Amy Winehouse - Her Grave, Where She Died and More 4K

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I come bad luck just my way Wherever I Go Hard Luck isfe Good Luck never stays Day always to my way for today's Grim Adventure we are telling the story of Amy win housee a very unique woman with a very unique Voice who pretty much carved out her own style in the music industry and she died very sadly on July 23rd 2011 and this is her grave it's a beautiful little stone with pink writing something you typically don't see and we figured what better place to start this video than here I really never thought I would have the honor of visiting Amy win house nonetheless here in England and I really had no idea we were so close in age she was born in ' 83 I was born in ' 82 which means that this year she would have turned 40 I was definitely a fan of her I had several of her albums but my favorite probably a lot like anyone is is Back to Black still listen to it all the time it was so sad the way she passed we're gonna turn now to a major loss in the music world tonight the gifted singer Amy wein housee found dead in her London home she was just 27 and so many people blogging and tweeting throughout the day today about an almost Eerie coincidence so many young music Stars lost and so many lost when they too were 27 ABC's Simon McGregor wood is in London the Brit and Grammy award-winning singer Amy win housee has died at her home in North London the 27 7-year-old had struggled with drink and drug problems for a number of years and recently finished a rehab course she's most famous for her album back to black I really love that her tombstone is just as unique as she was different stories that we've heard uh she was loved here in England just as much as she was loved in the states and she was a music icon and a voice here in the UK so our Tombstone says in loving memory of Cynthia Levy the 21st of October 1927 to 5th of May 2006 they do their dates a little bit differently here and her beloved granddaughter Amy Jade win housee born 14th of September 1983 a year after Jessica she was 1982 and died the 23rd of July 2011 and it says forever in the hearts of the devoted family Mitch and Jane Janice and Richard Melody and Elliot Alex and Reva I was curious about the meaning of the book with the names in it so I've gone on Google here to read about it and it's essentially her friends and colleagues her backup VOC lists are there her manager is there her basis is there and I know that Mitch and Janis were her parents other people have brought some flowers and some Trinkets and see some rings most of it's flowers and different Stones left on the the tombstone itself there a candle in the back over there and then this one here says Amy win housee loved and missed by all her fans rest easy angel love Jade beautiful and sad at the same exact time I feel like when it comes to Amy wein housee she really needs no introduction but just in case you missed who Amy wein housee was basically she was an amazing singer with a very unique way about her that just kind of skyrocketed her to fame both her voice and her style in her Antics and when she died she actually died in her sleep at the age of 27 which pretty much solidified her membership and then what's known as the 27 club with people who died at the age of 27 in the entertainment industry and the toxicology report the coroner if I'm not mistaken her blood alcohol level was five times above the legal limit she like to drink our day today is completely devoted to Amy win housee we're going to be visiting some of places that she absolutely loved we're going to visit the house where she died we're also going to go to a sem cery known as Abney Park which is where she filmed the music video for Back to Black and it's a beautiful day for this a beautiful day to tell a beautiful story that ended so sadly now baby go there's one more thing I want to add to the story before we leave and that's Amy wi housee she was actually cremated so her remains her ashes are buried here uh they did have the funeral she is here you can come and and pay your respects to this beautiful stone but I think it's about time that we head out and head to a different Cemetery where they film the music video Back to Black welcome to abne park this is the park where Amy win house the the music video Back to Black was filmed there's a a funeral scene and we're going to talk about it once we find it but I find it interesting that in doing research of this place it said it was just like Highgate only more overgrown and it's insane it's like a labyrinth in here now just a quick heads up the main entrance to the cemetery is closed for renovation so we kind of had to come in the side entrance it is open to the public but in order to get to where we need to be we have to walk to the other side of the cemetery a little bit of exercise we might get lost this place is massive and it's like an overgrown Jungle of a park you're getting lost with us it's going to be fun we're going to find a funeral from the music video in the music video there's a funeral procession that goes through a road through the cemetery to the church and they all gather around a tombstone that says rip the heart of Amy win housee now here's the thing that's how the video used to look and then after her death supposedly they removed that scene that said rip the heart of Amy win housee we're going to try to find the grave hopefully things haven't changed that much it took us forever to find it and basically we were walking around in circles but we found the exact spot where the funeral procession happened in Amy wine House's music video so much has changed I'm going to point out the state of the Tombstones some landmarks that could be seen in the music video but right as Jessica is walking this is the direction that the funeral procession was happening in the music [Music] video [Music] now we noticed it