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this horrendous bee in someone's front yard oh I don't know what I was expecting but it definitely wasn't that creature from the depths of Hell Birds running oh boy do not like that at all this thing right here found in a shop window in rural Netherlands all right let's take a oh my God Taxidermy goes to some really freaky places okay today's sea friend of the day is the candy crab I got a bit of a sweet tooth today give me that boy I want to take a couple of bites of that rock candy the red chair of Iceland what the hell is this hey do we have any Icelandic viewers you want to explain to me what the red chair is what's going on here who owns it who gets to sit there does anything happen when you sit there am I going to awaken an ancient god this horrible quality facts oh sunrise sunset Child Care Center we have baby demons why do we still fax anything you know what that's a dumb question emails never seem to get where they're going either my desolate ride down the mountain above the cloud line that's um I mean it could be scarier all right the first silhouette you see that doesn't look like a tree I'd be a little concerned at that point but other than that we're good this thing right here is called a macro Kyra campferry it's basically a giant Japanese crab it's also known to be the largest arthropod still alive those things are insane to me man I don't understand how they can possibly move those big armored limbs of theirs well I guess a little terrifying but you know the good boys just having a fun time he's happy to see you this one may not be so happy to see you I think I think this dog might actually want to eat you or something along those lines so keep an eye out oh Elmo finally finished teething you know it's about time we've all been rooting for the little guy for years these big crabs in the top tank [Laughter] the only reason they're as scary as they are is because they're slightly obscured so they look mystical hiking through the Appalachian Trail in May oh well that's not terrifying that's pretty are you kidding me oh that's so pretty though look this isn't Middle Earth they're not ants they're not gonna come to life and try and talk your ear off for a hundred years it's okay McDonald's in the early 1980s hey you want to see more info on this go check out yesterworld's video of McDonald's land man it is Nightmare fuel for days but don't check that out until you're done with this video that's the rules you got it got it it appears that this frog ate the wrong spider well spider still got eight though migration over Rome I actually just saw this picture pop up on my Facebook feed oh I'm really glad I don't live in any areas where migrations of this scale ever happen usually I just see like 20 geese flying to and from Canada we have no names buy and name us I don't want to do that I feel like some kind of Prophecy is going to be fulfilled if I do the fact that a bird May nest in a dead crocodile's mouth it terrifies me well it should terrify you that's creepy man look at that newborn horse hoofs oh oh that doesn't hurt them does it does it because if you're born and your feet kind of look like imitation crab for a little while it just feels like there's a lot of nerve endings hanging out there an owl with no feathers oh God bald animals are cheating man a lot skinnier than I thought they'd be this painting I found in a playground last year's summer um I think that kids having some kind of prophetic nightmares they may be the protagonist in their own movie you know what I mean mom's gonna to see this and start asking psychiatrists what's going on Panda caretakers at the zoo the pandas are so weird man they need such a strange form of caretaking people who take walks at night what's the scariest thing that you've seen I saw a tarantula use a crosswalk as if it was a law-abiding pedestrian well you think a tarantula is above the law no they understand they have to follow the rules just like us don't you dare pee in public or we're gonna chop your eggs off with some school scissors alright remind me never to go there not because I want to be outdoors or anything like that but that's quite a hefty punishment oh it's a legally safe knockoff of our good friend bugs the bunny I hate this um uh uh uh 50 we don't know oh hey it's the phone cheap again God they're Never Gonna Leave me alone I swear I don't know how to read that word a character from the Czechoslovakian children's show again a word I'm not gonna try to pronounce uh this was a character on a children's show I guess I can't be too creeped out or surprised by this considering there's a show somewhere in Europe that's about a guy with an incredibly long penis who saves children from danger with it so we can't be too surprised yes that's real this is definitely a highly unusual musical instrument this liar comes from central Africa and was made with a human skull and Antelope horns source and photo the Metropolitan Museum of Art New York oh my God that is so metal dude this is something that you'd see in Doom right you come across this and you gotta play it to open up the door to the next area my son left a toy at the bottom of the stairs did not appreciate seeing this while still half asleep this morning oh I love that we have a cardboard cut out of the conductor from The Polar Express in our house and I like to leave it everywhere that I know Zach goes I've gotten him pretty good A few times with it so far if you see nothing zoom in a little had my head over the railing to look down oh I don't like it at all there are quite a few though my God look at those kinky lanky boys some freaky statues in San Francisco this is why no one really likes living in San Francisco it's not the main reason trust me the main reason is wow you got to be a billionaire but this has to be reason number two oh yeah the stairs that'll make you clench yourself into a black hole that can't actually be real right whenever I see photographs like this it just reminds me of one of the last scenes in National Treasure when Riley's looking up at the stairs and he starts to cry trying to get a cute pic of my husband and daughter while stuck in a parking lot during a severe thunderstorm maybe a flash would have helped a little bit more here or turning on the dome light in the car 1968 Ukraine Mayday Parade Mayday Parade oh this girl is going to kill one of you keep an eye out tonight don't turn off the lights or young middlemiss here will get you Dolton family there's only four people in our household we've got daddy and mommy and sister and me and say hi please help me this child summoned Me In Love let me escape oopsie looks like broke one of our rules now he has to be re-educated I accidentally used a Snapchat filter on this drawing I feel like it's staring into my soul well thank god it's got his eyes closed then the claws on a harbor seal flipper which they use for self-defense against sharks damn dude what's with animals that we always think are just cute and cuddly actually in end up being rather viciously terrifying I remember being a sprightly young boy and hippopotamuses still were considered just you know chunky funky fellas but no nowadays it's more wildly known that they're literally one of the most horrific creatures in the world seriously they're like the Bumblebee how where is the physics that enables such a creature to swim through the water so fast if a one-eyed one-horned flying purple people eater was real according to dally too well in a way I can see it being legitimate I mean a People Eater doesn't necessarily need to eat you while you're alive it can also eat you in little little chumps at the time isn't isn't that a nice thing to think about being slowly murdered through tiny chunks yum yum unexplained sea floor Footprints images show mysterious perfectly aligned holes beneath the Atlantic Ocean and nobody knows what made them listen when she says her parents are at home you make your way over no matter the circumstances oh you're drowning