The Most Shocking Interrogation You've Ever Seen: Markeith Loyd | Documentary

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I watched this last night and I gotta say I am amazed at the restraint the detectives had while talking to this POS! Markeith Loyd believes he is never at fault for any of his actions, and sadly his POS son is on the same path. His whole family is truly messed up! They are all scum. Markeith Loyd is the perfect canidate for the death penalty .....hopefully his appeals for clemency get denied quickly and he gets what he deserves asap!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Separate_Winner_3789 📅︎︎ Mar 11 2022 🗫︎ replies
is this mr lloyd marquis floyd all right thank you let's go ahead and begin these first appearances sir you're here for the charge of murder of all they know marquis laura who are you all right you're here for murder of a law enforcement officer attempted murder of a law enforcement officer carjacking with a firearm i have your name please the following interrogation has been analyzed by a qualified team consisting of two licensed attorneys one being a former criminal prosecutor and an individual with a master of science in clinical psychology look you ain't learn yeah it's raining take me home man still trying to speak it's raining outside y'all you're still trying to speed up take me home you not about to kill me in the baby this man he has to be stopped [Music] but no you need a greater force than that i'm not going to live past 25 i'm not gonna make it not like this i don't know what i was getting myself into you know what i signed up for when shade dixon spoke these words on a facebook live she was simply making some lighthearted jokes what she couldn't have known was that her dark prediction would ring true very very soon and in the most tragic way this is markeith lloyd he's 41 years old in this footage from 2017. he's just been apprehended by orlando police after a massive manhunt that ended in officers finding him outside an abandoned house while he waits about 25 minutes for detectives to arrive he keeps asking for his handcuffs to be loosened but nobody is in a hurry to help him multiple officers hover outside clearly intimidating the suspect one second okay they're coming out to do that they're expects his complaints to be met with sympathy and proper treatment in spite of the extreme circumstances that have led to this [Music] interrogation markeith's body language indicates physical discomfort the longer he remains in physical discomfort the more his mental state will be worn down um markeith has his head down towards the table this looks to be the result of physical pain or exhaustion the longer they keep him waiting the more his anticipation will build it will also allow adrenaline to wear off and take some fight out of the suspect yes sir okay yes sir come on man listen yes sir we're going to take care of it all right we have the fire permanent coming to check you out and look at your injuries right now okay and then we'll be able to manipulate the coast for okay sir at this point markeith has remained relatively respectful and the officer is reciprocating by calling him sir repeatedly this plus his assurances that medical help is coming or a simple technique to earn trust from the suspect so we have a fire department that's going to come take care of me there's like all right as markeith continues to wait the door is left open and various officers and deputies come by to look at the suspect however treating him as an object of curiosity or scorn is likely counterproductive at this point the animal at the zoo effect is a dehumanizing tactic which may work counter to the purposes of the interrogation later yes do you loosen up this right though we're still looking for that key man for real [Music] a lot of people have commented on this footage that the officers probably could have loosened the cuffs but chosen not too deliberately for one this could serve to establish physical and psychological dominance but there's another far more personal reason you'll soon see what that good day is it's a great day and uh deborah's handcuffs are on him yep very nice very nice i gotta bite my lip yeah [Music] this is highly unusual behavior for officers to display before questioning a suspect generally they try to build rapport and create a false sense of helpfulness to the suspect to get them to be more apt to cooperate here it appears they have no desire to do so with him and are intentionally trying to make this experience as unpleasant as possible for him after a while markeith gets fed up with the handcuffs [Music] my hands swelling [Music] down up assistant y'all sit down sit down [Music] sit down and do not get back up can you lift up this cup bro no just right though i ain't got no haircut it's fine markeith is obviously agitated enough to act out defiantly refusing to listen to orders this return to a confrontational aspect is once again altering the state for the interrogation to come this is a fascinating change in the dynamic between prisoner and keeper [Music] for another whole hand swelling up brother tensions are high and after waiting a few minutes in silence markeith starts asking who is in charge here which is an attempt to regain control of the situation by going to the top this method almost always fails in detention conditions such as this one soon two men walk in the room markeith i'm detective kate is with orlando police this is why coach we'll talk about that here in a second okay can you can you sit up and tell me your name this is the start of the baseline process wherein the interrogator starts to get an idea of the suspect's demeanor and reactions when answering simple questions this will later be used to help discern untruthful answers okay we can work on that [Music] detectives finally addressed the suspect's handcuffs as it seems obvious that his focus will remain on the pain he is in until it is dealt with making the interrogation more difficult for them they appear to loosen the handcuffs but still don't remove them i can see space in the handcuff i can see his face between the skin i'm going to open up listen i'm going to open up just a little bit just a little bit yes yes sir this time when mark heath brings up the cuffs one interrogator is attentive and helpful sending the message that he cares about markeith's well-being this is magnified when the cuffs are finally loosened a bit there are upwards of four officers in the interrogation room the door is open and more officers are standing in view in the hallway which is also unusual generally only one to two officers are in the room for an interrogation leaving an interrogation door open is also rarely seen you gotta get you a minute you gotta get to it [Music] you're a pretty bulky guy so oh come on man then nothing bro number 10. all right this is what i'm gonna do real quick man face me oh face me face me marty i'm gonna go ahead and wipe it over your face all right i don't think that's gonna do much but i'm only gonna do look look up a little bit loosening marquis cuffs and wiping his face is done with the purpose to get him to focus on the case instead of the handcuffs and injuries and blood on his face these actions could also be a way to exert control and dominance over him as he is unable to wipe his own face and needs to rely on them to do so that hurt all right you good okay i'm good too i need to move it man we'll get the rest in a little bit okay [Music] markeith is in bad shape with blood all over his face he'll explain the reason for this shortly but first the interrogation begins this is detective k is one two two seven seven reference case number twenty seventeen one one three four five day today is january 17th 2017. time is 1954 hours we're in cid interview room number five mark keith give me your name and date of birth again [Music] okay keith listen up real quick right now you're under arrest okay markeith has read his miranda rights and the interrogators confirmed that he understands them before proceeding anyone threaten you or promise you anything right now to get you to talk to us no okay okay also in the room the door is still open when the officers mirandize him with officers still standing watching from the hall generally the door is closed to give the suspect a feeling of privacy and so there are less distractions from the interrogation this is detective danny garcia pagan with the orange county sheriff's office homicide unit okay the technique that will primarily be used here is the read interrogation method though there are some hints of the uk originated peace method early on as well markeith you know why you're here tonight right dude okay can you tell us why you think you're here tonight detectives begin with the read technique of positive confrontation by saying you know why you are here tonight this statement isn't aggressively delivered but is presented as an assumption of guilt toward the suspect they speak to him in a neutral almost friendly tone so as not to discourage him from speaking at first if this method doesn't work the officers will likely move on to a more confrontational demeanor you've obviously been hiding for quite a while you've been running from place to place you're in custody tonight for an obviously a pretty serious offense can you tell us why you're why you're in custody tonight you're in custody for homicide okay all right can you tell can you tell us where you were all day today we'll talk about that in a second can you tell us where you've been today were you at the house all day today the officers asked him next where he was today in order to begin to establish a timeline and get him talking once they get a suspect talking it's easier to keep them talking you don't know right now okay marquis just talked about sit up sit up a little bit you're not that [ __ ] up you can talk though okay sit up and talk to us a little bit this is in reference to a homicide for that occurred about a week ago and you know the one we're talking about you've been running for a reason you've been all over the news you're well aware of what why we've been looking for you know running because the new make things are making up stories while positive confrontation can often make suspects feel backed into a corner markeith is deflecting this by acting oblivious engaging in denial and claiming fabrication of stories against him tell us what story we're making and tell us why it shouldn't be believed i just came to the house started shooting shot it was definitely that's the complete life you just what which that's a complete lie what is that i just came to the house and shot shot eight that's a complete laugh shade is 24 year old chade dixon a mother of two and markeith's former girlfriend they met on facebook sometime after he was released from prison in 2014. despite their 17-year age difference the pair got along well for a while and were happily looking forward to a future together but then they got into a fight you see sade was pregnant in fact just a few days before their argument she and markeith had laughed and smiled with one another at a sonogram appointment markeith seemed excited to raise this child and support his girlfriend as they started a family together but underneath the surface there were a few things he wasn't happy about rest assured we're going to dive way deeper into the bizarre thoughts and behavior keith started to exhibit but for now what you need to know is that the relationship started to crumble primarily because of one big thing trust the pair's romance would reach its breaking point in december of 2016. at this time shade was about 12 weeks pregnant on the 10th chade moved back into her parents home not saying much about the falling out with markeith but she did reveal that he had bitten her during a fight her family had to take her to the doctor for a tetanus shot three days later on the 13th sade is at the home around 9 p.m when markeith shows up and she goes outside to talk with him an argument ensues with shade's brother ronald coming outside at some point to intervene but things quickly spiraled out of control chade's family heard gunshots and came outside to find chade and ronald lying on the ground and markeith running towards his car shade received wounds that were fatal she was shot eight times losing not only her life but the life of the unborn child that she was carrying miraculously ronald survived which meant he lived to tell the tale of that horrific shooting and you'll see when we get to the trial that the only two surviving witnesses to see what occurred that night marquis and ronald tell very different versions as markeith went on the run the news was spreading the story of the shooting which brings us back to him sitting in the interrogation room insisting to officers that the narrative the media has been circulating is a complete lie listen to me man it's been a long long freaking month we've been running around doing a lot of different things understand that i'm here just to start as you are man you know what i'm saying i've been racking my brains man you've been doing pretty good for a month you got me for a month well right here sitting now dude we're gonna go ahead and clarify some things if i'm wrong about something i'll be the first one to admit that i'm wrong but it's up to you to clarify what's been going on sit up man i'm trying to give you some respect man see in the street it goes like this in the street marquis wants respect and he wants everybody to give it to him and guess what i'm going to give it to you whether you deserve it or not the interrogator takes a clarification approach this is suggestive of the account part of the