so i'm sure at that point it just didn't feel like something that was even a possibility of happening and because of that it's why the locals were convinced that this was an outsider or a tourist who committed this murder because they didn't think that it was possible for somebody who lived on the island to have committed such a crime and on top of that you know they were scared they were worried that this wasn't just a one-off attack they were worried that whoever killed janelle was targeting other single you know females of her age i felt like that because maybe he was after young people or maybe someone who was associated with her you just don't know what's going through a person who could do that it's mine so police jumped right into the investigation and the australian federal police from canberra were contacted to come over to the island to assist forensic pathologist alan carla conducted the post-mortem exam and he found that janelle had 64 injuries on her body which extended from her head all the way down to her feet there were a lot of superficial cuts on her face the front of her neck and her right shoulder and these cuts were caused by a sharp object like a knife or a broken piece of bottle she had a deep slash across her face caused by a knife and a stab wound in her eye that fractured her skull there were several lacerations or skinned hairs on her head and fragments of glass were found in her hair so dr carla believed that those injuries were caused by a blunt object like a bottle or a vase janelle had a number of broken bones including a dislocated ankle and a fractured pelvis there were grazes on her back bruises all over her body including some that were a very distinctive shape like there was one that was like the shape of a letter m and it looked like a rod or a tie lever may have been used to cause some of these bruises she had round grip marks on her arms near her wrist which indicated that either the attacker or an accomplice grabbed her wrist and restrained her while the attack was taking place there were cuts on her lower legs just above the ankle which were caused by a knife there were multiple abrasions on her knees there were also extensive defensive wounds indicating that janelle had fought for her life the webbing between her index finger and her thumb had actually been sliced so deeply that her thumb was almost severed from the rest of her hand and there was also a cut along the inside of her fingers which was a clear defensive wound and it was likely that she was like trying to grab the knife that she was being stabbed with dr carla concluded that the fatal wound was a stab to her chest it went 15 meters inside her chest it punctured her lung and also hit the side of her chest cage dr kala also believed that based on the extensive defensive injuries that there was only one attacker as he believes two people would have been able to overpower her quite quickly however there is evidence to suggest that there may have been two attackers which we will talk about later a microscopic inspection of janelle's body was conducted and they found green and white flecks of paint on her clothes her shorts in her hair on her body and also underneath her fingernails and dr cutler said this was a very like a rare type of paint and he believed that if they found the origin of this paint they would also find the killer on the 3rd of april the lead detective detective sergeant bob peters was flown in and the case was given the code name operation dunedin investigators spent the first few days of the investigation tracking janelle's last hours alive examining the area her body was found in and establishing the approximate time she was left there there was a heavy rainstorm at about 3 30 which lasted for about 15 minutes and there was a lot of water from this rainstorm and there was also pools of water on the black plastic sheeting that janelle's body was wrapped in meaning that she had been placed there before this storm took place and that meant that because of this rainfall very important forensic evidence could have been washed away you know tire prints footprints blood dna and other evidence could have been washed away by this rain there was actually a group of four boys who went down to the cockpit waterfall reserve at around 3 57 and rode boogie boards down the hill after the rain and they filmed it and in the background of one of the videos you can actually see the black plastic sheet janelle's body was wrapped in in the background and these boys had absolutely no idea bob peters believed that the time and place the body was done was very significant considering most people aren't going to want to go and dump a body in broad daylight in a popular tourist location so he believes that whoever dumped the body must have been in some sort of time rush they must have had a partner coming home from work or they must have had people coming over that afternoon to entertain hence why they couldn't wait until dark to dispose of the body the black plastic sheet that was used to wrap janelle's body in when it was dumped was sent off to mainland australia for testing and it was found that there were 10 smudged partial fingerprints from a number of different people so investigators went ahead and compiled a list of every single person that was on the island that day and as i mentioned earlier norfolk