Bonnie & Clyde - Their Graves, Childhood Homes, Schools and MORE

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is always today our adventures begin in dallas texas here at the western heights cemetery where clyde barrow of the infamous bonnie and clyde are buried our mission is to travel throughout texas in the next two days and film tackle if you will all of the locations that are left of the history of bonnie and clyde things are constantly changing things are being torn down and rebuilt so who knows how long these are gonna last so for us this is like a preservation of grim history dark history in the united states this should be interesting not too far from downtown dallas you'll find the western heights cemetery this is where clyde barrow is buried tell me that doesn't look like a texas cemetery right it's been many years since i've been here there's a pathway now that takes you all the way over to where clyde and his brother and his mother are buried and there's also an empty slot or an empty spot a plot that i'll tell you guys about in just a moment but that's it the grave of clyde barrow of bonnie and clyde clyde c march 24 1909 to may 23 1934 gone but not forgotten buried right next to his brother buck marvin it is to be hoped that clyde's younger brother who is here shown attempting to console his mother may yet vindicate the name of barrel and make it stand for something in the community besides crime and murder it is to be hoped that he will be able to withstand the temptation of easy money and the pleadings of the devil and brings some measure of sunshine and happiness to the lives of his aged parents in their declining that's a beer cap thirsty planet obviously some flowers a pumpkin it's even a bullet some fruit and some booze and the holidays just passed you can see some garland hanging in the trees if somebody left clyde is buried here with most of his family the only person that's missing is bonnie she's buried on the opposite side of town her parents didn't want her buried with clyde reconsidering what happened but this empty spot this empty plot right next to clyde a lot of people think and wish that somewhere down the line in the future somebody's going to rethink something and put bonnie right where she belongs right next to clyde if by chance you do not know who bonnie and clyde are they were lovers and outlaws who were gunned down in the backwoods of louisiana in may of 1934. rob banks killed people they traveled pretty much all over the place committing their crimes kind of like jessica and i but we're not committing crimes and we're not killing people we're just madly in love kind of like bonnie and clyde it's quite fitting as soon as you enter the cemetery gates you can see that the road splits off to the left and to the right to the right just behind that tree has the crown hill memorial mausoleum but in the center here straight ahead there's a series of bushes and that is where the final resting place of bonnie parker is you can see that mausoleum right through the tree and just above that bush and bonnie parker's final resting place is almost hidden entirely from the bush says bonnie parker october 1st 1910 to may 23rd 1934 as the flowers are all made sweeter the sunshine and the dew so this old world is made brighter by the lives of folks like you all kinds of different things here that people have left different flowers it's very pretty not as grand as clyde's though right oh look at that somebody's even left some lipstick bonnie's burial was attended only by close friends and relatives which numbered about 150 people including her sister billy mace who is now a prisoner of the law charged with the killing of two state highway patrolmen of which her sister bonnie had already been accused billy mace is attended at the funeral by two deputy sheriffs and a matron of the jail clyde barrow's mother and father seen in the foreground and his brother also pay their respects to the girl who was clyde's only friend and who died by his side in the last few words of bonnie's own form which she penned before her death to a few it means grief to the law it's released but it's death to bonnie and clyde truly crime does not pay i do want to point out that the plot right next to bonnie parker obviously isn't clyde he's buried across town instead it is bonnie's mother emma parker 1886-1944 her stone says in god's care and loving mother bonnie and clyde aren't buried next to each other because of bonnie's mother's wishes she didn't approve obviously of her relationship with clyde so at her request her daughter was buried in a completely different cemetery on the opposite end of town but for now at least until bonnie is reunited with clyde her final resting place is here in crown hill cemetery in dallas texas beneath that bush thousands attend the homecoming of clyde barrel in this dallas funeral home his body lies as a never-ending line of men women and children from every walk of life filed by his casket for a fleeting glimpse of the boy who had rocked so much death and destruction everyone wanted to see how such a bad boy looked in debt in life his very presence would have struck fear to their hearts but now they fear him not clyde's body is born to the grave again tragedy and shame descend upon his aged father and mother like his brother buck he died at the hands of the law in 1934 this mansion was known as the sparkman holtz brand facility this is where clydebarrow's funeral was held today the mansion is called the bellow mansion and a lot of weddings take place here as well as people getting their photos taken right here in front of the house it's beautiful it's crazy that it's in downtown but if you really think about it back in the 20s and 30s dallas didn't look like it does today the big skyscrapers the downtown it was a completely different landscape i really get a kick out of walking these roads of history and right now we're looking at the front of the bella mansion and i'm not sure if this back part of it was here back in the 30s but just imagine a car carrying clyde barrow's body right over to this side door and more than likely taken right through that door right there either way it's pretty surreal standing here where this texas history happened not many people know about this i mean they know of bonnie and clyde's grave but i don't know grim history right believe it or not this location is a little hard to find right now we're standing on the west side of downtown dallas that bridge is the margaret hill hunt bridge and this marshland that's right here this used to be the trinity squatters camp where clyde barrow grew up guess by today's standards this would be prime real estate this close to downtown with that kind of view but back when clyde barrow was living here with his family they lived in a tent in the mud it was nasty it was dirty but this technically is where bonnie and clyde well clyde's story really began i can only wonder if clyde barrow stood here or somewhere near where i'm standing right now and saw his shadow in the sunlight back when the barrows moved here in the 