Our first job as FIRE FIGHTERS in Embr!

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dude you're safe stay out there stop panicking stop panicking you're all good come on drock we got this oh [Music] you guys ready for our first firefighter mission i'm ready yes i'm a firefighter do you think that person needs help in there do you need help i think they have a case of attached to the phone no there's no fire they're helping you welcome to your first house fire responder make sure to save at least the minimum number of clients i think we should save everyone come on let's do this yeah not just seven let's go get off your phone look at all the screaming people in there open the door oh we have to break it who's ready to be heroes we're all heroes take care of the upstairs dude was gold cooking in this house haha very funny wait look the entire place is on fire oh man wait where's the kitchen oh i almost died oh firefighters catch that yo granny's recruit under here don't stop vlogging this is for real you guys stop vlogging the house somebody's here funny catch them this is on film you can't abuse the people in this hall we are not abusing them yeah i'm saving them watch this yay you're our safe citizen of wobbly land rainbow what you doing oh i'm trying i'm trying to say rainbow is super powerful you are not doing anything she is tough is anyone hiding in the kitchen wait danger no you know what danger means hey jack come here hey hey you come here what are you doing guys i think we need to turn off this electricity so could stop shocking us turn it off good job we got to get an a plus for this all right there's so much fire everywhere rainbow is there anything upstairs uh yeah there's actually a lot of people upstairs so you guys better hurry they're just i wanted their feet come on hurry up floors falling apart oh no oh there's some guy down here he looks a little uh tipsy let's grab him i got him it looks like he was on the toilet oh man i'm coming oh another explosion whoa funny you down there wait a minute there's cash in this house make sure you find their cat um you're saving people not robbing them sir this guy does not look okay yes good job put it down yeah yeah go up go up hurry i can't see his butt is like whacking in my face dude you're safe stay out there stop panicking stop panicking you're all good here i'll turn off the fuse box another one saved by gold gold i think you could drop them now no you have to drop them in here oh oh my gosh i feel so dumb i'm burning this fire is getting too crazy [Music] come on we still gotta save people enough people yeah let's go let's go okay watch that gotta build a ladder ladder down walk across who's in here does anyone need help what's over here whoa where what just happened oh they're there across from us come on jack we got this oh what chuckle come on here watch watch i guess you could stay no oh oh you guys we're gonna die in here big brain run run run run come on come on come on come on come on you're gonna be funny you can do it you'll be trying to clear a path for you guys hey come on come on i've fallen and i can't get up gold you have to use the ladder is anyone in here no really i just found somebody come up behind here yeah break it down break down through this door guys jacob and i are on second story we're gonna try to see if anyone's back the second story i need a safe place i'm serious i can't move get a ladder need the money wait can we just open it come on let's see oh we gotta open it with electricity i think wait dracula on my phone it says there's someone still here i gotta get out of here no jacob down there gold yeah i literally said there gold there's the ladder get on hurry we've gotta get it i can't move that's your fault we got a ditch oh come on firefighters moving we're not dying this time get in we'd be the worst firefighters in history i've got a big brain idea follow me are you going back to the stage look we will take hey where's my friend where are you we're gonna climb the ladder to the second floor oh that looks like you placed it really right to climb on yeah gold we're gonna meet you upstairs and i'm not just going here because i want to get to the safe because you always want to save okay the phone tells where everyone is let's go oh i know how about one of us eat people out and then gold you pick them out all right that's a better idea so you stand outside the window gold and fragile don't touch money i got it don't worry i got this right all these doors are locked someone in here yo we got you don't worry i got the money guys look it's glorious what beat her out the window look at this whoa whoa that's so much money okay you out get out of here dude can we take this money welcome or you take it oh we can take it money money wait it says we did good work because we helped them save their are money going to share with us i don't think so all right where's more people we got to wait over there that looks weird funny save the one in the washroom oh should i save him yeah what break that wall down break it why someone's behind you yeah yeah this is a washroom person jacob no more [Music] oh we got him where's the light switch turn it off oh right here turn it off there he's good are you okay we're sorry that took too long these guys do not look okay guys did we rescue a skeleton no i don't know there's a skeleton in our rescue zone like someone burns guys someone died okay this guy's legs is in my face i cannot see anything wow being a hero is