walk it off you need to get laid an abandoned piano in the forest oh that's not utterly terrifying that's oddly perfect and wholesome and pretty and welcoming though I'm also part of the generation that finds someone knocking on your door to be a hostile threat send not so much an actual welcomed stranger so yeah I'm not surprised we'd see this as a threat too play I could play it around to mock me for doing a bad job because all I know is the chopsticks on ah but that's just what they want me to think I know this game I've seen this bait in a public mall before I'm not falling for it concerning Garden ornament made with chicken wire and cement well I mean that's clearly sealed away some sort of demon no no thank you now I don't want to buy any Girl Guide cookies no thank you my prized bold-faced hornets nest with Barbary hair why are you holding that with just your hand why why you no no why put it away no there's only one reason they'd have their hands so close to it it must be because they're all dead in which case I am happy but still there's always one there always is still one this does something for me I don't know how to explain okay in what way because I mean this is meant to be oddly terrifying but this sort of behavior look there are some people who enjoy a certain type of showering and well hmm um definitely changed my perspective of enjoying tomato sauce all over my mate this horse fly spotted outside my home this morning now this is a great example where some creatures over time can develop new traits such as ability to breathe underwater a lot more longer as a way of survivability no doubt this horse fly is slowly evolving itself to be a bit larger as a way to overcome its Predators or maybe you know survive a bit longer out in the Wilds point is let's not allow that let's you know let's put our foot down okay let's play a bit of you know Evolution cop and just kill it you know just kill it don't let it spread don't let it think this is okay it's not inside a U-Boat in World War One Quick turn that wheel what this one no that one word this one no that one well this one no that one okay I'm turning that one did it work that wait it was the other one well this one no that one oh this one no that one getting stared at by my smiling dribbling electric iron its only desire is to burn don't look at kangaroo's instincts when being faced with serious assault is to jump into water and hold the head of the attacking animal underwater hey hey hey hey hey come swim um I'm good man come on it's a hot day we should help it Rufus just stay right there mate screw this I'll come to you no no no no no run Rufus a fly that kills bees and wasps that's a fly that's not a fly that's a spider B hybrid that's a spider B spider B is this the year I finally use chicken wire to make yard ghosts yes it is ah the way my soul would leave my body if I even caught a glimpse of these man put these on some sort of Dolly and you're good to go my cat's eyes in this lighting oh who spooked more you wore the kitty though this does low-key look like someone's attempt at drawing a cat and just being terrible at drawing eyes just a big circle and a big circley dot in the middle yep that does it that last line is creepy as hell first time mother gives birth to 13 pound baby girl the second biggest in the UK after her bump was so big doctors thought she was having twins and her skin stretched so much it bled oh that is a visual that I did not want to know existed the beauty of childbirth the miracle of parenting is It's a Wonderful a beautiful gift to have started a new phone game today I guess you don't get eyes if you're not a main character the creator of this game is no doubt the same person who cannot draw eyes on cats buffer Effigy oh butter yep wow I read words I do that sometimes well most times wrong now on to the more important question why is that there at a grocery store that is this is the last place I'm sure anyone would appreciate such a thing found this on Apple Maps Oh Lordy why why why is this is that even real it looks like some terrible augmented reality you know those purple monster minions are actually kind of horrifying if you think about it this is the mascot for the Halifax oyster festival and I'm absolutely terrified of it so many choices into how this could have been designed you could have made the eyeball see-through so that they could just see through the eyeballs but no instead we have to put a face there because hey why not make this horrific thing look like it's a monstrous month an alien from the thing is what I'm saying don't smile it makes this creepier oh I just noticed that the nose is actually a face that's honestly really cool this is actually cool I don't see what's terrifying about this this is awesome medieval beekeepers yes a well-known fact that uh beekeepers hands were in fact immune to stings in the medieval days and Unfortunately they also couldn't see where they were going so the bees didn't actually see them as a threat and more so as some hilarious entertainment a cicada malting oh wow and to think people would go on and only fans or a club to see this kind of thing [Laughter] there's a lot to take in here that I don't think I have the time to really oh God what is that stomach damn muscular pecks though what is your routine what's your bench like 250 last night I had the worst nightmare of my life oh it's a recent story too in the nightmare I was at my house alone that's odd because I live with my parents I'm 15 and everything was black with Twisted white lines to shape objects and things I walked through my house and found out there was like 100 000 bedrooms side by side like copies of the same room in every single room there was a person standing in the corner of the room staring at me doing nothing the humanoid creatures that were looking at me had white soulless eyes and were saying things that I don't remember at all I think it was some Spirit Schmidt I don't know anyway I went downstairs and my living room was the least weird room of my house nothing seemed wrong except for the white and black colors of course I opened my living room door and I walked through my backyard there was a creature with the same soulless white eyes but it had a smiling mouth it had a hat it seemed to not have legs and he was waving at me looking directly into my eyes I don't remember what happened next I remembered the dream and made a Schmitty drawing just to remember it later I just saw the drawing now and I'm actually even more terrified than before the whole thing was worse I think I may be disturbed I I can't stop thinking about it I think this may have some pathologic to influences since I started watching a two hour video review of the game that must be the main reason my brain created this creepy shape anyway I just decided to push this here I don't know if this fits here since I don't have any real image for obvious reasons but here is the drawing I made earlier so essentially hey guys I had a really disturbing experience uh I want you guys to experience it too yeah you're welcome not edited from the Oregon fires most would be terrified of such a spectacle this fire and Flame and smoke enveloping the sky above in a hellish glaze the red you cannot escape from all around you you are reminded of what awaits your fate should you mistakenly sleep in such ignorance to what is coming and meanwhile I'm here as an Australian dude just being completely blown away by how awesome of an interior this delivery van looks like Wow way too I mean I have a car and I it's pathetic compared to a delivery van who wow okay the world might be ending over there but so is my self-worth and I think that's more important cybernetic otter oh dude what which one of those eyeballs is a natural eyeball that is wow thing looks more like a zombie than anything and I gotta have mixed feelings about that hand what what is that poor exactly what can it do is that a gun make the vegetable come alive children's book from the 80s with tips for making different