peace interrogation method the peace interrogation method is a less confrontational interview and interrogation method than the read technique the method stands for preparation and planning engage and explain account closure and evaluate peace under the peace method investigators allow a suspect to tell his or her story without an eruption before presenting the suspect with any inconsistencies or contradictions between the story and other evidence but right now you know what i need i need you to give me a little bit because i deserve it okay i'm here giving you all the respect in the world there is respect okay all i want to do is talk to you and figure something something you tell me well you know what happened to saturday that was bad too marquis's body language during the interrogation is very closed off not only is he hunched over but he is also avoiding eye contact by keeping his gaze on the table or the wall he's in a defensive position almost as if he's trying to protect himself so if you can explain to me what happened maybe i can understand it because i'm looking at you like you did something wrong and if you didn't do something wrong you gotta explain it to me yeah y'all know what happened so i didn't put a gun on me y'all know what happened y'all got the guy who's gonna tell me that if he's if it ain't you you're the only one that was there [Music] you said ronald all the people but i wasn't there and right now how we're going to clarify these things is you telling me what happened because i don't want to guess anymore the officer is trying to get marquis to talk by presenting the conversation as an opportunity for him to simply explain the real story or clarify the facts to clear up any lies in the media i wanna be right and i wanna i wanna write the story that you tell me is your story you control that he shifts back to the reed technique here step three trying to minimize suspect denials because you're the one that was there but a lot of things have happened since december 13th man and only you can clarify that see i'm not sitting here he's not sitting here we're not playing with you all we want to know is the truth we're here already man this this part of the the the story is already written read step one positive confrontation involves advising the suspect that evidence has led the police to them and offering an opportunity to explain why the events took place that's what we're seeing here we're going to move forward from here you write the rest but what i don't want is for me to give you respect and for you treat me like i'm a pop you can't even sit up and look at me piece steps two and three are engage and explain establishing rapport and account which again is obtaining a full account of events from the subject before asking questions for step two interviewers should use active listening to establish a rapport with the suspect taking the time to explain the background goals and expectations of the interrogation while encouraging the individual to speak up with any of their own relevant comments the officer is trying to build rapport with markeith by speaking slang to him and offering the idea of mutual respect which is often a big deal on the streets the officer is trying to be relatable to the suspect to gain trust beat my i'm going to hit a [ __ ] bro his key nobody in this room beat your ass this is your opportunity this is the opportunity you have right now just beat my ass i ain't coming in like this this is your opportunity right now to tell us the story what happened and tell us what happened the detectives tell him this is his opportunity to speak making it seem like it's in his best interest to do so this is almost never the case suspects are always better off not saying anything and getting an attorney even when innocent of any crimes some people think asking for an attorney makes them look guilty this may be how it appears but it's always the smartest decision okay so right now i want to give you what you deserve so once you talk to me tell me what's up man you've been running for a little while we've been talking to a lot of people and you know it man your face has been all over the tv with nobody so what happened with shot day i know she got in your face i know she said some things to you that you didn't like the officers now use both minimizing techniques and offer him theories of justification for his actions this is another implementation of the read technique and makes it seem like they understand why he reacted the way he did i broke up with shade because why because she was lying about smoking because she was praying with your baby and you told her stop smoking because that's bad for the baby yes so i know that well tell me what else happened what what got to the point that you had to do what you have to do if you have to defend yourself then you need to tell me man the officer throws out the suggestion of self-defense to try to see if that will elicit a confession this is the theme development step in the read method where they begin formulating a defense or justification for the suspect so they will more readily admit to a crime thinking they have a defense y'all know shawnee when he got a gun y'all got a gun what happened downstairs she wouldn't got a gun brother end up coming out and he jumped on me which one the older brother or the younger brother because she's got two brothers older brother the younger brother got dropped out what man was outside talking so all that about me just coming there and shooting up the plate that's what that's not that's not what that's not what's being written dude that's that one no no [Music] no that's what the news are saying they're gonna they're gonna fill in the blanks came to that's not what was written okay i'm telling you i wrote it and that's not what was written there was news i don't care about the news i don't work for the news what i said was this i said that you went there and you would prosecute me no forget the well then they tell the truth about what happened and we can clear some of that stuff if it didn't happen how they're saying it then let's clear it but you know what the only person that can do that is you me and this detective right here we cannot write the story for you you can do that yourself the interrogator goes towards read step 4 trying to get the suspect to acknowledge the crime so this is the time to do it because i know where you've been all day i know the answer to that i can sit here and ask you a thousand questions and know the answer to them but i don't know exactly how you felt that day that you had to pull the trigger at sadie's house notice how the officer says had to pull the trigger as if markeith had no choice that day that you had to pull the trigger as a day's house this is again going on the theme of self-defense or justification you did what you did if you have to defend yourself that's what it was but you man up now and clarify for me my challenge used be a man you were a man that day to do what you have to do again the officer said had to do you were a man that day to do what you had to do continuing this theme of self-defense and implying his actions were justifiable i'm challenging you right now be a man okay be a man and tell me what happened because that's the only way we can clear this you'll see shortly that the authorities have already done their research on markeith's personality as displayed through his social media one thing they know is that his identity and reputation is a source of pride for him so they are now going to suggest that not cooperating undermines his manhood forget the news the news is not here it's you i and him that's who's here you can see the close proximity the officers are sitting to the suspect and how they have them essentially cornered in the room by the way they're seated surrounding him so you're gonna do that you're gonna man up or what yeah i'm saying listen listen bro if okay who pulled the gun on you chad or her we're reverting back to peace step three reaffirming the details of the account of the criminal behavior when the brother came out when before brother came out you guys were talking outside yeah we were talking about style younger brother got dropped off all that and he went inside come up shooting that that's a [ __ ] lie that's not that's not how i wrote it you're not a broker will help you take the check if you check the text message i did i wasn't tripping off her she the [ __ ] when she the one was tripping to my lionheart and i wanted family which i did but we can't have what you learned so other than that i wasn't tripping by that one right so she put the gun on you you had to do what did you do i disarmed him i just owned you took it from her yeah and what did you do with her gun i put it in my bag when her brother jumped me i guess it had to fall out it fall out and when did you think you got out well i made him a cousin it's not the older brother ronald right yeah you know okay who did you shoot first him or her this is a very loaded question it presumes that mark heath shot both shadee and her brother and so he needs to be very careful answering it as it would be easy to get trapped into affirming he committed the crime markeith seems to catch on to this though man him because he was hit he was on you [Music] i taught my lawyer y'all don't beat me up but you want me to talk to you the suspect has invoked his right to an attorney and at this point the interview should have stopped until his lawyer arrived any statements he made after stating he wants an attorney would potentially be inadmissible if he voluntarily begins speaking again the best approach is to re-mirandize him to clarify he is again waiving his rights after invoking them i wasn't there i'm here i asked for i asked for somebody to find you i got no problem i ain't [Music] okay so so fast forward man fast forward we go through all this stuff you do what you do whatever happened 10 days ago markeith we got to know what happened okay we got a grieving family here for a police officer they want to know what happened they deserve to know what happened the interrogator refers to the grieving family in an attempt to play the morality and conscience cards on the suspect the police officer that the detective mentioned is lieutenant deborah clayton 42 this brings us to the second half of marquis's interrogation if you were wondering why the tensions between marquith and law enforcement have been especially high well it's all about to become crystal clear after markeith fled the scene of sade and ronald shooting police were working anxiously to track him down but for a long time they had no luck markeith had somehow managed to slip out of their grasp and for all they knew he could be anywhere at this point christmas comes and goes the holiday only a reminder to sade's loved ones of the happy times they were excited to spend with her but now will never have the chance to and then on january 9 2017 at around 6 45 a.m markeith walks into a local walmart while inside he approaches a plainclothes loss prevention officer and asks if the store has a restroom other than the one at the front of the storm this was a red flag for the officer as he suspected markeith might be trying to conceal something in the bathroom more than that he observed that markeith seemed to be tiptoeing and acting secretive for someone on the run from the law like markeith it seems pretty risky to show your face in such a public and busy storm but maybe he was just desperate and running out of supplies maybe he figured that such an early morning visit would be safe that he could get in and get out without any trouble what he didn't bet on however was orlando police lieutenant debra clayton entering the store just 15 minutes after he did as both parties did their shopping they actually crossed paths a few times and then at 7 11 am the fugitive and the law woman were actually in the same checkout line separated only by two customers before markeith chose to leave this line and go to another to complete his transaction up to this point nobody seemed to have any idea of markeith's identity although i'm sure he must have been nervous to be so close to an officer clayton finished paying for her groceries and walked out of the store and i can imagine markeith breathed a sigh of relief that she hadn't recognized him but this was just the calm before the storm another woman in the store had noticed that there was no cashier working one of the lines and so she went to customer service to get an employee as the two return she notices that a man has since started waiting in that very line and so she walks up to politely explain that she had been there first but as soon as she lays eyes on marky's face her pulse begins to race she recognizes his true identity coincidentally her cousin had apparently been married to markeith and although she herself hadn't spoken to the man before she knows exactly who he is not only did she have that personal connection with markeith having seen him through facebook pictures and videos but by this point he had also been publicly named as a suspect in sade's murder and a news release had listed him as armed and dangerous chade's parents had even hosted a press conference outside their home to beg the community for help in finding their daughter's killer as the harrowing realization dawns upon the woman she snaps her head back down saying to herself oh sh that's him the lady tried to keep calm while exiting the store but as soon as she was out the door she spotted lieutenant clayton and ran towards her where she was still putting her groceries into her car the woman frantically alerted debra ma'am there's markeith loyd in the store y'all are out looking