Court Cam: Most Viewed Moments of 2022 | A&E

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we go to a sentencing in Albuquerque New Mexico the defendant is 18 year old Brendan wazinski who's charged with impersonating a sheriff's deputy six months earlier wesinski was driving an unmarked car with a police siren when he pulled over a driver for speeding Albuquerque police officer Danny anzo Came Upon the scene and thinking something off about the situation decided to check it out [Applause] what do you work for really okay I I know I'm under equipped okay do you have an idea with you I mean this is this is all I got I mean like I said I'm under I'm under equipped I was just heading over there to the Portland it's the courthouse for uh to get my crap the wannabe cop sticks to his story makes no sense I caught him going one i-40. the officer has wazinski hang around while he checks on his story Anthony while he waits for a response anzo casually chats with uzinski one officer to sort of another and I'm not here to mess with you man it's just the thing is yeah he was beating dude you could have called it in and because he begins to shooting you're right all right man I I understand this for starters I know this looks really bad this looks really bad this screams whacker how long have you been on about three years I've been on for like 13 years I'm not saying I'm perfect but you need to be a little bit more careful all right so just do me a favor hang time for a second okay it sounds like the officer might be letting him go not too fast anzo requests a supervisor from the Bernalillo Sheriff's Office to come down to the scene in the meantime he puts wazinski in the back of his Cruiser [Music] it looks like this bizarre game of good cop fake cop may be coming to an end so wesinski comes clean okay real quick yeah give me one second what's up man all right all right I'm just going to be straight up honest with you I'm not a cop I'm just gonna I'm just gonna be did you get that back from I bought it off of mine offline okay do me a favor stay in here okay for a second after discussing the strange situation with this Sergeant Enzo makes the next move [Applause] before heading downtown wazinski sheds a few tears in the back seat [Music] I'll give you um we'll give when we get to the substation I'll give you um we'll give her a call wesinski's formerly charged with impersonating an officer a misdemeanor and a second officer takes him off to jail yeah buddy can't be pretending to be a cop yeah I know I'm stupid lesson learned right as they head downtown the reality of the situation kicks in for this counterfeit cop if you want a hell of a thought to know that in about two minutes now as he stands before a very real judge instead of fighting the charge wazinski pleads no contest he sentenced to one year of probation the judge also rules he can't carry any Firearms or handcuffs and must undergo a psychiatric evaluation [Music] case does that make sense but this sham Sheriff story doesn't end there wazinski violates his probation by failing to get that psych evaluation but he gets a break when the judge gives him an extra two weeks to complete the evaluation told of his extension wazinski presses his lock I can try the best Titan you're honor I mean I have honestly a lot going on right now and it's stressful but I will try my hardest to get it done okay so just to let you know we all have a lot going on and it is very stressful for everyone but this is very important and I'm not going to give you longer than that wazinski did eventually complete his evaluation and was able to avoid jail time and hopefully his days of impersonating an officer are over this looks really bad this screams wacker as for the driver wasinski pulled over he was of course free to go next we go to the Miami-Dade Courthouse or judge Catherine Pooler is presiding over a bond hearing the defendant Calvin Lloyd Griffith allegedly broke into a local school and stole an employee's car Griffith was arrested and is here on charges of Grand Theft burglary and trespassing he also violated his probation from a previous car theft Calvin Lloyd Griffin June good morning finished charged with burglary petty theft Grand Theft of a vehicle and trespass and he's on probation he's out on probation yeah okay okay cocaine that's what we think cocaine the court officials decide to cut Griffith's mic off to prevent him from talking over everyone okay you're Calvin Griffin Mr senator of the button press oh okay as judge Pooler continues looking over the paperwork Griffiths continues to try to get the attention of the judge okay let's see but we judge Pooler unable to hear Griffith he decides to try a different approach you're right [Music] not impressed with Griffith's twerking abilities the judge moves on with the caves can that your owner set the bond again tomorrow because his actions violate his probation judge Pooler agrees with the state attorney and sets Griffith's Bond at eighteen thousand five hundred dollars and there's a state we order from Miami Edison Senior High if you should get out do not go back there you're not a student anymore okay thank you for coming in as the judge moves on to the next less entertaining defendant judge Pooler looks back fondly on her time with Calvin Griffin I want the last guy to come back and teach us how to dance [Music] pretty smooth guy next we're in Newark New Jersey where Judge James convery is overseeing a divorce hearing [Music] on one side is Benjamin Taylor his attorney Yvette Ramos Alvarez and on the other is his soon-to-be ex-wife to establish Taylor's total yearly income a copy of his Social Security earnings statement has been requested by his wife's attorney now miss kulski comes back after everything was fished except for the Social Security earnings statements which he doesn't have he gets his Social Security every year indicating he gets his earnings state he gets it he gets it every year so she asked for why didn't he provide it he doesn't have it he threw it away oh come on as you can see judge convery is not buying the dog ate my homework story so he decided to do a quick courtroom poll to prove his point don't you get it I get it you get it you get it everybody gets it Social Security sends it to your home every year Alvarez however disagrees based on her own experience no I don't get it they descended to my home four years ago final moment before judge convery says something he'll regret well when did you become an illegal alien [Music] Alvarez is taken aback by the judge's comment not only is she of Hispanic dissent but she's also the former president of the Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey listened to me it's judge convery tries to backpedal Alvarez moves forward right out the door then comes the awkward silence Alvarez returned to the courtroom 10 minutes later and judge convery apologized but the damage had been done Alvarez later filed a misconduct complaint against judge convery which along with other public complaints led to a public reprimand by the New Jersey Supreme Court record in Las Vegas Nevada 26 year old Monica Contreras is here to vacate a temporary restraining order filed against her by her estranged husband [Music] the routine hearing lasts just a few minutes and contreras's two-year-old daughter joins her just off camera so I'm just going to close the case out and dissolve the order all right thank you okay but before Contreras is able to leave for room Marshall Ron Fox takes her to another room to perform a drug search while her daughter plays with hearing Master Patricia doninger on the bench moments later Contreras is back in the courtroom but there's a problem she begins telling the other courtroom Marshall that she wasn't comfortable with how the