island has very strict immigration control so it made it pretty easy to figure out who was there that day there were slightly more than 2 700 people on the island that day including residents tourists and visitors and police ask every single one of those people between the ages of 15 and 70 to voluntarily submit their fingerprints and dna for testing to you know test them against the smudge prints found on the black sheeting even though obviously getting a match to somebody's fingerprints on the black plastic sheeting didn't necessarily mean they were guilty because there's a number of reasons that somebody's fingerprints could have been on that black plastic sheeting but it would still definitely narrow down the suspect pool however only 1300 of those 2 700 people actually volunteered to submit their fingerprints in dna in may police sent every single one of those 2 700 people over the age of 10 these surveys which basically were about what they did on easter sunday if they knew janelle how they knew janelle that sort of thing it basically was to help them link people to places and times and that sort of thing 84 of tourists that were on the island that day completed the survey and only 56 percent of residents did on the 7th of april janelle's mother carol went to her cottage to get the remainder of her things and while she was there she discovered a diary underneath janelle's pillow and janelle wrote in this diary a lot about everything that was happening in her life her relationships her friendships so it was really helpful to police over the next two years bob peters and his team worked on this case tirelessly but it was a really difficult investigation not only had the heavy rainfall washed away any possible forensic evidence that there might have been but norfolk island was a very unique and complicated place it was like a tight-knit community sort of like a rural town with a lot of complicated relationships and friendships behind the scenes i'll read you a little quote about what bob peters said about norfolk island in regards to the investigation he said i don't think anyone from outside could give you a good assessment of what norfolk island is really about after a couple of years even after a number of years it's a fairly unique sort of a place in some regards it's like a small rural community but they're surrounded by oceans with no roads going in or out in may of 2004 bob peters decided to hold an inquest where he named 16 persons of interest the first two were jenelle's parents ron and carol because you know with most murders you have to look at those closest to the victim because majority of the time that's who the crime is committed by and it was also a huge coincidence that they just happened to arrive on the island just 24 hours before the murder occurred but they were ruled out pretty quickly they submitted their fingerprints their dna and they were fully cooperative with police throughout the entire investigation okay so i'll just try and really quickly go over the other 14 people that were on this list of persons of interest so two of the names on the list are susan fields and charles mangetti susan fields was one of janelle's first friends when she moved to norfolk island in 1999 she actually helped janelle find a place to live with charles mangetti susan and charles were neighbors charles had a spare room and so janelle i guess moved into that spare room for just a week though because after just one week charles kicked janelle out of his house he said that she would stay up really late drinking and have the music on really loud she would lecture him about his diet and he would get calls late at night and so she actually hated that and ripped his handset from the wall oh and on top of that she accused susan who was married with a ten-year-old child of having an affair with charles so naturally he kicked her out and then a few months later in august janelle and susan got in this huge fight like like a big fight like susan got charged with assault it was like a physical fight susan's whereabouts on the day of the murder were also very contradicting but susan provided her fingerprints they weren't a match to any of the fingerprints on the black plastic sheeting and they couldn't tie it to the crime in any other way charles also had a few people actually call the police to give his name as a possible suspect and they said things like in early 2002 they saw him go up to janelle storm up to her grab her hair and say cut your out or i'll sort you out he also allegedly told a friend just five days after the murder hey if the cops come looking for me just tell them that i was drinking with you on sunday night because of that police actually went as far as to search his house and his cars but they found nothing he provided his fingerprints and ultimately was ruled out as a suspect so after being kicked out of charles's place janelle then moved in with his brother paul mangetti and his children so the next two people on the list were paul mangetti and his partner robin now the time that janelle moved in he wasn't with robin yet and he was a 50 year old widower with four children and they started a romantic relationship him and janelle their relationship lasted for about nine months before he asked her to leave janelle then moved into another place before finally setting in the cottage