immediately but there's like three or four tombstones that kind of kind of match up so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to walk around and show you a couple different ones this one being the probably the most easily noticed noticeable in the video you can see it in the bottom right hand side that's still here still intact the strange thing about music videos and Productions when it comes to movies or TV shows a lot of times they bring in prop tombstones whenever you see something like this and when you watch the scene in the music video you can see some dark gray ones and some white ones and until we got here I was unsure if they brought in fake tombstones which would have been the white ones but they're all still here aside from that one that I just pointed out there are two angels that can be seen on this road this one was a little tricky looking at the funeral Road once again there's an angel on both sides on the left hand side and on the right hand side so let's take the leftand side one first it is still here up on its pedestal but it is covered in Ivy let me go ahead and zoom in here there we go you see it pretty easy to spot a little tricky because of the Ivy so we knew we're in the right spot and then we had to look for the angel on the other side looking at the angel from this side you can see it a lot clearer there's Jessica now the other Angel is almost directly across the street on the other side which would put it right over here now you can see that Obelisk and then you can see this Tombstone for Thomas botri it has a very unique kind of top to it so the second Angel would have been over here on this pedestal and as you can see it is no longer there and we're like wondering what the heck happened to it was it one of these two pillars over here that's covered in Ivy nope sadly this one has toppled and we looked down we actually almost tripped on it this is the other angel from the music video [Music] that's the road we just came from and like I thought we found the fourway standing right here in the middle of the crossroads there's another road that goes that way there's a road behind me and straight ahead is the church and it looks like we can't get back there we'll find some sort of way I mean there's some fencing they're doing some Renovations now the thing that really strikes me is how much overgrowth and weeds and Vines and trees there are when you watch the video you really don't see all that so back to the story in the music video the funeral cars would have been driven right up through here and let's see here you don't see that car part really it looks like they filmed on the other side so they probably drove the cars in went over that way so we got to get over here and look up at the church to see if where it's at so this is definitely the church you can see that window right there and I'm going to try to get over this way you can kind of see right below it there's this slanted dark roof you can see that so we are on the right side just kind of have to hug the fence to get the shot that we need looks like there's a clearer path to get to the other side so we can get a good shot but in order to get the shot from the video we have to walk over here in the bush now of course if this fence wasn't here we'd be able to get to it a lot easier but I can see the tree this is it so I didn't have to walk there that far just to get on the other side of this little sign in the fence right here but uh it's a bit of a journey that's for sure the only reason that this fence is here is because they're doing renovation on the church but you can see that window that part of the roof right there that little curved little triangle area and then the tree that can be seen right just past the tombstone is that one right there it's got the slant and everything so right there in the grass approximately I think we can get over there and stand where the grave was that's where everything was oh that's neat that's really cool so it looks like where they had the grave is on this side of the fence which means we can access it we just got to figure out a way to get over there there are little Pathways all over the place this is nuts and this is what we're looking at being very careful where I walk so that tree right there in the center of your screen found a hole this tree in the center of your screen this one right here this is where the grave was you can see that fence we were standing on the other side of the fence lot of Jagger bushes I don't know if I can do it but I'm going to try to get the same exact shot from the music video and for this I have to stand kind of over here this is about it about it all right I think this is a close as we're going to get we can't get the exact shot because of so many Jagger bushes but from here you can see the the Hearst the car is parked just below the church and you can see the tree on the left hand side so right about there is where the grave was it took a little bit to get here but this is as close as we're going to get at least till they remove that fence who knows when that's going to be oh my word look at all the birds coming for us go for it baby go I know you want [Music] to now this is nice so right now we are in Camden town right in front of where Amy wein housee was living and where she died it's a beautiful little [Music] spot oh jeez Louise so that building right there is where Amy win housee lived and died and there are a lot of photos that were taken once the news broke uh everybody came out here the news crew they were taking pictures there was even photos of them removing her body but that July this park that's to the left we're going to show it in just a minute was just filled with fans people are coming out here and just leaving little tokens in remembrance of her so the park is just down to the left here we're going to show you some of that stuff first before we get a closer look at the house cuz