The Life Of Desna And Eska (Avatar)

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this video was made in collaboration with the avatar wiki if you'd like to learn more check out the link in the description the life of desna inesca desna and eska are the twin son and daughter of chief unilak as well as his successors as leader of the northern water tribe and cousins of avatar korra they were initially very loyal to their father heeding his every order until he used the energy of harmonic convergence to become the dark avatar realizing that their father was beyond salvation they turned against him and helped team avatar to save the world from an era of darkness welcome to the amagi and today we're going over the life of desna and eska before we begin we publish a new video every day so be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos early life desna and eska were born in 155 ag to unilak in molina growing up in the north desnaneska developed little appreciation toward the southern water tribe and its inhabitants including their cousin korra 171 ag in 171ag desnaneska accompanied their father to the south pole for the glacier spirits festival they stood silently by as their father and their uncle tonrock curtly greeted each other as children of the chief desnaneska sat at the table of honor during the royal banquet that was thrown in honor of their father there they attentively listened to the conversation unalakh was having with korra though remained silent the entire time after dinner they attended the festival carnival where they stood solemnly gazing with disinterest at the passers-by before eska was approached by bolan who was trying to charm her eska intently stared at him inhaling sharply causing the earthbender to become unnerved and desna monotonously stated that he thought bolan was trying to establish a bond with his sister amused by the idea of spending time with someone of a different cultural background eska promptly stated that he now belonged to her when bolan asked if she wanted him as a boyfriend or a slave she remained ambiguous and instead ordered him to win her prizes some time later the twins accompanied their father cora mako bolan and ton rock to the center of the south pole where avatar kora would open the southern water tribe's dormant spirit portal to stop the dark spirit attacks desna and eska were set to travel on an arctic camel though when bolan arrived on a snowmobile with a sidecar eska inquired whether or not the sidecar had the capacity for two passengers mullen eagerly told her that it did interpreting her question as eska wanting to ride with him though she had intended it as bolon driving both her and her brother as passengers much to bolin's chagrin as the party later made their camp for the night cora asked unlock if he had a theory as to why the dark spirits were attacking bolin growing frightened scooted closer to eska and put his head on her shoulder she dryly stated that he did not need to worry as she would protect him dubbing him her feeble turtle duck as the group moved on again they were ambushed by dark spirits one of which entered the snowmobile's engine causing the machine to go haywire sending the twins and bolons speeding toward a mountainside emotionless even with the prospect of certain death the twins grabbed bolon and hopped off the machine before it crashed they let bolin slide down the slope on his own while they used their bending to create ice shoes and skate down the mountain in perfect control stopping with the rest of the group when bowling came to a halt his snow suit entirely inflated esca helped him to deflate by puncturing his coat with three ice spikes the twins rode the rest of the way on mako's arctic camel dragging bolin who remained seated in the nowrex snowmobile after korra managed to restore the southern lights and emerge from the forest unscathed bolan was the first to hug her however eska broke it up by water bending an ice wall between the earthbender in the avatar sliding bolon back to her demanding to know why he was initiating physical contact with another woman bolan nervously smiled and esca released him before walking away with her brother as the northern forces began to occupy the south desna and esca were traveling through town in a rickshaw pulled by bolon in an attempt to joke around eska stated that she would hate to leave the quaint southern water tribe when desna inquired whether she was sincere she immediately expressed her relief over leaving the south as she immensely disliked it as the twins started chuckling dryly esca commanded bolin to laugh at her humorous quip as they halted before a building eska descended from the rickshaw on a makeshift stair that bolin bent for her when bolan expressed how sad he would be when she left she corrected him by stating he would accompany her to the north to live out the remainder of their lives in icy bliss from that moment on eska continually threatened to ice bowl and up and feed him to dolphin piranhas whenever the earthbender attempted to break up with her that night the twins accompanied bolon makko and korra on a date after hearing the news about varrick being the leader of the rebellion against their father and eska set out on a search for the businessman in order to bring him to court they stopped at the entrepreneur's house where mako bolan and asami were waiting for him the three soldiers that accompanied them searched the entire room while the twins explained to the gathered threesome what was going on when the search proved futile eska proposed to her brother to continue their hunt elsewhere he promptly left the room though as eska was about to do the same she turned back to bolin snapping at him that he should as her boyfriend bow when she leaves a room when the earthbender instantly complied she affectionately commented that he was cute when he groveled during the trial of the southern water tribe rebels eska was in a room somewhere in the courthouse during the judge's recession bolin cautiously asked her whether or not they could talk she granted him permission to talk freely and listened as he told her that he felt the spark between them had faded she agreed to his assessment of their feelings but failed to understand it as a sign that he wished to break up instead she took it as a reason to engage herself to him seeing a marriage is the only thing that could save their relationship the princess promptly tied a betrothal necklace bearing a skull and spikes around bolan's neck announcing that they would be wet at sunset that evening and that he had permission to express his joy through tears she subsequently