behind ruth mccoy's house now despite janelle and paul ending things they still decided to see each other like two to three times a week and janelle wrote about this in her diary and just a little side note about this whole inquest and this diary thing i just find it so bizarre because most of the information that i'm giving you about these 16 people was gathered from janelle's diary and the police just randomly decided to air out all of their dirty laundry for the wild to hear for what reason i mean tea but also i wouldn't be very happy like poor charles and susan for example they're like hey um susan's husband she may have been having an affair so you might just want to check that out may destroy your relationship but we check their fingerprints in their dna and they're totally good not suspects anymore um but here's everything we know about them and all of their dirty laundry and their problems like these people who had nothing to do with the murder they're just putting their relationships on blasts for no reason police were just like yeah let's have a little fun with this one huh anyway so janelle wrote about paul in her diary in may of 2001 she wrote about how paul stood her up and then also like spat in her face one time and this was before they broke up they broke up for good a couple of months later in august of 2001 and shortly after paul started seeing this other woman named rubber murder this is what she wrote on the 19th of october in her diary she goes spoke to jab which is paul's nickname by the way spoke to jab love it love your spirit janelle found out he's been ruining robin and has been since kurt's birthday of their abouts told him he's my first enemy on norfolk and then after this janelle showed up at robin's house and she would just knock really hard on the doors and windows like three separate times she also showed up at paul's place one time and he threatened to call the police and she continued to call both of them t am i right it's so messed up right especially because police question paul and he said that janelle was possessive obsessive she was clingy and she was hard to live with they took his fingerprints they took his dna all clear he couldn't be tied to the murder same for robin but they're like hey just here's all this stuff about them he spat on her enjoy the next person on the list was paul's daughter dana mangetti and she was actually in brisbane finishing off school at the time that janelle moved into the house but when she moved back to norfolk island after school she wasn't a fan of janelle didn't like her they fought janelle wrote in her diary about how she didn't like dana but dana's fingerprints were tested and she was cleared i won't go through everybody else on the list because otherwise we'll just be here forever and it also just seems unnecessary because all of them had their fingerprints dna tested wasn't a match and none of them could be tied to the murder which is why i just feel like it was so counterproductive to just go out there and be like yeah these are 16 people that we had as persons of interest um this is all their dirty laundry but they've all been ruled out at the moment but you know have fun on the island now that you all know this about each other the inquest and all of this information being released as i'm sure you can imagine um it definitely caused a lot of problems on norfolk island and the people of norfolk island actually requested an apology for police doing this we had to put up with negatives i think they were blown out of all proportion i think if you were to look at people of her age group at that time and their behavior and what they were doing it wasn't that much different from what her age group was doing and after this inquest a reward of 300 000 was offered to try and get some new information in the case because police were kind of at a standstill at this time but it wasn't long before police got their major breakthrough when they decided to re-examine all of the evidence and all fingerprints in their database not just the fingerprints that have been given voluntarily this is when police found the fingerprints of glenn mcneill glenn mcneil was a chef originally from nelson new zealand he moved to norfolk with his girlfriend alicia taylor in june of 2000 and a few years later in january of 2002 they got married glenn had previously been interviewed about a minor break and enter case and during this interview his fingerprints were taken it was obviously completely unrelated to the murder so his fingerprints were in a separate file which is why they weren't discovered until 2004 when police mass reviewed all fingerprints on record when they ran mcneil's prince against the 10 smudged partial fingerprints on the black sheeting that was used to cover janelle's body his were a match to two of those fingerprints when police looked further into him they found that while he was on norfolk island he had a white honda registered to him and police were just like okay this is way too much of a coincidence considering a white honda was seen on rudy hill road at around the time of the murder they also discovered that his marriage had ended soon after the matter and he had moved back to nelson new zealand gotten with a new partner and had two children so i mean he was gone he obviously wasn't just still driving this white honda around so police