The Mother of Zuko’s Children

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now i don't mean to exaggerate but zuko had one of the best most satisfying character arcs in television history if you've seen the show you probably agree but there's way more to his story than we've seen and there's a big question that needs to be answered we know zuko as basically three characters the moody banished fire prince the reformed self-proclaimed good guy and an awesome old man but what happened to him between the events of the two avatar shows we know that he had a daughter izumi who eventually became firelord and a grandson who sounded exactly like him but why don't we know who izumi's mother is is it the obvious answer or could there be more to the story let's discuss can you believe just how much zuko grew as a character who knew that the angsty violent brat who wouldn't shut up about honor in the first season would have one of the best redemption stories ever seen on tv zuko went through a lot during the events of the last airbender and even though he almost became the fried prince instead of the fire prince after azulla hit him with some lightning bending in the finale he recovered and became the new firelord and by all accounts he seemed like a pretty fair ruler it's safe to say that he was 10 times better than the previous few fire lords right the next time we see zuko on screen it's as an old man in the legend of korra and seeing him show up in that show and explain how he used to be the avatar's enemy made my heart so warm and happy that jed would accuse me of being a firebender if he saw me but what happened during the 70 years between the last airbender and the legend of korra yes the big question about zuko is what he found out about the location of his mother that was the original show's big cliffhanger and man that's a fascinating story to be sure but it's not what we're here to discuss today today is all about love who did zuko end up with and who's the mother of his daughter izumi aka the future fire lord the answer is without a doubt 100 katara wait stop throwing cabbages at me it kind of makes sense right remember when i mentioned zuko getting electrified in the finale well that was only because he was diving in front of katara to save her life because katara for some reason stayed super close to the battlefield and trusted the word of a psychopath that is something you do for a person you love still not convinced remember the amber island players play when re-enacting zuko and katara's capture at bossing say the play hinted that there was a lot of romantic tension between the two and then it cut to zuko and katara awkwardly avoiding eye contact come on you know those two at least thought about it i mean katara and zuko went on a life-changing journey hunting the man who killed katara's mother if that doesn't spell romance i don't know what does oh wait now i remember katara sort of ended up with aang and had three kids with him oh that's right all right all right let's let's just let's just forget katara but all i'm saying is if aang wasn't in the picture kataku zuara one of those would totally be a thing so okay now let's talk about the most obvious choice in season three zuko began a complicated relationship with mai you know her she is the gloomy girl who sighs a lot and that may sound like an insult but to zuko both of those are extremely attractive qualities apparently mayan zuko's love story may not be as rough buddy as the pesky turning into the moon problem that saka had with his girlfriend but the zuko and my romance certainly had its shares of ups and downs the two knew each other since they were kids and it's clear that there was some puppy love type feelings between the two and you know maybe that could have led somewhere if the manipulative azula wasn't always around seemingly taking enjoyment out of actively sabotaging their young love fast forward to their teen years and once zuko is welcomed back to the fire nation he and mai officially start dating when i first saw them together it was surprising but the more you think about it the more totally makes sense but then zuko just had to go and grow a conscience don't you hate it when that happens he realized his destiny was to help the avatar defeat his father which meant zuko probably couldn't stick around the fire nation for family dinners anymore how unfortunate he left without saying goodbye to his girlfriend which rightfully made her pretty upset you would think that would be the end of the relationship but nope mai sacrificed herself to help zuko escape the boiling rock and then by the end of the series zuko and mai were reunited and they got to be a moody angsty couple once more some would say that's the end of the story and mai eventually became mizumi's mother but is that really the case sure it's the obvious answer but what if there's a big swerve is there another option let's break down a few other possibilities everyone loves to speculate how saka is actually the father of toff's second kid but i'm calling it right now it's all misdirection zuko is the one with the actual surprise wife and the constant rumblings of a toff and soccer pairing is just a big distraction for the true story do i sound crazier than saka on cactus juice probably but let's keep going the first name i'll throw out might cause some controversy but please hear me out what if sookie was actually izumi's mother and zuko's future wife yeah yeah i know i know that sounds like blasphemy suki and saka were hashtag end goals right ah but wait a second as i said there is a huge fan theory that saka is the father of toff's second kid which we all want to be true but if it is that means suki is no longer in the picture so why would suki and saka not end up together well i'll turn to the comics for inspiration a year after the 100 year war ended suki and the other kiyoshi warriors were assigned to protect zuko after a few assassination attempts during this time suki and zuko