The Story of Squeaky Fromme - Charles Manson Family SERIAL KILLER Locations 4K

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is in one of our most recent videos we paid our respects to the final resting place of george spahn the guy who owns spawn ranch where charles manson and his fathers lived during the tate labianca murders and in that video i did some research and i learned a lot about lynette squeaky from or from depending on how you say it some people even say frommy no matter how you say her name her nickname was squeaky and supposedly it was george spahn who gave her that nickname because she would always squeak whenever he would touch her leg well in doing research for that video i learned a lot about squeaky and that is why we're here today we're visiting something called the squeaky pool in the westchester section of los angeles seated behind charles manson at his first arraignment was lynette frohm a runaway teenager manson found in california eight years ago he named her squeaky and she became one of the first members of his so-called family a tiny girl with red hair she like the rest of the family developed an intense loyalty to manson they believed he was the messiah the combination of sex and drug taking and the presence of benson led to the development of a twisted religious philosophy and ultimately to manson's engineering the sharon tate murders but the loyalty was unusual during the trial lynette squeaky from was among several followers who shaved their heads and put axes in their foreheads and even after manson was found guilty of the tate labianca murders she and other family members remain together always trying to stay in touch with manchester united dancing clown upon the wall is calling all to city hall your grave is mine oh can't you see it's the truth i've known you are the king my love is [Music] [Music] to be completely honest this neighborhood is so quiet and peaceful it's hard to believe that it has any kind of tie to charles manson and what happened in his followers but this house right here mind you it's not the original house but this is where lynette squeaky from lived for a very short period of time when she was growing up it was only a short part of her childhood if i'm not mistaken from like 1960 to 1963 and the house has been torn down and rebuilt but there's one thing that remains and the people who live here call it the squeaky pool and that's this lamppost right here when she was living here in 1960 when this pool was put in she actually wrote her name or scrawled her name into concrete what we came here to see is right here at the bottom of the lamp post written into the cement you look very closely now keep in mind it's been a number of years so it's been kind of faded or worn i guess you should say but you see it lynette from lynette squeaky from crazy right from the manson family then right over here a little closer if you can see it the date 1960. a little hard to see right that's crazy it's still here [Music] aside from her name and date written in the cement here there's really not much information i can find about her time living here from 1960 to 1963. she did go to a school up the street called the orville wright junior high school we're going to visit that in just a little bit but how cool is it that she was here squeaky from and her name is still here no matter how much the street has changed i mean the house has been torn down it's a new house here but her name is still here at what the locals call the squeaky pool i didn't have anywhere to go i was on a bench in venice because my father had kicked me out we had started to argue he was he just didn't want the interaction with me so i was out you know on this i was out at the beach there all by myself and here's charlie he had been going somewhere else i think to hollywood and instead of going to hollywood he stopped off in venice walked down the road and he didn't see me until he got close enough he said something and then he he said so your father kicked you out and it was amazing to me after everything happened with charles manson squeaky remained loyal and she eventually changed her name to red a nickname that charles manson gave her at some point in the past she ended up moving to sacramento after moving around for quite some time and in 1975 president ford came to sacramento for a rally and that is where squeaky really gets into trouble president ford looked down the barrel of a loaded automatic held by a red-haired woman in a long red dress but the gun didn't go off and he's all right the woman was wrestled to the ground by a secret service man and the president was hustled away she is being charged with attempted murder of the president she is 26 year old lynette alice fromm nicknamed squeaky she's a member of the so-called manson family followers of the convicted murderer charles manson our white house correspondent tom brokaw was there when it happened this morning and here is his report from sacramento california it was mid-morning in sacramento when president ford left a hotel to walk over to the state capitol for a meeting with governor edmund brown jr in a speech to the state legislature this was a political trip part of the president's campaign to lock up the republican nomination so he was shaking hands as he went along working the crowd as