themed birthday parties what you make them smile make them smile why aren't they smiling it's worse there is a lot to unpack here for one thing bringing the vegetables alive okay that's cool then why are you hanging them around legs if they're piles of meat and literally eating them for the theme of the party that's it's yay we have gifted them sentience now let us devour them and could you at least guide the kids in you know making the vegetables happy The Masks make them happy pleased the carrots dude's just in a PTSD state of traumatic shock seeing his brother dead laid out on the table this dehydrated persimmon looking like a mouth yeah it's not so much this thing that's oddly terrifying but what humans will be thinking about when they see it sorry correction what Reddit will be thinking when they see it oh no what do you mean it's fruity juicy puckered lip yes this will help my child learn about proper Dental Care not terrify them just I mean why even give them that eyebrow eyelid part anyway if they're gonna have a constant gaping mouth and at least make them look excited not frowning like they're just waiting to devour you this old coin purse full of teeth I just found in my basement oh Lord are they I mean are some of them are any of them baby teeth I you know I feel more comfortable if they were baby teeth at least I'd understand that but then some of them look like human adult teeth and that's where it becomes a bit of a concern attempt at a Disney ride on toy for kids oh no the designers knew what they were doing here this come on look Mommy okay get off the ride sweetie the snow King chair lift no arm bars all seat belts if Lucky you had a buddy that's so fascinating they've clearly accepted their fatality rate so much that they just got a tally going 936. let's get to a thousand by December people like And subscribe shy guy without his mask yes of course he has to have one horrifying tooth and drooling lips this is one of those things that I can't help but keep looking at though like I know it's terrifying but it's fascinating too I mean someone saw a little pixelated character with three dots for her face and were like you know what let's make this nightmare fuel yard sale sign I passed hmm smart tactic to hide the blood on the shirt of the person you murdered recently everyone thinks she got a yard sale going on you're just helping sell off all the evidence a golden silk spider snacking on a bat filmed in varaguas province in Panama where's the bat is is it a tiny bat oh I know it's a tidy bat that said I'm very thankful I still got to see this because now noticing what this spider looks like I'll make sure not to eat any Oreos if I ever go to Panama just you know not gonna trust it all it takes is one bad dip one bad dip into milk and in your mouth and you're like hmm that's a gooey experience skeleton giant hiding underwater ah cool Attack on Titan's real it's Canon like IRL Cannon huh all right well um if you'll excuse me I'm about to reenact five minutes and 10 seconds into episode 7 of season 1 of Attack on Titan you fall asleep in the yard when you open your eyes you see this what do you do oh sweetheart you can't claim the life insurance on me yet I'm still kicking silly this gas station welcome to reputito gas station if you steal our wood we will find you strange clown face found on my rug okay bro that is literally Pennywise why do you still have it get rid of that thing bye bye it looks kind of ugly anyway as a rug I'll be honest not to you know shame your choice in Aesthetics but it sucks you have terrible Choice Air France flight 4590 Concord crashes after striking debris on takeoff damn that flight's just like me after going to Taco Bell people ah yeah right the top map shows mysterious cases of people Vanishing without a trace the bottom map shows America's largest cave systems well as we all know correlation always equals causation so that does it we're arresting the caves coffin officer workers on the 385 meters tall high voltage pylon in China I have to wonder when you need to go to the toilet does does everyone just mutually go off the edge I don't mean jump like I you know what I mean also I have a fear of unstable Heights but I feel when you work on this sort of level of height at one point you kind of you know it cancels out you're on like an entire different plane of existence to this high up I typed God creates the first human in a text to AI image Creator yeah I think AI generators in general are nothing less than uh Eldritch Horror Creations honestly I think the horror industry itself is going to be a completely usurped by just people typing up weird things onto an AI generator that'll that'll spook them enough that's it done don't need to see a movie anymore you're already traumatized it's almost as if these AIS may be dumb but still smart enough to cause Terror upon humans like they know how to make something proper and sensical they just choose not to it's funner this way this coffee yes I'd like an iced latte please but um can you can you make it so that someone's brains melted lovely thank you my mom found a tooth while cleaning out the dishwasher drain in her apartment for the first time how do you know it's a tooth though I mean you know it could just be a hard plastic it's only one way to find out you might have to you know take a little bite how does it feel how does it feel in your mouth does it feel like a bone look criticize my methods all you want people all I know is that it works perfectly for me when I'm trying to find out if something's purple chocolate for some reason a tree swallowing a road sign freaks me out oh no I'm with you like can we just fathom this for a second this is like the IRL experience of The Blob all those movies and like the thing and stuff like that where there's creatures just kind of morph around someone and consume them that way if you left someone in a still spot for years and years on end you know you still kept them sustained and living but a tree growing around them eventually that tree is going to grow over them I think the only reason we don't freak out at the side of it so much is because it takes so long to do so just like climate change and yeah well that's actually wow that's a weird symbolism there uh just tried to use the bathroom in Wendy's and saw this never going back hard to appreciate art when the material used is literally designed for you to will wipe your butt along even more uncomfortable when it's the face of a little girl I'm not going to jail for that thank you very much I was walking through a farm near my fab the Smith yeah and in my face and when suddenly I tripped and fell and saw this right in front of what kind of spider is that well hello East Australian that is a yellow garden spider also known as the Saint Andrew spider because of the pose looking like the Saint Andrew's cross that he was crucified on and you know the BDSM equipment I think my co-worker is trying to give me a heart attack aha let this be a nice notification as to who to avoid if there's ever a purge they are clearly ready far too ready this nope nope unlaid chicken eggs why is this that meat is that meat or corn pellets I don't I don't I don't like the look of this nah no this goes beyond all the terrifying this is oddly disgusting horrific I don't that bye-bye let's let's blur it bye-bye moving on an Angry Cloud I captured yay this let this distract me from the horrific that EXO uh hey were you the one who said I look like a giant wiener the other day uh will you pee on me if I say yes no okay yeah that was me my niece does this face every time I visit her cause she knows it creeps me out alright sweetie show me your happy face no no not that face not that face please pet Faith pharyngeal teeth of a drum fish found on the beach teeth no no stop it lower halves of faces predicted by different algorithms using the upper halves all right let's take a look at the true faces good good good they all look pretty normal holy God the rest of them definitely do not hey linear