Opening Our 5 STAR Family Restaurant In Roblox!

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hey everyone welcome to crew live hello hello hello hello did we be calm happy friday we should be calm right yeah or throw a tantrum no we should be excited no we should be super excited because today we are building a five-star restaurant live with you not just any restaurant don't say it [Music] our family restaurant emily family family we're not going to be able to feed our family if we don't get to work let's go all right well first off look in the background the store is a basic store draco rainbow and i yeah yeah rainbow and i are chefs gold and lunar are the waitresses they look extra fancy because there are five stars but not yet this place isn't fast [Music] family yes i will order food oh do you serve this family while i talk to the family i will order food to make this family right don't talk to the guests you can't order food we have to i can i just press the order food button i ordered it oh that's lazy we have this okay you didn't even work yet you can't have lunch yet draco no lunch okay i have to cook this yeah that's right cookies make space hello kaya thank you so much for joining our stream what the dracula just pushed me over with the knife fire him you're the man well the restaurant is named family let's ask kf what type of cuisine should we also serve so the thing is i thought like if i made a new building it would reset all of the cuisines cuisines but it did not so we just have to select from what we got hello did you have your coffee yet you are not pronouncing it gold i'm fancy chef cuisine right now our family restaurant is two stars okay we need to make it to five right now our service sucks because there's a bunch of food here it's not being served hey why is why did you order a shawarma draco what's for because i am supporting the family food give it to me and you only give it to me i paid for your customers wait you can order uh draco let me order please wait speaking of bells do you guys remember at the old restaurant where we used to work for our actual family in real life there was a bell and then you would have to click every ding it yeah yeah there was and sometimes sometimes some little siblings would be quite annoying and ding it for no reason i love ringing the bell me too i also love ringing the bell ding ding where is my hamburger and sometimes i would like to order you cannot order because you are the top manager therefore you cannot order delicious fine dining did someone burn this burger no no okay hey oh wait no i didn't cook that okay you know what kf everybody wants we're gonna unlock some regions right now which type of cuisine would you like italy japan mexico and then we have a lot more so those are the most popular and then we have more i'm just gonna like carefully look at the chat don't you wish i mean it could be all the foods food is so delicious i think that's luna's goal she's like playing this game a lot she's trying to unlock actually not to flex here but i unlocked quite a lot of content already we should just focus on our well you have to work on this one lunar too bad fine i was gonna flex my food but whatever maybe at the end you can flex your food mexico quite a lot mexico it is so how many are we allowed to unlock first uh i'm not sure actually so let's unlock mexico there you go and japanese and philippi i'm also seeing japan let's unlock the japanese food how much unlocks can i no that's it i'm we're stuck that's it we gotta wait now okay we got we're gonna level up okay and then we're gonna cook more and more deliciously clearly the waiters need a raise because they are cooking and serving yeah well no one told you to come in the kitchen i was already cooking you know what it's time for your happy music we only have two tables we only have two why are they complaining chicken's so good what give me something i'm getting hot it says i it looks like this family restaurant isn't doing more tables we need more tables do we need more tables wait a minute uh are we gonna vote i think we should vote oh okay we're gonna whisper oh that's true i don't know i don't wanna be the manager the man someone ate my piri piri chicken you [Music] stop eating you're eating all the food we're gonna go bankrupt all right yeah we need customers i'm paying for this oh me and my pigeon draco pigeon jackal pigeon's my chef assistant they pick up ingredients and put it in the bowl with their pigeon legs okay are you lucky for you like but pigeons wait don't pigeons carry diseases yes don't rats kids not diseases wasn't there a flu called h1n1 that's not okay let you know what let's not talk about those right now look i chopping chicks talk about pandemics yeah it's not a good time um rainbow it's not very sanitary for you to be standing i have a well i have a question from kf okay joe asked who was the best cook in the family restaurant oh back then our mom obviously yeah obviously but besides our mother but between you i didn't know who's the sous [Music] i was also the waitress 13. that's right i made my own life wait were we 13 or 12 rainbow we were like little waitresses running around like hey thank you welcome to blah blah restaurant we would have had 13 i would have been 14 by then yeah we were little young little kids dude in the family restaurant oh my gosh the family restaurant except for the children running around except for miners serving you and cooking in the kitchen kim was very good at making like grilled meat so oh yeah and then soon enough i trained i trained cat to do the grilled meat so she could help me because that's right i'm also i was like washing the dishes cleaning the floor cooking okay she did everything so honestly that's what a family restaurant is it's where it's where the family decides to open a restaurant and then the children are involved so yeah yeah so if you see a family restaurant make sure to tip them with cause be nice to them because of luna say it why exactly please be nice to you just trying to do their best to yell at them from experience okay well this family restaurant i don't want to start yelling around here but we need more money please you need tables you need a renovation it's too realistic it's too realistic hello father and child go sit with you we need more tables if we're gonna be ever successful you're right oh family lunar will add the tables because i yeah luna can you do that wait why can't i add anything she owns the star she can't add anything it looks like because lunar has more money it's from the hey you know what let's get rid of all these tables oh by the way what type of restaurant should we make like what theme would you like to see us make evil what really i is this is a big family table so if you have a family of 50 come to family okay restaurant because we will serve you um you know what can we ask kfkf do you really like this table lunar installed this giant kind of like is this tacky it is for family look what i'm adding here rainbow and everybody what is that huh what oh is that a bell yep hello my fellow family why can't these tape tables be removed we have to do we have to reload um it's time to boot the customers who has the right to boo luna we're making the food right now we need the money okay you can't just funny has the right to boo someone eat them eat them out oh my gosh this is gonna be a problem [Laughter] but we will have to give you the boot can you may you hurry up and finish your food this is really rude wait just like the real restaurant i'm kidding may i oh one time some lady has tipped us the family car washing coins oh no it's a chucky cheese coin that's so funny oh that was even worse maybe they were like they don't think there's all right all right loop up loop up story time story time so guys one time gold since gold has very good 20 20 vision totally didn't have glasses before gold thought the lady who paid it was like some sort of amount let's just say like 13 dollars she gave instead of a loonie which a loonie is a canadian uh one dollar it's one dollar in canada she gave gold a chuck e cheese quarter instead instead of a loonie and gold chucky cheese coins cost i don't know like how much is one token anyone i don't remember who wants to do that vivid research we didn't go to chuck e cheese often so too broke all right let's go so it looks like 77 of the stream wants the long table to stay so it has luna can you place it in the center that's good like this yeah that's good we need cheap we're getting right that's right we're broke we're looking for oh i thought we're gonna add family chairs because they gotta be mega chairs oh my gosh it's a booth she's having a chase one chucky chin coin pick a guess 10 cents [Music] uh 80 cents 33 usd all right gold not bad that's a that's a good conversion of a loonie we