drug search was performed [Music] [Music] still searching contreras's purse Marshall Fox doesn't like what he's hearing okay so the store stands so making a false allegation against a police officer in this context that wouldn't even be a crime in Clark County hearing Master Patricia doningert turns her back on the situation please can you please tell him then without getting any further explanation of the charges she has to have contreras's daughter removed from the courtroom can we do something if you could call up childhood childhaven is the County's child protective services facility in just a matter of minutes Contreras went from appearing at a routine court hearing to getting arrested and now having her daughter taken away from her you're saying when I turn around [Music] tell the truth so investors [Music] please I just want to end it okay it was all wise it was all wise it was all lies on record on tape I just want to go home please sounds like Contreras is going to recant her statement about the Marshall's inappropriate handling of the drug search or maybe not and she's handcuffed in front of her young daughter Contreras singles out hearing Master doninger for seemingly ignoring her please for help how could you watch sure [Music] [Applause] [Music] Contreras is taken to jail formally charged with providing false information to a police officer and disturbing the peace her daughters turned over to special services until the girl's father picked her up later that day two months after the incident Contreras filed a complaint against Marshall Fox claiming that in addition to improper protocol the officer also groped her breast and buttocks during the drug search an investigation by Clark County Internal Affairs would validate her claims she was later awarded two hundred thousand dollars in a court settlement as for those responsible for the courtroom Injustice the perpetrator Marshall Ron Fox was fired immediately following the investigation James Kenyon was later relieved of his duties and hearing Master Patricia doninger was out two years later after the video went public good next we're down under for a hearing in Adelaide Australia Daniel Nicholson a 35 year old father of four has been out on bail awaiting trial for weapons charges today he's in court to find out whether magistrate Sue O'Connor will allow him to remain out on pre-trial release [Music] it's by the ruling Nicholson turns to his attorney but before he gets an answer magistrate O'Connor shuts down the conversation yes please miss please miss I'll show you what basement is just moments later perhaps realizing he's about to be locked up Nicholson decides to bail himself out of the situation [Music] [Music] inside what's known as the dock Nicholson steps up onto a table and delivers a punch to one officer as he tries to restrain him [Music] after slipping through their fingers he's able to get one foot on top of the divider and launch himself onto a nearby table and then into the arms of this officer with a courtroom descending into chaos a woman makes a plea on Nicholson's behalf [Music] but as he continues to push his way toward the door more officers pile on before he can make it there [Music] Daniel Nicholson later pleaded guilty to attempting to escape custody and two counts of recklessly causing harm to a prescribed emergency worker he admitted to being under the influence of crystal meth at the time saying he was just quote freaked out Nicholson was sentenced to 21 months in prison with parole eligibility after one year as for the original weapons charge he pled guilty and was ordered to pay a 320 fine next we head to a virtual bond hearing in Fort Lauderdale Florida Judge Tabitha Blackman presiding Demetrius Lewis on page 26 the defendant is Demetrius Lewis who appears remotely I know how you doing all right I'm good sir how are you Lewis is charged with possession of an illegal substance and attempted burglary a felony which could send him to prison for five years but today he's got other things on his mind besides his legal situation just feels so gorgeous Mr judge I just have to tell you you're gorgeous thank you Mr Lewis with the entire Zoom watching Lewis makes a not so subtle play for the judge notice the reactions from the other parties including prosecutor Eric Linder just you're so gorgeous this judge I just have to tell you you're gorgeous thank you Mr Lewis maybe Lewis's charm will help his cause all right Mr Lewis flattery will get you everywhere but maybe not here or maybe not judge Blackman remains focused on moving forward with the case probable cause on count one burglary occupied dwelling on armed count two possession of MDMA ecstasy she then asked the state for its recommendation I'm recommending a 7 500 Bond no they can contact no return noting the allegation genre there were three children present in the home and Mr Lewis was attempting to break into okay thank you Mr Linder Lewis objects but the judge moves on to the defense and then renders her decision she sets his bond at five thousand dollars which is significantly better than the 7500 requested by the prosecution you're gorgeous next we're in Charleston West Virginia for a pre-trial hearing Andrew Eldon Henry T Alvin Henry T Elden is in the courtroom but he is refusing the magistrates order to come forward to the defendant's table get up here in this season right now that's right the judge called him Thrice Eldon is facing multiple charges including fraudulent official proceedings and fraudulent service of indebtedness related to falsely filing claims with the court today he's joined in the courtroom by a friend who's recording the proceedings on his cell phone and getting involved himself I'm a witness okay okay what I'm saying is he is present and he's chosen not to step up there he's asking not for a point a lawyer he doesn't need an attorney so you're acting in the classroom I'm not acting I'm a witness this is an American National American National is another nod to The Sovereign citizen movement that both he and the defendant identify with eventually Eldon does respond to the magistrate Ward harshbarger but still refuses to come forward [Music] you have some preliminary thing we're all waiting for the court reporter to be do it now all right is the state versus Henry C L Junior Mr Elder United and its attendance table for the record I'm going to sit down you sit down and not say another word seemingly getting more aggravated the magistrate turns to his courtroom Deputy for assistance you may have a seat right there you may have a seat right there Eldon finally gets up to the stand before the judge but it won't be for long you are going to be held intent all right can you stand up for me please turn around and place your hands behind your back if you would and who are you and you have a warrant assignment I've just been made aware by the judge that he wants me to take you into custody for constructing a judicial process okay but before the magistrate had the defendant arrested and cuffed he pulls a final move out of every parent's Playbook and counts to three one have a seat two have a secret I would like to speak to and I have information to present I don't know how I'm instructing I I was last morning again locked in a stale made the magistrate decides to just get down to business I would like to see your oath of office I'd like to see your letter accepting and acknowledging your office and I would like to say the same for the prosecuting attorney and you know the names of everyone in this room I need that before I understand what's going on sir so the answer and I will answer for him not guilty I haven't made anything or should you mention all right I don't accept that okay the court wouldn't confirm the details but according to Eldon he