decided to put an alert out on norfolk island for everybody on the island to look out for this car and it wasn't long before somebody found this car abandoned on their property which was not far from mcniel's former home in december of 2004. police came out to see the car and they were able to positively identify it as mcniel's the car was then towed to a secure garage where it wouldn't be contaminated and search warrants were executed on the car mcniel's old flat the grounds of his old flat and on the house next door which had been a building site at the time of the murder over the next three days a team of investigators then conducted a microscopic examination of the car and in this car police found flecks of green and white paint which matched those found on janelle's body in both his car and his former flat they found green glass like the green glass found in janelle's hair and they got a specialist to come and inspect this and the glass found in janelle's hair and the glass found in his house in his car were determined to have been from the same melt meaning they were made at the same time for the same purpose they also found a tiny fragment of a wine label on one of these fragments of glass and as i mentioned earlier it was determined by the forensic pathologist that janelle had likely been attacked with a vase or a bottle in his garden police also found a black plastic sheet much like the sheet that was used to wrap janelle's body in in the boot of his car they found human dna and human hairs but the hairs weren't suitable to be tested like the regular way you would test dna on hairs so they instead had to send it off to the us to be tested in a way that's more complex called mitochondrial dna testing all i can think about when i hear it is the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell baby but basically mitochondrial dna testing tests the maternal lineage of the dna so along with sending off the hairs in the boot they also had to send off some of janelle's mum's hairs as well to be tested against the results for these tests took 12 months to get back like the investigators must have just been sitting there like ripping their hair out waiting for these because it's such a ridiculous time period the first lab that they sent it to actually took so long they kept pushing it back and back and back that someone from australia had to fly over there get the dna from this lab and take it to a second lab who did not do the same thing they didn't keep pushing it back and back and back during this 12-month period police managed to locate mcneil in new zealand and they put him under surveillance and then eventually in early 2006 police get the mitochondrial dna testing from the hair's back and it's a match to janelle's family's dna and then to prove that it was janelle's hair in that car and not one of her family members they got janelle's mother father brother and uncle or to sign sworn affidavits that they had never been in the brute of that car or in the boot of any other car on norfolk island the hair the glass the paint the fingerprints the black plastic sheeting found in his backyard meant that police finally had sufficient evidence for an arrest warrant of glenn mcneill detective sergeant bob peters flew to new zealand and on the 1st of february in 2006 at 5 30 pm glenn mcneil was arrested he was taken to nelson police station and despite the fact that he was warned repeatedly that he didn't have to talk he agrees to an interview and just straight up confesses to the matter he said that the morning of the murder he smoked some weed and went out for a drive and at one point during his drive he took his eyes off the road to bend down to pick up a pack of cigarettes and as he did so he accidentally hit janelle he stopped thinking he'd hit an animal he got out of his car and realized that there was a body under his car and then as i got out of my car i looked onto the car and she was under there stuck under my car thinking he had killed her he picked her body up put it in the boot of his car and then drove home where he stayed for an hour or two smoking weed and taking some pills until he heard some groaning coming from his car that's when he decided to pick up one of his chef fish filleting knives go to the car open the boot and this is what he reckons he did he reckons he looked away and just did a you know quick little stab into the boot to kill her what did you do then i drove back home and sat back home and i just sat at home for about an hour or two and then i grabbed the black plastic from out the back and i grabbed a knife and i think i stabbed her he said she didn't fight she didn't show any resistance he then got a black plastic sheet to cover her up and before his wife got home alicia he had to drive the body down to cockpit waterfall reserve where he dumped the body after disposing of the body he then went home and played video games as if he didn't just murder somebody and he played video games until he had to go and pick up his wife alicia and he also claims that he disposed of the knife that he used to kill her by throwing it in the ocean i mean obviously the confession was not truthful none of what he said matched up with any of the forensic evidence first of all forensic pathologist dr alan carla was positive that janelle had not been run over by a car none of her