hard yates get in there oh my gosh oh my gosh you didn't see that gold you didn't see that i'm so bad i'm so bad i didn't know i could do that oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh i'm so sorry [Music] sorry you electrocuted him then he killed him i'm sorry i threw him off the roof i didn't know you turned into skeleton bones which sounds very dumb but yeah whatever more people to save down there guys the fires are getting too crazy where's rainbow and draco in the basement oh i'm dead i just survived i'm gonna save this person all right take them out take them out of the ladder [Music] come on rainbow bring them oh through the back door over here over here people come on there's a black door this guy over here you come here we'll save you let's go no you killed one of them actually i killed two to be exact uh well we need to rescue one more person uh-oh okay dude is there anyone else alive and she's one in here someone's taking a bath oh never mind they're taking me down how could you be pooping in a time like that yeah you're welcome we do good casualties and uh gold are you still in there get out go come on oh yeah i'm just looking at the skeletons technically they're still take your ladders back those caused my knee oh wait i lost mine i lost mine in the battle on my ladder complete right we did it we did good drive me away so our payout is six hundred dollars we got some bonus cash we rescued seven out of ten and the client said no tip because i still have hospital bills because of you we apologize this is our first day well i mean at least they're not dead right funny yes blue stuff it's almost water and you know what else is almost water smashing that like button for blue stuff emergency respond at crab and go we got some people on fire in here it looks like someone is cooking breaking the window wait everyone please stop panicking draco will you you out of the window and alive good job taco funny alive remember keep them alive my job is to just spray this place down i will not be throwing any clients today because i am banned rule number one dude i'm too short for the counter that's sad come on my leg power i got the strength oh i did it oh it looks like we have some electricity problem back here guys yo look at the people on the roof who cooked this who was frying french fries oh no no no no no help help he must have been the trainee guys i'm trying to figure out how to turn it off sir please turn it off the light switch i don't have a light switch guys how are you texting you there's a fire this is not how to react when there is a fire okay you know what your butt have you no fire drills yes oh i killed somebody you know what you're fine i have someone all right you texting crazy in you go did we check the washroom they're still texting i sprayed them dracula they have money back here guys funny we gotta save their money we're gonna break this down come on break oh more fire not good does anyone turn off the electricity this place is all lit i can't even see anything come on where are you oh i'm getting lit rainbow what's up rainbow moon hey the deep fries are too strong rainbow you okay i need help yeah i just don't how do we pick you up oh i just give you a hand is that it thanks oh you're welcome thank you you are my savior the buddy right here what i want the money come on ow oh wow i hurt my ankles what's happening we gotta get the money ready go through the back that's your fault yeah draco we're busy we're trying to save money we're trying to save money hell help i hurt my ankles please i'm outside because of skeletons [Music] hello my ankles draco i'm trying good job dracco now i'm dead too i'm burning in fire same i tried to take money and now i'm dead rainbow save the money save the money rainbow i'll run with it don't worry the money's burning it's right i can't the money's burning rainbow there's no time bring the money clear let's go let's go let's go it's burnt whatever run run run run run it's useless wait where's our granny friends hey my ankles oh you're so dramatic you're not even in the fire dude help me how did you follow me we have to go have gold or we're gonna fail okay okay [Laughter] hurry guys where is she there's goldie you know why we lost that because we don't have cool stuff you're right we don't have cool stuff in order for us to beat this we must buy well i must buy with my 1 000 i slip inside slip and slide totally not a waste of money and a sprinkler oh yes you guys know what to do slip and slide in fine good idea let's go i have a sprinkler whoa save the people save the people move over people without sprinkler go spring why do you have a hair dryer who bought a hairdryer rainbow get this person you look like draco get rid of it all right all right sprinkler grab and go does the sprinkler really do anything oh it does okay you come here with me we are going to throw you right out the window why do you keep killing clients well they're on the roof and that's their fault for being on the roof i will make way to the roof bam okay jacob who we slip and slide in okay well i already killed one person yo there's a hot dog truck and an ice cream truck over here can we get some after we're done saving humanity yes for sure i figured out how to do this watch we're gonna put it right here and you sir are gonna get slipped like that did it all right let's save them really cool they are saved very effectively all right we have a bunch of people back here you sprinkler come here watch this we pick