did lose profit because i wasn't paying attention yeah and one time yeah someone also tipped car washing coins so wow that's what i was getting weird because what are you supposed to do like wash it i know but like sometimes you know when you're like not an adult you're just like oh thank you because you don't want to be like oh hey you didn't pay me and then what if they're like i can't even drive or if i can't do the car all right let's say you guys want a question from hashtag crew live yesterday from i love the flying platform said do you guys enjoy serving and cooking for the restaurant when you were little because i didn't enjoy helping my parents in the restaurant but now i'm glad i helped and do you guys get paid when you were done doing your job no don't pay an allowance but like you have to buy games and stuff but like most of it was just into bills yeah yes but the restaurant wasn't like busy so clearly we didn't make profit but not enough for wages exactly it was all for it lunar family family you like these family sized doors i added looking i do like back on it obviously it was like it was like really hard and stressful for us because yeah we were just like teenagers but it was very yeah it was it was a good experience yeah we're glad we can't have it any other way yeah we learned a lot from it we learned that from uh yeah yeah it built our character you know like honestly if we didn't have it i think i think we would be uh much more different from not knowing how hard yeah not knowing how hard it is to actually earn money yes so turns out we use funnies money what yeah my money was not decreasing yeah i'm sorry i wasted everyone part of the family make sure to order food oh yes you're right okay everything off the menu so you would just eat what the just eat yeah this family door came out of your pocket draco whatever i'm gonna give us more money so we can be more entertained oh my gosh now i'm gonna buy more chairs [Music] pardon what did you say rainbow oh i just want ramen sorry guys oh my gosh look at the ad across the street funny whose is it hey don't advertise near the family restaurant but it is mine luna we have to make this place bigger this is too tiny how do i expand i think i have to expand this place um i think you need to upgrade that menu dracula make everything big like everything has to be gigantic okay all right let's do this big family restaurant how does one expand their restaurant oh also i think we can start selecting no we can't start selecting meals yet we have to upgrade chefs hello we need more chefs in the kitchen there's actually like 10 10 foods excuse me i am just circling outside i'm concerned gold what are you doing i'm very sad i cannot donate job in there because the chefs aren't cooking they are just round huh sorry well there's no customers to cook for no no no jackal there's like 10 bills back here that we have to fill hi i forgot how to expand the restaurant my bed uh i think it's like the one of the menus where you upgrade i forgot is it yeah where are you options uh [Music] oh you click the dinner plate you click the you click numbers oh thank you okay yes thank you so kfc glitter okay actually you asked for it oh yeah kf what should the restaurant be named i i know family is a great name but we should we should add something on unless it's family family okay gold you're good go on so stupid sticker kf from twitter said hashtag crew live what age did you start working in the restaurant so for me as in restaurant i started working in a restaurant when i was 11. and because it is not it's not legal but it was a a western buffet right rainbow and then we uh our mom took us in too much detail oh too much people never mind it was just a restaurant they told us to say we were 15 so we did hey they were hostesses we were just hostesses we were just hostesses though but at least you were hostesses right yeah we didn't work in the kitchen yeah and then and then at 13 was it 12 12 13 then was restaurant but yeah luna dropped funny when did you guys hustle i don't know when you bought that forsaken thing and that was the forsaken thing i was in grade six i was the best boy i was in grade seven how old was i when i was in grade seven uh i'm not sure someone someone will do the math i'm not going to do the math wait if you're in grade 7 i was in grade 5 then wait how old was that waiters wait terrors waiters hey wait you're not doing your job you're talking about yourself i would have to serve your birthday about what you guys did there i'm a crew fan forever said who was the laziest in the restaurant draco yeah probably between i was a bus boy what do you mean i was bus girl i hate busing it was gross yeah what's the most disgusting spit all the time we got children yeah okay we're having too much fun um wait lunar you ordered this what the come here oh yes i was telling people to serve my burger and i didn't know where it was oh thank you with this new expansion i think long story short we've been working a very very long time yeah that's why we have work ethic and we're hard workers now we're workaholics so that's great no childhood i'm just kidding but it's good now it's good it's good it taught us to grow right yeah i mean not all of it was negative yeah our house was pretty crazy it's so crazy we have so many stories but not this talking about that fronted said what were all of your jobs at the restaurant someone give this guy cheeseburger first oh here there you go uh restaurant jobs as the manager of this family family restaurant everyone wants to name it kaya family so let me rename it first actually oh yeah yeah that's a cute restaurant named let's go cute family there's made fineries we serve olympia spring rolls and gazpachos [Music] oh oops captioning yeah [Music] the other available oh what the roblox roblox blanked out it's hashtag hashtag family it's camp family though roblox wait what happens you write crew yeah rayquaza [Music] oh that was ah yes family family is it me or the cat looking like kfc what is happening here more family size tables my goodness draco inside joke oh what did you say for eight you want us to have a patio we can yeah gold has a patio jack who you're in charge why is gold laying on the floor somebody judged me they tripped me they were big hey wait luna you figure out the way to organize these to be the most family size wait you can connect the tables to make a giant family size okay guys you have to make it spacious you can't just make it squishy hey chef rainbow i i love that you're not cooking oh sorry i was eating my cookies and reading oh someone's sitting on the table glitch is asking are you guys morning birds or night owls lisa i'm a tired afternoon duck that's an option i'm a morning i definitely am more active at night can you can you guys um once you're active during this table you wake up before 12 before um um you wake up at like six or eight no you're not a morning yeah we recently broke up at eight but i like them but the thing is does anybody relatable to this like once it's past one am you can't see like you can just stay awake forever that's me too it's like waiting for like an airport trip or something you know there's no point i'm sleeping wait who takes naps i don't take naps because naps i cannot sleep at night um do we want a usable patio or like yeah yes yes you have to serve on it draco your interior chef boy you get to build always doing something wild and i don't know what he's doing and i am the robux funder yeah she hasn't been cooking anything i what are you i just cooked and i served which honey you don't do your job you don't unlock more food i am doing my job okay give me orders you gotta you you you have to do all the i'm waiting yeah i am i'll do the cleaning i'll do the cooking not even a whole house we are failing in the kf family business just like real life numbers customers hey can you pay for promo why that's what you need you know why it's meh refineries over there oh look at that big billboard oh yes this patio big enough basic advertising wait what is this for what new i don't know if you have to walk all the way to the billboard wait are you for real that's my job okay yeah you have to go put up our our poster musical put up our advertisement old school way what i thought this was the future what oh i'm a chef this is my job a fun little story too is that if if we didn't have like all these family businesses and stuff draco lunar and uh funny wouldn't have known how to like do photoshop for like posters and marketing and stuff like that because you guys used to do all of that that's true it looks really cool we first play funny game more of that stuff oh yeah on a chalkboard but first we started off on oh is it microsoft word like me and rainbow would do like the menu and then after that when they learned how to do photoshop