Fully Destroying FREDDY and Friends In the FNAF MOD - Teardown Mods

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i'm gonna do it like right on his neck oh that's a that's a tear down first i've never seen that happen before disappearing ghost men i don't know if this map intended me to be going all harry potter on it you know what i mean [Music] don't want to miss a video subscribe to the channel and stay notified how's it going champs we're playing tear down i've got a bit of a mystery for you guys a bit of a mystery all you guys to work out what this game is from all right this is a map made by somebody it's a modded map and it's based on a game based on a small area of a game i think okay is there a door in here i think that what do you mean coming soon what's on the other side what is that an elevator i don't know oh what's it what what's this how do i open this thing geez that's really hard to open i think i might need to blast it open with a gun no that doesn't open it how do we open this thing oh far out man okay that's not a cabinet cabinets are not supposed to do that rocket blast oh how'd that go is this room like indestructible okay okay yes yes i just blasted my way through take that whatever that thing is okay let's go in here oh that's why i could move the cabinets hey dude how's it going he looks like kind of a little bit like rick from rick and morty all right the game is not rick and morty that's not the game or is it you that can be your guess if you want nobody will laugh at you all right oh i'm just gonna break that thing what is that i have no idea what that is it looks like a man wearing a skirt well there's nothing wrong with that this is 20 21. if you're a man you want to wear a skirt go for it i'll even support you in that i'm wearing a skirt right now as a matter of fact oh what's going on in here what do we got what's this thing on the wall it says charge suit i'm gonna go ahead and charge my suit what kind of suit you might be asking oh what's this thing i don't think this thing does anything i can unplug it though that's kind of cool there's plugs actual plug physics i'm just going to destroy that machine i'm not even sure what machine that is it's probably some kind of doomsday machine or something but there's definitely some kind of lab going on here all right that should be like kind of jogging your your guessing bone oh what about if i switch to this gun does that help you a little bit oh jesus yeah take that game i love ripping stuff around with this gun it's the best it is the best you can destroy all of the things there's definitely rooms up there though i can't see any like you know like any kind of ladders or any sort of you know oh hey how do i get up to the floating rooms oh i just broke that guy exploded him to pieces i know we have to superman it here we go superman oh that's the whole map that's the whole map so far if you actually fly around like an idiot you can like see around the rest of the map oh that's pretty cool oh i ripped the door off what are these guys there's some other things down here this is super weird i don't know what they are it's like little brick people i'm jet packing all the way up here that's what superman does superman has a jet pack oh now this map is actually pretty cool it's a little bit of a creepy map one of two creepy maps we're gonna be looking at today yeah that's right i'm looking at creepy maps we're looking at five nights at freddy's this is not five nights at freddy's though this is something else i'm trapped down here with my demons apparently okay all right oh god oh god you see what that cup had tried to attack me get him get him i've also got another weapons mod installed here called grimwas which is i don't know how if you actually pronounce it like that but it's like a magic mod right and you can cast magic i don't know if this map intended me to be going all harry potter on it you know what i mean okay i'll just kill myself harry potter does not kill himself all right spoilers he doesn't do that okay okay let's have a look at this so that is some kind of laser beam attack because we all know harry potter can fire laser beams out of his eyes like cyclops what if we press g what do we get hey what's that one what does that move that's a cool move it kind of like does some blue dust is that making fire i think it's actually making fire i'm not sure whoa whoa oh that is cool whoa i'm just caving this place in on myself i realize i'm not playing this map as intended where's the demons though oh there's creepy noises oh whoa what is that dude it's like an alien man that guy is super creepy i've also got this mod called placeable lights check this out you can place lights or stop it stop a creepy alien guy check this out i can crank these up and then we get white so we can place lights here and we can blind that dude there you go champ look at that how cool is that i like this mod you can just place lights around in case it's super dark now i can see where i'm going you guys got any more creepy aliens around here oh hold up a second i just came through he just disappeared okay that's a that's a tear down first i've never seen that happen before disappearing ghost men oh that is really cool man yep this is a good map you know like maybe you die if he catches you and he sneaks up behind you or something like that you know what i mean that would be really awesome well done anyway i've got a stack of new weapon mods i've wanted to try out so i'm trying them on the best place possible we're gonna destroy some poopy tips this is the tornado gun this one is hot off the press all right it's a brand new mod brand spanking new let's actually fire one of these tornadoes and see what happens oh my god it's actually destroying it's destroying me it's launched me into the sky right but it's also destroying my pc big time yes that is cool wow that is like super destructive oh the tornado actually moves as well does it keep picking up stuff i think it does it picks me up as well and tosses me around wow that's good i'm glad the tornado doesn't discriminate but man it is really flogging my pc at the moment so i guess if you're looking to stress test your pc like you really you know you just got a new graphics card and you just want to make that thing melt go ahead and try the tornado gun it's fun for about five seconds oh there's an arrow here now i'm just gonna fill i'm just gonna fill that in that's the worst arrow i just gotta fix that there we go there we go now now it's a 10 out of 10 arrow there we go i know all about arrows i put them on my thumbnails just color that in oh that's a beautiful arrow now that is good click bait and then you have an arrow and then you have poopy tim and now we're going to destroy pooper tim what do we got we've got oh the bfg i love the bfg we've done