did not appear for his next court hearing and was arrested on a bench warrant and served two weeks in jail he also says the original fraudulent service and fraudulent official proceedings charges against him were later dropped next we're in Bakersfield California for the arraignment of Tobias Roman the 27 year old was charged with multiple crimes including attempted robbery threatening with attempt to terrorize and exhibiting a deadly weapon for allegedly stalking a female employee at a shopping mall s and now his initial hearing is off to a rocky started once on his feet the judge then asks a standard procedural question Mr Roman what is your true correct name Tobias my first name that's it he gave older Tobias that's it don't call me now giggles may be his street name but there's nothing funny about the crimes he's accused of committing this time I will appoint the public defender to represent Mr Roman the charges Mr Roman are attempted robberies after being interrupted and then told to be quiet judge Charles bremmer gives the defendant a final warning you get one more chance and then you're going to be removed from Portland of your choice for a second it appears Giggles might quiet down but his silence is short-lived [Music] but as he's being led out of the courtroom Roman gets in the last word foreign [Music] the judge heard that comment loud and clear for the record Mr Roman's statement on the record that he will murder me if he sees me and I'm going to request law enforcement to take the appropriate action Tobias Roman later pled no contest to the charge of threatening a public official and was sentenced to eight months in prison of his original charges all were dismissed except for threatening with intent to terrorize he played no contest and was sentenced to three years in prison next we're in Miami-Dade County where Nelson Walker is charged with a crime where the evidence may be as they say in the law in plain view all right you're charged with stealing a dolphin Jersey [Music] um judge Ward seems a bit suspicious of the situation and when she begins asking Walker about the Dolphins Jersey he's wearing he's got an answer no no ma'am that I took no Jersey I ain't took now Jersey Walker first insists the Dolphins Jersey he's wearing is not the one he allegedly stole young claims he didn't steal a jersey at all no Jersey I ain't took down Jersey the judge then turns to the public defender for his take but he decides to raise an issue regarding an inconsistency on the police report public defender as to Mr Walker respectfully I'm going to be raising a problem attached to this being a felony because the allegations are an observation of observing the defendant and co-defendant put on a dolphin hats the officer says a and then says hats so there's an issue as to whether it's two hats or one hat Walker seems on board with the public defender's approach the officer says a and then says hats so there's an issue with whether it's two hats or one hat by the semantics issue the judge orders Walker who has 29 prior felonies on his record held on five thousand dollars Bond Weeks Later Miami-Dade prosecutors declined to press charges against Walker and he's released but the judge did order Walker to stay away from the Dolphin Stadium perhaps not seeing his beloved team play in person is punishment enough hmm next we're in Berea Municipal Court the defendant 21 year old Milton Watts has turned himself in after a warrant was issued for his arrest for failure to appear on a domestic violence charge supposed to be here last month you did not appear why weren't you here my mom didn't show up somebody died in the family there was no reason for me to be here well it's not an engraved imitation sign it's a court order you're clearly off to a rocky start between watts and judge Chris Green but Watts seems comfortable handling the situation on his own your attorney withdrew so you'll have to hire an attorney you're a lawyer no not only for Watts his grasp on the legal process seems spotty at best you want to talk to me buy me a bond with me what do you want to tell me about what Bond really good judge green who's known for his no-nonsense style doesn't seem particularly receptive to the attitude that's going to cost you 30 days in the county jail for contempt him if you got the cuffs hold on it's five thousand dollar cash surety bond subject to the temporary protection order lot's remarks have already cost him dearly and now he doubles down he just swore at the judge and I gave you a piece of advice what you can either make life easy or you can make life hard I already ruined my life that's 60. you want to go for 90. that's not anymore stop so Lots his mother and sister attempt to intervene but there is no stopping the foul-mouthed tyrant I don't care stop everybody [Music] [Music] deputies another Court staff quickly arrive at the courtroom for backups I'm like that's ignorance despite the judge going all the way up to 360 Days In the Heat of the Moment once Watts calm down the judge ultimately decided to reduce the sentence to 90 days in jail four days per four letter word for the initial domestic violence charge he was originally in court for he later played no contest and was sentenced to five days in jail next we go to a hearing in Breckenridge County Kentucky where the defendant is not typically the one standing before the judge the accused is Todd Pate the former Sheriff of Breckenridge County he's charged with assault operating Under the Influence his second offense criminal mischief and leaving the scene of an accident a year earlier while driving his personal vehicle paid allegedly caused a crash injuring four people he then left the scene when he was arrested later that night his blood alcohol level was nearly twice the legal limit pay was released on Bond and later retired from the Sheriff's Office today the 51 year olds in court to change his plea from not guilty to guilty a decision he's already agreed to in writing this allow him to serve just 75 days in jail versus a possible sentence of up to 15 years if you went to trial was found guilty of all charges to make it official all he has to do is say the words to judge Janet Crocker at this time is it your desire to change your plea from not guilty to guilty do I have to answer that yes or no or can I make somewhat of a statement that is that is a yes or no answer sir [Music] opportunity to say anything further if you it is your intention to change your plea from not guilty to guilty certainly you'll have an opportunity to make any statement but if it is not your intent to enter a guilty plea at this time then I'm going to set your case for jury trial and you're going to stop wasting my time and everybody else's time this afternoon and I'm not trying to waste your time and is it your intention to enter guilty plea at this time or not so the judge ignores the question and checks in with the prosecution why am I wasting yourself Mr Chambers what is the commonless position at this time sir we would move to vote the defend its Bond at this time the judge orders a brief recess perhaps hoping pate's attorney can remind him he's already agreed to plead guilty back in court the judge tries again on the record and see if we can sort this out at this point in time what is Mr pate's decision with respect to his guilty pleas Ure I believe I'll just let him answer that question if it please the court all right so uh Mr Pate can I say a few things or um uh I I need to understand what it is that we're doing here today Mr Pate yes I had every intention of coming in here today and entering a guilty plea it's difficult for me to enter a guilty plea for a lot of reasons and I don't want this court to think that I am trying to minimize any responsibility that I had in this