politicians say and it was a friendly crowd accompanied by aids and secret service agents the president reached for every hand in sight suddenly a young woman holding a gun appeared at the president's side a secret service agent grabbed a gun and wrestled the young woman to the ground as other agents formed the tight protective shield around the president and moved him swiftly to the capitol september 5th 1975 president ford is in sacramento for a rally and he's walking through the crowd and squeaky walks up to him wearing a red robe kind of like handmaid's tail that kind of bright red fabric with a with a hood she walks right up to him in mere feet she pulls out a gun and points it at him and immediately secret service agents tackle her to the ground and he gets rushed off president ford now she starts screaming it didn't go off it didn't go off and she swears to this day that she wasn't really there to inflict harm or to kill president ford she just wanted to get a message across about saving the redwood trees i think it is she ends up getting sentenced life in prison 1987 christmas eve she escapes the search continues in southern west virginia for squeaky from the woman convicted of trying to kill president ford 12 years ago she escaped from the federal women's prison last night but even bloodhounds have not picked up her tracks still a dramatic escape on christmas eve of 1987 which was motivated by a disturbing rumor about manson i got a letter he hit the city at cancer i called two people they said that they heard the same thing i'd had no way of getting in touch with anybody and i was i wasn't going to just stick around i realized after i escaped it that i need him more than he needs me and they caught her less than two miles away from the prison within 48 hours of her escaping eventually 2009 rolls around she gets paroled and instead of being released right away because of her escape she has to serve that extra time she eventually she gets out and she's living last i checked somewhere up in the new york area like new england school is in today and i don't want to get any closer than where i'm at right now because there are kids outside playing but that building that's right across the street this intersection here is the orville wright middle school where squeaky went to school and she lived here in fact it's like two maybe three blocks away down the street now i walked inside and i talked to the people at the front desk asking for for permission to just be in front of the school and show the sign and they said no so respecting their wishes and again don't want to show any kids but part of history man part of history right now we're in a parking structure in downtown los angeles walking over to the hall of justice where during manson's trial the followers the girls were holding vigil outside singing songs we're going to go to that exact spot the corner where the manson family the manson girls were singing is one of those places i've always wanted to visit and it's just this iconic whenever you think of charles manson and the trials it's a very striking image there's both video and photos that were taken here at the street corner and i'm going to show you guys both and try to line up as much as i possibly can right here is the county of los angeles hall of records and right across the street this behemoth building right here is the hall of justice and this is where well the trial for manson took place charles manson 36 chose a house at random tied up the family at gunpoint then ordered his followers to go inside and commit ritual slaughter [Music] [Music] feelings towards everything i feel no bad i know no bad open them i'm not against you huh are you better bitter no no i have a question are you uh guilty of any murders are you guilty of plotting any murders i killed a chicken once no no you're absolutely innocent of any conspiracy to commit murder or telling anyone to commit murder or planning it i'll plead guilty to the indians of course i'm going to show you some video and pictures but i highly encourage you to go online on youtube and search for the manson trial because there's a whole bunch of footage from the news covering it now we gotta be safe and walk the crosswalk here over to the corner for the superior court this building that's right here on the right we're going to talk about it in just a moment because there's a photo that you can see this building behind it in the background as soon as we walk over here i'm going to start talking about it so i'm not sure if there's going to be an issue standing outside the courthouse or the hall of justice there's police everywhere the corner that we're at is north broadway and temple looks like the 300 block 300 north now you can see this sign and some of the news clips that was shot that day you see that giant concrete slab to the left of the screen and that pull that's to the right well right between both of those is where back in 1969 the manson girls were holding vigil for charlie while he was on trial inside this building and the song that they were singing in this clip is dancing clown on the wall but it happened right here this is insane whisper words you come to me this song i sing for all to see the past is on and now i know inside the cell nowhere to go [Music] a dancing clown upon the wall is calling all to