it was way easier there you go clicking backspace backspace and coloring it i put the ad in front of gold's restaurant no one eat there it's okay because you know why because i'd rather oh my family restaurant we got them the kitchen is back up we need another chef don't worry just walking all the way back to this restaurant while you walk back answer this question everyone girl of games129 from twitter said what was your favorite chore in the family restaurant oh my gosh i know oh eating i like eating i don't think that counts as a choice it's a chore it's a chore you guys favorite chore [Music] maybe filling hot sauces not really i was so boring um my favorite chore was opening the tip giant and seeing if people tip us on instagram i like mopping the floor because it meant it was the enemy that smelled i hate them now we could close the restaurant yeah i didn't have to talk to anybody i just had to mop my favorite was eating that's not a chore that would be so mature let's eat we got to put the hot wings in the cake i don't fly but i can't cook food i think i'm going to rejoin the server okay you could rejoin because wait dropping my favorite tour my favorite store was sleeping i said that sleeping in the back room that bathroom was also stinky there's a toilet in there it was the there was the public toilet for customers and then there was the back room toilet no one ever used that one but it didn't work it was broken it was yeah it was broken it just i sometimes sit on it as a chair [Music] you know think about things let's stop talking about unsaid guys because 4k f could be eating and you guys are good oh i'm sorry okay they could be eating let's run a poll to see what a side dish we should unlock i mean sorry dish we have tiger sushi roll hummus and pita and spring rolls cool fact we've tried all of these these are very tasty foods oh those are tasty so good but let's see what live chat it looks like everyone really likes tiger sushi is delicious it's a tiger eye right yes deep fried sushi oh this one doesn't look deep fried oh i'm thinking of another one okay so stupid crew is asking what's your favorite kid slash teen tv growing um what you might cut off what's your favorite fave teens slash kids tv show growing up spongebob danny phantom and fairly odd parents i like very odd little i liked all of those and sailor moon and yuyasha naruto oh yeah there's so many [Music] who was in charge of setting these tables this is so cursed um there's not enough space to i'm making a patio oh my gosh you're making me waste more robux because of your stupid table okay you know what luna since you really are that annoying i will expand this plot for you oh my gosh this is so expensive thank you there you go i hope thank y'all thank you i hope you're happy it's very i was expanded i don't i i i never played what is expanded the outdoor the outdoor and everything draco's giving us an actual design i think maybe i'll be in charge of setting the table since lunar is being chaotic because yes please thank you luna how about you build the kitchen i love working on kitchens yeah i can see you love building the kitchen okay everyone stop cooking i need to move this counter top okay okay okay we need more room yeah hashtag crew live guys ask us some more questions rainbow gold will answer that said i'm eating a draco teddy stop um yes you need to stop eating the draco teddy why are you eating a draco's daddy now i'm concerned please do not eat them they are not active yet they're not edible yet funny imagine oh man oh okay [Music] how does one close give me a second all right let's close the store because luna keeps complaining draco um i have a concern why is the door in front of the like blocking the menu that seems like bad design oh my gosh yeah you the patio should be in the back thank you for 12 000 likes everyone and hey if you're new here consider subscribing it helps us out a lot also we're going to release our chef videos soon of us being pancake chefs funny patio and backpackers sushi when let them finish their tiger sushi what they gotta finish man all right luna's in charge of the kitchen jack was trying to make a patio we need to kick these people out yeah pick him out kick him out someone clean that please give them the boot [Music] i'll store this i can't delete the item right now gold can you get rid of them [Music] yeah probably thank you just collect those dishes so we can move everything i'm trying to store everything it's not working customers please just leave thank you you have to get out the restaurant get out it is closed they're not leaving oh they're ordering again no our food no so delicious ah we gotta cook luna is now in charge of honorary chef's job sorry lunar golden try just cooking real quick go ahead and i am fine i'm not moving those anymore i loved our food so much that they ordered white i don't know i don't think so i think that's only like in games wait i like it also places he orders twice if you love stuff we do that sometimes like oh yeah so if i'm i'm talking about like full meals like about four four again oh my gosh there goes our money oh my gosh how am i supposed to make this jaco i will let you make this patio as pretty as you want i'll throw i'll dump robux into this game oh you're funding ourselves the crew district group is funding we close this big table because i cannot build anything give us a second we have to kick them out all right let's go hello customers can you finish eating this little boy wants a cheeseburger for kids give it to him cheeseburger cheeseburger cheese cheeseburger please eat draco's just like staring at them like [Music] how you enjoy your food [Music] this is what would happen uh jokingly when when we were about to close the restaurant it's like it's like it's like 8 30 p.m we're just like come on just like hurry up you don't see yourself get out there come on come on come on so while we wait for these people to eat do you want to see the newly renovated draco restaurant what what no not yet we should see it after when this one draco at the end i have to add when we finish this can you guys just stop eating please thank you he will never stop eating we need to kick you out i'm so sorry they have bottomless stomachs all right restore all this very well now i can make this patio hmm [Music] if you're making a patio um oh sorry it's the cookie the challenge is chaotic we did not film it yet because we did not have time i'm sorry but it is coming it's just coming it's just it is coming what time studying people are studying don't worry luna you're studying yes i totally just didn't watch five videos two days ago you watched a professional video i did i did watch a professional video it is going to be easy oh whoa okay i'm joking i am not sure what kind of tables i don't know oh you know what maybe do like wait is this the door you can do two really long tables at this window right here and then about the mega tables here anyone know what they have um i'm trying to figure out how this table is like humongous i'm trying to figure it out i think [Music] family it's a family restaurant there you go i am donna all inclusive mega kitchen every single chat what are we going for which dish we got mochi amazing onion rings onion rings and then we got hummus hummus and peanuts let's see which dish we should get all of these are very great choices while we're talking about food i think i saw something about food uh crew looks asked what were you guys favorite snacks when you were younger um when i was younger i rediscovered my favorite snack the other day yeah i feel like getting my hands on chips luna you cut out dead i like cuttlefish um [Music] sugar sugar crackers because i remember our parents used to buy it all the time and we would eat them and then we recently went to the grocery store and found them again yeah don't get rainbow crackers she really likes crackers right now or something do you mean like childhood snacks or snacks like right now um like when i was a kid i like ketchup chips and now when i'm older i like ketchup chips i don't know i don't know wow phenomenal oh oh wait i guess i liked kit kats i loved kit kats because bias my name's in it but now i think they're all right then you're like straws oh i remember jelly strides yeah did draco choke on it [Music] i didn't i did not choke on your belly i did not remember don't like take it in one go like just bite it or something it's because you're being stupid or stupid he's big you don't recall because dumb things that as you do as a child you don't remember it but we do because it was too funny do you remember when you choked on the skittle i thought it was a lifesaver or like it was a lifesaver ironic [Laughter] bad jokes i do not i do not remember bad joke bad job they had to call the our parents had to call 9-1-1 and then they