regression what the hell is your problem what wait a minute what's happening here is that a what is that thing I can't tell it's not a banana it's not a pickle is it a cucumber I don't know why is it wearing a jacket what's happening this fruit bat taking a nap Jesus Christ holy cow look at the size of that dude though that is Dracula right there man be careful ah I don't think you should let that inside I'm just spitballing there maybe let him stay out there it's okay you know I've seen this guy a few times and the ocean is ever scarier how does it get scarier every single day it seems like there's always a new news article about some creepy demon fish that crawled out of hell inside of a camel's mouth oh yeah I've seen that before I I don't know what the hell's going on in there camels are cute though that's not this old Dental training mannequin oh wow dude holy crap screw Five Nights at Freddy's where's the horror game about these things coming to life this AI generated a painting of a depressed devil okay I gotta prep myself for a quick second here oh that's not as bad as I thought it was gonna be I mean honestly pretty impressive good on the AI demonic play time oh that's not a dog it's not a cat what the hell is it this is a harpy eagle the largest eagle in the world damn it's as big as that dude is oh I don't like that stare some plants attacked by insects or fungi create such structures from their own tissues to avoid the spread of infection really that's weird you learn something new every day folks like sometimes leaves will grow Cheerios so that they don't get infected elsewhere oh look at that I know that's not a real creature but if that crawled out of the water one day and someone said it was from the Mariana's Trench we'd probably believe them because we've seen weirder down there this decapitated wasp cleaned its wounds before flying away with its own head well you gotta get back up The Show Must Go On right I walked into health and screamed and the teacher goes you're the seventh person today they're CPR dummies Jesus Christ know they are absolutely freaking not I have never seen a CPR dummy with a urinal for a mouth get that out imagine if your fridge did what you do to it every day every half hour goes to your room opens the door and stares at you for five minutes and then leaves well that's actually terrifying though all all aboard the bus I hope they're gonna pay the snake back for its time alright No One Rides For Free you know the rule cash grass or ass the perfect gift for Father's Day you know what it honestly is I really want to get Mike one of these or Zach one of these that is hilarious my daughter brushed her own hair this morning uh she did a great job I don't see what's wrong here what are you getting at I always knew someday Hello Kitty would turn on us and become a power strip the abandoned land of Oz theme park in Beech Mountain North Carolina built in 1970. excuse me the what oh I can see why it was abandoned the demons took over clearly where's Pyramid Head I feel like he's gonna be walking around here somewhere right holy crap I have never been a fan of the cookie cutter neighborhoods here in the U.S but there's something kind of magical about this Photograph I can't look away and it's not because I'm scared dad I will hunt you down okay and then what Mr big man you think I'm scared of you Dad oh God see this is why my cat is not allowed in my room when I am sleeping all right I lock his ass out splatter mask worn by Tank Gunners during World War One God everything about World War one and two was just I don't even know how to describe it it was all horrifying particularly World War one and their gross gas masks We'll add this one too live action Mr mime getting arrested oh oh dude okay I was expecting a big mascot costume not that oh the Sheep are here different can be good that's not the image you wanna you wanna put under that phrase I'm just saying also can be good can be do I have to meet some kind of certain standards for your different in order to be good a photographer who often has beautiful images shared this one today it makes me feel claustrophobic or something and it has nothing to do with any pandemic alright let's see this is what a worm face is under a microscope laughs and worm ew oh this is one of those images that you can just smell you know even if everybody took a shower that morning it's not gonna smell good in there for very long this image I took backstage during my school's play it's not me in the photo though [Laughter] holy crap that's great that better taste better than it looks you know that's all I'm saying my sister bought me this light reflecting hoodie and of course me and my family had a bit too much fun during Christmas [Laughter] actually a really cool photo though if I was making music I would buy this off of you to use it as my first EP image you know what I mean uh yes Volkswagen in there spooky robot headrests hey friend why the long face how you doing today buddy don't know if this was shared here before but the rotting Leonardo costume from tmnt3 was offered for fifteen thousand dollars a few years ago oh I'm sorry but this one is [ __ ] me up real good and it's definitely the messed up eyes and the teeth made these sausage monkeys for my kids to brighten up their breakfast and they got scared hey Mom I think you know why you're just lying to yourself oh uh I'm sorry I can't stop staring at the weird teeth formation oh look more of the sheep they're here to eat you as well don't like that at all oh we've all seen Chewbacca skeleton Chewbacca skeleton can't hurt you this isn't even scary what this is is incredible this is an incredible feat of art right here just take it in for a moment will ya I'm really glad I looked at the brush before using it nearly made one of my fears come true oh now that's one of my fears thanks a lot for that where can I get these These are great man what she always goes to my room stares at me doesn't move then goes into a different room she does this for long amounts of time all right let's see she's trying to bait you don't trust her oh yep the mods are getting worse they're getting so much worse ominous this abandoned building in my town pray I'm gonna give it my best creepy building why is every photo like this seemingly taken in the freaking dark with the only source of light being the flash from the camera it makes it so much worse doesn't it I'd like to nominate cardboard humans watching baseball in a dystopian hellscape for photo of the year thanks I do have to say it was an incredible photograph child ah yes the child setting it never Cooks it all the way through though it's just as useless as the popcorn button hey if you could stop doing [ __ ] like this I know the world would be a lot more appreciative of you just saying well I mean I guess it is your fault you didn't feed it in time you might want to correct that mistake before it slits your throat in your sleep I honest to God thought Lucifer was going to find a human vessel but I guess not Disney technicians repairing an animatronic figure those things have always been pretty crazy to me and a little scary this bedroom at the Castle I work at okay first off you work at a castle that's pretty rad second off if demons ever show up at your job this is the room that they came from just point the priest that way the chair wants blood feed the chair worker and a panda suit at the wulong panda Center in this Province China they they couldn't have got a cuter looking Panda's suit like I've seen clearance rack Halloween costumes that were cuter than this oddly terrifying Minnie Mouse ready to clobber you to Oblivion why is her mouth a duck like what why why why why are we and why do we give Minnie Mouse a weapon like this just does not seem safe on many levels she's probably gonna come after me tonight just for saying that these animals seem kinda sus there's just something off about them oh my God it wasn't the birds crocodiles aren't real that's why they have to go underwater they