for him for murdering his pregnant girlfriend totally caught off guard but determined to spring into action clayton radioed in for backup as markeith made his way out of the walmart within the next about 10 seconds other shoppers were running and ducking for cover what we know about what happened here comes from multiple witness accounts they say clayton approached markeith as he was leaving the store and told him to stop and to get on the ground they claimed that markeith went like he was going to run and then turned around and pulled his gun out clayton made one final radio transmission foot pursuit foot pursuit and then officers on the other end heard three gunshots followed by complete silence about one minute later they received a call that an officer was down one walmart employee claims to have witnessed the entire scene she says she had just clocked out when she noticed the concerned shopper approaching lieutenant clayton about markei's presence she could do nothing but watch as the situation intensified in the blink of an eye she says she found herself sitting by clayton's side and praying for her as she bled out on the ground from four gunshot wounds this employee alleges that marquis walked up to clayton after she fell and shot her some more even though she laments he could have fled after landing a bullet in her hip this witness later lamented he wanted to finish her off he just has hatred in his heart i'm sorry according to this woman markeith calmly turned around walked to his car started it up and took off as clayton lay taking her final breaths additional officers arrived within 28 seconds but it was too late clayton was down and markeith was gone you know sergeant clayton was good people okay i don't know you know what she is once it's revealed that markeith shot and killed a fellow officer the earlier behavior of the officers makes sense police form a brotherhood or sisterhood with each other and when one of them is shot the case is personal to them conversely cop killers are often looked up to on the streets and in prison you guys went to the same school you guys came up with it from the name of the same neighborhood you know she was good people the interrogator returns to trying to get markeith's account of events as per piece step three no we don't you're you're the only one there tell us what happened man y'all did she fire the first shot at you the officers proposed that the sergeant drew down on him first to get him to discuss the shooting and give him a false sense of justification for his actions why is she shooting at you in front of everybody that ain't that ain't that one professional if i was all started back and and got schneider called him back up all the way down and followed the because he would call he got in that she was dangerous for everybody markeith is trying to shift blame from himself onto lieutenant clayton when he says that she should have waited for backup and that she wasn't being professional he's failing to take responsibility for his actions so she came at you i mean we don't know this this is why we need you to tell us what you do when she came at you she caught a gun y'all know she came at me okay we didn't notice she pulled a gun first this is what kind of stuff we need to know cpr was performed on the fallen officer and she was quickly transported to the hospital about five minutes later the orange county sheriff's office captain sees a vehicle matching the description of marquise and follows it into an apartment complex where markeith allegedly steps out of the dark car and fires two shots towards the officer's unmarked ford explorer nobody was harmed but three minutes later a man called 911 had carjacked him at gunpoint and then driven his vehicle through a fence ten minutes after that call clayton was pronounced dead after 17 years in service at the orlando police department her career came down to those pivotal few seconds where her life was tragically cut short far too soon unfortunately before the orlando pd had even had time to process their beloved comrades passing there would be yet another casualty in this hunt when just before 10 am a motorcycle deputy responding to the search for markeith was fatally struck by a van that morning 17 schools in the county were placed on lockdown as the chaos unfolded a news conference is held alerting the public of the deaths and the search for markeith one sheriff calls the day one of the worst in his career and the award for information leading to marquis's arrest is increased to sixty thousand dollars authorities focus their search on an apartment complex called brookside employing a heavy force of police officers and even armed swat members but eventually they have to call it off and let residents back into their homes as markeith is nowhere to be found it turns out that markeith was very active on his internet accounts often sharing updates of his daily life including a facebook live video in november with sade where the couple rubbed her pregnant belly and talked about the baby kicking the pair posted lots of videos together documenting trips to the mall ob gyn visits or home cooking sessions but the inflammatory statuses that the detectives are most interested in include one from two weeks before chade's death when markeith posted goals to be on america's most wanted he also shared another update just a couple of days before chade would die at his hands this one read orlando florida when you talk about street legends mention me the couple also broadcast at a facebook live stream where shade recorded as the two were pulled over in a traffic stop markeith was let go with a warning but he and sade went on to make jokes about killing the officer just an interesting side note markeith's then 19 year old son was actually behind bars at this time and during a visit with his mother he found out about his dad's situation [Music] [Music] [Music] he got away [Music] [Music] it's sad to see that the boy was already going down a similarly bad path in life meanwhile after another fruitless search in the fbi most wanted twitter account posting marquis photo for the world to see the reward in this case was raised to a hundred thousand dollars which is the biggest reward crimeline has ever received three people are arrested in connection with the search believed to be accomplices who helped mark heath in some way or know information about his whereabouts police scour more than a hundred locations and expand the search to a neighboring county where markeith has family they start receiving tips that he may have shaved his head and so they release a digitally altered picture of him to cover all their bases on january 17th markeith is added to the us marshals 15 most wanted list everyone can feel that this hunt is reaching a climax and it is later that very same evening they find him it wasn't a tip that led investigators to markeith though it was his phone they were able to trace him through pinks when he texted people he's all alone at an abandoned house in carver shores police aren't sure how long he was hiding out there when they first arrive markeith tries to sneak out through a sliding glass door but is met with orlando police officers he was observed dropping two handguns from the window as commanded by law enforcement he then complied with further instructions and crawled on his stomach from the entry door to awaiting officers where he was placed under arrest lloyd was wearing an american body armor level 3a bullet resistant vest at the time of his arrest rated to stop all handgun ammunition commonly used by law enforcement a helicopter captured this harrowing footage of those tense moments even though officers had a million things on their mind at this point there was one specific thing they made sure to do during this long-awaited arrest remember when the man in the interrogation footage asked if deborah's cuffs were on marquette they indeed were orlando police chief john mina explained that this is a tradition in law enforcement that goes back many years in putting the handcuffs of a fallen officer on the criminal they were killed trying to catch is significant to the family as well as the colleagues of the deceased officer many people have inferred that this is one of the reasons why the officers around markeith before and during his interrogation seemed so reluctant to loosen his cuffs and it's not hard to see why that would be exactly the case however did law enforcement let their anger over deborah's death go too far what we'll discuss next has become one of the most controversial points of this case markeith claims that the officers beat him up during the arrest in the helicopter video we can see what appears to be an officer kicking marquette in the head while he's on the ground before the video rapidly pans away the way that markeith may have been treated by police when he was arrested could have contributed to his unwillingness to cooperate with the detectives when he is being questioned we can also observe in the interrogation footage how incredibly roughed up markeith is and he repeatedly brings up the fact that he doesn't want to cooperate with the police after they allegedly beat him up she pulled a gun on you then what i need i need to be better man this is this is your opportunity markeith this is your opportunity everyone's been saying all these things about you this is your opportunity straight i just talked to y'all but i ain't i ain't tripping well okay if you're intriguing my list it's like this man no because y'all don't [ __ ] [ __ ] me up my keys we are not the ones that messed you up okay are the ones giving you the opportunity to tell the truth about what happened between you and sergey played yeah now we're going to come on keith let me ask you this okay marquis marquis check me out no marquee check me out you worry about how you feeling right now okay well tell me something man what goes through your mind when you think about your baby in that belly and not not living anymore that baby died because of the actions that happened that day they're playing the guilty conscience slash morality card again the death of the unborn child he is trying to evoke remorse from mark heath in order to get a clear admission of guilt so you worry about you that's gonna heal that you you might get a scar you know what in three days you'll be you'll be eating fine that baby is dead if shade look if shade deserved it then you told me she deserved it but you cannot tell me that sergeant clinton deserved what happened to her you're tired i know that you've been running for a long time you're not eating right you're not sleeping right then they love my family my people haven't wanna help me i'm about trying to buy my own food by the walmart well that's what they say let's let's listen market markeith this isn't this is about getting the truth out right now as to what happened between you and sergeant clayton okay we need to know if sergeant clayton pulled that gun on you first we need to know if you felt threatened if you did what you had to do tell us what happened the officer again says we need to know if you did what you had to do in reference to shooting the sergeant he's trying to once again get markeith to talk by making it seem like he had justification in reality even if the sergeant pulled a gun on him first or threatened him she had cause to do so and him shooting her in this instance has no legal defense florida statute section 776.051 provides the law relating to use of force and resisting an arrest a person is not justified in the use or threatened use of force to resist an arrest by a law enforcement officer or to resist a law enforcement officer who was engaged in the execution of a legal duty if the law enforcement officer was acting in good faith and he or she is known or reasonably appears to be a law enforcement officer did she threaten you yes she put it on me i know she put it on y'all got the tape and is that why you did what you had to do yeah so tell us what happened if you're threatened tell us what happened the interrogator shifts back to read step two here shifting the blame away from the suspect directly in the hopes that this will encourage him to talk man again mark heath invokes his right to an attorney the police continue to question him despite his unequivocal invocation the statements he makes are at risk of being inadmissible when it exactly were you being threatened this is your opportunity marquis how's my opportunity that blood will heal those wounds are going to heal okay all right that will heal all of that is going to heal what happened with sergeant clayton that's a whole different story okay did she come at you and threaten you did you have to do what you had to do tell us why you did what you did was she threatening you when she was on the ground well she said when she's on her back and you're shooting her were you feeling threatened she's shooting at you while she's on her back how can she shoot you from shoot at you from her back run on the ground and shoot from the ground too deeply on the ground on me okay so she's on her back she's shooting at you is that why you're while you're shooting at her is that why the interrogator is not getting answers to his questions all of the questions so far are leading questions in other words attempting to lead the suspect towards a given answer that the interrogators want to hear markei these are simple questions she's on her back shooting at you i'm talking to you tell us what's happening when she's shooting when she's on her back shooting at you tell us what's happening from there is that why you shot at her while she's on her back she's shot she's on her back while she's being shot marquis