led him away guiding him by the necklace and gave him and pabu a new attire and style that would match her own long regal robes of the northern water tribe after eska found herself stood up at her wedding by bolin she learned of his escape together with cora mako and asami on varric's yacht enraged and hurt she gave chase propelling herself through the water with a powerful wave in order to keep up with the fast-moving ship as the boat sped away however she eventually gave up pursuit after team avatar successfully managed to flee the south pole desnaneska whose disheveled appearance startled a northern officer met with their father who charged them with the task of retrieving korra informing his children that she was the only one able to open the northern spirit portal desna asked una lock why he had told korra her services as the avatar were no longer required to which unilak responded that he had lied to korra telling her what he thought she needed to hear in determination eska told unlock that she would find cora blaming her for stealing bowlin and reluctantly agreed to her father's request that she be captured alive the twins managed to catch up with their cousin as she was traveling to the fire nation by speed boat and launched several attacks at her with her bending eska blamed cora once again for ruining her wedding and after dodging cora's counter attack they pulled up on either side of the speedboat esca jumped into the air and directed a stream of water at cora's boat causing it to break in two and throwing cora into the water cora rose into the air on a water spout and began fire bending at the duo but they were able to dodge her attacks and fired another stream of water at korra knocking her into the air korra subsequently formed a much larger water spout which enveloped the two siblings desna and eska attempted to defend themselves against the effect of cora's bending but after spotting a glowing green light below the water they ceased their pursuit and pulled back the light was revealed to be a massive dark spirit which attacked cora eventually pushing her beneath the surface of the water the twins watched from a distance as their cousin disappeared and subsequently fled the scene the twins returned to the south pole where they discovered their father emerging from the spirit portal as unlock remained silent about what he had been doing in the spirit world the twins reported that they had failed to capture the avatar but assumed her to be dead a week later they journeyed into the spirit world with their father in an attempt to open the northern spirit portal as they neared the closed portal desna and eska questioned their father's belief that there was another way to open the portal considering that the spirits had failed to do so in the past ten thousand years oonalok explained to them that by entering the spirit world through the southern spirit portal they still had their bending something the spirits never had at their father's insistence desna and escob water bent at the portal but the backlash of energetic friction generated by their attack injured desna concerned about her brother's well-being esca tended to him announcing to her father that desna needed a healer immediately unilak however ordered his daughter to disregard her injured brother and resume her assault eska refused her father's command and took her brother back into the physical world to be healed when the southern water tribe rebels launched their attack on the southern capital and managed to push back the northern defenders desnaneska led numerous dark spirits into the battle tipping the scales in their favor with quick water strikes they managed to push the rebels into a retreat there they were temporarily forced to go on the defensive by tonrock though when he charged their father the twins thwarted his advances with an ice block to his side before they could proceed with a follow-up attack however they were ordered to leave tonrock for their father to deal with and they retreated to a nearby alley several hours prior to harmonic convergence desna and eska approached their father in his tent at their encampment surrounding the southern spirit portal questioning why they remained at the south pole when they had defeated the rebels and opened both portals under the impression that the balance had been restored they outed their desire to return home however they were told that unilak's biggest achievement had yet to take place and were subsequently ordered to ready the troops for an incoming avatar desna and eska participated in the defense easily taking down the biplane mako asami and bolan were on with their water bending they witnessed the shackled threesome being thrown into the tent where tanrak kora kaya and tenzin were already held captive although they were surprised to hear their father's plan of fusing with vatu during harmonic convergence they did not object and obey disorder of guarding them all while he left for the spirit world as cora attempted to convince them to help her instead of their father eska quickly silenced her by stating that they would never turn on their father when their cousin continued her plea desna angrily stepped forward and announced his belief that unalakh was the wisest man in the world and would therefore take him on his word soon after the twins were knocked off their feet by boomi who slid into the tent intending to rescue his family and friends desina and esca prepared to take on the new rival but were once more slammed to the floor this time by naga who knocked them out cold they regained consciousness later only to discover that the others had escaped the tent though before they could reach the southern spirit portal they were knocked down by the energy impulse released by the start of harmonic convergence after unlock was cast out of the spirit world desnaneska incapacitated mako and bolan who were guarding the portal in order to help their father re-enter as they dragged the brothers away from the portal they were knocked back by the latter who then managed to escape however they quickly recovered and chased the brothers down into the spirit world where esca halted their escape by encasing them in blocks of ice with oonalok merged with vatu and locked in a battle with korra mako pleaded with the twins to release them though desna deemed his persuasive effort pathetic when mako pointed out that their father did not care for them desna started to doubt their position as he recalled unilak's indifference to his injuries sustained when he was trying to open the northern portal eska firmly told him to ignore mako though was intrigued by bolan's