had to come and they made them drink like tea warm water to get this stupid lifesaver down so don't so don't chew your food and laugh and talk at the same time no no no no no do you remember why he joked on it though it was my fault it don't because i asked him i remember why because like i asked him if he could catch it with his mouth far away yes okay see jack it wasn't your fault it's rainbows yeah that was my fault i'm sorry totally you're okay now you see he grew up fine he's normal totally all as well yeah this table okay all right we still gotta do this table this table is a lot maybe have like maximum two of these nope it's a mega table okay i think maybe i'll put planters behind it can we not make this restaurant bigger [Music] yeah yeah you can by expanding more yeah lunar or gold someone be in charge of expanding it just that's one can we do that i think we can just i have to do it yeah you have to like go into no yeah that's your responsibility i'm sorry are you for real i'm so lazy i don't want to do this wait is so tiny what's the point oh great now i have to reposition everything again i'm sorry wait watch me when you're done expanding uh this is like as full as it gets i need some y's hmm what type of wall do we want [Music] whatever it looks fancy i forgot i forgot we gotta continue our five star restaurant guys i don't know if the table and mega table you're looking five star yeah is there a fancier how'd you make it look fancier with a little bit of material editing i feel like the new camera on this building thing is so weird it's like wacky my goodness is this fully expanded yet it is it is thank you i will reposition it how do i put this roof on if i can barely see it this new angle is so weird i hate it it's weird i don't get it just try your best uh i just want a baby spider with a draco plushie how do you feel um afraid of spiders that's the only question i guess um if dracula plushie is the ideal draco plushie can you guys not put on can someone put on the roof if you can that would be great because i just flipped one of them and i can't fix it yeah i can do it all right go let's put on the roof uh we got our fancy walls up i guess isn't the drive-through right you're not no it's not it's not draco is gonna do the interior my job is to i'm sorry exterior my job is to do the interior do we level up our we're not even leveling up a restaurant because we're not even serving anyone guys we need customers well actually you have to uh yeah that's you not us what what do you mean yeah we need customers and you gotta cook [Music] that is your responsibility um [Music] i'm just trying to see how i want to expand this kf definitely does want this to be the best family restaurant so we gotta make sure it's the best let me move this um since you guys are reorganizing where's the bathroom oh my gosh there's no bathroom draco i thought you were in charge of the bathrooms i was charging the paddock i was in charge of the patio and they go to the bathroom on the patio can they just not go to the bathroom how about you just eat here give us your money and then it's actually against guidelines you must have a washroom if you are who are you this is roblox yes okay fine fine we everyone's right calf you're right we're missing a bathroom where's the planters i need to find a planter nature like when they walk in i want them to be like whoa do i want bamboo this is like the only high-raised planter [Music] what type of restaurant we're making five stars fancy luxury it's bamboo i feel like these bamboos aren't tall enough you know what let's go for this is why we designed so slow it takes us a lot [Music] that's not really easy but maybe oh wait we're on stage what level what level what level uh day nine i didn't look oh my gosh that's really fancy oh can we afford this yeah we could afford this with both bucks wow that's right you can afford anything with beau bucks yeah what's robux we only know bull butts hmm where's the fish tank did you know our restaurant had a fish tank and the fish tank in it the fish in it was uh midas cichlid is that how you say it chickling were they the big brain fish yeah it was the big brain fish that bit us it was we named it cheddar oh and there was twists and marbles aggressive yes like if you don't believe fish were aggressive that fish was actually aggressive it had our mom's finger and it would go at your hands if you put it at the fish tank yeah it was also a cannibal spicy fish um yeah that's why we don't take care of fishes anymore yeah and that fish only lived in that tank by itself because nobody had another fish yeah it would always bite its butt i wonder if it has aggressive tendencies or is just our fish yeah i don't know um maybe that's up for a kf to decide does anyone know what that fish breed is is it like aggressive or something it had like a i think they were i think they like could eat live things if you fed it to them ah i see well it ate fish flakes so here's a tough tough question right here any other type of fish food glare cruise from twitter said boba or ice coffee i'm [Music] don't give me decisions okay don't give me decisions i don't want to answer what's another plan this this looks weird why are all these planters uneven it is killing me where's the grass i feel like a cactus pot would like totally just throw off the pain oh great i'm struggling question from bestie gia or jaya they said how long did it take you guys to make the stickers a week stickers oh the little movie talking things i don't know if it's a week i can't time it but yeah time flies i think it was a week i'm not sure or what did you take like a few days for draco to set it up and then funny to like move it on her thingy whatever no i didn't do anything i just told um my job is to just put it in the program draco how long did it take you to move them like move there ah not that long did most of the work it's mostly it's the art yeah you draw you draw three types of mouths and then you draw open close eyes and then you draw the sprites yes it sounds like a lot that is how you do it that sounds like too much work for me for drawing it does but luna's moving yep luna is the chat saying i never had boba you guys should try it you have to try boba but make sure you chew the little bubbles at the bottom for like beginners who don't like the bubbles get the job get the jelly yup get the jelly don't like the bubbles get the jelly some people said they look like cow eyes but they don't taste like cows they taste amazing they taste exactly like cow eyes i can confirm i eat some cow eyes no i'm kidding but like there's nothing wrong with eating cow eyes look like because they definitely don't look like cows yeah i would say why people said that they don't even look like fish eyeballs no they do little jellies they're not no oh my gosh this is crazy what the fish eyeball looks like hey i know this may sound crazy but as a kid remember i ate a fish eyeball and i was like yummy yummy so chewy and now i'm horrified [Music] you ate everything dude like the thing is when you're a kid it's just like you don't really care about anything and then as you grow up you start figuring it out until you start looking at it yeah and slowly start looking i just don't look at you [Music] wait that's actually a good fact don't look at your food or it looks bad lunar we definitely need your coloring skills because it'd be really cool to invite kf some kf in so they can order all right and under the family restaurant house all right someone start furnishing the kitchen because i think i need i would go color okay luna's color okay she that's her job she's very good color but what color theme do you guys want though uh live chat what color theme let us know oh my gosh we just like block off the entire restaurant that'd be so fun oh the restaurant's looking very cute but the problem is i know it's so um i'm kind of running into a problem right now i need a square table uh are we running out of money or something no what makes you think that we would never run out of money because i'm selling and buying a lot of stuff draco you can't do that it is a requirement to do this advanced restaurant tycoon glitch building why oh he's trying to always making those fancy wooden slats yeah he's trying to make it really good only family tables here yeah exactly you know why because it is kf family yeah yeah yeah yeah kf family maybe all the booths do look the same and maybe the restaurant kind of looks generic but that's okay in our hearts it is family right always all right go color color lunar i don't know what type of chairs i want here maybe i just want the booth look hey kf what color like luna's gonna color it because she's good at it but like what color do you think our restaurant theme should be yeah what's up owner we need more cash draco how'd you waste