situation that occurred the problem is Pete doesn't agree with the assault charge and believes the prosecutor only added it because of pate's position is Sheriff and because Pete rejected an earlier plea deal I feel like I'm being very much bullied into doing something that's not right now I want this court to know that Todd page holds himself responsible for everything that he did it's hard for me to lay down and plead to felony charges that don't apply by this point the judge has hurt enough is it your intention today to enter this guilty plea this is either a yes or no are you going to enter your play or not is everybody thinks it's funny let me just play and get it over with for everybody please do something that I absolutely do not feel good about but I don't want you to try to send me to the penitentiary for years and years if you can sleep with it I can sleep with it Pete's attorney looks frustrated while the judge is fed up with Pete's flip-flopping at this point in time I think we're done where I think we are today is is that on the one hand the Commonwealth can enforce the terms of this agreement based on the execution Mr Pate I'm talking at this point in time okay I'm sorry I'm sorry at this point in time I'm going to sustain the Commonwealth's motion to revoke his bond he will be taken into the custody and housed in the Breckenridge County Jail your honor if I may speak to Mr Chambers motion to revoke the bond I've already ruled the point in time he's going into jail today paid eventually pled guilty and accepted the terms of his sentence 75 days in a county jail with credit for time served next we head to the Washtenaw County trial court in Ann Arbor Michigan for a hearing defendant Donald Roberts is accused of unarmed robbery refusing fingerprinting assault with intent to Rob and larceny Roberts had been representing himself in the matter but the man standing next to him is Attorney John Vella Vela was ordered by the judge to be Robert's standby counsel Roberts had just finished telling the court about the poor state law library in jail and telling the court that he had no need for an attorney assistant Washtenaw County prosecutor Brenda Taylor responds in a court to use the report dated July 25th of Dr Smith for purposes of finding incompetency and I'm asking the court to find the defendant incompetent and to order him to the forensic Center for treatment and restoring of Competency I have prepared a proposed order I don't want to reiterate the other issues that have already brought us here if the court wants me to respond I got in the law library no I've already ruled on that while his competency issue remains in question Roberts has a question for the court what about my discovery let's talk about that oh that's not not right now not the answer Roberts was looking for oh let's not not right now Robert snaps and then off camera attempts to lift and knock over the lectern as a stun judge Schwartz looks on Robertson charges in Attorney John Vella before being quickly taken down by deputies the deputies move in this woman carefully finds her way out by walking across a row of chairs to safety hauled Away by deputies judge Swartz orders a competency hearing and despite Robert's obvious objections points Bella as his representative Roberts was eventually declared competent completed no contest to larceny while the other charges were dropped he was sentenced to one year and 10 months in jail [Music] next we're in Williamsburg Kentucky for a bond revocation hearing defendant walked up to the podium his 42 year old Shannon Fox Hamblin today she's in court for allegedly violating conditions of her probation once at the microphone she lets judge Paul Winchester know she's being represented by a well-known name may be best known for his pro bono work and who's representing you today I'm represented by Jesus Christ that's right now a savior he may be but one thing he is not is a licensed member of the Kentucky State Bar so the judge offers up the services of the public defender's office instead all right so I'm going to appoint Mr finder's representative Mr finale I have that right you're wrong Jesus is going to represent they mean I do not want legal cancer okay all right so what do you want to say I want to say that I have lived hard loved hard played hard but I've been saved and applied the blood I'm parting through Jesus Christ okay God I have stumbled and I have failed many times and Mercy's Reigns from that not because I deserved it but because I'm sure somebody prayed okay I want you to chase salvation and pray over here too I was riding the fence between me and you God gave me a choice and it's life or death I kid you not do I look like the person that said before you in August do I I'm humble I'm in a walk of shame but alas judge Winchester has had enough of the courtroom sermon okay let me ask you a question yes allegation is you failed to report to probation parole okay sir I have nothing in this world all I need is an answer did you go okay yes I did but the next two times I didn't have no ride in addition to not reporting to her probation officer is scheduled Fox Hamblin has another violation on December the 9th 2016 you were given a drug test and you were positive from methamphetamine and that was confirmed by a lab Side by Blood okay yes or no do you acknowledge that I acknowledge I've saved by the blood saved by the blood or exposed by the blood test I don't use drugs you've already told me that but back on December of 2016. his Piper says so but I will not admit it he said I could are you denying the allegations in this motion yes Fox hamblin's probation officer is then called on to offer testimony [Music] Ryan thinks you are a liar in the court of Williamsburg I Promise You Jesus is watching okay let me tell you something I have to go by what the test says what I'm telling you is I have to go by what the lab says the present is to reform me right to make me a good person for society keeps you from breaking the law okay well do you believe that the blood applied by Jesus Christ can do more reform for me than uh Pei Wei Valley do you believe it can happen in one day one minute or one hour sir I've seen this to death I'm going to die but as the defendant continues to argue the judge asked the bailiff to escort her out and revokes her bond Mr Engel can you take her for me please motion is sustained about to speak okay as it becomes more apparent that she is not going quietly another Court official enters to help remove her I walk down you need to go you don't know what to you okay now let's go let's just please I want my family back on Chase as the struggle spills into the hallway Fox Hamblin continues to resist reportedly kicking one of the bailiffs and causing an injury to his hand on top of having her bond revoked Shannon Fox Hamlin was charged with contempt of court second-degree assault resisting arrest and second-degree disorderly conduct she was sentenced to eight years in a Kentucky prison [Music] next we're in Denver Colorado for a first advisement hearing the purpose of the proceeding is for the judge to explain to the defendant why he's being held in custody and to outline upcoming legal procedures even though the defendant has not been officially charged today things are being laid out for Anthony Waller who's taken into custody on suspicion of multiple crimes including false imprisonment and assault on a female victim at a local Motel judge Doris Byrd then explains he'll be held in custody while the case is being investigated investigation for false imprisonment assault in the third degree a assault as a class two felony and a misdemeanor charge as well in possession of drugs paraphernalia I'd like to object first you know if I'm under investigation I thought the