charge there's wireless charging under the Lakes this painting at my dentist office please stop giving human teeth to non-human things it doesn't work it never works please just stop the Easter Bunny hopes you sleep well tonight it will be watching [Music] recursion anchor my favorite kind of anchor a doll left alone in a home in Louisiana after the big 2016 flood I'm pretty sure that's the doll that caused the flood do not touch it floorboard demon watches up yeah everyone's got their thing I guess the fog tonight was pretty wicked that's some Silent Hill stuff right there when you turn down the draw distance to just barely in the day kids love the fake hedge giraffe night shift doesn't like it so much oh that is oh that is terrifying oh no thank you why why are we basket basketizing you're yeah what is going on here imagine having to like wash this at some point like how do you get it clean was out on a hike in Southern Idaho and happened upon this atop a ridge nothing nearby just the wind cutting through the grass oh interesting let's leave this place and never come back surprise you got something that odd in Ohio there was a hole in the wall at my brother's office my nephew wanted to see see what's inside so we stuck my phone in oh oh garbage no it's not garbage because that would have been every floor I have no idea what that is ventilation Jeff maybe but like [ __ ] is magma what was the recipe again oh oh I don't like that oh I don't like that at all Lilith sculpture made out of bronze with glass eyes hanging upside down on a wall of the Metropolitan Museum of Art New York USA created in 1994. I've been to the met several times I don't remember this one maybe I saw it at a different angle or something but now I'm curious otherwise on you you forgot your homework again didn't you it was definitely your homework and not your skin Facebook's new 3D avatars for the metaverse god this just gets worse and worse and worse what is that the strange blurry Funko Pop oh I remember you early Mickey and Minnie toy yeah I remember this not as terrifying as some of the other stuff in here this is what happens when you leave an apple and a banana in a closet for six months oh no no no oh growth this old show for kids it's called more so the uh the puppeteering wasn't wasn't quite up to Jim Henson levels was oh my God the eyes oh man those eyes have seen some stuff mosquito mosquito landing pads Crocs what a terrible day to have eyes reason 3748 to not wear Crocs this cat with a rare muscle disorder I I mean is the cat Okay because that looks kind of cool I would give chunky cat a hug chunky cat could probably beat me up but a wet tissue could probably beat me up too so that's not saying much under a mushroom how is that terrifying that's that's pretty that's serious like that's really no I like this this is cool the ocean's depths this is this is something that never scared me I know some people are really scared of like really deep parts of the ocean but it's it's just water humans float I don't know I've always been intrigued by by sea animals and stuff like that so my seven-year-old painted this not sure if I will be able to sleep tonight if you do say hello to the void no no we've seen this before these white bell peppers that look like giant no oh God you know what some people are afraid to see I'm afraid of dentists so we're done okay next post the hills have sweet potatoes Hamburger Stand buns stored next to outdoor porta potty for hours oh my God I have no idea what's going on here but this is the worst Easter photo ever this this has strong cold Vibes my friend's bone is charging well unplugged and resting in my hand the Frack are you holding an arc reactor just add the check this horrifying ad on Roblox to her nose where did the nose go oh my God Pensacola roller rink that burnt down this is somehow not that terrifying like the idea of something burning down is really scary but this there's plenty of sunlight you can see the outside it's not that bad what I came back to in my apartment I'm going to pretend and hope it was one of my roommates oh it was definitely winning roommates yep totally absolutely yeah just keep telling yourself that until you move out cinder blocks and cement-filled buckets with ropes tied to them found at the bottom of a dried up Dam well now we know why there are so many fancy cars and Italian people hanging out at the top of the dam sharks from upside down they look like haunted phases oh they do oh they look vaguely like the lock shock and barrel the masks from A Nightmare Before Christmas screaming shoes oh my God that's amazing no that's then no that's perfect if it wasn't the middle of the night I would I would do the screaming Cowboy one but I have too much respect for Lexi wife the Great Blue Hole okay it is around 300 meters wide and about 125 meters deep every year 130 to 200 divers drown in this hole leaving a pit of skeletons covered with sand at the bottom of the ocean why do they why why do they okay I know nothing about diving but 135 meters 400 and something feet like that does not seem that deep are there like weird currents or something no I'm curious but if you ever need bones you know where to go just die for them clean skin and comatose your skin will look better here but you'll be mostly dead these stickers shopping cart One Way terrifying another yeah that just like looks like pure pain I'm being forced to smile against my will don't touch the shopping cart you won't be able to stop smiling oh absolutely not absolutely who thought this was a good idea to put in a kid's playground what the hell is wrong with you oh that's that that's attractive that was the snow on your steps I see um well those are his steps now you are a temporary guest emphasis on temporary the way these stop lights align with the dentist sign okay that's actually funny I think that's hilarious stop oh absolutely not strap in child no no no no no don't don't ever no I just got this text and it feels threatening for some reason this is for testing please ignore it okay uh you can look at these these five digit codes and get the company behind them Etc um so I did that out of curiosity uh and and found it was for monetization brand or monetization was something very generic sounding um so like okay cool you know they set up their text and uh you know um they registered this in 2019. they registered registered a domain it's no longer active now this this company has not been active for ages and assuming this is a somewhat recent screenshot um this is a dead company so you might have a point here the Tigers at Rainforest Cafe have seen some stuff yeah but it's still not as bad as most of the stuff here I forgot Rainforest Cafe was a thing remember being there once and it raining like every 20 minutes it was very anxiety inducing the amount of dust on top of our cupboards how is this how is this terrifying this is this is dust seems like a lot of dust but you might have ceilings that are like popcorn I don't know when you turn to stormtrooper's helmet upside down they are much less serious looking hehe oh that's hilarious a Tunisian TV show made for kids that was right before bedtime its name is diet maros [Music] it was great at making sure that the kids never slept what in the oh surely some face makeup and like bunny ears would have been better than this like genuinely there are so many better ways to portray bunny than that and that looks fairly labor intensive underground Metro station air event I found on an unilluminated Street I bet you this silhouette of that just coming towards you was horrifying enough but imagine if very suddenly a huge gust of hot steamy hair just like exploded out of it I die I just preemptively died to save everyone the trouble uh oh um what is going on here I don't want to know no thank you um just just let's just quietly move along and lead them to whatever it is they're doing that in womb they're like in the womb the screaming won't stop those giant spider hands live action Wallace and grommet from 