there's only one reason why you're doing this okay debating myself you're defending yourself against her why didn't you just run you had the opportunity to run you had the opportunity to fight you had all kinds of opportunities you chose to shoot why did you choose to shoot you telling me you can't outrun her you can't outrun a female with with 30 40 pounds of gear on her you're gonna try and tell us you couldn't outrun her markeith why did you choose to shoot instead of run when the interrogator asks why did you choose to shoot instead of run this is a great question because it goes to intent to commit the crime and would play a meaningful role in whether the crime is viewed as premeditated as opposed to something lesser like manslaughter markeith why did you choose to shoot instead of run ain't true while she chewed her pokemon instead of part of the cup and she put all along what difference would it have made whether she approaches you or 10 police officers shoot you if it would have good it made a difference because the car would have been surrounded in the situation you're saying you can't help yourself and that's why you had to shoot yeah you saying that now tell us what happened you're not telling us anything tell us what happened that's the question the interrogator starts to put pressure on markeith in a way that would make him feel like if he doesn't speak up for himself and tell his version of the story then someone else will fill in the holes for him he's still deep in the reed technique markeith doesn't budge she came up she came to talk to you you pulled a gun you had the opportunity then tell us we don't know then tell us what happened because i'm not trying to put words i'm trying to ask you to put words to put your own words out there i kind of put word in my mind just like you chose to shoot just instead of run just like you chose to shoot instead of fight you obviously can't run you can't shoot you can't you can't fight what was he talking about then tell us what happened marquis no you say the insult brother all right marquette let me ask you this man if starbucks look okay we're gonna get your medical attention coming get medical attention okay it doesn't appear that the interrogator is actually motioning to any real people back there likely he is just faking it to appease markeith all right um stop me from the morning what happened from the morning as soon as you went in there as soon as you went in there hit me up as soon as you went in there to buy to buy your food what happened tell me your story in your own words from the beginning to the end and then we don't have to put any words in your mouth the officer tries once again to establish trust and a timeline here and gives the suspect a chance to start from the beginning to tell them what happened in his own words [Music] you went to walmart oh yeah i've been doing this lying i ain't trying to talk all y'all been doing this line y'all a lot of people that's why they help me help me walmart tell your story then you you want to buy your food then you tell the tell me the story i don't have to make up anything if you tell me the story market we either hear from you or we hear it from the people that saw what you did we hear it from you or we have to we have to just basically see what this what the video says all that's saying one thing here's your opportunity to say what do you what happened what your where are you coming from i mean medical change medical attention is coming i can't open my eye [Music] the officers display their true disdain for the suspect here and clearly aren't concerned whatsoever about his physical well-being this is not surprising knowing that he shot one of their own and also because the injuries were sustained while being arrested by their colleagues you don't need to open your eyes my keith you need to open your mouth no okay you need to forget my face don't watch trying on your own mind oh my mouth the first thing you talking to brother the pushy and straightforward approach got a rise out of markeith but will it get detectives any closer to their goal keith this is the opportunity that you that we're talking about this is the interaction you obviously had with sergeant clayton sergeant clayton attempted to do the right thing with you and you chose to do what you did i don't know about you she tried to do the right thing you did what you did you said you want to say no okay until we hear different we gotta we gotta go with what everyone's telling us we gotta tell us we gotta see that basically you gunned her down for no reason you gunned down a police officer because basically you're too scared to run i don't know about your business brother in this case it seems that provoking marquis has only caused him to shut down completely the interrogator reverts back to reed step one until we hear different from you that's the only option we see out there we see you gunning down a police officer while she's on her back tell us something different what did you shoot at the other police officer over there when you ran from your car market man i'm trying to give you the respect that you probably don't don't ever deserve the interrogator continues to refer to treating the suspect with respect this is a falsehood as there is probably no medical support coming at this point the appeal is to respect manhood to gain the trust of the suspect however as you'll see this backfire shortly why don't you just tell me bro how i don't deserve a man just like you well then treat me like you man i'm treating you like a man but you're not treating me like a man you're not even looking at me man you can't even talk to me bro talk to me man you know what yo your fellow officers did come on make it right here that [ __ ] my mother can't look at you give me some medical attention it's coming bro i already asked for it it's coming it's coming marquee why did you shoot at the other officer what did he do to you to make you shoot at him did he come at you wrong too i mean you got to tell me something man man y'all got me you know i'm in pain i'm going to do rest [Music] this is what we're trying to figure out are these officers threatening you are you getting are you taking these actions because officers are threatening you i'm going to do rest and i'm in pain y'all's going to beat me up i'm bleeding to death over here i'm under arrest and i'm in pain spit coming out my swallow spit come right here blood coming out here while i'm under the rest y'all are questioning me and i'm underestimating pain i'm hurting those two things ain't gonna change marquis your pain ain't gonna change for any time soon whether medical attention sees you or not the duress whatever okay all we hear is that these people are threatening you and you stood up for yourself markeith keeps emphasizing how he is under duress duress is defined as the act of using forced coercion threats or psychological pressure to get someone to act against their wishes apparently a person acting under duress is not seen as acting of their own free will and so may be treated accordingly in court proceedings by saying this markeith is trying to throw the validity of the interrogation into question though given the cameras recording the suspect and the interrogators there is technically no duress here in a legal sense this raises an interesting question though watching this footage and knowing the context of what markeith has done doesn't exactly make you sympathetic to him but if everyone is truly innocent until proven guilty then do you think all criminals who have been badly beaten or injured should be given medical attention before any questioning okay we just want to know how a police officer on her back trying to do her job is threatening you why you had to take that action that you did versus all the other options that you had you had other options why did you choose the option you you chose that's the simple question can you tell us if the deputy was threatening you at the highland oaks can you tell us why you had to shoot at him marquis tactics so far haven't been working and so the interrogators will now try to rile mark heath up you've led nothing but a gutless life man you shot at all your women society ain't the first woman you shot okay you've had a gutless life this is your one opportunity to show some sort of show that you're a man you know what you know what's funny you know what's going on i would use your words what keith is right i'm and you listen to me real carefully man you know what you said you want to be america's most wanted leaning in towards the suspect makes the contact more intimate and less avoidable by closing the distance you were legendary no no i'm telling i'm talking to you man to man right now you know what a legendary [ __ ] does he freaky steps on his two feet and he freaking stands up and says this is what i did you want you want your hey you want people to respect you and fear you because i was just so i was just on the [ __ ] phone tell them [Music] yeah okay well you know that's after the fact although attacking markeif's character has spurred him to talk and defend himself he's still not giving the information they're looking for he instead claims that he was going to let shade's father turn him in so that her two young boys ages two and eight could get the reward money i'm talking about you talking about being america's most wanted what do you mean by that you don't know me are you talking about being legendary what is that about about me standing up for myself standing up for yourself anything y'all police killed police killing lucky with their hands up mm-hmm here you come up you kill the baby man hold your kid in our kids you kill the baby you kill the baby so don't even judge me on that one that in you oh that's legendary that's a real man it won't be me that was meant to happen but it happened nope they wouldn't mean that but it happened huh i ain't jumping nobody might have jumped on me somebody jumped on you you're a grown ass man we talking about a baby three-month-old baby in the belly come on no babies baby don't you talk man i'm talking about the baby you killed man all right brother you see what i'm saying say it's okay for you to talk tough but when i talk talk to you you want to back hey you want a back pedal man you ain't probably telling you you're trying to probably get me to talk but i ain't i i ain't trying to get you to talk man you need to tell the truth or you don't man because your words are bond market clearly has experience with law enforcement and on some level understands the tactics the officers are using he appears to know that talking to them is not in his best interest neither party has respect for the other nor does either want to help the other in any way you have you either act like grown ass man right now or you put your head between your knees man you got two options bro you got two options because i'm not the same i'm not the one sending you a coward for killing a woman with a baby in her belly i'm not the one saying that your people are saying that the interrogator is slipping into read step five this step comes into play when a suspect becomes distracted or withdrawn often by ruminating on their potential punishment and starts to tune out instead of focusing their attention on the interrogator's desired topic he's trying to keep markeith receptive to the conversation markeith then gets quiet but offers no emotional reaction of note interestingly the interrogator does not really pose the alternative use in read step 7. this would entail presenting two choices for why the crime was committed both assuming his guilt but one being more justifiable and understandable many suspects believe that latching on to the more morally acceptable answer will result in a less harsh punishment but the truth is that both options are incriminating you ran for 30 days plus but we we found you [Music] so at the end you went that smart after all but you know why market you know why market you've done your time man you done a long long time you know the system in and out and you get to live for it for as long as you want to live when god says this is your last day that's your last day well son twain didn't have that opportunity because you made that choice for her chad and that baby they didn't have that opportunity because you you made that choice for them luckily her brother lived bro your actions man i'm talking about your actions and then you're wrong because you don't want to face reality bro i ain't going to get no [ __ ] guns i ain't talking about that some researchers have posited that the moment an interrogation turns into an argument it fails after being granted access to over a thousand hours of interrogation tapes one team asserted you need to remember what your purpose in that room is you're seeking information you're not there to speak on behalf of the victims or the police you might feel better for getting angry but down the road is retribution if you find yourself having a go at someone ask yourself what am i achieving by this because they will stop talking to you this is an interesting perspective to keep in mind as markeith's interrogation goes on tell me the reason why you killed that baby tell me the reason why you shot ronald right straight in the chest you tell me the reason why as the interrogation goes on markeith starts rocking back and forth slightly this is a self-soothing behavior that sometimes comes out during extremely stressful situations you're defending yourself then tell me the whole story and i'll listen you shot sergeant clayton because she threatened you she's giving you commands to stop and you kill her because she pulls a gun on you that's her job that's