investigation came first and then the rest came right but before the judge can give Waller an explanation a deputy gives him a nudge from behind thank you [Music] get on your feet Waller who's fully Shackled and handcuffs leg irons and a belly chain asked the judge for clarification came first and then the rest Deputy Brady lovinger then places his hand on Waller's back lovinger claimed that because the judge had brought the hearing to a close he was directing Waller to the clerk to sign paperwork and prevent him from stalling the proceeding but after Waller turns towards him the deputy grabs Waller by his uniform and belly chain and slams him face first into a metal window frame get on your feet as wallers dragged into a hallway he tells deputies that he's injured [Music] it's okay Anthony Waller suffered a head wound and broken teeth from the deputy's takedown but things did not end there after witnessing the incident firsthand judge Doris Byrd filed an excessive force grievance against the deputy with the Denver Department of Public Safety the agency found there was not an imminent threat to the safety of anyone in the court When Love and jeer used excessive force on Waller following the investigation Deputy love and jeer was suspended for 30 days by the city of Denver Anthony Waller would later win a 50 thousand dollar civil suit against love and jeer in the city Federal jury determined his constitutional rights were violated by the excessive force used against him as for Waller's original crime he was found guilty of third degree assault and sentenced two years in County Jail thank you oh my God take me home we now go to Brimfield Township Ohio where County Judge Rebecca Doherty isn't presiding over her courtroom she's making demands at the local police station do me a favor and have a seat so we can do our job Larry I'm not going to call anybody yet okay we have stuff we have to do I'm going to tell you now to call Lieutenant Lambert now have a seat call him or I'm going to put you in the cell so why is this judge so aggravated let's go back earlier in the night hello an officer's body camera records as he approaches an SUV that's crashed off the side of a snow-covered Road are you okay no what's going on man we've got vomit down here in your door have you been drinking yes okay do you have your ID handy [Music] your judge to be more specific she is the County's Common Pleas Court Judge 55-year-old Rebecca Doherty are you kidding me am I am I kidding about what you're intoxicated you I am so much oxidative the officer's body cam continues to record as the judge is escorted into booking God take me home okay have a seat let me call Lindberg have a seat no Rebecca listen this whole thing is being recorded do not do something you are going to regret tomorrow Larry limbert is actually major Larry limbert of the County Sheriff's Office do me a favor and have a seat so we can do our job I'm not going to call anybody yet okay we have stuff we have to do will you please have a seat you're trying to walk out the door and you're almost falling down can you please have it pulling down have a call Larry limber Rebecca I will put you in one of the cells okay trolling now and that's not the judge's only request we just literally told you 10 seconds ago that we're getting you a drink of water he's out front right now getting you the glass 10 seconds ago I went drinkable I found out thank you I tried him he didn't answer really do you want the water the water I do okay Larry Lambert okay Larry limper after refusing to take a breathalyzer judge Doherty is charged with operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol give me my phone so I can make a phone call okay your phone is in a puddle of vomit in your car which is on the side can I finish which is on the side of the road that you crashed into yes the tow company is out there trying to get it out however it is extremely snowy and slippery out they are not able to get the vehicle out so far so your phone is off the table right now we don't have access to it judge Doherty receives a fine of one thousand seventy five dollars and 180 days in jail which the presiding judge reduces to 375 dollars and three days in jail her driver's license is suspended for a year and she's ordered to complete a Driver's Intervention Program to all of my power to never act in a way that would harm others ever again thank you for an Idaho Falls Idaho for the sentencing of Brian Johnson the 50-year-old former High School teacher pleaded guilty to felony stalking of a 26 year old former student who he'd recently been dated Johnson was accused of violating a protection order filed against him by following the woman in public leaving her harassing messages and entering her home while she was gone including an alleged incident where he urinated on her bed facing a possible five years in prison Johnson can be seen visibly shaking as he addresses the court your honor I would like to take this chance to openly apologize for my actions in this case I take full responsibility for foreign not because I was caught but that I allowed my perspective and judgment to be so clouded by a number of issues that I chose to in fact the way I did Johnston appears to become even more distraught when he apologizes to the victim whose name has been protected and finally most importantly I deeply and sincerely apologize for all anxiety depression stress fear and any other negative emotions and financial burden switch my choices it actually stick cause I sincerely regret fmt's son except full responsibility for that which I've done I hope I pray that she will be able to heal from this and know I have any liquor to get back to her life I will do all my power to never act in a way that would harm others to ever again [Music] before judge Joel tingy hands down a sentence he tells the court there is much to consider when looking at Johnston's public Persona versus his illicit Behavior behind closed doors this is not a case of a career criminal this is somebody that was actually very productive in the community role model frankly uh who did a lot of good things through his career through what I think what you look at first a case such as this where you're doing a sentencing as you look at the conduct and the Damage that was left in the wake of that conduct which is extensive frankly immeasurable um I was subjected to basically living a hellish life during this time frame that you can't repair that as part of the pre-sentencing report the judge received numerous letters of support for Johnson but he says this is a man with two very different sides I said this is this is a Dr Jekyll Mr Hyde case I get a lot of letters who really support Dr Jekyll but I'm sentencing Mr Hyde after a brief pause judge tingy makes his ruling the sentence on this will be five years one and a half dicks three and a half indeterminate as a condition of a sentence Johnson was placed in a court operated Rider rehabilitation program that can significantly decrease his sentence if he receives intensive therapy and treatment Behind Bars before being reevaluated by the core Johnson was released less than a year later after completing the program and was placed on probation for an additional four years problem is you don't want to play by anybody's rules you want to play by your own rules next we go to Brea Ohio for a probation hearing defendant's 18-year-old William Demopolis he's on probation for criminal damaging unauthorized use of a motor vehicle and obstructing official business things have not started off well as judge Chris Green is annoyed with Demopolis for refusing to hand over his cell phone to a probation officer give me that phone to that phone you don't want us to find nothing I just didn't see no need for you guys accompliscate