subsequent outburst of emotion in which he revealed he had always loved her and had merely been scared when he had left her at the altar desna exchanged a confused look with mako but eska moved by bolin's declaration of love kissed the earthbender while melting the brother's icy prisons while esco watched them run off with a blissful smile on her face thinking of spending eternal darkness with bolon desna dryly commented that the brothers would certainly perish though did nothing to stop them when they exited the portal themselves they witnessed their father take on enormous proportions as vatu manifested himself in their father's features showing fear for the first time desna and eska returned to the spirit world in time to save bolin from a horde of dark spirits that were attempting to get cora's body inside the tree of time when bolan excitedly kissed eska and claimed he loved her before announcing that they would meet the end of the world together eska found it very romantic declaring themselves to be so done with spirits the twins joined the defenders however being greatly outnumbered by the spirits they were forced to retreat with the others inside the tree of time on the verge of being overwhelmed by the spirits they were saved by the return of cora's astral projection who dissipated all the dark spirits at once they subsequently witnessed their cousin fuse with rava recreating the avatar spirit after the ensuing battle between koran and unalloc which resulted in unlock's death korra approached the twins and apologized for being unable to save their father desna and esca however were unmoved by that news claiming that they would not miss him at all since he became a deplorable man in the end however eska did express concern about how to break the news to their mother before they could dwell any longer on that comment they were approached by bolon who asked jessica to move with him to republic city she declined his offer stating that she and her brother needed to return to the northern water tribe she explained to the earthbender that with the eternal darkness upon them she had become caught up in the moment stating that she would always have a special place in her heart she said her goodbyes to bolin emphasizing that she would always think of him fondly after their father's demise desnaneska succeeded him as the new chiefs of the northern water tribe two weeks into their reign they were already met with boredom though lit up with a visit from lord zuko and their uncle tonrock the twins interest was further peaked when zuko informed them that they needed to check on a secret ice prison in the western tundra and they agreed at once eager to break their monotonous routine as they entered the prison esko wondered why they had not been informed of the prison's existence earlier with desna adding that if he had known he would have imprisoned his tailor there for always messing up the sleeves of his robes as they ventured deeper into the building zuko explained how the prison had been erected 13 years prior to house the fire-bending criminal police who was able to create explosions with her mind as they rode the elevator into the bowels of the prison zuko quipped that he had once hired a firebender with similar skills to kill the avatar without success after a moment of silence and ignoring the fact that tonrock was also present eska told him not to feel bad about it since she had tried to kill korra for ruining her wedding adding that such things happen while crossing the last hurdle to get to the prisoner desna dryly stated that there was no way anyone could break out though zuko refuted that statement by pointing out that they had thought the same about the prisons of three other notorious criminals zahir gazan and minghua desna and eska stood with ton rock as zuko returned from his scouting mission on druk his dragon realizing the snowstorm coming their way was zaheer creating cover for his team the twins charged the incoming zahir and minghua together with zuko and tanrok bending in unison they barraged ming-hwa with ice bullets and tried to halter advance by creating iceberg spikes their opponent managed to evade all their attacks and managed to get behind them before desna and esca could react they found themselves swept off their feet by mingwa's tentacles and encased in two blocks of ice following the anarchy in the earth kingdom desna and eska alongside the other world leaders tasked kuvera with restoring order to the chaos ravaged nation granting her the position of interim president until the earth kingdom was stabilized enough for prince wu's return and restoration to the earth kingdom throne three years after the insurrection of the red lotus desnaneska traveled to republic city in their official capacity as leaders of the northern water tribe to attend prince wu's coronation as the new earth king as they were checking into the republic city four elements eska spotted bolan and made her way over to him congratulating him on his new threatening looking girlfriend kuvera when she was corrected on the nature of bolin's relationship with kuvira eska commented that being someone's boss and girlfriend was the same thing their conversation was cut short by cam who apologized for the fact that desmond and esca were reserved a room with only one bed esker replied that the reservation had not been a mistake since desnus slept in the tub after they checked into their rooms desnaneska attended prince wu's coronation as the new earth king and bore witness to kuvera's declaration of usurping power in the earth kingdom which she renamed the earth empire following the ceremony they discussed the matter with the other world leaders and they agreed to send zuyun bae-fong to talk to kuvira to ask her to reconsider her stance on the matter did you enjoy our video be sure to check out these other great videos from the amagi and make sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Channel: The Amagi
Views: 437,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: desna and eska, desna, eska, water tribe, water, southern, south, northern, north, avatar, korra, amon, Councilman, republic city, Noatak, Yakone, death, task force, tenzin, Equalists, past, tlok, air, aang, temple, earth, atla, iroh, zuko, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, back story, episode, the amagi, teaching, Republic City, sokka, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, fire, clan, bolin, lin, suyin, white lotus, sub, sub skill, flying, element, first
Id: vwTgnbt8sXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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