Avatar: Hidden Bending Skills Revealed

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ah the fascinating lion turtle just like dragons the legend says that these mysterious animals have been brought to extinction by greedy humans but as firelord zuko's dragon testifies i say fake news lion turtles have been the protectors of mankind for generations and while they supposedly vanished from the human world it doesn't mean that we can't find them anywhere in today's avatar video i will take you on a journey through the spirit world in order to find a variety of undiscovered lion turtles that hold bending abilities beyond the four elements compass check map check cabbage check all right mount your sky bisons people because we're going for a ride to the other side yip yeah first time team avatar got a first look at a lion turtle was when they visited the hidden library while the knowledge spirit eventually sank the library into desert sand the group had time to glimpse at an image of lion turtles the painting shows three of these giant creatures roaming the spirit wilds as one human stands before one of them what's surprising about them is not really their size although i wouldn't stand in their way but how they differ from the lion turtles aang met later on in the series there's a few differences that caught my eye when i compared both versions the ones painted on the scroll are missing those two giant fangs coming out from both the lion turtle aang met and the one juan met back in the days why am i focusing on these creatures dental work well for one it means that these titans can actually evolve which will be useful for today's theory take another look at that ancient scroll now remember the other two lion turtles do you see another difference well the ones found on the scroll have a regular turtle shell on their backs the others not so much aang's lion turtle has a huge forest growing on its back while wands literally has a whole city on its shell this means that as time passes lion turtles have adapted to their environment making it possible for them to have survived the great lion turtle purge whether in the human or the spirit world or even both the ancient scroll seems to represent humans first encounter with the creatures and might explain a thing or two about why they started growing trees on their backs they might have started to grow forests to cosplay as mountains fooling dark spirits who were after their powers humans who didn't have much power back then saw this as a good opportunity to protect themselves from the same threat that would also explain why they grew these amazing things while they could protect themselves by hiding in their shells their fangs allowed them to keep enemies of humans at bay this is where humans and lion turtles united and lived happily ever after well that is until elemental benders used the lion turtle's powers against them purging most of their kind while others went into hiding while the last discovered lion turtle was traveling the world by sea hiding in the form of an island wouldn't there be a more efficient way of getting under humans radar the answer lies in the legend of korra's third season title change avatar sequel series is all about evolution from lightning generation and metal bending becoming almost mainstream to the return of a combined world between spirits and humans the series universe has never been that altered this makes me think that aang's lion turtle was not just running away from humans it was laying eggs around the world since lion turtles rarely met during rava's era they must have evolved to be able to reproduce without the need of a mate just like the komodo dragon the newborn lion turtles scattered across the four nations would of course be different and never reach the titan size of their daddy mommy in order for their kind to survive in a new world they would have to be smaller and just like chameleons be able to fade away in their new habitat while they would slightly differ from one to another i imagined them to be slightly bigger than the average human being about the size of a very big dog but how would their bending powers work would they have the same as their motto parental daddy mommy would they have any let's dig deeper into the idea and find out what kind of lion turtles we would get at cbr i've been on a quest to reimagine and expand on bending abilities in recent videos i've either hinted or fully covered sub bending abilities like pure metal bending or wood bending i've also made videos explaining newly revealed abilities made canon like smoke bending in the avatar comic book smoke and shadow or glass bending in the novel the shadow of kyoshi the final entry in a duology some of the sub-bending abilities have surfaced recently or seem to have been lost through time on one side i've argued that metal bending and wood bending could be categorized as pure bending types when i explained the wushing or the five elements in chinese philosophy on the other smoke bending is a fire bending skill while glass bending is an earth bending skill mostly used through sand bending according to this logic we would have six main elements to bend from fire air water earth metal and wood the last two might have just been skipped from the avatar reincarnation cycle simply because the first avatar one never met the metal and wood lion turtles after all he was not about to tour all these continents on foot right what i'm getting at here is that the newer smaller lion turtle does not hold the four main avatar elements but the two much rarer ones and sub-elemental skills there's already enough humans doing that already like cora's last season's title hints at what we need is balance let's take a look at those small lion turtles and see how their powers would work first we have the wood lion turtle think bulbasaur but more woody than planty just like the wood bending tribe i imagined in my video on wood bending the wood