my phone and go through it I mean and you play by your rules you don't want to play by anybody else's rules when the judge hands the phone to a clerk the defendant starts to retreat let me I think come here it's not right now I'm telling you it's not right now give me an officer give me an office please it doesn't have to be like this you'll be in there and stand like a man you're going to go to jail today sounds like this teen is willing to give up his freedom for a phone what did we talk about with regard to following the rules and they told you to I don't know why the judge breaks it down for Demopolis when you are on probation your probation officer has a right to take anything they want to take of yours if they want to search your phone they search your phone the problem is you don't want to play by anybody's rules you want to play by your own rules it's not like the honor is getting nowhere the defendant changes his story it's not my cell phone his cell phone isn't it's my brothers then why didn't you tell them that I need him handcuffed please even with deputies closing in Demopolis doesn't seem interested in cooperating as quickly as Demopolis hops over the table the deputies tackle him to the floor that's the defendant's grandfather looking on it [Music] you make it like this my problem is I can't have someone on probation if they won't listen to their probation officer he has a problem I know it is a problem man he's kind of like a little captain any job he's very athletic yeah the judge revokes the defendant's probation and is charged with resisting arrest he sent to jail for 40 days next we're in Scottsville Kentucky for the case of 42 year old Timothy Madden four years earlier Madden was arrested and charged with the rape and murder of a seven-year-old girl Madden initially maintained his innocence but less than two weeks before his trial was set to begin he entered a guilty plea for the charges of kidnapping and murder The Plea was part of an agreement with a prosecution that they would not pursue the death penalty exchange the victim's family would be spared the pain of going to trial Madden also entered an Alfred plea for charges of rape and sodomy meaning he didn't admit guilt but agreed there was enough evidence to convict him now after four long years the victim's family is finally able to address Matt for the judge hands down a sentence but as the victim's mother starts to share her impact statement Madden seems disinterested and turns to talk to his lawyer an action that offends the victim's father sir that's the most disrespectful thing I've ever seen give us just a minute we've had four years waiting clearly angry the victim's father demands that Madden and his attorney give his family this one small courtesy after their years of suffering now you look around all you want to we've had four years waiting you can let him listen to what she's got to say do you understand me [Music] he can give her three minutes to say what she needs to say as courtroom deputies try and calm down the angry father the judge calls for a recess if you're pleased if you'll escort Mr escort Mr Men I saw you something we're in recess at this time if you're pleased escort Mr Speaker Simon says four years ago it appears the situation may be diffused after Madden's removed from the courtroom and the victim's fathers LED away but a mother's flea reignites emotions this is all we've asked we haven't asked that's when the victim's father sets his sights on Madden's attorney you're an attorney you're paid by the taxpayers seeing the escalating chaos in front of her judge Janet Cocker tries to gain control of the courtroom absolutely we are off the Record ladies and gentlemen stop this now this child deserves better than this after a 15-minute recess the victim's mother is finally able to speak on behalf of her devastated family because of you we lost our baby girl our boys lost their sister before she was even eight years old you took her from us why did you do it there is no reason that you could give I was an innocent little girl who was at her brother's football game playing with her friends just as she had done so many times before Timothy Madden was later sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole now to the Seminole County Circuit Court in Sanford Florida it's 6 30 pm and a long one-day trial has come to an end that defendant is 46 year old Lisette Gonzalez although a verdict for Gonzalez's DUI charge has already been reached her attorney makes a final plea to Judge Fred shot him presented for the jury to find the verdict that they did they didn't do all the the field sobriety examin issues that should have been done during the trial it was revealed to Gonzalez was never given a breathalyzer or had her blood drawn yet arresting officer Michael Wagner recorded that she tested above the legal limit of 0.08 in His official report Wagner claimed it was an honest mistake but observed what he believed to be intoxication I respectfully asked this court granted dragon and notwithstanding Department the attorney is asking the judge to use his power to overturn the jury's verdict and acquit the defendant it's a move rarely seen in the courtroom this isn't the purely circumstantial case and so I'm going to deny the motion for joa it looks like the case is closed but judge shot has other business with Gonzalez yeah we have this other case for drywall license suspended two months after her DUI arrest Gonzalez was ticketed for driving with a suspended license problem is the only reason her license was suspended was because of the inaccurate paperwork filed by Officer Wagner I want to be enlightened it was a mistake admittedly by Michael Wagner that today he caused her to have her driver's license suspended for for at least a few months for nothing so you're gonna no Prospect case I might get mad at you today the judge is addressing prosecutor Diana Mears I had testimony of this officer your honor and I want you to take him up on perjury your honor will you take him up for perfect was a mistake your honor no but he lied he lied on a sworn and that is I'm dismissing I'm dismissing I am I I am awesome no I'm dismissing the charge the judge has just dismissed the defendant's upcoming case but he's not done yet this whole case was fishy and I have no idea State attends the sentence I'm granting the joa judge shot has just reversed his decision and acquitted the defendant on the spot so you're granting it because fairness because I don't like the state's decision [Music] now that I consider with officer Wagner testified to and how many times he basically tripped over himself just to arrest this lady with no real probable cause you're done motion joa is great and you're not going to provide a written order on that nope do you want to peel me never been there never thank you for letting us know that your honored the defendant Lisette Gonzalez walks out of the courtroom free of all charges next we head to Atlanta Georgia with a sentencing of Tex McIver the 75-year-old attorney was found guilty of felony murder in the death of his wife Diane McIver defendant claimed he accidentally shot McIver while driving back from their Horse Farm Diane McIver was the president of an airport Service Company and prosecutors believed she was killed for her money McIver pled not guilty but after a trial lasting 19 days he was convicted before sentencing Friends of the victim make heartfelt statements to a packed courtroom the actions have traumatized me I lost sleep because I so wanted to believe that it was an accident this has been one of the saddest and most horrific incidents that's happened in Milwaukee to have lost my friend of over 40 years that was more like a sister than a friend has broken my heart next it was