the bfg before though here we go i've wanted to test this thing so this is the one that we just tried a moment ago they're called the grimoire whoa whoa okay it melts stuff it melts stuff at really high temperatures oh god get me out of this room always with the room get out the window dude get out there get out there and enjoy the world poopy tim he loves it okay go go back inside you're getting sunburned he forgot to put on his sunscreen oh this thing not only actually burns a hole in stuff right it also sets fire to things it's like a hardcore laser beam yeah that is probably the most powerful laser i've played on here that is really intense look at the way it just melts just melts holes through everything all right we need to test it on the giant poopy tim head because that thing is mostly solid i'm just gonna put this fire out as you can see poopy tim has like a giant fire in his eye socket i'm just gonna just hit with the fire extinguisher just repeatedly just to see if we can get this fire out of here come on come on there's a serious blaze going on in his eye socket come on dude i'm melting is that working god this fire spreads fast i don't think we can control the blaze i think it's just no no the blaze is too much it's way too much check this out right push right through him yeah just took his head clean off okay so what do these other ones do oh okay so it draws like a blue smoke circle what does it actually do though what it just cut a giant like cylinder shaped blast look at that it's like a full circle i'm gonna do it like right on his neck oh whoa get wrecked dude that's crazy that is so crazy it just melts him what about these guys can you fire it like on the ground yeah you can and it just blasts upwards in this like giant cylinder-shaped destruction thing that's not real english but i'm trying that's my motto for life my motto is that's not english but i'm trying i struggle speaking big time i actually you know one of the reasons i started doing youtube was to help you know with like my public speaking and stuff like that and you know over six years i've been doing this now and yeah i can speak i'm more confident with speaking around people but uh i haven't gotten better at speaking english i am definitely trying that is a really cool mod i like that one grimoire mod and it's the blue melty one that is great so what's the last of these spells it's this one which draws like some giant sort of stars in the sky or something i feel like i should probably test this one on myself drag myself off my play button speaking of play buttons we're almost at a million subscribers almost let's go oh that looks dangerous that looks dangerous what did that even do what did it do i don't know what that's doing oh i see i see it's firing a beam oh you hold it down you hold it down oh you don't you don't drag it over yourself though like just a hole yep yep look at that just cut his house clean in half he's like hiding in the corner he's super scared can you blame him this will be the move here we go wow god that just ripped them all apart yep yep right through the head right through the head poopy tim got your champs yeah i really like this mod this is really like creative and inventive wow i'm like shooting the head back there as well a magic spells mod love it now it's time for super spoopy time all right what i'm going to do is i'm going to get some placeable lights let's just make sure we've got the right oh yeah there we go there we go there we go we can see the screen and we can like check the cams but we can't actually check them and there is an e there so i can i'm pressing the button but nothing's happening so the doors aren't closing and opening like they would in the normal game i'm guessing this is a bit of a work in progress and someone's working on it you know what though with the last mod that we checked out where there was the you know the ghost man who could disappear and reappear you could totally do that with the five nights at freddy's characters in this game and you've got yourself a game you have yourself like a valid five nights at freddy's teardown mod alrighty cool oh cool let's go have a look around this place let's go look around you know i actually haven't played much of five nights at freddy's i'm not gonna lie the game freaks me out now i'll tell you why it freaks me out i hate jump scares and someone who has an actual heart condition i i just don't i don't want to put any undue pressure on myself you know what i mean i don't have a serious heart condition i'm not gonna lie but i just it freaks me out the idea of jump scares what is this i'm in the toilet all right well i don't know why why i had to do that why is it every time i play a game i end up in the toilet somehow it's not five turds at freddy's okay oh god it's the fox man is that foxy what are you doing man so he's supposed to look a little bit like a pirate look at the bricks like sticking out of his head can we destroy him yeah we can awesome one animatronic damn oh creepy rooms creepy rooms oh exploding rooms hey we can get outside the map yeah we're free we escaped the pizzeria now you five nights at freddy's fans out there do you ever get to eat a pizza in the game do you ever i know there was a version of the game where there was like some pizza delivery going on or something like that what is that one over there who are these guys oh i got a flashlight i forgot i had a flashlight alright i want you guys to name these dudes that one's called big bird that one's called barney the blueberry and this one is teddy bear man i know their names why is his head there dude what is his head doing there i think the best way to actually beat the animatronics though is probably with a bfg no yes flatten them they're gone okay hold up oh yes there he is it's the blueberry purple man i mean the grape man he's gone he is gone we don't need to worry about him anymore i have destroyed all of the fnaf champs and we are safe the kids will be able to eat pizza and get fat for the rest of their lives so all these mods you can get from the workshop go ahead download them check them out but thank you very much for watching this video if you like it give us one of these ones i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 267,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, teardown, teardown full game, tear down, teardown campaign, teardown gameplay, teardown release date, teardown download, teardown steam, teardown new gameplay, teardown sandbox, teardown update, teardown beta, teardown alpha, teardown demo, Teardown mod, Teardown mods, teardown nexus, download teardown mods, teardown press, teardown hydraulic press, Black Hole Mod, Teardown workshop, BFG Mod
Id: M30T1Xgqhqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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