so much money you haven't started yet hey hey buy and sell kids stop it stop it do this glitch no it's not it'll be worth that it's all crooked it's not crooked it's awkward it's going it's going in the glass it's not going in the glass you can't see it oh my gosh it's horrible oh i have to put some walls up to fix that don't worry yellow in them they should have like maybe like hints of yellow probably okay you know what okay i got it everyone's like black and blue color yeah this thing black and blue black and blue hearts is the crew in kf okay we will claim that right now draco that's more money please do not waste it i don't like this table eggs i hate these i'm sorry okay okay um oh that's such a waste of money like this one yeah i know but like the table uh it's it's giving me pain i don't like the stabilizer yeah it's fine well for those who have never tried boba what's your guys's favorite drinks what do you guys like to drink me no not you sure no i don't ask draco but yes i would like to know since my favorite drink is caramel caramel caramel mango usually if we're going to ah restaurant what if what if there was mango soju with caramel i would drink that i like sweet bubble teas you know this actually works this might work i like it very nice i need i need a wall do the staples need to be this thick though or is that how yeah no sorry only thick tables here let's close it off like that just because like it looks weird whoa draco made something really fancy i told you it's so fancy i have dracula it's so nice stone color though oh it's not gonna be stone okay good oh no what we all have to paint this one by one no you don't you don't yeah you don't no you don't oh i never mind huh for a moment there you're scaring we need a place where the waiter talks to you draco these doors are uneven you don't like the doors no the door is good i'm just looking at this this restaurant is very squishy i like it reminds me of a family restaurant all right finish this up luna you might want to color yep i am coloring right now all right you color we're gonna tidy this place up make sure it's five stars and even if it's even if it's five stars in our heart funny yes rainbow you could do that window window window window window window window window rainbow would you like to do that fine thank you fine i will do it i will put the windows but hmm yeah i think it should be feeling a little too closed off it is closed off in here all right let's move this table up [Music] maybe i should like line it you know i'm gonna line it actually closer to the wall [Music] he's gonna go outside the window i don't think so [Music] i want to like drag [Music] yeah everyone just wants blue and black everyone with blue black hearts do you think we'll ever get a drive-through or not uh did i think i bought a drive-through actually yeah i don't know i think i did that you have to be a certain level oh maybe not then all right our entrance is looking hey this looks a lot better i'm seeing it i want grass right here bubble twitter said hashtag crew live how long did you guys work at your family restaurant so like was it on the weekends it was like 16 hours a day um wait they meant how long or like how long we worked there for or how many years i think three yeah that depends i think we had it for six years oh my gosh that's wow that thing is forever [Music] sorry me blocking it out of my memory like that and then the bobo shop was was it also six or is it five five years yeah oh are you moving it rainbow yeah it looks better this way i don't know what traffic oh don't don't don't worry about me i'm doing it we needed a little bit of space in the front so that um so that what i think i have a great idea but it's gonna be super expensive what keep talking okay anyways i wanted to move it back because we need a little bit more space in the front for like a cool feature you know um for um the tables aren't even now this thing it's okay it's okay we're gonna have these back too don't worry okay you you all right rainbow has it i just don't like this i don't like this bamboo i'm deleting it she hates the bamboo people she hates the bamboo get rid of it i hate it i hear it get rid of the bamboo actually i like the best renovation in time for them no yeah we actually yeah we're you're on a tv show right now yeah we're going to finish it right now we're renovating we are what's that gordon ramsay show where he renovates stuff i don't know kitchen nightmares good night nightmares we are on crouch and nightmares and we're the only ones that work here and we have to finish ah well increasing nightmares i wish they had more grass options i don't like any of these this is a failure it's all going to burn yeah i don't like it are you an idiot oh my gosh isn't it crazy how it went from draco's obsession to dr uh twerking dumplings to now lunar's family obsession is it crazy funny ah you know what's like another crazier thing gold gold lately has been saying idiot in real life how you spelling i'm spilling tea gold has nothing to say i've never said that you say it all the time is it from tick tock i don't think so i thought she just made it up wait for real it's funny where in the world would i make it up from it's don't be an idiot it's from the funny lady the funny lady on tick tock oh my gosh i love her she's so funny i think it's her kid and she's sho yeah she's really cute oh my gosh i know she is she's so funny um wait lulu bergen from youtube said do another thanksgiving dinner i've also seen tweets coming in like that like what's up with do you guys really like the thanksgiving dinner because they really wanted to see us cook and starve guys do you really it's an october it's an auction please turkey is so scary oh my cooking i hate cooking turkeys it's so worried guys i'll order i'll order everything and then we can just put it on a plate and pretend we made it thanksgiving anyways we need more tables what table is this funny i'm going to make an extra long table it was like i don't know and it tasted very okay [Music] rainbow the turkey stuffing the turkey was horrifying [Music] why aren't these taller can i place these on stuff it's so awkward why are you on the floor i'm wasting so much money from this day 11. i think that's too much hey hey i have a complaint we didn't want yellow we wanted black and blue ma'am no no a little a little bit though because you're okay i heard someone request hints of yellow yeah but not entire yellow not entire that's all of yellow we meant accessories color blue no blue and black um uh should be fancy or blue that's all i have to say what are you saying you want a royal blue yeah this looks like daycare blue cheese these people and their pickiness i'll change it i'll change it i just need to make sure where's the plants there's so much the lights the lights in this place i can't layer oh this game is killing me i'm dead i'm not i am dead i am dead why no why can't i just put this on top hmm this might be a problem i mean i could do that that's like fancy [Music] coughing oh my gosh none of these go on the pate this is killing me i'm gonna buy the expensive light all right help yourself you know what sadly we have to sell this this will not work i'm taking too long this i know anything for anything for a great family oh bamboo [Music] you know what i think the i don't know cats does this look good is the bamboo plant like it does it just look i look kind of lame just tell me so tell me the truth or should i do these or small rose pots i'm kind of stuck in between put in a fish plank uh tank please yeah i got you do a plan yeah it's a plant right how about a medium tree does that look good a medium tree okay we're saying medium tree [Music] gotta sell this now and now our shrubs are too short i mean everyone's saying the bamboo looks no and then okay yes modern you know what that mabu does look good we're just you know what we're just gonna go with the bamboo i wish it was like thicker everyone really wants this to be a modern five-star restaurant so let's always trust your first instant it looks like rainbow has moved everything out we need to show off our fish tank i think right here is cute not me selling all the stuff we paid for ow i mean it's looking pretty cute so far i love it rainbow i think you put those on like a little crooked i know um come on rainbow you got this no i already redid it okay kath when you enter the kf family restaurant what do you expect to see on the table like what type of stuff like napkins salt and pepper tell me tell me your vision a bell maybe a newton's cradle [Music] fire stand could we put a fire stand outside yes these things are so they're gonna be a fire why are you putting a fire stand outside what i can't i don't know fire stands are for like fancy restaurants actually i might put it in later dracco needs a torque