lion turtle scales would mimic the white grey and black color palette of the birch trees bark they would live in harmony with the wood benders in a forest somewhere on an island not too far from the eastern air temple it's true that lion turtles are not really fighters but they do have some defense mechanisms besides hiding the wood lion turtle would be able to retract roots from under its shell mainly to move around faster climb trees or pick fruits but it could also cause some real damage points if needed these roots could extend their reach to the stars above contrary to the webbed feet of the ancient lion turtles the wood lion turtles would be all about claws the webbing between its fingers and toes would almost be non-existent and that sharp claws would make it easier for it to climb trees and ground itself when using their roots they would also be slightly lighter than other lion turtles and way less heavy than their cousin the metal lion turtle let's travel a bit more north to find out more about these ones the nomadic lion turtle would have laid eggs in the northern region of the earth kingdom giving birth to metal lion turtles these creatures would live hidden away in mountains and more precisely in caves their claws teeth and shell would be made out of platinum allowing them to dig through anything and to move freely around caves without worrying about getting crushed this fun fact would also protect them against earth benders who can metal bend since platinum being a pure metal is impossible to bend by these types of benders unlike the wood lion turtles who protect and are protected by wood benders the metal lion turtles would live in fear of humans preferring to stay away and after what happened to their ancestors and how the fire nation treated dragons who can blame them could those two pure elemental bending types be acquired of course they could this would set off a new journey for a future avatar just like aang had to travel the world to master all four elements the future avatar would have to travel to the east convince a wood lion turtle to grant him the power of wood bending just like one did many centuries ago this visit to the east could also be the opportunity to learn new fighting techniques and master wood bending with the help of expert wood benders in the case of gaining a metal lion turtle's trust let's just say they would probably welcome you tough style gotta dig your way through that one next let's fly to the fire nation territory and find out about some of these sub-elemental lion turtles living out there remember roku's volcanic island yeah the one that erupted taking the life of the fire avatar in the process well since the place has been deserted for a long time now and nature has slowly started taking over it was the perfect place to leave some tiny lion turtle eggs while not as aggressive as their metal counterpart the smoke lion turtles have a few tricks up their sleeves when it comes to scaring off people who wander onto the island these smoke-bending creatures are armed with an antenna on top of their head they can light up the tip of their antenna which produces smoke that they can control just like azula and her fire warriors have recycled the kimura kage legend using smoke bending the smoke alaian turtles created something similar not only can they hide themselves using smoke but they can mold the smoke to any form they wish imagine a land with walking smoke specters at every corner okay i creep myself out there anyways i really wonder what kind of techniques could be born out of smoke bending now you know what let's discuss it what would i do with such powers for starters i definitely use smoke specters to freak out my enemies and friends and just like waterbenders can create fog i could produce a big amount of smoke which would blind my enemies and put them to sleep at the same time smoke bending would definitely be made for stealth type benders smoke bending ninjas anyone and last but not least let's talk about glass lion turtles now i've explained how glass bending technique would work in my a new sub bending skill as revealed video so if you're a glass bender in training go check that one out in that video i explained how glass bending is actually linked to sand bending and of course the siwong tribes this makes the siwong desert the perfect birthplace for glass lion turtles unlike the other lion turtles mentioned earlier in this video these little fellas look more like tortoises than turtles having flat feet not made for swimming like most of their cousins they would be masters of hiding being able to become fully transparent making their whole body made out of glass they would be quite a task to track down while it's a good way to escape or be unnoticed it also makes them more vulnerable and breakable while this whole theory would make for a really cool avatar journey it could also mean that anyone benders or non-vendors alike could get their hands on these powers this could mean that a less powerful form of avatar would be possible if one fighter decides to go out and collect the two other pure elements and other sub-elements this could also mean the creation of new tribes and even nude nations revolution is just around the corner one idea from user lord alex sadly didn't make the cut for this video but surely brought our writing team to tears they write the missing bending style is not wood bending it is cabbage bending you know to be honest i'm highly tempted to do an entire video about it what do you think should i you
Channel: CBR
Views: 317,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: avatar, waterbending, firebending, legend of korra, the last airbender, aang, korra, lion turtles, wood bending, earthbending, airbending, zuko, toph, mako, wan, anime, cartoon, anime theory, animation, film theory, film
Id: Zf08QLKoGY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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