The MOST POWERFUL Vomit Will Destroy Your PC - Teardown Mods

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there's me there's me as a crewmate catch this battle bob all right to your dinosaur's face chip he's looking a little bit rough he's been a little bit sick [Music] don't want to miss a video subscribe to the channel and stay notified how's it going champs we're playing tear down i have some amazing stuff to show you guys today this is a physics bridge my pc my computer is actually crying right now just trying to show you guys how awesome this bridge is this thing is really cool you walk along and it like starts to wobble and everything i'm gonna get one of these vehicles let's just jump in there oh yeah we're in this bad boy this is pretty cool there's also a slo-mo mod now yep we can slow down time and it's amazing i've tested it out already it is very cool hang on maybe i can destroy it i'm just going to throw a bomb there that bomb did nothing all right there's a bomb it's under the van there's a couple of bombs there's heaps of bombs they're blowing up the bridge after blowing me up hey oh this thing's got bombs in it oh god that's bad okay hang on if we go like this we should be able to just shake the bombs off just scatter them off the back there there we go come on drop some drop some bombs dude why is that so hard to do all right i'll throw whoa whoa those things are volatile as you can't just throw you can't strum they just blow up what okay what about if i go like this oh yes that's cool so is the entire bridge just gonna start falling down if i keep doing that probably let's give it a shot yeah yep look at that yes this thing is crumbling that's cool the thing i like about this bridge over the old one is that it's got all these cables and stuff like that hold it together so it's sort of like dangles dangle is such kind of like a gross word okay there we go how's that going yeah now she's breaking now it's breaking it's in the ocean now dude what are you gonna do about it nobody over there can make it over this side this is my side of town now everybody over that side of the town they're crap now you guys remember cresta right he made that awesome weapons pack which i've i use like so much he's given me a little sneak preview of an update to the weapons pack that adds all of the models in properly so see this look at that i can have all of the cool models show up on screen and they're animated as well come here dump truck whoa get out of the way that's cool it's scorpion's fist i should be able to punch stuff oh yeah yeah look at that scorpion has super punching ability get over here and then punch oh what's up that's cool jewel miniguns oh man yes so i can find just the left one or i can fire the right one and they actually spin that is incredible look at this destruction that i'm doing to the bridge man that is really cool whoa the black hole actually has a model now it's like a cool spinning orb thing okay hold up hold up let's just go ahead and throw the black hole up there go on do your worst nothing's happening nothing oh oh it's doing stuff now it's doing stuff all those poles see these poles they're not bolted in right oh no no i told you guys my pc is really gonna start just crying its eyes out right now uh oh oh sections of the road are gonna get sucked up this is bad this is really bad oh what it's like a weird ball it's just a ball thing i've just adjusted this black hole a little bit i'm just going to launch it up there for a second now it's going to delete stuff i just want to see what it does to this bridge oh there goes the truck yes that's cool look at the poles the poles are actually swinging in oh that's awesome that's awesome i set it so that it deletes tiny bricks just so that they don't add to the cpu load it'll be able to handle you know the game a little bit better if it's deleting stuff as it grinds it up wow that is how you destroy a bridge look at it just orbiting around there dude just call me thanos prior because i'm going to destroy this universe this is good it looks like like a tornado hitting a lego store or something look at those poles the entire bridge is like sagging in is it gonna drag the bridge up i don't think it is it's actually just gonna fall down ow i just got smacked i reckon we could make it even more hardcore than that oh this is what i'm talking about yes okay i made this black hole stronger i just want to see it pull the road up oh just go ahead [ __ ] you they just can't handle it i feel like i'm in one of those disaster movies where the road is just breaking under my feet oh no no i need to jump oh that's cool the road is actually getting sucked into the black hole i wish this was running at normal speed it just can't handle it looks so good though now this is a map it's called world map what it looks like some kind of weird hellish landscape what is this is that a country i can't tell what's going on is it the actual world like the map of the world and these are the mountains and stuff what do you guys reckon it kind of has that look about it like is that is that a country i can't tell it's australia it is but the water level has risen way too high or maybe too low i'm not too sure i'm gonna find where my house is it should be about here somewhere i suppose and then i'm gonna destroy it this is what it would be like if thor destroyed my house take that me uh i think this is america maybe if you guys think this is america tell me what state i'm in right now i'm somewhere in the middle i don't really know in australia if you're in the middle you're just surrounded by sand and it's really hot you guys saw me check out this mod in the last video this is my vero gamer it's a like an among us type mod he's added in a zombie crewmate that is one creepy looking dude look at that he's got like a tongue thing sticking out and stuff that's disgusting is there actually a zombie crewmate in among us let me know in the comments i played the game like a couple of times when it first you know was popular and stuff and then i just didn't really have time to play it anymore i don't have a lot of time for games there's me there's me as a crewmate he's gone ahead and made me as a crewmate look at that it's got the