what does that mean a what sakura trees everyone's saying i'm missing sakura trees i got it twisting i don't know wait there's so much more japanese stuff but i have to buy the pack i think i have to re-log though which i don't want to do all right where is plants nature sakura plant where should it go though oh good job you placed it right there a welcome sign cute our kitchen is kind of like clashing with the customers in front actually it's not that bad what are we doing in these corners we push fish tanks i don't know if i want to put fish tanks we already have one fish tank what else is there to decorate with we got trees we have like a white yellow tree oh you could probably put like a little waiting area in front which is what traffic is doing right now and then a menu stand after when he's done oh no washroom oh can you expand okay okay i got it oh my gosh we forgot it move this kitchen over a little bit so it's really close to this side and then we can put the washer oh my gosh we forgot it again we forgot the washroom they burned this entire restaurant down it's a failure it's a failure to the kf family business oh wait you guys were going pastel [Music] wait it looks like we're going hard okay wait you do you like the outside colors or do you like this blue which blue do we like the owner does not have enough cash we need more money i like this but i changed my mind and i want something else i'm getting rid of it draco you're wasting money stop it i'm moving this fish tank i'm making a hotter fish tank okay i don't know what a hotter i don't know what a hotter fish what is a hotter fish tank what does that mean it's a lot hotter okay go ahead it's atrocious you mean color or or set up no like the set up like you could never cook like this perfect oh god you can you can reorganize it organizing rainbow oh my gosh you guys made chat angry all they're saying is bathroom bathroom we're sorry we're sorry we're moving everything over you're saying where's the bathroom so are we going for a darker blue are we going for the the brighter blue um i don't know whatever looks better right now it's kind of looking like a garage okay i got you i didn't do that blue yeah do i like these i don't like nothing no i didn't like him draco i don't know hmm mmm i wish we had don't know what i'm doing accessories story stupid potato said bestie i just realized your restaurant looks like a fish tank because of the blue tinted glass and they're wrong that's why the whole restaurant looks like a fish tank obviously ignore her i'm the general manager i guess we're losing customers because i say what goes around yeah i have an open kitchen to prove that we do not serve tiki roblox players i've got a very cool idea that since you guys are going bright now that means i have to change the colors oh my gosh we keep changing colors guys they want the bathroom chaos is upset they need moving everything over here funny you know what oh we have doors now so bathrooms are easy no i don't want to move stuff that's not my job my job is to just do the fun parts uh-oh [Music] the angling in this game is quite difficult to work with i think i just moved i think i just moved someone's window somewhere oops oh no okay um it's open here's your washroom space where is it wait that this right here right side that's so tiny okay fine okay i'll build a washroom no i think it's good enough though rainbow so we got doors now that's a really good thing modern wall door ah no it's not what is this quite the squishy restaurant well we want to make sure we get all the customers okay let's just do this i don't like that i'm gonna make the washroom it's only oh no i don't clicked it's only a one-person washroom so whoop my camera work doors what type of door we're thinking of do we got a washroom door we need to make it unisex though there is closed doors now closed doors i don't want a vortex door a mirror door nope plank door that doesn't is there like a more expensive door oh a glass door i think glass doors are fancy oh we broke oh what oh you just placed these on walls i did it wrong you gotta grab ourselves a wall with a modern wall yeah plop it down boom and then i need to go back to the doors asymmetrical glass door what cat saying the bathroom needs to be i got a genius idea what we can add a second floor where it's just the washroom can we add a second floor it is possible it is possible i have a second floor and make fineries uh you know there's a little floor of washroom fine we will go through the extra distance let me go get some more money the question is where we at the stairs i don't know hey you're the one that wanted to make a washroom yeah there's no room for the stairs okay let's do this okay chaos room we're doing this we're doing this where is it second floor eight thousand draco stop burning the wallet i see that now stop what is this doing here i need it i'm putting it in there temporarily oh okay this is going to be very expensive you know what we need to know where the stairs will be going chaos is will that make you happy big big second floor washroom i don't even think any restaurant out there ever had a restaurant full of washrooms for one floor but don't you hate it when the airport only has one washroom and everyone has we have a drive-through now we can put the drive-through here i just bought everything open floor looks really good whoa that's cool ah sick i love it all right luna you seem very happy so guess what [Music] you get to be in charge of washrooms ah yes [Music] make sure they could jump and play and swim in that bathroom if i ain't swimming if pf can't swim in that bathroom they're going to be so upset all right yeah wow so you make them happy we have a lot of garbage can you add a drive-through window over here funny because oh yeah gold i need a drive yeah i think right here is perfect this is the squishiest restaurant i have ever seen why did you have the stairs here well how are we supposed to go up can someone else move the stairs how do you how does it work i never had a second floor what the stairs you can buy stairs yeah i know but they say that's you gotta you gotta i mean that's kind of sick i got to delete the ceiling yeah these are not no it's optimal it's optimal i think it's better if you cut this booth and then you make it go over here no i don't think that is one less family people back here you guys you guys back here in this corner sage you don't understand yeah this corner is empty lunar what the heck we cannot sacrifice any tables one table removed equals one last family to fate is that what is this is that working um what is that are we a glitch oh yes that's not possible rotate rotate yes it is oh okay okay okay uh we're gonna use your brain for the family lunar what ah okay this is i'm stuck it's a squishy if why do you see this is this oh yes why is it in the floor that's so weird ah yeah luna i think you gotta do something about that bathroom i need to delete stuff the kitchen needs to shrink rainbow can you shrink the kitchen draco's this restaurant good enough for you uh shrink house oh yeah i just look cool delete that so i can put the stairs [Music] i think it looks alright it's cause it's not colored yet you'll look amazing well let's make this place look cooler this is the drink by how much um take away the tandoori still that line let's put neon lights we love neon lights where wait that's it never mind we're not going to make it in time for the deadline what the heck the deadline the deadline is happening why does the second floor look like a duplicate of the first floor because it is oh yes guys we gotta hurry up um our build restaurant is happening do not rush the art piece the art piece rushes you oh luna you gotta move your closer to the wall and then you're good excuse me what happened to this window there's a big gap right here hmm draco's working on that menu stand we got some lights on this side we can change the color of this yes i can [Music] let's make this a blue light let's paint this bird i actually like the pink i think it looks pretty good drive through open white on see ah that looks sick i love it this is not neon enough for me [Music] the burb is neon or i'll sell it are we good we're on day 12 and we're poor we're poor we're almost five stars look at that we just need people to come in and eat ending money miyaki nanami from twitter said please don't add glass doors because then perverts can look through it yeah winner who was adding glass doors in that's my fault what no no it's it duplicated we didn't do that no glass i don't i don't know what you're talking about no glass doors we're gonna add walls all right cool do you have the drive-through yeah [Music] sadly there's no more other neon signs that'd be cool if it was paint let's make this blue and yellow [Music] let's make that pure purple and