grew close as tsuki became concerned about his well-being and let's not forget that during this time zuko was secretly visiting his father in prison and because he was being so secretive with mai mai ended up breaking up with him look all i'm saying is that it's not out of the realm of possibility that the zookey loves started growing during this time and that would later blossom into a full relationship could you see these two falling in love both are great fighters natural leaders and can be incredibly scary when the situation calls for it and actually believing this theory makes me feel so much better about the whole saka and toff thing i'm a big believer in the saka and toff relationship and i just always assumed the worst given sanka's luck with women i was waiting for tsuki to turn into like mercury or something but with this suggestion that suki just went on to end up with zuko instead that's a much better ending who else would be a good option for the mother of zuko's children all right let's uh let's throw out another name how about uh oh jin you know jin sweet sweet lovable gin all right i'll give you a second to see if you remember who this is but if you don't remember jyn she's the girl who zuko went on a date with in his section of the tales of bosang say episode remember how nice this girl was she'd come to the tea shop so often that zuko actually thought she was a spy who knew that they were from the fire nation obviously that wasn't the case the only thing jyn was spying on was zuko's dreamy eyes well i mean his dreamy eye anyway they end up going on a date and things just go horribly if you ever had the burning question of whether zuko could juggle or not the answer is definitely no at the end of their date jyn took zuko to see firelight fountain which was one of her favorite spots in the city but then she was disappointed to learn the fountains weren't lit zuko told her to close her eyes and when she did zuko used firebending to light the lanterns when she opened her eyes again she was in awe of the fountains they kissed but then zuko abruptly ended the date by saying his situation was complicated and left her alone now some people who see this could mistakenly believe that this is the end of the story i'm not saying these people are wrong i'm just saying that they're the same people who believe there is no war in bossing sei just saying here is the actual truth after zuko became firelord zuko and jin reconnected and fell in love and she's the mother of izumi all right i definitely need to stop drinking this cactus juice just just one more sip okay two more sips anyway where was i oh right uh hear me out about jyn here is my theory she secretly knew that zuko was from the fire nation it's why she didn't question his obviously fake backstory about being in a circus and why she was so happy at the fountains it's either that or living in the earth kingdom had left too many rocks in her head so you're telling me that if you live in a world with bending powers and you're with someone who has a burn on their face and then that person has you close their eyes and when you open them again the lanterns around you are magically lit with fire and your first thought isn't how this person is obviously a firebender man side note jet was so stupid his strategy to get zuko to admit that he was a firebender was basically to shout at him until he admitted it next time jet just have a pretty girl be sad about some fountains and zuko will freely show off his fire bending skills but anyway if jin secretly knew zuko was a firebender and was accepting of that it makes that scene so much sweeter and it breaks my heart even more for zuko to run away from jin because of how complicated his life was so let's play this out after the series jin sees a picture of zuko and realizes she went on a date with the fire lord somehow they reconnect and go on another date with zuko taking her back to those very fountains and lighting them for her again and from there the rest is history oh man head canon accepted at least this theory makes me forget how sad zuko's story is in the tales of bossing say episode i need to watch another story in that episode to cheer me up hmm how about uncle iro's story that one was a cheerful one right right okay who else any other opinions uh how about uh june oh yeah june is a good choice she's tough she's feisty she comes with a giant sheer shoe what's not to like about her like seriously that shirshu is the most useful animal on the avatar's planet and can track anyone in the entire world yeah june is definitely a contender right okay fine i just like the shirshu okay izumi's mother is probably not jun because jun is destined to live an awesome nomad life doing whatever the heck she wants all right i admit some of these choices are wild but it just goes to prove how invested we are in zuko's life us fans just want to know more about him and make sure that he wound up happy and thankfully even though we don't know exactly who he ended up with it's clear that zuko lived a good life and even had a seemingly great daughter that continued this new era of a more peaceful fire nation and really that's all that matters well i just found some more cactus juice so i'm gonna go drink this and speculate on more options i'll get back to you so who do you think izumi's mother is is it the obvious choice or do you think that there could be more to the story let us know in the comments below and tell us who your favorite ship in the avatar universe is thanks for watching cbr see you next time
Channel: CBR
Views: 547,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zuko Avatar, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Prince Zuko, Mai and Zuko, Avatar content, Fire Lord Izumi, Izumi’s mother, Zuko’s girlfriend, Suki and Zuko, Sokka and Suki, Sokka and Toph, Zuko relationship, Zuko’s mother, CBR
Id: Luo6uXGWYfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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