Vincent Price - His Childhood Home, Candy Factory, Grave and MORE - St Louis, MO 4K

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away [Applause] Boris you know I'm really a fan of yours that's very kind if you indeed Vincent thank you you know I saw one of your pictures last night did you really yes vertical instruments I saw you the night before tell me was that your last picture I hope not and two of us no boogeyman is greater than the two of us the police dream about the team of golf and price although we're as nice as can be my buddy and me they're just the two of us and we'll be always traveling on and two of us there's lots of boring pictures for the two of us he used to shine his Frankenstein and I was the fly they had forced us to die every time to pay for the crime to kill the two of us but we'll be always traveling on and late in the evening we come out and play a couple of monsters on the merry way we coated the graveyard for a corpse or two so the tree is kind of you may find the next one is you thank you [Music] see if you can stop a Mr Karloff you'll take on Junior oh no take a crack at it Daddy [Music] foreign [Music] nice to know you've still got it [Music] [Applause] now I'm not gonna lie when we woke up this morning we saw this weather I was a little down I had this whole Vincent Price day planned it was going to be pretty freaking amazing and it was going to be a beautiful day and then the rain moved in but at this point the rain and the wind is kind of stopped momentarily but we have to make haste we got to get this video done because we don't want to get rained out there's so much ground that we need to cover now with that being said the building you're looking at right now is Washington University and this is pretty much right across the street from where Vincent Price lived as a kid as a boy now like I said May 27 1911 Vincent Price was born here in St Louis and it's well known that he grew up on a street known as Washington Avenue but other than that nothing else can be found we looked the street address anything like that but what is known the 1923 his father and built a house and they lived here his parents lived in this house all the way up until the day that they died and it's this house coming up here on the left-hand side number 6320 now all the other houses in this area some of them are pretty extravagant and some are pretty quaint like this one but this is the price house the price residence even though Vincent Price's parents lived in this house all the way up until the day that they died of course Vincent Price as he got older he moved out and he got his own place he eventually left St Louis and went on to Yale and then became the master of horror that we all know and love today and needless to say the star of that show is Mr Vincent Price how are you it's nice to see you nice to see you thank you welcome home yes it's very much home for me particularly the muni I was brought up here it's been a while though you don't get back home too often unfortunately no I don't I've done a couple of things with the symphony in the last couple of years but the last time I was at the muni was about 30 years ago and I loved it I really it's one of the great things to have in your background in the theater it's pretty obvious that there are people living in the house today and whenever I see places like this I always want to ask always wonder if the people who live there know the history of the place this one in particular that's such a a major horror movie icon such as Vincent Price lived here and would run through the house as a little kid play in the backyard now let's talk about Washington University again not too long after Vincent Price's parents built the house and they moved in the college was built and Vincent Price's mother absolutely hated this place she actually called it an eyesore and wished that it wasn't built she could complain constantly about this place being across the street from her family's Dream Home surprisingly other than that there's really not much else that is known about Vincent Price's time here at this house growing up I mentioned that Vincent Price's parents lived in this house until the day that they died and they're actually buried here in St Louis Vincent Price however he was cremated and if I'm not mistaken his ashes were scattered at sea at Point Doom Beach in California the same Beach where they filmed Planet of the Apes interesting right well I will say this whoever lives in that house now I hope they appreciate who grew up there because then that's cool all right I want to live in defensive prices childhood home with a little bit of paint that's a little know-how you can own a tree [Music] if you know the joy of light and shade you can own a joy that will never fade and that is [Applause] [Music] wonders beneath the Milky Way beg me to take them beg me to make them mine each day like I said Vincent Price's parents are here in St Louis and Bill Fontaine Cemetery there's a lot of famous people buried here the lemps uh the lent Mansion the lent Brewery here in St Louis Clark from Lewis and Clark a couple other different notable places including Vincent Price's parents now sadly he is not here he was cremated Ash is scattered at Sea so