The Murder of POLTERGEIST Star Dominique Dunne - Her Grave, Where She Died and More 4K

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[Music] my relationship with my daughter was perfect i adored her and she me and her last words to me where she said i love you daddy and you know i always have that and you know so many times when i visit families where the child has been murdered and they so many times i've heard him say if only i told her actress dominique dunn star of the current film poltergeist died today in a los angeles hospital she had been in a coma since she allegedly was strangled by her former boyfriend saturday believe it or not it's been almost two years since we've been back here in semi valley visiting the freeling house from the movie poltergeist probably one of the most famous homes in horror movie history that's so wild that it's practically in our own backyard but this is it now it's a very windy day here in simi valley but today we're going to be doing a video that i've been wanting to do for quite some time and that's to tell the story of the death of actress dominique dunn the oldest daughter of the freeling family now if you're familiar with the movie porter guys then you know about the porter guy's curse the curse that supposedly has to do with the movie because a lot of people that were involved with the movie actually died very tragic deaths now dominique dunn she died november 4th 1982 at the age of 22 years old after being in a coma because her boyfriend at the time well her ex-boyfriend strangled her at her house in west hollywood it's a very sad story very messed up and today we're gonna tell it is now in order to properly tell the story of dominique dunn we have to travel all the way back to 1981 here in west hollywood right off of melrose avenue to a restaurant a very popular restaurant at the time called ma maison it was the place to be it didn't look that fancy but it pride itself on how secluded everything was people like orson welles would come there every single day and eat in fact orson welles would sit in the very back booth by the the restrooms because it was very secluded the phone number for this place wasn't even listed rolls royces were always parked out front it was the place to be the restaurant mom is on is no longer here instead there's a new building in its place with some storefronts but the address was 8368 melrose avenue here in west hollywood now on a side note a little bit of a lighter note this is also where wolfgang puck got his start at this restaurant but we're here because there was a man by the name of john sweeney who is the sous chef here now dominique dunn met john sweeney back in 1981 at a house party like i said at the time john sweeney was employed here at mamizon now after a couple weeks of dating they moved into a one-bedroom house in west hollywood and they lived there for about a year and they had a lot of major major problems basically john sweeney very quickly became overly possessive and started mentally and physically abusing dominique in 1982 uh i had three kids i had two boys and i had a daughter called dominique and dominique was you know my only daughter i worshiped her and um she uh became an actress and uh almost instantly i mean she steven spielberg cast her and poltergeist and uh she there was a restaurant called mommy's own a big famous hollywood restaurant and the chef there uh they had a romance and he um stalked her she became frightened she never told us he was abusive to her and he killed her he killed her and it it was something that just changed the lives of all of us in my family my wife my two boys me do you know the guy before this happened had you met him yes met him and none of us liked him and you know he thought it was because it was a class thing that he was the whatever and he thought we were this and uh but that wasn't why it was there was something creepy about this guy but women liked him did you try talking to dominique about it we didn't know that he was abusive you see until it was too late and um how did her death change your career path well it changed everything just not my career path it was just everything in my life changed i mean you know things that have been important to me once weren't important to me anymore things that you just everything changes everything you know when you're it's just such a jarring thing to your we all got my i was divorced and my wife and i were closer than we were at the most intimate part of our marriage now after the death of dominique dunn the restaurant mom azan took a major turn for the worst and closed in 1985 mainly because john sweeney was what one time employed there now all the big celebrities and how popular it was a lot of people were kind of afraid to come here afraid to be associated with the restaurant that employed the killer they had no legal ties they didn't they weren't supporting john sweeney in any way shape or form but just because they were associated with him people started to stay away 1985 it closed now pretty much the entire time dominique dunn and john sweeney were together he was abusing her whether it was mentally or physically there's a lot of different information online that talk about this including one time when dominique was able to get away from him and showed up at her mother's house and she was missing patches of hair because they got into a fight he grabbed her by the hair and was you know it got pretty nasty october 30th 1982 dominique dunn and john sweeney are officially split up at this point he's moved out she's changed all the locks she's inside the house and she's going over line she's rehearsing for a part with one of her co-workers from a tv show that she was going to be in a tv show called v do you guys remember that tonight on the nbc sunday movie prepare for v the most extraordinary mini-series ever made a daring tv journalist struggling to uncover the startling truth behind the aliens visit to earth and a beautiful and brave young scientist fighting for the very survival of the human race together they take you on a fantastic journey to meet the visitors they're rehearsing inside there and supposedly dominique dunn was on the phone with one of her friends and the operator cut in and said hey there's somebody