them up guys watch come on hurry there's people back here i can't even see anything it's getting so flamey oh and then we do this and we throw up on the slip and slide bam go whoa it's epic all right are you ready to see this guy slip and slide let's go you're safe yes this is so epic more people how much do we have left we got that thing is falling apart we got seven people no we got seven people in the building guys we gotta save everyone ah they're not gonna laugh the building is deteriorating as we speak gold come on you got this gold there's no one else in here oh no there's two there's actually 16 people and uh like four of them are dead no we're gonna save everyone come on all right back here if you're on your phone i don't know i i feel like i don't want to save you because you're on your phone and you don't really care yo grab that one's going on dead people [Music] slippers like oh gosh i have 11 seconds guys i'm gonna try to make it out he's not looking for granny are you funny i'm starting to see things oh oh are you kidding me again it's okay but we have you got left behind just like my friends wow ember sucks they rated us bad again we were fired dracco you're not supposed to eat that we're gonna get fired again we work for emperor this is all the food we have to deliver guys let's get started who wants a burger come on just knock on their door and they should accept their food hello we're gonna throw your food through the window all right oh the house is still on fire that is the problem who here wants a burger sir oh that sir wants a burger um hello sir would you like your burger he looks unconscious are you still eating oh he's happy he's just hugging the burger container who else needs a cheeseburger in a time like this hello cheeseburger this man right here would like a cheeseburger hello oh sir here you go cheeseburger what is life are you okay he loves it oh a person in that tree house wants a cheeseburger too how come everyone wants cheeseburgers because someone bring a cheeseburger up here i'm too lazy hey you hey oops there's a fire we got cheeseburger for you can we pick you up no okay yeah give them the cheeseburger pronto they don't look good oh their staircase just collapsed all right we have a problem um ow dude we can't get you that cheeseburger's on you know what we'll serve somebody else look at these happy clients they are just eating away look they love our food that's right beat up hey draco let me in i'm gonna feed them come in these two are very hungry there you go oh you see what happened to them it's okay they ate rainbow what's that what are you a wizard we're just here to deliver food rain but we don't need that type of technology in our life come on client you still hungry yo you still alive in there oh yeah here you go here you go eat up and bam you could eat happily with your cheeseburger are you good guys when we uh went to this job i thought we were just you know giving food not being firefighters at the same time my burger was burnt lame also where's the rest of it we ate it yeah we gotta find a hundred dollars what all this be any worse we are the worst firefighter amber eats here please eat your pizza or i'll throw it out the window dude i hate being in this delivery we're so bad at it stop stop okay you in the kitchen oh man my pizza got burnt whatever stay on the table i did not burp it's crispy remember we'll deliver the soda pop then soda pop down here i just broke the soda pop come on oh yeah i'm destroying everything i'm just a little what what did you just destroy every food she destroyed all the food i'm starving to death and my food never showed up why do you guys even deliver food now i don't know we don't know why we deliver food come on we need to make this mission successful three burger no five burgers two pizzas and one drink don't mess it up that's all we got easy i will hold this drink with my life i will not let you fall drink okay guys deliver me to the drink person let's go okay drink first not fall do not fall drink you're in the basement poop the basement is the most worst place to go ready i'm ready basement basement come on jocko fake man come on come on basement you know what i thought wait where'd my drink go are you kidding me let's get the drink again [Music] uh guys all the drinks are gone what dude this is impossible oh you know what burgers only no pizza i didn't see nobody eat pizza yet i'll see pizza guys where does pizza go oh delivering pizza through fire here i got it i flew it away jump let's go you want pizza out there you don't want the pizza do you this is wrong no they wanted the soda what's that no they want the burger there's a person over here though it's so good okay the pizza person is through here do this doorway yo come get your pizza the right to the right that's the gin person oh my goodness they're taking a poop are you okay sir you have to rescue them after you deliver their food you know what we quit this job subscribe and i'll feed you you wanted your soda drink rainbow give him the soda drink fire extinguisher
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 5,548,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, embr, embr firefighter game, embr firefighter gameplay, no swearing, no cursing, embr itsfunneh, embr krew, embr multiplayer, embr eats
Id: fs3nDnBAP2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 34sec (1354 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
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