mciver's turn to speak which is what he did for 15 bizarre minutes touching on just about everything everything that is except the crime last week on one given day I received 11 different pieces of mail one I was a lady from Ireland then there is the most unique individual I think that I've ever correspondents with his name is Trent Jones he's a race horse got the first Australian and his favorite resource fubarak has been retired just this year and now he and Hobart are free to step into the circle and murder and and play The Surreal statement continues as McIver moves on to his next subject thanking his friends in the community friends delivering Chick-fil-A one of my huge huge favorites one of the things I miss the most I guess before he was done he hit one more subject completely unrelated to the murder his godson's favorite basketball team of the Golden State Warriors finally he gets around to discussing the relationship with his late wife of 11 years show me and in doing so he started a relationship that was can only be described as amazing we loved each other like small children we just couldn't believe it was that that he goes on to explain just how deep their connection was and the fact that it became if people were able to believe so what happened in my conscience who adhere to these words she had telepathically communicated those words is this true it is true before announcing his sentence judge Robert McBurney offers a reaction to MacGyver's words and peculiar choice of subject matter I'll tell you what's what's most telling you've had as much time as you wanted to share with me what you thought was important for me to hear and we heard about racehorses in Australia in Chick-fil-A and telepathy I didn't ever hear you say you're sorry for what you did to me that silence speaks volumes all that was left was the sentence the penalty for felony murder is life I'm going to sentence you count two to a term of life with the possibility of parole McIver was sentenced to life in prison and is eligible for parole after 30 years when he would be 105 years old next we go back to 2010 for a sentencing hearing in Elko Nevada [Music] 34 year old Michelle Lynn Taylor has been charged with lewdness with a child under the age of 14. an incident in which she allegedly kissed her friend's 13 year old son and forced him to touch her breast she was ultimately found guilty now faces a severe mandatory sentence under Nevada state law honor the there's only one penalty that's available for the court to award to the defendant and that's imprisonment in the state prison for life that's right a sentence of life in prison I suspect that the defense is going to tell you well this is a this sentence is way out of line but it was a sentence that the legislature of Nevada has created for this type of crime Taylor will be eligible for parole after 10 years her attorney Alina Kilpatrick argues the crime doesn't fit the one-size-fits-all sentence imposed by the state your honor the jury was not allowed to know the potential sentence in this legislature does when evaluating this case your honor you we cannot think that this is a 10-year sentence because it's not this is a sentence of life because the legislature doesn't know the circumstances those circumstances Kilpatrick explains include various mitigating factors that weren't allowed to be taken into consideration during the trial the mandatory sentence of life does not allow this court the discretion to consider the fact that a forensic psychiatrist said that Michelle Taylor is at a low risk of reoffending that she was under the influence of the time of this offense and that she herself suffered unimaginable egregious sexual abuse as a child absolutely unimaginable and egregious to further support or argument that the punishment doesn't fit the crime Kilpatrick lays out a graphic comparison to another case now the most horrifying case of sexual abuse that I could find perpetrated by a woman came out of Florida and that was in fact uh clearly egregious um Miss Simmons was having a five-year-old perform sex acts on her while her boyfriend was videotaping it 70 years although a stiff sentence is less than life growing more impassioned in her argument Kilpatrick offers yet another disturbing example of the discrepancy and Punishment when compared to another crime penalty for first degree murder is 50 years she is getting a greater penalty for having a boy touch her breast than she would if she had killed him and that is unconscionable neurons because the statue is unconstitutional I'm asking this court not to impose the mandatory sentence of life in prison because it shocks the conscience and is contrary to the eighth amendment and everything the Constitution and Justice stands for oh thank you despite her attorney's plea Michelle Taylor received the mandatory sentence of life in prison with the possibility of parole after 10 years later appeal of the case was denied by the Nevada Supreme Court Taylor was released on parole in 2019 after serving the minimum 10 years next we're in La Plata Maryland for a jury selection 25 year old delvonne King is representing himself today on weapons charges after he was caught carrying a regulated firearm during a traffic stop three months earlier King was appearing at a preliminary hearing for the charges when he fled the courtroom and temporarily eluded police because of the fleeing incident King is required to wear a remote control stun cuff on his leg while appearing in court and now as he reads A prepared argument stop there seems to be another problem at the bench his 72 year old Robert naily the judge retired the previous year but was called back part-time to hear cases this hearing got off to a rocky start when King claimed to be a Moorish American an offshoot of The anti-government Sovereign citizen movement and insisted his true name was not Del Von King now as judge Neely explains the jury selection process King continues reading from his prepared argument which questions the Court's Jurisdiction over him right now Mr Cheryl do it use it [Music] [Music] all right I'm going to take five [Music] calms down and I'll be back yes sir in case you missed that after King refuses to stop speaking stop stop judge Neely orders the courtroom Deputy to activate the stun cuff on King's leg Mr Sheriff use it the deputy calmly approaches King who doesn't appear to see him and slides his chair out of the way [Music] while King rides in pain on the courtroom floor judge Neely decides to exit the courtroom and take a short break all right I'm going to take five [Music] following the brief recess judge naley resumed the hearing and King continued representing himself agreed to probation before judgment meaning in his case he was sentenced to two years in jail on the weapons charge most of which he'd already served and in return no actual conviction would be added to his record the same cannot be said for judge Robert naily after the courtroom video was made public the Maryland court of appeals immediately rescinded nailey's ability to hear cases he would also later be charged with a misdemeanor civil rights violation to which he pleaded guilty and was sentenced to a year probation ordered to take anger management classes and pay a five thousand dollar fine following his sentence Robert naily was banned from the bench for life all right so Mr Chavez good morning next we go to bond court in Miami-Dade County judge Mindy Glaser presiding defendant is MMA fighter John Chavez he's been charged with aggravated assault burglary and eluding police the incident occurred after Chavez learned his mother filed a protection order against him once in her home he allegedly smashed a cell phone broke her glasses and picked up a large kitchen knife Chavez then took off