this isn't the next best thing especially since his father his name was Vincent as well now Jessica the sleuth that she is discovered that this Cemetery has an interactive map where all you have to do is type in somebody's name and it gives you a GPS coordinates it does where it's at Google yeah that's perfect it's like no longer are we playing Cemetery Safari which is when it's this large right and you know what this rainy day has proven to make this the best Vincent Price video yet right so Vincent Price's parents are right over here we're able to find it right away and it's those three stones right there well two stones on the left hand side right next to Jessica and there it is Vincent Leonard price 1871 to 1948 crazy right and right next to him defensive Price's mother a little hard to read Marguerite Wilcox price 1874-1946. there is a third Stone here and we try to do some research to see if it was anybody related to The Price family nothing that we can find immediately but Harriet Cobb Oliver 1850-1931 whoever you are eternally at rest next to some parents of a famous famous horror celebrity well done Vincent Price himself died in 1993 and again he was cremated but you can just imagine Vincent Price coming here back to St Louis at some point I mean we all do we all come back to visit our family coming back here and standing paying his respects to his parents who have passed I would say my favorite movie of my dad's is Laura it's a classic film Noir it's an amazing cast an amazing director and I think the reason I love it is that it's a part a type of part my dad only played once in his career and I sort of get this Glimpse through that part of a part of my dad not that he was a southern CAD but he was he saw himself as being from the south he was from St Louis he saw himself as being sort of a Midwestern slash slightly southern guy and he was blonde in that movie he looked like he wasn't playing a character in a sense he he was of course he was acting but I got this kind of glimpse of who he was and it was such a different kind of role and uh and it's such a great movie so that's my number one our quest for all things Vincent Price now brings us to this giant U-Haul building here in St Louis now if you look closely it says National Candy Company this is a very special story to this doing research online I found two different dates 1927 and 1928 when this building was built whichever one it is one thing's for certain it was Vincent Price's father who built this because he was owner co-owner of the national candy company which was the biggest candy company at the time back in the 20s specializing in jawbreakers and jelly beans hello I'm Vincent Price for many years now Mankind and his offspring have been searching for an alternative to peanut butter and jelly after employing the latest methods in technology the Peter Paul candy company has found the alternative to peanut butter and jelly peanut butter with no jelly pure creamy peanut butter adopted with Crispies covered with pure milk chocolate but no jelly I'm sure you're as pleased as I am like I said today it's a U-Haul facility but there are still some signs of the National Candy Company still here on the building aside from the very top with the name National Candy Company written across the roof now right here which today it's a side entrance but back whenever it was a candy company this was the main entrance now if you look right above the door you see it says National Candy Company and there's this really cool Mosaic that looks like it was made out of candy oh there's a closer shot of that Mosaic the emblem for National Candy Company you can see the little elephant there as well as some candy canes and some other Edible Delights it's crazy to think that this is still here after all this time now try really hard to let this sink in Vincent Price we all know the name we all know his movies Vincent Price is legendary Right now just imagine a little Vincent Price running around The Candy Factory that his dad ran now just imagine instead of getting into acting if Vincent Price became the next Willy Wonka the real life Willy Wonka mind-blowing history is a funny thing the more you dig the more you find and if you love history the more it becomes like you're a kid in The Candy Factory now Vincent Price's family history and Candy if I'm not mistaken started with his grandfather there's a whole crazy story about that but what I'm getting at is when Vincent Price was born because he was born into a family of candy the the candy Association the Lollipop Guild whatever you want to call it christened Vincent Price the candy kid because I'm a fan of candy and I'm a huge fan of Vincent Price part of me is sad that the Candy Factory is no longer here and instead it's a U-Haul but I have to give much respect to the company of U-Haul for keeping this building looking the way that it does in a city where everything has either been torn down caught on fire or left a rod so thank you for doing that now we are on the inside there's really nothing in there that that indicates the way that life used to be back whenever it was the national candy company so sadly we just kind of have to know the history but sometimes that's all you can do the next stop on our