then mustard and ketchup on the tables that's not classy so goodbye i know we should put on every table we should put tip jars oh yes i'm joking you know what let's just put why don't we put a gold statue on every table i don't like me oh you should put condiments and stuff on every table like this pepper condiments if i could find the center of table that is i think like this center there's the center center for family and center for family [Music] this place is looking pretty good here are we missing anything the bathrooms are not important mary says on youtube are you sure mary it is [Music] oh my gosh like the kitchen actually the way i actually want to buy the packs tv from twitter said crew for getting faster yeah taking advantage and saying bigger bathroom it's never enough for them just kidding they're smart they're big brain that's why not because it's obvious you clearly need the bathroom oh my gosh i'm in love with this stuff what is this the packs are so worth it i don't know what it is it's so cool oh they're wall patterns i put on the window oops glitter what is this in the middle of nowhere how come it is a mess there's a mess oof draco look i have these you could layer what are you doing wait how come i can't move anything any am i click here i'll show you i have this they're customers wow i'm glitched i'm glitched oh can we like put them on top of each other no we can't huh whoa there's gold centerpiece lights it's too late get it get it and even at the vibes it doesn't it doesn't there's even a kawaii sofa though it's so cute you put them in the front can i i don't know draco is there room like what's happening here can i put some um i don't know actually it looks quite squishy right now i don't know what drock is doing the restaurant must the restaurants must be opened or everyone will starve [Music] the family has been waiting a long time they have been waiting a long time yes yes what is a medieval pack oh well place this here this is your washroom no one dyed the top of the roof oh my gosh pain what is that ah what did i just do okay you guys are fixing the kitchen this is good look at it it's a fish tank entrance draco this is lazy what the heck i am very limited by what this game allows me to do okay well this is not bloxback [Music] exactly so my job is to make the entrance i mean chaos how do we feel do we want kawaii sofa does that fit the theme yes or no if or it doesn't really matter it should be a fun place but i'll see what you guys say today's a fun and family i'm selling this sign it does not fit its theme there is um this one thing that you can put in the front to make it look fancy oh lunar you couldn't make these stairs any smaller ah draco i wish we could move the doors can we the doors yeah can you move the doors to like the left like can you move it like over here yeah over here instead so when you walk in you hit that yeah that's way better thank you thank you thank you no yes no everyone loves it okay the kawaii there it is let's go back so when you walk in you are greeted by the hostess i'm looking you guys want to make sure you have a welcome sign to make the front really really pretty i try my best storage where's that thing that little menu thing i don't know what it's called oh it's called a menu order yeah it's called the menu stand people i don't think i will even fit draco will we even fit a counter here i don't think um [Music] how would people just wait here yeah just wait here it's not looking too great you can put a counter here if you want like account squishy it's fine it's a family restaurant they you should get used to wait that actually might look good if you put a counter here if you um my beers here you put a wall here trucker you see footworks aw these bears are going through the glass yeah the turn here is kind of not fitted amazing game for initiative that bear looks so creepy maybe i should put the bear on this side oh wait that's where the entrance is or honestly we just like line it up right here you go this is this a reception area why is the wrist how long is why don't you just get a counter um do we have a counter i think so hello welcome to reception i mean it looks pretty good draco here you make the reception area i could put you could use some sort of pattern i guess this table this table yes we get a light [Music] oh wait now my paintings look off [Music] reception question while you're figuring that out dude audrey de said hashtag crew live as a kid did you guys like eating just sugar and salt individually lol i don't think so i don't think i ever ate like just sugar and salt individually i think i mean sugar sticks does that count i hate sugar sticks no i don't do that and that's why you like 60 cavities exposed i liked what were you saying strawberries sugar like dipping them in sugar until i realized that's probably like good for you no she didn't say with food she said just by itself no i ate sugar straws i don't know if that counts but it does what the heck is this chocolate what did you just do i made this i didn't do that who put that i didn't do that i was going to smell oh it must be a glitch from the upstairs weird i was like uh no i don't think i definitely didn't do that there you go who keeps putting that wall there i think it's luna's opposite i think it's glitching draco what is what i think upstairs something's glitching it's weird something's glitchy i think it's your stuff dude i think it's your weird glitch it's your glitch egg ornament [Music] okay guys let's speed this up um we got our stupid husky said what's y'all's favorite restaurant or fast food i love pizza and i always will and yeah forever loves pizza i like pizza but i guess right now i like too many food i can't decide yeah you can't make me pick [Music] i thought you like korean barbecue right now well yes but also i'm too stressed right now to figure out to stay with my friends guys rainbow refuses to answer draco you're glitching the game out oh i'm just there's a gap in the roof and i have to fix it are you bothered forever um okay you do that my favorite food is mentioned all the time i don't know if i have to answer this twitch dumplings chicken wings spaghetti okay you know what there's a gap in the roof and that's okay no one's gonna look up no one look up don't look up i think this place is ready guys it's almost ready i hope that lunar i'm not going to happen with the washroom that's too many i want to be surprised though i want to be surprised you need help now yes please i will here let me go up there gold your job is to go up there finish the washroom and we'll invite kf in and please order and please tip guys thank you support the business with minus negative five thousand profit the floor is different colors and it's bothering me wait what's custom art oh wait is this ghost is custom painting here's our glorious and glorious this is the other drive-through yep okay and funny they said only funny can um like open it or whatever open [Music] menu oh i like this this is fun hmm are you okay up there you're placing doors down so cute what is that you don't need to understand sometimes stuff doesn't need to make sense sometimes stuff is just stuff yes it may look like clutter but it's clutter in our hearts okay i don't know i think we just gotta change the flooring guys [Music] why is there a big wall in the middle of nowhere draco oh must be one of my walls let me get rid of it i don't know why they keep where are these coming from i don't know i think you're out selling it thank you i think you glitched the game upstairs the game's lagging oh you might have to um deleting the floor come back in nature signs oh my gosh you gotta delete the floor maybe our receptionist has coffee this desk looks quite cluttery just because our receptionist needs a lot of energy is me our host is me this is me working when i was young and studying can i help you yes can i have stick i'm sorry i'm still watching a crew video you're going to have to come back later i think it's ready i think this place is actually ready this looks good uh we have to recolor it yeah we just need the flooring but other than that i would gotta say we're pretty solid what do you want for the flooring marble more tables please george just has more tables sadly this is as much tables as we can get for the family restaurant i want to be surprised when i go to the washroom wait how do you change the phone click what you can and then um sorry hang out i'll click on it and then click edit oh i can't click it weird and you can't you can't click on the image no i'm probably like low-ranking just like oh whoa oh i guess i guess i'm too low ranked for this but i gotta say this restaurant looks pretty good let me look at the outside when luna said no windows she meant no windows it is solid you're protecting your family yes there will