brown cap and everything what's super weird is that this brown cat has become like part of the image that i am i don't know why what's that say suss am suss i totally am he knows me he gets me very well i am like 100 suss i just want you guys to know that i'm super appreciative when you guys make me stuff so thank you for that that is so cool man i'm just gonna i'm just breaking him i'm just like smacking him into the other crewmates oh i've got the light katana hey i could cut myself up oh i just sliced my bum off i'm just gonna keep slicing it there we go carve me up yeah now i'm tiny little bits you could probably crumble me on a sandwich and i'd be delicious please don't do that that's cannibalism and cannibalism is wrong i hope they're teaching that in schools ah dude have a look at this thing this is a laser gun made by zorp rex sorber x i think that's his name that's a hard name to say man that's a really hard name to say he makes some cool mods though look at this thing it screams [Music] what you pull the trigger and the gun screams at you it's like ah stop it [Music] okay let's actually try and fire this thing look at poopy tim this is going on i'm gonna shoot him in the belly button oh that's cool i just burnt his face that is one cool laser gun it's almost like a like a lightning gun you know what i mean like it's firing this cool arc of lightning right at his stomach [Music] take that poopy tim i'm sorry poopy tim is like the best test subject though i love testing all of the weapons on him it's so good also how great is it that guns are now like animated they look incredible and the magic bag actually looks like a magic bang i can delete poopy tim's shin then i can fire daddy's face ow sorry pooper tim what other awesome weapons do we have here we've got the charge shotgun always awesome ah the sniper rifle now actually looks like a sniper rifle whoa i was just there we go i can see poopy tim's face all right here we go bang and you can see the bullet actually fly across as well oh dude that's really cool there goes his head yes just like a real sniper rifle got the ak-47 i don't know anything about these guns i know that ak-47 is like in a lot of video games and stuff i should probably learn something about guns we just don't really have guns in australia you guys know that here have a ninja star on your butt there champ it's the worst place for it now that i can actually see these guns though these are honestly some of my favorite guns i'm actually getting pushed backwards that's how powerful they are god dude just shredded him that is so cool those things are so powerful hey we could now make him swing oh yes so before they were kind of stuck in a fixed position until you hit them but now you can actually swing them around oh that's cool oh oh oh boopy timmy's a little bit scared he's going quite fast oh come on [Music] ah nailed him oh we should totally test the slo-mo mod yeah yeah look at this it's all super slow-mo now okay here we go it just blew a hole in his chest dude slo-mo is cool oh that's that's incredible that is so awesome there you go wear your stomach on your face do you guys hear this thing scream it sounds like a dolphin catch this battle bob all right to your dinosaurs face chimp battle bob i'm so sorry i hope he's had children far out man that's gonna hurt that is really cool everything is so much better in slo-mo oh sorry creston nailed him i reckon we could totally explode see top's head in slo-mo here we go we can jesus that's so destructive come on poopy tim come down here dude yes yes dash his head just clean smash right off now you might have noticed poopy tim over here inside this big giant you know he's big he's big poopy tim garage he's looking a little bit rough he's been a little bit sick i'm just gonna go ahead and jump inside of him there we go come on poopy tim oh geez what's that round your mouth champ he's kind of got like a rick thing going on from rick and morty you know what i mean like he's a little bit sick oh we can still kick all right that's pretty good but watch what happens when i press the i just vomited on that moving tim that's disgusting poopy tim is sick he is so sick we could probably go over here and vomit on the tiny poopy tim we could do that right every fifth vomit is like a giant vomit it's a big one hey can he still fart oh he can yes he is the farting vomiting kicking poopy tim that is so good he has something seriously wrong with this guy he needs to go to the doctor i keep telling him champ one of these days your butt is gonna fall off you need to go to the doctor he's like nah man he's like nah man vomit and of course you guys remember if you accidentally fart too much you could explode oh he's doing okay i'm risking it i'm totally risking it there's like always a minor chance that he's gonna blow up just kind of vomit on this dinosaur take that dude that's what i think of you you make me sick oh geez just farted my legs off hey seat up get down from there dude get down i'm just going to get him down i'm just going to kick him off kick him off the play button okay get down there he goes he's coming down he's coming down oh i'm gonna fall over i almost fell over hang on a second champ it's so hard to maneuver him so difficult take that seat i'm just getting revenge from all the times he destroyed me he probably loves it if there's anything you guys would like to see poopy tim be able to do let me know in the comments all right and we'll give it a shot maybe we could make it happen oh god oh god careful dude careful but thank you very much for watching this video if you like it give us one of these ones i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 409,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, teardown, teardown full game, tear down, teardown campaign, teardown gameplay, teardown release date, teardown download, teardown steam, teardown new gameplay, teardown sandbox, teardown update, teardown beta, teardown alpha, teardown demo, Teardown mod, Teardown mods, teardown nexus, download teardown mods, teardown press, teardown hydraulic press, Black Hole Mod
Id: 1nWqH66kVDI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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