injuries were consistent with having been hit by a car and his car was relatively low so if he had hit her with his car there would be some sort of injuries it would have hit her below the lower calf but there were no injuries to correlate that not to mention for her to have gone under the car as he said he would have had to be driving 20 kilometers or under any higher than that and she would have just gone straight over the windshield not to mention if she did go under the car she'd be covered in dirt or grass or something her injuries would be much different her clothes would probably look much different and there was no hair or skin tissue or anything else stuck to the bottom of mcneil's car the position he claims he stabbed her in as well doesn't correlate with her injuries at all you know he claims that he looked away gave her a quick stab no resistance whatsoever but she had 64 injuries on her body she had superficial cuts she had bruises all over her body she'd been stabbed multiple times and she also had mega defensive wounds on her hands and he's saying he just looked away and gave her a quick stab no fight back at all does not add up there was also no evidence of blood in his car whatsoever which considering janelle's injuries just seems completely impossible if he actually stabbed her in the back of his car there's no way he could get rid of every single microscopic trace of blood in the back of his car but then also leave a few hairs back there so it was obvious that he was lying about the confession police still believed he did it just not in the way that he claimed to have done it i think that a lot more happened between you and janelle patton while she was still alive and conscious and able to resist than what you've told me i don't want to shock him and i don't want to horrify you but i think it's important that i show you a number of photographs now of the injuries that janelle patton suffered this is a photographer picking the right hand that injury has been described as a classic defense injury running a horizontal degree to the ground can you explain how she suffered that injury he was struck by the car i don't know anyway after this mcneil was extradited from new zealand to norfolk island and he was formally charged with the murder of janelle patton on the 9th of february in 2006. his pre-trial hearing began on norfolk island on the 7th of august which a lot of people were kind of concerned about because obviously it's a small tight-knit community there's no way that he's going to be able to have a fair trial there but that's where the murder occurs that's where the trial had to take place at this pre-trial hearing mcneil retracted his confession saying he was in a terrible mental state at the time and would have confessed to anything the police asked him about and so he officially pled not guilty and now he was denying that he had anything to do with the murder whatsoever and he was also claiming he had never met janelle in his life on the second day of the pre-trial hearing forensic biologist katherine lee testified that she had found the dna of an unidentified woman on janelle's body and clothes and under her fingernails and also on a cigarette that was found near her body that same night a woman named tracy wilkinson who was a friend of jenelle's went and sought out bob peters and told him that two to three weeks before the murder that janelle had asked her if she knew a woman named alicia and alicia's husband glenn mcneill and tracy told her that she didn't really know them but she'd heard that glenn had been sleeping around and she asked janelle why she wanted to know and janelle didn't tell her and just changed the subject she also said that the day of janelle's murder she had been working at the hotel when she heard a scream and she went outside to check it out and she saw alicia who was like red face and she was kind of like swiping in a downward motion she called out to alicia to ask what was going on and alicia turned around and she had all of this red stuff on her and tracy was like is that blood and alicia was like no it's it's paint and then that was it and tracy just went back inside and kind of left it at that and tracy actually ended up testifying to this on the last day of the pre-trial hearing before tracy's testimony alicia actually testified herself she denied having any knowledge of the crime and was allowed to go back to new zealand after the pre-trial hearing the judge ordered that there was sufficient evidence to go ahead with a proper trial and the proper tribe again on the 1st of february in 2007. tracy was not called as a witness to this hearing because she went and did a full 180 completely changed her story said that she now believed a satanic cult was responsible for the murder and that six people actually murdered her which she may be unreliable but like she definitely like brought up some questions like she definitely brought up the idea of like alicia maybe having been involved i don't know if alicia's dna was ever tested against the dna that was found on janelle's body and on her fingernails and on that cigarette but definitely an interesting like perspective even if tracy was just a full-blown liar during the trial mcneil refused to be cross-examined but he did give an unsworn statement which i'll read now he said my name is glenn mcneill i'm 29 