as police arrived in a Manhunt ensued forcing several schools in the area to go on lockdown the defendant who stands 6-2 and weighs 220 has a violent pass that includes assault and battery charges was eventually captured in a neighbor's backyard near his mother's home after his arrest he's brought before judge Glazer to learn if he'll get bail so you were arrested for a burglary to an occupied dwelling it's from March 22nd and you have another case aggravated assault from March 21st I'll appoint the public defender's office for you because he also I don't felony bonds yes this is actually Chavez's second appearance before judge Glazer in less than a week good afternoon sir you were arrested for good afternoon just a few days before the alleged attack on his mother he was arrested for possession of a firearm by a felon when the gun turned out to be a toy the charges were dropped but a kitchen knife is no toy and today judge Glazier may not be as lenient the public defender makes your case I saw the aggravated assault there's no indication here that this gentleman ever threatened the alleged victim in this case now it's up to judge Glazer to make her decision there is probable cause for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon they didn't charge it that way but that's what it is Chavez does not look happy but judge Glazer isn't finished so your order to stay away from I guess it's your mother Iris Chavez no contact with Miss Chavez either directly indirectly in person in writing by telephone or through third parties no contact with the victim through social media or other electronic means Chavez tries to speak up but what you may not realize is because he's in a different location than the judge he can only be heard when his attorney presses this button [Music] so he keeps on trying no mic no problem Chavez Won't Give Up as far as his charges for aggravated assault the judge sets Bond at 7 500 as for the burglary charge the defendant is not so lucky oh Bond there's probable cause for armed burglary had a knife in the closed area sir I Know It's upsetting right now for you Chavez grows more incensed sir I know you're upset I'm sorry Corrections can you take them out not much seems to be happening so the judge tries again he's released but eight months later he's convicted on new burglary charges and he's sentenced to seven years and 10 months in a Florida prison all right yanel Morales next we're in Fort Lauderdale Florida for a bond hearing rolled yanelli Marie Morales was charged with burglary with a Salter battery breaking into the home of a woman who was allegedly having an affair with her boyfriend crime is punishable by up to life in prison so the public defender who's off camera asks to have his office's appellate attorney present when it comes time to rule on the defendant's bond contacted our appellate attorney that wants to be president and make arguments they're only available this afternoon I'm just respectfully asking if the court could give us that courtesy for him to be president at 1 30 and make those arguments judge Michael Davis is not opposed to the request problem is he wants to move things along all right the public defender's office wants to make legal argument they've got to be prepared to make legal argument docket starts at 8 30 it's now a quarter to ten all right Miss just can't just have one moment please sure after Consulting with his colleagues the public defender lets the judge know the other attorney is actually on her way a few minutes she's on her way all right but after waiting about 20 minutes with no sign of the attorney things start getting awkward the public defender's office is about a two-minute walk away your colleague is not here it's 20 minutes later I'm going to call Miss morales's case back yanelli Morales all right good morning Miss Morales you're charged with a burglar with assault or battery I'm going to find probable cause for that offense ma'am it is asking that Morales be held without bond but before continuing the public defender again asks to have the office's appellate attorney present no it's about a two minute walk from the public defender's office where is your colleague judge may I have just one minute I would like to have a supervisor present by now it seems the focus has shifted from the case at hand to a debate between judge and public defender your office is here you are here I've given your office the courtesy to come down here your colleague has apparently hung you out to dry I'm not really sure why but you're now making conflicting arguments and not seeing the course asking you to explain is inconsistent judge what I'm printing what I'm saying to the court is honoring that question who when the public defender still can't answer his question judge Davis loses his temper what I'm saying today all right we're all done then all right State anything else [Music] ma'am you're going to be held good luck all right but three days later at her next hearing yanelli Marie Morales was released on a ten thousand dollars Bond and is currently awaiting trial are you speaking to me next we go to a hearing in Douglas County Georgia the defendant is 32 year old Sahara fakir she's been charged with armed robbery burglary and murder the victim was 66 year old local businessman Jerry Wheeler who was stabbed in his home while making dinner wheeler was the father of a Douglas County Sheriff's Office Deputy who discovered the body fakir didn't know the victim and there was no apparent motive for the crime she's in court to hear charges and from the start doesn't seem to appreciate the magnitude of what she's facing you're charged with the murder of Jerry Franklin wheeler you Courthouse I understand that I understand that this Courthouse of the cursed Courthouse yes I understand okay and if you were judging me you were not bad fearing and everyone else I understand that the judge takes the claim in stride but as the topic shifts to legal representation that's when things get really bizarre do you have a lawyer well that's my water right now are you speaking to me are you going to get a lawyer Allah is my lawyer right now and if you do not Release Me Allah will have this Vengeance on you like he did in 2009 when he sent that flood it's only going to get worse it's unclear what flood the defendant is referring to so the judge Carries On so if you cannot employ a lawyer then you can apply to the public defender's office for an appointment of one at no cost for you what I said I'm just trying to inform you of your rights now I'm going to be released from that Masonic Courthouse unfazed by secure's demands and divine proclamations the judge tries to finish up Grand Jury of meat and it will determine whether or not to proceed with this case do you understand that okay Bond would not be granted today if you want such a bond you can make application and have a hearing after that matter do you understand what can going to granuban today this is just an initial appearance why because it's going to have to have a hearing to have the bond anything else perhaps out of frustration fakir moves on from the judge and begins criticizing a local news station covering the hearing that the Illuminati reptilians News Channel really they're a member of the public they can come to the courthouse all right thank you The Cure's case eventually goes to trial she's found guilty of murder armed robbery and burglary currently in a state prison serving a life sentence no chance of parole thanks for being a fan of Court cam subscribe to a e to never miss a new video and catch full episodes on
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Length: 88min 30sec (5310 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2022
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