1995. what the hell did I just say in the intro How would how would this be oddly terrifying no no this is completely terrifying there is no oddly about it this is disgusting what have they done a reminder that your floofy cats adorable toe beans look like this without fur you're all welcome it's probably why they could make pretty decent swimmers even though they hate it these organisms that appear to have no organs those things do freak me out they are an absolute what's the word I'm looking for Wonder a complete miracle if you will removing Ram from a computer while it's on this visually represents a computer screaming as you chop off parts of his brain yeah baby don't torture your poor computer like that the Thatcher effect the what oh uh I don't like this at all it's not that it's horrifying it's just not cool create a wasp's nest and they died Frozen in place oh that actually is oddly terrifying okay found this thing on the bottom of my pool The Forbidden gummy candy you have to eat it from the bottom though those spikies might hurt I walked up to my front door at 10 pm while swinging my lanyard and this is the image my doorbell used to send me of a motion notification oh that's awesome though come on warning Evacuate the island if you hear eight short blasts what why you need to explain why my husband left this in the bathroom for me to find it's the top of a tomato oh you dick that's not fair at all ah the infamous shoe spider no thanks it's theirs now it belongs to them thanks for being patient a team member is coming to cancel you what no no no no I've made it this far you can't get me now found this in my apartment while living in Japan they are fast oh it's one of those guys they're definitely creepier looking in Japan than they are here house centipedes gross the top map shows mysterious cases of people Vanishing without a trace the bottom map shows America's largest cave systems this is the most detailed model of a human cell today obtained using x-ray NMR and cryoelectronic microscopy data sets oh that's a mouthful say that five times fast for real though that just looks like some kind of sci-fi City it's insane to me our kitten sitting between our Great Danes paws are you sure your cat just doesn't have humongo paws come on are you sure small Blobs of human brain grown in a dish have been coaxed into forming rudimentary eyes which respond to light by sending signals to the rest of the brain tissue new horrific State of Consciousness just dropped man after being diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease this artist decided to create a self-portrait each year until he was no longer able to draw oh hey look at that your Lantern is a horrifying demon maybe it's time to get rid of it ah safety was so LAX back in the day it's a wonder any Boomer survived these time periods huh figure three designing hands Beyond human dexterity the two thumbs would make it possible to execute screwing and unscrewing motions with one hand rather than two this capability may be useful for robots and humans via prosthetistic disease well no Lava pit looks like it drags people to hell yeah and don't you forget it that is the portal to hell man here's Johnny I'm sorry that's all I got that's that's the joke I mean it's a really cool piece of graffiti maybe leave the trees alone though so how are you guys feeling today credit to Goose works the original creator of these in their video all right let's take a look are you feeling happiness sadness anger fear relief Humber Mage dorsalousness andrick varination banishiveness Deluge or lorick I'm definitely feeling a little probably dorsalesseness today this Hornet's Nest grew around these floodlights and it's just freaky weird are you sure that's not just Mothman are you sure imagine seeing that in the night though good God my client's dog huh look at that scary little mofo we found a death mask under our bedroom floor now what oh you die we've all seen this movie before Grandma meds to stay alive holy sh dude I'm sorry that's not even terrifying that's just incredibly sad I mean it's amazing that it works but uh well that's one way to be really creepy about that why why I recently came across the work of Polish painter a name that I definitely can't read oh oh well clearly this painter has some issues that were never properly worked out capturing the imagery of nightmares with the same polish artist oh no man can this guy find a therapist please oh that's such a cool picture though I guess we could consider it oddly terrifying but it's just Majestic as hell David Bowie's coming for you I took this picture of myself and Photoshopped it wow why'd you do that airplane from 90 years ago oh my God I hate flying now but that doesn't look any more comfortable is that just a bunch of wicker are they even bolted to the floor it's just a bunch of wicker chairs that are just kind of sitting there in a row yeah that seems way better all right we've got a cake that is uh oh wow wow that is pretty legit bad movie but pretty legit oh what happened how did he die like this dude this is not fair no matter how many times I wash it it turns red uh you may just have to either accept it or completely get rid of it I'm sorry oh my God fruit leather being made on a roof oh can we not though Rosie the shark's body was on display at the wildlife Wonderland in Australia until the park shut down in 2012. without anyone willing to take her Rosie was left behind what oh wow well okay then taking a picture of our dog mid head shake where is it where is its head oh God this is not what I was expecting the original one on the left is an image that I didn't recall taking in November of 2019. over a year after that a friend of mine decided to unblur the image and revealed something more terrifying I still don't know what to think of it to this day [Music] it clearly looks like a selfie like a [ __ ] up Selfie one that you take on Snapchat if you like wiggled your phone a little too much but still horrifying not a Photoshop but a completely Red Sky due to smoke from massive forest fires that blotted out the sun oh welcome everybody the third impact has begun hey McDonald's I ordered a sundae but instead you gave me the souls of the Damned did I have to pay extra for this dude I don't know check your freaking receipt man the Stitch's Great Escape animatronic after it was dismantled do you think that's bad but you're right it's pretty bad paleo artists tend to under feather drawings of dinosaurs based on fossils here's how swans would look if given the same treatment what can we give them scales as well the observable universe oh my Lord uh could this be any lower resolution I need more of this okay a poster that gave me weird Vibes and wasn't there when I entered the store amateur models needed Girls Next Door College couples all encouraged to apply must be 18 plus 100 per hour and not for publication oh it's in Colorado that's even scarier here absolutely never respond to these nope don't do it don't do it number 34 I was cursed with a belly button that sticks out through my shirt I just put a little bit of Gaff tape over it you'll be fine I'm sick of pointing a gun at my dad through my window at 2AM as he please come on Jake just let your old paw in I'm tired then replying you're not my dad he's asleep in the other room I hear him snoring then watching his expression go sour as he turns back towards the woods what what I need more and he was still hungry no no please please spare me this is easily one of the scariest things I've ever seen you look at these images you look at these images while scrolling through the caretaker on YouTube and you'll get but a slight glimpse into the horror that this truly is I mean This Is Not Aquarium uh oh where do you live was this taken recently hey Patrick let's go catch some jellyfish Patrick do you know how sea stars feed SpongeBob let me show you our stomachs extend out of our bodies penetrate eating our prey and injecting them with enzymes so that they may be digested externally I'm