be no papers hey i see one back there i don't want to look that night oh this please fill it in oh [Music] gold has left the building oh that is huge yes can i let us some customers i'm gonna lend some customers all right let's see almost five stars all right service is really bad our service is really bad guys [Music] day 14 kf families restaurant is open for business only for ai customers right now soon to be kf well look at all the customers whoa wait no come back where are you going oh oh this is uh oh okay draco they're going differently oh it's a mess where are they oh you have to edit the customer spawn point funny i don't know how to do that that's the restaurant setting thing i i can't help it it's fine just let them be draco where are these chairs coming from i don't no that's not me i didn't use this is that where all the stuff is coming from it's just a table i think luna's placing stuff from upstairs i am not uh everyone wants the water 100 waters that's 100 waters where am i going to get 100 waters a lot of people want water honey you get the water i'm decorating them oh come on what do you mean no customers order any drink all of them want water oh my gosh as a waiter chef oh this is a sugar bowl this is giving me [Music] why flashbacks we need it hello let me get all the waters bring this to the correct customer drink work we need money honey drink drink drink why can't i hold more my hand i have two hits not not money this is chaotic i need more money i need more money i need more money lunar your allowance is only 5 000. this is reality hey this reality tv show has a budget you know you make the stall please take water please please please please please okay would you see all these customers yeah everyone enjoy your water all right i'm invisible on my screen what what oh no i don't this is horrible maybe relog [Music] i hope this customer you know i'm just gonna start hiring people i don't wanna be legitimate i'm gonna go get my workers back where are the workers okay let's hire four chefs one two three three chefs three waiters um one driver one operator draco's walls are glitching i'm gonna still finish serving okay i see everyone finished the waters thank you thank you chefs what are we cooking here we're cooking the tiger sushi roll cool let's cut it on the bell everyone watch me we're gonna boil it wash it boil golden luna what is our time time on uh [Music] yeah someone's glitching oh my gosh where's the bathroom coming from he's going from the upstairs who here likes sushi okay got rolled the thing is what's your favorite sushi oh the sushi wait who's calling the phone why do i like this you have to answer the phone it's a takeout order oh okay uh they're gonna do all the jobs right now because we're decorating why is the drive-through window blocked by a table yeah we're not gonna talk about that this is chaotic i keep making sushi rolls by myself these chefs aren't helping chefs please any other food yet or you sell the same food no i'm still entire sushi roll everyone loves sushi kf loves sushi well i hope you love thousands and thousands of me cooking sushi constantly um there's a king i think we should serve the king please so much tiger's easy role do we have a drive-through operator funny yeah it's you you didn't tire would drive through i'm kidding i hired one they're right there they're looking at the wrong spot though okay back to work for me back to work hi please don't step on the sushi i don't know where it is rainbow i don't know there's not enough counter spaces down here for our chefs and there's random walls going in my face all right as a chef i think i'm good that's a really good sign oh that is good [Music] okay well get to it all these people are thirsty [Music] hello 16 customers please help yourself to any of the very large families hey we have a four-star rating i see this is uh why does everyone want water [Music] i will take all of your orders i think we only know how to serve water free water bottle anyone free water bottle they are noobs the only thing they drink here is water so as you can see this is our very custom modern kf restaurant kf family restaurant 5 stars totally very beautiful what do we serve here again we serve anything you can imagine cheeseburger pizza sushi rolls um exactly with nacho sprinkles just kidding we only serve water here but please give us five stars thank you why is there a cook prompt here oh wait i don't know but i just realized why we serve so much water why oh stay high streams are huge oh wait yeah we have to tour the washroom let's go upstairs cat you all invited look at live chat for the link our discord this is the famous washroom mushrooms this is the vip washroom for very important people where there's lounge chairs whoa this is a nice one wow and there is one here three four five five stars because this thing is very finicky and i couldn't i couldn't afford oh wait oh oh it's all it i see it's all a washroom i was watching vip's gonna enter through the vip entrance there's only one person wait i don't actually don't know how much this is [Music] and they didn't allow many people to come in don't worry kf i we have a server we have another server apparently it stores 800 but we'll go look at draco's restaurant before we we switch to that one like our restaurant though yeah radius rate it in the comments below okay we have to go can i get some nachos um dracco would like you to eat at his rest his restaurant cool everything's blurred draco please show us your restaurant okay please teleport to my work in progress restaurant i think we have to tell you the restaurant is totally worth it it's totally worth it totally not advertised welcome to my theme restaurant can you guess what this restaurant is from well this is really pretty just preparing our restaurant guys panda panda this is the kung fu panda restaurant this is really cool where's the dumpling i don't [Music] it looks different i like it whoa what about my restaurant i fixed it since the last uh complaint did you uh let's see i do go to the restaurant our other family competitors right now it looks the same oh no it doesn't and if you have an outdoor patio i do and look my clients are having a great time eating out here in the outdoors see oh classy the relaxing atmosphere especially i would love to look at that cheeseburger in my face [Music] oh that's a lot of money wait what did you do luke ah let me show you anybody else we go if you walk in the back you see the front peacefully but in the back through the drive through what it is a big family farm oh my gosh luna where's the barbecue though there is no barbecue here but there's a drive-through and it's a big big family table what the heck and if you order family here i also sell dumplings oh can i order some this restaurant is actually pretty hip it looks a lot different from before now it was all oh whoa very cute okay this is the classy area whoa it actually looks really good cool this is making me hungry now [Music] everything's making me hungry all right let's go to the big slot server but i need to put the volume down because it's going to get crazy you guys want to join for my profile yeah you you know what it is i don't need to say what it is what it is i'm not going to say kind of harry join just get the link joining i it's too late for you rainbow no it's not oh gosh oh oh this is already infected 800 slots [Music] this is a game where you just like drop potatoes i'm gonna get on the swing before it becomes glitchy and doesn't work day of work to create our five-star family restaurant and we end our day potatoes eating delicious potatoes this is a good way to end off draco i also will swing we're playing players hi everyone hi everyone everyone unlimited potatoes your review of kf family restaurant with the number of potatoes the more potatoes you leave means the more you love it that's true guys thank you so much for hanging out with us for crew live we appreciate you all very much if you enjoyed it make sure to leave a like or as we say leave a potato in the comments we don't say that but you know take a potato and put it it's the it's the chef theme it's the chef theme but other than that we love you guys so much have a wonderful weekend we are crew and we'll see you guys all in the next one bye bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 5,934,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, krewlive, livestream, itsfunneh livestream, krew livestream, krew live, roblox livestream, roblox live, roblox livestream itsfunneh, roblox krew livestream, roblox, roblox games, roblox itsfunneh, roblox krew, restaurant tycoon 2, restaurant tycoon
Id: sF0s0YGt5-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 49sec (6349 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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