city hall your grave is mine oh can't you see it's your own kind to be free the truth i've known you are the king my love this world to you i bring you know you know you can be free you've got your kind and come to me well of course a lot will change over time keep in mind this happened back in 1969 and at the time of recording this it's 2022 but just imagine pretty much right where i'm standing is where the news crews would have been standing with their cameras talk about crazy history right sandy you've probably been here as long as anybody keeping this vigil and it now looks that it it will come to an end that they will move the girls and charlie what what do you girls intend to do uh we'll be here until he gets out after this trial there will be another trial so they won't move them for quite some time but we'll be here until he's out and he is coming out what about the girls what do you feel about the girls i love them and i'm with them wherever they go in spirit and they'll also be coming out um sadie won't be transferred for quite some time because there's that hinman shea trial coming up [Music] but um but if they do move them to some other place will you follow uh charlie will be coming out soon and they won't be moving him for for some time i noticed that you all sit in the same attitude with your hands the same way is it significant what does it mean uh we're on our knees we're giving up you're giving up yeah not on charlie in the girl so no we're with them in other words uh we give up the system uh we're down we uh give it to whoever wants to take it we vex ourselves out of the system and we give it all up i understand that there are some people that are trying to rescue you from time to time oh the the jesus people yeah yeah the jesus people of uh in other words people see that this is the end that uh a revolution's coming or a lot of big changes are coming and uh the jesus people are are slipping into the minds of all the people that are confused and don't know where to go do you feel at the end is in sight and a change is coming also big big big changes are coming real soon i'm kind of thinking the same way they are then aren't you well uh you know everyone you you me talks about it you can even even the lady little ladies who sit on the corner who have had their welfare checks taken away and the little old man and all those people they're all they all come on this corner every day of the week yelling about revolution and that you know about the people who are in power better give it up you know nixon better give it up because if he doesn't the whole thing is going to be destroyed do you feel that you see a limited segment of life as you sit here that most people come by here are in trouble no you know what we on this corner we mostly see the people have been down you know for their lives because these are the people who are going to court you know the black people the chicanos these are the people who spend most of their lives in these courts with their sons going to you know jail and their daughters going to jail and we see every every kind of way of life there is do you think that you might write a book chronicle your experience here on the corner we've um we have a book already oh yeah it's charlie's writings our writings from when we all got together but um people have created an image of us all and uh the book kind of goes is contrary to that image and so they want to perpetuate the lie they've created about us so really nobody really wants the book well i think you'll find somebody that wants it a lot of people thank you so much girl nice to talk to you okay the video that i just showed you of the four girls sitting right next to the slabs singing dancing clowns on the wall was taken at the very beginning of the trial wasn't until a little bit later on when they actually shaved their heads and we get some of the most striking images from that time one of the most famous images of that day was taken pretty much from right about here there is two girls on the left-hand side of the screen two girls on the right-hand side of the screen you can see that crosswalk and the building that's behind them is the los angeles superior court man this is this is this is just blowing my mind it is almost impossible to tell the entire story of the manson family in one video since jessica and i moved to hollywood we've been telling little pieces of the story like little puzzle pieces here and there trying to visit as many places as we possibly can i'm telling you right now seeing these places with my own two eyes feeling the earth underneath my feet it's pretty surreal
Channel: grimmlifecollective
Views: 178,288
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Keywords: Charles Manson, Charles Manson Interview, Charles Manson Documentary, Cielo Drive, Cielo Drive House, Cielo Drive Sharon Tate, Cielo Drive Charles Manson, Cielo Drive The Manson Family, Sharon Tate, Visiting Cielo Drive, Sharon Tate Movies, Sharon Tate Charles Manson, Sharon Tate The Manson Family, Cielo Drive Tour, Charles Manson Gibberish, Charles Manson Once Upon a Time In Hollywood, Spahn Ranch, Charles Spahn, Squeaky Fromme, Lynette Squeaky Fromme, Charles Manson Trial
Id: s_hTDJFUMzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 03 2022
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