Who Did Mai Date AFTER Zuko?! | Full Relationship Timeline | Avatar: The Last Airbender

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don't ever break up with me again you might think this was happily ever after but there's a lot more to the full story of May and Zuko Zuma May's known Zuko since they were kids even when they were young there was always a little tension between them it couldn't be more obvious to Azul and Ty Lee they never missed an opportunity to mess with them ah they're so cute together but don't forget what they had in common while Zuko and azula's father was obviously the fire lord himself May was also the child of a political family fireflakes dad May's father ukano was appointed governor of omashu or new ozai's the Fire Nation called it there really is no fathoming the depths of my hatred for this place many your father was appointed Governor we're like royalty here be happy and enjoy it honestly May hated a lot of things but she wasn't alone Zuko also tended to find the bad in any situation that's probably what made them fall in love in the first place orange is such an awful color you're so beautiful when you hate the world I don't hate you I don't hate you too Zuko I have a word with you can't you see we're busy when Zuko returned from his banishment he and may finally spent some time together and eventually became boyfriend and girlfriend deep down Zuko wasn't completely happy but not because of me Zuko was back home and had everything he wanted it almost seemed too good to be true you seemed so downcast has May gotten to you already though actually may has been in a strangely good mood lately Zuko's uneasy feeling found its way into his relationship slowly but surely this pressure was building and Zuko's temper became unstable don't girls like stuff like this maybe stupid girls forget it during a party on Ember Island he reached a Breaking Point stop talking to my girlfriend relax it's just a party Cuco what is wrong with you what's wrong with me your temper's out of control you blow up over every little thing you're so impatient and hot-headed and angry well at least I feel something as opposed to you you have no passion for anything you're just a big blah it's over Zuko we're done [Music] or island is a place of understanding others as well as yourself Zuko and Maine let their feelings known to almost the whole world while Azula sat back and enjoyed the show I should be happy now but I'm not I'm angrier than ever and I don't know why there's a simple question you need to answer then who are you angry at no one I'm just angry yeah who are you angry at Zuko everyone I don't know is it Dad no no your uncle me no no no no no then who who are you angry at answer the question Zuko talk to us come on answer the question on answer it I'm angry at myself why why because I'm confused because I'm not sure I know the difference between right and wrong anymore you're pathetic I know one thing I care about I care about you [Music] [Applause] well those were wonderful performances everyone that wouldn't be the last time Zuko and may broke up and immediately got back together regardless after that trip they were happy tell me if you can have anything you wanted right now what would it be hmm big fancy fruit tart with rose petals on top you know being a principal I might just be able to make that happen that would be impressive do you think you can find fresh fruit tart for the lady with the rose petals on top excellent choice sir I guess there are some nice perks that come with being royalty but even when Zuko had everything he wanted he started to question everything he thought he wanted so how did it go when I got to the meeting everyone welcomed me my father had saved me a seat he wanted me next to him I was literally at his right hand Zuko that's wonderful you must be happy during the meeting I was the perfect Prince the son my father wanted but I wasn't me in Zuko's first war meeting since his return ozai conceived his plan to destroy the Earth Kingdom Zuko knew right then and there he needed to leave to join the Avatar even though it would break May's heart I'm sorry May dear May I'm sorry that you have to find out this way but I'm leaving stop this isn't about you this is about the Fire Nation thanks Zuko that makes me feel all better may I never wanted to hurt you but I have to do this to save my country save it you're betraying your country that's not how I see it despite her broken heart Maine knew deep down Zuko's intentions were good when it came down to capturing him or helping him Escape May aided her ex-boyfriend over a Zula her best friend from childhood what are you doing saving the jerk who dumped me [Music] [Music] leave us alone [Music] I don't understand is why why would you do it you know the consequences I guess you just don't know people as well as you think you do you miscalculated I love Zuko more than I fear you know you miscalculated you should have feared me more come on let's get out of here you both fools what shall we do with them princess put them somewhere I'll never have to see their faces again and let them rot it was a gamble on May's part but her luck paid off after ozai's defeat Zuko became the new Fire Lord May was released from prison and uh hey got back together with Zuko me you're okay they let you out of prison my uncle pulled some strings and it doesn't hurt when the new Fire Lord is your boyfriend so does this mean you don't hate me anymore I think it means I actually kind of like you but don't ever break up with me again together they lived happily ever after well not really through the first year of his Reign Zuko unknowingly began to distance himself from May the new Fire Lord had been secretly meeting with ozai in prison eventually they found out she claimed Zuko loved his Secrets more than he loved her she left him but may was still committed to protecting him at all costs after Susan's comment May's father ukano created the new ozai Society a secret organization dedicated to overthrowing the new Fire Lord as a feeble attempt to recruit may he sent a boy named Calo to present his daughter with flowers the attention was the kalo's Romantic gesture would help enlist me into his Society of course made him fall for it however she kept seeing Calo May plan to use kaylo to spy on her father while Zuko was off searching for his mother may and Kayla started dating despite Ty Lee's clear disappointment upon Zuko's return from the search kano's plans were set into motion he and Azula organized the mass Abduction of children across the Fire Nation including May's little brother Tom Tom she and Kayla teamed up with Zuko and Avatar Aang to stop them and then things got weird Zuko was truly glad to see me happy and he admitted to her that he missed her May didn't take that very well she told zugo that Kayla liked her a lot more than she liked him and that's the way it should be she wanted to keep Zuko safe but not at the expense of Another Broken Heart that's what may said but it might not be how she felt unbeknownst to Zuko she still had a secret photo of them together still loved him after all do you think May and Zuko ever got back together whatever happened to Kayla let us know in the comments and don't forget to subscribe for all things Avatar [Music]
Channel: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Views: 162,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Avatar, Avatar: The Last Airbender, ATLA, Legend of Korra, The Legend of Korra, LOK, Aang, Katara, Toph, Sokka, Zuko, Suki, Waterbending, Earthbending, Firebending, Airbending, Nickelodeon, Korra, Bolin, Mako, Asami, Ozai, Azula, Mai, Ty Lee, Amon, Kuvira, Zaheer, Iroh, Uncle Iroh, Leaves from the Vine, Bending, Anime, The Last Airbender, Aang vs Ozai, Agni Kai, Avatar Netflix, Avatar Studios, Fight, Fight Scene, Minecraft, Video Games, Gaming, Genji, Legend of Genji, Avatar Full Episodes
Id: biPf5El853U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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