sorry SpongeBob yeah you thought I was gonna do a Patrick voice ah no no the rainbow somehow makes it worse oh my god oh that does make it way worse how in the world what is God trying to tell us with this particular image I don't know but I don't like it oh I don't like this oh one of these things is gonna move and the entire place is going to erupt in spontaneous arson after 30 weeks of being pregnant the baby is now fully formed inside of the lady's body and it will soon be time for the better thing why are her arms so long Barney mod in Resident Evil 8 is the stuff of nightmares foreign [Music] kind of cute but uh why is he so jacked I don't know if there's more context to this than I'm missing but but but yeah I have questions this bath bomb absolutely not aren't bath bombs supposed to be like relaxing and stuff relaxing I was never scared of Beavis and Butthead until I saw this that's quite enough RTX for today camera in a Furniture screw uh yes do people not know about these camera sensors can be pretty much in anything now they are ridiculously tiny happy paranoia this Kitty car is easily one of the most unsettling things I've seen on a late night walk absolutely not oh there's there's context clerpo world's only underwater clown and then a location in Texas of all places well I didn't have any reasons to visit Texas before now I really don't the fortune in my cookie made me react oppositely don't panic I I'm too much of a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy fan for this not to be a good fortune I like it give me give me the perfect cosplay doesn't exist okay I've seen this cosplay before it's magnificent I don't understand what part of this is terrifying maybe if you weren't expecting that in real life but no no this is just a work of art Tibetan skeleton dancer 1925. I I think this is pretty cool especially the cute little heart in the center I I don't find this terrifying this is just cool a ladybug covered in Morning Dew hey this wasn't another one I like this one makes it look like a raspberry or it's filled with bubbles tallest dog in the world sorry if a repost [Applause] why are you laughing oh imagine the hugs oh I imagine the hugs sister found this on her old DS no idea who or what it is I am it looks kind of like a dog but but yeah I no no no no no no it's one of those rare cases where having a better camera uh would have made it either way better or way worse the Fire Nation has arrived and says show me what you got foreign no no no no no no no no no absolutely fracking how fracking dare you get this off my internet immediately I'm disowning my child this was not funny at 1am I smell pennies so I'm sitting here on my grandma's couch and ah out of curiosity how old is that couch because if it's been 27 years uh run loose peanut butter what do you mean loose peanut ah what I'm it looks kind of like peanut butter fudge I like peanut butter fudge uh the idea of just loose peanut butter packaged like steaks this is weird but not terrifying it does imply the existence of peanut butter steak I don't know what to think about any of this turned a corner in an abandoned mall and found this Butte oh somebody else has been there before you and they speak internet decided to go for a walk on the beach and got freaked out when I thought I'd run into an angry bedsheets club meeting turns out they're just closed bleach umbrellas oh man they fooled me at first too a 40 year old missing children bulletin left on a mini golf arcade game they never did find the child but that video game never broke down this moose in the fog wow the new Silent Hill looks amazing Dominican mutant oh okay oh that's uh so that hi why why sorry okay this is not a joke we paid a photographer who claimed to be a professional two to two hundred fifty dollars for a family photo shoot I'm assuming that's 200 to 250 please see these four real photos she delivered to us she said the Shadows were really bad on the beautiful clear sunny day and that our professor never taught her to retouch photos feel free to share I literally have not laughed this hard in years you can't make this stuff up again this is not a joke final product Oh this is a joke all right it's just a really really bad one why are the eyes like why are these little bitty button-eye things I don't understand I don't like it also if you ever are taking pictures outside on a sunny day try to get in the shade or get shade over your subject uh because yes you will get weird shadows and everyone will look like they've got no sleep in three years or use the flash or use a balancer I didn't go to photography school and I know these things Jesus give me the 250 painting of a woman walking on a pond okay I I'm gonna let this one slide because it's art um if this was a real place with like hand statues or floating hands or something way more disturbing but this is fine this is this is not by far the most terrifying art I have ever seen in my life just some rubber gloves inside a washing machine and it looks like I've opened the portal to another realm oh god oh they're coming they're coming get ready I don't know where the rest of them is but I'm not sticking around to find out yeah I'd say that's up that's a very solid plan I wouldn't do that either creepier's face looking windows in this roof oh I see a creepy face looking windows in this roof there we go she just looks kind of derpy oh no that's creepy as much as we'll put a straw in the mouth and like a giant thing in McDonald's Sprite dead shark floating in an abandoned Park oh the poor shark oh that makes me really sad oh oh that me oh no oh I don't like that oh that's just sad here's something terrifying for you the puppet for Hoggle from Labyrinth was in some lost luggage for ages and was eventually found rotting oh my God oh God the eyes oh no no no no no no no no sadly this is a thing with a lot of uh rubber foam props I think it was the suits from uh one of the TMNT movies uh if you go look it up now it is the stuff of nightmares I believe one of them's being restored but oh my God this is what running birds look like I'm gonna get you I'm gonna get you I'm gonna get you do the bottom left has some sort of like drama complex I swear oh that's not Santa Claus that's Santa Claus yes that's exactly what Jack Skellington was talking about even the kids like that that's not what I ordered no my mom is like are we gonna sell it I can't tell this is cool I actually like this this is this is kind of red I'm I'm okay with the Centaur deer thing it's cool The Shining comes to mind us or we'll destroy your furniture Today's show hosts dressed up as the Peanuts characters oh oh oh no oh that mouth that mouth is for sucking the souls out of your kneecaps I don't know how that works but that's that's the only thing that mouth is for abandoned Psychiatric Hospital Credit to user hello I won t4s the smile room that sounds like a lovely place to go so no one ever had a dream about snabbits you know usually people forget their dreams you could have forgotten your dreams you could have not created this concoction of bunny and snake ah but you did and you posted on on Reddit and now it's on my screen and now it's my problem and I kind of hate you for it only a little bit but still and here we have the existential pain of a sock beautiful taken from a boat in Antarctica that's is that squid that's not a squid that's a squid oh my God that's a squid oh no thank you no thank you you can keep that right where you found it this Stone carving is like a fever dream it's just it's just multiplied off to the sides it's not that bad be worse if like water poured out of it or its eyes bled or something like that this is just multiplication basically that no no no there are many things we're going to be doing today and that is not one of them Saint Thomas satanic exorcism near Bardstown Kentucky Wednesday August 7th oh the fried chicken you can eat for 50 cents survive to 8 P.M we take the possession out if you're unruly daughter and put it into the spices for our Fried