Richard Ramirez - The Day The Night Stalker Was Caught (True Crime Scene Locations) 4K

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I come bad luck just my way wherever I go hard luck is isfe good luck never stays day I think most humans have in them the capacity to to commit murder uh it is not because no we don't rich oh they they choose not to not because they are morally Superior as they so commonly claim but because they are imprisoned in a way of responsibilities commitments beliefs and S and that would render murder and absurd gamble or ridiculous self-destruction did you kill 13 people it would be improper for me to comment on my La convictions and on my pending case here in San Francisco why because of my appeals are you appealing these because you say you're innocent you didn't kill 13 people that is correct you didn't kill 13 people again it would be improper for me to comment in any regard to that question a lot was made that you're a devil worshipper do you worship the devil have you ever studied Satanism there are different sects of Satanism have you st just yes or no have you studied yes I have are you are you a worshipper of the devil no comment come on Richard I can tell you a little bit about Satanism well I'm interested in hearing what you got to say then it is undefiled wisdom instead of hypocritical self-deceit it is power power without charity but Satan is admits to being evil do you admit to being evil Richard we are all evil in some form or another are we not I'm asking you the questions my friend yes I am evil not 100% but I am evil evil has always existed now that's one way to start a video what you just heard are actual gunshots because where I'm standing at right now in allean par Park overlooking Los Angeles is actually right next door to the LAPD police academy and they're doing some training over there obviously but welcome to Los Angeles now before we get started and get deep into the locations of the capture of serial killer Richard Ramirez doesn't this place look familiar to you we we were here in the past we did a video this is where they filmed the nuclear explosion scene from Terminator 2 where Linda Hamilton is at the fence and she's shaking the fence it's got this it's the dream sequence and the children in the playground get consumed by the nuclear blast wild right well today's Grim Adventure is all about one of America's scariest serial killers a man by the name of Richard Ramirez the nightstalker a Monster who terrorized the city of Los Angeles in the mid 80s and was caught in East Ella as we told you earlier the man believed to be the walk-in killer was caught through the efforts of some very alert and very involved citizens Elizabeth Anderson reports the residents of Bole Heights are very proud of their heroic efforts earlier today the residents here on hubard Street were filled with fear not anymore now the streets are filled with excitement that's because the walk-in killer Prime Suspect was captured on HUB Street this morning as soon as the word got out hundreds of curious onlookers drove past the neighborhood none of them could believe the prime suspect had been arrested in their own backyard Manuel deor is being called a hero he ran to his wife's rescue today when he saw another man hitting his wife while pulling her out of her gold Granada thaton Tores grabbed a lead pipe and began hitting that man who eventually turned out to be the prime walking killer suspect Tes tells his story as his friend Robert Alvarez translates a lot of people think he's a hero how does he feel about that not a hero D Torres was protecting his wife Angie deat Torres who was still filled with fear foso pan is another hero in this neighborhood earlier today he chased after the same suspect after he claims Ramirez was trying to steal his red Mustang and even though he says he was being threatened with a gun Pinon fought that suspect anyway and then I got him by the neck got him by the neck and then what then we struggled back and forth the car he was going forward and backward the car Maria maro's face tells her story she is still filled with shock because it was her daughter Angie deor who was accosted in her own car by Ramirez she knows her daughter's all right now yes and now hubard street is filled with excitement the residents here share the feelings of so many others they say they can walk the streets again they can sleep safely in their homes at night and that is welcome news Elizabeth Anderson Channel 4 News boil Heights now before we visit the street where the nightstalker was beaten and captured we have to take a step back you see August 31st 1985 Richard Ramirez steps off a bus here in Los Angeles he's returning from visiting his brother in tuon Arizona and when he does this he has no idea that the police have released a sketch and they put it on all of the newspapers here in Los Angeles in hopes to kind of draw them out and the police are actually waiting at the bus station thinking that seeing this he might try to flee so they're sitting there watching and waiting for Ramirez to show up and he doesn't because he's actually returning to Los Angeles and not leaving now The Story Goes that once he got off the bus he was walking and he went into a liquor store at 819 Southtown Avenue there's a liquor store called Mike's liquor store and he picked up a newspaper he saw his face on the newspaper he dropped it and he took off running yeah he look at the the picture of the newspaper look at he looks really SC you know the reason I say The Story Goes is because in doing research and trying to track down the address of Mike's liquor store I came across two different articles that say that this is the liquor store the store that Richard Ramirez walked in and saw his picture on the newspaper the first one being from an actual article that stated 819 southtowns Avenue which would put it right here Mike's liquor store is long gone and today it's in JB textiles now again the address to this place actually came from an old newspaper article and I'm going to go ahead and put that image of the newspaper article like scanned in right here in the video so you can see what I'm talking about but like I said in doing research I came across another place and I have to say it's a little bit more disturbing and a little bit more believable I mean maybe he stopped at both places so again Mike's liquor store would have been right there where JB textiles is 819 Southtown Avenue and after seeing his picture in the newspaper Richard Ramirez would have ran out the door down this street and according to where he was caught this intersection right here is town and 8th Street he would have made a right and continued running down hopping over a freeway through