I Slayed ZOMBIES That Invaded My Home WITH A BFG! - Teardown Mods

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so someone added the zombie script to booby tips oh my god i'm gonna see if these zombies can get me inside the butt don't want to miss a video subscribe to the channel and stay notified the play and tear down what's going on here it is super spooky i'm inside a car at the moment this map is called wario dies in an elevator while enjoying oreos that's really hard to say say that a thousand times faster oh man i need to get to my apartment i guess i assume i am wario yeah all right i'm now at my apartment building i'm gonna go inside man it is bucketing down but the sky is blue that's nice all right let's head inside it's one of those weird freak storms okay do i need to take the elevator maybe i don't where even is the elevator here's a door what's inside what's gonna happen someone's watching the news there's that man with a mustache guy looks so dodgy all right what's in this room we have a powder pop stick i'm gonna take that it's the plank tool oh god this place is so depressing everything is just great okay we've got some stairs here ah oopsie poopsie looks like you should take the elevator really oh okay okay they really don't want me to take the stairs do they oh god oh god i'm stuck they destroyed the stairs big time okay we're not taking the stairs well this game really wants you to take the elevator okay i didn't see an elevator on the inside though oh some nice yummy oreos let's get the oreos let's get them do i eat them what's the eat button i don't think there's an eat button oh cool the oreos are now an item that i can use oh oh it's open okay i'm going in i'm going in i'm going in wario dies in this elevator am i like regular vanilla wario or elon musk wario oh what was that what was that i took the elevator like you said let me out oh god oh gosh oh my god what the heck just blew up the map actually just closed after that it was like nah wario you're dead you're done now this is the uh the atat map i've done this one before but it's had an upgrade like is that a really nice upgrade we've got these lights and stuff in here it looks really good that's the butthole of the atat i assume i i don't really know much about star wars like i've seen them but it just it doesn't absorb into my in my brain the same way that does like a lot of people you know some people watch star wars and then they know all the star wars i watch star wars i know zero star wars i'm just gonna blow torch my way through because i want to just eat my way out the back of this at80 like i'm some kind of stomach parasite come on come on i know the goods are in here let me in there let me in oh okay no i'm just looking out the back all right i'm just gonna cut this and we're just gonna fall out of its butt oh no it's his stomach it just gave birth to us all right so let's get some really good stuff we've got a rocket here okay oh yeah i'm seeing it i'm seeing it oh this is good this is really good yeah you can see the way that it's now falling down it crumbles so much better than what they used to oh that's good i'm sorry about your face there champ yeah the design of them just look a thousand times better than what they used to oh now the legs just flying off and everything that's pretty cool now i do have another weapon here it's a new one it's called the is it an ion cannon beacon and i think it might be from command and conquer maybe i'm not 100 sure i kind of forget i forget the description oh my god what the heck is this doing ion cannon beacon deployed what warning ion cannon satellite approaching 20 seconds to reach minimum savings oh my god what is it is it going to land there or where i was pointing 15. it's counting down oh cool four that is really cool two come on destroy the things zero oh amazing so it's a beacon you like charge it up and then you set it down and then it goes off let's actually put it not right through the head but maybe like right through this bit fantastic it's right there this is gonna be so cool this is so cool is this like from the game or something did they take the audio from the game i'm so pumped you're gonna get destroyed man you're totally getting destroyed this is good get rekt cheap one zero whoa i just blew his feet apart i went right through his neck that was incredibly cool how about we smash one of these bros with like a bfg let's go the bfg doesn't look as good after you've stuffed around with that ion cannon man okay what about a tornado though yes just rolling around with the tornado oh that's a bad idea that's a really bad idea okay okay where am i gonna put this beacon this is gonna be so good it's gonna be so so good uh let's just like try and get this thing in the heart of something this is that counter-strike map dust2 right here right here i'm placing the beacon right in this little tunnel ion cannonball there's the bacon you know what i love about beacon is if you take out the e 20 you've got bacon i'm actually gonna fly up so we can see this thing from the sky hey this is a really cool map look how big it is huge i can see the beacon down there here it comes here comes four three two one zero oh too much too much for the game oh dude get wrecked and that wasn't too bad it wasn't too bad it doesn't destroy heaps it's just very powerful in like one little spot you know what i mean i mean like what if i was to try it on a poopy tim i know it just seems like the thing to do let's just go all right one more one more one more ion cannon ion cannon beacon done deployed it's kind of missing totally gonna miss him totally sorry about this poopy tim look at this it's coming out of