Chicken my mom saw this picture in her witch's Almanac and asked me to post it to this song it is a picture of the wild mantle Tans or dance of the wild men in Bavaria she's 69 and three quarters years old and doesn't use Reddit herself but I've shown her this sub many times and she thinks this pick belongs here ah yeah yeah I'd say it does why what is this what happens to all of the old Santa Clauses do they just get recycled oh it's terrifying to think about ever partner my name's Woody I wouldn't have drank from it after being in the car overnight but what if oh I'm getting a little bit of protein with your Sprite friend this alien looking rainbow grasshopper I am not a bug guy at all but that is one Nifty looking little dubious creature right there an ant's face seen through an electron microscope okay that's cool can we not anymore I'm good I really hope we don't have too many bugs going on here this bus designed by Copenhagen Zoo Copenhagen Copenhagen I don't know oh that is cool though I mean yeah it'll stimulate some serious fears for those that don't like snakes but it's pretty nifty though right cat tried to give me a heart attack oh he's clearly trying with me too does anyone else find old Gothic style churches oddly terrifying yeah they're horrifying especially thinking about what could have gone on inside them oh my God bugs escaping from a flood oh that's smart of them though they all know where to go oh that's great the doll kill your chick my brother took a picture of himself [Laughter] Snapchat all day long I would just like to take this moment to remind you that the cast of The Today Show dressed up as Peanuts characters and it was easily one of the most terrifying things ever why the hell did they do this no really what was the point in them doing this the very first time I saw this pic and saw the face now I just see the dog I don't know why I can't see the face again the what the face uh I don't want to look at this image anymore I don't want something to jump out of me no thanks oh isn't that so cute everyone little baby gas mask suits I hope you like the Halloween wreath I made you know what I love it happy spooky days everybody do you really think your pathetic weapons can defeat my telekinetic force field Gaston my bedroom at night looks like something straight out of a horror film yeah your bedroom at night is awful get some curtains or blinds on those windows dude what kind of sick person raw dogs The Outdoor World with bare Windows like that not me oh look at that the little drawing has come to life in the most horrifying and goddamn way I think I've ever seen stop it ice spiders hey what the hell does ice spiders mean oh never mind I figured it out wow this lamp scared the out of me what oh oh okay no yeah it takes a second you have to look at it for a minute and then you can go oh it's just the light bulb and supports and stuff or is it how do we really know why do empty schools give off such creepy Vibes that's a good question maybe it's because giant liminal spaces in general are kind of scary Nifty to look at though very quiet very scary nice to meet you sir is it oh what the hell um okay right that's fine I got nothing for these guys this freaking barn owl what about oh oh that neck that gangly man found on the wall of a school all right let's see what it says someday this pain will be useful to you yo why your school have a doorway to hell though hands-free own mask from the 1950s man the 1950s were one of the most disgusting times ever weren't they the Boomers got serious excess and these I guess there was a bit of a downside although I guess the Boomers would still be pretty young around the 50s wouldn't they the pigeon is waiting for Revenge oh man you came to the wrong neighborhood [ __ ] uh really quick though what I find scarier is a bunch of these really nice rugs that are now cemented into the filthy mud and muck that are lining a pathway why what's going on here Pope through the glass oh man that's a great way to mess with someone you can buy cardboard cutouts of just about anything we have one of the conductor from The Polar Express I leave them in Zach's room all the time when he goes to take a shower cyclist I'm not gonna try dude but here's his leg after a race wow that looks super unhealthy that looks very very very bad is he cramping or flexing by the way just eat a banana actually eat anything that can give your body some fat you do require a little bit of fat this road in Worcester UK it has a bat friendly red light but could also be a scene from a horror movie by the way did I say that right British people is it Worcester or is it Worcestershire I'm never sure also hey I don't like this road head on over to when hell is full the dead will walk the earth pure evil since 1996. flush please pure evil but you're having us flush this close-up of a sand worm what the [ __ ] why does it look like a pumpkin on crazy hair day turn your screen upside down um I can't this is my computer but if you're watching this on a phone you can go right ahead and do it I'm not going to let the editor flip it for you it's your job now Snapdragon seed pods oh they look like little demon faces delightful this abandoned Hotel gives The Shining Vibes yeah does Jesus this snowman was created by Zack frost a 26 year old freelance artist and his 19 year old sister Emily whatever who wanted to make something cool and hopefully creep out the neighbors well I think you did a great job that's certainly one way to make the neighbors a little scared of you ah the Thomas the Tank Engine sucks wow it never fails to amuse me this scares the [ __ ] out of me I wonder why what in the hell I'll never understand some of this ancient design that was never fully restored properly an odd sign found in the Johnson shut-ins I'm not sure what the Johnson shut-ins are but let's take a look at this sign shall we warning if warning siren sounds immediately leave area go uphill 200 steps is it like a flash flood warning thing this stick almost gave me a heart attack during my trail run holy crap yeah it would have given me a heart attack too the eye of Earth in Croatia would you swim there big nope from me yeah and absolutely even larger note from me get me the hell away from that Death Pit house sits fully abandoned with everything inside oddly terrifying Time Capsule house oh that's one hell of a time capsule but I can't quite put what time period I'm thinking of what what is all this stuff from the 70s it feels very 70s this tree does not want to be touched yeah I mean I'm with him I'm honestly right there with that tree I don't want to be touched I don't know you the similarities are uncanny and disturbing they are aren't they I wonder if it was based off of him at least a little bit found an old VHS in my grandma's basement what's on it did you try and play it come on and had to have played something right maybe it's an object of power an SCP if you will don't panic okay Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is the planet about to be demolished for an Intergalactic super highway this is the front view of my house wow I'm sure during most of the year it's actually kind of a pretty little view the passer through the walls sculpture in the Paris catacombs some french guy you know it would be [ __ ] up to see in these catacombs finally went into the crawl space under my stairs I didn't put this here what the [ __ ] is that what is that a balloon oh how long have you been living in that house ah the store there's like three of these in the world and they only open up at night they really like showing off that sign harpy eagle the largest eagle in the world oh I don't like his little antennas his little antennae and it doesn't matter he's horrifying
Channel: EmKay
Views: 402,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, oddlyterrifying
Id: 4UCjAbwdAbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 29sec (4169 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2022
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