named john sweeney who desperately needs to talk to you so she got off the phone with her friend got on the phone john sweeney about 10 minutes later john sweeney shows up at the house dominique dunn comes to the front door they talk through a locked door and at some point for some reason she opens the door and she goes outside to talk with john sweeney on the front porch her friend is still on the inside and he starts hearing this conversation and he hears them starting to fight and eventually he hears what sounds like scuffling and thuds and it just doesn't sound right so he calls the police and to report what's going on the police officer whoever it was on the line said it's out of my jurisdiction i can't help you so he hangs up he calls his best friend and he says hey listen something's happening here if i end up dead john sweeney did it hangs up the phone and from everything i've read online he exits out of the house through the back door comes over to the driveway and he finds john sweeney over top of dominique dunn turns out during the fight for some reason nobody really knows because nobody was out there on the porch with them he started choking her with the intent of killing her she didn't die right there she ended up in a coma for five days and died november 4th i think it was 1982 whenever her parents or family pulled her off life support now in court during the trial john sweeney said that he didn't mean to kill her and then he blacked out what really sucks is he was sentenced to six years in prison he only served about three he got out he's free today living here in california but three years for killing dominique dunn crazy took him five minutes to kill her and he got two and a half years in and this judge thanked the jury on behalf of both families i ruined him i ruined him and i feel happy that i ruined his career within a year he went from superior court he was hot stuff appointed by governor brown always he went from superior court to juvenile court to traffic court to no court and that was all me behind that gate is where dominique dunn was strangled by john sweeney now i read online a couple different accounts that whenever her co-star from v came out that the back door and saw john sweeney over top of dominique dunn it was right in the middle of the driveway other accounts say that it was more off to the left into the bushes almost leading into the next door neighbor pretty wild right if i come over here there's the front porch where the fight started it blows my mind now of course naturally i have some questions i guess the biggest one would be whenever david packer her co-star from the tv show v i don't think i said his name before but it was david packer when he called the police when he heard the commotion the police told him that it's out of their jurisdiction how is that even possible i mean at the time things were different now we have 9-1-1 so whenever you make a phone call the phone call is routed to the proper people but back then it's it's crazy to think about still no matter who had jurisdiction if the police would have just shown up perhaps dominique dunn would still be alive today who knows what she would have done now here's another small piece of information when it comes to telling the story of dominique dunn and what happened to her poltergeist was her first big acting role first feature film up until this point she was in a bunch of smaller tv roles including a very small reoccurring role like i said she was cast in the miniseries v but not too long after her death an episode she did for hill street blues aired on tv and in this episode dominique dunn has bruises around her neck and on her face that wasn't makeup that was actually from an altercation she had when john sweeney beat her up don't you want to feed your baby no you sure are some tough piece of work [Music] do you ever have a kid what difference does it make you never had some baby keep crying on you when you did everything you were supposed to so you left him out in the street i put him in a cop car it's stories like this that completely baffled me i can't even imagine a world where this would happen to a family member of mine or somebody i loved i don't know the proper way of going about saying something like this but if by chance you are watching this video and you are in a relationship of any kind where you are getting or being mentally or physically abused do whatever you can to get out please i know it's hard i know it's hard now there's one more thing that we need to do and that's head over to westwood village memorial park to pair respects to the final resting place of dominique dunn [Music] westwood memorial park the little cemetery that's hidden from society behind buildings i mean unless you know it's here unless you know what you're looking for you're not going to find it now right about the center of your screen right there is the final resting place of actress dominique dunn not too far from the final resting place of her co-star from porter geist heather o'rourke she's back there right about there we're going to save that her final resting place for a different video betty page is buried here marilyn monroe hugh hefner don knotts so many people in such a small cemetery let's get a closer look [Music] see here there it is dominique dunn beloved daughter and sister 1959 to 1982 loved by all in a single yellow rose and with that being said thank you for joining us on another grim adventure this time telling the the tragic story of actress dominique dunn and as always happy halloween
Channel: grimmlifecollective
Views: 952,877
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Keywords: Dominique Dunne, Dominique Dunne Power Privilege and Justice, Dominique Dunne Death, Dominique Dunne Interview, Dominique Dunne Poltergeist Scenes, Dominique Dunne Hill Street Blues, Dominique Dunne Documentary, Dominique Dunne Poltergeist, Dominique Dunne Movies, Dominique Dunne Death News, Poltergeist, Poltergeist Trailer, Poltergeist Full Movie, Poltergeist Movie, Poltergeist Curse, Poltergeist Carol Anne, True Crime, True Crime Stories, True Crime Documentary, Hollywood, ASMR
Id: 2fQfhbXdck8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 03 2022
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