backyards and all the way over to hubard street but before we get there we got a couple other couple other sites to visit what you're looking at right now is a market known as a and e Ramirez Market trust me it's a strange coincidence it has nothing to do with Richard Ramirez but back in ' 85 Ramirez ran down this street from left to right and there was a news stand like newspapers right where those praying hands are and there's a picture of the owner of the news stand at the time saying that Ramirez actually stole a newspaper after he saw his face on it so I never actually found the address of this place in any of the police files just the corner of Evergreen and 8th Street Ramirez would have been coming right down the sidewalk like we are doing right now towards the intersection of Evergreen and eth and that picture pretty much lines up to right about here he would have saw his face on the newspaper right at the news stand right next to those praying hands and you can see the trees down the sidewalk all of that line up the buildings changed a little bit but this is it now I want to point out that the newspaper in this photo is different from other newspapers that I've seen from police reports so I'm guessing what appears to me is that as he was running he was seeing his face plastered all over newspapers as he was trying to flee and get away from people who was recognizing him I'm actually a little blown away that there's a Richard Ramirez crime scene location if you will that actually says Ramirez Market on it didn't expect that and I had no idea that it was like this until I was doing some Google Street View research and I saw it and I almost lost my mind now of course I went inside and I asked the owners the current owners if they knew anything about this and it came as a complete shock to them they had no idea that this is actually part of the story and the name they said they don't know where it came from it was probably from one of the previous owners and it's not a very uncommon name Ramirez especially here in East LA Los Angeles so the ti is completely coincidental now keep in mind all of this is within blocks of Ramirez market and Richard Ramirez is running through the neighborhood zigzagging through yards and people are recognizing him and he's trying to get away and a police report comes in that Ramirez is seen here at the intersection of uid and Garnett Street and they send I think it's like seven police cars out this way leaving Ramiro's market and following Evergreen Avenue up about two blocks it doesn't really dead end instead it kind of Curves over to the left you can see that that that concrete wall up there on the other side of that is I5 now Ramirez still running he runs up the embankment over top I5 into the neighborhood on the other side and he's seen two more times this dividing wall that separates the highway from the neighborhood looks relatively new and to be honest I'm not sure if there was actually a wall there back whenever RZ ran across the highway but it does state in the reports that Ramirez did run across i5 into the neighborhood on the other side that's where we're going now when Ramirez made his way over here to hubt Street he tried to steal car from a man who was living at this address right here 3751 hubber Street his name was foso and Ramirez in foso wrestled but uh Ramirez eventually gave up he didn't get the car and instead he ran across the street didn't get that far where he tried to steal another car where there was a woman trying to get into it and from what I gather he punched her in the stomach and she fought him and she was screaming for her husband to come out and help her and he came out and he grabbed a fence post like a metal bar and hit Ramirez over the head now I tried really hard to try to track down where that car was parked all I know is it's across the street somewhere somewhere right over here give me Keys give me the keys and then I looked up at his base and I saw his eyes and then I recognized that he was the one who killed that's when Manuel deori got involved Manuel ran out front he got a metal stick from the from right there from the gate hit him in the head I gave him one by the car the man fell he started running away I chased him then I gave him another hit the blow from the lead pipe knocked Ramirez to the ground but he got up and he ran and he didn't make it that far because at this point all the commotion everybody was coming out of their houses and I mean the community really banned together and they pretty much beat the living heckin out of Ramirez and it was right about here in this area again it's really hard to kind of pinpoint everything but from everything I found online somewhere where this property meets this property I see this black fence and then the white fence but it looks like they finally subdued him right here and he was a bloody mess whenever the police eventually came he had and he was Bloody he I mean he was bloody and from what I've read the people who are living here the community had Ramirez sitting here on the curb waiting and they had no idea who he was the guy came at me with a a piece of iron bar and he he hit me once over the head I turned around and swung in again and he HD me on the wrist and at that point I couldn't run anymore I sat down to take a breather and I saw a sheriff's patrol car coming down the street and I knew that you know my life was over whenever the police got here a news reporter showed up and was was able to record and film everything now it's important to remember that while this happened the entire city was being terrorized by Richard Ramirez nobody knew where he was going to strike next nobody knew who he was going to strike next they just knew that this monster was on the prow and in a time where the entire city was kind of crippled with fear this community this street the people who lived here just kind of baned together and and took care of everything they took care of their own he say something Spanish about uh I'm lucky the cops are coming or something cuz he knew we were going to everybody was going to finish when the police showed up and eventually arrested basically the car thief they had absolutely no idea who they had and I always found it quite unnerving that the reporter you can see in his video Ramirez is sitting in the back seat his head is all bandaged up because the people here on hubard street beat the crap out of him but they ask him you know what's your name have you ever been arrested before and he just doesn't answer and he just sits there in the back of the car it's crazy right yeah we will what have you been arrested for you ever been arrested before Danny where's your car never been arrested before in La one down how long ago set up