years of age before i was arrested i lived with my partner shelley and our two children in nelson new zealand as you know i lived on norfolk island for a couple of years with my then wife alicia i enjoyed living and working here and both alicia and i shopped at the food lands and i would frequently use the white honda for shopping trips on easter 2002 i was home in the morning i'd been sick alicia was at work and sometime between 11 30 a.m and 12 p.m as best i can recall i'm not too sure i made a toasted sandwich for alicia's lunch before the lunch and rush hour started i suppose it took me a couple of minutes to get ready and five or so minutes to make it and then got into the car and drove down to hillcrest i sat with alicia she ate her sandwich during her break i can't recall what we talked about as best i can recall i was there for about 20 minutes i then drove home i recall i telephone alicia once or twice in the afternoon because it was five years ago i can't recall what was said i stayed at home that afternoon and watched tv or played playstation until about 4pm when alicia arrived home from work i didn't see janelle patton that day i didn't drive along rooty hill road that day i didn't abduct or murder janelle patton that day alicia and i went for a long drive we drove along prince philip drive as well as many other roads on the island i recall that when chanel patton's body was found there was a lot of publicity around the island people had all sorts of theories and talked about the details of the case i recall that it was said that she was found under black plastic at cockpit that she'd been run over in a hit and run and that she'd been stabbed it was impossible to go anywhere on the island without hearing about what had happened i was booked to return to new zealand in may 2002 to attend my brother's wedding while i was there i took up the offer of a job by a friend i spoke with alicia about it and we agreed that i should take it rather than return to norfolk island she had a couple more months to work on her contract and will return later in the year so i took the job in new zealand we spoke regularly but our relationship was rocky at the time in september 2002 something happened which i didn't plan or didn't expect i met shelley my partner now and i fell in love with her from this time my life started to get complicated i had the stress of trying to resolve my relationship difficulties i started having employment difficulties and periods of unemployment i became in debt and people were demanding payment from me shelley and i had two children adding to my responsibilities and my life started to spin out of control from then on my drug taking got worse as the pressure increased and it all came to a head in november 2005 when i cut my wrists my life was hopeless and no longer in my control i got a booking for a drug and alcohol treatment clinic in feb of 2006. i was dark and numb i was running on autopilot and this period of my life was just a blur to me i was arrested on my first day back at work i spoke with the police i don't recall now what i told them i would have admitted to anything due to my mental health problems at the time i've seen the tape and say what i told police was complete rubbish it sounds like it was what i thought they wanted to hear i'm shocked by what i said i didn't kill janelle patton i didn't abduct her i've been told about the glass and the boot of the honda i used this car to take rubbish to go to the tip it was dirty and not much more than a wreck when i got it and it had no carpet in it whatsoever it was just a cheap vehicle and i was not worried about the rubbish leaking in the boot i've also been told about fingerprints on the black plastic i do not know how they got onto it i may have touched the black plastic when i was on norfolk island at some time i'm not too sure i feel very sorry for the patton family their loss is enormous but i didn't matter janelle patton thank you for listening to me on the 9th of march in 2007 the jury finds him guilty and he was sentenced to 24 years in prison despite his condition there has been a lot of speculation about whether he actually did commit the murder or not whether maybe he had an accomplice maybe whether he was the accomplice and he was just the one to dump the body and not the one to murder her in 2011 one of the jurors that convicted him actually came out saying we know he didn't do it but he wouldn't say who did it so we had to slight him mcneil has since come out and said that he didn't commit the murder but he knows who did that it was his drug dealer and the drug dealer's wife and they brought the body to him forced him to dump the body forced him to take the rap for the matter and threatened to hurt his family if he didn't it was also rumored that janelle was an informant for the police hello glenn hey here's a gun okay thanks the confession that i gave to the police um when i was arrested i was taken straight into an interview room and um oh you know i've never been in trouble before or anything like that so i started to panic and i started telling them a story a vision of events of what happened okay well there's no pressure on you now so just in your own words can you describe what happened that morning i think i was at home sick i'd had um the flu in that and at some stage in the morning or our lunch time