This SHREDDER TRUCK Destroys Everything In It's Path - Teardown Mods

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this thing is so destructive what happens when the shredder tries to shred the shredder it's an actual tnt mod look at this we've got a detonator does he have any face skin left i think he does we need to do surgery on his face [Music] don't want to miss a video subscribe to the channel and stay notified how's it going for playing teardown this is the tear down jump arena map someone made it okay i'm in a shop i'm in the shop i don't know what these things are they look like barrels you have to grab all of the barrels at once for some reason i don't know why who is that guy with the goatee in the sky who even is that dude i've got no idea but i just deleted his face with the challenge shotgun let's go ahead and try and find some of these jumps the jumps have got to be down here right let's go let's go whoa whoa was that the jump no no there's more jumps there's more oh my god i just lost my front end i just lost my truck's chin there's like there's no jumps it's just i just drove the car down into some kind of ocean hell and now now i'm in the water and now i've spawned back at the beginning i just punched in the truck's bum and there's nothing in there he hasn't had any lunch today all right there dude let's just go ahead and put this bad boy in the back of the truck maybe we need to go a bit faster okay it's in there it's in there good i thought cars could fit in the backs of trucks what's going on with this one how am i supposed to get the other cars in there now all right in there car number two oh god oh god no no i just have to go faster is it in there i don't think it's in there all right we're taking the truck we do have the car on the back though it's all good we're taking the sports car for a ride yes oh god oh god we still got him we still got him whoa what why is my semi-trailer stuck in mid-air am i being like levitated by an x-men or something what has even happened i can't i can't work it out now this map is described as an incredibly average house that is definitely normal big red button i'm gonna push the big red button let's go this this container just trying to kill me all right something happened to the house it grew wheels what is going on with this house all right i'm gonna there's a stepladder here i'm going up the stepladder let's just drive the vehicle let's get in i think it's a house car that's that is some next level 2022 type stuff going on you know what i mean 2020 was all about automatic cars and whether they should run people over or not now it's all about houses of cars really this is tiny homes gone too far i want to try and find a real car there's no real cars here it's just it's just home cars okay all right how fast does this bad boy go how many miles to the gallon do we get on this thing this is so weird this is by far one of the weirdest mods i've seen yet i need to push this again it transforms it literally transforms i guess the ultimate goal here is to try and crash the house right all right there's a post thing over here i'm gonna smash into it let's go let's just smash this house i missed and holy hand grenade inside the house we could probably throw a couple in there they're going to bounce right out and try and kill me oh yes yes get a couple more in there blow up this house dude yes nice never will i be haunted by a house with wheels again that is one creepy house and we're back on case abby's humans man every time i go to this map there is always something different is that a crying egg way chain i don't know what that is why is there a hammer smashing the egg oh i can take this thing here poopy tim catch that oh god what have i done i feel like i've just broken something in a really expensive shot why would you use a hammer to smash an egg you just crack them on the countertop or whatever man that's the easiest way doing it what you do with hammers though is you smack yourself in the head i just broke the hammer i just broke the hammer that is one cheap hammer we just planted bomb and then we pull that down and then then you blow the head apart now this map is twice as big as what it used to be then there's a bunch of just regular old poopy tips i'm gonna make a mess with these dudes just by speeding up the blades and just slowly driving through them god that is so cool all right slow down a little bit more we're getting that awesome effect where a wheel is spinning so fast you can't actually tell what direction it's going in oh yeah dudes poopy tim confetti everywhere oh god that's messy it's so messy all right restart the map just because things were running a little bit slow gonna kick poopy tim in the chest let's go dude dude all right yes okay so you have to be really careful you have to be really careful oh it's like a gravity gun but it's built into the plank oh that is cool that is cool oh i just pushed his bum off i think okay so if i push these guys yeah it just launches them it launches them so high see dude how close do you have to get though okay so the closer you are the harder it pushes them so what about like here just gives them a good nudge and they're out of here yes take them all out dude yes i bet i could actually drive through the back of his head i could do that right just yeah yeah i could totally do that although i wouldn't recommend it i'm just gonna move this over here for a second really sorry for rearranging your map there dude sorry k sappy i just wanted to try this all right chip let's give this a shot oh oh yes oh god i just smacked his face on the way out oh does he have any face skin left i think he does we need to do surgery on his face oh god somebody get to the dentist that is horrifying oh my god any of you guys a doctor anybody i'm looking at you see top he looks like the classiest bloke on the map oh no no crestor by far the guy has a suit on oh no i actually managed to put that poopy tim's face inside of his own cheek not recommended oh hey look i just noticed it says here finpoi that is pretty awesome if you guys didn't know i have a youtube channel i'm gonna do a charge jump let's go yeah all the way up here i'm gonna try and remove this poopy tim off the top of my car not that i don't like him being there i'm just going to get rid of him anyway it's just oh man he is like really stuck on there okay there yeah that should get him off all right here yep see you later dude is where we want to go i'm just going to park it up oh god god we just cleaned up his head okay i'm just going to park this thing right here best spot watch what's going to happen you're coming down dude whether you like it or not oh got his head yes here he comes again oh bit of this space those spinning blades man those things are so brutal