your option that's your choice so you're a badass man when you do your thing but you can't even face me and talk to me about it because there's no way in hell that you can believe your own words man markeith putting his face down on the table shows that he is further disengaging from the questioning what about that other cop because he got behind you you got the you got the option of shooting at him luckily he didn't die you know what we told you mom that we didn't want to hurt you man we didn't want to kill you we wanted you to face justice and you here you are alive you are here alive man y'all don't refrain hurting me all right and everything y'all [Music] did we frame the baby murder on youtube yeah i was with that did we frame sergeant clayton's murder on you yeah oh you can't say that though right y'all little new people so you're the victim here now like i just came right there and just went you're the victim here now that's the problem tell me that that's the cold weather like you [ __ ] wanna be victim to your lives tell me you're a victim and i'll give you a freaking hug because that's what you sound like right now you see a real man will tell the truth a real man will tell the truth and i thought you know what i thought today that i was going to come sit down in here and talk to a real man by questioning his character in his manhood the officer thinks he can get him to talk to defend his manhood however it doesn't seem to work on this suspect they call him a punk and a [ __ ] they likely chose those words deliberately calling someone a punk or a [ __ ] in prison is seen as a huge insult and a sign of disrespect they're trying to push him into defending his manliness this is another read technique called behavior provoking questioning they're trying to get a response by challenging him and angering him but even then you can't even you can't even say that you want to be landing there with lies see that's a punk move everybody tells me man that guy's for real man right now i don't see that anger will often get suspects to blurt out an admission of key facts the interrogators aren't getting the response they want out of markeith so they continue to badger and insult him just i mean you every time you have an opportunity to show that the you're the man you talk about that you're this freaking badass you talk you talk about you talk all that about how you ain't going down without a fight and as soon as the officers confront you in the yard you bow down like a [ __ ] and body armor the other interrogator jumps back in with the same goal trying to evoke a reaction and he almost succeeds at this point but mark heath quickly stifles it so what are you doing with your unborn child in her what do you do you light her up sergeant clayton's trying to do her job and tell you what to do what do you do you hide behind a pillar and you light her up because you're a [ __ ] and body armor come out and say what happened yeah yeah you running around talking on social media saying this and jibber jabber annette here's your opportunity to talk about yourself say what happened [ __ ] and all this [ __ ] ain't no disrespecting what you're just big what you want us to do you sitting there looking down bleeding you're sitting down there we're giving you ample opportunity to say what you need to say to speak the truth and what do you do what opportunity do you take bro what are you talking about i'm trying to respect you ain't telling me nothing either so i it's not about getting respect or not getting respect because you ain't saying [ __ ] you've been treated right your whole life you've had people treat you right your whole life and what do you do you put bullets in them because you're a punk because you put bullets in people that treat you right what does saudi ever do to you what that unborn child do to you nothing you're a little [ __ ] that puts bullets in people when they do you right thumbs up man all right check this out what do i tell today's mom last thing i'm going to ask you man hey i'm going to ask you this what tells today's mom do i tell that you're sorry that you said you don't care that it's her fault that she's dead what do you want me to tell her huh you were going to call her parents to call so they can turn you in and get money or whatever no i'll go call her father her father all right so you're gonna call her father about four pounds is that is that gonna be is that gonna be your your i'm sorry here's some money that's all she was worth a hundred thousand dollars the interrogator is now shifting from personal attacks on markeith to focusing on the families of the deceased trying to evoke a sympathetic reaction so that markeith will talk about the crimes so what was it about you were tired of running all i need to know is what do i tell these people you know another deputy going out there to help out after you kill sergeant clinton died what what told his parents that it was in vain that these these people died for no reason why do i tell them because to me it's more important what what the family has to hear coming from you because i don't think you're ever going to say sorry to them face to face so why don't you just let me do that once you just tell me tell today's mom tell her stepfather her father whoever this is what it is and i'll go tell him and you tell me we'll go tell sergeant clinton's family this is what it is i mean if you're sorry about it that's a simple question mark are you sorry about it are you sorry it went down like it did is that what you wanted all along is that what you did you walk into the walmart that day to say i'm going to kill the first police officer that says to me is that what you walked in there thinking you obviously didn't want to die that's why you're about the armor right so it was all about you that's a little selfish to me you should just stood there and say hey man come get me this is where i'm at if that's what you wanted if you wanted to fight see you're not the type of man to hide i know that but you know what the 30 days the last 30 days you proved me wrong you proved me wrong because your whole life you do what you want to do yeah you spend some time in prison that was a small price to pay for all you've done in your life and you know it and your stupid [ __ ] dish in my life you shut your damn mouth i ain't no dish i ain't never had a felony with a prayer to the [ __ ] you talk about now you just rap it's unclear which insult specifically triggered mark heath to become confrontational here but the interrogator will latch onto this opportunity and start plugging into it to evoke more from markeith if possible dang i'm just rapping yeah if i ain't never getting you just rapping i'm just rapping you just right so one day you decided to go on freaking shoes a day oh i'm sorry hold on let me see oh uh she came at you with a gun but you don't want to tell me the whole story oh wait a minute uh sergeant clinton the same thing she came at you with a [ __ ] gun right oh you're a [ __ ] victim every time but every time you decide to pull up a gun no no no no no no no no no no no i'm giving you respect man i'm giving you respect it's not about rap it's not about rap see you don't want to hear it that's why you're telling me to be quiet because for the first time in your life a man just like you stands right in front of your face and tells you the truth because in the street you say what you want and don't do [ __ ] because they scare you i'm not scared i'm telling you the truth and you can't handle that you cannot handle your attention because a gorgeous man like you mickey is telling you to your face and you can't even talk you want a little freaking band-aid on your face that's a bitch-ass move and you know it man you worry about the little blood coming from your face you forget you forget that i was there and i looked a shade you forget that i was dead then i went over there when they split her wide open and i saw what you did to that baby in the belly see i was there brother [Music] but to you you're a victim you're a vic you want some victim conversation you want us to wear a pink ribbon for he you still making efforts to garner some reaction out of markeith who has proven a tough nut to crack so far meanwhile the other interrogator is going to jump back in this time with a less intense demeanor this isn't quite a good cop bad cop scenario but he's trying a very slightly softer approach and yet this evokes a brief anger response marquis do you want us to say anything to the to the families of these people we're going to go talk to sergeant clayton's people we're going to talk to saudis people okay we're going to talk to the the deputy who was killed chasing you people you want to say anything to them at all that that woman who's probably what a truly nicest biggest heart police officers i've ever met in my life a woman who truly gave a [ __ ] about this community who truly got into this line of work to make it make the community a better place and you shot her down like a dog because you're a little okay do you want anything to say to say to that family mom huh whatever dude you're a little [ __ ] and you know what you want to say anything to that family do you want to say anything to that family your dad would be thankful he gets some respect and he dishes back what respect do you deserve you deserve the respect of any rabid dog on the street all right well go before you step in front of me that's about it that's the smartest thing you've said all night okay smartest thing you said all night don't know about your business what you still here for yeah you got that right you got it right ain't no marketing y'all gotta you just better get respect did i give it to you i gave it to you right hey i gave it to you i'll talk to you like a man i got your name let me ask you something did i disrespect you did i disrespect you how did i disrespect you yeah you called me because i told you the truth to your face i didn't call you no names you don't want to hear the truth i didn't call you no names you know what i did i told you the truth i told you the truth but mental man if you're not gonna freaking tell me the truth if you're not gonna talk to me like a man then tell me that tell me man i can't do it how can i talk to you like him and you say it the officer is linking his unwillingness to talk man to man to him being a punk and a [ __ ] to try to once again invoke behavior and get him to talk to prove the officer wrong and that he is a real man this approach isn't working markeith seems to have no real concern for anything they're saying and still seems focused on his medical needs and the fact that the cops allegedly roughed him up upon arrest had a bunch of them in her body too and so did that baby and so this sergeant claimed you want to compare holes we can compare holes yours is going to heal okay user your your wounds are going to heal you're going to be fine okay i've read something you put on freaking face but you talk about love and god and god first and family this and family that that's a lot of [ __ ] there you know i'm looking at you man this guy can be the nicest guy one day and and and the opposite the next see i think about damn you know sometimes i get pissed off man by sharing some information about himself the detective is trying to relate to markeith and build rapport so that markeith will be more likely to cooperate with the questioning sometimes i want to say some things to my woman sometimes i want to say some things to my kids sometimes i want to say things to the people i work with you know what and i hold back you know why because some most of the times i'm wrong i'm jumping to conclusions for you not you you don't say something you pull a gun you freaking shoot it girl in the past pissed to you you pissed her pull a gun and shoot at her would you [ __ ] do that how about saudi did that did not happen did i make that [ __ ] up am i am i imagining things is it a fairy tale that she's dead because last time i freaking checked when i stood right there and they were doing an autopsy i i i know what i saw i've been doing this for a long time you're good at what you do and i'm pretty sure that i'm good at what i do and i know what i saw you say you're defending yourself you say that these people are coming at you they're attacking you even when you defended yourself even when the attack stopped sergeant clayton she was down she was down you already shot her she wasn't getting up off her back but you had to do what you had to do and stand over her and finish her off okay don't try and say that that was you were defending yourself you willfully went in there and did what you did you willfully went in there and killed her the interrogator confronts markeith with his axe suggesting he went from defensive actions to unjustified actions the witness who sat beside deborah in her last moments would later claim that it looked like markeith was trying to unload his gun on her and get rid of her like it was something personal she alleges that markeith continued to shoot the officer while she was down and that she could only watch as deborah's body jumped off the ground from the bullets so in truth all the acts were unjustified but by drawing the line the interrogator is trying to get markeith to justify or explain his account of events you had all kinds of options starting with the second she walked out the door trying to do her job you had all kinds of options that did not involve doing what you did and the best option was a hug to fall back and watch the curve all that at some point the police got to come and come at you so she falls back and she watches you and other police officers come you're wearing body armor and