i don't know we turned up to my house in the truck the body was on the back of the truck mcneil claims that on the 31st of march so the day of the murders that he was home sick with the flu when his drug dealer and his drug dealer's wife showed up at his house at around lunch time and he had a body underneath the top in the back of his truck he told mcneil that he knew he was the one to rip off his marijuana plants and so he was now going to dump this body otherwise the drug dealer would hurt him and his wife alicia mcneil said he asked him where to dispose of the body and he told him he didn't care to just put it anywhere mcneal claims he then took the body out of the drug dealer's truck and put it into his own boot he then went next door grabbed some black plastic sheeting and wrapped her body in it he claims that the reason his fingerprints weren't all over the plastic sheeting because you know if you were wrapping someone up in black plastic sheeting your fingerprints would be all over it he claims he was wearing surgical gloves and he also claimed he buried those surgical gloves in his front yard but police have been back to search and those surgical gloves have not been located and also my question is like if he was wearing surgical gloves why are there two of his fingerprints on the tar so after this confession police go and look at phone records and find that mcniel has been in contact with the drug dealer he named and the drug dealer's wife both before and after the murder five days before the murder someone from the drug dealer's house called mcneal but the call went unanswered then on the 30th of march the night before the murder mcneil calls the drug dealer and the call lasts for 51 seconds there was no communication until six days after the murder when mcneil tried to call the drug dealer and his wife four times but there was no answer and then on the 9th of april they finally call him back and the phone call lasts 40 seconds at this point who knows what to believe like his story has changed so many times that it's like the boy who cried wolf but also there is none of his dna on janelle there is no blood or any signs of a struggle or anything in his boot and there also was only two of his smudged fingerprints on the black plastic sheeting like unless he's picking up the sheet like this he's like picking up her body in the black plastic sheeting like this then it just doesn't make sense the fingerprint thing is like what confuses me the most because i mean i feel like some of the fingerprints could have been washed off by the rain right because it was like pretty heavy like rain for that 15 minutes that it rained after her body had been dumped because there was only 10 fingerprints found on there so no matter who did this no matter who transported the body they either wore gloves or their fingerprints were mostly washed off in the rain i don't even know if that's a thing can fingerprints be washed off in the rain and also if he did wear surgical gloves like he told police in his like second or third confession then why were the gloves not where he said that they were and why did he abandon his car maybe it was just such a hunk of junk that he just decided to abandon it who knows but it did have her hair in there it did have the glass in there it did have the paint flex in there there was also that unidentified woman's dna that was found on janelle's body on her clothes under her fingernails and on that cigarette and i don't believe that that has been tested against the drug dealer's wife just yet i 100 believe that mcneal was involved in the murder and he was either the sole person responsible for killing and dumping her body or he wasn't alone in killing her i have no idea who this female's dna is whether he actually is now telling the truth about the drug dealer and the drug dealer's wife being involved i mean the unidentified woman's dna is what gets me and thinks that he definitely had an accomplice it's the fact that it was under her fingernails i feel like if you checked under my fingernails right now i would not just have some random woman's dna there it just seems like the way she would get this woman's dna under her fingernails is from trying to get away from her from trying to defend herself against this woman restraining her or attacking her and maybe this woman is the one who was holding her down and why she had those bruises on her wrists and she was you know trying to attack back and defend herself but i would love to chat with you guys in the comments about your thoughts what do you guys think do you think he acted alone do you think he had an accomplice who do you think the accomplice was do you think the drug dealer and his wife had anything to do with it do you think mcneal was involved in the killing or that he simply dumped the body i would love to know what your thoughts are i would love to discuss them with you in the comments down below but that is it for today thank you guys so much for watching i hope you have an incredible rest of your day and hopefully i will see you guys in my next mom bye guys
Channel: Bella Fiori
Views: 1,416,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Te2_94rIs-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 11sec (2711 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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