it's just absolutely beautiful here and it's very windy you can see the sign right there it says Camden Square but here's the first one now it's funny because I've seen a bunch of pictures of you know different things like throughout the years of people coming out on different on the anniversary of her death and birthdays and this one seems to remain when we get a Clos look at the house you're going to see that a lot of people come here and they kiss the wall the entrance wall to her house [Music] this is nice I figured it'd be kind of fun to just kind of walk around the tree at the entrance to the park just show like a 360 of different things that fans have [Music] left it's quite [Music] nice a lot of stuff here it's crazy cuz I've seen pict of people leaving so much here after her death her family sold the property and if I'm not mistaken I went on the market a couple different times and there's a a private owner that has the house now so we're not going to ring the bell or try to bother anybody we just want to get a shot just walk up and see everything but this is it number 30 and like like we said people have come here and they've left kisses on the wall right this is crazy beautiful little spot I think we can all agree that as fans if we lived here or any other location where someone of notoriety lived or died I would absolutely participate in a celebration of their birthday of their death day of their accomplishments how could you not right right just come by and leave flowers absolutely what a beautiful thing of course we're not going to share all the photos that were taken the day that she died but here's a few of them I mean you can go online you can find all kinds of different pictures read up on all kinds of different things but one thing's for sure place is beautiful the park is beautiful I think the photos that really hit home are the ones that were taken from right about here you can see the officers and the coroners carrying Amy wiin House's body out this gate right here number 30 man it's pretty crazy to be standing here there's another photo that was taken from right about here where you can see all the different things that fans have left and there's a giant painting or a giant picture of Amy wine housee leaning up against the portion of the wall the one with all the kisses just to the right of the address now there's another photo that was taken from across the street pretty much right where I'm standing where you can see her house as well as the house right next to it and you can just see all of the different fan art and the flowers that people have left now what do you think baby go time to move on this place is beyond beautiful but there are other sites that we have to visit yeah it's time to go the birds are coming all right we did not plan that that was kind of cool driving across town to our next location we notice that there's a lot of street art here some of it's pretty darn amazing others eh but what's really fun about this there's a lot of Amy win housee street art and if you know anything about the Grim life Collective then you know that we love street art and we base a lot of our videos around just that so it only makes sense that we track down as much of this Amy win housee street art as we can cuz this is cool this is really cool now what's really fun about this there is a thing here called the Amy Wine housee Street Art Walk and sadly since they started it a lot of the original street art has been painted over some of it's indoors most of it's outdoors and that's what is we're focusing on today so [Music] [Music] enjoy [Music] ultimately the goal of us visiting Camden Market was to come to this statue right here of Amy wi house it's deep in here it took us a little bit to find it but we did that's really nice her statue is Right In in the middle of a walkway so everybody who passes her can stop and get a picture with [Music] her now we've seen some really cool candy shops in our travels but look at this a place called Hans and grle how fitting is that never seen anything like this this is amazing Jessica's over there losing her Gordon getting pit I love it just look at this place on the inside it is like walking into a fairy tale the trees the treats uh it's pure magic pure magic and then look right back here we're going to peek our heads in just for a moment now if you find yourself coming here you have to stop even if you just want to get a photo of stuff because holy heckin [Music] beautiful now baby go are you going to grab something you want to buy some sweets oh yeah and like they have the coolest logo too I mean look at this let's get in there close I love the witch hat that is perfect so we're going to get a jar and we have to fill it with some snacks it says pick and mix and we found one that is giant spiders and I think that's what we have to get let's go ahead and take a look at one of those sweets for the road a those are amazing oh I love it I love it yeah we're going to get all of those typically when it comes to sweets we don't really eat that much but whenever you come to a place like that you have to get some sweets which we did good Lu never stay today always to my way
Channel: grimmlifecollective
Views: 137,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Amy Winehouse, Amy Winehouse Back To Black, Amy Winehouse Rehab, Amy Winehouse Last Perfomance, Amy Winehouse Live, Amy Winehouse You Know I'm No Good, Amy Winehouse Valerie, Amy Winehouse Valerie Lyrics, Amy Winehouse Valerie Original, Amy Winehouse Grave, Amy Winehouse Gravesite, Amy Winehouse Jonathan Ross, Amy Winehouse Death, Amy Winehouse Death News, Amy Winehouse Music Video, Amy Winehouse Music, Amy Winehouse Drunk, Amy Winehouse Drunk on Stage, Amy Winehouse Concert
Id: gRjfyqKJpUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 16sec (1456 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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