how long ago what's your name what's your name because of the reporter that was on scene and shot video we know that the squad car that held Ramirez in the back seat was parked right about here just to the left of this white one on the right hand side which is directly across from where the people of the street were holding them now you see this house right here you can see that in the shut as well with Ramirez in the back seat and off in the distance you can see that house the the slope of the roof everything for the most part the houses have remained the same there's a few changes here and there but just watching it and walking the street you can you can piece together the news report that you can see this house both these houses he got a metal stick from the from right there from the gate hit him in the head I gave him one by the car the man fell he started running away I chased him now this one's going to be a little hard to see because of the Sun but back to fastino's house where Ramirez tried to steal the Mustang if we look across the street like directly across the street from it there are three houses and I know I'm pointing the camera directly into the Sun but these three houses right here can be seen like there's an aerial shot that looks down on them and it matches up [Music] perfectly also in the aerial shot you can see that building right there it says 3757 and if I Pan the camera over this way 3754 there's a news clip where you can see people in this house right here you can see 3754 in the shot this building has changed a little bit but I'm wondering if right in front of here right over this way is where the second car was that Ramirez tried to steal almost kind of where that Tesla is so it was either further up near where that garbage truck is or back this way because you can see this house the guy came at me with a a piece of iron bar and he he hid me once over the head I turned around and swung in again I think that's about it for our time here on Hover Street I still have a few questions like where exactly was that second car that Ramirez tried to break into and steal but for the most part it really took getting here and just walking the street to kind of understand what everything what what happened that day I did run into a few people that live here and nobody that I talked to was living here when that happened well I take that back there was one woman who was whistling and I don't know if she's going to be watching this but if you do it was very beautiful and uh it's pretty surreal pretty surreal from here we're heading over to the police station where Ramirez was taken once he was arrested after Ramirez was arrested he was taken to the Holland Beck police station which is this building right here well this is the new one the old one the original one was actually torn down and they built this one in its place but what we want to look at is right back here towards the back of it there's a concrete wall now I highly doubt this is the original concrete wall but whenever he was arrested and he was brought here crowds knew that the Night Stalker was caught so they all came over here to try to catch a glimpse of them yeah I can tell tell from just looking at it it's not the original wall it hasn't been resurfaced or refurbished but this is where it was very similar we did a video in New York City on David burkowitz very similar situation that's pretty wild for sure even though the original Holland Beck police station is long gone we can actually still line up a rather interesting shot that was taken after Ramirez was arrested uh after he was arrested mayor Tom Bradley was photographed walking into the building so the entrance would have been right over here and to the back of the mayor were these buildings on the other side of the street the photo was taken from right about here and in it you can see those buildings across the street as the mayor walks towards Hollenbeck police station really not much has changed I mean some paint jobs there's a tree there let pretty wild to like go back in time and just see [Music] [Music] that when Jessica and I moved to Los Angeles in January 2021 we were staying with a friend for a month and during that time we were making YouTube videos and also looking for an apartment and January 13th of that year Netflix released a documentary called nightstalker The Hunt for a serial killer right while we were looking for apartments in Los Angeles and I have to say growing up and being a lover of True Crime you know the stories I knew a lot about Richard Ramirez but that documentary scared me and the very first apartment that we looked at was the first floor and I couldn't get this documentary and the story of Richard Ramirez out of my head needless to say we didn't take that first floor apartment we actually took one in a different building and the furthest from the ground in the corner away from everybody but it just kind of sticks with me and after doing this video knowing about Richard Ramirez and the crimes being able to stand on the street hubard street where he was beaten and caught arrested and the nightmare ended here in Los Angeles for families because of some people that were living there these families that was probably the most surreal part of this coming to this Cemetery to end the video really wasn't planned it was just close to where all of this happened but it's kind of fitting because when we started this video we started at um alian Park where they filmed a very iconic scene from Terminator 2 This is where they filmed a scene from a nightmare on El Home Street the church is right over there there's a funeral happening right now so I don't want to get too close but that's the church right right there fun little Grim life red arrow time to go honey and with that being said thank you for joining us on another Grim Adventure this time telling the story of the day Richard Ramirez was caught till next time happy Halloween day good luck never stays day bad luck always to my way
Channel: grimmlifecollective
Views: 514,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Richard Ramirez, Richard Ramirez Interview, Richard Ramirez Edit, Richard Ramirez Court, Richard Ramirez Caught, Richard Ramirez Movie, Richard Ramirez Death, Richard Ramirez Died Today of Natural Causes, Richard Ramirez AHS, Richard Ramirez Speaking Spanish, Richard Ramirez Night Stalker, Night Stalker Netflix, Night Stalker Richard Ramirez Interview, True Crime, True Crime Scene Locations, True Crime Documentary, True Crime Stories, True Crime Daily, True Crime Podcast
Id: 1sXfcoxtrp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 47sec (1427 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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