you gotta and you've got a 40 cal on you and they're already coming and then what are you going to do you're going to shoot more officers how many officers would have how many officers would have been the appropriate number before you would have given up they could have wrote me off anyway and then what they could have wrote me off anyway how many answers would it have taken to stop you since one is not enough that chase dude you had that opportunity you shot at the deputy okay you took that opportunity every encounter that every time someone fronts you you go to gun and then you're on already made up stores well you had what story is made up yeah i just went there and shocked you you've had 30 something days to come and tell your side of the story but you chose not to so don't talk to me about stories told you y'all y'all are not responsible for the news people play man your niece told me two stories that's why she ended up over there had the handcuffed and in jail she told two different stories so don't be confused i clarify all your freaking doubts i sat down and i talked to her but you've had 30-something days to come and tell your story you've had 30-something days you're gonna talk to her and say what you could have prevented what you could prevent your knees from going to jail by coming in here the very next day and say hey this is what happens here the interrogators turn marquis frustration at his niece being jailed and harassed back on himself telling him that his own actions led to her being detained and questioned they're trying to change the theme of the interrogation i gave away everybody anybody gave me ain't nobody give you free food the interrogator uses the opportunity of marquis angry outburst to confront him with other sources of evidence such as phone records ain't nobody gave you free food everybody gave me i bought my own well you don't think that we're capable of you know looking at your farm records talking to people you don't think that we want to talk to these people and they say yeah we talk to them he asked for money he asked for food he this is what hey so they like them the interrogator knows markeith cares about the people close to him and tries to provoke him by suggesting that if markeith disagrees with what they're saying then he is essentially calling those people liars tell us about all right it's just tell i mean the people you're calling we see obviously we're following your phones this is why you're here you're calling these people we're following those phones what's the conversation about you leave walmart you just kill sergeant clayton you leave walmart the first person you call you're obviously looking for help that person give you help why are you calling them i don't need no i'm telling people what are you calling what are you telling them when you call them tell us about the phone conversation you have with him your dancer needed help and your damn sure reached out and you damn sure called some people i need i need the help because you just killed a police officer and you're trying to get out of it get out of the area i didn't need no help you did that all by yourself did you do it by yourself you seen it ain't nobody with me all right now how did you get from point a to point b somebody had to give you a car establishing location and opportunity isn't the most important goal at this stage but it will let the d.a paint a better picture of the course of events for trial did you steal a car to get from point a to point b you bail from the vw where do you go from there up in the reserves where you go from there where do you go from the in the reserves where do you go once you leave what you bail from the vw medical change where do you go when you leave the vw market uh i don't know what my did you stay in there do you stay in the apartments right now y'all just got me sitting did you stay in any apartments or did you go somewhere else [Music] markeith is clearly getting impatient and frustrated here but he is only ordered to sit again adding to his feeling of powerlessness as he has no choice but to comply sit down marquette sit down and pants ain't going to sit down sit down where'd you go in the reserves [Music] you checked that why didn't you shoot that man was you going out ammunition what happened where you take that when you take that vw in the highland oaks why didn't you shoot him why do you shoot the guy in highland oaks marquis you don't talking the interrogator gives his partner a look in a shrug hard to read this but it could suggest that they feel they are making no progress we'll watch for a change in tactics you don't talking you want your bad day now all right marquise yes sir i'll tell you what man i thought you were a badass that was going to give you a little bit of respect even though i don't usually give bad people respect i was going to give you a little respect cause you beat me for 30 something days and i couldn't find you i'm not bad yeah okay i can define you but you know what i think from from our talk today i feel sorry for you man the interrogator starts to berate and lecture marquith i don't think there's a tactic at work here i think the earlier look they exchanged was an expression of frustration which is now being verbalized in one last effort to get the suspect to talk i kind of feel sorry for you not not in the sense that i'm going to cry you know go to church and pray for you because i ain't gonna pray for you man i i'm not you know i haven't been to church in a long time but from time to time i pray for people i'm not gonna pray for you man you know what i'm gonna do man i don't feel sorry for your mother fans because you killed sade that baby you killed sarah clinton and you ain't mad enough to take responsibility for it so if the only thing that i can tell you today right now before i walk out is that i thought i was gonna give you a little bit of respect man you you lost the very little i have for you man and i know you don't give a [ __ ] because you much rather people fear you that respect you guess what you're rap you're a rap you nothing in the street you're nothing anymore you're nothing but a sorry ass story 2036 this is gonna be uh interview market floyd in reference to shade dixon's and her unborn child's death his interview was conducted at the orlando police headquarters the time right now is going to be open your eyes marquee 39 open your eyes that was a true angel right there you put down making the suspect open their eyes to look at a picture of one of the victims is another emotional reaction tactic interrogators will use there's a true angel you put down because you're a pointless little [ __ ] dog okay and my only regret is that you're breathing right now in the street beat the case that's what you got to beat the case beat the case because there will be another day and you don't want this time he's going to happen he's not going to be sergeant clinton he's going to be somebody like me the officers and the interview and frustration when all the different tactics they tried get them nowhere with markeith this is not a case that a confession is necessary evidence they have eyewitness accounts of both shootings yeah i'm just wrapping you a [ __ ] rap you talked about you had all kinds of opportunities to talk about and what'd you do you crawled out on your hands and knees you know what you are you'll get your bologna sandwich later hello in using the reed method the interrogators tried two major themes first was appealing to his manhood and his desire to be legendary this had relatively little impact though surrounding appeals to his credibility did evoke some reactions the other theme attempted was to play on his concept of remorse however there was even less success here more officials come in to take photos of markeith cutting his shirt off and documenting his injuries after a little while medical assistance arrives for markeith as well markeith was treated at a medical center for about 20 hours before being taken to orange county jail and then on january 19th bright and early he had his first court appearance on charges related to sade's death that is as far as legal trouble goes this was far from markeith's first rodeo markeith did have a history of criminal activity going back two decades in 1995 when markeith was about 20 he had been arrested on a murder charge which was later dropped because a witness lied about key information then in 1998 he was accused of battery on a law enforcement officer and spent four years in jail markeith attacked at least one guard while doing time for dealing drugs and in 2010 he was caught with homemade weapons while in federal prison which he said were two shanks for protection hidden in his hair while behind bars he pleaded guilty to cocaine possession from a prior case marquis got out of jail in 2014 and in 2015 he got married but within six months of the wedding he faced domestic violence charges against his wife although they were dismissed all in all records show that markeith has been arrested 20 times since 1994 but despite all the experience markeith had being in the courtroom he was quick to make a bad impression on officials during the first appearance for chade's case markeith started out by declaring that he will be defending himself in court choosing to represent himself was a bold choice markeith may have had some grandiose traits believing that he was so superior that he could do better than a lawyer he may have enjoyed the feeling of power as well as the attention on the other hand it's also possible that markeith had such a mistrust and authority that he felt he couldn't rely on a lawyer to be on his side it's clear that nobody really thinks this is a good idea but as the conversation goes on mark heath gets fed up and starts interrupting cursing at the judge repeatedly as you can see in this clip okay so here's what i'm going to go ahead and do first of all i got questions you're here for first appearances on a warranty y'all making up [ __ ] like i just went there and shot this girl endangering my family okay what if people want to do something y'all y'all y'all portray this to the news people like i just went and shot this girl when it was other guns found on the scene and all and all kinds of guns would pull it on me forever y'all acting like i just went there and shot her her little brother got dropped off while man he was standing there talking so it all kind of happened before y'all just put on news oh i just went and shot this girl got my family at danger so no i wasn't coming in right that's requesting markeith goes on an angry rant about the fact that others were arrested in connection to his search which he feels was unfair because he says he was doing everything himself i'm not finished talking because y'all been making up the whole time and then y'all make up stuff for my family lock them up it appears that it's important to mark heath to make it clear that no one helped him while he was on the run this may have been an egotistical motivation as he wanted to take all the credit that he did everything by himself alternatively he may have wanted to protect his family or friends from getting in further trouble while psychopaths are unable to form emotional connections to others sociopaths may form some meaningful relationships all right here's what i'm going to go ahead and see nothing from nobody i was out there by myself how how anybody helped me do anything i wouldn't walk by myself to buy food nobody doing nothing for me now the three people in question here actually mark heath's former manager at a place called texas fried chicken who was alleged to have given markeith food marquis's niece who was believed to have picked up money for him and one of mark heath's ex-girlfriends named james who was thought to have collected rent money from a woman at markeith's apartment and planned to pass it on to him some have called these arrests into question wondering if they were truly justified or if these people were unfairly detained in a ploy to lure marquith out of hiding which has just been another popular talking point in this convoluted case in his final note of the court appearance markeith brings up his injuries and says there was no reason for the violence he endured then when they had him in the hospital the channel 9 news sitting out there waiting for me to come out and see what they did for me or they didn't took my eye they didn't broke me no i broke my jaw they didn't said i resisted but i crawled out to the mother wrote so how did i resist i ain't resisting they just did that they tried to hide it from the news people but i'm here right now corrections i think we've we've established everything we need to do in a first appearance here and he can be taken after he signs it have him sign the um following markeith's claims that he was beaten by the officers apprehending him the orlando police department released the helicopter video you saw earlier which appeared to show one man kicking markeith during the arrest police chief john mina held a news conference to address the content of the video he says that officers were concerned that markeith could have been hiding something within his body armor because of the way he was struggling as he crawled on the ground furthermore mina asserted that mark heath didn't comply when he was told to put his hands behind his back which was one of the reasons force was used it is reported that the officers kicked and punched lloyd in the face and struck him numerous times with the muzzles of the rifles causing cuts to his face and back and a fractured eye socket which required surgery markeith ended up losing that eye as a result of the injuries the state attorney's office