Vincent Price story here in St Louis brings us to Del Mar Loop more importantly the block where Blueberry Hill is located the restaurant concert venue made famous by Chuck Berry there is so much history here in St Louis it'll make your head spin literally Linda Blair who played Reagan in The Exorcist she's from St Louis John Goodman Chuck Berry and Vincent Price which is why we're doing the video today the topic of today's video now interesting fact earlier we had lunch here at Blueberry Hill we were getting out of the rain and we learned something new the owner of Blueberry Hill some odd years ago had the great idea to commemorate those from St Louis by doing the St Louis Walk of Fame here in Del Mar loop it's stars on the ground and Vincent Price has one of them in fact he's one of the earliest one of the very first stars to be laid here in Delmar Lou now looking down the sidewalk straight ahead is Blueberry Hill and you can see some of the stars on the sidewalk there but Vincent prices his is actually across the street almost directly across the street in front of an art gallery which is perfect because Vincent Price was an art collector as well walking across the street making her way towards where the musician is playing we come across this a statue of Chuck Berry right at the intersection pretty freaking cool look at that now there's a Placer over here that Jessica was reading finding out anything interesting about it treatments for his entire career which are quite a lot he is the father of a lot of things in the music industry you know what I mostly remember him from Johnny Be Good Back to the Future now I'm not going to stop and read this you're more than welcome to pause at any time and read it and then come back to the video but this is how you commemorate something like this a Legend music legend in history in an area right [Music] now this is something you can easily Miss if you don't know what you're looking for and you're just walking in a hurry here on the ground in the pavement they have some song lyrics right C'est La Vie say the old folks it goes to show you never can tell that's just one I'm not going to read the other ones but I just want to give you an idea of what it looks like this is cool did not expect to see this here there's more over here all of this leading right up to the statue hey folks my name is Brian Foote I'm a local St Louis trumpet player I got a piece that might fit really well for this this type of move so look out for me I got some musicals coming up I play around town Brian Foote that's on Instagram it's foot foot with an E horn h-o-r-n and then Vox Vox so foot horns and vocals that's what I do perfect let's hear it yeah oh [Music] foreign [Music] thank you Perfect music for our walk down to Vincent Price's star on the St Louis Walk of Fame which is right here in front of this gallery and there it is [Music] to our video the prices star [Music] wild right below the star there's a plaque every Star has a plaque it says born May 27 1911 called the king of horror Vincent Price is best known for his villainous roles and more than 100 films as well as many stage and Television Productions but his accomplishments cover a much broader range he is a connoisseur of wine art and the author of a number of books on the subject a collector as well he bought him Rembrandt drawing at the age of 12 while still living in the family house on Forsyth Boulevard that's the house we went to earlier price who is also the author of several Gourmet cookbooks which we own one a first edition graduated from Community School in St Louis Country Day School that's pretty cool probably could have read that better but you know I never been good at reading these sorts of things let's look at this one more time [Music] that's cool and that's pretty much it for our story here in St Louis about Vincent Price and his time growing up here this is the last video that we filmed on this trip we've been here for a little over a week and we've been wanting to do this and we almost got rained out like I said this video was supposed to be a lot longer there's a couple other smaller places that we wanted to visit where he performed on stage what's the place called I called it the money Opera but how's it going the Muni Opera so he grew up here he spent a lot of time here and there's a whole bunch of places in St Louis that speak Vincent Price now if you're from here or if you're visiting and you want to visit the mount do it it's history walk the history with that being said happy Halloween [Music] laughs [Music] I don't know
Channel: grimmlifecollective
Views: 158,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vincent Price, Vincent Price Movies, Vincent Price Laugh, Vincent Price Thriller, Vincent Price Thriller Monologue, Vincent Price SNL, Vincent Price Interview, Vincent Price The Raven, Vincent Price Egghead, Vincent Price Voice, Things To Do In St Louis, Vincent Price Movies Full Length, Vincent Price Muppets, Vincent Price Monster Mash, Vincent Price Muppet Show, Vincent Price Michael Jackson, Vincent Price Movie Full Length Free, Vincent Price Movies Free, St Louis
Id: qkxetkKxdpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 30 2022
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