dude that has to hurt and he's coming down again nailed him who would win the fin point occur or this spinny bladey thing yeah definitely that spinny blade thing my blade is now glitching out something fierce get out of the way okay yeah yeah i think i broke it i broke it oh just break all the stuff this is it's just the ultimate destructive vehicle look at it it just tears up all the stuff since i let us play battle bob's junkyard he's updated it with some more cool stuff i think he's rearranged some of the things and there's like jumps and things now look at these there's like massive shipping container jumps let's try one and there's even something new called the shred dozer let's try these jumps let's try them i am so bad at this the harder to find ones are always a little bit faster and better than the previous one you found it's cool you can see i've put the vin fire mobile in there as well i thought it would be fun to drive him around and i also hid some humans on this map there's a giant jump i want to hit that thing all right get out of the way trees who put trees there this is battle bob i know i know he did it looks like i'm gonna hit those cars no way what a huge epic jump but this time actually straight yeah the tree over the tree watch out for the propane let's hit this thing straight and see if we can do an epic jump yes yes oh i made it i made it i fell that was a lot of fun man i've also inserted another little mod here by mr kwkd which is a tnt mod it's an actual tnt mod look at this we've got a detonator right which we can move around independently from the actual dynamite it kind of reminds me of sausages you know what i mean i kind of want to have a barbecue let's go over here to the finpio mobile just hang on to this dynamite are you ready to be blown up let's go you're nice yes that was really effective look at that my entire legs is gone it's like i just did this epic fart and just blew my legs off just like in real life that's cool are you okay there dude hey he's still smiling i think now he's a little bit lighter he could probably do some better jumps or i could just go ahead and cut my own head off oh that is nasty that is so brutal i can see inside my own neck hole hey here's a cool looking car how do i steal it exploding stuff there we go then we climb inside there it is is this thing a uh is it a monster truck i mean i guess it is oh this thing is fast it's so fast okay let's go oh yes sick 360s bro a truck with explosives dawg no yeah no it definitely wasn't strong enough for that all right this is how i get round on the map i go like this then i go and then i jump and then i break the game i would recommend not shooting the ground at this game now that the game's working again let's have a look inside the shop who's in here okay we've got some people i just removed all of his skin in one hit right under the desk there what is even happening with this game right now here do you guys like sausages let's play hide the sausage under the cia person [Music] uh where is the detonator it's stuck on the wall and detonate there's a bit of a delay but jeez that's messy bits of this guy everywhere where's the cia guy is that him next to the guy who's glitching through the wall this guy is in a bit of a predicament i'm going to slap him slam him through the wall we're just going to lift him up hey we got him good yes all right and now look at that he's just like swinging around how's it going chip he just froze in mid-air what is that about why is he not swinging around anymore oh i'm coming dude i'm gonna clean him up what he's still fine if you're looking for a map that's got like loads of stuff to do in it the humans playground map and this junkyard map are like two maps you just have to try so this is the shreddoza and it basically looks like a giant bulldozer with a shredder on the front of it let's get in there hey i can lift this up hey oh there's steps the steps on the back i should've just gone up the steps that's loads more fun oh yes okay can i make it it can make it go in reverse too or you can stop it i just reversed it through the fence i'm not good at this okay i'm trying all right let's see how it goes with cars it just lifts them up out of the way that's awesome so hey you get out of the way you get out of the way it's like stuff this stuff that no just break all the things all right let's make it go the other way so that it actually shreds them yes so good get shredded bro let's go get our shirtless friend over here are you ready there dude i'm coming for you oh oh he's spinning around now oh oh we just smacked him we could probably just take it right through the shop right yeah that's what i'm talking about let's just go in there we could probably go right through and like all the way out the back as well that's awesome and i'm at the bank all right let's have a look is anyone alive still hey there's some people they actually survived this thing is so destructive what happens when the shredder tries to shred the shredder i don't know shredder versus shredder oh geez who's gonna win i don't think anyone's gonna win i think it's very much stuck there so we better get the bulldozer to bulldoze the dozer dosa let's go jam it in there all right gravity gun just shove it all in there open up i'm nom nom nom did munch it all up so delicious mmm yeah let's get some ketchup on that bad boy so tasty i wonder if i can shred my own head i probably could take that chip got your pants what are you gonna do about it there's my head let's get this thing spinning really quick oh yeah that's good that's good let's just zoom out a little bit are you ready to get a haircut finn let's go champ about to ruin my cap oh oh it's coming in oh god that is so cool it's like throwing up all the stuff at the back of the shredder i reckon we can hit this thing pretty hard i just want to see the sports car get shredded at high speed here we go oh oh yes dawg just smacked right into the ground wow just i'm just going to pull that out of there good as new ready to go on ebay if there's any mods you guys want me to check out let me know in the comments and thank you very much for watching this video if you like it give us one of these ones i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 412,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, teardown, teardown full game, tear down, teardown campaign, teardown gameplay, teardown release date, teardown download, teardown steam, teardown new gameplay, teardown sandbox, teardown update, teardown beta, teardown alpha, teardown demo, Teardown mod, Teardown mods, teardown nexus, download teardown mods, teardown press, teardown hydraulic press, Black Hole Mod
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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