nowhere yes that was so good wow that's exactly what i was hoping would happen so something cool caught my eye on the workshop and it's called snakey wakey's zombie mod check it out there's actual zombies outside here and they're animated this is the first time like i've seen an animated character in tear down this is incredible this is honestly incredible and also terrifying at the same time look at the way that they actually pulse they've got like a weird movement pulse thing going on and if i whack them with my giant buster sword here they turn into bones and little bricks and they die what happens though if i just like take out their legs oh he's still twitching he's still twitching i think you have to remove the head hang on a second let's just try switching to like a gun something a little bit more you know walking dead ish let's try this all right who bang did i get him in the head i did and he's down this guy is doing an awesome shuffle move don't try and pretend like you're not dead champ i know what's going on there we go now he did now he did oh we gotta run some over here we go here we go let's zoom in so we can actually see inside the car and let's do this oh that is good i've got one stuck under like the front of my car that is so awesome um um what what what is that what is that something's shooting me it's a little tiny ball thing is shooting me why what are those things why are they like little soccer balls of death i don't know what they are super creepy stop it i hate things i hate things in video games that actually like you know chase you and stuff and get like right up in your face freaks me out man it's just the kind of anxiety i don't need i'd love to see someone like add this to maybe like the five nights at freddy's map that'd kind of work yeah all right let's get outside smash the windows get outside before the zombies come in oh they're freaking me out man all right what else do we have here what else do we have got a plank i'm gonna see if i can tie one to the ground is he stuck to the ground he's got a giant plank stuck just on the ground there here we go here we go oh that was pretty good i like that ion cannon beacon we're doing this we are doing the cannon bacon let's go you are going to die if you don't get the heck out of here oh here comes the beams here comes the beeps two i'm getting back i'm getting back i'm getting back to zero oh they just got turned to like a zombie confetti that was fun i want to see if they can actually make it like into the is this a bathroom yeah yeah this is where you poop all right i'm going into the pooper i'm gonna see if these zombies can get me inside the butt they can they're already smashing down the walls this is so terrifying oh god oh god this is supposed to be a private place okay i'm getting out of here i'm getting out of here we're getting through the back of the house blow torch oh set fire to the zombies can you hear their screeching and screaming take that zombies that's what you get champs for being a pack of butts maybe if we just get him with a tornado oh god now i'm in the tornado that was a bad idea look at them all flying around just a pack of burning zombies in a tornado if they don't land on the ground in just a bunch of burning bricks i've failed hey what is that drive vehicle what vehicle what vehicle am i driving oh god i'm dead i'm totally dead get me out of this i died i died in the spinning fiery vortex of death it's just zombie guts oh yeah cool is any of them still alive no no no they're all dead success i tried tornado guns we've blown them up with the ion bacon what about the bfg surely the bfg would be a good one to use oh flamethrower we all know the flamethrower would be excellent like it would just burn them to a crisp here we go literally just ash and bones and a little bit of fire whoa that is cool as heck yeah that is really good that is really good it just disintegrated the whole lot that's that's fun that is so much fun you're like oh damn the zombies are coming oh don't worry i'll get my bfg out of the cupboard now they're all dead and you don't have to worry about it so someone added the zombie script to booby tips oh my god oh my god it's relentless he checks me it's like your attack on titan it's terrifying it's terrifying they move too quick oh my god that is the worst it's the worst i was just hanging out in my living room next minute bang poopy tim's in there okay okay let's just ease up he's oh god he's coming oh lord he coming oh god oh god yeah look at that oh jeez that is scary that is so scary i'm gonna whack his face skin off get off there dude get off oh that's the worst that is the absolute worst that is nightmare fuel what about the bfg does the bfdg the bfd oh man we don't want to guess what bfd stands for dude just wiped them all out yeah take that poopy tim wow that's scary that is so scary okay so yeah the zombie script it works super well on poopy tim's probably too well and thank you very much for watching this video if you liked it give us one of these ones i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 224,315
Rating: 4.9067888 out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, teardown, teardown full game, tear down, teardown campaign, teardown gameplay, teardown release date, teardown download, teardown steam, teardown new gameplay, teardown sandbox, teardown update, teardown beta, teardown alpha, teardown demo, Teardown mod, Teardown mods, teardown nexus, download teardown mods, teardown press, teardown hydraulic press, Black Hole Mod, Teardown workshop, BFG Mod
Id: aIZiDtC7V9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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