determined that these actions met the definition of deadly force or force which was likely to cause death or great bodily harm all the same according to the orlando sentinel the state attorney's office cited florida's stand-your-ground law and ultimately found that the use of force was lawful and justified markeith soon made his second appearance where he was once again combatted with the judge and for some bizarre reason he at first ignored her denied he was markeith lloyd and then started asking who she was sir you're here for the charge of murder of allah who are you all right you're here for murder of a law enforcement officer attempted murder of a law enforcement officer carjacking with a firearm i have your name please with intent to commit a felony and finally possession of a bulletproof vest in commission of a felony markeith likely felt very powerless in court so trying to turn the tables on the judge was his way of exerting control there is little that markeith can control in his life at this point except for his own words interrupting the judge or refusing to answer her questions was his attempt to take charge of the situation mr lloyd do you want the services of the public defender i'll ask you again mr lloyd would you like a public defender appointed to represent you you have a claim against matthew your name is man all right i'm finding he didn't fill out any paperwork corrections it's my understanding he didn't want to so i'll go ahead and find that he's made his appearance for today his first appearance is over good luck to you mr lloyd [Music] that conversation was certainly less than friendly and unsurprisingly a third court appearance didn't go much smoother mark heath wore a bandage around his head and left eye and he cursed at the judge again saying i'm here for what resisting arrest and this is what happened to me q nonetheless a judge eventually ruled that markeith was competent to represent himself fast forward to february and markeith is formerly indicted on charges related to sade and deborah's deaths despite markeith's insistence that he wanted to represent himself thus far he suddenly declared that he wanted florida's highest paid capital litigation lawyer terence linnemann to represent him in his murder cases a wish which was eventually granted and this brings us to the second half of today's story the murder trial in researching this case i always knew i wanted to analyze the interrogation footage you saw earlier but the deeper i dug into this trial the crazier things got and i realized that the information revealed in court might just be the most intriguing part of the entire case first of all reports say that in the months leading up to the trial markeith went on a rampage in the orange county jail violently ripping phones off the wall breaking glass and destroying a tv and ipad authorities say they couldn't get close enough to even use pepper spray he apparently shouted about how he was the son of god while causing thousands of dollars in damage to the facility what's more in videos of jail visits between markeith and his family markeith appears to make light of his dire situation [Music] right [Music] [Music] [Music] right he may have been trying to put on a front for friends and family who came to visit him in jail in order to protect his image he also seems to make fun of shaday [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] finally in late 2019 the trial concerning the shade dixon case began during his testimony markeith revealed details about his short-lived but turbulent relationship with the young woman and his words are extremely telling after getting out of prison markeith was working four jobs and he went from being homeless to being able to rent a place of his own soon he was excited to include shiday in his new life but he says when they started talking he asked her what else you got to offer what's your credit score you see mark heath had some very strict guidelines of what he wanted his partner to be like the first time he picked shiday up to hang out in person after chatting online he had some distinct opinions on her clothing choice when i first picked up she came out and she had on some shorts booty shorts so i was going to say something but i didn't say anything a queen don't dress like that you expose and expose yourself to the world we can see already that mark heath has a tendency to think he knows what's best for his romantic partners nonetheless the relationship was budding and markeith says when they were about to have intercourse she told him not to use protection from that point their relationship progressed quickly and they started to move in together markeith goes on to say that shade wanted to study to become a real estate agent and then later on in obgyn he started taking her to school during the days and working his delivery job at nights but he claimed shaday started to think he was messing around with other women while she was in class therefore markeith started sleeping in the car in the parking lot when shade was in class just from these anecdotes alone it is clear to see that their relationship was toxic and built on a very shaky foundation from the very start mark heath says they soon found out that shade was pregnant and they even went live on facebook to show friends their sonogram appointment but then mark heath calls attention to something really interesting people probably a lot of people didn't pick up on it but she live she got the phone now she's live we get in the car and she's like um i need i need to check i need to check when i conceive what did that mean to you i feel like she was pregnant before i got with her okay how did you feel about that i didn't care i wouldn't debate explains that since he's a convicted felon he can't adopt a child and he really wanted a baby to raise even if it potentially wasn't his his fixation on controlling her behavior only grew stronger now one of his requests was understandable he didn't want her to smoke weed while pregnant markeith spoke about why he started feeling especially adverse to drug use i was in the car i smoked with him and he had my whole body hurting so i'm like oh i'm like oh my god my whole body was here i'm like shot day i'm like you got this i i thought it was a sign from god because if we just doing this to a grown person what you think is doing to a fetus that's trying to develop a brain marquees began to suspect more and more that shade was smoking marijuana during her pregnancy which became one of his biggest concerns but markeith worries about shady's lifestyle didn't stop at drugs he also started instructing shiday not to eat meat he supposedly hadn't consumed any himself in 10 years saying that he doesn't believe in killing god's creations i don't eat meat i don't i don't believe in death so i don't believe in killing god's creation so i feel like god made animals there like he make us we all the same flesh and blood so i don't eat flesh and blood markeith even says he received signs from god that he shouldn't eat meat and this next clip shows the unorthodox way this happened i was in prison in colorado i was inside a mountain and so i came out one day i look i just see so much life i see so much green to my the trees the earth and then it hit me i'm like damn so i feel like god was sending me the sign like this what it is it's unclear if markeith is describing a hallucination in which he was inside a mountain or whether he is attempting to describe a real situation he experienced hallucinations can be caused by a mental health disorder but they can also occur as a result of drug use so it hit me when nature is alive it's green the grass in the in the trees when nature is dead it's brown and they say you are what you eat so you really are what you eat so if you take in death death go follow when you start eating how god created you to create you to eat your feces is going to come out green markeith says he feels like he gets signs from god all the time marquis's unique moral system also presented itself in more questionable ways once when shade misled marquette he grabbed her by the neck and pushed her down in anger later on though he felt like what he did was wrong he cut his long dreadlocks as a show of self-punishment things continued to go downhill and eventually the relationship soured to the point where markeith decided he wasn't too sure if things were going to work out with shiday however he didn't want to leave right away because he claims her family wanted her to get an abortion and as he didn't agree with that he had a plan he would wait until she was six months pregnant to leave her so that she wouldn't be able to terminate the pregnancy interestingly shade's mother denied the claim that she had suggested an abortion to her daughter and markeith even admitted on cross-examination that he had only heard this second hand from shade markeith really kept harping on how much he had wanted this child in fact markeith didn't just have a rough idea of what he was going to do to keep the baby he had a whole plan laid out markeith explained that he cheated on chaday with one of his ex-girlfriends once and long story short markeith planned to ratioday's child with this ex-girlfriend as a plan b one day she went somewhere by this time she just lied she was lie about so much stuff so i didn't trust her so she went somewhere so i called james so she was like uh will your girl with your girl i said i don't know she probably wouldn't mind i don't know me and james when they had sex and so that's when i told him like man well i mean you go get back together i'm like i'm gonna give her six months to get her stuff together i said she got her stuff together i'm gonna stay with her i said she don't mean you gonna get better together because at six months she ain't gonna be to get her abortion so then she was like all right bet so we so i hadn't made the future plans for james to be to be the mother it seems that markeith had one foot in and one foot out of the relationship with shaday and this infidelity would end up being one of the last straws in the crumbling relationship but one of the most heartbreaking parts of this footage is when marquee talks about shaddai's children he describes a trip they all took together to a lake shortly before shiday's death but marquis anger grew because he felt like shade was distracted from outing with her kids and he claims it was because she wanted to go smoke pot with friends i said why you just sit there lying in my face like i'm some food like i don't know you have i said you see it started you started you started this trash by the kid while he kids around here i'm like man all you doing i'm not i can't i don't trust you i don't want to be with you no more this started an angry back and forth of texts about the lack of trust in a relationship shade ended things on an amicable note though after markeith dropped her off shadday wasn't responding to him for a while and so he sent her some long-winded texts telling her she could do whatever she wanted with her life but he wanted her to keep the health of the baby in mind and then on december 13th about an hour before the shooting happened shade responded to marquis messages saying don't expect no baby he interpreted this to mean she was getting an abortion shade texted markeith screenshots of his facebook conversation with another girl and called out that he went on live from a strip club with other girls within the two days after they broke up and that's when markeith headed over to chade's house and in this murder trial right off the bat it became clear that there were two very different accounts of what happened the night of her death up until a certain crucial point the opposing sides told a relatively similar story shadea and markeith were in the midst of a heated confrontation the unborn child and accusations of infidelity being the main topics at hand at some point markeith admitted that he had hooked up with his ex they were speaking outside of shady's home but she suddenly went back inside before re-emerging and calling him to the side of the house it was then markeith says that he realized she had retrieved a gun they had been given to her as a gift she took it downstairs and went back outside sometime after that the defendant took the gun away from him taken aback he pulled out two guns of his own which he says he always carried after being robbed and prompted the girl to hand over her weapon according to markeith shaday did what he said and dropped it but instead of dropping it carefully off to the side as he claims he instructed he alleges she didn't listen and instead extended her arm out front to drop the gun which caused him to panic and he squeezed his trigger the whole world screeched to a halt as both parties processed what he'd just done however the weapon luckily didn't fire markeith quickly retrieved shiday's gun and put it into his pants pocket which would seem like hopefully the end of an explosive situation but then shade's brother ronald stewart came outside to see what was going on he had heard the commotion and wanted to defuse the dramatic and increasingly dangerous confrontation markeith says he tried to explain that should they had started the altercation and that they were fine on their own and didn't need help however here's where the two versions of the story diverge marquis's lawyer said that shadee taunted markeith by saying that ronald could beat him up my brother can whip your ass within a few minutes of that statement her brother attacked markeith lloyd markeith claims he turned his body to show ronald that he had taken shiday's gun and tucked it in his back pocket but he alleges that ronald took the