1920s this land was part of dallas the first few months that they moved here they actually lived under their wagon because they were too poor to buy a tent when you think of buildings in dallas texas and bonnie and clyde this is the one that probably comes to mind this is the home of the barrow family what you're looking right now is the family business it was a filling station clyde barrow's family his parents moved here after they saved up enough money to move out of the squatters camp here's a look at the side of the house and the barrow family of nine actually lived in the back part of it the front was the filling station that's how the family got the money but clyde's parents after moving here lived in the very backyard can you imagine a family of nine living right there that's crazy let's go ahead and walk over a little further for years this place has been on the chopping block of be either being torn down or saved and then they would save it and then it would be almost torn down again it's not a historic landmark it should be but that's it guys clyde barrow's home as much as i would love to there's absolutely no way of getting inside plus it does say private property no trespassing so i'm content with just looking at it from the outside of the building clive bureau's home just sits vacant on this very busy street downtown dallas really isn't that far just right down that road you can see that giant white arch that's downtown but there it sits history and there's the other side of the house i mean honestly who knows how long this is gonna be here it's been here long enough just had to visit it i'm not sure how well you can see it hopefully it translates through and you can see the writing and the dust of the windows there but people have stopped and wrote their name here's the clyde barrows dad's gas station 1932. pretty wild a lot has changed over the years but this building right here the sydney lanier school was where clyde barrow enrolled in the sixth grade for a short time ultimately he dropped out never attended school again but he held down a few different jobs and then was arrested for the very first time at the age of 17. the rest is history i highly doubt that whenever clyde was in school here that it said sydney live near school like that i'm guessing that's the auditorium possibly the gymnasium but that's how it stands today i know in the grand scheme of things where clyde barrow went to school is probably not the most significant thing in the history when it comes to the story of bonnie and clyde but at the same time it is he was a human being she was a human being every human being that we meet including ourselves has a story to tell and this is theirs and grimlife collective i felt that it was important to tell it today this building is a wedding venue but back in the day when bonnie parker was a teenager this is where she went to school eagle ford school district 49. it's a beautiful building piece of history that's been preserved now the old school house is a wedding venue but you can see right there right above that door it says girls entrance it's crazy to think that the bonnie parker of the infamous bonnie and clyde would have went to school here i mean it's all different now completely redone repainted but this is it little interesting side note about bonnie parker when she did go to school here back whenever this was the eagle ford school she was a good student from everything that we can find online but she did have a penchant for bad boys i mean look what happened with bonnie and clyde but teachers people who were close to her often said that she loved poetry and she aspired to be either a poet or an actress completely different than the way things turned out i couldn't even begin to tell you where inside this building would have been bonnie's classroom but it is a small school on the other side of the building opposite of the girls entrance you guessed it because the boys entrance right there bonnie parker wouldn't have used this entrance of course i had no idea that they had separate entrances for boys and girls when we typed in the gps we were a little afraid that it was torn down because the gps led us pretty much right to a walmart a target in a bunch of other businesses and restaurants but sitting behind them all is the skull it is a registered landmark a historic landmark it says eagle ford skull built in 1923. how crazy is that as i was filming this the lady who runs this place it's a wedding venue called the school house she came out and gave me her card and was wondering what i was doing of course very nice lady and i asked her if she knows anything about you know bonnie and clyde bonnie parker being here she said she didn't but she does know that at one point when they were renovating the school they found her report card in the basement i i jokingly asked you know hey do you have it framed because if they did i'd want to see it and show it to you guys she said sadly it is not here anymore so it's neat in 1928 this building was known as heart graves cafe and this is where bonnie parker worked for a short time as a waitress bonnie started working here after she separated from her husband which is a good thing because at the time pretty women back in the day had three different options one they could either work in a factory they could work in a shop or an eatery or they would become prostitutes it's neat to just kind of see this place a little run down i mean everything around it is all new and being changed but this little building is still standing what's interesting is in 1928 when bonnie was working here clyde was working not too far away actually just right down the street at a place called the united mirror and glass so who knows maybe at some point their paths did cross inside this building and what's crazier than that one of bonnie's regular customers was a man by the name of ted hinton who later became a deputy and participated in the ambush that killed her now if we peek in the window here obviously there's going to be nothing that's going to match up to the 20s whenever bonnie was here but that's what it looks like right now completely gutted on the inside crazy now here's the back side of the building and i just noticed this if you look on the wall let's see here right about there and going all the way down the wall here it looks like there's arches like at some point there probably was windows interesting
Channel: grimmlifecollective
Views: 514,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bonnie & Clyde, Bonnie & Clyde Dallas Texas, Bonnie & Clyde Graves, Bonnie & Clyde Ambush, Bonnie & Clyde Ambush Scene, Bonnie & Clyde Ambush Site, Bonnie & Clyde Ambush Site Reenactment, Bonnie & Clyde Death Car, Bonnie & Clyde Ambush Museum Gibsland Louisiana, Metal Detecting Bonnie & Clyde Ambush Site, Bonnie & Clyde Death Scene Netflix, Bonnie & Clyde Death Car Whiskey Petes, Bonnie & Clyde Death Car Primm, Bonnie & Clyde Death Site, Bonnie & Clyde Death Car Las Vegas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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