opportunity to attack and a scuffle ensued as demonstrated in this clip okay you got the gun cuffed okay and where is this hand oh you're turning like this and then show me what he does [Music] markeith says at some point shadee's gun fell out of his pants where he had stashed it and that he was scared for his life and afraid that shade had picked it up and rearmed herself while he fought ronald and so markeith went into what he calls warrior mode and just started shooting over and over again hitting ronald in the chest and both thighs in the process the prosecution however instead asserts that when ronald came outside he simply told the fighting pair to break it up and talk another day before he and shaday turned to go back inside and walked onto the porch however they say the door was locked and alleged that markeith did the following the defendant who had moved to the end of the driveway then came up and stood just off of the concrete walkway in the yard he reached into his hand warmer part of his jacket pulled out a smith wesson 40 caliber semi-automatic pistol that get brought with it he said nah she ain't going away she's not going with you she cocked the gun he pointed it and he fired the prosecution says the first round hit ronald in the abdomen causing him to fall down onto the porch they say markeith approached the porch firing hitting shiday several times before she fell as well ronald stewart was laying on his back he walked over stood over ronald shot him a couple more times left and just walked out to his car ronald himself testified in court that markeith was standing a little ways away from him and pulled out the gun unprovoked while shaday was banging on the door trying to get inside he did this motion to um i guess put the bullet in the chamber before he did that i was like it's not that serious bro i had my hands up like this i heard a bang and next time i know i didn't have control over my body he then says markeith stepped over him and kept shooting shade before turning his attention back to ronald and shooting some more in a crucial query assistant state attorney rick ridgway asked mark heath how a bullet fragment struck the concrete under stuart if he wasn't standing over him and shooting downward markeith couldn't explain this marquee then started towards his car but when shodday's mother and other brother opened the door to see what was going on he fired additional shots towards them the prosecution highlighted this moment as follows in their opening statement when they opened the door there was the defendant running away toward his car he turned raised the gun and pointed it at the door dominique grabbed his mother's arm yanked her back inside slammed the door heard a couple more shots then heard the car drive off markeith's side argued that he only took those shots out of fear because he thought chade's family was a gun family i'd never met with his dad but i wanted my child i'm not going to kill my sister i'm not going to kill my queen i wanted my child i didn't want that all i ever did all my life and provide and protect now markeith also testified about his time on the run and whether he's being completely honest or not about his intentions his words still give us an interesting idea of his headspace authorities uncovered text messages sent from markeith moments after the shooting he texted shaday don't don't know if you will make it hope you don't i told you don't play with me and you went and got a gun on me instead of talking to me okay and is there anything incorrect about that yes what is it i didn't i didn't put don't i thought i put do the text message that markeith sent us a day shortly after the shooting indicates that he was already trying to put the blame anywhere but on himself he's trying to justify his actions he claims that there was a crucial typo in his text alleging he meant to say hope you do make it instead of hope you don't hours later he texted today you cost this markeith says as he went on the run he saw the news reporting that he went to shady's house banged on the door gunned her down and then when her brother came to help he gunned him down too which he says was a complete lie so markeith wanted to do something to set the story straight he called his niece and asked her to let people know that it was self-defense he says he wanted the authorities to have the media retract the version of the story that made him look bad and then he would turn himself in in his mind this would be their way of proving they weren't trying to kill him markeith says he was worried that someone took shiday's gun off the crime scene to make it look like he was the only one with a weapon strangely his lawyer affirms that the gun left in the yard was not included in the probable cause affidavit for some reason marquis says he realized the investigators weren't going to set the story straight so he sent his niece directly to talk to the news people so now i tell him i tell my niece i'm like you know what bumping investigators go to the news nicely straight to the news she goes to the news she get an interview and then i call her i'm i'm i'm i'm like here's your what what's up what happened she was she was crying she was hysterical she's like uncle keith i could keep they played what they wanted to play they played what they wanted to play they played what they wanted to play so i'm like i'm like all right man i'm like trying to keep i'm like all right come to find out we trying to get the original interview they don't destroy that we try to get that from the news people they don't destroy that because they know they're part of it too in cross-examination mark heath continued to assert that he was the victim in this whole situation so ron attacked you and then you thought so they had a gun and that's why all the shooting took place yes it really wasn't your fault nope my question to you is none of this is your fault no in fact you're really the victim here today of course and so after hearing all sides of what happened in the murder trial of shade dixon and her unborn child a jury found mark heath guilty of first-degree murder killing of an unborn child attempted first degree murder two counts of attempted felony murder and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon markeith had virtually no reaction which was quite the change of pace from his early explosive behavior in court perhaps markeith now knew that he needed to make the best impression on jurors as his life was now in their hands now the defense had one last shot to convince at least one juror from everything that has happened in markeith's life that he should not get the death penalty markeith's mother testified on his behalf affirming that she would continue to love him no matter what she spoke a little on markeith's childhood at a young age markeith witnessed a friend and a cousin being murdered his attorney explained that in the area markeith grew up in pine hills and carver shores there are unfortunately two routes that a lot of people take robbing or dealing drugs he says markeith chose the latter marquis mother detailed the turbulent home life that markeith was born into she said marquis father died when the boy was three or four of a drug overdose marquis mother is asked where markeith would hang out from the ages of 10 to 13. she responded that he spent his time in the streets and would take care of her other children while she was partying the violence he witnessed in the trauma he experienced as a child likely had a huge impact on his development he may have felt like he didn't have much control over his environment when he was young which led him to have significant issues with control as he got older here are some relationship red flags that may signal possible danger to come history of violence if someone has a history of any kind of violence it's a warning sign that more violence could occur in the future the level of violence often escalates over time impulsive people who are impulsive often act in the heat of the moment based on high emotions rather than logical thought if someone is both impulsive and has access to a weapon especially a gun this is a dicey combination engages in dangerous behaviors if someone is frequently involved in reckless behavior steer clear for example if you're in a car with a partner who is speeding excessively but they refuse to slow down when you ask them to this is a red flag they're showing a careless disregard for your safety it also may be a scare tactic to show you that they are in control makes threats toward other people pay attention to how your partner treats other people if your partner frequently threatens or tries to intimidate others this behavior could eventually be turned on you even if the threats are made in a joking manner this behavior is still a red flag tells you what to wear if your partner tries to tell you what you're allowed to wear this is a red flag for an abusive relationship controlling what someone wears is one way that abusers exert power over their partner abusers may also try to control who you can talk to where you can go or even what you're allowed to eat relationship moves very quickly abusive relationships often go from zero to a hundred with couples becoming very serious very fast possibly moving in together or getting married in a short amount of time the abuser may be very charming in the beginning phase of the relationship and the partner likely feels flattered by all the attention now this next part i found really shocking apparently mark heath got kidnapped once when he was about 17 leading to some pretty severe injuries the beating mark heath received in this instance reportedly lasted four hours which is reported to have contributed to his ptsd and paranoia marquise mother also spoke on him going to a mental institute at age nine she says he was almost killed in prison when someone stabbed him with an ice pick close to the heart which added to his paranoia about people coming after him one of marquis sisters also spoke up to say that markeith often acted as a protector in their formative years when the children's mother was absent that he would steal food and belongings for the other kids on the nights they had to go hungry and pay the lights and water bills to get them reconnected two doctors testified during the trial the first diagnosed markeith with grandiose and paranoid delusions which he said was important because this can precipitate violence so he gets targeted and arrested more often than others and he used to run the entire city of orlando and real quickly i'm thinking these are odd or unusual thoughts a clinical psychologist also took the stand to say that markeith suffers from ptsd possibly resulting from childhood beatings at the hands of his mother or the robberies he was the victim of during his time as a delivery man markeith testified that one co-worker got murdered working this same delivery job those were the main points that were presented in a bid to make the jurors sympathetic to marquee than spare his life and then finally it was time for them to decide should markeith spend his life in prison or be sentenced to death as punishment for the lives he took the judge advised everyone that there would be no outburst when the verdict is read in this tense clip everyone holds their breath as the big moment takes place we the jury unanimously find that the aggravating factors are sufficient to warrant a possible sentence of death no dated this 23rd day of october year 2019 in orange county florida signed by the foreperson nearly two years after the start of his first trial markeith loyd went to trial for the death of debra clayton markeith's trial officially began in october 2021 following the opening statements markeith made a shocking claim shouting that he had attempted to turn himself in twice before walmart where deborah was shot and killed no evidence was presented to prove this claim one of the main points of debate during the trial was who exactly fired the first shot markeith or deborah the defense claimed that markeith saw a gun in his face as he left the store and thought he was going to be shot so he ran he says he didn't know the gun belonged to a police officer at the time he also claimed that he was not holding a gun at the time when deborah fired at him and that he only pulled his gun out and returned fire after he heard a shot claiming that he was defending his own life however it was made clear that even after an investigation it was unknown beyond a reasonable doubt who actually fired first during closing statements markeith made sure his feelings were heard as he shouted they're lying yet on november 3rd he was found guilty of the first degree murder of lieutenant deborah clayton after his conviction prosecutors then filed to seek the death penalty keeping in mind that markeith had already avoided the death penalty previously the prosecution argued that since markeith already had a life sentence without the possibility of parole that another life sentence would just quote be another piece of paper in mr lloyd's file and that it was no punishment at all in december 2021 a jury of 12 the same jury who found him guilty of first-degree murder the month prior unanimously recommended that this time around markeith received the death penalty on march 23 2022 about five years after lieutenant debra clayton was shot and killed markeith lloyd was sentenced to death
Views: 16,962,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: documentary, true crime documentary
Id: 781YkcgBnC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 8sec (7028 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 10 2022
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